HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 1AAttachmentA 02/08/2010A'I"T'ACIIIVIEI~'T' A EAS'T' WAS~II1vGT®N PLACE PIS®P®SET) AI)I)ITIOI~TAL VES'T'ING 'I'EIV'I'A'I'IVE 1VIAP C®NDITI®NS I. Conditions Previously Included in January 4, 2010 Vesting. Tentative Map (VTM) Approval Draft Resolution and/or City Regulations II. Additional Conditions Recommended by Staff A. Additional Conditions Recommended by Staff and Agreed to by Applicant B. Additional Conditions Recommended by Staff III. Items to Be Addressed as Part of Site Plan and Architectural Review by the Planning Commission A-I I. Conditions Previously Included in January 4, 2010 Vesting 'Tentative 1VIap (V'T1VI) Approval Draft Resolution and/or City Regulationsl Project signage shall adhere to City codes and ordinances. Approval of signage and all advertising structures is a function of design review, IZO §24.O10.G.1.d. Improve pedestrian VTM #72 requires specific landscape and access amenities to be connection between the provided as part of the Swim Center. Swim center amenities swim center and Building include landscaping amenities and fencing, solar panels, pool A-1 cover and a relocated concession area for the swim center. The applicant proposes dense landscape screening affecting the swim Provide swim center and center and skate park as part of the project proposal, per Figure 4- skate park amenities 26, added in FEIR, Chapter 3. Mitigation Measures (MM)TRA-3 and TRA-4 specify access infrastructure requirements to mitigate Add bollards at east side traffic safety impacts to both facilities. of Swim Center pool for Condition #72 (n) from the Parks and Rec. Dept. has been protection amended to include "Landscape screening and buffers, including safety bollards where applicable, at all parking areas, street frontages, and vehicle access points." The entire complex will be reviewed for compliance with these conditions and mitigation measures as part of approval of landscape improvement plans by staff and the Director of Parks and Recreation, prior to consideration of the overall project landscape plans by the Planning Commission as part of design review. IZO 24.O10.G.2. The proposed second pedestrian bicycle access to the Swim Center will address pedestrian and bicycle connections between. this entry area frontage and internal bicycle and pedestrian facilities included in the project. The internal project pedestrian access system has been considered by the PBAC and will be further reviewed during site design and architectural review by the Planning Commission. IZO 24.O10.G.3. Some of the swim center amenities are being provided on a voluntary basis by the applicant, but additional amenities at the skate park beyond those required to mitigate identified traffic or other impacts have not been agreed to by the applicant. Amenities required to mitigate project impacts at the skate park are included in VTM #72. ' /VTM =Vesting Tentative Map Conditions of Approval numbered as proposed in Draft Resolution Approving Vesting Tentative Map, January 4, 2010 agenda packet; MM =Mitigation Measure identified in EIR. Compliance with all M1VI is required by VTM #3. ~~ Ensure diffused parking MM AES-1 and VTM #10 require compliance with lighting and building lighting requirements in Sec. 21.040.D of the IZO and include the requirement for submittal of a lighting and photometrics plan to be reviewed and approved by staff prior to issuance of grading building permit. The plan will include all exterior light locations and include details of the proposed fixture types and lumens. The IZO requires lighting to be glare-free, hooded and downcast in order to prevent glare. Additional air quality General Plan policy 4-P-15.C requires development projects to mitigations: abide by the standard construction dust abatement measures included in Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) CEQA Guidelines. o Cover all trucks MM AQ-2 hauling soil, sand, loose material - VTM #6, MM AQ-2 o Limit areas to be disturbed on daily Included in BAAQMD Guidelines as Optional Control Measure basis appropriate for large sites; agreed to by applicant. and added to o Install wheel VTM #6 washers for all trucks o Use add-on VTM #6; see General Plan Policy 4-P-16 control devices such as diesel oxidation catalysts or VTM #6, MM AQ-2 particulate filters o Meet CARB- certifiedstandards for heavy duty diesel engines Electrical outlets for MM AQ-1 requires exterior electrical outlets for electric landscape equipment and landscape equipment and 110 and 220 volt electrical outlets at electric vehicles, electric loading docks and a percentage of parking lot spaces to provide vehicle parking electric vehicle charging facilities. The type, number and location of outlets, and the percentage. and location of the parking spaces and charging facility details will be reviewed and approved by staff as part of the improvement plan process. Covered transit stop MM AQ - 1 requires Transit Division review and approval of plans, and requires the applicant to provide amenities for modified or new bus stops. The Transit Division Manager has indicated that the transit stop will be covered. Compliance will be reviewed and approved by the Division in consultation with staff in the improvement plan process. ~--3 Bio -2 wetlands mitigation M1VI BIO - 2' has been amended to include the following "Any off- should be in the Petaluma site mitigation shall occur within the boundary of the Petaluma River watershed River watershed ." Landscape maintenance VTM #45 requires a landscape maintenance agreement. agreement Recycling containers The use, size,. and location of recycling containers for both temporary construction and permanent project uses will be coordinated with staff and `the applicant, as a component of the improvement plan review and. approval process .and will comply with General Plan policies. Regarding the construction phase, General Plan Policy 2-P-122, see VTM #7) Regarding ongoing,. operations, pursuant to General Plan Policy 4- P-21-B, Condition VTM #7a is added, as follows: "The Project improvement plans shall include sufficient, attractive and convenient interior and exterior storage areas for recyelables and green waste." NPDES requirements MM HYDRO 1-b requires compliance with all applicable NDPES permit provisions. Shared parking agreement Regency is obligated to either pave a new parking area for the Fair with Fairgrounds or provide special eventparking in the Project parking area by the Option Agreement between 'the City and Regency Realty, Inc., approved.by Ordinance 2181 N.C.S. on May 17, 2004. These terms are further defined in a separate 2005 agreement between Regency and the Fair Association which requires Regency either to allow event parking in the Project. commercial lot for up to five .specified events annually, approximately three to five days each, for a total of up to 20 days per year for as long as the Fairgrounds uses continue at the Fairgrounds site; or pave and stripe substitute parking spaces in the Fairgrounds Parking Lot B. The event parking would be located in the parking area in front of Buildings M2 - M5, fronting -along Kenilworth Drive. Pedestrian access to west There is existing pedestrian access via East Washington ..Street. neighborhoods (East D Current design of the Project promenade area which accesses Street) Kenilworth provides additional potential for connectivity to the East D Street neighborhoods in the future. Reconfiguration or ..relocation of Johnson Drive to improve connectivity to the residential neighborhoods west of the Project in the' event of future redevelopment of the Fairgrounds site is .possible under the Easement Agreement between the City and Regency Realty, Inc., as long as the City provides a public street with. equivalent access to the Project. d~'~/ Relocation of the Carter Staff recommends the following.. revised .language-in place of VTM Little League Fields #1.6: "Prior to the issue of grading permit, the applicant shall provide the city with an executed agreement°with the Petaluma National Little League to relocate. the Carter Little League Fields to .the Petaluma Junior High:School per the Petaluma National Little League/applicant approved.2006 plans ,such that the Little League regular spring season is not disrupted." The applicant and the Little League have agreed to this condition. II. Addtiona9 Conditions Recommended by Staff A. Additional Conditions Recommended by Staff and Agreed to by Applicant Widen Kenilworth. Drive to allow for a ~ The following condition s'reeommended by staff: center divide with. plantings and 1`O ft "The sidewalks on Kenilworth Drive shall be 10-feet sidewalk on one side. wide. Landscaped medians shall be installed on Kenilworth Drive`between left. turn pockets, to all extents practiealle as deter-mined by staff through improvement-plan submittal." The applicant is in general agreement with this .recommended condition, as long as it does not result in loss of parking: spaces. or bio-swales. Staff is in general agreement with this request, Details of the sidewalks and landscape,:medians will be incorporated into the improvement plans for Kenilworth Drive. Treatment of Kenilworth Drive runoff Staff recommends the following condition: "The storm drain system shall be revised on the improvement plans to provide treatment; of the Kenilworth Drive runoff " Wayfinding signs pointing toward Staff recomm_ ends the following conditions: Petaluma Historic..Downtown Area and signs discouraging traffic from. entering "The applicant shall install wayfindmg signs directing the East D Street neighborhood. customers of the. project to the Petaluma Historic Downtown. The signage shall be installed at locations on Johnson Drive; Kenilworth Drive, Lindberg Lane, Lakeville Street and East Washington- Street and shall be approved. by the City Engineer as part of-the improvement plan. process. before submission to the -5 Planning Commission as part of design review." "The. applicant shall install ,project related signage at locations on East Washington Street,.Payran Street and Lindberg Lane to direct Project traffic_:to enter and exit East Washington Place by routes which do not enter the East D Street neighborhood. The signage content and location shall' be approved by the City Engineer. as part of'the improvement plan process before submission to the Planning Commission as part of design review." Truck traffic prohibition on Johnson While the applicant has agreed to either a complete Drive ban, or prohibiting truck traffic on Johnson Drive between the hours `of 6Q0 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., there is a current legal impediment to imposing this condition now. The City's ability to regulate traffic on City streets is - limited to authority expressly granted in the California Vehicle Code. All local traffic regulation not expressly authorized in the Vehicle Code is considered pre-empted by the State, and subject only to State regulation. Because Johnson Drive is proposed as a private easement constructed and maintained by the applicant,.., the City .must first have the applicant request that the City enforce the Vehicle Code on Johnson 'Drive. Tt then. must adopt an ordinance .authorizing City enforcement of the Vehicle Code on Johnson Drive, and finally, the City must amend its Municipal Code provisions in Section 11.52.070 to add Johnson Drive to the list of streets on which truck taff c is prohibited. All of these steps are necessary before the City can impose. a truck ban on Johnson Drive. Staff recommends. -that. the applicant voluntarily provide the City its written- request. to enforce ,the Vehicle Code on Johnson Drive, and. that thee. city begin the process to adopt the necessary legislation. OiUgrease traps for post construction These will be included in the-construction documents use. for the project and will be reviewed and approved by staff. No separate condition is~~required as these elements will be incorporated into plans. A-b Earlier cessation of construction hours Staff recommends the following condition: on Sonoma/Marin Fair operating. days, with potentially offsetting longer hours "A separate construction schedule for the period of on other days, to mitigate any potential the Sonoma-1Nlarin Fair operating days will be . impact on Fair operations. submitted. for review and approval by staff after consultation with applicant and fairgrounds staff. Any such schedule may shorten afternoon construction hours, but may not extend construction hours beyond those otherwise permitted by generally applicable. City regulations." Disaster/Emergency Response Plan Staff recommends the following condition: "The applicant shall submit an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for review and approval by the Fire Marshal and staff prior to certificate of occupancy for the first project building. The ERP shall outline evacuation procedures for. project~tenants and customers both on and off site, and shall identify evacuation and emergency response and supply locations. Project tenant managers shall be CERT trained or retain access to CERT-trainedstaff. Copies of the approved ERP shall be:kept on file with police, fire, and related emergency response agencies and shall be updated as needed at the request of :emergency response staff. Incorporation of solar panels and pre- Condition #8 has been revised as follows: wiring for wind power into building "Construction documents submitted for building design to maximum feasible extent. permits shall include pre-wiring for solar and wind facilities, where applicable, for each of new structure subject to staff review and approval. Solar panels shall. be a component of individual building design to the extent feasible, subject to review and approval by the Planning Manager as part of the construction document approval process:" No bookstore over 5,000 square feet Staff recommends the following condition: "Subject to applicable law, the projectshall not include any retail use that contains book sales as a primary use and is greater than :5,000 square feet of gross floor area. This condition shall remain in fulLforce and effect as long as there is an existing retail use operating within the Downtown Redevelopment Area that is comprised ofat least..5,000.square feet of gross floor area with book sales as the primary retail use." Local Labor shall be used in the project Staff recommends the following condition: ~'~ to the maximum extent -feasible. _ "Subject~to applicable.law; the applicant and/or its successors=to the Projector any portion of the property on which the Project is located, shall use good faith"efforts to :provide persons and business that reside or have their"main off ces in the City of . Petaluma opportunities for employment on the project, and shall use local advertising, including but not limited to local newspapers, job boards, and existing recruitment;centers, for purposes of recruiting temporary construction and permanent .project labor needs. The applicant shall submit. documentary proof of publication ancVor outreach to staff. Local Point of Sale for Project Staff recommends the following condition: Construction and Related Materials "Subject to applicable law, the applicant and/or its successors'to the Projector any portion of the property on which the Project is constructed, shall use commcrciallyreasonablc,,efforts to identify responsible parties who are persons or business which have a place of business- in the City of Petaluma that are capable of providing those goods.and materials that the applicant intends` to procure to construct the proj ect and shall. use good :faith efforts to provide such parties opportunities to supply such goods and materials for the project . B. Additional Conditions Recommended by-Staff ' LEED Gold certification and The applicant has stated. that they can build the project to a requirement to use Green certifiable level of LEED Silver, .and requests that this Building measures sufficient to condition be applied only to project buildings over which they reduce energy-related .have direct construction control. This would exclude greenhouse gas emissions by Buildings ~Al (the proposed Target store),. M1, M2, M3, M4, 30% compared to Title 24 M5, and M6, which account -for approximately three-fourths standards of the retail square footage. MM AQ-4 requires LEED level Silver and a 20% reduction in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions compared to TItle 24 building standards. Staff finds that these changes would not be .in substantial conformance with Mitigation AQ-4 since that MM applies to the Project as a whole and `requires' LEED certification. If pit wished to do so, the Council could modify MM AQ-4 to require Applicant. to present evidence sufficient to establish that LEED levels have been met without formal LEED certification, without ,lessening the mitigating effect of MM AQ-4. Certification, while. expensive,. provides the benefit of independent third party verf cation of compliance with standards and .assurance that. mitigation actually is implemented.. Without. certification, city staff would also presumably have to -rely on the. project's professional consultants for expertise to determine that -LEED standards had been met. Staff recommends that MM AQ-4 be applied as written, but the following condition be added requiring the applicant to include compliance with 1VIM AQ-4 in all agreements to sell,. transfer, lease. or license. portions. of the property, so that MM AQ-4 applies to,the Project as a whole: "Applicant shall include a requirement to. comply with Mitigation Measure AQ-4 in all. agreements .to sell, transfer; lease and/or license property on which the project or any portion of"the project will. be constructed. MM AQ-4 requires LEED certification of ~ a't least level L_ EED. Silver and a reduction in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% compared to existing Title 24 Building Code requirements." ~~ III. Items. to be Addressed as. Part of Site Plan and Architectural I~eviewby the Planning Cotnrnissiora Use of storypoles and/or visual The City's Site Plan and Architectural Review Guidelines simulations and adopted Story Pole Policy will be complied with in design review. .Locally-made benches Staff recommends that the Council direct the Planning Commission to encourage the Applicant as follows: "The applicant .shall contact the Petaluma High School administration office to request that to the extent possible, high school students be engaged to fabricate and/or participate in the design::of benches used in public spaces at the Project." The applicant has agreed to this provision, and included outreach to students as part of its public art presentation. Evergreens along-the freeway Staff recommends that the Council direct the Planning Commission to consider iri its review of project landscaping plans the inclusion ofdrought-tolerant evergreen plant species within project frontage along the length of the Highway 101 corridor which will reach a maturity of at least 25 feet within 10 years. Wayfinding signs pointing Will :be reviewed.as part of design review of all project toward.Petaluma Historic signage, and placement will be coordinated with the City Downtown Area and signs Engineer's input regardingtraffic control. discouraging traffic from entering. the East D Street neighbor-hood. Swim .Center and Skate Park Will be reviewed in ;design review, with. all project landscaping conditions landscaping plans; to confirm compliance. with vesting tentative map conditions and sufficiency of landscape:ciesign Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle access and circulation will be access and circulatiori conditions reviewed for the project as a whole and also regarding relating to the Swim Centerand compliance with conditions affecting access to the Swim Skate Park Center and Skate Park ~~