HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 85-192 N.C.S. 06/24/1985~ - -~~ _ ~_ ~~ l~esolution No.~5~-192 N. ~. S. MA: cw b-24-85 of the City of Petaluma, Cal;ifornia RESOLUTION RATIFYTNG MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING EXECUTED BY THE DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF PETALUI~IA AND THE PETALUMA PEACE OFFICERS' AS'SOCIATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN UNIT 6 WHEREAS, the Gity, through its duly authorized representatives, and the Petaluma Peace Officers' Association tfirough its duly authorized representatives, have concluded their mutual obligation to meet and confer in good faith with respect to terms:and conditions of employment for the employees in Unit 6, in accordance with the Meyers-Milias Brown Act and the City's Etnp:loyer-Emp.loyee_:Relations Rules and Regulations (Resolution No. 5512 N.C.S.); and, WHEREAS, the duly authorized representatives of the City and the Petaluma Peace Officers' Association, have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (.dated June 21, 19:85) pursuanf to Section 15, Resolu-: tion No. 5512 N.G.S. and recommend its approv.,al by the City C ouncil; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager, purusant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City Charter, and as the City's Municipal Employees' Relations Officer (Resolution No. 5375 N.C.S.) is required and empowered to make a recommendation to the City Council on matters related to employees' compensation; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed and concurs with said Memorandum of Understanding for Unit 6, and does recommend that the City Council ratify said Memorandum of Understanding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Memorandum of Understanding, being in the best interest of the City, is ratified and the terms and conditions of said Memorandum of Understanding (as attached) shall be effecti.ve July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986. Under the and conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved Council ot the City of Petaluma at a(Regular) (Adjourned) (~e ) meeting fO on the ._......24th......: day of .......J??~?e-• ......................................... 19~5..., by the following vote: AI'ES: Balshaw/Ca:vanagYi~Da:vis/Tencer/V,1!7. Bond/Mayor 112a.ttei NOES: None ABSENT: ~NOOl~ ATTEST: ----•-•-•- - Cit Fa~n ca z ~ia1 r Mayor S. ~ ;i, ; _ ~` ~: ` ~ . ~ ~,. MEMO.RAN-DUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF PETALUMA AND PEAGE OFFICER~S' ASS;OCIAT~ION' QF PETALUMA ~-~d- -~ Q~ `~ `~~ , PREAMBLE This document represen:ts the final and complete agreement resulting from Meet 'an~d Confer sessions between the City of 'Petaluma and the Peace Officers' Association of'.Petaluma,~ Unit 6. Representatives of the City and Unit 6 acknowledge, that they have fulfilled their mutual and respectiue obligations to Meet and Confer under the Meyers-Milias-Brown ,Ac;t. As a result, the parties have come to a mutual understanding which the repr;esentatives of._ the City and Unit 6, who have the approvaT of their members, agree to recommend for acceptance and approval of the City 'Council of the City of Petaluma. The parties. affix their signatures as con:sti-tutiri,g rnutual acceptance and recommendat`ion of tliis Memor.andum of Understanding to commence the day following approval by the City C:ouricil. 1 GENERAL Section l;. Te"r.,m of Agreement This Memorand'um of Understanding 5'hall cominenee July 1, 1.985, and shall continue thrbugh June 3'0, 1986. Section 2. Servabilit The parties will commence rneeting .and conferr.ing for 1986-87 fiscal year, not later than the end of April 1986, and wi11 endeavor to reach an agreement, in a written Memorandum of' Understanding for submission to the City Council for its determination, prior to the adoption by the. City of its Final Budget for the subsequent Fiscal Year.. Section 3. Work.week A work week shall consist of forty (40) hours; worked in one week, based upon a fifty-two (52) week year. An om-duty wo,rkda;y may consist of eight (8) hours per day in each of five (5) 24-hou-r da_ys, or ten (10) hours per day in each of four (~4J 2`4-hour days pursuant :to Section 7k of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The work period shall consist of a twenty-eight day cycle for the position of Police Sergeant,, Polisee O.ffieer, Youth Service Officer, Police Sergeant (Imves:tigator)„ . and Police Officer (Investigator) . The. City solely deter.miries and administers all requirernents, practices and procedures, related to, fqr example; scheduling; rescheduling, shifts, watches, assignments, holidays and other ."matters r-elated thereto. The practice of signup by seniority shall continue witho.ut .change. a. Police Officers and Sergeants in the patrol function shall be pTaced oritb a. four ( 4:) ten (10 ) hour workday through June 30, 1986. b. Communications Dispatcher-Clerks shal~l be placed onto a four (4) ten (10) hour- workday, unless dispatcher staffing falls to eight (8) or less, independentiy funetioning dispatchers. The City shall _ actively recrui.t a tenth dispatch_er and shall use good faith to maintain sueh staffing . 2 GOMPENSATION Section 4. Sal'ary The base: hourly rafes for each of the cTassificat'igns included in representation-al Unit 6 ar:e as follows : Effective July 1w, 1985 - June, 30, 1986 Police Sergeant (Investigator) 14.8`3 1'S.57 16.34 Poliee Sergeant '14.$3 15, 5.7 16 . 34 Police Officer (In~estigator) TT.54 12,,T1 12.72 13.36 14.03 Poliee Officer 11.54 12.11 12.72 13.36 14.03 Youth Service Officer 11.54 12.11 T2.72 13.36 14.0~3 Communications Dispatch_er=Clerk 8.42 8..84 9.28 9.74 10.24 Effective July 1, 1985 - Jurie; 30:, 1986 Animal Control Officer 8.29 8.71 9.14 9.61 10.08 Assistant An'imal Con;trol Officer 8.Q5 8.45 8.88 9.32 9.88 Parking Enforcement Officer 8.05 8'.45 8.88 9.32 9.88 Community Service Officer 8.05 8.45 8.88 9.32 9.88 Property Technician 8..05 8:..45 8.88 9.32 9.88 Police Officer Trainee 9.8:8 Section 5. Overtime, The City shall compensate eacli employee governed by this memorandum at the rate of" time and orie-half for approved overt~ime. (Off duty training time condueted "in.-house" shall be compensated 'as overtime. ) Overtime of fifteen minutes shall be paid to the nearest quarter hour. Section b. Call Back An employee wlio is: called' back to work, excluding court time call-back, after .having completed the employee's regular shift and havi~ng left the Citg premises, shall .receive a minimum of two (2) hours of work or two (2) hours of pag , at. the qvertime rate . 3 Section 7. Compensatory Time Off The part'ies to this agreement have used bes.t faith efforts, including inquiries ;to the Division of Labor Sta_ndards Enforcernent, to determine the effect of the FL'SA on the. practice of granting compensatory time off in lieu of. paid overtime and have determined that this provision is in compliance witli the requir.emernts of the FLSR. The City wi1T reques:t a written, opinion from the Division of Labor Standards Enforeemerit as to whether this pro~rision in any way violates the FLSA. If •any written opinions., bullefins or regulations reveal that this provision violates the FLSA it shall immediately beeome void and the parties agree to meet and confer over this issue . The PPOA agrees to :indemnify and hold the~ City~ fiarml.ess for any potential penalties or costs incurred for failing to comply with. tlie FLS'A with respect to the continued accr:ual and use of compensatory time off pursuant to this MO U . Sworn employees may recieve, in lieu of being paid for overtime, compensatory time off ~at a mutually agreeable time between the Gity and the employee. Such compensafory time off may be accrued, up to a maximum of forty (40) hours. " Sworn employees may not~ acerue more th~an one hundred and twenty (120 ) hours of total compensatory time off per fiscal year., Amounts earned in excess of these limits shall be p'aid at time and one-half. Such compensatory time off. shall be used for per"sonal activities only. Compensatory time shall not accrue when an empToyee 'is assigned to work for any other employee who i's taking compensatory tirrie off. Section 8. Court Time Papments The City will compensate a minimum of four (:4) hours at ~.time and one-half for each officer for court appearances on Yiis own tiine; additionally, time and one-half (1~~) shall be eompensated for all ~hour.s actually worked in court beyond' such four (4) hours. An employee receivin°g fu11 salary while ;~not work"'ing, pursuant to Labor Code Seetion 4850, shall not b.e granted furtlier eompensation for court time unless ~fhis cour.t time. .(including all related professional: activities) exceed the number of hours in the r,egu'lar workday (,eight ($) or ten (10), depending upon his or her schedule) in one day or 4'0 hours in one week; if such court time and related professional a,ctivities exce,ed eight (~8) or, ten (1U) hours in one day (wh-iche~er is the applicable workday or 40 ho.urs in. one week) the employee sha'll be compensated for :such additional time at the applicable overtime r-ate. 4 Section 9. ~Police Officer W'orking in a Highe"r Classification When a~ Police Officer :is assigned to perform the duties of a Sergeant for a . period of four ( 4;) hours or more by the ,CYiief of Police or a Lieutenant or the Watch Serg-eant of the preceding shift when the Chief or Lieutenant is not on dut,y, he shal'1 be paid at Step I o~f the Sergea"nt salary classification. If the Wa,tch Sergeant of the preceding shift, the Chief, or Lieutenant is unavailable due to unfbreseen eircumstances and it is necessary for an officer to perform the functions of a- Sergeant, the Chief or Lieutenant may :grant subsequent approval dur"ing his next normal work shift. Any overtime performed by a Police Officer while he or she is entitle to pay at the Sergeant rate,, sha11 be coinperisafed at one and one-half' ( l Z) times the applicable 'Sergeant rate of pay. Section 10. Field Trainirrg Off'icer Police Officers who are: designated Field 'Traini ,ng. Officers sha11 receive 5 a above their base salary for any hours spent, gerforming assigned training. Section 11. Communications Dispatcher-Clerk Trai,ning Any Communicaf'ions Dispatcher-Clerk who is assigned to train a newly hired Communications Di'spatcher--Clerk sha1~L be paid 5 o above his/her base salary rate, on all hours spent performing assigried training. Section 12 . Police Education . Incentive Pay Pro,gram A. This Program encou~rages employees in specific classifications to acquire and to maintain educatiomal achievement. B. Educational inceritive. pay is provided for qualified employees in the classification and for the amount as specified below: 1. Poli'ce Officer, Police Officer (Investigator) or Youth Service Officer • ~ Educational lAchievement ~ Incentive Pa Amount Intermediate P.O. S:'P`. Gert. 50.00 per ,mo. , per employee Advanced 'P.O.S.T. Cert. $?5.00 per mo.,, per employee ~ 2. Police Sergeant: or Police Sergearit (:Investigator) : Advanced P.O.S.T', Cert. $75~:00 per mo, per employee 3, An employee who reaches, for the :-first; time, salary Step IIT o:f his/her classificat'ion., and who 'has an Intermecliate P.O.S.T. Gertificate :or Advanced P. O.. S, T.~ Certificate, sha1L qualif,y to receive incentive pay cqmmencing with the riext full pay period. 5 Section 13',. Ser,gearit Promotions Upon .promotion. to Sergeant, Police Off'icers~ in Step V of the salary scale shall be placed 'in Step 'II of the Sergea;nt salary scale . All other Officers; promoted to Sergeant sha11 be placed in Step I of the Sergeanb~ salary scale. Section 14. Uniform/Clothing Allowance Program: All empl_oyees shall comply with the uniform/clothing requirements and procedures as established and administered by the 'Police Chief . The Uniform/Clothing; Allowarice Program shall be paid for the term of this Memorandum with full ,annual amount to be paid in D'ecember of each year, using the employee's salar;y rate as effective on July 1 of that year. A. The amount of .l~o of the annual salary of the top step Police Offieer per year for the classifications of Rol-ice Officer, Police Officer ~ (In~estigator);:, Youth Service Officer, Police Sergeant and Police Sergeant (Investigator) . B. The amount of '1-a a of the annual. salary qf •tlie top step .Animal Control Officer per year~ for the classi:fications of Par.king Enforcement Officer, Animal Control Officer, Assistant Animal Control Officer, Community Seryice Officer and Property Techniciari. Employees hfred on or after July 1, and ,pr'ior to December l, of each fiscal year shall be paid a fu1L annual payment amourit on or~ before December 5, o, f that year. Employees :hired on or, after Decernber 1, amd prior to June ~ 30, of the fiscal y,ear,. shall ~be paid the full annuaT payment amount on or before July of the following fiscaT year. An employee _who. termina;tes; from City serVice or is released from City service shall only receive a prorate annual ~amount. An "employee who so separates fr.om City serviee. after- any payment has been made shall return that porfion of the allowance determined by the last day in City service and the_ end of the ~fiscal year. Any employee on .leave of absence without pay, Worke"rs Compensat'ion., or. 'leave status iri excess -of thirty (30) accumulative calendar days during the term of th'is ;MOU- shall recei~e a prorata amount for the :fiscal year. Any ,employee receiving fu1~T salary while not workirig in excess of thirty ('30") accumulative calendar days pursuant to L-abor Code 4850 shall ,receive a prorata amount for the fiscal year. ~ Section 1"5.,_ Holiday `Pay. - For those emplqyees ~of Unit 6 who .are requ'ired to be aVailable ;for regular duty on holiday,'s rather than receiving :time off., the' City of Petaluma shall grant a total qf eig~hty-ei'ght (.88) hours of holiday ~pay per fiscal year. The City shall pay for such holidays in the month of December, "in -lieu of givirig time. off. If an :empl'oyee works; only par.t of a year; due to resignation, termination, retirement, or, disabil'ity; he or s'he will be entitled tq a prorata share of the eighty-eig-ht (;8$) . hours payment, based upon the portion of the year the employee worked. _ 6 Sect'ion 16,. Sick Leave=, Retirement In the event, of. retirement, an employee whq has cqmpleted ten. (10) years or more w'xth the City 'shall r.eceive fif~ty' percent .(`50$) of liis; accumulated but u~nused~ si~ck 'leave;, not to exceed ~4'80 `hour,s.~. Seetion 17. Investigation Cal1 'Back As compensation for the inconvenience of having to "standby" , the City will compensate the Officer on starndby at the rate of $50 per seven (7) day workweek of actual standby. 7 INSU,RANCE Section 18. Health Insttrance A. The City sYiall pay, during the term of this Memorandum of U:nderstariding the following 'insu"rance: premium amounts towards the medical-hospita~l insurance coverage~ programs provided by the Gity of Petaluma . Effective July 1;, 1985 Health ,Plan of Sonoma , Kaiser The RedWoods County Employee $ 70. ?2 82.. 50 ~ $ 89.94 Employee + 1 dependent 141.80 1Z0.00 160.24 Employee + 2 deperidents 207:60 231.50 209.08 Effective July 1., 198'5 In the event that health insurance premi.ums~ are, increased under ariy of the above medical-hospital insurance coverage programs, the City shall pay the increase;. Section 19. Dental Insurance The City shall pay, during the term of this Memor.andum of Understanding, $40.74 per employee per month t;oward the Cit~y' group dental insurance coverage progr,am. The City agrees to pay 100 0 of the premium increases for fiscal year 1985-8'6.. The schedule shall be based on the current UCR's in effect on January 1, `1985 as provided by Sher-ri11, Consulting Services. Section 2U. Life `Insurance The City sha1T provide, at no cos:t to the eniployee, group term life insurance eoverage 'in the principal amount of $15,-090 per employee. Section. 21. Long 'Term Disability Ins;urance The City shall pay effective J.uly 1, 1985, the monthly pr:emium for the PORAC Long T:erm Disability Plan for :all Poli'ce Offi'cers and S:ergeants,,; provided, however, that the total amount pa'id' by the City in connection with LT°D shall not exceed $25:. (50 per month fbr any einployee. During the term of this Memorandum ,of Understanding, the City will pay -$20.$0 per month toward Long Term Disability coverage for non-sworn personnel in Unit 6. 8 LEAVES' Section 22,. Vacation All regu'lar empToyees of the City of Petaluma, aff"er wvrking one full year, are erititle'd to the equivalent of eighty (8'0) hours of vacation with pay in the year following the year in which the vacation is earned. All reg-ular employees of the City of Petaluma, after five ( 5) years of continuous employment w,ith the City, and beginning with the sixth years shall be entitled to :the equivalent of one hundr.ed twenty (120) hours of vacation per year. After ten (10) years of continuous service; eight .(:8) additiorial hours of vacation shall be added for each additional year of continuous service to a maximum of 160 hours of vacation:. Vacation accumulated in excess: of two years wi1T be lost. Section 23. Sick Leave A. General. Sick lea~e with pay shall be granted to all probationary and regular emp'loyees w-ithin, the competitive service: Siek leave shall not be considered a right which an employee may use at his discretion, but shall be allowed only in the case of necessit,y or actual personal sickness or disability. B. Aecrual. It~ is understood that the sick Ieave provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding for this uriit provides for accrual at the rate of eight (.8) hours per employee per morith. No employee shall accumulate more sick leave in any year than provided. C. Notification Procedures. In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the employee shall notify hi-s immediate superior or the Personnel Officer pr.ior 'to or within four fiours after this time set for beginning h'is daily duties as may be specified' by the head of his department. W:hen absence i's for more 'than three (3) days duration, the employee may be~ required to file a physician's cer.tifieate with the Personnel O,fficer stating "the cause of the absence. D. Family 5ick LeaVe. Leaves of: absence up to four working days with pay p.er fiscal year may be gr.anted to employe.es in the event of ser:i'ous illriess or injury in ,the empl_oyee's immediate fam'ily and will be ~ charge:d against sick leave. The immediate, famiIy shall consist qf the s:pouse., .children,; par.ents, `brothers, sister,s,, or other 'individu.als whose relationship to 'the emplo,yee is t~hat of a dependent or near. dependent:. In each case, the appointing power shall grant such sick `leave only when in his opinion, the relationsh:ip of the sick or disabled , person. to the empl'oyee w_arrarits such use of si°ck leave.. 9 E. Relations~hip to Worker's Compensation. When the employee's absence from work has been- occasion,ed, by injury' suffered`' during his employment and he receives workmeri's compen~"sation, he sha11 also. be : entitled to receive from the City the di'fference between such workrrien':s compensation benefits pa'id amd the amount which would otherw.ise :Yiave. been paid hereunder. for siek leave. Ordinarily, it shall be the policy in wor.kmen's compensation matters that the employee shall assign to the City any benefits rendered him during the period that he, is absen,t on sick leave and ~the City shall pay liim his full sick leave benefits. Sick leave unde,r workmen's compensation is a supplement to the workmen's compensation benefits to provide the employee compensation at his :regular rate. All employees receiving full salaries im lieu of temporary disability .payments pursuant to Seetion 4850 Labor Gode are entitled to accumulate sick leave during sucli geriods of disability. Section 24. Bereavement Leave Leaves of absence up to thr..ee, workimg days wi`th pay per fiscal year may be granted to employees in fhe event of death in the employee's immediate family. The immediate family s,hall consist of the :spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, fabher-in-law, mother-in-la,w, brother-ori-law, sister-in=law, or other inclividual whose relationship to the employee is that of a legal dependent. Section 25. Military Leave Military leave shall be granted in accordance with tlae provisions of State law. All employees entitled to military leave shall g"ive the appointing power an opportunity within tihe limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. ~ r Section 26. Leave of' Absence Without ,Pa The Gity Manager may gr.ant a: permanent or probationa•ry employee leave of absence without pay or seniority for, a. per'iod not to , exceed three (3) months. Good cause ~being shown by written r-equest, the City Manager may extend the leave. of abs_ence witho,ut pay for an additional period not to exceed six (6) monfhs. No such leave .shall• be grarite.d, except upon written request- of the employee settin~g forth the r,.eason for t~he request., and the approval wili be in wrifing. Upon expir.ation of a regularly .approved leave or within af r.easoriable; period of time after notice to :return to duty, the ernployee s'hall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted, Failure . on; the part of an employee o_n 1eaVe to report promptly at its expiration, or within a r'easoriable time after, notice to return to duty shall be cause for di°schar.ge. ~ Section 27. Jury Le:ave Ever,y classified employee of the City who is ealled or required to serve as a tr.ia~l juror shall be entitled to absent himsel`f' from his duties with the City during the per.iod of, such service or. while nece:ssa.rily being present in .court as+ a result of su.ch call. Under sueh circumstances, the employee shal_1 be paid the difference between his full salary :and any payment receiv,e,d :by hiin, except travel pay, for such duty. 10 Section 28. Holidays A. Fixed Holiday.s. The City shall observe eleven (11) paid fixed-date holidays. These holidays shall be established :for the City's fiscal year as determined by City Council Resolution;. B. Holida , FToatin ., The City will pro~ide one (1) ° Floatirng Holiday ": of eight 8 hours per~ employee, per fis'cal year for employees assigned to work eight (,8') h,ours per day,, which. may be taken by the employee at a time mutually . agreed upon by the employee and the Police Chief, consistent with operational needs. The City will provide one (1) "Floating Holiday" of ten (10) ten hours per employee per fiscal year for employees assig.ned to work ten (10 ) ~. hours per day, which, may be taken by the employee at a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Police. Ghief consistent with operational needs. The approp,riate ;hours, eight (8) or ten ('10) will be determined by the hours per day being; worked at the time the "Floating Holiday" is. taken . ~ Employees hired between July 1 and .December 3'1 of each fiscal year vwill be eligible for a F1_oatin.g Holiday during, the course of that fiscal year. Employees Yi-ired on or' after January 1 of each year shall not be eligible for a Floating Holiday during that fiscal year. 11 OTHER Section 29. Re'tiremen~t The City of P-etaluma. agree Retirement System to . p;rovide curr-ently in .effeet for sworn actuarial study for the 2 o at January 15, T986.' s to maintain i°ts. current Public Employee the 2 o at 55~ ,program and all other options. officers . T~re City agrees to provide an, 5~ to be requested, by PERS no later than Section 30. Grievance Procedure 1. Purposes of Riile: a. To promote: improve:d emplo.yer-emplo.yee relations by establishing grievanee procedures on matters for which appeal or hearing is not pr.ovided 'by other regulations. b. To afford erriploy.ees individually or through qualified employee organizations a .systematic means of ob:taining further consi'd'eratio_n_s of problems after eve~ry reasonabl'e effort has failed to resolve t'hem through discussions.. c. To provide that. grievances shall be settled as near as possible to the poirit of origin. d. To provide that appeals shall be conducted as informally as possible. 2. Matte.rs subjec€ .to Grieva~nce Procedure: Any employee in the competitive service .shall ,have the right to appeal. under th~is rule, ,a d'ecis'ion affecting his employment over whieh his appointing power has partial or complete • jurisd'iction_ and for which appeal is not provided by other regulations or is no.t prohibited. 3 . Informal Grievance `Procedure :, An employee who has' a problem or comglaint should first try to get it settled through discussion with his immediate superv~isor without undue delay. If, after th'is discussian,, he does not .belie,ve the problem has been sa~tisfactorily, resol~ed, he sYiall have the r.-ight to discuss it with his supervisor's immediate super-ior,, if any, ;in the administrative service. Every effor-t s_h'ould be made fo find an accep;table solution by infor-mal mean-s at the lowest possible level of supervision.. If the employee :is not; in agr.eement with the decision reached by discussion, he shall then, have .the right to .fi~le a formal ,appeal in writin`g within ten (:10') ealendar d;ay-s after receiving the infbrmal decision of his immediate :superior. An informal appeal ;shall not `be taken above the appoiriting power. 12. 4. Formal Grievance Procedure: (Levels of Review through Chain of Command a. First Level of: Review. The appeal sha1T b_e p:resented in writing to the employee's immediate super~visor, who shall render his decision and' commerits in writing: and return them to the employee within five (-5 ) ealendar aays after -receiving the , appeal . If the employee does. not agree with his supervisor's decision, or if no answer has been received within five ( 5) caYendar days., the employee may pr.esent the appeal in writing to his supervisor's immediate superior. Failure of the employee to take further action within five (5) calendar days after receipt of the written decision of his super,visor, or within a total of f'ifteen (15 ) calendar days if no decision is rendered, will constitute a droppin~g of ~the ap.peal. b. Further LeveT or Levels of Rev'iew_ as Appropriate. The supervisor receiving the appeal shall review it, render his decision and comments in writing, and return them to the employee within five '(5) caTendar days after receiving the appeal. If the employee does not agree witfi the decision, or if no answer has been received within five ( 5) ealendar days, he may present the ap,peal in writin'g to the department head. Failure of the employee to take further action within fi~ie ( 5) calendar days after receipt of the decision or within a total of fifteen (15) calendar days if no decision ~- is rendered, will constitute a dropping of the appeal. c. Department_ Review,. The de,partment head receiving the appeal of his designated representative., should diseuss the grievance with the employe,e,, his representative~, if ariy, and with other ap.propriate persons. The department head shall render his decision and comments in writing, and return them to the employee within five (5) calendar days. after receiving the appeal. If the employee does not agree with the decision reached, or if no answer has been received within five (5.) calendar days, he may present the ap.peal in writing to the City Manager. Failure of the employee to, take further action within five ( 5) calendar days after receipt ,of the decision or within a total of fifteen (15) calendar days if no decision is rendered, will constitute a dropping of the appeal. d. City :Mana.ger. The City Manager rece'iving the app,eal. or his desigriated representative should discuss the grievance with the employee,, his ;representative, 'if any, and with other appropriate persons~. The City Manager- may designate a factfinding commi"ttee;, officer not 'in the normal line of. supervision, or P.ersonnel. Board to advise him, concerning the appeal. The City Manager shall render a decision :in ,w,~riting to tlie employee within - twenty (20) calemdar days after receiving the appeal. 13 - ' ~` 5. Coriduct ;of Grievanae Procedur.e: a. The time limits, specified above may be extended to a defini,te date by mutual agreement of the employee and the reviewer concerned. b. The employee may request the assistanee of another person of his own choosing -in preparing and presenting his appeal at any level of review: ~ c. The employee: and his representative may be priviYeged to use a reasonable amount of worktime as determined by the appropriate department head in conferrirrg about and p,resenting the appeal. d. EMPLOY:EES SHALT, BE ASSURED ;FREED.OM FROM REPRISAL FOR USING THE-GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES. POSTSCRIPT The parties affix their signatures as constituting mutual acceptance and recommendation of this Memorandum of U,nderstan_ding fo become effective ~ upon the day following 'its adoption by the City Gouncil of the City of P 'taluma,. - , I~ . ' I i ~ i ~ P ;: , , UM , ° OFFIGERS'S ASSOCIAT-,ION .I, ~„ ; 1 ~ ~ - 1 ~~~' ~ i ~ 6 ~ : . ~~ /2~/ s- CITY OF PETALUMA ~~~~~~J 6(~cr ~~~ 14