HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 1AAttachmentE 02/08/2010C I T Y O F P E T A L U M A EAST W'ASHI NGTON PLACE FEIR REPORT SUMMARY TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES _ Significance Significance Before With Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation. AESTHETICS AES-1: °I'he lighting ,levels proposed for the project may S t1LS=1: '1'hc project ~lierrld shall comply with the lighting requirements of LTS exceed the City's. allowable lighting levels at' he property line: Section 21.040D of the Petaluma'Zoning Ordigaiiee, specifically Uy not. allow- As a resulf, the project could,inercasc lighting'levcls at.adja- ing direct glare-from non parking lot lighting at theproperry'line: cent properties-in excess of what would otherwise be allowed per Section21.040D of the. City's Zoning Ordinance. ~ AGRICULTURt1I. RESOURCES There are rro significant impacts to agricultural resources. AIR QUALITY AQ-1: tllthough thrprojeet is aecouiited for in the City's S A0-1: The project applicant mall reduce 'air pollutant emissions from SU new General Plan, the project exceeds the level of develop- both traffic trips and area sources through the~measureslitifed below: ment anticipated in the regrional clean air plan (2005 O~oue 0 $icycle amenities ;ilie~sliall be provided for: the project, including "secure Strategy), which was based on :'the City's previous General bicycle pazlpng for retail employees, bicycle -racks for retail customers, and Plan and its less-intense development assumptions. This, is bike lane°connections to the site. considered to be a significant impact. ' O Pedestrian facilities :}keeld shall ineluc3c easy access and: signage to bus stops and roadways that serve the major site uses (e:g. retail and office. USCS). 0 Project site employers ~ shall be required to promote transit use by providing transit information and incentives to employees. 0 Provide exterior electrical outlets to encourage nse of electrical landscape equipment at retail and office uses. LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact 2-5 ~i ~--] rti n rn 6I:TY OF PETALU MA EAST .WASHINGTON PLACE FE'LR REPOR T S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES CONTINUED Significance Significance Before With Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation AQ-1 cotttintierl @ Prohibit idling of trucks at loading docks for more than 5 minutes per State law and include: signage indicating such a prohibition. 0 provide 1 ] 0- and 220-volt electrical outlets at loading docks. 0 Implement a landscape plan that provides shade trees along pedestrian pathways. ~ O ,Llcsluirc_~pescentage_:Qf arliin snares in l~rg ne , arking:lo s o gig s o nrovi 1 cl ri ~l v hi 1 :her 'n~ facilities. 0 AQ-2: Construction activity would generate air pollutant S AO.2: The following is a list. of feasible conti°ol measures that the I3AAQMll T TS emissions that could expose sensitive receptors to substantial recommends to limit construction emissions of PM~o so that impacts are ;less pollutant concentrations. T'lus is a significant impact. than significant. 'Tliese mitigation measures shall be implemented for all construeUon,activity on the site. 0 Water all active construction. areas at least twice daily and more often during windy periods 'sue' r i~rl~' r at d wa 0 Cover all hauling trucks or maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard. Dust-proof chutes sliet~shall be used as appropriate to load debris onto trucks during: demolition. LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable .Impact M e~ 2-6 1'' CITY OF PET.ALU MA EAST WASHINGTON PLACE F E I R REP O RT S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significance Before Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Significance With Mitigation AQ-2 continued 0 Pave, apply water at least twice daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on . all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas. 0 Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas and sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil ma- terial is deposited onto the. adjacent roads. 0 Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) -soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (i,e: previously-graded areas that are inactive for 10 days or more). 0 Enclose, covet, water twice daily, or apply (non-toxic) soilbinders to ex- posed stockpiles. 0 Limit traffic speeds for construction vehicles on any unpaved roads to 15 mph. 0 Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as.possible. 0 Suspend construction activities that cause visihledustplumesto.extend beyond the construction site. 0 Limit the`area subject to excavation, grading and other construction activity at.any one. time. 0 During demolition activities, removal or disturbance of any materials con- . twining asbestos or other hazarxl~us pollutants will be conducted in accor- dance witli BAAQMD rules and regulations. LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact 2-7 CITY OF PETALUMA -EAST WASHINGTON PLACE FEIR REPORT S U M':M A R Y. TABLE 2-'I SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED AQ-2 continued Significant Impact Significance Before Mitigation Mitigation Measures Significance With Mitigation 0 Opacity is an indicatorbf exhaust particulate emissions from off-road diesel powered equipment. The projecb:~heald-shall,ensure that emissions from all construction diesel powered equipment used.`gn the project site do not exceed 40'percentopacity for'more than three rrunutes in any one hour. Any equip"went found to equal or exceed 40 percent opacity (of Ringel'- mann' 2.0) shall be-repaired immediafely. This measure:mearis that any equipment-with-.continuous dark exhaust'woul`d be in "violation ofthe requirement: ~oustructidii insncctors monitoriri~-mi ius~ri~i shall. to ,- menf thahlieavy_cit~t~ ons ni ion citiipmenr was insiiecfed and was not perceived to canal or exceed the ons :i s ~n hr w by emitting dark conti- n ~n ~ti visibl exhnrs 0 Post signs at`construction.sites indicating the:State regulations prohibiting excessive idling (of more than five minutes). I~icscl equipment standing idle for more than five minutes shall be turned off, with.cxeeptigns listed underthe regulation. Tliis would include trucks. waiting to deliver or re- ceive soil, aggregate or other bulk materials. Rotating drum concrete trucks could keep their engines funning continuously as long as they were. on-site and,away at least 200 feet from residences or< h ~ iv ~f ~~ of,the swim center. 0 M in ain o~~st_n_iction eca~i(~ment eng es 1n gnod?mnditi~n and in ropeZ ~n per manufacturer'sspe'ifi ~tiiin for th 1 ,r~ ion of onetm ion 0 Minim~lliiigtim of ons ~ ion r la i quinm n including l_ iewv- der cgsalpment motor vehicles. and orta 1 ' uio~cnt M LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact ~ 2-8 S C ITY A F P E T A L U M A E,A'S T W A"$ H f N G'T O N PLACE F E I R ~t REPORT S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED) Significance Significance Before With Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation AQ-2 contittstect • 1s al rna iv fuel constn~ction egiaipmcnt (Le combr ss 1 na oral uati_ ic~d~ne roleum ~-an1 ~ 1 a i i gaeolinel O Tns all wh 1 wash s for`all` ru ks ' 0 the diesel cat~nm~nYthat meets the A1Z13's 2000 or nc~ucr certification standard for nff-road heave 'tldtl7 diesel cn ; n s. 0 Phase cans r ~ ,ion of h -ILdls~- 0 AQ-3: The .project would generate new emissions that S A -3: "1"hc project applicant :~kexld shall unplement the measures identified in SU would affect long-term air quality. A majority of the emir- Mitigation Measure AQ-1. sions generated by full buildout of theprojeet would be pro- duced by traffic. 'T'his would be a .riguificant impact. AQ-4: The project, in combination with other projects oc- S AO-4: In addition to Mitigation Measure AQ-1, the Project Applicants and the LTS curring in the City of Petaluma, could contribute to increased City shall:implement the following measures to reduce GHG emissions: levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that cumulatively- 0.'I'he'project shall obtain L1J~D certification. The proposed project will be contribute to global warming. An increase in G1IG emis- built in accordance with Green Building standards that would reduce ener- sions could conflict with the effort. to achieve the reduction gy-related GHG emissions by at least, 20 p"ercenf from those that would oc- targcts established by the City of Petaluma and AB 32 to cur under current Title 24 Building Code requirements. "Plus. requuemciit reduce such emissions. _ shall be"applicable'to all pro)<Ct buildings:. AQ-4 contitrtrerl 0 As required by the. General Plan, the applicant shall incorporate features to reduce energy related GI-IG emissions including, but not limited, to pede- strian linkages, connections to local transit, bike lanes, bike. parking, and showers for employees. • In addition to providing trees for shading, provide thought tolerant landscaping to reduce water usage. ~ LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =.Significant Unavoidable Impact B C3~ 2-9 CITY O F P E T A L U M A EAST WASHINGTON PLACE F E I R REPORT S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED) Significance Before Significance With. Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation. Measures Mitigation BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES BIO-1: Proposed development could result in the direct loss . S BIO-1: 1ldcquate measures ~ shall be taken to avoid inadvertent take of LTS or temporary, construction-period disturbance to tree nesting raptor nests in active use. This ~ shall be accomplished by taking the raptors if new nests arc established in t}ie future vi advance following steps. of construction. 'I'bis would be considered a .rzgn fcant im- A If construction is proposed during the nesting season. (March - August),;a pact. focused survey for nesting raptors and other migratory birds rtl3enld shall be conducted by a qualified biologist within 30 days priorto the onset ~f con- struction, in order to identify any active nests on .the proposed project site and within 300 feet of proposed construction, noY just trees slated fox re- moval. O If no active nests are identified during the survey period, or if development is initiated during the non-breeding season, (September -February), tree removal, grading and constructiommayproceed. 0 If raptors nests are found, an adequate setback shall be established around the nest location and construction activities restricted within this no=distuibance zone until the qualified. biologist has confumcd that any young-,birds have fledged and are able to function outside the nest location. Required setback distances for the no-disturbance zone s shall be based on-input received from the CDFG and/or UShWS BIO-1 contiiarred following the focused surveys, but prior to demolition/construction, and may vary depending on species and sensitivity to disturbance. The no- disturbance zone sk~euld shall be fenced with temporary chain link fencing. 0 A report of findings shall be prepared by the qualified biologist and submitted to the City for review and approval prior to initiation of grading and demolition/construction during the nesting season (March - 1lugust). The report shall either confirm the absence of any active nests or :~keeld shall confirm that any young within a designated no-disturbance zone have successfully fledged and demolition/ ~ LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact S 2-10 C ITY O F P E T A L U M A E+A ST WASHINGTON'PLACE FEIR REPORT SUMMARY TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significance Significance Before With, Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation construction aan proceed. BIO-2: Proposed dcveloprrment would eliininate 0:09 acres S BIO-2: Adequafe measures ~ shallbe taken to mitigate the loss of juris- L'PS of Corps regulated waters and the '0.23 acres of seasonal dictional waters. An. application sHecilc~ shall,.be submitted. to the Corps and wetland. 'This wou]d be corisidercd a .rignifzcant impact. RWQCB and. necessary authorizations obtained under the CWA and any other ,applicable federal. and State regulatron"s prior fo issuance of =a grading •permit. Any jurisdictional waters that are lost or disturbed :~errld shall be mitigated on a "no-net loss"•basis in accordance withahc Corps mitigation-,guidelines, either through on-site or off-site repl_aeement or through participation in purchase of • mitigation credits from an approved mitigation Uank ata minunum 1;1 ratio or as otherwise required by the Corps and RWQCB. Any off-site mitigation shall occur within the boundary of the Petaluma River waEcrshcd. BIO-2 corrtirnrer! If on-site or off-site wetland habitat creation is proposed, than a- detailed wet- land mitigation and monitoring plan skenld. shall Ue prepared by `a qualified wetland specialist and submitted to the Corps- and the RWQCB as paft-.of the Section 404 permit application and the Section 401. Water Quality Certification. Any habitat. creation;. ,restoration, and/or enhancement shall specify performance criteria; maintenance, and long term management responsibilities; _ monitoring. requirements, and contingency measures, and shall provide a minimum five years of maicitenancc and monitoring. LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact .b ~-.~ 2-11 CITY O F P E T'A L U M A EAST WA-SHINGTON PLACE .FEIR REPORT SUMMARY TABLE 2-1 Sl1MMARY:OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED} Significance Before Significance With Significant Impact Mitigation .Mitigation Measures Mitigation CULTURAL RESOURCES CUL-1: Subsurface archaeological, paleontological materials and/or Human remains -may be discovered during graduig, trenching or-other activities associated with implementatign of the proposed project Inadvcxtent destruction or distur- bance of such undiscovered resources constitutes a .rignfcant impact. GEOLOGY AND SOILS CUL-1a: If evidence of archeological, paleontological artifacts and/or human LTS remains are discovered during construction activities, all operations at and adja- ccnt to the discovered resource slie~lrl'sh:ill halt- until:a qualified archeologist determines the extent and significance of the fmd and. recommends appropriate mitigation measures:. CUL-1b: If human remains are discovered during. construction, all construc- tion and excavation activity skeeld shall cease and the county coroner shall he notified, pursuant to Section 7050.5 of California's Heath and Safety Cede. If the remains arc of a Native American, the coroner must notify the California Native American I-ieritage Commission within 24 hours, which in turn will inform a most likely descendent pursuant to Section 5097.98 of the State Resources Code. The descendent will recommend the appropriate dispo- sition of the remains and any associated grave goods. GEO-1: Large earthquakes could generate strong, to violent S GI/O' 1: All construction activities sktetr}~I ~Iiall meet the California I3uilding L'TS ground shaking at the site and could cause damage o build- Code regulations'. for seismic safety (i:c: enforcing perimeter. and/or load- ings and infrastructure and threaten public safety. bearing walls, bracirig;parapets, etc.). ' GEO-2: The proposed project-'facilities on the southern S GE -2: The gcotcchnical mcommendations.for mitigation of liyuefaction and LTS portion. of the: site could be damaged by liquefaction and resulting localized differential settlement, undocumented fills, shallow ground- resulting localized differential settlement. water, corrosive' potential and expansive soils, that are contained. in the Lowncy Associafes gcotechnical reports dated April 28 and May 28, 2004, shall be implemented. GEO-3: 'I"he undocumented. fills could undergo settlement S Implementation of Mitigation Measure. GI?O-2 would address this impact. I,TS that could cause damage to foundations and pavements. GEO-4: '1 he presence of relatively shallow groundwater S Implementation of Mitigation Measure GLO-2 would address this impact. LTS could impact grading and underground construction and equipment. LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact pQ 2-12 CITY OF PETALUMA EAST WASHINGTON PLACE F E I R REPORT S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significance Significance Before With Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation GEO-S; Corrosive soils rlcgradc metallic structures placed S Implementation of Mitigation Measure GLO-2 would address this impact .LTS belo~i! grade, including but noY limited to, foundation com- ponents. GEO-G: L:xpansivesoils could cause damage to #oundations S Implementation of Mitigation.IVlcasurc G1J0-2 would address this impact. L'1"S and pavements. HAZARDS AIVD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZ-1: Demolition of the Carter Field Little League facili- S 1-Lt1Z-1: Prior to demolition of the Carter Picld, the applicant ~kenld shall L'TS ties may result in worker exposure to asbestos containing coordinate with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) to materials (AGMs) and the release of airborne asbestos. arrange for an inspection of structures to be demolished. If asbestos is de- tected in either structure, the demolition and removal of asbestos-containing building materials will be subject to applicable Bt1[1QMD Regulations and the applicant would be required to obtain a Job Number from the BAAQMD. The applicant would be required to present the Job Number to the-City Building Department before demolition could commence. HAZ-2: During the project construction period, the pro- S ILt17-2a: The Pcfaluma FireDepartment;and General Contractor. shall ~I.,TS posed project may increase fire danger related to the City of meet several weeks before the Fourth of July fireworks event for logistical Petaluma's annual Fourth of July fucwork show due fo the planning and to determine what areas must be cleaned and protected from fire risk posed by burning embers falling on exposed con- possible firework fallout. The 1?etaluma Fire Department skeHld shall also struction materials. coordinate with the: State File Marshal at leasf two weeks before the event to ensure thatany of the Marshal's concerns are adequately addressed. I-It1"L-2b: During the project construction period, the developer :~ieald shall be required to hire Petaluma Fire Department crew to stand by with trucks during the fireworks show to monitor the site for potential foes started Uy falling embers on construction materials. LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact ~ 2-13 Gt T Y O F P E T A L U M A EAST WASHINGTON PLACE F E I R R E P O R T S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significant.Impact I-IYDROLOGY AND WATER QiJ9LITY Significance Significance Before With Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation HYDR0,1: llevelopment of the project'site could degrade S I-IYDRO-1a: No grar3ing permits or other construction permits -for the project LTS water quality during construction and post-constmction due. site shall be issued until the project .applicant prepares a SWPPP and the to the intensification of urban land uses and increased im- SWI?PPis reviewed and approved"by the City of Petaluma. perviousness,. Because a Storm Water Pollution Prevcrition HYDRO-1b: Prior; to construction; he applicant shall submit preliminary Plan (SWPPP), which would normally include construction- calculation or design t3etails to the City 'justifying adequate on-site treatment phase_housekceping measures and post-consfr"uction source- measures to comply with the City NPDES permit, specifically, the numeric control and treatment best management practices (BIvIPs), design criteria provided in Attachment 4 of the NPD>/S permit. for the project site has not yet been prepared, the project would lead to significant impacts on surface and groundwater quality. HYDRO-2: The lack of an erosion control plan would lead to a significant impact on surface and groundwater quality. I-IYDRO-3: There would be a'net increase in runoff from the site during 10- and_ 100-year storm events. Because the final design. for the storm .drain system, including. any poten- tial off-site downs•'tream drauiagc improvements, has not HYDRO-2: The project applicant shall prepare and submit an erosion control. L'I'S plan. The plan sliall be reviewed and approved by the City of Petaluma prior to issuance of a grading permit for. the proposed development. The erosion con- trol plan shall.include phasii~g.:of.grading, limiting areas of disturhance, designa- tion of restricted-entry zones, diversion of runoff away from disturbed areas; protective measures for sensitive areas, outlet protection and provision for revegetation or mulching. The plan shall. also prescribe treatment measures to trap sediment, such as-inlet protection, straw bale barriers, straw. mulchuig, straw wattles, silt fencing, check dams, terracing, aiid siltation or sediment ponris. I-IYDRO-3a: The applicant s17a11 secure approval from eke-Se~tq LTS ~3 the City of Petaluma Water Resources and Conservation Department for the proposed storm drainage plans before a building permit can be_issucd. been finalized or approved by HYDRO-3b: "The applicant shall be responsible for constructing any off-site ~ the City of Petalurria Water Resources and Conscrva- improvements necessary, as determined by the evaluation and the City, to pro- tion Department, the increase in off-site flows would be a vide the required capacity. significant impact. ~ LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact 1 2-14 CITY OF PETALUMA EAST WASHINGTON PLACE FEIR REPORT S U M M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significant Impact Significance Before Mitigation Mitigation Measures Significance With LAND USE There are rro .rignifrcant impactr regarding Imid use. NOISE NOI-1; Significant, temporary noise impacts could occur if S NOI-1: Project developers, slietild shall require by contract specifications that LTS the project- does not implement noise-reduction best matt- the following construction BMPs be implemented by contractors to reduce agement practices (13MPs) during the. construction period. construction noise levels: O Two weeks prior to the commencement of construction, notification must be provided to surrounding land uses disclosing the construction schedule, including the various types of activities that would be occurring throughout the duration. of the construction period; 0 Ensure that ¢onstruction equipment is properly muffled according to indus- try standards; 0 Place noise-generatuig construction equipment and locate. construction staging aieas away from residences and other sensifiye noise. receptors such as ilie schoolon the fairground site, where feasible; • Schedule. high noise-producing activities between the hours. of 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 p.m. to minunize disruption on sensitive uses; and 0 Implement noise attenuation measures to the extent feasible, which may include, but are not limited to, noise barriers or noise blankets. _J POPULATION, HOUSING AND URBAN DECAY There are no ,rignificaut irr~actr regardingpopulatiar, housing and arrGara decay. PUBLIC SERVICES There are rao .rigrr~cant irr~actr regarding puGlic reruice.r. ~ LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact 1 2-15 CITY OF PETALU MA E A.S T 'WAS H INGTON PLACE F E I R R'-E'--.PORT SUMMARY TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significant Impact Significance Before Mitigation Mitigation Measures Significance With TRANSPORTATION. TRA-1: 95th percentile Base Case. Plus Project and- 2025 S TItA-1a: Implement the following improvements to the Last Washington L'I'S :Plus Project vehicle queues could be accorritnodated within Street/Southbound 101 Ramps intersection: available distances. between intcrsectibits or within the 0 ~A lY/e:rtGound 1~' turn laue.• _T,he ,applicant shettld shall provide a lengths of turn pockets and off-ramps, with the following. second westbound. East Washington Street left turn lane, to he comnjrtrej exccpti~ns: rior to rojecf ~ccu ~tion. Weekday AM, PM and Saturday Peak Hour -Base Case AM Peak I-Iour Base Case + Project (Left Turn Lanes): The resultant + Project Conditions 95th percentile queue per lane would be 200 feet (with a Base Case O Last Washington Street/ Southbound 101. Ramps queue of 191 feet). Resultant intersection operation would be.LOS C • Westbound bast Washutgton Street approach left with 20.8 seconds of average vehicle delay. turn lane ° AM peak 1-lour 2025 + Project (Left Turn Lanes): The resultant 95th Weekday AM and Saturday Peak Hours - 2025 + Project percentile yucue per lane would be 153 feet (with a Base Case queue of Conditions 143 Eeet). Resultant intersection operation would be LOS B with 17.8 • Last. Washii~gtoti Street/ Southbound 101 Ramps seconds of average vehicle delay. • Westbound Last Washington- Street approach left PM Peak I-Iour Base Case + Project ,(Left Turn Lanes): The .resultant turn lanes 95th percentile queue per lane would be 158 feet. (with a Base Casc These would be .rignificurrt impacts. (Thresholds #1, #4) queue of 128 feet). Resultant intersection operation would be LOS C with 24.2 seconds of average vehicle delay. T'1tA-1 continued Saturday PIYI Peak I-Iour Base Case + Project (i,eft turn Lanes): The r"exultant 95th pcreentIle,queue per lane would be,120 feet (with a Basc Case queue of 11G feet). Resultant intersection operation would be LOS B with 19.2 seconds of average vehicle delay. ~ LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact B 2-16 CITY OP PETALU MA E AST' W. A Si H` I N G T O N PLACE F E I R R'E P O R T S U M'M A R Y TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY O_ F IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significance Significance Before With Signifcant,Impact, Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation TRA-2: Shopping CeirferP,erlertridn alit! Bicycle Acce.r,r,~+rt(1~a' S TRA-2: Redesign the site plan to include Ehe following:. LTS azrd Eme>aez~Accerr Provuioir, The.pedestrian pa[li and bicycle p .Separate pedestrian tiidewalksanr3.Class Ibikeways through the site. route through the central Promenade lacks; definition :for _ well-functioning, safe, combined pedestrian and bicycle 0 Contrasting;pavement texture and aglor to distinguish Uetwecn pedestrian access to and from Keiulworth Drive and. thie'Highway 101 sidewalks and Class I bikeways along the:central'Promenade. pedestrian bridge. 1'He pedestrian and bicycle route compo- A ~;~irRide>3irig-E Tlie promenade and public access eas went shalll:~ vents require separation, or sufficient space for bikes and. .to address pedestrian and.liicyde safety ~ whi]e also pro- pcdestrians to separate. Concern exists for conflictsbetwccn viding space for shoppers and visitors:fo east, rest;aitd gather. shoppers, pedestrians using the pathway for through access, ~ ns on ma 1ti ~n I ivl s ~s i'r l b r the 0 Posi "No' I arltin Fire I one" si - and bicyclists. This would be a significant safety concern. a g - g Cit~~of P al ~m~ Fir D nartment; ~n r 1 - ~ bing shall orovidcd at se- Bicycle ~~r~_ hing_m ~s also rn t city code recltiiemcnts " s ati 1 r ~ned b nar mcnt th 1 In ~ i . ~ on ~ • 76 of the! ro~joscd bic~~cle ~rl inr~ smcee.sh~ll Lie loni>-term (indoor a n- _ ~c nr nntdnrtr ser"nred stnra~l aiid 50 of fihe.nro otic I sn~ s~ shall he short term (indoor or outdo~rl. TRA-3: John.rozr Drive/FaizgmzrnA.c/City Swim CentervSkate Park S T12A-3; provide stop control on all approaches to tlus intersection, with the L"I"S Driyera!ayAcce.ec Lrtez•.rection. This intersection would Ue Located exception of eastbound Johnson Drive through traffic (i.e.;stop: sign control on the inside of a 90-degree curve of Johnson Drive. It ~ the swim center outbound approach, the JohnsonI~rivc westbound approach, would provide a reconfguredaccess to theFairgrounds,-.City the Fairgrounds riorthbouitd approach .and the Johnson Drive eastbound Icft swim center, and skate. park. "I'his•,fqur-leg intersection is turnaane at this intersection). 'T'his would allow all vehicles on the;intersection proposed taaccommodate:all turns, and crosswalks would approaches to see and be.seeit, and would not back up inbound through traffic be provided on the northbound Johnson Drive and. Swim on Johnson Drive. Omit the pedestrian crosswalkat this intersection and di- Centcr approaches to the intersection. "I'he intersection rest pedestrians to nearby inters_ect_ions (also see Mitigation. Measure 1'RA-H ~. configuration (90-degree curve) raises sight line concerns: swim center-skate park outbound vehicles turning onto Johnson Drive would have difficulty seeing.arid being seen by Johnson Drive through traffic. These-safety concerns would be significant impacts. (Thresholds #17,#19, #20) M LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact 2-17 CITY OF 'PETALUMA EAST WASHINGTON PLACE F E I R REPORT SUMMARY . TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED Significance Significance Before With Significant Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation. TRA-4: PedertrzarrCircrilation. The proposed location. of the S ~ T12A-4: Revise the site plan to include the following: I:TS Kenilworth crosswalk creates an.unsafe condition as vehicles 0 Prominent crosswalk markings and cautionary signage to alert drivers and turning tightfrom East Washington Street would slow-down bike riders to pedestrians on Kenilworth Drive and Johnson Drive. for the turning movement, but would then speed up on the i h hich id d nd bi l i i 0 An all-way stop-controlled intersection shall be installed at Johnson stra g prov es pe estr e con- t sect on, w an a cyc nectiyity between the swim center.and the shopping center. Drive/Kenilworth Drive. Similar]y, pedestrian safety at the two proposed mid-road 0 In-pavement lighting of all crosswalks'. to preserve the visual prominence of crosswalks along Johnson Drive where through traffic would crosswalks at night. not be slowed by signal or sign controls. Pedestriansaccess- 0 Elimination of the crosswalks at the Johnson Drive/Swim Center-Skate. ing the swim center or skate park from the nearby re-striped Park intersection per Mitigation 'I'Rr~-8 ~ and direct pedestrians parking on parking spaces on the fairgrounds site (adjacent the Johnson the fairgrounds to the crosswalk at the East Washington Street/ Johnson Drive curve) or pedestrians walking to or from other uses ' Drive intersection or at the Johnson Drive crosswalk providing access to within .the fairgrounds, would cross at the crosswalk, then the proposed 35-space swan center parking lot: have no clear path to follow to access the swim center or skate park (proposed fencing and-lack of space appear to block direct access). These safety concerns would be ,rigrrifi- cantimpaets. (Thresholds #17, #19,,#20) LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact -- 2-18 .~ CITY O F P E T A L U M A EAST WASHINGTON PLACE FEIR R•E'PORT SUMMARY TABLE Z-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (.CONTINUED Significance Before Significance With Significant:Impact Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation TRA-5: Golutrirctiott Trbffic. "I'heproject would add construe S T1tA- `. Prior to_construction, the project sponsor ~ shall be responsible LTS tion traffic to Fast Washington Street, Lindberg Lane, Lake- for developing a construction traffic control plan and roadway (pavement) vill'e Street and other.roadways serving •thc projcct'site, rail- mitigation plan. Tlie:plan ~ettld shall be submitted to the City Traffic rngi- ing concerns aboutpavement damage on affected roads and neer for review and approval prior to construction. T'le fallowing elements disruptions to the flow ofpcak hour traffic. 'I'bis w~uld.be a sketld shall be;included in the'plan: .rignificatttimpact. (Threshold #4) 0 Obtainapproval for cotistructionrtruck:haul routes and establish hours for project construction traffic that•doii'a significantly impact local commute traffic. Construction delivery routes shettld shall be approved by the City of Petaluma. O Include provisions in contractors' construction contracts to prohibit park- ing of construction vehicles.anywhere other than on-site. O The City 'I"raffic IJngu~eer :~ettld shall complete a before and after (con- struction) evaluation to determine if project-generated truck traffic-results in substantial pavement deterioration. In cooperation with the City of Peta luma, the applicant sHeald°shall, if necessary, fund repairs to any deteri- orated pavement along affected roadways. TRA-G: Gan.rttzrction Traffrc Imbact to Pedertrimi Acce.cc.thraugh the Site. Construction activity would have the potential "to im- pede pedestrian. access through the site, to and from the pedestrian bridge. "I"his would be considered a sigr:ificant impact. (Thresholds #~17, #18 #19) 'TItt1-6: Throughout construction a pedestrian accessway sheuld mall be maintained and keptseparate-from construction vehicle activity. 'This could be accomplished with fencing.and signage direct- ing bsyclists and pedestrians through the site. LTS LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact ~, 2-19 C 6 T'Y O' F P E T A L U M A EAST WA'SNINGTON PLACE FEIR REP O R T S U M M A R Y .TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES (CONTINUED There are pro significant imJiac~ts to utilities. ~ LTS =Less Than Significant S =Significant S =Significant SU =Significant Unavoidable Impact ~ 2-20 Significance Significance Before With Significant,Impact. Mitigation Mitigation Measures Mitigation