HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 1AAttachmentG 02/08/2010' ATTAC~IlVIENT G TECHNICAL 1VhMORANDUIV Ciy,of"~P'etaluiua, Traffic Engin ,.. Reyie~;~ of East: Washi„ngtan Play ~~ WINZLERcSz.KELLY ecf -- Emergency"ResponseSignificance Criteria Reviewed ;try: Date:- PREPA:I2ED FOR: PREPtiRED $I' D~~Tr• JoB #. DISCUSSION" Derek Farther, Project Planner, City of:Petalitma Curt Bates, City Engineer, City of Petaluma Frat Peiuy; P.E:, T.E:; PTOE; Winzler & Kelly February 2, 2010; ;02055=.0800$--32001' In response to pulilic comiieits iegarclicg tieatinent of:emeigei~cy service response times.; in the _ , East Wasliiiigton Place Project CIR, the,following discussion acid response,l--as been prepared in coordination"«jtli the City Police°Clief aril the Ct}7 Fiie Chief .. . Ttie DEIR provides lie f~llo~ving'Energency Access Inlpact.Cttieria;; 1'6., Czrzrse;cr siibsttntrul ~ecr ease rz 'tr~n'el speeds of~ ~?rrrztcrr y erzer gef~cy re:sporrse r•vzrtes such tlrerl ernergerzct?~~el~rcles ~t7ozrlcl be sgr~rfrearztly ~leldye~l -(DEIR p. ;F; I3-47) 'T11e'`primazy emergency restonse route" for fiie;~atid' emergency service~velicles niost.likely to ve.impacted by the pio~ect trips is East ~~Vashington Street in ;the vicinity of the protect. This: defermination'is.based mi the" location of. the prnaiy velitcular siteaccess (Johnson Dri~•e) ;. H_igh~Tay 101. riteicllange;:atid.tle:general,;laek of east-«rest"cross to«nl coiurectors; Given the location of the. City's. three -fire siati'ons, tv,>o oi:McDowell Boulevard and oi3e ~}'itlin the _. Do«~ntouTn, d=iiiuute resparise tinle'bounclai-ies from.each of tlie. statons~converge-at last Wasliiiigton Street in the vicntty of the pro~eef; Therefore~themaddLLifion of project trips`to the adjacent"street. t~eti~Toi;lc,is not:expected to:cause a tedttetion in travel. speeds along~;tliis route.sut~icient to cause sig>tf cant delaysafor;emergeney"vehicles, ~n~laen tle"iedtiiariai~cy of approach access by.fi;e-response crews; the ability of emergecy restonse:veliicles to'override .. tragic contrgls~"~}~itli lights, sirens;, and signal pie-eilipton; aiicl the ability to travel::ii oppcjsig": tra~rel anes iii congested conditions "is considered. Because•police einergciicy response:does iibt ret~tiriely conie,from.a,faed locatron~ the lcication of iesjaondingpatrol.cais aicl_offi"cers varies. Howe~Ter the I'etalwna Police Department;has concluded that the project ~~ould not create the;need fgr.addtotlalfacilities such as:a..substaton;, or~regiu`e expaisioii of police:facilities orpersatuiel. (DEIR p 4.12-2) With adequate".personnel G~~ Teehni'cal IVlemoraldtinl- Eilergei~cy Response Significance Ci iteria February',2,-2Q 10' `Page2`- `and etlui~inent to handle calf; the:ability of police velicles,to o~eilide traffc coiitols ivtli lights, si•eus; and-signal pre=einption; and the ability tia~~el in_opposiig tra~~el lanes'ii1 congested conditions, police.response-Buie. is riot lie+eapected to he.sigiufcantl}~ delayed because of additi .oral trafhc.geneiated, ly the po~osed project:. ATTACIIMENTS- . , .. . Figure 3'.~=2.:FIF~.REPSONS~ RADII', City: of Petaluma General ~P1an, Update'2025 ®~ Figure 3.4=2~ FIRE. RESPONSE' RADII Petaluma General Plan 2025 4-MINUTE RESPONSE TIMES Station 1 t 1 ~~~ Station 2 ® Station 3 BOUNDARIES r------1 City Limits I I Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) L . . Rivers and Creeks ,F ~- a City of Petaluma y ~'~ 11 English Street ~ l ' Petaluma, CA 94952 C ~ '~ `.~ generelplan~ci.petaluma.ca.us