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-,: _ - " ~"' jb:,S City'Baard, Commission and Ccirnn~ittee A p~~~.~o77n ~~~~~ G~~ _ -_ Irt,",trF.iC:ftOnS:. USe ti1i; fCIr7) t0 apply t0' Serve Cr1 atly Of t?e Crty of PelaiUrYta, l:.allfCrnia~S ~GarCIS, ~Cornrnissians, orCamrr;ittees: Pfecase fiH aft-the form cor~npieteiy. ?f a question does not app?y; type o write N/A ih trre space tarati~idec~. When completed, please forward to .the City Cleri;'s Office City of Petaluma, 1 t English Street; Pete?uma, GA 94952. At? applications ace ceuiew~a by the City Council,, _. rv. r ~~ ,. .., ,a,._ .. Name: a Christopher Arr~~ Home Address> City.; State anel Zip'Code:~ °'f ~~ 5.1..7 ~,ar.ch ~r Pet~3iuma, C71 94952 Nome Phone: {tf appointed., do you +~ant this ., number to. be available to the, pubtfc2~;~ ~ ~ Mork Phone ~, ~ ~- ~ ~a~ YES ~a ~~o ~ - ~ Y ~_ ry ~ X07 ) _.7aa _ 0404 { X07 ~ 'Sa__._ i~s4 __ _ E-Mail:;(lf appointed; do you wdnt`this ao`clress'ta FAX: be avcrfable ;to=the pulalic~} '0 YES ~ N(J { ~ _ ~_~ ceaxras ~ gmaia . com .Are you a registered voter in. Petaluma? t•If'so, far how long? ® YES ~ NO Approxi:riate7.y 10 years ...- ~ .- z--- -.: y.. & a,rx:.*j a"F`„x.1 a'1 a -.. ,. e... v': Board{s},;Commission(s), or.Committee(s} of-interest*:~ Planning Cornrn:s~i~n *Note: To serve on the Senior Adv.sory~Commitfee, y,ou'rnust;be age 55 or above. Nave you attended a,rrieetirg,of this ~ ' Nav:e~yo:u serv'ed' on;~inteiv.iewed> or,app(ied for body? ~ .. ~ this:°bo'dy=;prevlously;? __ ~, YES 0 'NC?' D YES CI NO . Arras, Christopher 13 resent Employer: Self-e;nployEd. Job Title: Attoz~t~ey ., ,. ~_.,x Previous Governmental,Bodies/Elective Offices.you.have served, Position/~~ce Fleld and Da#esc * Planning Conzmissiorier {July 2806' to present}; Current Vice-Chair * Planning Commission Liaison to P.B.A. C. {July 2CC6 to present} * Technology and ''ele'communi c~ticns Committee Member (March 2CC6 to June 200'8); Vice-CY~~ir (,7u1y 2007 t~ June 2Qt?8) * Ct;-C}ia ir, C..tize?~'s F.~visory 40r'~}rplttE?E' an Street Improvements and Re airs (Cct_ober 2CC2 to June, 2',:006) Civic or Charitable Organization to which y.ou have belonged, Position/Office Held, and Dates: ., Referee, Coach, Volunteer: Petalu:rna Youth 'Soccer League Referee: Sonoma Ceurity High School and college level soccer What Special Interests/Skilts/Talents would! you bring to this Soard, Commission, or Committee? Three years served nn the Planning C'ommiss'ion, June 20C6 to present. Fifteen years of legal practice ~..nc?ud'ing real estate law, consaruction law, governmental law and: land use law. Exper.enc~ and k:raninc in alternative dispute resolution prccediire.s and techniques. ' Repr~senta:tior:,. cf arc~itects anci engi rec~-s `ir issues co>~~c~~:.ninc~ ele~%giz azic~ pla_~is;.. famiiiarit~r with. conatruct.ion terms/issues, i~ ailege; Protessianai;~'V4catonaPSchoois<'A#tencled.(h+la#or S~b~ect,,;D,ates;',pegreeJiaate} Dar~rncaath c'~1~eg~, E.A. , riistory, {June 1.989, cum laudei LJnve~":~it.y of Ca'..,?`o~nia-~,erk.~leY (E''oalt Hall) , J.D. (May 1~~3) Special Awards or Recognition Received: Not applieab]:e. i'lease state reasons why your°warit. to become a member of this~Board, Cammissian; or Committee; including what~specfic objectives"you wovidbeworking toward as a member of Phis advisory body: yam curren'~l}T a Diarining Commissioner with tF~m expiring ~r~.ne 30, r?01;,'~ . ~ w ulc~ 1 ike to fulf ill t'he rema~zder of that term and./or suc~1 other ahc~`t s~a~gared term as may be ava:~.lalale in order to ccntinue to ,assist with the regulatory and adjudcatc,ry d~zties dele,g~t.ed to the Dlanning Commission., ', During .the next year , rrry pa,~;ticipation az7d, input an the Commission ', could be vez.-y ualuak~le., _in. 1`ight of 'the departure of long time ~ pruf~sson~l plaran'irig sta=~£,f„ alcl ~i1y th~~e years aL experierzc:e. Is there any other information'#hat yau'feel would! be useful fa the City Council in reviewing your application? ', Assum:~a,g a new Planning Ce~rnmi.ssion is appointed in its entirety, I would pre~:er the "staggered" term grading "on June 30, 2010, or whatever other term is the shortest. Z wool c~ ta}ce the op~orta~rai ty over the next year to relp educate neva Ccsrnmts~ ;ene,r°~, if.. ~xny, recxard~.ng the Comma.ssi.oz~' s procedures . ~s re you associa#ed with~any COrganizatiort/Employment #hat might;be deemed a conflict of interest in;perfarming your~duties if appointect to this~positign? ^ YES ^' NO r- ~ ; If yes, please state name of Organizafi~on/Ernpto}%ment: . . City policy directs aH;appon#ed, advisory body members not",to.~ote on mdtters where fhere exists.a potential conflict of^interest.'Would you be willing°to~ abstain,.from voting if such a conflict arises? ~ ~ YES ^ NU . - r ;_ Ftow did you hear at~out this opening? , Email. from City C~.erk can June 2., 200:9. Applicant's Signature ._..._ Date ``F,~,~..^,^:~(J j~~, June 29, ~~09. Revised Au~~sf 12, 200£ !b ,, ? ~, w. y ~. + . .s'b... 1a a, ~ :~~Ll ~ ~'1~.1 (~~(',~~~'X~~13~ZC1 '~dXII~O~Y121Cd" < 9 ~ `~°;~n~~.~~ ~ ~~~~ ~. Supplemen~~I~Questi+~n;na i~e F.or , . '~` ~ Planning: Carr~rnission:,C~andi~iate.s~ . : .. , ~~ ~ .. Fte~}ce rptrrrn'~nrrntetr~rN~rrructinr-srrrtira tri rr,a~~ftt~>U.nF *},~ ~~thx r"ta<~u t r ~,rtic~r-. cfi,~o~r 0,;3~~.~,:,,.,,-, r-~ n.n~=~, " Name: ~ ~ ~.~~ ~ ~~_~ C.hristaph:er Arras _ _ 4.. ..._ _ .. ' Horne address, Gity: State, Zip: 517 Lr~rCh ~y, Petelurl:a, CA 9~9~`2 ., ,, • Horne Phone; $ i ~ 4 ~ .: ~vYark hone ; _ . a . w:. 1 f, , _ 7'07-?82-0404 70.7-b'5$-1.7'54 Please prlr~t er type your answers.#o the fotfcawinc~ eves+ic?ris and submit to the City clerk's Office. You may submit additil~nat sheets, if necessary, fo compfete your answers. ,. . Have you cttendEd any. of t~h~e fo(i®wing rrie"etrngs?~• .. 1 - Planning CamiT~issior~ Crient~tibr7 Session ^ YES ^ NC.~. gate: Planning Camrrission 1v1P.eting ^ YES ^ ND Date: Numer©us ~N.ln June :200.6 to present :~,,nc~t; do you.~hnk qualrfies'yc!,. ~ ,;r~ r ~~ t~~e F.I artnrng `On~r°~.rssior ? . ' , r,, . , _, ,. . ..., .,: 1. !la S'*- 8e':"'J e.'(7 )Fl ~r+? 1:)...5;:,~ q l.uf:1(il ,Si:O:, r`)-K' C.7"_':.°e }'F'8_5 T70W, _^.a `+?.1';CJ [:d_"`. ll'~.tlau l'~ iR 2:}le ,T~eJ.z (?.'n' il: ;~ d'.^.SJ'."'C>'Jai !3F -, li '.~~. 731; :4".V.i.,::v,t"t.. 1", ~,dl e SiE°P t..P_(3P, i'2 5r?E'1=_,;a~:'d~ c<.: tiff .ex:.._S.,- t liC .. ., ~..,..:3C~ t_x•,H I. Y;1}7a ~..~ 12 E: }::a;"':.. .)i, .. 1.PC~ C"j ..".,fie :)P. .. 1,C z'l ai'1 ;q. :;'.C fl,tl_.'-,o.CS 1 S;3t _'. SE'x~t-.z d.'.i C ,L-' l ..a:t ^C1::: ;: P, j> ..C I.~~i ....'J,e C.O -. k: IE~C_~.. .: d3i c71;d i? r:_1.C lC3 J..>G: j tl i..'».:...C n,' i I:cil ... :if`.;b...r i. e.. i:A, c:~. :, C._P .1 :i ~'.!] i~.)'.: :.':i. P.: .rl ~: it P.: ~..t) ~::. ,1..,..[:., .,_'rJv :"C: E'C;r :;'i ~ ., ..+ ...e1.C '. [i 4ii~' WJ~K ;~ +c irzl.,..^„~~r...:~ ~i .._l,ir> ;~<~se :~eett / ry Fsa '_;,. eva,,t~-: a .11'z r.<,.:.:~C .elh!at9 t. rm_c ,a~.ar~ _~} t;.. Yart.,,ne~ .. o d r ,~ _, ..:.us~41 r^~ se 'iG' ~t::./ ..3 eon=. ~'; r.. C ..R;. ~.._ nrtr..x, ~,a_e ,~ ..,..u., ... ,,. ~.. .., ., .. .,. ,. .: r: u;~ 1 wrl , , )~ c, x ~>.qu r.1Fr . r 1 x:y} _l~ ,. '~s i~ -.r o~~; "rr aTrpe~.~a,..;e q;: ~...a._r,;r;;,; ber_ause ; rcnese .,.c a[3Ne~l-1'ar,c well, sre~lr Ylra.r :l:;de: t ar:d t`re~e .. _ <;lway~ -1: :t Est two side:, „lc~: Sortau~tnes nr~r.e, c: ? r.'.avoer coz i;c. r::N`ore t:he Comrn~SSir>n _ and }a'r a.:xys ,c_.i:ved _o't~<< iazx'~rui i:npa.;.i:al. Marc o. t>e::3q ai.'anr? irig'art.,.al: _.~ urc3erscandinq rytN L, p e4>s c ~1,<a }~r'.a_`i . ne_e>re Cfe ('i~mn.s,:tart; ael:eve. I .t«ve.:ar.~:r:ued co ,yair;, a vex} .} ,,,c. kx:c;wl:edge a :_ Ll _ .. F:: ='lv px•J:.;<' ..; a(][_1 C::3 ti L'e'. i:U l%..32'3:,«US rna C:tr-. Y'S pin Tli~ LJe.`GTe'. C}1E: tC}jj,fls.,.r:<.U1'1. Su ..le' x.:1;'",2 ~`n ~. V~: x: f:` ( la ,.r q1 ne t:amm,ts:. x riavt alsa ~+esr a?;le ~o c2~a.:- a mc.c?:...xi; which :av~ me ea c: adde,3 ~. - -_ .~ '7 .'3}5,"_rr C::'C<P, Uil Ch.t°, ~,a '.oeiw :'~,~lndt~ clad c~ t'rs'at l~a.h ~=}a.l.i-cams and Peialilma clti..:c.rs in general. ' a c'>> i ~~> :a t_ n; .est it h sto v irly snajor in Galleys;, ir:rltxc?:nq. t};e' 7cca: ilts~oxy of Petaluma, w.^.'ir,' l :., . t .. t i ._,. '.aelF>.. a =_ar.r err _..,. ~r~rq ce_ln pers~ec:..ive ,,.aac ira r:eces;; y ... ;,;te «."ea u' ;>lar.ntnt~. 1 w~c~u.d al. z lax=.ilu, iYa a,r.=~:'. ,_,._)(.- ~: Petal,;1r„a's 1;ic~a1 P...ucor' tc. t'.1,>. rAview ~ r ~ , , 1~ ~tithat c!o you~s~e as the best salutiors~;bpt'h iohg canrl short terri,'ic.x e ~~ ~onticdevelapment in'Pst'd1Uma2:,- __ F.<-r,r:ami,^ develcJpr,„ant i x =?~uu;l:trr:a w:it.1. .cl;.~uris:; fi.r;~t, ax?d £crertcya?t ;7y ma:i.z?,azt?t:i,3 and en'7an::ihc; 4, r~:asittE:~css friendly _:!'x'r^ate ~a?;z'_e <~l.ways bez.nc; rr~a:ti~ul ~`- Petalutr<:'s u:zzt:e cl?aractez:, esrJeciaily ct:_ ;~<:? :t,3.y ixt>_,r~zve cui,.t.r:. anc ~.c.'., x,. rz histcr?ry. ~~ny c:zCy mus.. g-T'cw as it,s pcpt.tlatic.n grexws, ,art zs_,1wt}? si;~ulr ray p7;-~r:ed w-.>aiy and aL;L?rc;F>riate'_y tc the ...r.;aivz..3t:a1 r~:ty's cl-:ara<:'.r.~; icr w'eralurna, e~.:r.cm:_r ~?..>_ve~up,.Y~zlt ,s e. r. rrr.e';~ irj;ro~tar.;:: a:7d the way t:.at development: cccars is also =xt.rerney z,:p<:~rvar,t . P «n.a:.:r.y awnrrs and' prcajE.cC pz°c~pc:i~r:ts „??C.,t,iCl t;e er.: e~:,.-t:re 1 an3 5.nrentsvi'ae~u t.t~ Fn. t, La>c!:te:tt;y tc z }ighewt «. ci tie:=t c;se -ar>^, to drsigx7 C:heir c~evel.ggment in sur..h a way as tc, Px;har:~ e Petalutrx~x's 'esi<le:itaai: at.ri camrt;ercia';.: enviz'c~.n~ents i:n. a way tl:a~ is car:uistes?t, w:i.t:}; tY^.e best that F~e.al.umi=z iaas tv owfer. C:c~x7szsterxt wily t}ze riew GPnerai Plan, there 'shcatzLd 'ne as r.::ach £ocLZS on 1,:x:'lz projec;:s a:.; u~ssil~le. :nfi.ll davelcinnxF..t ' ~s x'ar'ely an easy }~rose~s, ani~ i believe i Y;ave demo7si.z-at ~z tz.e tv~>cs of :ru~l _ti:~ :.i7at will tielp reach a "win-win" result f'cyr all. s£~:r;ehclders c~rcernecl with stteh deie.icrpmexa. irr3ctgine yaurseff as c visitar c? Petx~iuma. WhC~f do you see ~hysica!!y, e;:ancsrticaify, and enviranrilentalfy as yauwra(k aroi;~nd tawny vi. at: a?s r rt<:c,r.:a .~_>.1. seEa ~ w,ot.~i„_ft»~~, hist,,xzc t3cJw.iti^,tiri? w7?zct, .~ v.i.t,..a_t: ra rnar7v resneets rir. •~,h?,}: ,til_ ]xa 7;;::'.i x:_7tE'r.t f,l .. .. °,r 1. f:7.t1, espt-,^?alty wzt,h tn~ i~ui':rent .state c,£ tt?e economy. Throcaahcut z~..tr.l.t:r;~, :t;ai:s~rs s ~ a g ez:w mi.:~ cf a~e.> ~::zd ctff~res~t. k,a~_r:f~sses, o.tF:; •.+=ithi-7 at at!_rart.iva h. >~<:>ric 4e::ting. They wa La <x:l>.;o see scsme verb ux,cierutali,~e:a az~GZ.; an:l Jroperties whir}t halcz <~reat prc,mise ii de•:eio~~ed wisely. Visatux's »i. 1:1 al.s~ see c,>ie r:~reat assn:?: 'we Nava in the Peta•1.uma 2ivur, which co~l.d he even mrare attractive aria useE,,7:!. witn iurt}:er ~eveTaptt;ert and public impror~ments along the riser pursaant tc: the Uereral Plan., the C~enti'az iaFJecit:;:i P1_rn and *he R.it~er P.ccess at?L~ Ent?ancement Plar:. T}iev w.1?see t_,e railrvarl tx'a;:ks and de~~car aw°ea as at; a:;set with a cLxe~t ar7ut.nt 'of p<;t.r.t?t_<ai i.i t.er;ns cif. t.r.ar.spc?`tati~n, :.edcst_ian ar.d 'ci:.}.. ;.e u>age and i:nta, y_~r:;: t~a::slt crianted c3eveloptnr~rrt.. 'i"-ey. wi'.l aluo see tt^e- pRx'k:; cf Pataluma .~•h.;,ch serv:-i tre City wall. i-Jtx~ wY'xict: w.?~':,;i tee~ct,r;ra the a.,idi~ior c>r new ;sar.zs w!iir."~ are plar:.xe,~ well i'rcim ~c.h a deszq:-7 .~r.ar=ac>~':t. at:d ~; _inar.c:i,=ti _a,:d!,:>... ;..s:: ~..,s_ ~.~ ' .~x7i.x~ ...~~~ ~.7e !=a? ~-cr r.?,?., .ter. r3 _..:s c~, Pit p., ;. _t ~:aat ~- ...a ~;~r;.rr e. The General Flan (Plan) is the guiding aaeun~erif. on~:l~~v~sion for'the Gty.. Haw would you irterprc't the policies ' ar;d goaEs articulated ih tfe aian~ Naw flexible wavld you be ,qnd wcivid; you feet conlfartable not appraving specific land uss~s at€awed in fihe, Pl;an,~~~ - ~ ' ....' I;s I L7elitv,. 17avc da 4 ii: the ~iT'sc t, r,.ee y~a.-rs o±= rzy te.~ir. as a k=larzxzinq Co,nnr::ssioner, T wa7zi.d t? ;expret tl,e Pla.!7 acc~r~ing a its spirit, first ~€ all; bur_ I aIs© would a>t attemz>t. tc read iat:J ttie ?lan someth4ng t,t_at is nc?t there. L w~ald a'1 so give great wai:ght. tc; the z°ecornrr :ndatiohs oi' the ,pla~tiexrs; sta'~i on any mattex' recuiri:izg. n£exnretatir_n of the ?lar and, n7ost 4t. .a 11, .tia tha prc^.cc.c3ents ulteae:y ,set by the ~'ity C..ui:c;i.l z.c-z i.ks aecis,i:raz~s reg~rr~.ing t};e L=°.~r.. - would be: .:lcx.:ble to re ccu?s_~~ent with the .=lan's spirit a::3 i~;issioza, nuc nat so E exxk•le .~s r.~ .>ic_iatr> k:7e Fl.an's rat~l..ci:es car *:o c~=_?tradict ir.s aoais; I would aiw~rys re 1c7:~ki*zg tv x:. FS E. .;Ore. J. Y3.°? 'la r7 Ur?E'.Y:.VET 'in ». :~51:e Cl_ ~T. ,: E'Y ~~`-P_C2t1J:? ri9E1' al t'k:. _ w.at.1G b ~~~,;,r ,•?_, .xz..r_:rrc,~ . ;r,:.,o.:ea _<..,:i t::aes~ ~..l~h n .~ ~lluwe.d .,_,. t~::~ lar: based r~r: :.t,~.:_r 5r.;3%'ti=i9yzrl rrarit;s, and •.:~ot:lri r;. ccmr~ ;.;ir <_,..L>: t .c: ~r.a.~._ver disczativt: _.~ ..uwed i:1 ,-idiv:rzt:al ca..es t:; .or.e .zg~:r?s* ar.~prr.~~a? Nlrr: s:t^h a i~tc i,s .ac.,_ttl, neces-ar-y ahd a,pro~~riate uxtde*- the c~:i t,,,rs:: zees. 5ucau~~ 1: 'wa:> c,1 .se-1 y: itvcxvc-ri wiz.!: review ~~7d a~~px'ov:cl of. she i?c:w Gener~~ :Jia_x,; ~ x~i:l'~.e~ie _ ~m.r. an .~~~eller.t po itx~n to a.>,.is+~ z,7 ,,r.s z:t;;:ezp_~tat>or an t.~ wzzt_ea7ly evt,?;zatr prc~P,osc-.d l.ar.~~ z.ses, 2yen w!?e7 s~;c: 1.3.nr.3 t:ses are allowed ir: the ~lati. Thl7 is csspec.i:a1'ly t.x~ue wi^tx the rerw•E:nt tr.:r.~t~ er i:r: tha, planriinq st~,E: , - y ~, u, he cjrowth .cri~nc~gement syster=n has k5een an elemen# .of fhe devei~~;prnent process in Fetaltrrna since; 3 X72, .' and an :Urban Growth Boundary was "addpted in 199£3 to canfroi the ~hysicai grew#h"of Pe!t~lurna. >r'\'itti'thesu"; iwo major policies iri,r~r~ind, a;r ~,~aiven =he N~essure far~or~geing grown, du'`n~.f°~e~riext'cle~ada,ar sa, what Iwo" ~Or three- paiiGies atla'~pfOgrGlf iS ~ t~a..~ YGfJ r t 7r`;?(~te t0 ~~ J @~t tr1 ~ i~ Or'~ C~.~~fJT[tl, U^G"~~% /`S!CCFt vS~t;C"~ O` ~-.°, ~. P"t~,lurna2, .,. ~ ~ _ In carcior ..o k)~S4 ~'_,_~:. ar.d 'r,t,ra~3e gx-vwt`h in Petalu;,,a ,~;,t .ai t...~ u u_a. ,,.:taw::: aoz.rd.;r, grad the. gz:awta rr x ;=cement sy:st'em, all bf the Tca;cr :icl.ic Y.a; =e t _ ~~t:~_n t_,;- Gener 1 Yi.~r. Roast be ~,=;:r~ut;ht tca 'ee.~z. 0~: utmpst-. importance ax`e L}2c polloes ~,hi.eh_ a_nruarage i:2+_'i.l iiT tne. G'ity'a c:orc~; I vrc?u d ~.hr.. r_tc:>re px'~.~mo,? ' +- th.. pa ~cie~ a.d goals ~tl:i..:t: ,seek to ailr_:w ~a:fii.l c3e•~ei~pmezit r ~f.~>a k .t t. l.lcx rar+ st.xe c.)1 t:he ~;icxes of ciie t7rhar: vio4.~t-}a 3C,unSarv.. ~>t _.,,.,a,L tr~,):.,:n~:: aTe r, };e !,•.a_}~~r r,o,~_•ies tahic: enctyir~cye hla~:~raaall,• :z)prc:pr.~.t.te. deveiot.;3n;rit ax)a gNawt:;: ix7 tc City's ccr~. ^i;~. ~., ;car _:)c~l:citns a2:,c1,, eoncrrn bo'~tl .ar:d :.a<>e <~nd desk; . T.;t the C'PS:? ~*°ua a=7.9 ~;: other l.z~~;.ict:allY zlch arP~s naafi ;~-e prc:,nc=_rd zr: .,uc::a a w:~y as "•' a.,e5 xeuia.i.z2 ua..s~srer2c aa2c;3 cc ever. -zii:;nr.ce thF hilt:cr.i.c c,ia_a~:~:e?^ of. Pe:.~alaarna. Loc..a_ .).:.qtr>ry :feeds t<~ be a ~najc7z .~act.~.~ i::a e,!.'::ap^tent sra a:t.l ~,>eut„ ar:d e:?pecia?:Iy in *_t... C'':ty s :o::e. - - ~ _... - 7'he aeve~o~,:r~ent r~ loc::xl. rxark> and aalable and uicvcl~. *rze:ldly t~r:vi,rarntc2r:ts are also major 2~aiciea whicl'a would g)x t?:not? x.ll c~x>t~er to protect thc: i~,: star-c, c~ul.tara?, axTd phy 'cal. aspev'L:~ c)f' Fetal~~ma. Sur..h pa.licies and ;~rogram~ ire ex..temely i[npor•tart rat ~>a1y tc pxeser.~:e t::ease a.apecUs c" Petaluma, but. a'so tc •omate t'iie YaeGlth anti :,!ell-'rr'i-n~ of Pe;caltir`~a x-esz~ents. The mi-~re . a.;'tr3t>,!oti~~e tz~t:ic that ca.> z;;e reduced in Eavcr at "pede:-tsrian :~r:d %ic~yc:lar_ t.s;atfic:, r_'ra maze raiht. re.:a•lur:., wl,l _1r.t.x.n~.ze to t:,xz/e as <a c:arnr(iurity :z.ad tc att:rtjct vis_t~ors anr.3 icw z ,,tii.:2ts. i'idw would yat~-ad~tess currant and'futur~~"flaodirg;issues for Pdtalumci2 _ _ _ _ r'']gtatn~;~ i:~st<~., r`t; :, t: i,-c~ st xdi.ecl t.e~r~t:chly tc a. .,i.:~ ~. h,`it ever~,~ct erg ss x~, _.:r{ rcr:r w)ici2 ~,.an i2r :;ot~e, . a2 a:l r~r_•c.tei:n t.all,,~ fea.sa ~.c r:uan.le.- tq dives°t, <,._.~<,zr, ~rit:3 at"r:r~e.,r,r. ;ox;r.ro'_ e..ur_~sive a-tci potentially d< ~,t;<,1:1<:: vratar t'ow' n).l:ag the ra .:y a4ascia. ?~t3nd t:se in ,._.ea, Sc_ec,tiale to fioadi:la shc,uld c~ ~sr~iv_aex`.ex=e tt) t.ac .,e.lcrai ia:l.an <Yr?t~ to Mile. t,t'.^.ez- rec~urPm~:2ts ai t:iie Cr_yar:d cat~2.de aga_2c.~es iincier t2ie St ace's and tke eaeral gpvexr_ment's dr.>r:r.:rel. P:c;perty •~a,ac acid cbn7.:~;ctiorl i;n the flooc:l r,3lair: s?',uia(d' ~,~ways be ccr:siciereii t.az:erul:ly ~..;th frcam a systertac stan~pcii-at a~.d, with certain; types pr c3evelc7,.i~r!eiit which ara al3.awed, acc.oreiing tca Llte au a:gatc. ~)razil~ms and zs>ue> which may aL ~ tee: with each or.~ncsed t.sage. I,~~pz-ovemarat:s .n f7:;ovd-~)zr~r=e areas wli3ch reduce the z•isk cif flooding a:r ~%,c z::..k c)f d~:>.nage f .r _x ~m floradirag; esbecia~l~., Urhen rlr;cjl kaara.ig properties are conce n~~t7-, slloulti :•2e exlcauraged if a*'!;exwl:,<~ ~on„i:st?,.t ,~~i-uh .ti-:e. ~,~nLi-a 1, Plan aad t:^.e « it.y zor.:~nra, o:-d:iances ancT. ~e restri~:.; c)n;2, Haw would yai~c~ddr~ss current arid~future `tr,,, i c:o gesTian in Petal;isrnd? " " , _ ,,, . •; .. .. ~, : r _~r, ai^~u.-.,.i:~i a avi a -pedEat.ra;z a<2d bic.}~cle 'a<zsrd, eompoaZ~xar., alor.q wx;.il otaer 'incdes .cf t:rans.~u`,tat2on wki :a ate oigc~tir~=~: reciacit,g ana ocl,:>rwisa r:ziesidly t:r~ tl:e anviroxvr!er.t, naed. • ` t(~ be crreat.ly ens^„t . a~~va!, respeczal.i:v 2n the cantext_ df znt'z21 ave_oprnczlt.: My exi..ezzence csrivt:ying *hcs c,~r :is of th'e PeGiest:raxi anc: Sioycle Ndvis'ox-v 't?rirm_:ttee would be ': great. beslet::t. to m; cc.i*_inatad s ~eg~ ~r t}2'.~ _.«;:nm'r2g Cvmrnasser: wnrsn ar~clra.;s.:ig t.af::-ic Cc,r7c~r_. t:m cc?ricerx:s. 41cx~>~~e; taei'~ :i:s ria _t:zrst.c,i rhx~. ~a(ydl_~enal y;;t:cr,^:c .raif;ii corg~.:st-ion rcl~P.- i.: r.t:eried. ..e !~tr.a~:St i.tai;*:ii 1, at^t i:Gs t7a•/i.:Zy ~or.w~a)°c9 of tt«. „n,; c tc.,-!~n~ o` itie past ti;ash_.2gGcar:11.J.i. lt;e,sc :~nr~e, has .~,r;r:c: ,~ nanr step rn ::is,t rirect.~.ar_.. ,nnt~ ~ r.gP.p7.an~, ft~ an:)c'ner t:z :sstdwr, :i,>rl f"?£-?f.. ~. r7,: ,w tit ~t:. t„ Df? `E; ex 7....-. ktF,.t O.,C.~ tc. S:hc_ r: X.t c.... L'l _:... a:...,a a., N.e t~: ,., Ga: ~.6 -~"• . _~''-1 E':3 C~i1 t. ax': a' .. t SDOIIr`a '~~... F^ ~u ra"le'!'. "Ii :~e? rist aeye ap>^i~raC -x•~, impnrt.ar!i<, e-,t_~ecall}• r2 tnr=, c:ur-re:}t. e;ca;aomic.aliy and t`wscaily aT "" ,._. fta~u.1;_ p rzc,z, ,. ('3 ~',.P:ip T. _:7 ~1mi.ZF' t..::!' ra k'.eC~ La''` !T!C)~.dl:" /@112 c::I-P.. USu. wi t.i: :.'.7 trig C. S.tV. x.11 r:]i-Y.; Y'L' a~ r:::,r deu~~r~prrant',. mo'at' he ~`E *, ~ l.y ,,raalyze.c.' as to t'x~aff ),. ;tp actv,, witF: poterltia'1 mi:tigatit}ras ,... .. _ - --,: __.:..~ ,...... L......._,...,, .,: u_,~,~~ ,:<, uu~u~.,., ~;~.,r~4:vli~: cra~cac an;a ;!=nlarave rya .7t.at(as uua. I 1 hat irif}II polities day~ou }n,r~k ~houla be aciopteef;~r~ light c# fhe~:~l;rbanGrowth ~o~ ^~~ar~y pessee! b,y the.voters? ~~,. 1:3e ti~:~~an vr<:,~~~t.n oundarv s a ve zr Ti.~pc,. ~a7~=. F,a.~t v_ Peta?'uma'~., va, s:~r: ter t7ow "h.e ~'±ty w.;..::!3. wr~nr.itsue ~:~ euo"ve :~7;(~ grou=. ~r.~..l~ palic~es shc~t~rlr,.a :c~7ls;istert wiCh the z~ew C;c3r:eral Elul: and' ::13r= in3pl-a^,tel-1t7:*:a •.zt.nir.c7 ordan~nce, a's w._1:: a~ ari?r £u'~urA policies rer~~arctil7.g w..^.~_ch T;herf= ss ~ !v'O11:i C-': SL'S- 7.i) LIi P. ([_iT;tn.:i l3''C Y'. IT1'f"':. I.i r3 T' _'" i .. ~ a va.~cl < . ear.:_ a .q~cr! ba_anre cz tlat7sia~,~ al.r~ c n.,lmerci~l devel~~.r.._.~t, :nclt3:11~ay inixf=c3 u~F ;.3rcl;PCr.:s' w~~ict? ~r•e cc,:3.,.stelt ~-,:it'n u;ne GcxnPr;~I Plan <:.:~ .~t.ict3 ~~}l;~xwise ir.~::~ sense. ~'?a~_d~~n.:_a~ dvveic~rme:lt e>hct.l:i:3.,~ainp7emen;~ c;a:rirc:rcial cie'aelc,uatent iav we..v Gl Ci t''-. (.j ii, .y'~ 1,i1~=1.r. i_.~.;7 i!,1 t...i~:.> SB.n fTic"~f.. I.: t. i.LE7 :i _; F3 ti:. ~. ~iS ..:.FFs :;eS ?~ i?(NLa 1t.:(„T':. ... ;:>~:;; }"i ii T= t5S i"Y,-. }L 1."7 ,] _:.I'w C3 Y. S,1.71J `a :3 Ct5 7R'>.: r ,:d i:. .:.f ,,. ,. ~, K7:} G- ~D j Vu. m.C>,t,:.,, ;nC')~C'S ~. 1=`. Y'.d '~T},., ~.;i:...,: ~.iGI:. . .. C/'E:.., U~ tl~...>.. : ~{ .z 3.1P, 1. `Ur 1.1i »,i 3.. .1~k'c',3 T:Ch`.'v.l .v t~ C2`, .. ...~iy' li<31 d:')."@61 ciXa,l ::1 C±L"ltl' l.; P. u< ,S: r..;ed r. .s _t{_ii ~ <.<,~ ~ :> -. r: coke ';n:~>.;,7~:m a.~r..;. t,~;ue of :':~r icaca:. can „N __.. ~r-e=a.~ ~il7l~ ac!•le.' 71 e,. 1. (~r31..'t.+l~I:CIG.', iZ.nE'.I?.7 ...~.?S. {'t. is l3 ~i(. ~7 :, ~ii:`7 ~, r,?P. CIa CO. L>£? Ci~71 .,.i,...,. Y::,.. ~--.:(;-}"1 F'('r.,. 7. L: Ctc.'S "]..C'.7 ]._ctJ Y.}•.il. r:.t~ . «,ii`1!~ 411_CI1Y:.e 't:lcCti 2i: Cr' t7"i:a :'}T ,.S U.Jar:: t3.'3 : P.. c."?C? iCS f?PSi~~:1., 'S: )t~~Z"L./ 177 C ~'lt~ C1G.r .~`~ilYti7 ci7 Cf ~'eT:C,`.'tzi Pe:1': ill U("d S~?t?C'yI'_C 2YPi~._ ~S:Y071I. ('1 ;?E. Ut 1..:.12C-ice ~.7 tt'i~ CJ`sC r :..fl:Clcl: :: ~"'X:". E'.1)C, (jf_'u.S.l'f7t E: H, }1':. ;Y :: a.C tI'P atime C,TC1C' e,3~C~.T25.31.'1C7 C'C n.~. f: YI,S Of Fl?:'^~2~Z'tV GW711:".rS <37:1i:~ c'7 ~.: }1P..7`. .. ti r: 73La .:dc?25:, ulYL7 nd},CY'iI:y C. I.G.: e~'v' C'Q C}IC SU_. T.'i C: dYkG3 t: ~7 t~3 P. 45Q_:1C ]: F:6 ~C)f '~?le 7Pw (;eTleza.i P1:lr,. Ai'sQ, a c:laas i=zesa c'.iP PeLalima's lzscory and ;he areat poCenC.3a1. wn.f~h,C;s s~m~ ;:.a.n. I t.r.7. Metre I he~ue _ .. ~ aersT iL'e(i` era rc: r ! nue t:o refire, vr~u~`a t.e1p >n~z.t}. zf7~':11 ~, issues. _ _ .. _ _ ~. , Si~natUre ,,:} ~ -r '. :~ .. ,- -l,at~~ ~ , A p ,. _ _ -_-~ _, - _ . ~, ~'"f ~ ,,1 ~7une 2 ~3', .2 C3 0 9 RevisFei 'unc t , 2U0