HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 85-104 N.C.S. 04/01/1985_ ~ A1'~ -1 1985 2 ~ ~ . F~esolution No. g 5-10 4 N. C. S. of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION AUTHO`RIZING THE MAYOR OR CITY ~;1ANAGER TO SIGN MOL~IFIGATION NO. 2 TO AGREED4ENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF PETALUMA AND BROWN AND CALDWELL WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma heretofore entered into an agreement with Brown & Caldwell, a California corporation, for professional consultant services for the preparation of Water and Sewer Master Plan tTpdates on July 18, 1984; and, WHEREAS, City desires to modify said agreement dated July 18, 1984, to provide for the inspection of Washington No. 1 Water Reservoir; NOW, THEREFORF., I3F IT RESOLVED that the Mayor or City Mana~er is hereby authorized to sign Modification No. 2 to the 4~Iater and Sewer A~Iaster Plan Update Agreement between the City and Brown & Caldwell to , provide the Scope of Services described in Exhibit "A" attache~ hereto and made a part hereof for the sum of $5 , 000 . 00 . Under the power and authority conferred upon #tiis Council by the Charter of said City. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved s Council of the City of Petaluma at a(Regular) (Adjourned)~(~8`p~e~~ll,y meeting f on the ---...1St day of ...ApY;~:.l._.,...•-•••-•-•••-•--••--••-••-•••....:., 19.85., by the following vote: ....••--•-- -• •-• -----••--•-----...---- ity ttorney AYES: Balshaw/Cavanagh/Davis/Woolsey/Tencer/V.M. Bond/P~Iayor Matt i NOES: None ABSENT: None -•-...• •-••• -.. .._..--•-•---•-•• ...........................................••-•--••...... ..••-•--•••._...............•----.........._.._........--•---•-••••--•••-••-••- ••••-•••••-• ATTEST: ' ~ City Clerk Mayor Council File . ................................ $5-~04 N.C.S. Fo;m CA 2 7/Sl Res. No .........:....................... 'MODIF~ICA:T'~ION ;NO. 2' '~ T0. AGREEMENT F"QR~ PROrFESS'IONAL CQ;NSUL_TANT` SERVICE'S: THI'S MODIF;ICATION.NQ. 2,, made and entered into on the aay o:f April,, 198;5, modifies the AGR-EEMEN;;T, made and entered into on the~l8th day o;f July 1984, by and betwee~n Brown and CaldwelT, a Califor:nia eorporation, . h~erei~n~af~ter referred to as "Engineer," and the City o~f''Petaluma, a California munieipal corporation, h"er;einafter referr.ed t~o a,s '"City.," WITNES'S-E:TH ~ WHEREA~S., City de.sires ~to hav;e the `W~ashington No. 1 water reser.voir i:nspected to determine the~ condition of the interior sur:fa~ce;: and ~ WHERE'AS`, Engi~neer h_a,s, the regu-ir~ed, per.sonnel and offer.s. . to provide s;uch serv-ice:; _ IN CONSID,ERATION OF THIS MO.DTFICATION T.0 THE.AGREEMENT, and the mutual promi,ses, eovenants;._and.-stipulations herein ~ contai~ned, the °parti~es aq;r,ee as follows : 1., Eng;inee_r. sh~a'1-T undertake and :complete th,e ins,pec:tio~n of the interior o.f .'Washington No. i w,ater reservoir. 2. Engineer sh,aT1~ perfo:rm t'he ~serv;i.ce~s as aforesaid in a ma•nner compatible w~ith~ , the': stand~rd's af` his~• profession and in. conformity with. th~e sco~pe of :services submitted'• b`y °the Erigineer a~ttac.hed. hereto as Exh~ibi,t "A" a~nd incorpo~ra;t:ed he.rein by re~,,r.once. 3. Enginee:r sha.11, upon receipt of a,duly executed cou~nterF.art o~f 't`his. m_odifica,t:ion, commenee a~nd dilig.e;ntly p:ursue ~to~ aomr~'le:tiori t,he s:ervices: set ou,_t in: Exhibit "'A. " CompTe'tion o:f the serv°ices is contingent upon the C,ity providing the sup,port d'escr`ib:ed in Exhibit "A." Engineer i;s not re"sponsib.le for~ completing_ t`he services if s:aid supp`ort i's_ no:t. pr.ovided` by ~City. 4 The~ C°ity:, :ag,rees to pay Eng~ineer for ,servi.ces rendere'd hereunder th:e lump sump amount o`f~.$5,000.00. City s~hall pay EnQ.inee`r. :f'or services r-,.eridered hereu'nde;r upon. submission of .an invqice when the w.or;k is complete . The pri,ce may be: modif ied Modification No. 2 ~Iar,ch 2 0 , 1;9 8`5 Page 1 of~ 2 .~~~~~~~ ~ ~. ~~~ in the eyent t~he seope of wo:r:k .is cha~ng~ed-;: howeve~r,~ an.y. such modification mus=t ha~ve; the; „prio;r wx-itte:n autho=ri_zation of. the City. The total Y,ump s.um amount for s.erv~ices ~, render,ed under the ` Agxeement in;cludimg thss modification is $1,05,040,00''0. ~ 5. AT,1 other ar:ticles of th°e orig?inal Agr.eement remain in full -force and effect except as modifi,ed by the Modifieation. IN WITNES'S WHEREOF,,~ the parties here;ta have executed t`his document the day,. :month, and ye~ar fir.s;t~ above written. ,- AT.TEST : ~ ~, , , ~ . City Clerk . , CI.TY ~OE' 'PETALUMA, a California Munic-ipa'1 Gor,poration BY `'~ ~.:-- C'i ' Nla°nager _ ~ Approved;,e . -- Di e t r of F' anc'e Auditor BRO.WN'AND CALDWELL , . ~~ = ~^~ -~L~ , ~. / / / _ z_ ~~L/.~ Vice Pr.es:id'ent ~I'odi.ficatiori No. 2 March 20, 1985 Page 2 o-f 2 :EXHIB;I'.T "A„ SCORE OF SE'RVICES C_ONT.RP;CT , MOD"IF ICAT ION NO . 2` Erigineer shal~.' inspect.. the in:terior of Washington No. 1 water tank to det`ermi:rie t°h•e fqllowing : T. The general condition of the interio~r coating system. 2. Notiee~able d:efec:ts in the coating s'ystem and/or steel pl,at~es o~f the~ reservoir. shell. 3. General c'onditi~on.of ladders, vents, overflows, and other appurtena'nces: ~ The inspecti;on shall be aecomplished using an inflatable raft that will permit encircling the inter,ior periphery of .tfie tank whi,le the water lev,el i.s 'lowered. Photographs wi11 be taken by Engineer' with a 3:5 mm camera to provid:e a phot~ograpfiic record of ~he ;in'spectio-n.. Emgi~nee;r shall prepare a le:tter. report describing his~ finding.s and r,ecommend'ations, if any,, I':f r`epairs or~ replacement of the coat~i:n:g, systEm are reeommended, Engineer shall prepare techni,ca-1 s:pec'if'ica.tions sect~ion°s for work nece~ss~ary, to rehabilita~te the int:er.ior coa:ting sys_tem; C'ity shall provide general provision~s,for the specifications... Actual rehabil~itation work will be perfqrmed.by o~thers. City sha1T fur-nish the fol•lowing in ;suppo"rt of the ins.pe:ction: 1. Two qualified ;p.e~r.sonne;l familiar, w:itfi the. Washington No. 1 wa;ter `tank to~ a~ssist the Eng.i'ne.er's representatives,.. 2. A saf:e, diirabl,e'; ~inf'Tatab'le ;r.aft large enoug~h to ~ aceommodate two people. p;l,us neces~s-ary .inspection ~ equipmen.t and equi;pped, with .paddles or a ba-t:tery- ~owered elect_ric t"ro;llinq motor and' a te:ther rope to r:eac~h oiits°ide the t;ank . 3. Lif'e j ackets: f:or a:ll pe-rsonne:l . 4.. Hig~h~-~po;wer `T2 vo`lt ligh;ts, ba.ttery',, and cables .. ~ 5. Chlor°ine solu.tion to wash the r`aft. and equipment which wiT;1 be in the wat~~r. ~ 6. Ch-l:brine; to disinfect the tank afte'r- ins.pection, if ` n_e,cessary. ~ - T.he C.it.y ~s`hall be ~f`u-lly res;ponsibl;e for. lowering and raisin,g the tank.level t;o aceomplis'h the insgection.