HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 85-119 N.C.S. 04/15/1985Resolu$ion l~to. $5=119N. ~. S. of the Ci~ty of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION APPROVING SUMMER PARK MAINTEPIANCE PROGRAM FOR 1985 APR 151985 ~~ ~ BE IT RESOLVED that the 1985 Summer , Youth Park Maintenance Program, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" anc~ made a part hereof. is hereby approved as submitted. Under the power an,d authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said Gity. I~ hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced. and adopted by the App f ved as to _ ; Gouncil' of ~the City of Petaluma at a(Regular) (Adjourned) j(~i~c;~~ meeting a on the ..._.1.5.th.•-..... day of ..--••..~p~~,_~,.•-• ................................'19~`.,z_., by the ..•-•--•• •- ••-•-• ••---•---••••--....__. following ,vote: C' Attorney AYES: Balshaw, Davis, Woolsey, Tencer, Magor pro tem Cavanagh NOES: None ABSENT: V..M.. Mayor Mattei ~ ~fi„ , ~ . -~ ; ~~ ~~ ~ ATTEST: •-•-- -•-• .•-,.G~Z„r~;.~.--•••••••---•-•--._....-•--. ..-• -•••• - •• ..........•-•-••-' ... .. •~:••1.=-••-•--•••-•••..._. City Clerk V ~ Ma ~g ' Council File .................................... Form CA 2 7/81 Res. No...'8'r~. '"''~':} ~..::~ . C. S. AGENDA I TE~~ # KEY WORD: PARK MAINTENANCE DATE: Apri.l 15, 1985 DEPARTMENT: P'A"R'KS AND RECR~EATI'ON REQUE.STED COUNCIL ACTION: Re:solution approvin-g the employme-nt of teens 16 to 1-$ to wo-rk during tYie 1985 Surrim~er ~i.n the parks and authorize funding fo"r the same. RECOMMENDAT f ON : A-ppr-o~~al . BACKGROl.JNDc This new progra,rii ~is beirig recorrmended to assist ~in the beautifica.tion of pa.rks and landsca:pe medians by fiiring teens during:.the surrrner months at the minimLUn wage of $3. 35 per hour:~ ~ ATso, the park. systein gets some needed clean up, ~. .=- -- ._ weeding, pa,inting, etc. In addit'ion, the youtYis wiT1 be exposed to the facets of park landsca,ping and.maintena.nce as a position.' The total cost of the reeor~mended prograrri would not exeeed ~$8,; 000 for the. 1985 Sumner .season. ALTERNATIVES: Besi,de's not implement;ing,. .the program, the attached memo .. describes three pro:posed alternatives for the program. CONSEQUENCES OF NOT ACT.I NG: No program. ACTI.ON .FOLLOWI;NG. AUTHORIZATION: Prepar-e news releases and .contact Employmerit :Deve:l~opriment Department. Set ;hiring time frame and recruit t:eens f'or emplo:y,men;t . , . .. . _ - - ~ . . . ' '. .. ' April l, I985 TO; Gerie .Beatty, Assistant C'i"ty Manager FR`OM s Jim Raymond, Director of P:arks and Recreation ''~~~ , c~t\ SUBJEC.T: Summer Youth, Park ;Main~tenan;ee Prog~ram Attached is :the r-.eport on the; Summer Youth Park Maintenance. Employment' Program for Couricil, consideration. `In sumrriary, the program. recommendation is .to 'hir,e 8 you'ths - 8. hours per day - 3 days per week in two 6-week ses`s'ions for a. total salary. cost o.f $7, 718 . Q:0 plus $200.. 00 equipment and supply co"sts. T.he rate of pa.y will be the niinimum legal. monthly rate of $3 , 35 per ~hour . These youth "would' be :hired to w.ork side-by-side with a trained Park Maintenance, wor-ker with a set routine and set~ responsibilities at eac'h of the parks~. This would allow the flexibility of a fu1~1-t'ime Park Main,ten_ance Worker- to assign. a youth to those areas~ necessary for g.eneral cleari up such as:; Lucchesi Park, landscaping med'ians, Bodega hil'1, Hi~ll Plaza, etc. . Additional ~alternat:ives have been presented that would include: Al,ternate 2: 8' youths - 8 hour.s per- day - :2 days per week =$5 ,145 Alternate 3: 6 youths - 8 hours per~ day - 3 days per week =$5,788 , Alternate 4 (i - you,t•lis - 8 hours per- da~.y = :2 days per week =$3 , 859 All these alternatives do :not, include the' $200 equiprnen.t and suppl,y . costs. Our ° D,,epartment, :is~ entliusiast~ie at the pros_pect ~of° havin,g the opportunity to hire local youths to assist. in the ,gener,al ~park ma_intenance. In addition, this : par.ogram was discussed and, xecommended thr,ou`gh the Park Maintenance- Workers, Fark For,eman,, ;and Parke Superiritenden',t. If further clarification is needed, please do not hesita"te to contact me. rec3' ~ April l , 1985 TO: Gene Beatty, Assistant City Manager FROM : Jim Raymond`,; Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT : Summer Park, Ma'interiance Youth Empl'oymerit Program PROGRAM PURP,OS`E. AND D:ES:CRIPTION ~ The purpose of the .hiring youth for park maintenamce 'is twofold: 1. Hire teens:, 16-18, "years old within the community to assist the Park Maintenance Workers in the routine clean up of the publie parks. 2. .To accomplish those ;park maintenance ;items th'at would :enhance the ~ esthetics -of' t~he :parks, such as weeding, painting::, tritnming, etc. . The. prograrrr would teach you:ths the park main:benanee responsibilities and the daily "routine "requ`ired' to keep the ,parks~ in a safe and useable manner. In addition., the teens° hired °wouTd be good pub~lic relafions with. other feens . within the eoinrriunity in hopes :the varidal`ism would be ' Tessened. The - progra_m would~ ,also~ fr:ee the Park Nia'iritenance Worker to operate the meclianical equipmen.t ;riecessary to keep the parks mowed, triinmed, edged, etc. . ~ The youth emp~loyment park worker would not r.ep:lace ~,a Park Maintenance Worker, but would supplement. an'd assist to allow the` spec'ialized work to be. ,aecornplished by the :q:tiali'fied Park M'aintenarice 4V:orker:, DATES ANp: H`OURS` OF OPERATION Rroposed is to splif the Surnmer: =into two six-week sessions; June 10 ~ through July 19, and Ju~ly 22 through August 30: The recommended ; proposal would `be to have the youth work 8-hour workdays on a set schedule with a Park Main,teman~ce Worker:, T:he hour,s rnay vary on time of ~ workday,, due fo fhe estab,l'ished early startirig working hours of the Sucnmer of 6:00 a.rm. and 7.:00 a.m.. beg:innin~g fimes. In all cases, they ~ wouTd, work the 8=hour wor:kday with a one=half 'hour break for lunch w.ith , t'he morning an,d; after:..noon breaks'. RESPON;ST$`ILTTY` O:F THE 'YOUTH The~ youth- par:k .maintenance worker would be resporisible for 'the, fo~llowing : l, `Work. on a set: time .Schedule to follow through and maintai:n workin,g; :l~iours;. . 2. Lear:_n basic pa~rk mairitenance- techniques. 3. Accept' 'lea'd'ership frorn the Park Maintenance Workers. -1- _ 4. Accept re:spon.sibilities to `be, but not be limited to, ~weed'in,g, trimming, painting, s;w.eeping, ~garbage pick-up:,. hari~d mowing,, water,ing, etc. PARK. hiAINTE~NAN~CE W.ORKER R~ESP-ON~SIBTLITIES The full=time Fark Maintenance who has a youth working along. side of him will be responsible for the-'following : . 1:. Assist youth in the da'ily tasks. 2,. Train in proper 'lan:dscape methods :and use of: equipment. 3,. Keep timeroll and~ evaluate, at the coriclusion of'=the program., 4. Transport the youth `fo the required site . 5. Make sure the p:roper attire is mairitained..• 6. A~nswer any guestions and ,g~uide the youtli in the proper park :maintenance r,outirie. P.ROG'RAM SUPERVISION ' The p"rogram w-ill be sup,ervised in its en~tirety b~y the. Parks Division of the Parks and Recreation ;Departmen.t. The~ follo.w.ing is an~ outline of the ' responsibilities of th'e Park ;Super•in;tendent, through the Foreman for coordination and s.upervisi'on~ of' the~ p:rogram .,. 1. Maintain`'total hoizr's -and ,schedules' on a, board, ;in the P.ark office. 2. The indi~idual supervis_ion; will be by the Par.k Maintemance Worker . daily and he ;rriust sign t'he timecard before reachi`ng the Foreman.,. 3. Final :evaluation"5. cnust` be ~ approved by the Superintendent . 4. The Superinten.derit must .si_g~n the timer.oll .at. the conclusion of the time p.eriod',. . RROG,R.AM ;RECRUITMENT.~.AN:D HIR'ING Th'e program will b,e a.dver:tised in the ;following manner; 1.. I~Iews..re:leases to all :local medias including radio and fele~ision. ~ 2. Annowneements ~through the work experience_ prog.rams at all, four hig'h; s'chools . 3. TI-ie ;Employmen,t Devel`opment Deparfinen,t. _2_ ' 'The applica~tion ~and hiring pr-oeedure will be as follows;s. 1. Initia~l ap_plicatiom and iriterView wi'1.1' ~ b.e held at ,the Employment 1~evelopmen~t Dep'artment office on Peta°1'uma Boulevard. 2. Subsequent inte~rvi'ews, plus the comRlet'ion of ~t~he.. Cit,y applicafion by the~ applican~t, will b_e- accomp'lished b,y two members of ~the `Parks Division on a se;t schedule bo estabTish a Tist'. Recommendation is to have a Lead_man and'o.ne Park ,Mainfenan:ce Worker do the .i:nterviewirig;. All. City "forms then would be completed •p;rior :to the week of June 3 to institute the. program a~nd training which begins .on. June T0, ' ~ PROG'RAM C:OST~S 1. Supervision . and Administ_r.,ation - I recommend; the program supervision and administration be, absorbed in the: daily operation of the Department. 2... Cost _of .5;a_la~ries "and Emp"loy.ees -~ The. following is an outline of the alternativ,e numbers, of youth to be Yiired, .for tYie 6-week ses sions, with ~ the total fo~r b oth~ ses~siori~s;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Alternate l,; 8' youths.,, 8 hours per d"ay,: 3 day;s p.er week: Alternate 2; 8,. you~ths, 8 hours per d'ay , 2 ~da~ys per week . Alternate ;3: 6,youths;, 8" 'hour.:s. per- elay., 3 days per week. A~lter.n_ate 4s 6 youths, 8' hou "rs per day:, 2 :days '.per week. Alternate l: . ~ . ° -Session„ 1:, ` 8 youths x 8. hrs!'day x 3 da-ys/wk x 6 wks> x~'$3.35/hr = $3,859..20 - Session 2 • ~ ~ 8'youths x '8 hrs /'day x 3 days / w:k x 6 wks x$3 . 35 / hr = $3 , 859'. 20 - ~ T.otal $Z , 7 18~ Alternate- 2: Session l.: 8 youths x 8 hrs%'day' x: 2 days/wk x 6 wks x$`3'.°35/hr = $2,572.80 Sessiori .2;s~ ~ 8 youths x 8.h_rs,/`d"ay x_ 2 days/"wk .x 6 wks ~$3';.35:/hr = <$2,572.80 ~ Total 5 ,145, 0 Alternate 3'• . S"ession> T : ` ~ 6 youths, x 8 hrs/dap x'3 days/wk x: 6:`wks x$~3'..35/~hr = $2.,894.40 Sess'iori ;2: : , : . 6 youths x $: hrs/day~ x 3 d'ays%wk x .6 wks x~3.35/hr~ = $2,89~4._4.0 ~ ~ Total';. . ' 5 , 788 . 8'0 Alternate 4s: ` . Sess~ion, ~.T :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 6 you,ths x 8' hrs/`day x 2 days%wk x 6 wks x$~3:.35,%hr '= $1,92:9..60 Session 2 ; , 6 youths °x :8 hrs 7 day x Z days / wk x 6 w-ks :~ $3 . 3,5 7:hr =- $;1, 92~9~. 60 . ~ Tota:l. 3,859.:20` -3- ...,. . 3. Cost of SuppTies arid Equipment - As this prog-ram is for the general maintenance of. parks; n'o specia:l'ized e,quipment, will be needed, however, all, p:a-rt-time: employees will have to have the uniform, ha~dhats, and ;gloves provide"d. T.he `to:tal cost of °'these supplies would ~ not exceed $2Q0. CONCLUSION This program wou~ld. be fhe .first attempt to hire 1oca1 teens to assis# in the daily maintenance routines of the pubTic parks and' landscape facilities. The benefit to the community wouTd be twofold: 1. Providing Summer employment for youth .of the community . 2. Naintaining tYre parks ' aesthetic value and: relieving the trained Park Maintenance Worker to . do other specialized services required at the park and .landscape~ medians. ~ rec3 -4-