HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 84-326 N.C.S. 12/17/1984'~
., .
ReSOIUtIOrl N.o. 8 4 - 3 2.61. ~. S.
of the City of Petaluma,. California
DEC 17 1984 ~ ~
WHEREAS, Tele-Vue System, Inc. , doing business as VIACOM, has,
pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance 159.5 N.C.S. requested a renewal of
its non-exclusive franchise to operate a community antenna television
system; and,
WHEREAS, VIACOM representatives and regresen:tativies of the City of
Petaluma ..have met to discuss' the renewal of the franchise. over a period of
months; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma and. VIACOM are in agreement
concerning the terms and :conditions of the proposed franchise agreement, a
copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of
Petaluma hereby approves said franchise agreement .and authorizes the
Mayor or City Manager to execute the .agreement on behalf of the City.
Under the ,power and. authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City.
I hereby ceitify the foregoing Resolution was introduced,. and adopted by the Approved
Council of :the Gity of .Petaluma at a (Regular) (t~J~~a) meeting fo
on the ...17t_h......... day of ...December ................ 19:84., by the
following vote:
ty torney
AYES: Tencer, Cavanagh, Balshaw, Vice Mayor Bond, Mayor Mattei
-Form CA 27/81
Mayor _ . _ , _ -
Gouncil File ....................................
~. xo.........8..4..-.32.fi NCS
This A:greement~ ins made by and between t'he City of Petaluma, a
municipal corporation;, hereinafter referred to ;as "City", and Tele-Vue
Systems, .Inc. , a Washn~g~ton. Gorporation, ding business as VIACC)P;~
CA'BLEVISICN; and hereinafter, referred to as "VIAC'OM''!
This Agreement .is. entered into with reference to the following facts:
UIHEREAS, the ~ y h'a`s the authori y to sward, a. non-exclusive
franchise to construct, operate: anal r.~a`n.tain a community antenna cable
television system;
t~,'HEREAS, VTACC?;M. has made ap,plicatign to the' Ctv to continue a
franchise granted December ;23„ 1964, which.. expir..es December 2,2., 1984;
PIHEREAS, VTACCTr4 has been a:wardec3 a r_ew franchise by the City
evidenced by Resoltiti'on `No: 84-326 r1, C:.S,,, adopted December 17,
1984; -
NC~^l, THEREFORE'°°, it is agreed b.y ;anc~ between. the parties as follows.:
1. TERM CAF FRANCHISE. The- term of 'this franchise will begin :on
December 2,3, 198.4;., atel will terminate on December, 2?., 1:99'4..
2. TRANSFER O';E FP.ANC'HISE, This franchise may not be
transferred withoua a Resolution 'of Approval $v the Petaluma City Council.
However, su'eh approval will not be unreasonably withheld providing that
th;e transferee can! satis~fac;torly dern.onstrate "to the City -that it can render
proper and. efficient. CA'TV` .service comparable. to tha of VIACOM,
3. REVn:CATt01~? OF FR.AN.,CHI5E, A franchiGe_~ may be revoked for
food cause if
VI-ACQM has. fale~l to c~mnly with any provision. of Chapter 14:40
of the ,Petaluma b'[uncpal 'Cod`e ~ or has, by act or omission, violated any
ter. rn ~ or cpnditiori of this a~reernent or permit issued' under Chapter 1.4.40.
Thisi franchise may also be revoked if ten percent ('10$) of.
VIACOI~~T'S subscriber-households/entities i~ri a ,petition requesting that the
Petaluma. City Council revoke ~TIAC'Or;4'S franchise based upon failure of
service as des'crhed. in the petition;.
Prior' to revocation of the franchise; the City will hold a public
hearing to consider ;if ,food ca-use exists. ~,rIACQM hall b.e afforded. at
.least thirty (3'0) days written notice and shall be g"ive.n ar opportunity to
?~ec;ember l`T,, •1934: 1 of '$ pa~,es,
~- Ct.y of Petaluma
Cable "?'elev'sion~ Franchise, $~;reement
be heard., inc'ludin;g the r.igh;t fo introc~u,ce~ evidence and to question -
wtnesses ., -. -
The .Cty will]` n'ot revoke the :franchise :for good cause ur..less the City
has advised VIAC.OP~I of the violations and af.for'ded it ninety (_9:0) days. tq
cure the violations .
Tf the City revo:k'es the, franchise, . it shall. issue a written decision
stating the reasons therefor„ VIACO~,~; shall have 45. days to file an action
conies in,g' the (qty's revocation, of the franchise, A11. factual and legal
issues in any such action. shall be determined de novo in accordance with
the ,rules of civil procedure ancd evidence applicable to breach of contract
actions .
4. OPERATIONAL STANDARDS. The cable: "television system shall be
installed and maintained in acc~r. dance with the accepted standards of the
- industry as determined . by FCC Regulations, or' as defined below. In
determining the satisfactory extent' of. such standards, the following will
A. The system .shall:. be installed using ali-band equipment
capable .of passing the entire VHF and FM. sp.eet-rum,: and
- it shall have the: further capability- of,; converting L1.HF '
for dietribu~fon to subscribers on the V.HF band;
B T Ze 's~rstem,, as installed,. shall be capable ;of` passing
standard color TV signals without the iritr.oduction of
noticeable effects on .color fidelity and intelligence;
C . The s~ls.tem_, an'd" all equipment. shall .be designed .anal rated. for
twenty=four-hour-,ner-day continuous operation,;
~ . The system. signal-to-noise. ratio shall be not less than
forty decibels;
' E: `H;um mo:dula~t-ion of p'eture, signal shall. be ess than five
percent; .
F. T'he system shall use components hawnv VS~N?~ -of 1.4 or less,•
G . the rnas;ter antenna. to' be installed for' the cable television system
shall be located 'at a point where the signal ,strength of the TV
stations ~to. be received shall be no less than •five hundred
r.~crov~lts ;per meter for low-band. channels (, 2 throuth 6 and
not less than e'.ght hundred microvolts per r_ie~ter .for` hi~:h-
band channel's ('7 through 13) for at_ least fifty percent
DPCernb'er '17; l98'4 2 of $ gag-es
Ctv of Petaluma
Cable Television ..Franchise Ag.reement_ ,
of the time at a receivan~ antenri~a height. of thirty (30) feet
above ~rour.d.; Each cable television sitbscr.,ber shall receive a
rnnimurn signal streng;trh' of two thou'san'd (,2.0:00) microvolts,
measured across 300 OHMS, as measured at the antenna terminals
of the television se,t.
5. ACCE'S'S TO CAI~J~E SERVICE:. 'VIACOh~f steal-1 not deny anv group
of potential residential cable subscribers access to cable service because of
the income of. the residents .
6. ACCESS CF3_Al~?N°EJ~.. VIACO'M will proyi'de one `(1) channel for use
as a public access channel:.: Ecru-ipment .located at V~A`C;OD:~f'S facility will be
able to accommodate either' l!2" of 3./4" videotape formats. Schedule for
playback will be 'determined by VIACnI~i and impl'eraented by VIAC4A4
personnel. VIACOM will schedule playbacks and"er 'this section based on the
expressed desires of .the City whenever possible.
An inter-tie of. th_e Petaluma City Fire Stations will .be constructed. for
distribution of °trainrrg; information and videotapes- on :the access channel.
VIAG.O'M` will-also 'pr'ovide equipment to distribute. a lire audio signal of
Petaluma .City Council meetings .on the access channel.
VT,ACO?vi has the right toy use th-is access channel when n.ot in use by
the public., or. the City of.~ Petaluma..
. VIACOM agrees to provide portable color produ,r_tion equipment (for the
use of public access :channel users) . Equipmen will comply with VIACOM'S
specifications and will consisa of
one ,portable color video camera
one 1/2" VH5 portable recorder
_ or_e AC ,power adapter
one battery° Aaclc
one ligait p°a~k
on_e l~;lZt kit
one: tripod ' .
one.. omn-,dir. ectional .microphone
one directional mcro,phone
one color .monitor
The City wild determine. criteria -for use of portable video equipment.
7. TAPE ~ LIBRARY. VIACO'M will coordinate with other VIACOM
cable systems t~ provide public access programming to-pes of interest to
J~ecem~aer-- 17,. 1,984 3 of 8 .pa;g;es
City of _.Petaluma.
Cable Television Franchise Ar;r.eement
r:esidPn~ts of the City. VIA~CO'~,~ will, work with the City in determnin,~
which pubhc~ access tapes .shat-1 lje kep-t iri a, Tape library.
8. ANNLIAT REPORT. V~IA~C,O'PiI shall. in the first quarter of each
year, commenc'in~, in' I~98'6, re,~ort' t~ the, Petaluma City ..Council regardinv
fhe .following topics:
A) Current number of su°bscri'bers;, ~ number of ,secondary outlets ,
riles of cable system (aerial and; under°~r.,ound) . This. shall include a
• comparison with the preceding year..
B) Rates - primary ('.aerial service, un~er.g.round service, needy
senior eitiaens, bulk rate°si) ;secondary outlets, installation .fees. 'This shall
include a .comparison with, the preceding ,year. .
C) A review ~f the. financial statement .'as required by Section
14,40.Ob0 of the Petaluma IvlunciAal Code.
P) Planned e~pansion~ and capital improvement progr. am .
9 FR.A1tiTCH'ISING FFE,S. VIACOP~` will pay :to' the Ci-ty, during the
term of this franchise a sum equal to =five, percent o~f `VIA~;`On4!:S monthly
°total gross receipts as defined in. Section D. of. the Petaluma
Municipal Code, starting• January 1, :1985. _ '
10. SiJESC`RIBER` RATES. VIAC'OM may charge subscribers a monthly
. race for' the reception of sex-vices receive'd' by means ~f its cable system:,
VIA.C'O'N1 shall solely e?:etermine such rates provided:, .however, that for two
years follourin°g the effective' date of this agreement. VIACnP'f shall adjust its.
rates only in accor. dance ~.vith Fe~3eral :and. Sta±e aa.ws anc~ shall notify the
City in writing thirty {'3.0) days i~ef~re any change ~n_ its rates.
' A special Sasc Service rate;,. for senior citizerns sixty-two years of age
who receive S'SI or ~,iE.DI-CAL benefits- and are the principal owners or
a tenants, wi=lT b:e ':maintainecJ. thxoug~hout fhe term .of~ t'his agreerienf according
to the following 'sche'dules:'
' Y`ea~r 1, - 3,0° of ,regular. Basic Service
Year- 2 - 3':5° of regular Basic .Service
Year 3 - 400 of re±~ular Basic Service
Year 4 - 45`0 of regular Basia Service
Year 5-:10 - 5'0 0 of regular Basic Ser..vice .
"'Basic Service°"' means the lowest level. of service offered: by VIACOA.9
to all subscribers.
1~e.cern>j`er 17, 198'4 4 ~ of $ names
_, City of Petaluma
Gable T.elevsiori.; Frarichse Agreement
11. S~ECUR~ITy R'E~UIREMEPIT„ VIAC.Or~~ ahall, prior to. the execution
pf this Agreeri~ent,file w-th th.e, Cit<y Prlanager' and ate all times thereafter
maintain in full fo_r. ce an:d effect for the term of thin franchise, at VIACOT~'S
sole expense,, faithful performaic'e securit~r from: a company, authorized. to do
business iri the State of :California in a form to •b.e approved by the City
Attorney in the amount of $10,0[0, renewable ari~rually, -and. conditioned
upor_ the faithful :performance of VIACO'M aril upon. 'the further condition
that in the event VIA'COr.9 shall..faiT to comply wit~'~ any one or more of the
provisions of Chapter 14.40' or. of the franc'lise issued to VIACOI~~
beretz;nder, there shall bey recoverable any 'damages 'o.r loss suffered by the
city as a result thereof, `including the .fullamount of anv compensation,
indemnification, or cost of removal or abandonment of a..nv ;property of
- VIACO!vI as prescribed; hereby which may be in default., plus a reasonable
allowance for attorney's ..fees and costs.., up to, the full amount of the
security; such: condition 'to be . °a, continuing; obligation for the .duration of
th's franchise and th'ereaf~ter .until VIACOM alas l'gitidated ...all of its
obligations with the. City, that may have arisen from the; ;acceptance of this
franchise by °VIACOA;4 or from its exercise of°, any privilege herein granted.
If a bond. is provided, the bond, shall' provide that thirty days prior written
_ ..
notice of .intention nof. fo ;renew; cancellation, or material chant;,e be given
to the City.
Neither the ;Droys'ions of; .this section., ',any .security accepted by the
~itv pursuant thereto.,, nor an"y :damages recovered by 'the City thereund'e.r
shall be construed to, excuse faithful' performance by VIAC01~1 .or limit the
liability of VIACO'~~` under this franchise for' damages,. ••
12;. LIARILhTY-- INSURANCE REQUIR~L)' VIA~C0;1~4. shall, at al:l ,times
during; the existence of this .franchise, fur-nish• to the City' T:4.anager at i'ts
own cost andexpense a public liability in•sur.ance no'1-icy, from a ;company
approved' by the. City's P~sk !~'.~tanagemerit Officer--, :in a form.. satisfactor~r to.
the City At~torne,y, to protect° against loss from all liability incur-red. while
working under the provisions of the franchise a-nd `imposed by law for
damages on accou'nt' of bodily :i~rij;ury, iriclu~ding death ther.efr,om, suffered or
alleged. to `h.e' s.uffer:ed by any persons whomsoever, resulting directly- or
indr. ectly ,from any act or acf`ity of VIACOi~i,, its. subcontrar-__;tors or any
person actin;,'g fc~r VTACO'M or .under. its direction or control, and .also to
protect against to"ss., from liability imposed il?y law for damages' t:o any
Dec.errmber 17„ 193:4 'S of. $ p,a~es
City of Petaluma _
Cable Te1_evsibn Fr.anc'hiseAgreement
` pr. operty of any per. s'on eause,d directly or indirectly by or from acts or
activities of VIA.GOI~-1, its subcontractors, or anw ;p.er.sor. acting for VIA(;On~1,
or. under its cor_trol or direction. Such public liability insurance shall
include the follov~Jine; 1) comprehensive general 1'abilty (broad form); 2)
XCU coverage; 3) property damage (broad form) ; 4) contractual liability
_ ._
coverage; 5) protective; aabli,ty against claims arising from subcontractor;
and, 6) products and coiimpleted_ operations. Such insurance shall k~e
maintained in the following; minimum amount"s ;~
Eodily injury : $' 500„ 000 .ea. person
$1,,.OOO,Q00. ea. occurrence
Aggregate pr.,o'd.ucts $1,000,000
completed operations .
Property Damage: $1,000,000 ea. occurrence
$l, 00'0 , 00:0 :agg:xeg_ate
I3. AL1T0'D~OBTIE INSURANCE. VIACOM . sfiall' ::maintain at their sore
expense, throughout- `the 'terra of this franchise; public liability and
property damage i.ns,ura.nce for automobile .equipment whether owned. by
VIACOI~4 or its employees performing operations under this franchise with
coverage limits .of not less then $?„OOO,OOq combined sin~l'e lunit., The City
.of Petaluma, its officers, agents, employees and. representatives shall be
named additioral :in'sured.
.14. EV,ID,ENCE OF TIVSLJRANCF-. The pol_c'es mentioned'. in paragraphs
12 and 13 shall be primary and shall name ~ the, .City,,, its .officers, agents,
employees anel repreaentatives as additional. insureds. A Certificate of
Insurance, or an appropriate binder ,of insurance coverage, evidencinp~ the
insurar..ce coverages,, witlh a; company accep .able to the City's Risk
I~lariagement Officer, hall be submi-tted to the City Manager. b:y VIACOD
prior to execu-ton of t1'is agree:men"t .
of the ,insurance ;policy or policies issued to prov~de the at~ove insurance
coverage shall provide that said insura;n,ce policy may not be cancelled or
the terms materially changed therein.:, without thirty (3Q) days prior written
notice fo the City` for :any cause 'for other -than :nonpayment of premiur?m.. In
the event of nonp;ayment:; notices shall be given ten (T0) ,days prior to. the
effective date of cancehation. VIACOM shall,. prior to thee. can_cellat-ion date,
or within twenty (20) days o.f notice of material changes in the terrors of.
;?~ecember .'T, 19.84, 6 ;of 8 pages
Ciay .of Petaluma:
C`ab]e T'elevi'sion Franchise .A~reernent
- ~ covera•ge, submit' to the City 11'•lariager new evidence of in ura.:nce in the
amounts heretofore e, st:ablished-.
_ ,-.
16. T1~TD.EMIV:IFTGAT;TON. VIACO'f~l, agrees to :accept .all responsibility
.for doss or .dama~g;e to :any- ;rierson or .entity, anc3 to 'indemnify, hold. harmless
and defend City; its agents, officials and. emp ogees from and against any .
and all acfions, claims., lama„ges,, disabilities or expenses, including
attorneys' fees, experts! _feees and wines costs that may be asserted, by
any' per. son or entity, including VIACCIM`., arising but of , the activities. of
VIACO'A~i under this franchise, . itsagents, subcontractors, .and employees,
except. if there is wilful misconduct' .or active negligence on the part o.f. the
' City, .its ;agents, officials and employees.
' P Y .p , . l y
tunes VIACOM shall ermit any dul au:thorrzed re. ~:resentative of the C'it
to~ examine all ;property of VIACOM, together with' any appurtenant
property of VIACOM situated within or without the; .C,ty, and to examine
acrd trans.crihe any grid .a11 :maps and other rer-__ords:. kept or cnaintaine;d by
VIAGOII'~t or under .its control which deal with. fhe. operations, affairs„
transactions or property of VIAC`C:M with respect: to the, CATV system in
the. `.City. VIAC€~M shah;, at .all times, make and keen in the City .full and.
complete plans and records, showing the exact location of all CATV system
equipment installed or in .use in_ stree.ts•., alleys end ,public places in the
City. VIACC?T,~ shall file with the City 'Engineer,,. on or before the last day
in March of each year, a. current map or se.t of maps drawn to scale
;showing' all CATV system equipment .installed ~`in streets,- alleys and public
- places of the City durn~g~ 'fhe previous year..
l',8,. FI?~ING R'EQUIR`EMENTS. It is expressly understood.. that.
VIAC(~~1'~S franchise will rn~t take effect. until VTAC'Oh~1 provides the C'ity'
Manager with .the: secu-rty„ insurance policies, certificates cif insurance or
' binders of in urace coverage. ,required herein .:
r?may be modified, p'rovidirig such modification -is in -writing and signed bv.
both parties.. When 'app icable, Section .62:5 of the Cable Communications
Policy Act of 1''984 sha.l apply,
?.'0. ATTO;R1ViEYS' F.EFS.If either' parf~j !~ecomes involved in litigation
arising; nut. of this agreement or. the performance thereof, `the Court in such
' litigation, or in a separate suit:., shell award, reasonable costs and. expenses,
?Jecember 17, 198'4' 7 of $ pages
C'-ty of Petaluma
Cable Television Franchises Agreement
including attoirney's fees to t'he party°~ju"s:flw entitle? thereto. Tn avc~arding
attorneys' fees, the Court wili~ no;t be bound's by any 'Court':.fee schedule,
but shall, if it is in the interest of jizs,tice to. do so, award the full amount:
of costs,, expenses;. and `at:torney's fees paid' or ,iricurre,d in good faith,.
subject to' the provisions of_ the Cable Comrnunicatgns .Policy' Act of. 1984.
Dated: December 17'„ 1'9S`4.,
:CITY OF PET,~.LLT.MA,, a rri,uncipal
~; s
I~dayor or ~Ci:' A-lanage;r ~ 1
Fi Dir. / ;Auditor
LAw2 12/17/4
Edward A. Beene t
Vice President/Tele-Vue Systems, Inc..
Name and Title Pr. int)
Signature ,
City Clerk
City ~At€orney
December T7; 1984, 8 of 8 pages .