HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2014-126 N.C.S. 7/21/2014Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S.
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, Basin Street Properties ("Applicant") proposes a mixed-use development
consisting of up to 273 residential units, up to 90,000 sf of commercial uses, a 120 -room hotel,
approximately 4 acres of parks and an approximately 3.8 -acre offsite riverfront park on adjacent
state-owned property along the Petaluma River; and,
WHEREAS, the project applications submitted by the Applicant include a zoning map
amendment and a tentative subdivision map to create 144 lots on 35.7 acres, and the applications
collectively comprise the "Project'; and,
WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Notice of Preparation of the Draft Environmental
Impact Report was prepared and circulated to all responsible and affected agencies for
consultation on the scope of the EIR , pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.4 and
California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Guidelines Section 15082; and,
WHEREAS, based on the Initial Study, the Scoping Meeting, and responses to the
Notice of Preparation, the City prepared a Draft EIR dated December 2013 (SCH No.
2013062004) which reflected the independent judgment of the City as to the potential
environmental effects of the Project; and,
WHEREAS, the Notice of Availability for the Draft FIR was published in the Argus
Courier on December 12, 2013, and mailed to residents and occupants within 1,000 feet of the
site, exceeding CEQA's notice requirements, and the Draft EIR was circulated for the required
45 day public review period, from December 19, 2013 to February 6, 2014; and,
WHEREAS, the Draft EIR relies on the EIR for the City of Petaluma General Plan 2025,
certified by City Council Resolution 2008-058 N.C.S. on April 7, 2008 and the Central Petaluma
Specific Plan (CPSP) adopted June 2, 2003 and amended July 1, 2013, for information and
analysis relating to certain cumulative impacts and incorporates said analysis and conclusions to
the extent applicable, as identified in the Draft EIR; and,
WHEREAS, the City has committed to implementing the mitigation measures contained
in the Implementation Plan and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program adopted by the
City as Exhibit B to Resolution 2008-084N.C.S., Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Petaluma Making Findings of Fact, Adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and
Adopting an Implementation and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program in support of the
General Plan 2025, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and,
WHEREAS, the City has committed to implementing the mitigation measures contained
in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program adopted by the City as Exhibit A to
Resolution 2003-104 N.C.S., Resolution of the City Council of the City of Petaluma Making
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 1
Findings of Fact, Adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Adopting an
Implementation and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program in support of the Central
Petaluma Specific Plan, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and,
WHEREAS, the City distributed copies of the Draft EIR in conformance with CEQA to
the public agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to the project and to other
interested persons and agencies and sought the comments of such persons and agencies; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 14, 2014 to
consider the Draft EIR; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on February 3, 2014 to consider the
Draft EIR; and,
WHEREAS, responses to written and oral comments received the Draft EIR have been
prepared in the form of a Final Environmental Impact Report for the Project ("Final EIR"); and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a noticed public meeting on June 24, 2014,
at which time it considered the Final EIR and accepted public testimony; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council held a noticed public meeting on July 21, 2014, at which
time it considered the Final EIR and accepted public testimony; and,
WHEREAS, the EIR identified several potentially significant impacts that will be
reduced to a less than significant level with specified mitigation measures; therefore, approval of
the Project will require adoption of findings on impacts and mitigations as set forth in attached
Exhibit A; and,
WHEREAS, the EIR did not identify any significant and unavoidable impacts of the
project and therefore no statement of overriding consideration is required for approval of the
project; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has
been prepared, as set forth in Exhibit B, which is incorporated herein by reference, to ensure that
all mitigation measures relied on in the findings are fully implemented; and,
1. The above recitals are true and correct and adopted as findings of the City Council.
2. As required by CEQA and based on substantial evidence in the record, the City
Council adopts the findings regarding potential significant effects of the project and
mitigation contained in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by
5. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program set forth in the attached Exhibit B, which is incorporated herein
by reference, to ensure that all mitigation measures relied on in the findings are fully
implemented. Compliance with the MMRP shall be a condition of any Project
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 2
6. The City Council hereby finds that for each identified mitigation measure that
requires the cooperation or action of another agency, adoption and implementation of
each such mitigation measure is within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the
public agency identified, and the measures can and should be adopted and/or
implemented by said agency.
7. The custodian of the documents and other materials which constitute the record of
proceedings for the Project is the City of Petaluma, Planning Division, Petaluma City
Hall, 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952.
This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and the City Cleric is
directed to file a Notice of Determination pursuant to CEQA. Under the power and
authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City.
Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City.
REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved ag-t&
Council of the City of Petaluma at a Regular meeting on the 21" day of July. 2014, ` form: II
by the following vote: /
City Attorney
AYES: Albertson, Mayor Glass, Harris, Healy, Vice Mayor Reamey. Miller
NOES: Barrett
ATTEST: i`jj��'City Clerk
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 3
Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines section 15091, the City
Council hereby makes the following findings with respect to the potential for significant
environmental impacts of the Riverfront Mixed -Use Development (File No. 11 -TSM -0130)
("Project") and means for mitigating those impacts. For the purpose of these findings, the term
FIR means the Draft and Final EIR documents collectively, unless otherwise specifies.
These findings do not attempt to describe the full analysis of each environment impact contained
in the EIR. Instead the findings provide a summary description of each impact, identify the
applicable mitigation measures set forth in the EIR and adopted by the City, and state findings on
the significance of each impact after imposition of the adopted mitigation measures. A full
explanation of these environmental findings and conclusions is in the EIR, and these findings
hereby incorporate by reference the discussion and analysis in those documents supporting the
EIR's determinations regarding mitigation measures and the Project's impacts and mitigation
measures designed to address those impacts. The facts supporting these findings are found in the
record as a whole for the project.
In malting these findings, the City ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the
analysis and explanation in the EIR, and ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the
determination and conclusions of the EIR relating to environmental impacts and mitigation
measures, except to the extent that any such determinations and conclusions are specifically and
expressly modified by these findings.
Many of the impacts and mitigation measures in the following findings are summarized rather
then set forth in full. The text of the Draft and Final EIRs should be consulted for a complete
description of the impacts and mitigations.
Impact 4.1-1 — Criteria Pollutant Emissions: The project would result in emissions during
construction and from vehicles once development is complete, which would not be considered
significant except for generation of fugitive dust during construction. This is considered a
potentially significant impact.
AIR -1: Require implementation of Basic Control Measures during construction.
AIR -2: Include the listed construction specifications measures (GP Policy 4-P-16) such as
maintaining equipment, using alternative fuels, equip construction equipment with
Best Available Control Technology, and require use of CARB's most recent
certification standards.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigation measures will reduce fugitive dust
emissions from grading as recommended by BAAQMD. Exhaust emissions from construction
equipment and trucks for criteria pollutants would be below the BAAQMD thresholds for criteria
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 4
pollutants as described in the EIR, and would be further minimized through implementation of
measures during construction activities.
Impact 4.1-2b — Expose Sensitive Receptors to Pollutants During Construction: Sensitive onsite
receptors could be temporarily exposed to substantial concentrations of pollutants during
construction due to diesel equipment exhaust.
AIR -3: Require that construction activities achieve an additional 60 percent reduction in
exhaust particulate matter emissions, compared to similar equipment based on
CARB statewide average emissions when building construction activities occur
within 200 feet of any residential use. Methods to achieve this objective includes
the use of Tier 2 standard equipment, alternatively fueled equipment (LPG fuel),
and/or prohibit the use of diesel powered generators for more than two days when
line power is available.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigations will reduce exhaust emissions within 200
feet of residential uses to less than applicable exposure thresholds. The mitigations employ a
combination of techniques to reduce exposure concentrations including that construction
equipment demonstrate optimal function and performance, use alternative fuels, and be equipped
with Control Technology such as oxidation catalysts or particulate filters. Exhaust emissions
from construction equipment and trucks would be reduced by 64% as a result of this measure.
Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 4.1-3 — Objectionable Odors: Future construction and development of the site, resulting
from the proposed project, will not result in the generation of objectionable odors in substantial
concentrations. However, occupancy of the project site has the potential to expose new residents to
objectionable odors.
AIR -4: Provide reimbursement to the City for the design and construction of the Primary
Influent Pump Station mechanical odor control unit. The odor control unit shall
meet current design criteria and be equivalent to the units installed at recent pump
station upgrades within the City.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of a mechanical odor control unit to replace the existing
soil bed filter would substantially reduce detectable odors. Therefore, after applying this
measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 4.2-1 - IPetlands: The proposed project would result in fill of 0.24 acres of onsite
wetlands, most of which are jurisdictional wetlands. Although the fill will not result in significant
impacts to special status species or habitat value, due to the fact wetlands are considered sensitive
habitats, this is a potentially significant impact.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 5
BIO -1: To mitigate for the impacts to 0.24 acres of seasonal wetland habitat, the developer
shall purchase credits from an approved mitigation bank at a ratio of one acre for
every one acre impacted, or as otherwise directed by the regulatory agencies (U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers). Prior to issuance of grading permit, proof of purchase of
mitigation bank credit or verification of onsite wetland remediation to offset losses
shall be submitted to the City and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
13I0-2: Develop final Riverfront Park design that avoids and protects wetlands. The design
shall also investigate the feasibility of creating wetland habitat as part of the
proposed Riverfront Park, which could serve to offset losses in lieu of purchasing
credits (See BIO -1). Implement standard best management practices (BMP) to
protect wetland areas during and after construction of the Riverfront Park to
include, but not be limited to installation of protective stalling and silt fencing to
prevent inadvertent intrusion by equipment during construction.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Those changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers and have been, or can and should be, adopted by that agency as part of the
requisite 404 Nationwide dredge and fill permit.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigations will protect wetland habitat and/or offset
any losses to wetland habitat through the procurement of mitigation bank credits. Therefore, after
applying this measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 4.2-2 — Special Status Species: Site preparation could result in direct impacts to nesting
bird species, if they are present, including potential special status bird species.
13I0-3: Conduct vegetation removal within areas to be developed between September 1 and
January 30, outside of the general breeding bird season. If this is completed, no
further mitigation is required. Otherwise, if vegetation removal or modification
occurs between February 1 and June 15, require pre -construction nesting surveys
within 14 days prior to such activities to determine the presence and location of
nesting bird species. If vegetation removal or modification occurs between June 16
and August 31, pre -construction surveys shall be performed within 30 days prior to
such activities. If active nests are present, establish temporary protective breeding
season buffers to avoid direct or indirect mortality of these birds, nests or young.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigation will protect special status species by
controlling the seasonal timing of vegetation removal or requiring nesting bird surveys if
occurring within the breeding season. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would
be less than significant.
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Impact 4.3-1 - Discovery of Archaeological Resource: The project has the potential to disrupt
previously undiscovered archeological resource.
CUL -1: If during the course of ground disturbing activities, historic resource is encountered,
all work within a 100 foot radius of the find shall be suspended for a time deemed
sufficient for a qualified and city -approved cultural resource specialist to evaluate
and determine significance of the discovered resource.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigation ensures that currently unknown
archeological resources will not be inadvertently disturbed or destroyed as a result of
construction activities. Through the requirement to suspend construction work within 100 feet of
a find, the cultural significance of such a resource can be assessed and construction work can
proceed as appropriate. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less than
Impact 4.3-2 — Disturb Human Remains: The project could disturb undiscovered human
remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries.
CUL -2: In the event that human remains are discovered, all work shall be suspended and the
Sonoma County Coroner shall be contacted in accordance with provisions of the
California Public Resources Code section 5097.98-99.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigation ensures that currently unknown human
remains will not be inadvertently disturbed or destroyed through ground disturbance as a result
of construction activities. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less than
Impact 4.4-1 — Exposure to Seismic Hazards: Future project structures, residents and occupants
at the site would be subject to strong seismic shaking and liquefaction hazards.
GEO-1: Require implementation of all recommendations as set forth in the geotechnical
investigations and updates prepared for the subject property by Miller Pacific
Engineering Group (dated March 2006, July 2009, August 2011, January 2013,
December 2013).
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The Project is subject to the California Building Code (CBC) which
recognizes the seismic risk of developing in this state and includes stringent design and
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 7
construction requirements and engineering applicable not only to future Project structures but
also to grading, foundations, retaining walls and other structures. The Project prepared a
preliminary Soils and Geotechnical investigation, which was peer reviewed as part of the EIR
process. Compliance with the CBC regulatory scheme and implementation of the specific
recommendations provided in aforementioned studies, will result in improvement designs that
mitigate the identified geotechnical conditions. The Project will be subject to a process of
increasingly detailed engineering review to ensure that ground shaking is addressed at each
phase of the development process and that CBC requirements are satisfied and study
recommendations are carried out. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be
less than significant.
Impact 4.4-2 — Soil Seltlement: Future structures at the project site would be subject to soil
settlement with potential damage to structures and utilities.
GEO-2: Implement the recommendations of the project geotechnical investigations and
updates prepared for the subject property by Miller Pacific Engineering Group
(dated March 2006, July 2009, August 2011, January 2013, December 2013),
except as modified based on site-specific refinements. Settlement mitigation
measures shall include use of structural foundation systems (such as mat slabs or
rigid interconnected grade beams) for residential structures, which can withstand
the potential total and differential settlements in accordance with recommendations
of the geotechnical investigations and deep foundations (driven piles or drilled
piers) for heavier structures planned in the northern portion of the site. Ground
improvement, such as with the use of Rammed Aggregate Piers (RAP), may also be
appropriate at certain locations within the site.
GEO-3: Prior to the issuance of grading permits and in accordance with City of Petaluma
Improvement Plan submittal requirements and procedures, the developer shall
submit construction plans along with Design Level Geotechnical analysis that
specifically addresses the thicker fills up to ten feet in the area near the Future
Caulfield Lane Bridge in the southern portion of the site. The Improvement Plans
and design level geotechnical analysis shall be subject to third party peer review in
order to verify that recommended measures to address differential settlement of bay
mud associated with thicker fills up to ten feet near the Future Caulfield Lane
Bridge are adequate to accommodate potential settlement. In event that peer review
concludes that the recommended design measures will not sufficiently minimize the
effects of differential settlement, the developer shall be required to implement one
of the following standard construction techniques: 1) the use of lightweight fill
material in place of heavier, existing soils on areas that require thicker fill, or 2)
pre -load areas that require thicker fill and allow settlement to occur prior to
construction. The developer shall be responsible for the cost of the peer review and
the City's Public Works Department shall coordinate the scope of service and
approve findings of the peer review prior to the issuance of grading permits.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The required design -level geotechnical report and preliminary Soils and
Geotechnical Investigation, which was peer reviewed as part of the EIR process, will be
reviewed along with the existing geotechnical studies to ensure that through compliance with
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 8
applicable soil settlement regulation in the CBC and the City's standard engineering practices
and design criteria for soil stability will be implemented in project construction and improvement
to ensure that proper soil engineering, foundation design and construction will be implemented to
avoid hazards from soil instability. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be
less than significant.
Impact 4.4-3 — Expansive Soils: Future structures at the project site would be subject to
expansive soils with potential damage to structures and utilities.
GEO-1: Require implementation of all recommendations as set forth in the geotechnical
investigations and updates prepared for the subject property by Miller Pacific
Engineering Group (dated March 2006, July 2009, August 2011, January 2013,
December 2013).
HYDRO -1: Prepare final drainage plan as part of the Subdivision Improvement Plans that
provides calculations and documentation that the site storm drain system and
discharge culverts have adequate capacity to serve the project and watershed area at
full buildout.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The required design -level geotechnical report will build on the existing
geotechnical studies to show how regulation in the CBC and the City's standard engineering
practices and design criteria for soil stability will be implemented in project construction and
improvement. The City will review the design level report and ensure compliance with
applicable CBC regulation. The mitigation will ensure that proper soil engineering, foundation
design, adequate site storm drain system capacity, and construction will be implemented to avoid
hazards from expansive soils. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less
than significant.
Impact 4.4-4 — Erosion: Grading at the project site could result in inadvertent erosion or soil
transport into the Petaluma River.
HYDRO -2: In accordance with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
regulations, the developer shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(S WPPP) for grading and construction of subdivision improvements.
HYDRO -3: The applicant shall prepare and implement an erosion control plan for the
subdivision grading and each subsequent development phase site plan.
HYDRO -4: The applicant shall prepare and implement an erosion control plan for construction
of the trail and improvements for the offsite Riverfront Park.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Implementation of mitigations would substantially reduce the potential
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 9
for erosion and sedimentation by ensuring that construction activities employ the most effective
erosion control practices such as site watering, stabilizing soils when inactive, and avoiding
active construction during periods of heavy precipitation. Therefore, after applying this measure,
the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 4.5-2 — Exposure to Soil -Mater Contamination: The potential reuse of onsite stockpiled
soils or discovery of unknown hazardous materials during construction could pose a hazard to
workers during construction.
I4AZMAT-1: Require that the quality of the stockpiled soils be reaffirmed / tested prior to use for
onsite fill, which shall be done following the Clean Imported Fill Material
Information Advisory prepared by the DTSC (DTSC 2001) in accordance with the
recommendation set forth in the 2013 his Environmental Phase I Environmental
Site Assessment.
HAZMAT-2: Prepare and implement a Risk Management Plan (RMP) that provides the
procedures to properly manage site groundwater that may be encountered during
construction activities.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation recognizes that unknown hazardous materials may be
discovered during construction and ensures that an effective construction worker safety program
is established, so as to limit exposure of workers to hazardous materials. Therefore, after
applying this measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Impact 4.6-1 — Stornnvater Drainage: Buildout of the project site would result in a significant
increase in stormwater runoff that would ultimately discharge into the Petaluma River, and
which would result in potentially significant impacts if storm drains are not properly sized.
HYDRO -1: Prepare final drainage plan as part of the Subdivision Improvement Plans that
provides calculations and documentation that the site storm drain system and
discharge culverts have adequate capacity to serve the project and watershed area at
full buildout.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation recognizes that adequately sized infrastructure is
necessary in order to ensure that stormwater runoff capacity is provided as part of the
Improvement Plans. The preliminary plan shows that sufficiently sized pipes are feasible and
mitigation requires that final drainage plans provide precise calculation and documentation that
discharge facilities are properly sized. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would
be less than significant.
Impact 4.6-2 — lVater Oualiq, & Stormtivater Discharge: Grading activities and future runoff
from the developed project site could result in non -point and point source pollution into the
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 10
Petaluma River, if not properly controlled. This is a potentially significant impact since the river
is listed as impaired for nutrients, pathogens and sediment.
HYDRO -2: In accordance with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
regulations, the developer shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) for grading and construction of subdivision improvements.
HYDRO -3: The applicant shall prepare and implement an erosion control plan for the
subdivision grading and each subsequent development phase site plan.
HYDRO -4: The applicant shall prepare and implement an erosion control plan for construction
of the trail and improvements for the offsite Riverfront Park.
HYDRO -5: Subsequent development phases over one acre in size shall submit plans and
detailed calculations to show that requirements for post -construction runoff
treatment have been met in accordance with the City's stormwater management
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation recognizes that the project is subject to NPDES and other
water quality control regulations that will protect water quality. Implementation of mitigations
would substantially reduce the potential for water quality degradation through accidental release
of potentially harmful or hazardous materials and sediment by minimizing the potential for such
materials and sediment to enter the Petaluma River. Therefore, after applying this measure, the
impact would be less than significant.
Impact 4.7-1 — Elevated Noise Exposure: The project could expose people to noise levels that
exceed the Petaluma General Plan 2025 Land Use -Noise Compatibility Standards and City
NOISEA: Pursuant to General Plan Policy 10 -P -3C and the CPSP EIR Mitigation Measure
10-1, a detailed acoustical report shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical
specialist as part of the design phase to determine the noise control treatments for
the residential buildings, offices and the hotel to meet local and state standards.
Noise attenuation measures shall include as appropriate thicker walls, stucco siding,
sound insulating windows and/or doors, building and bedroom orientation, and
other measures pursuant to the detailed acoustical report. To achieve the noise
reduction requirements, some form of forced air mechanical ventilation, satisfactory
to the local building official, would be required in all residential units and the hotel.
Special sound rated building elements such as windows and doors may also be
necessary to reduce the intrusiveness of the train noise given that typical noise
levels could reach 95 dBA Lmax outside the nearest townhomes if Quiet Zone
status is not approved.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 1 I
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation ensures that noise attenuation measures are further
refined through the design level acoustical report. Implementation will be realized through
various attenuation techniques that consider the entire building envelope to achieve City
prescribed noise standards. Noise attenuation will minimize noise intrusion and substantially
lessen interior noise levels. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less than
Impact 4.7-5 — Temporaiy Increase in Noise: Noise levels generated during construction
activities would result in a temporary increase in ambient noise levels for an approximately six-
year period during buildout of future development phases.
NOISE -2: In accordance with Mitigation Measure 10-2 of the Central Petaluma Specific Plan,
require implementation of the following measures during all phases of project
• Construction Scheduling. Limit noise -generating construction activities to
daytime, weekday hours (7 AM to 6 PM) and 9 AM to 5 PM on weekends and
holidays. When construction is occurring within 100 feet of existing residences,
then construction shall be prohibited on Sundays and Holidays.
• Equipment. Properly muffle and maintain all construction equipment powered
by internal combustion engines.
• Idling Prohibitions. Prohibit unnecessary idling of internal combustion engines.
• Equipment Locations and Shielding. Locate all stationary noise sources -
generally equipment such as air compressors - as far as practical from existing,
nearby noise sensitive receptors.
• Quiet Equipment Selection. Select quiet construction equipment, particularly air
compressors, whenever possible.
• Noise Disturbance Coordinator. Designate a project construction supervisor as
"Noise Disturbance Coordinator" who will be responsible for responding to any
local complaints about construction noise. The Disturbance Coordinator will
determine the cause of the noise complaint and institute reasonable measures to
correct the problem. Conspicuously post a telephone number for the
Disturbance Coordinator.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation ensures that construction activities are limited to the least
noise sensitive time of day, that equipment is outfitted with noise reducing devices, and
stationary noise sources be located as far as possible from sensitive receptors. Implementation of
these measures will ensure that construction noise impacts will be reduced to less than
significant. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less than significant.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 12
Impact 4.8-4 — Rail Crossing: The project will result in an increase in daily and peals hour trips,
but would not substantially increase hazards due to conflicts between motorists, pedestrians,
bicyclists and rail operations. However, if supplemental safety measures to be implemented as
part of the SMART rail service are not in place before project completion, potential hazards
could result.
TRAF-1: If SMART rail service (and the supplemental safety measures that may be needed
for it) is delayed to such an extent that the Riverfront project is built first, require
installation of the supplemental safety measures at the existing Caulfield Lane at -
grade crossing to include an additional exit gate on the southwest side of the
crossing to preclude vehicles from navigating around the entry gates to proceed
eastbound on Caulfield.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation ensures that safety measures are installed for the
Caulfield Lane at -grade crossing to facilitate increased activity, including pedestrian, cyclists and
motorists, at that intersection, which provides for an additional exit gate. Implementation of this
feature will ensure that safety concerns associated with the existing at -grade crossing will be
reduced to less than significant. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less
than significant.
Cumulative Impact — Traffic: The project will contribute to significant cumulative near -terns
CUM_ 1. Require payment prior to recordation of the Final Map of the project's 21 % pro -rata
share of the cost of signalization at Hopper Street/Caulfield Lane in the future when
an extension of Caulfield Lane over the Petaluma River is completed.
CUM -2. The Applicant shall lengthen the westbound left turn pocket at Lakeville
Street/Caulfield Lane to approximately 250 feet, and install a raised median on the
westbound approach to physically prohibit illegal left turn movements into and out
of adjacent properties, as recommended in the project traffic report, in order to
improve capacity and safety at the intersection.
Impact After Mitigation: Less than Significant
Finding: Changes or alteration have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: The mitigation recognizes that the project will contribute to cumulative
traffic related impacts and requires that fees and improvements be provided to cover the project's
share. Implementation of these measures will ensure that cumulative traffic impacts will be
reduced to less than significant. Therefore, after applying this measure, the impact would be less
than significant.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 13
Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code requires a Lead Agency to adopt a "reporting or
monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval,
adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment" (Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program, Section 15097 of the CEQA Guidelines provides additional
direction on mitigation monitoring or reporting). The City of Petaluma (the "City") is the Lead
Agency for the Riverfront Mixed -Use Development and is therefore responsible for enforcing
and monitoring the mitigation measures in this Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been prepared to address the potential
environmental impacts of the project. Where appropriate, this environmental document identified
project design features or recommended mitigation measures to avoid or to mitigate potential
impacts identified to a level where no significant impact on the environment would occur. This
MMRP is designed to monitor implementation of the required mitigation measures and
conditions set forth for project approval for the proposed project as identified in the Draft
Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). The
mitigation measures as well as the conditions set forth for project approval are listed and
categorized by Section with an accompanying identification of the following:
• Implementation Action: Describes how the measures will be implemented.
• Monitoring/Reporting Responsibility: Identifies the party that is responsible for
implementing and enforcing the measure, and the agency to which reports involving
feasibility, compliance, implementation and development are made.
• Timing Requirements: Specifies the stage at which the measure is in effect and identifies
the duration that the measure remains effective including pre -construction, construction
and operation.
• Reporting Requirements: Identifies the reporting method to ensure compliance with
The MMRP for the proposed project will be in place throughout all phases of the project. The
project applicant shall be responsible for implementing all mitigation measures unless otherwise
noted. The applicant shall also be obligated to provide certification, as identified below to the
appropriate monitoring agency and the appropriate enforcement agency that compliance with the
required mitigation measure has been implemented. The City will be used as the basic
foundation for the MMRP procedures and will also serve to provide the documentation for the
reporting program. Generally, each certification report will be submitted to the City in a timely
manner following completion/ implementation of the applicable mitigation measure and shall
include sufficient information to reasonably determine whether the intent of the measure has
been satisfied. The City shall assure that project construction occurs in accordance with the
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 14
Riverfront Project -City of Petaluma
Mitigation Measure
Air Quality
AIR -1: Require implementation of the following
measures during construction:
a) All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging
areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access
roads) shall be watered two times per day or to
maintain a minimum soil moisture of 12%.
b) All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities
shall be suspended when average wind speeds
exceed 20 mph
C) The simultaneous occurrence of excavation, grading,
and ground -disturbing construction activities on the
same area at any one time shall be limited. Activities
shall be phased to reduce the amount of disturbed
sudaces at any one time.
d) All trucks and equipment, including their tires, shall be
washed off prior to leaving the site.
e) All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose
material off-site shall be covered.
f) All visible mud or dirt tracked -out onto adjacent public
roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum
street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry
power sweeping shall be prohibited.
g) All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited
to 15 miles per hour.
h) Site accesses to a distance of 100 feet from the
paved road shall be treated with a 6 to 12 inch
compacted layer of wood chips, mulch, or gravel.
I) All paving shall be completed as soon as possible
after pipeline replacement work is finished.
j) Sandbags or other erosion control measures shall be
installed to prevent silt runoff to public roadways from
sites with a slope greater than one percent.
k) Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting
equipment off when not in use or reducing the
maximum idling time to 2 minutes (California airborne
toxics control measure Title 13, section 2485 of
Implementation Actions
Include measure as Condition of
Measures shall be Included in the
Construction Specifications for grading
plans, subdivision improvement plans,
and grading/construction plans for
subsequent development phases.
Applicant shall provide for periodic
inspection during construction to
ensure that measures are in place.
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Monitoring 1 Reporting Timing Reporting Verification of
Responsibility Requirements Requirements Compliance
The Petaluma Public works & • Prior to the
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
responsible for review of
grading permits for
improvement plans and
review of plans.
Building Department is
• On-going site
responsible for review of the
inspections during
building plans to ensure that
grading and
measures are included on
construction, at the
construction specifications.
discretion of the
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S.
Construction Subdivision Improvements
Monitoring Report
from Applicant that
documents Development Phases
periodic site
inspections during
grading to ensure
measures and
verification that
measures are in
Pale 15
Riverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigati m Monilorinq and Re)ortinq Program
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring 1 Reporting
Verification of
California Code of Regulations (CCR) establishes a
maximum idling time of 5 minutes). Clear signage
shall be provided for construction workers at all
access points.
1) All construction equipment shall be maintained and
property tuned in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a
certified mechanic and determined to be running in
proper condition prior to operation.
IT) Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number
and person to contact regarding dust complaints. This
person shall respond and take corrective action within
48 hours. The BAAOMD's phone number shall also
be visible to ensure compliance with applicable
n) Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast -germinating native
grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as
soon as possible and watered appropriately until
vegetation is established.
o) Use low VOC (i.e., ROG) coatings beyond the local
requirements (i.e., Regulation 8, Rule 3: Architectural
p) All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved
shall be completed as soon as possible. Building
pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading,
unless seeding or soil binders are used.
AIR -2: Include the following measures as part of the
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public Works
Prior to the
Subdivision Improvements
construction specifications (GP Policy 4-P-16):
& Utilities Department is
issuance of the
Monitoring Report
a) Maintain construction equipment engines in good
responsible for review of
grading and
from Applicant that
condition and in proper tune per manufacturer's
improvement plans and
building permits for
Development Phases
specification for the duration of construction;
Measures shall be included in the
Building Department is
review of plans.
periodic site
b) Use alternative fuel construction equipment if
Construction Specifications for all
responsible for review of the
On-going site
inspections during
available (i.e., compressed natural gas, liquid
improvement and construction plans.
building plans to ensure that
Inspections during
grading to ensure
petroleum gas);
measures are included on
grading and
measures and
c) Require that all construction equipment, diesel trucks,
Applicant shall provide for periodic
construction plans.
verification that
and generators be equipped with Best Available
inspection during construction to
construction, at the
measures are in
Control Technology for emission reductions o(NOx
ensure that measures are in place.
discretion of the
and PM through the use of add-on control devices
such as diesel oxidation catalysts or particulate fillers;
Resolution No. 2014-126
Pa -e 16
Riverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigation Measure
d) Require all contractors use equipment that meets
CARB's most recent certification standard for off-road
heavy duty diesel engines.
AIR -3: Require that construction activities implement
the following measures at the project sites to reduce
construction equipment exhaust when building
construction activities occur within 200 feet of any
residential use. The contractor shall develop and the
City shall approve a plan demonstrating that the off-
road equipment (more than 50 horsepower and on
site for more than 2 consecutive workdays) to be used
in project construction (i.e., owned, leased, and
subcontractor vehicles) would achieve an additional
60 percent reduction in exhaust particulate matter
emissions, compared to similar equipment based on
CARB statewide average emissions. Based on the
CaIEEMod modeling, a feasible method to achieve
this objective would be the following:
a) All diesel -powered construction equipment more than 50
horsepower used on-site during all construction phases
for more than two days consecutively shall meet or
exceed U.S. EPA Tier 2 standards for particulate matter
emissions or substituted with alternatively fueled
equipment (e.g., LPG fuel).
b) Prohibit use of diesel -powered generators for more than
two days when line power is available.
c) All non-mobile construction equipment shall be
alternatively fueled or meet U.S EPA Tier 2 standards
for par iculate matter emissions
AIR -4: Provide reimbursement to the City for the design
and construction of the Primary Influent Pump Station
mechanical odor control unit. The odor control unit shall
meet current design criteria and be equivalent to the
units installed at recent pump station upgrades within
the City.
Implementation Actions
Include measure as Condition of
• Measures shall be included in the
Construction Specifications for all
improvement and construction plans.
• Applicant shall provide for periodic
inspection during construction to
ensure that measures are in place.
Mitigati>n Monitoring and Re3ortinq Proqram
Monitoring 1 Reporting Timing Reporting Verification of
Responsibility Requirements Requirements Compliance
The Petaluma Public Works
& Utilities Department is
responsible for review of
improvement plans and
Building Department is
responsible for review of the
building plans to ensure that
measures are included on
construction plans.
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public
Works 6 Utilities
Department is responsible
City shall determine re -imbursement
for determining the re -
imbursement amount, and
applicant is responsible
Resolution No. 2014-136
Prior to the
issuance of the
grading and
building permits for
review of plans.
On-going site
inspections during
grading and
construction, at the
discretion of the
Re -imbursement
shall be paid prior
to issuance of
Monitoring Report
from Applicant that
periodic site
inspections during
grading to ensure
measures and
verification that
measures are in
None Required
Subdivision Improvements
Development Phases
Subdivision Improvements
Page 17
Riverfront Project—City of Petaluma
Mitigation Monitoring and Re3ortinq Program
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring / Reporting
Verification of
for payment.
The Petaluma Public
PIP improvements
Works & Utilities
shall be complete
Department is responsible
prior to issuance of
for all improvements at the
PIP pump station.
Biological Resources
BI0-1: To mitigate for the impacts to 0.24 acres of
Include measure as Condition of
The Applicant is
Prior issuance of
Applicant shall
Subdivision Improvements
seasonal wetland habitat, the developer shall consult
responsible for purchase
grading permit
provide the pre -
with agencies to identify feasibility of creating onsite
of wetland mitigation bank
and/or any removal
mitigation areas through remediation within the
Purchase mitigation bank credit and
credit (including additional
of vegetation.
survey to
Riverfront park area. If onsite mitigation is determined
submit proof to City, USACOE.
area that may required
to be infeasible then, credits shall be purchased from
as a result of Mitigation
an approved mitigation bank at a ratio of one acre for
BIO -b), and shall provide
Dept. If nesting
every one acre impacted, or as otherwise directed by
proof to the City
birds are found,
applicant shall
the regulatory agencies. Due to general low -quality of
Community Development
the existing wetland habitat (e.g, presence of non-
Department and the
documentation to
native species, disturbed soils) within the project site,
the Community
a mitigation ratio of one acre mitigated for each acre
impacted is recommended by the biologist. Prior to
Dept. that
issuance of grading permit, proof of purchase of
mitigation bank credit or verification of onsite wetland
compliance with
remediation to offset losses shall be submitted to the
actions specified in
City and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
the measure (i.e.,
delay construction
According to information provided by the project
or establish
biologist, the Burdell wetland mitigation bank, located
lust south of Petaluma, has mitigation bank credits
13I0-2: Develop final Riverfront Park design that
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Community
Prior to the
Riverfront Park
avoids and protects wetlands. The design shall also
Development Department is
issuance of the
Monitoring Report
investigate the feasibility of creating wetland habitat
responsible for review of
grading permits or
from Applicant that
as part of the proposed Riverfront Park, which could
Measures shall be included in the
Riverfront Park grading
initiation of
serve to offset losses in lieu of purchasing credits
Construction Specifications for
and/or construction plans to
Riverfront Park
periodic site
(See 13I0-1). Implement standard best management
ensure that measures are
inspections during
Resolution No. 2014-126
Page 18
Riverfront Project— City of Petaluma
Mitigation Monitorinq and ReDortinq Proqram
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring 1 Reporting
Verification of
practices (BMP) to protect wetland areas during and
Riverfront Park grading plan and/or
included on construction
construction to
after construction of the Riverfront Park to include, but
construction plans.
site On-going
ensure measures
not be limited to installation of protective staking and
• Applicant shall provide for periodic
inspections during
and verification
silt fencing to prevent inadvertent intrusion by
inspection during construction to
construction, at the
that measures are
equipment during construction.
ensure that measures are in place.
discretion of the
n place.
BIO -3: Conduct vegetation removal within areas to be
• Include measure as Condition of
The Applicant is
Prior issuance of
Applicant shall
Subdivision Improvements
developed between September 1 and January 30,
responsible for pre-
grading permit
provide the pre -
outside of the general breeding bird season. If this is
construction survey if
and/or any removal
completed, no further mitigation is required.
removal occurs within the
of vegetation.
survey to
Rivedront Park
Otherwise, if vegetation removal or modification
nesting season and
occurs between February 1 and June 15, require pre-
Conduct pre -construction survey in
submittal to the
construction nesting surveys within 14 days prior to
accordance with actions specified in
Community Development
Dept. If nesting
Development Phases
such activities to determine the presence and location
Department for review.
birds are found,
of nesting bird species. If vegetation removal or
The Petaluma Community
applicant shall
modification occurs between June 16 and August 31,
Development Department
documentation to
pre -construction surveys shall be performed within 30
staff are responsible for
the Community
days prior to such activities. If active nests are
review of pre -construction
present, establish temporary protective breeding
Dept. that
season buffers to avoid direct or indirect mortality of
these birds, nests or young. The appropriate buffer
compliance with
distance is dependent on the species, surrounding
actions specified in
vegetation and topography and shall be determined
the measure (i.e.,
by a qualified biologist as appropriate to prevent nest
delay construction
abandonment and direct mortality during construction.
or establish
Cultural Resources
CULT -1: If during the course of ground disturbing
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works
Prior to the
None required
Subdivision Improvements
activities, including, but not limited to excavation,
Department is responsible for
issuance of the
unless resource is
grading and construction, a potentially significant
review of improvement and
grading permits for
uncovered during
prehistoric or historic resource is encountered, all work
construction plans and
Riverfront Park
within a 100 foot radius of the find shall be suspended
Building Department Is
improvements and
for a time deemed sufficient for a qualified and city-
Measure shall be included in the
responsible for review of the
grading, building
approved cultural resource specialist to adequately
Construction Specifications for grading
building plans to ensure that
and/ construction
Development Phases
evaluate and determine significance of the discovered
plans, subdivision improvement plans,
measure is included on
plans for other
resource and provide treatment recommendations.
and grading/construction plans for
Resolution No. 2014-126
Pa, -e 19
Riverfront Project— City of Petaluma Mitigation Monilorinq and Rejortinq Program
Mitigation Measure Implementation Actions Monitoring / Reporting Timing Reporting Verification of
Responsibility Requirements Requirements Compliance
Should a significant archeological resource be identified subsequent development phases. construction specifications. development.
a qualified archaeologist shall prepare a resource Applicant shall provide for periodic
mitigation plan and monitoring program to be carried Inspection during construction to
out during all construction activities. ensure that measures are in place.
CUL -2: In the event that human remains are
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works
• Prior to the
None required Subdivision Improvements
discovered, all work shall be suspended and the
Department is responsible for
issuance of the
unless resource is
Sonoma County Coroner shall be contacted in
review of improvement and
grading permits for
uncovered during
accordance with provisions of the California Public
construction plans and
construction. Development Phases
Resources Code section 5097.98-99 and the Native
Building Department Is
improvements and
American Heritage Commission shall be notified in
Measure shall be included in the
responsible for review of the
grading, building
accordance with the provisions of Public Resources
Construction Specifications for grading
building plans to ensure that
and/ construction
Development Phases
Code 5097, so that the "Most Likely Descendant" can
plans, subdivision improvement plans,
measure is included on
plans for other
be designated,
and grading/construction plans for
construction specifications.
subsequent development phases.
The applicant is responsible
Page 20
Applicant shall notify the County
for carrying out provisions
Coroner and the City Community
and informing the City
Development Department in the event
Community Development
that human remains are discovered.
Department in accordance
with the Public Resources
Geology & Soils
GEO-1: Require implementation of all
Include measure as Condition of
The Public Works &
Prior to None required.
Subdivision Improvements
recommendations as set forth in the geotechnical
Utilities Department is
Improvement Plan
investigations and updates prepared for the subject
responsible for review of
approval for
b Miller Pacific Engineering Group dated
property y 9 9 (
geotechnical studies,
applicant submittal
Riverfront Park
March 2006, July 2009, August 2011, January 2013,
Subdivision Improvement
off geo
December 2013), including but not limited to
The applicant shall obtain a
Plans, and construction
recommendations for site and soil preparafion,
geotechnical engineer to review the
plans. Building Dept. is
. Prior to the
Development Phases
foundation designs, drainage and installation of utilities.
final project plans and specifications
responsible for review of
issuance of the
to determine if they are consistent
plans to ensure measures
Resolution No. 2014-126
Page 20
Ziverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigation Monilorinq and Reoortinq Program
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring / Reporting
Reporting Verification of
Requirements Compliance
Buildings shall require the following: a) structural
with the recommendations as outlined
have been incorporated.
grading and
foundation systems, such as mat slabs or rigid
in the geotechnical report(s) and
The applicant shall provide
building permits for
interconnected grade beams, able to resist the
provide a letter to the City with
a letter to the City of
City staff review of
anticipated strong ground shaking and potential for
findings of the review.
findings of the
differential movement caused by liquefaction and/or
The geotechnical engineer shall
geotechnical engineer's
On-going site
consolidation of the bay mud, b) soil improvement, c)
inspect the construction work and
review of the project plans.
inspections during
deep foundation systems, or d) other engineering
shall certify to the City, prior to
grading and
techniques as recommended in additional
acceptance of the improvements or
construction, at the
geotechnical investigations of liquefaction hazards. All
issuance of a certificate of occupancy
discretion of the
structures shall meet the California Building Code
that the improvements have been
regulations and design requirements for seismic
constructed in accordance with the
All construct ion
geotechnical specifications.
shall be subject to
inspection by the
Building Division
prior to issuance of
a Certificate of
GEO-2: Implement the recommendations of the project
Include measure as Condition of
The Public Works &
Prior to the
None required. Development Phases
geotechnical investigations and updates prepared for
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
the subject property by Miller Pacific Engineering Group
responsible for review of
grading and
(dated March 2006, July 2009, August 2011, January
The applicant shall obtain a
geotechnical studies,
building permit.
2013, December 2013), except as modified based on
geotechnical engineer to review the
g 9
Subdivision Improvement
site-specific refinements. Settlement mitigation
final project plans and specifications
Plans, and construction
plans. Building Dept. is
shall be subject to
measures shall include use of structural foundation
to determine if they are consistent
responsible for review of
inspection by the
systems such as mat slabs or rigid
y (id interconnected
with the recommendations as outlined
plans to ensure measures
Building Division
grade beams) for residential structures, which can
in the geotechnical reports) and
have been incorporated.
and must conform
withstand the potential total and differential
provide a letter to the City with
to all applicable
settlements in accordance with recommendations of
findings of the review.
The applicant shall provide
code require -
the geotechnical investigations and deep foundations
The geotechnical engineer shall
a letter to the City of
mems and
(driven piles or drilled piers) for heavier structures
inspect the construction work and
findings of the
planned in the northern portion of the site. Groundshall
certify to the City, prior to
geotechnical engineer's
improvement plans
improvement, such as with the use of Rammed
acceptance of the improvements or
review of the project plans.
prior to issuance of
Aggregate Piers (RAP), may also be appropriate at
issuance of a certificate of occupancy
a Certificate of
certain locations within the site.
that the improvements have been
constructed in accordance with the
geotechnical specifications.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 21
Riverfront Project— City of Petaluma
Mitigation Monitoring and Re)orling Program
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring 1 Reporting
Timing Reporting Verification of
Requirements Requirements Compliance
GEO-3: Prior to the issuance of grading permits and
Include measure as Condition of
The Public Works &
• Prior to the None required. Development Phases
in accordance with City of Petaluma Improvement
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
Plan submittal requirements and procedures, the
responsible for review of
grading permit.
developer shall submit construction plans along with
The City shall obtain a third party
geotechnical studies,
Design Level Geotechnical analysis that specifically
geotechnical engineer to conduct a
Subdivision Improvement
addresses the thicker fills up to ten feet in the area
peer review of the final project plans
Plans, and construction
near the Future Caulfield Lane Bridge in the southern
and specifications to determine if
portion of the site. The Improvement Plans and design
engineering designs adequately
The Public Works &
level geotechnical analysis shall be subject to third
address settlement.
Utilities Department is
party peer review in order to verify that recommended
responsible for obtaining a
measures to address differential settlement of bay
third party peer reviewer
mud associated with thicker fills up to ten feet near the
and verifying findings the
Future Caulfield Lane Bridge are adequate to
independent assessment.
accommodate potential settlement. In event that peer
The applicant shall provide
review concludes that the recommended design
re -imbursement for the
measures will not sufficiently minimize the effects of
cost of the peer review.
differential settlement, the developer shall be required
to implement one of the following standard
construction techniques: 1) the use of lightweight fill
material in place of heavier, existing soils on areas
that require thicker fill, or 2) pre -load areas that
require thicker fill and allow settlement to occur prior
to construction. The developer shall be responsible for
the cost of the peer review and the City's Public
Works Department shall coordinate the scope of
service and approve findings of the peer review prior
to the issuance of grading permits.
Hazardous Materials
HAZMAT-1: Require that the quality of the stockpiled
Include measure as Condition of
The Public Works &
• Prior to the None required. Subdivision Improvements
soils be reaffirmed / tested prior to use for onsite fill,
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
which shall be done following the Clean Imported Fill
responsible for review,
grading permits.
Material Information Advisory prepared by the DTSC
The applicant shall provide the
The applicant shall provide
(DTSC 2001) in accordance with the recommendation
additional review by a qualified
a letter to the Petaluma
set forth in the 2013 Iris Environmental Phase I
professional and provide a letter to
Community Development
Environmental Site Assessment.
the City with findings of the review.
and Public Works &
Utilities Departments,
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 23
Riverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigation Measure
HAZMAT-2: Prepare and implement a Risk
Management Plan (RMP) that provides the
procedures to properly manage site groundwater that
may be encountered during construction activities.
The plan shall address procedures for discovery of
any unknown features or environmental conditions
that may be encountered during activities that will
disturb site soils.
The RMP shall include, but not be limited to the following
components as set forth in the 2013 Phase I Environmental
Site Assessment report'
a) Soil management: Provide guidelines for identification
and analysis of unknown environmental conditions
and define responsibilities for management of
discovery of unknown features or site conditions,
b) Groundwater management: Prohibit use of
groundwater encountered during construction
activities for dust control and allow discharge of
groundwater to surface waters only pursuant to a
permit issued from applicable regulatory agencies All
permit conditions must be satisfied prior to discharge.
c) Preparation and implementation of a site-specific
Environmental Health and Safety Plan by the general
contractor to ensure that appropriate worker health
and safety measures are in place during
redevelopment activities. Elements of the plan must
include all practices and procedures necessary to
comply with all new and existing Federal, California,
and local statutes, ordinances, or regulations
regarding health and safety. Specific components of
the EHASP must include the following: identification
of site hazards; assignment of specific health and
safety responsibilities for site work; establishment of
appropriate general work practices; establishment of
control zones and decontamination procedures, job
hazard analysis / hazard mitigation procedures; air
monitoring; required personal protective and related
safely equipment; and contingency and emergency
Implementation Actions
Include measure as Condition of
Applicant shall have a management
plan prepared by a qualified
professional and include measures in
the Construction Specifications for
grading and improvement plans.
Applicant shall have grading and utility
plans reviewed by a qualified
professional in accordance with
actions specified in the measure.
Mitiqation Monitorinq and Rejortinq Program
Monitoring 1 Reporting Timing Reporting Verification of
Responsibility Requirements Requirements Compliance
Applicant is responsible for
having management plan
prepared, incorporating
measures In construction
plans, and review of
grading and
improvements by qualified
The Petaluma Public
Works& Utilities
Department is responsible
for review of plans to
ensure that construction
specifications are included
on construction plans
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S.
Prior to the None Required.
issuance of the
grading permits for
review of plans.
Subdivision Improvements
Development Phases
Page 23
Riverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigation Measure
Hydrology & Water Quality
HYDRO -1: Prepare final drainage plan as part of the
Subdivision Improvement Plans that provide
calculations and documentation that the site storm drain
system and discharge culverts have adequate capacity
to serve the project and watershed area at full buildout.
The storm drain system design shall be reviewed and
approved by the Sonoma County Water Agency.
HYDRO -2: In accordance with National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations,
the developer shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for grading and
construction of subdivision improvements. The
SWPPP shall also include provisions for the offsite
Riverfront Park. All subsequent development phases
over one acre in size shall prepare and implement a
SWPPP. The SWPPP shall address erosion and
sedimentation controls during all phases of
construction, storage and use of fuels, and use and
clean-up of fuels and hazardous materials. The
SWPPP shall prohibit fueling, cleaning, or maintenance
of equipment except in designated areas located as far
from the river as possible. As a precaution, require
contractor to maintain adequate materials onsite for
containment and clean-up of any spills. The developer
shall provide approval documentation from the RWQCB
to the City verifying compliance with NPDES
requirements. Acceptable proof of compliance is the
Notice of Intent with a WDID number or other equivalent
Mitigali m Monitoring and Re)orting Program
Implementation Actions Monitoring 1 Reporting Timing Reporting Verification of
Responsibility Requirements Requirements Compliance
Include measure as Condition of
The applicant is
Prior to issuance of
None Required
Subdivision Improvements
responsible for
the grading and
incorporating the drainage
building permits.
Applicant shall prepare final drainage
plan recommendations
into the subdivision
improvement plans.
Applicant shall provide evidence of
City Public Works &
RWQCB approval of discharge
Utilities Department is
responsible for reviewing
plans and submitting to
Sonoma County Water
Agency for review and
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public Worcs
Prior to the
Subdivision Improvements
& Utilities Department is
issuance of the
Monitoring Report
responsible for review of
grading permits.
from Applicant that
SWPPP and construction
Riverfront Park
plans to ensure that
periodic site
Applicant responsible for preparing
measures are included on
inspections during
grand a
inspections during
construction plans and
construction, at the
grading to ensure
Development Phases
Measures shall be included in the
discretion of the
measures and
verification that
Construction Specifications for grading
measures included
plans, subdivision improvement plans,
in SWPPP are in
and grading/construction plans for
subsequent development phases and
Riverfront Park.
Applicant shall provide for periodic
inspection during construction to
ensure that measures are in place.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S.
Page 24
tiverfront Project- City of Petaluma
Mitigation Measure
HYDRO -3: The applicant shall prepare and
implement an erosion control plan for the subdivision
grading and each subsequent development phase site
plan. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the
City of Petaluma prior to issuance of a grading permit
for the proposed development. The erosion control
plan shall include phasing of grading, limiting areas of
disturbance, designation of restricted -entry zones,
diversion of runoff away from disturbed areas,
prolective measures for sensitive areas, outlet
protection and provision for revegetation or mulching.
The plan shall also prescribe treatment measures to
trap sediment, such as inlet protection, straw bale
barriers, straw mulching, straw wattles, silt fencing,
check dams, terracing, and siltation or sediment
ponds. Catchment and settlement ponds will be
constructed to contain silt being deposited at
temporary outlets. Temporary outlets will be rocked
with silt control. Fiber rolls, silt fences and fiber mats
will be installed on all slopes.
HYDRO -4: The applicant shall prepare and
implement an erosion control plan for construction of
the trail and improvements for the offsite Riverfront
Park, including, but not limited to: installing hay bales
or appropriate temporary silt fencing adjacent to the
perimeter of the work area to prevent inadvertent
transport of sediments into the Petaluma River;
limiting ground disturbance and vegetation removal
during construction; conducting work prior to the rainy
season; protecting disturbed areas during the rainy
season; and immediately revegetating disturbed
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works &
Mitigali m Monitoring and Rejorting Program
Implementation Actions
Monitoring 1 Reporting
Verification of
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works &
Prior to the
Subdivision Improvements
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
Monitoring Report
grading and
responsible for review of
grading permits.
from Applicant that
grading to ensure
erosion control and
• On-going site
Development Phases
A licant shall prepare and submit an
construction plans to ensure
inspections during
periodic site
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to
that measures are included
grading and
inspections during
Cit re
r Pared b y a qualified erasion
on construction plans and
construction, at the
grading to ensure
plan are in place.
control specialist.
discretion of the
measures and
Cit y.
verification that
Measures shall be included in the
measures included
Construction Specifications for grading
in erosion control
plans, subdivision improvement plans,
plan are in place.
and grading/construction plans for
subsequent development phases.
Applicant shall provide for periodic
inspection during construction to
ensure that measures are in place.
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works &
• Prior to the
Construction Rivedront Park
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
Monitoring Report
responsible for review of
grading permits.
from Applicant that
Applicant shall prepare and submit an
erosion control and
On-going site
documents Development Phases
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to
construction plans to ensure
inspections during
periodic site
City prepared by a qualified erasion
that measures are included.
grading and
inspections during
control specialist.
construction, at the
grading to ensure
f th
measures and
Measures shall be included in the
construction plans.
measures included
Applicant shall provide for periodic
in erosion control
inspection during construction to
plan are in place.
ensure that measures are in place.
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 25
Riverfront Project— City of Petaluma
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Building Prior to the None required. Development Phases
Mitigation Monitoring and Rejorling Program
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring / Reporting
Timing Reporting Verification of
for review of acoustical building permits,
qualified acoustical specialist as part of design phase
Requirements Requirements Compliance
HYDRO -5: Subsequent development phases over
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works &
• Prior to the None required. Development Phases
one acre in size shall submit plans and detailed
Utilities Department is
issuance of the
calculations to show that requirements for post-
responsible for review of
grading permits.
construction runoff treatment have been met in
Applicant shall prepare stormwater
stormwater management
building and bedroom orientation, and other measures
accordance with the City's stormwater management
treatment plan for each development
NOISE -1: Pursuant to General Plan Policy 10 -P -3C
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Building Prior to the None required. Development Phases
and the CPSP EIR Mitigation Measure 10-1, a
Department is responsible issuance of the
detailed acoustical report shall be prepared by a
for review of acoustical building permits,
qualified acoustical specialist as part of design phase
The applicant shall obtain the
studies and building plans
to determine the noise control treatments for the
services of an acoustical specialist to
to ensure measures have
residential buildings, offices and the hotel to meet
provide acoustical study and
been incorporated.
local and slate standards. Noise attenuation
recommendations for development
measures shall include as appropriate thicker walls,
phases and provide the reports to the
stucco siding, sound insulating windows and/or doors,
building and bedroom orientation, and other measures
pursuant to the detailed acoustical report. To achieve
the noise reduction requirements, some form of forced
air mechanical ventilation, satisfactory to the local
building official, would be required in all residential
units and the hotel. Special sound rated building
elements such as windows and doors may also be
necessary to reduce the intrusiveness of the train
noise given that typical noise levels could reach 95
dBA Lmax outside the nearest townhomes if Quiet
Zone status is not approved.
Resolution No. 3014-126 N.C.S. Page 26
tiverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigation Monitoring and Reoortinq Program
Mitigation Measure
Implementation Actions
Monitoring I Reporting
Verification of
NOISE -2: In accordance with Mitigation Measure 10-2
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public works
Prior to the
Subdivision Improvements
of the Central Petaluma Specific Plan, require
Department is responsible for
issuance of the
Monitoring Report
implementation of the following measures during all
review of improvement plans
grading permits for
from Applicant that
phases of project construction:
and Building Department is
review of plans.
Development Phases
a Construction Scheduling. Limit noise- eneratin
1 9 9 9
Measures shall be included in the
responsible for review of the
• On-going site
periodic site
constructions activities to daytime, weekday hours 7
Y y (
Construction Specifications for radio
p grading
building plans to ensure that
inspections during
inspections during
AM to 6 PM) and 9 AM to 5 PM on weekends and
plans, subdivision improvement tans,
p p
measures are included on
grading and
radio to ensure
holidays. When construction is occurring within 100 feet
Y 9
and grading/construction action plans for
construction specifications.
construction, at the
measures and
of existing residences then construction shall be initiated
subsequent development phases.
discretion of the
verification that
no earlier than 8 AM during weekdays, 9 AM on
measures are in
Saturday and shall be prohibited on Sundays and
Applicant shall provide for periodic
inspection during construction to
b) Equipment. Properly muffle and maintain all construction
ensure that measures are in place.
equipment powered by internal combustion engines.
c) Idling Prohibitions Prohibit unnecessary idling of internal
combustion engines.
d) Equipment Locations and Shielding. Locate all
stationary noise -generally equipment, such as air
compressors as far as practical from existing nearby
noise sensitive receptors.
e) Quiet Equipment Selection. Select quiet construction
equipment, particularly air compressors, whenever
I) Noise Disturbance Coordinator. Designate a project
construction supervisor as "Noise Disturbance
Coordinator" who would be responsible for responding
to any local complaints about construction noise The
Disturbance Coordinator would determine the cause of
the noise complaint and institute reasonable measures
to correct the problem. Conspicuously post a telephone
number for the Disturbance Coordinator at the
construction site and submit to the City of Petaluma
Building and Police Departments.
g) Notification. Notify nearby residents (within 300 feel) in
writing of the construction schedule.
Resolution No. 2014-136 N.C.S. Pa -e 27
tiverfront Project — City of Petaluma
Mitigation Measure
TRAF-1: If SMART rail service (and the supplemental
safety measures that may be needed for it) is delayed
to such an extent that the Riverfronl project is built
first, require installation of the supplemental safety
measures at the existing Caulfield Lane al -grade
crossing to include an additional exit gale on the
southwest side of the crossing to preclude vehicles
from navigating around the entry gates to proceed
eastbound on Caulfield. The exit gate and related
items shall be installed by SMART's contractor and
funded by the City. The applicant shall contribute
funds equal to half the cost of construction.
Cumulative • Traffic
CUM -1. Require payment of the project's 21% pro -rata
share of the cost of signalization at Hopper
Street/Caulfield Lane in the future when an extension
of Caulfield Lane over the Petaluma River is
CUM -2. The Applicant shall lengthen the westbound
left turn pocket at Lakeville Streel/Caulfield Lane to
approximately 250 feet, and install a raised median on
the westbound approach to physically prohibit illegal
left turn movements into and out of adjacent
properties, as recommended in the project traffic
report, in order to improve capacity and safety at the
Mitigation Monitoring and Re Sorting Program
Implementation Actions Monitoring I Reporting Timing Reporting Verification of
Responsibility Requirements Requirements Compliance
Include measure as Condition of The Petaluma Public Concurrent with None Required Subdivision Improvements
Approval. APPLIES TO SUBDIVISION Works & Utilities recordation of Final
IMPROVEMENTS. Department is responsible Map.
design and construction of
the exit gate system.
Applicant is responsible
for payment of half the
total cost.
Include measure as Condition of The Petaluma Public Concurrent with None Required Subdivision Improvements
Approval. APPLIES TO SUBDIVISION Works & Utilities recordation of Final
IMPROVEMENTS. Department is responsible Map.
City shall determine pro -rata share. for determining pro -rata
share, and applicant is
responsible for payment.
Include measure as Condition of
The Petaluma Public
As part of the None Required Subdivision Improvements
Works & Utilities
construction of
Department is responsible
Applicant responsible for preparation
for review and approval of
of improvement design plans,
improvement plans.
submittal to City and construction of
improvement upon City review and
Resolution No. 2014-126 N.C.S. Page 28