HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 84-007 N.C.S. 01/16/1984~ ~eSOll~tlOYl NO. s4-7 N. C. S. MA: cw 1-5-84 ; ~ of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION E'STABLISHING THE CLASSIFICATION TITLE, SPECIFICATIONS .AND SALARY RANGE FOR APPARATUS OPERATOR BE IT RESOLVED tha;t the C1-ass:ification Flan and Compensation Plan as orig'inally adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 6118 N.C.S., as adopted by Resolution No. 7054 N.C.S. are hereby amended by establishing the classification title and specification (as attached hereto and marked Exh,ibit A and made a part hereof).,, all:ocati,ng and authorizing:(9), nine posi`tions and setting an annual salary-range of $18,684 to.$22,704 for the Apparatus Opera`tor. BE IT fURTHER RESOLVED that this action is taken pursuant to Personnel Gode 3.04.020 and Per"sonnel Rules and Regulations (Rules IU and V) for classificationsincluded in the Competitive Servic,e of the Personnel System, that notice of this action has been properly posted and that~the City Manager recommends this action. BE IT FURTHER.~RESQLVED ~tha't Resolution No. 7010 N.C.S. is hereby amended to i`nclude and.to designate the Apparatus Operator as a Unit 7 pos.ition~classification. Under the power and authority conferred.upon this Council by the Charter of said City. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Appr ed to Council of the City of Petaluma at a(Regular) ~qtyf~I~ ~jB¢i~])j meeting ~'~ f/° '~ on the ._..16th day of ..._ JanuarX___ ..: ~` ........_ ............... 19.$4.., by the ~, following vote: ~., ~ AYES: Battaglia/Bond/Cavanagh/Balshaw/V.M. Harberson/Mayop Matte NOES: r ABSENT: ATTEST: ~~„ ... .....--•-•••-•••••• ...... ........ ... .......••-•••-••••••• ••••.......••-----.. Mayor Couaal Fila ................................... ~Furm CA 2•7/81' Res. No......84.-7... N_..C,. S. ;. ~~y~ ~~~~~ ~ AP,PARATUS OPERATOR Definitio:n Under supervision, to be responsi;ble fo.r,the medical aids operation and driving of f°ire~apparatus; to respond to f'ire alar.ms, and other emergency calls,.to engage in firefighting and fi're prevention activities in protecting life and property,; to participate in station ma,intenance and training ac~tivities; when the occasi~on demands, perform a1T necessary duties and to serve as a Firefighter. Examples of Duties Responds to alarms a~nd'assists in the suppression of fires, including reseue, entry, ventilati'ng and salvage work; performs clean-up and overhaul wo'rk and checki:'ng, testi.ng aad maintenance actiuita'es on apparatus and equipment to return it to readines's for further alarms; operates resascitators and inhalators and admini:sters first aid; d~ri~es equipment to fire scenes and assumes res,ponsi~bili'ty for readiness of fire fighting apparatus; assists in making comme;rcial and i`ndustrial inspections to discouer potential fire hazardsti; to~edaeate the publ'ic in fi're prevention and to be prepa,r..ed. for. fi re •su,ppr.essi on tacti cs; parti ci'pa'tes i n a conti nui ng training and~ instrueti.on.program.by indi.vidual s~tudy of technical material and attenda,nce at scheduled dril'1s and~cla'sses; and to be quarter.ed overnight 'at `a fi'r.e s.tation. In additi'o',n, lay.s -'ou.t ~ho`se~ 1i,nes to hydrant and ;.p,umping equi,pment and assures necessary wate,r pressu;re:. is ..mai ntai.ned; i nspeets f:i re apparatus and equipment to assure p,roper mai°ntenance and ca,re; calcula.tes engine pressures and.nozzle.pressures for opera~tion.~of hose streams; positions engines a~nd aerial apparatus •in most effecti`~'e po's'itions at scenes of fire; noti~fies his compa°ny=.off~icer: or officer in char-ge of significant changes in water supply system.durin;g a fire.; prepares':mai'ntenance-work request for apparatus and equipinent repair; figures problems of hydraulics that may be coa,fronted.; •.~thorou;gh. knowl edge of mode:rn fi re ''su~p'pr:e`ssi on equi pment and department opera.ti-ng ~procedu;res of operati,on and maintenance of pumps and pumping equipment;. of target hazard's and street locations and of hydrant and~water mairr location and size. Mini~mum Requirements Educ:a;tio:n `&,Experience': A'my combination of education and expewience equival en"t to g:rad"uati on . from hi gh schoo1:. Val i d Cal i for: ni'a Dri ver' s License;.. ;Emergency.Medical Tech'nici~an,l-A Ce:rtificate. Two years experience an ~the.Petaluma Fire Department. Ja~"nua,ry; l'984