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V. 23' P. 336
'November. l7; 1987
. .TUESDAY,:. NOVEMBER 17, •198 i
~. _ ..
., ROLL CALL: Sobel, Balshaw, Davis, Tencer, -
.. ~ Vice Mayor Woolsey, Mayor Hilligoss
ABSENT: Cavanagh _.
The-Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The meeting was recessed to a Study Session to discuss facets of the
proposed growth management system amendments• with staff and Nancy
Alexander, consultant for the project. ..
Principal Planner, Mike Moore, noted the proposed, new growth management
system .has no technical rating 'system and reflects the General' Plan growth
limitation ~ of. 500 houses per _ year or. no ~ more than 1, 500 houses in any
three-year period. The rolling three-year period was selected to allow for
fluctuations of ~ the nation's economy. Developers would commit to a
development time schedule when they receive their allotments. It is proposed
there would be no allotment .carry-over from: year to year.
Some of the Council and staff comments were as follow
° There needs to be some vehicle by which the City could count on an
even revenue flow. This might be in the. form of a •bond or incremental
payment of fees if the developer's building schedule is lagging behind at
year-end. The time schedule that. the ..developer commits to should ~ have
bench-marks for evaluation of progress .
° The least productive building year building count was just under 100
units .
° The highest number of units built in any year is 787 units .
° If we agree with this process for management of growth, we then agree
_ that we will not do any large annexations such as the Ely Blvd. North
area without the up-front development agreement outlining the phasing of
the project. Otherwise there would be a probability of large block of
development vying for a given construction year.
° The question was asked when (if at all) , in the planning stages between
tentative map and final map, does the developer have the 'right' to build
and how does the Subdivision Map Act affect the. proposed allotment
system of 500 units a year or 1500 units over 3 years, exclusive of units
specifically targeted to households of very low and low income, and
seniors (1987-2005 General Plan Housing Chapter 9.8, Policy 8)
° The Council emphasized they wish to exclude housing projects for low
and very low income to be exempt from the 'hoops' and would not be
included in the overall units constructed count.
November 17, 1987 ;~ V. 23, P. '.337
° In _the~ yearn when, there . is• , an ;under-demand., the City shouldn'€ over
regulate as long..as there is some .quality control.
° Developments less. than .16 .units •on .Tess than 5 acres are not to be
included in the housing allotment count (Y9,8"'lf e ra~1,~P].~n/H~6u~i'n~
~E1X~,p,~ef l~l.,~~9'E'~'~'~~/CI~,~~ai~,a' ~~~la~ ~"e~ervt'.~~/~?~`ap'~ea~
~jtif ~~gg;Ya,~ ~. The Council asked. staff to .review. the tapes from the,
General Plan meetings (Minute corrections made 11~/30/87).lZC~,tA~~~s.~o •~„
° In the distribution of less than _ 100$ of the possible units, the Counci ~ ~
should consider the merits of letting staff:.. make a recommendation:~based
on development criteria.
° The Council should be very clear at the beginning. of:.eaoh year t~what
they want regarding goals and types of housing .
° Over a running 5 year period the building.. permits. .should reach~uthe
desired General Plan east/west quadrant growth ratio, but it should b.e
reviewed every year: .~ . ~~ :~
° If a quadrant is under utilized allotments. could be borrowed.,from_'~~ofher
quadrants under certain conditions.. ~ ~ ; :+r~:%i
° There shall be no rezoning requests without an accompanied specific
plan. ..;. . ~• ,. , .. : . , :.z s~•~~
° In: ..the second year of. :the revised growth.•.control. system.~~and~ in
subsequent' years, as :well, the Council will amend the+ objectiv:es;l as
necessar.y.. , _~ ~ ,~
° No one gets over 100 units per year, unless there :is a. development
ag•reement.... ~ ,... , , _• ,1 , . , . . ~ . _ ~~~ , t~
° There should be a simplification .of procedure.. ~.~;.,:~.t
° The system should provide balanced housing for the community to assure
public facilities and - improvements,
° There should be an introductory paragraph that states legislative intent
and at .the time. of adoption of this. system, the Council minutes should
also reflect,that, intent. - ~ r
ADJOURN The: meeting was adjourned. at 5':20 p.m. ~ _'