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Agenda/Wenn/#3 .E
ruin 9
DATE: March 3, 2014
TO: Honorable Mayor and Member e -the'City Councilthrough City Manager
FROM: Dan . , •• or of Public Works&Utilities
Joe " /. 4 sit Manager
SUBJECT: Approve a Resolution Authorizing Petaluma to Submit an Application to the
Metropolitan TransportationCommission`for Fiscal Year 12/13 and 13/14 Transit
Performance Incentive Funds
It is recommended that the City Council approve a resolution authorizing Petaluma to submit an
application for Transit.Performance Incentive Funding offered by the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission (MTC).and committing any necessary matching funds and stating
the assurance to complete the project.
Under the high-profile MTC Transit-Sustainability Project, MTC sets funding aside for transit
operators who perform exceptionally by increasing ridership,.lowering;costs, and/or improving
in various key performance,criteria. While first year funding went primarily to the larger
operators in San Francisco and;Oakland, small operators are guaranteed to receive 15% of the
regional TPL=annual funding going,forward based on three main'performance metrics: Overall
ridership, increases in ridership and productivity. MTC setup,the;funding to reward systems that.
deliver improved services and attract.higher ridership and improved productivity during what
havebeen lean funding times:
Petaluma Transit is in strong,position to earn incentive funds because of the effective service
restructuring and and streamliningthatoccurred in 2010 andre
fnsustained improvements in
lannmgmarketing and o erations. These efforts haveledoremarkable
ridership growth from
154,000 annual passengers.in'FY 08/09; to a projected ridership of over 350,000 this fiscal year.
Petaluma Transit has enjoyed its;rebirth at the optimal time to receive these funds. Petaluma is
eligible to earn.S 152,222 inTP1 funding broken down,as follows: 'FY 12/13 - $6,493, FY 13/14:
- $145,729.
The proposed, action meets.Council Goal: "Plan for and implement priority capital projects as
funding permits".
Agenda Review:
City Attorney Finance Director City Manager
Looking forward, Petaluma Transit (PT) is unlikely:to sustain growth`atthe recent pace of over
20%per year. Fleet capacity lacking, plusitransit-friendly market segments have been largely
ideveloped in recent years. Cultural and environmental constraints such as universal free parking
still prevail and challenge future ridership,growth:therefore, future TPI funding will likely go
down. However, PT will continue,to,grow ata slower pace, witha•modest,goal of 10% per year
and TPI funds are expected in'future years, albeit in smaller amounts.
Due to the fluctuating,andvolatile nature of the TPI incentive funds,;capital projects are the
primary funding target along with'subsidization of means-based pass,programs. Staff
recommends that the funds, if received, be used to construct the initial pilot phase of the
proposed Transit Signal,Priority (TSP) project as addressed in a companion agenda bill to
Council. The TSP project will^provide faster travel times.and;more reliable fixed route bus
service by upgrading traffic signal equipment at all intersections along PT's City routes. TSP is
proven to save 10%'of running tithe all day, every day for bus routes in urban/suburban areas
which willeliminate or:delay costly additions of service caused bytraffic delays and missed
connections.'Once.TSP is deployed, future TPI funds can continue to be applied to support the
QuarterlyPass, the-City's deeply-discounted bus pass for low-income students.
The Transit Advisory Committee':passed,a resolution to recommend that City Council authorize
submittal of the subject TPI application.
The local thatch of$44,778 for these incentive funds is from'Transportation Development Act
(TDA) transit funds and traffic impact-fees. If successful, the grant will increase funding to PT in
the amount of$152,222;to fund the proposed Transit Signal Priority pilot corridor. Any
remaining funds will be used for future expansion of the TSP project th other parts of Petaluma.
1. Resolution
• Attachment 1
WHEREAS;City of Petaluma(hereinsreferred to as APPLICANT) is submitting an
application to theMetropolitan-Transportation Commission (MTC) for_FY 12/13 and 13/14
Transit Performance Incentive.Funding in the amount of$152,222 in.MTC discretionary
funding, including-but not limited to.federal funding administered by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) such',as Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding, Congestion
Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) funding and/or Transportation Alternatives
(TA) funding (herein collectively referred`to as REGIONAL_DISCRETIONARY FUNDING)
for the City of Petaluma Transit SignahPriorityProject (hereinereferred to,as PROJECT) for the
Transit Performance Incentive (TPIJ Program (herein referred"te as%PROGRAM); and
WHEREAS, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century.Act (Public Law 112-
141, July 6, 2012) and any extensions or successor legislation for continued funding
(collectively, MAP 21)authorize'various federal fundingprograms-including, but not limited to
the Surface Transportation Program(STP);(23 U.S.C. §133),the'Congestion-Mitigation and Air
Quality Improvement Program,(CMAQ)'(23 U.S.C. §, 149) and the Transportation Alternatives
Program(TA) (23 U.S C. §.2i'3:); and
WHEREAS;,state statutes, including California Streets and Highways Code 182.6 and
182.7 provide various funding.programs for the programmingdiscretion of the Metropolitan
Planning:Ofganization,(MPO)and the;Regional Transportation'Planning-,Agency (RTPA); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to.MAP-21 and any re ulations promulgated thereunder, eligible
project sponsors wishing to'receive federal funds for a project shallisubmit an application first
with the appropriate:MPO for review andrinclusion in the MPO's Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP) "and
WHEREAS';MTC is the.MPO and RTPA for the ninecounties of the San Francisco Bay
region; and
WHEREAS, MTC has adopted a;Regional Project Funding Delivery,Policy(MTC
Resolution No. 3606;(revised)°that sets outprocedures governing the application and use,of
federal binds; and
WHEREAS,?as part of the:application for REGIONAL DISCRETIONARY FUNDING,
MTC requires a resolutionadopted by the=responsible implementing agency the
1. the cothmiitment of any required.matching funds of at least;11.47%;:and
2. that the'sponsor understands thatthe REGIONAL;DISCRETIONARY FUNDING'is
fixed at the programmed amount, and thereforeiany cost_increase cannot be expected
to be funded`with additionQl REGIONAL DISCRETIONARYFUNDING and
project comply p- delivery milestones and funding
deadlines spec fiedin the R-Regional Proje t Funding Delivery Policy (MTC
Resolution No. 3666, revised); and
4. the assurance of the sponsor to complete_the project as;described`in the application,
and if approved, as included in MTC's':_federal Transportation Improvement Program
(TIP); and
5: that the,project willcomplywith'all project-specific:requirements asset forth in the
6. that the:project (transit'only)will comply with MTC Resolution No. 3866, revised,
which sets•forth the;requirements of MTC's Transit Coordination Implementation
Plan to•more efficiently delivertransit projects in the region:
NOW,•THEREFORE 'BE,lT'RESOLVED that the APPLICANT is authorized to execute and
file•an application for funding for the PROJECT for REGIONAL:DISCRETIONARY
FUNDING under MAP-21 forcontinued funding; and be it farther
RESOLVED that the.APPLICANT by adopting thisresolution does hereby state that:
I. APPLICANT will provide $44;778 in matching funds, and
.the,project.is fixed at the MTC approved programmed,amount,;and that any cost
increases must be•funded.by the APPLICANT from other°funds, and that
APPLICANT doesmot expectaany cost increases to be funded with additional
3. APPLICANT understandsithe funding,deadlines_associated•with these funds and will
comply with the provisions•and requirements of,the Regional Project Funding
Delivery_Policy (MTC Resolution No..3606, revised)�and:APPLICANT has, and will
retain-the expertise, knowledge and•resources necessary to deliver federally-funded
transportation projects, and hasassigned, and will.maintain a single point of contact
for,all,FH,WA funded transportation projects,t ;coordinate-withinthe agency and
with the respective Congestion Management Agency(CMA), MTC,,Caltrans;and
FHWA on all communications, inquires of issues that may'arise;during the;federal.
• programming and delivery process'for all FHWA-funded transportation projects•
implemented by APPLICANT; and
4. PROJECT'will be implemented as described in the••complete application and.i this
resolutionand,;if approved,;for the amount approvedMTC and programmed in the
federal TIP;and
5. APPLICANT and the.PROJECT will cOmply with the requirements as set forth:in
MTC progranvning guidelinesiand project selectionnprocedures for the PROGRAM;
6. APPLICANT (for a transit projectonly)'agrees tip.comply witliahe requirements of
MTC's'TransitCoordination'Implementation Plan;as set fo"rth'in MTC Resolution
3866, revised; and therefore•be"itfurther
RESOLVED that APPLICANTis';authorized•to submit.an°application for REGIONAL
DISCRETIONARY FUNDING for the PROJECT; and be itfurther
• RESOLVED that there is.no legal impediment to APPLICANT making applications for
the funds;;and:be it further°
RESOLVED:that there is no pending threatened litigation that might in any way
adversely affect.the'proposed PROJECT, or the ability ofAPPL''ICANT to deliver such
PROJECT; andbe'it further
RESOLVED that APPLICANT authorizes its"City;Manager, ordesignee to execute and
file an application with MTC for REGIONAL DISCRETIONARY FUNDING for the PROJECT
as referenced in this resolution; and that:a copy of this resolution will be transmitted to the MTC
in conjunction With thefilingrof the applicatibn;and be it further
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED that-the City•Council ofthe City of
Petaluma hereby authorizes the submittal ofan application to MTC for Transit Performance
Incentive funds in the amount,of$152,222 for fiscal years,12/13 and T3/14 and directs the City
Manager to execute the projectcontract on behalf of the City of Petaluma.