HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill PresentationLate1 11/02/2009®. ~ ~' November 1, 2009 Petaluma City Council City of Petaluma 11 English St. Petaluma, CA 94952 RE: Contaminated Waste Water Dear City Council: Petalumans for Fair Utility Rates P. O. BOX C Petaluma, CA 94953 ~ ~t ~ F l "~ ~" 44 `~ l ~ ,, }} > !YV ~J 1 E?~?`~ i ~k 4 F" ~~-) .~ tty ~. ~ \c:. A r `, >%' Enclosed, please find the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Consumer Antiseptic Drug Products Review dated August 22, 2005. This paper effectively outlines how biocides including Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are present in treated wastewater and lead to abnormal physiology or reproductive impairment in aquatic organisms, increased incidence of cancer, the development ofantibiotic-resistant bacteria and the potential increased toxicity of chemical mixtures. Having spent a few hours researching these concerns via the Internet, I have found a dozen recent articles which all support this research.. I also have learned that the FDA is currently developing Federal guidelines on the safe disposal of waste water which will probably ban the use of wastewater in aquatic ecosystems. Please protect our environment and stop having the Water Resources Department contaminate the new wetlands park with waste water. By using groundwater to service this park, The City of Petaluma can save millions of dollars in environmental clean-up costs. Sincerely, Petalumans for Fair Utility Rates r James Fitzgerald t'~~ ,~~ ~" ~ ;~,~~ ~ i ~ ~`~ C®I~TST71i~E Al~`~ISEP'I'IC ~~ ~~ .. _ . _ ;~~ \ DRLT4~ P®I)I1CTS REVIEW ._. -~.:~ ®ffice of Nonprescription Products (HF'D-560) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research ®Food and Drug Administration REVIEW DATE: FDA DOCKET NO.: PHARMACOLOGIC CATEGORY: REVIEWER: August 22, 2005 75N-0183H Consumer Antiseptic Drug Products Colleen Kane Rogers, Ph.D. I. Purpose This review provides a general overview of the literature relating to potential environmental hazards of the active ingredients used in consumer antiseptics. A PubMed literature search. was performed using combinations of the following search terms: "benzalkonium," "benzethonium," "chloroxylenol OR PCMX," "trichlorocarbanilide," "triclocarban," or "triclosan," with "algae," "environment," "fish," "soil," or "water." Pertinent references from the bibliographies of key articles also were included. The following overview is limited to articles written in English and published prior to July 2005, with an emphasis on articles published since 2000. Furthermore, please note that only a subset of environmental journals is represented in the PubMed database. ~. II. ®verview and Summary Previously unrecognized environmental pollutants are now being discovered due to more vigilant monitoring and improved analytical detection techniques. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) comprise one broad class of these environmental pollutants. PPCPs include a wide range of chemicals from products such as prescription and nonprescription drugs, fragrances, sunscreens, detergents, and toothpastes. One reason for concern is that these chemicals are not completely removed during wastewater treatment. As a result, humans may be exposed to minute quantities of these chemicals via alternate routes of exposure, with unknown consequences. Other potential concerns from the environmental presence of these compounds include abnormal physiology or reproductive impairment in aquatic organisms, increased incidence of cancer, the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and the potential increased toxicity of chemical mixtures.` While FDA does not monitor or regulate biocides in the environment, we felt it was important to consider this issue as a potential hazard resulting from the use of consumer antiseptics. FDA is required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) to consider the environmental impacts of approving new drug and biologics applications as an integral part of its regulatory process. For these environmental assessments, FDA considers harm to the environment to include not only toxicity to environmental organisms but also environmental effects other than toxicity, such as lasting effects on ecological community dynamics. In contrast, environmental assessments are not usually considered as part of the over-the-counter drug revieWV. i~,'lost antiseptic products are disposed of down residential drains, where they undergo treatment by local wastewater treatment plants (WV~'TPs}. During wastewater treatment, rr~ar~y of tl~e chertticals, inc}udir?g biocides, are removed, but sortie cl?er~~icals still reach surface waters (e.g., rivers and lakes}. The effcieney with which WWTFs remove contaminants depends upon the particular chemical and also on the technology used (e.g., physical, biologic}. However, no municipal sewage treatment plants are en~,ineered to remove PPCPs.' By far the roost inforrttatiort we found pertained to the oceul•rence and fate of triolosan in the environrtrent. Much of the information about the presence of triolosan in surface waters ::%rttes from? Europe, although recent studies 1?aye exarttined rivers artd streams in the liS. r3~ era11, these studies suggest that many organic contaminants, including triolosan, survive ~f aster,-ater treatrttertt artd biodegradation, arrd can be detected at ic~~~ lei-cis in the environment, par€icularly in surface waters and sedirrrertt. 3~cspEie t~'L?ntrlt€1211 Ilttl'() dllCt?(iCt l)f t?'1Cli)tiarl rti€i) ~V2itt;1 ti(~€lrCe~, lc~ear~hci's 1laVC ,de:ntr~led 2t nurt3ber of mechanisms for its removal. Same ofthe triolosan [eaves surface waters and ~~'t~%TP influer?t via sedirtterttation. I{t additio{?. several investi~~ator•s have sho~~~n .that triclosar? in surface waters can be degraded in the presence ot'sunii~~ht. However, this pltotodc-~~radatic~r? can resLrlt in ita{-rttfirt products. sLrclt as dio~~ir?. The ;,alculated half-life 'of triolosan. exposed to sunlight ranged from less than an hour to 200Q day's. depending on the l~Itit£Ide {?d time e~f ~> ear. t7rt the other ha{ci, triclos~.r? dyes {t'ot hire to it ~-e a ion's half-life €o persist in the environment. constan€ irr€roduction in€u surface waters tvorrld have €he same ~ffeCtaS pe{'srstertCe. Tr{Closar? Can a1St~ ti{?d:r~?~ 'Jt1L~r t!'~3nS:f~~ri11t1tiOC1 S?.~J~~SS~S. SL1Clt C1S methvlation. But. the fate anc~ effect of these environmental transforn?anon products is lar~'ely uni:nown. ~?.?ally', tr{Closa{? has soil?te adver'se e~7eCt5 '~{? aCt~attC Or`a{?{S{tl~. T{'{CloSa{t ~ I~•,.~eaCS t0 InltCl?ii the grov<-th ofalgae and reduce alga[ species diversitt'_ This is notable because the biocide is ~~ff.:'t{C?` ~~r`_'arl{~CttS at tltC l".~~ttOCl? ~f the 1OOd Chat[?, ~F,'{tit L'.{?iiI?Ll?'Ct COt:SC;'lLl4',C1C".5 (3Ct or~?anisrr~s hi<~her up the chain. lrt hi_~her or~~anisms. triolosan appears to be toxic to early life-stages offsh. but does not appear to have an adverse effec€ art their reproductive carabilities. I-lowever. tl-icloSat~t induced behavioral.ciYart~~es in bath tadpoles and fish ttlat may affect their abilifl~ to evade predatars ar feed praperiti--~. III. Literature Sumrnarv A, T~rQcvn~e {2f 1~irlrir]Qc in t~P F:rjvirnt~mPnt Hottseh~old. indtatriaL and cotrtlaerciai liciuid Waste is carried via sewersto a colttltton treatment facility. knavvn as a WWTP. Wastewater treatment frectuently involves several steps to make the effluent ft to be received in the environment, ine[uding physical, chemical. or hiolc~~~ical lt~athc~ds. Tri:, osali tins been c~etectec~ in Vhl~%TP inf~ients at conceiitr~aie~ns ran~in~ from 62 to 2f.9Q0 nJL.`°° "°-t°-- The amount of triclosan, or other chemicals. that is removed fram this influent depends upon the vvastevv°ater treatment method emptayed. St<,dies froltl both the LAS attd Europe lta~-~ s}to~~~t. that apnti~~itnately ~~°%c of tl~e trio-lawn it1 ~yastev:~ater is eliminated via the activated s[ud~e mechanism of treatment u, -~'' -° However. ~~'t~%TP that use other tre~~tntent Inecltaf.islns, for eYalttple tricatililtn f ltel-, are not as efficient at removing triciosan from tivastewater (fram 58 to 97%):` '° As a result of incomplete r~n?o~~at, a percenta«e of the tricivsan enterin« Vt'~~'TPs !eaves titoug.l plant effluent ancz is introduced into the ens=iranment via receivina 4vaters. Tric[osan has been measured in W~~~TP effluents and, perhaps not surprisinaly- ct~ncentratians ~~~ere higher in these efuuents than in strrface~4~~aiers. Triciosan ~~~as detected • at 1 {~(t to 44Q nn/L in \k 4~~'TP cfttuents in l~an~~ay."' Simi}arty.. tric[osan tivas detected at t 0 to ~QC) nt~~L in Germany,' and at =!2 to 2 j 3 n~~; L in V+rGt'"F•I' effluents in Stivitzerl;?nd.`~` to the I'S. triclosan concentratit>ns in WV>-rT'P et~Iuents i~an~ed fral~~ ~2r0 to 2?4~fJ 1~,~/i~.~~ to contrast, a stu~dl: condlacted it. Louisiana fout:d triclosan itt 1~~'i~~TP eftlttet .It col;ces~tratians of only 1Q to ~l n~r`L_° Furthermore. triciosan ryas pat detected in t~~tississippi River water or in drin(:in~ water purification plant samples from Louisiana or f~ntaria. Canada. PPi;'Ps in !~'1~'`t'P er~luents are :lilt:tted oln:e the eftltteiit rrti~es ~~-it1~ st..-f~3ce ;t-at~:.-s..L>espite this. PPCPs can sti31 be. detected fram a variety of water sources. Triclasan has keen detected in various bodies of water throu~hotat~Europe. Samples from Germany demonstrated a ma~irntrm triciosan concentration of i t;+ nt7iL in fxuhr River water, ~~~hich receives ~'i~%i~P cttlttel~t and also serves as a source ter drinl:inn tivater pur.iticatial~ plants.' SEA iss rivers receiyil~~ ~~'t~~TP effluent were found to have be#i~~een 1 1 and 9R n~!L triclt~sarl --, and trfCl(?ti~ t',`~~ d~te:aed 111 C:371Celltl'at7onS ill' tip ~~~ n<<?it. !n SeYerrtl [a~-;es 2?nd ~I rTy'CT' ill ~7~{?Fk*`r C~x._ cY~s~~. li; Ili ~.;~rstrwct tr:~E:ec:3? a-a~ bei~,}T t~? l;l;?.t C,~fdet~~c:t:on f~'1:.:-~ :1„%t µ `~.i I t .4~ f' IF~ iiiOUuu~n iat~i itiii~ r%Ci;l'v`eu' iiv J4'v~` i i'' CfttUC'.ni. to t_atiiSlalla, in~~eSt'`:~rit31"s detected trlclasan at a ?l]allnltl:S1 O$ ~. i n`2iL ill cl t s'i~tiss'sslpp. River and up to [=[.9 ng;L in Lake Pontchartrain.' [n Ne~v Orleans. storm~1°aier is diverted tl?rt~t3`'tS d1'al'3'1`~l i:~nals at~d disCt~l1''-rt'd Int'J ti.i: iL'~ISs3S~lt?pl t~.1~,'c',' :~tld ~`.afll' Yti;:~tll~.ltr;lilt. [nterestin~l~. up to'9 n~/L triclosan was detected in these starmivater canals. which do pat :"ecel', C 1~'l~t%TP efllt3ent. t3ete': tiOt; :?r PPC.Ps ~t%~S `~+'CZ~i~r dilr9n~ +`~ :l~T~lii. 1j. ~4s:~9] ~~~tts attributed to camamination afthe canals with setya~e from the a~Tin~~ server system. E~olpin and colleagues from the fJS Geolo,ical Survey recenti~' conducted the first nationwide reconnaissatlce of 17e o::currer:ce of a broad rarf~e of orf~anic «-aste~vater contaminants in US water resources." V~-ater samples from 139 streams in 30 states were sanlnled for the c~resence of ~}5 or~`anic contaminal~ts. including triclosan. The investigators chose streams that tivere considered susceptible to contamination from various wastewater sc;urces. sr; the resrllts are rrTt ?-enresertt^ti~~e ~fai! streams. t~t tt7e r77 c~mn~uncls aralv~.ed. tric:li7san vas the sixth-most-common chemical detected. Furthermore. triclosari was detected in nearly 6E}% of the samples analyzed, at a maximum concentration of 2300 n~IL. Tric(r}carban (TCC:}. like iriclosan. is a common antimicrobial ingredient in personal care products; ho~~~ever, ille ervirc~nn7ental fate ufTC'C is iar~ei~~ llni~nowr7. Haiden and Paul! developed methods to detect TCC in aquatic environments at the n~; L level.y TCC tivas found in river water and wastewater at concentrations of up to X600 and 670 na; L, respc~;tivel~. F'or7versel~~, TC'C ~j~as not detected in drinkin~~ ~~~~iter'. in a subsec7uent stlrc~~, both triclosan and TCC were detected in six urban streams in the greater Baltimore area.i° The reslrlts of this siud~' suggest that TCC likel~~ ranks in the top t C in occurrence rate anti in the top ?J ir7 r77i3xinlunl concentration ~.n7on<< tt,e or~iarlic nolllrtatits considered b~~ Koipit7 and collea~~ues." The authors note that contamination was not s~lcly due to incomplete removal Calll'Ir7` t` ;l~.t~`{'aier treatment: the b10'.'Ide~ tilal' l7aVe bcer7 IrlIroduCeCj 1nt0 tt'~e strea tl7s due t'~ se~va~e spills and leakage. The authors also note that the TCC concentrations found in ibis i-; ! '?G(t f;t ~ ~.. .~ri. .,-E~:` '-':eF .n• i i i -~•l i ~l~i ~' {C7. _ - tt` ~.-1 iirZ 1, [~,e n~ui i:l`eS..i ic~~e.S tt7~ ii7i71E1illril. jC~.' ~Oi7Cti: rllrati`.}rls ~ ~~=t Ull ~i~t_;i Eased ~,, tl7e EPA, for evaluating the ~coli}~ical and hui~nan.health risks of this chemical.''' t~ l•y~~rlt~ura~r=sa :-~sE of E~::~.~srr~c :~ the ~~.l~q~ir~:smF:~t r. r i~~~iiti: C'ifnClttllcii Ir7iS''v'ilCli tEvii i_i3 tt ,; Il:s~i:;7 it7Cv 3Crr-1_Cil,~ 4',dCer~. ~i117ie Ul Cl7e i:IE3CiCfe i C~E1TU~~"cC~ b~ m~i:liuE7ESi7S CitiiEC tliaEl ~~EE~ITECI~° i}C dEIE.EtiJn. TCEGIUSan ii:re\' bEr E'~Eii}E~c't~~ fCO:i: Slartitl,~. t~ clCei i C~7rC?u`''7 it~J~t ~'s'i17 ~~r 21iJ01-[7`iEi)i7 I E.e.. soI-CC7C;2' 1 ur7C't iral7JpUl-t II1CO Set11177e17i.`i, CheiTiECaI C;C ~EQlr}~tEC ! dew%Ca: datEi}E7. CrE' [}l7t}ti)l~-st~.`~ ~eE'eral [r~'csti~~ctvE'1 l7aE c e~aEi7Ercd tl'ec E'i}l~ C}f p! l gird ECE"aC~E~2tEt}it (;n Lh~ aic if iCEC;lv~an. _ _ ~nIC~sCiCJli1 ~t:7~i i;Ul't _i.eS 1iiUsC it~i;l~itr. il.' Ic~SC'tlicEt Jul7l'E``liC IEI laKe «'aCel at CallerCrl vil to talEE~;S EEl ills labCEC4 ~7C~. TEEC;lGSaE7 tt%~t4 C:7~ECFle ,~'~E~_fed at ~'il E'~.t~. but iti}t at pe t ~.~: i he li~'trE-lrli. C)r 'Lt ~.-IC.~JCrl7 `iS':, i ~trC'`~ilat;;C iV LAC t~~i tililr; r i7C)CrE- n7 , :u~'tlsC at =r /'~ IaCrCCrC.~. i r7e ,,.EthoCs ::i}r~lt~Clc el7~A: tE'Ei;li?sar E~ dc`"Cciil~d ~i' dErc'C;t pl7oE:}lF'si~, ~Frd thES Ce~:~tEC}:: ES E}ll- CleperdcE:t. ~UCtIScCE17oC~, a dyrluE::rc: l~:k:' ii7i}iEel C3Cc'~~~ECtcE~ 1 r'tI1E'kCd sc'asona! 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