HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2014-113 N.C.S. 7/7/2014Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. of the City of Petaluma, California ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE AVILA RANCH SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 511 SONOMA MOUNTAIN PARKWAY APN 149-413-023 FILE NO, PLTS-13-0002 WHEREAS, Doyle Heaton with DRG Builder on behalf of Barbara Lee Gomes (1994 Rose L. Avila'frust), submitted an application (File No. PLTS-13-0002) to the City of Petaluma for a Zoning Map Amendment and 'Tentative Subdivision Map for the property located at 511 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, APN 149-413-023 ("the Project' or the "proposed Project'); and, WHEREAS, the project is subject to the Petaluma General Plan 2025, adopted by the City on May 19, 2008; and, WHEREAS, in evaluating certain potential environmental effects of the Project in the Initial Study, the City relied on the program EIR for the City of Petaluma General Plan 2025, certified on April 7, 2008 (General Plan EIR) by the adoption of Resolution No. 2008-058 N.C.S.. which is incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, the General Plan EIR identified potentially significant environmental impacts and related mitigation measures and the City also adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for significant impacts that could not be avoided: and, WHEREAS, the City prepared an Initial Study for the proposed Project consistent with CEQA Guidelines sections 15162 and 15163 and determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was required in order to analyze the potential for new or additional significant environmental impacts of the Project beyond those identified in the General Plan EIR: and, WHEREAS, a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration providing a thirty (30) day public comment period commencing April 17, 2014, and ending June 2, 2014, and a Notice of Public Hearing to be held on May I3, 2014, before the City of Petaluma Planning Commission, was published and mailed to all residents and property owners within 500 feet of the Project, as well as all persons having requested special notice of said proceedings; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 13, 2014, during which the Commission considered the MND, its Initial Study and supporting documentation referenced in the Initial Study, the Project, and staff report dated May 13, 2014 and received and considered all written and oral public comments on environmental effects of the Project which were submitted up to and at the time of the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, on May 13, 2014 the Planning Commission completed its review of the Project, the MND, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and recommended adoption of the MND and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and, Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. p1ge I WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on July 7, 2014, during which the Council considered the Project, the Initial Study/MND and supporting documentation referenced in the Initial Study, and received and considered all written and oral public comments on the environmental effects of the Project which were submitted up to and at the time of the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the MND reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis of the potential for environmental impacts from the Project; and, WHEREAS, the MND, Initial Study and related project and environmental documents, including the General Plan 2025 EIR and all documents incorporated herein by reference, are available for review in the City of Petaluma Community Development Department at Petaluma City Hall, during normal business hours. The custodian of the documents and other materials which constitute the record of proceedings for the proposed project, file No. PLTS-13-0002, is the City of Petaluma Community Development Department, 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952, Attn: Elizabeth Jonckheer, Senior Planner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Based on its review of the entire record herein, including the MND, its Initial Study, all supporting, referenced and incorporated documents and all comments received, the City Council hereby, finds that there is no substantial evidence that the Project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment, that the MND reflects the City's independent judgment and analysis, and that the MND, Initial Study and supporting documents provide an adequate description of the impacts of the Project and comply with CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the City of Petaluma Environmental Guidelines. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: 1. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15074.1, and as a result of project modifications to preserve Coastal Redwood Tree #66 and to the extend noise barrier along Sonoma Mountain Parkway frontage, and as a result of the public review process, the Mitigation Measures 13I0-4 and N0I-1, as identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) shall be substituted as follows: BIO -4 Prior to issuance of tree removal permit, replacement trees equaling a total of 88 -inches of replacement trunk diameter (a total of 44 24 -inch box tree with a 2 inch diameter or the equivalent pursuant to Zoning section 17.065 A.3.c.3) shall be shown on (TM -9). NOI-1 The project shall require a noise barrier with a height of 10 along the projects' frontage to Sonoma Mountain Parkway. The noise barrier shall be designed to limit impacts associated with visual resources, which can be accomplished through the mounded berm and landscaping approach as set forth on TM -6. Additionally, perpendicular noise barrier shall be developed along the western edge of the site. The perpendicular noise barrier may tapper from 10 feet to 5 feet. Should wood fencing be Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 2 REFERENCE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: utilized as currently proposed, the fence shall be double faced, with butted vertical fence board on each side with a continuous layer of'/ inch plywood. 2. These substituted mitigation measures are an "equivalent or more effective" means to avoid or reduce the significant effect than the original measure, and will create no more adverse effects of their own then would have the original measures. 3. No recirculation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration is required as these substituted mitigation measures are incorporated herein and are conditions of project approval. Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Petaluma at a Regular meeting on the 7a' day of July. 2014, by the following vote: Albertson, Barrett, Mayor Glass. Harris, Healy, Vice Mayor Kearney, Miller None None None �L, � City Clerk Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Mayor Appr �d-as to �orm: City Attorney Page 3 City of Petaluma, California Community Development Department Planning Division 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Project Name: AVILA RANCH SUBDIVISION File Number: PLTS-13-0002 Address/Location: 511 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Petaluma, CA 94954 APN: 149-413-023 Subdivision: AVILA RANCH EXHIBIT A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) has been prepared in conformance with Section 21081.6 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 15097 of the CEQA Guidelines. This document has been developed to ensure implementation of mitigation measures and proper and adequate monitoring/reporting of such implementation. This MMRP shall be adopted in conjunction with project approval, which relies upon a Mitigated Negative Declaration. It is the intent of this MMRP to: (1) document implementation of required mitigation; (2) identify monitoring/reporting responsibility, be it the lead agency (City of Petaluma), other agency (responsible or trustee agency), or a private entity (applicant, contractor, or project manager); (3) establish the frequency and duration of monitoring/reporting; (4) provide a record of the monitoring/reporting; and (5) ensure compliance. The City of Petaluma's City Council has adopted those mitigation measures within its responsibility to implement as binding conditions of approval. The following table lists each of the mitigation measures adopted by the City in connection with project approval, the implementation action, timeframe to which the measure applies, the monitoring/reporting responsibility, reporting requirements, and the status of compliance with the mitigation measure. Implementation The responsibilities of implementation include review and approval by City staff including the engineering, planning, and building divisions. Responsibilities include the following: 1. The applicant shall obtain all required surveys and studies and provide a copy to the City prior to issuance of grading permits or approvals of improvements plans. 2. The applicant shall incorporate all applicable code provisions and required mitigation measures and conditions into the design and improvements plans and specifications for the project. Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 4 3. The applicant shall notify all employees, contractors, subcontractor, and agents involved in the project implementation of mitigation measures and conditions applicable to the project and shall ensure compliance with such measures and conditions. 4. The applicant shall provide for the cost of monitoring of any condition or mitigation measure that involves on-going operations on the site or long-range improvements. 5. The applicant shall designate a project manager with authority to implement all mitigation measures and conditions of approval and provide name, address, and phone numbers to the City prior to issuance of any grading permits and signed by the contractor responsible for construction. 6. Mitigation measures required during construction shall be listed as conditions on the building or grading permits and signed by the contractor responsible for construction. 7. If deemed appropriate by the City, the applicant shall arrange a pre -construction conference with the construction contractor, City staff and responsible agencies to review the mitigation measures and conditions of approval prior to the issuance of grading and building permits. Monitoring and Reporting The responsibilities of monitoring and reporting include the engineering, planning, and building divisions, as well as the fire department. Responsibilities include the following: 1. The Building, Planning, and Engineering Divisions and Fire Department shall review the improvement and construction plans for conformance with the approved project description and all applicable codes, conditions, mitigation measures, and permit requirements prior to approval of a site design review, improvement plans, grading plans, or building permits. 2. The Planning Division shall ensure that the applicant has obtained applicable required permits from all responsible agencies and that the plans and specifications conform to the permit requirements prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. 3. Prior to acceptance of improvements or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all improvements shall be subject to inspection by City staff for compliance with the project description, permit conditions, and approved development or improvement plans. 4. City inspectors shall ensure that construction activities occur in a manner that is consistent with the approved plans and conditions of approval. MMRP Checldist The following table lists each of the mitigation measures adopted by the City in connection with project approval, the timeframe to which the measure applies, the person/agency/permit responsible for Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 5 implementing the measure, and the status of compliance with the mitigation measure. Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 6 Mitigation Measure Description Review Timing Dept. 3.2 Aesthetics and Visual Resources AES -1. Building plans shall be designed to avoid and or shield vehicular lighting impacts to bedroom areas PD FM and other light-sensitive living areas of any nearby residential lot, home, or facility. Lots proposed at street intersections or in other potentially light-sensitive locations shall incorporate architectural or landscape design features to screen interior living space from headlight glare. AES -2. In order to avoid light intrusion onto adjacent properties, all exterior lighting shall be directed onto PD GP the project site and access ways, and shall be shielded to prevent glare and intrusion onto adjacent properties. Only low -intensity light standards and/or wall mounted lights shall be used (no flood lights), and lights attached to buildings shall provide a "soft wash" of light against the wall and shall generate no direct glare. 3.3 Air Quality Resources AQ -l. The applicant shall incorporate Best Management Practices for all construction activities and BLD/ENG GP and BP clearly indicate these provisions in the specifications. In addition an erosion control program shall be Contractor or prepared and submitted to the City of Petaluma prior to any construction activity. BMPs shall include but Project not be limited to the BAAQMD Basic Construction Abfitigotion Afeasures as modified below: Manager 1. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered three times per day; 2. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material shall be covered; 3. All visible mud or dirt track -out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited; 4. All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph; 5. All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible; 6. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used; 7. Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California airborne toxics control measure Title 13, Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations [CCR]); 8. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points; 9. All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation: 10. Construction equipment staging shall occur as far as possible from existing sensitive receptors; Date Staff Completed Initials Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 7 Mitigation Measure Description Review Timing Date Staff Dept. Completed Initials 11. The Develoner shall designate a person with authoritv to reouire increased watering to monitor the dust and erosion control oroeram and provide name and phone number to the Citv orior to issuance of eradine permits. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number of designated Derson and person to contact at the Lead Agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The Air District's phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations; and 12. The City's Public Works Inspector shall perform visual inspections during grading to assure that dust control is implemented and standard BMP are enforced. 3.4 Biological Resources BIO -1. In order to avoid the bat maternity and/or bat hibernation periods and ensure protection of any bat PD/BLD BP species potentially present within onsite structures, demolition and tree removal shall be conducted between September Ist and October 30th. Should the applicant propose to commence demolition outside this time frame, a qualified biologist shall first perform a bat roost survey inside the structures to determine if there is evidence of bat use (guano accumulation, acoustic or visual detections). If no evidence is found, demolition must commence within one month of the bat roost survey or be re -surveyed within one month of demolition activities. If evidence of bat use is found, CDFW shall be contacted for guidance on exclusion methods or methods to allow the bats to passively leave the building. Exclusion methods typically include covering openings with a netting or tubing Flap that allow bats to exit but not re-enter. Additionally, trees that are felled shall be allowed to lay on the ground for a period of not less than 48 hours prior to being processed to allow tree -roosting bats to escape. BIO -2. To prevent impacts to migratory birds covered by State and federal law (California Department of PD/BLD GP Fish and Game Code and the MBTA), the applicant shall conduct vegetation removal (trees, shrubs, and weedy vegetation) between September I and January 30, which is outside of the general breeding season for birds. If no vegetation or tree removal is proposed during the nesting period, no surveys are required. If it is not feasible to avoid the nesting period, a pre -construction survey for nesting birds shall be conducted by a qualified wildlife biologist. If vegetation removal (trees, shrubs, or tweedy vegetation) occurs between February 1 and June 15, then pre -construction surveys shall be performed within 14 days of such activities to determine the presence and location of nesting bird species. If vegetation removal (trees, shrubs, or weedy vegetation) occurs between June 16 and August 31, then pre -construction surveys shall be performed within 30 days of such activities to determine the presence and location of nesting bird species. Resolution No. 3014-113 N.C.S. Page 8 Mitigation Measure Description Review Timing Dept. In tine event that an active nest is discovered in the trees or areas to be cleared, tree removal, clearing and construction shall be postponed for at least two weeks or until the biologist has determined that the young have fledged (left the nest), the nest is vacated, and there is no evidence of second nesting attempts, whichever is later. Work may proceed only if no active nests are found during surveys. 610-3. To offset impacts to the 0.03 acres of Section 404 Waters of the US, credits shall be purchased PD GP from an approved mitigation bank at a ratio of one acre for every one acre impacted, or as otherwise Applicant directed by regulatory agencies. The ratio of 1:1 is proposed given the low -quality habitat of the onsite seasonal wetlands. The applicant shall provide proof of purchase of credits and notification to the City and regulatory agencies. 1310-4. Prior to issuance of tree removal permit, replacement trees equaling a total of 134 -inches of PD GP replacement trunk diameter (a total of 67 24 -inch box tree with a 2 inch diameter or the equivalent pursuant to Zoning section 17.065 A.3.c.3) shall be shown on (TM -9). 3.5 Cultural and Historic Resources CUL -1. If during the course of ground disturbing activities, including, but not limited to excavation, grading and construction, a potentially significant prehistoric or historic resource is encountered, all work within a 100 foot radius of the find shall be suspended for a time deemed sufficient for a qualified and city -approved cultural resource specialist to adequately evaluate and determine significance of the discovered resource and provide treatment recommendations. Should a significant archeological resource be identified a qualified archaeologist shall prepare a resource mitigation plan and monitoring program to be carried out during all construction activities. CUL -2. In the event that human remains are uncovered during earthmoving activities, all construction excavation activities shall be suspended and the following measures shall be undertaken: I. The Sonoma County Coroner shall be contacted to determine that no investigation of the cause of death is required. 2. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native American the coroner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 (tours. 3. The project sponsor shall retain a City -approved qualified archaeologist to provide adequate inspection, recommendations and retrieval, if appropriate. 4. The Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the person or persons it believes PD BP PD BP Applicant Date Completed Staff Initials Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 9 Mitigation Measure Description Review Timing Date Staff Dept. Completed Initials to be the most likely descended from the deceased Native American, and shall contact such descendant in accordance with state law. 5. The project sponsor shall be responsible for ensuring that human remains and associated grave goods are reburied with appropriate dignity at a place and process suitable to the most likely descendent. 3.6 Geological and Soil Resources GEO-1. Foundation and structural design for buildings shall meet the Uniform Building Code regulations BLD/ENG GP for seismic safety (i.e., reinforcing perimeter and/or load bearing walls, bracing parapets, etc.). GEO-2. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, an erosion control plan along with grading and drainage plans BLD/ENG GP shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review. All earthwork grading, trenching, backfilling and compaction operations shall be conducted in accordance with the City of Petaluma's Subdivision Ordinance (11046, Title 20, Chapter 20.04 of the Petaluma Municipal Code) and Grading and Erosion Control Ordinance #1576, Title 17, Chapter 17.31 of the Petaluma Municipal Code). These plans shall detail erosion control measures such as site watering, sediment capture, equipment staging and laydown pad, and other erosion control measures to be implemented during construction activity on the project site. GEO-3. The design of all earthwork, cuts and fills, drainage, pavements, utilities, foundations, and BLD/ENG GP structural components shall conform with the specifications and criteria contained in the Soils Investigation Report and Update, as approved by the City Engineer and/or Chief Building Official. GEO-4. As deemed appropriate by the City Engineer and/or Chief Building Official all recommendations BLD/ENG GP/BP as outlined in the Soils Investigative report prepared for the subject property by Giblin and supplemented by Reese & Associates (2005 and Updated in 2013), including but not limited to foundations system design and moisture conditioning of expansive clays expansive and compressive soils their full depth so as to cause pre -swelling prior to casting of slabs, are herein incorporated by reference and shall be adhered to in order to ensure that appropriate construction measures are incorporated into the design of the project. The geotechnical engineer shall inspect the construction work and shall certify to the City, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy that the improvements have been constructed in accordance with the geotechnical specifications. 3.8 Hazardous Materials Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 10 Mitigation Measure Description Review Timing Date Dept. Completed BLD/ENG GP FIAZ-1. The oil -fuel pipeline located adjacent to the main residence shall be removed and nearby soils will be examined for evidence of migrated fuel oil. Any visibly contaminated soil will be removed with portion of the confirmation surface soil samples collected and analyzed. In the event that analytical results indicate contamination, additional soils shall be removed and disposed of properly. HAZ-2. Prior to demolition activities, all component materials of site structures planned for demolition BLD GP shall be tested for the presence of ACBM and LBP, where the material is found to contain greater than I percent. 3.9 Hydrology and Water Quality HYDRO -1. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project shall prepare and submit a SWPPP for review BLD/ENG GP and approval by Public Works prior to approval of grading permits. The City shall inspect the improvements and verify compliance prior to acceptance of improvements. The SWPPP shall comply with San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements. At a minimum, the plan shall: (a) identify specific types and sources of storm water pollutants; (b) determine the location and nature of potential impacts; and (c) specify and incorporate appropriate control measures. 3.10 Land Use and Planning LU -1. A funding mechanism such as a Landscaping Assessment District shall be established to levee funds BLD/ FM for the ongoing maintenance ofthe landscaping along Sonoma Mountain Parkway. I'D Improvement Plan 3.12 Noise NOH. The project shall require a noise barrier with a height of 10 along the projects' frontage to Sonoma PD/BLD GP/BP Mountain Parkway. The noise barrier shall be designed to limit impacts associated with visual resources, which can be accomplished through the mounded berm and landscaping approach as set forth on TM -6. Additionally, perpendicular noise barrier shall be developed along the western edge of the site and along APN 149-413-024. The perpendicular noise barrier may tapper from 10 feet to 5 feet. Should wood fencing be utilized as currently proposed, the fence shall be double faced, with butted vertical fence board on each side with a continuous layer of'/ inch plywood. NOI-2. Second story homes with direct line of site to Sonoma Mountain Parkway shall be equipped with BLD / GP/BP Staff Initials Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page II Mitigation Measure Description Review Timing Date Staff Dept. Completed Initials mechanical ventilation systems in order to achieve interior temperature controls without the need to open Contractor windows. Additionally, sound rated windows and doors shall be required and acoustical analysis shall be Project performed showing that interior noise level of 45-dBA or below are achieved. Manager NOI-3. Due to the proximity of sensitive receptors to the subdivision site, all construction activities shall I'll be required to comply with the following and be noted accordingly on construction contracts: L Construction Hours/Scheduling: The following are required to limit construction activities to the portion of the day when the number of persons in the adjacent sensitive receptors are lowest: a. Construction activities for all phases of construction, including servicing of construction equipment shall only be permitted during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Construction is prohibited on Sundays and on all holidays recognized by the City of Petaluma. b. Delivery of materials or equipment to the site and truck traffic coming to and from the site is restricted to the same construction hours specified above. 2. Construction Equipment Mufflers and Maintenance: All construction equipment powered by internal combustion engines shall be properly muffled and maintained. 3. Idling Prohibitions: All equipment and vehicles shall be turned off when not in use. Unnecessary idling of internal combustion engines is prohibited. 4. Equipment Location and Shielding: All stationary noise -generating construction equipment, such as air compressors, shall be located as far as practical from the adjacent homes. Acoustically shield such equipment when it must be located near adjacent residences. 5. Quiet Equipment Selection: Select quiet construction equipment, particularly air compressors, whenever possible. Motorized equipment shall be outfitted with proper mufflers in good working order. GI'/BP Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 12 Mitigation Measure Description 6. Staging and Equipment Storage: The equipment storage location shall be sited as far as possible from nearby sensitive receptors. 7. Noise Disturbance Coordinator: Developer shall designate a "noise disturbance coordinator" who will be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. This individual would most likely be the contractor or a contractor's representative. The disturbance coordinator would determine the cause of the noise complaint (e.g., starting too early, bad muffler, etc.) and would require that reasonable measures warranted to correct the problem be implemented. The telephone number for the disturbance coordinator shall be conspicuously posted at the construction site. Department Reouired Prior to Issuance/Aooroval PD Planning Division FM Final Map FM Fire Marshal GP Grading Permit ENG Engineering Division BP Building Permit BLD Building Division CO Certificate of Occupancy Review Timing Date Staff Dept. Completed Initials Resolution No. 2014-113 N.C.S. Page 13