HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 9812 N.C.S. 06/27/1983~ _ ~. RC~SOIUt10T'1 ~®. 9812 ~. ~. S. MA:cw 6-27-83 of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION APPROVING SALARY AND SUPPLE~MENTAC'NJAGE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES IN UNIT 1 (CONFIDENTIAL)„ UPJIT 3 (TECHNICAL), U~~IT 4 (PROFESSIONAL), AND UNIT 5 (CLERICAL) WHEREAS, the employees, in Units 1, 3, 4, and 5, are not represented by any recognized employee organization; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City .Charter, is required and empowered to rnake a recommenda-tion to the City Council on matters: related to employees' compensation; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that employees of Units 1, 3, 4, and 5 receive salary and supplemental wage benefits, NOW, THEREFORE,: Bf IT RESOLVED that the salary and supplemental wage benefits as specified in the attachments 'f.or employees in these units, being in the best interest. of the City, is approved and shall become effective July 1, 1983. Under the power and-authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter.of said City. I hereby certify. he foregoing Resolution was introduced and ,adopted by the Approved as to Council of the Gity'of Petaluma at a (-Regular) (Adjourned) ~B~iX~~meeting form on the .... 2 7t'h _...... day of .........:Jul??.~ ....................................... 19....~.~~by the following vote: ~ .................,.._...___............-•--- - City Attorney AYES:Balshaw, Bond, Harberson,, Perry, Mayor M_attei NOES: None ABSENT: Ca- , attagiia ~• ATTEST --... - _ • e _...... - • _ . City ....... .... ...... ...... .......................,.. _ Mayor ' Co~mcil File.........._ ....................... '-- ~or~, cA z ?isi ~ xes. No.._....g.g.:l.~......._ 1'`-4~._ ?1 COMPENSATLON PLAN FOR :;l]N"I T' S FY 1983 - 1984 This .document represents the Compensation Plan for'Uni~t 5 for the Fiscal Year 1..983`-84. Section 1. Term This compensation plan,shall be for a one (1) year..term for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1983; through J"une 30, .1.984'. Section 2. Salary The City s;hal l adop thee.. fo.1:T'o~~~i ng saa a:ry. ranges for.:eaeh of the employees ~. ~ in the following cTass~ficatons, effective July 1,. 1983. UNIT 5 I IT LII IV V Secretary to Community Services/Eng. $1273 ~$.1336~. $1403 $1=473. $1.546 Secretary 1;1.40 11:9:6 1256 1319 1335. Ln,termediate S'teno,grapher-Clerk 973 .. 1021~~ 1073 1126 1.183 Senior Transcrber`Typi:°st-clerk 1.022 1074 ..1127 1184 1:243 Intermedi~a'teTypist.-Clerk' 929 97:5 1023 107.5 1129 "_ Transcriber Typist-Cl:er_k 929 975 1023 1075 T1~2:9 Junior Typist-Clerk _ 842 883 92$ 974 1022 General S'erv~ces Aide 842 883 928 974 1022 General-. Service Clerk 1!1':40 11'9.6 1256 T-319 138'5 Senior Account Clerk 11`40. 11..9;6 1256 131.9. 1.385 Account G,lerk " 92;9 975 1023 1075 112.9 Cashier-T'e` ephone~ Operator 906 9'51 999 1049 1101 -Kennel Attendant 9.06 9'51 999 1049. 1101 ' Section 3. Compen a€ion Time An employee may receive.overtime compen atom in' the form o_f compensation time: off at a mutually ,agreea,b`le time between the.C~i'ty and the employee at " a rate of 'one and one-half (1-1/2) hours of compensabTe time for each hour of time v~orked~. Up to a maximum of three (3`) vaorkng' days (24 hours) comp time may be accrued. Amounts :ea.rned.in excess of that will be paid at the overtime rate in effect at' the time the overtime was performed. Section 4. Overtime a.. A11 hours worked in excess of eight (8) in any `o'ne: day .or in excess of forty (40) in any work week shall be compensated fore a+t~the overtime rate which shall 6e one and- one.-lia1f (1-1/2) times the basic< straight time. regular rate of pay. Overtime shall not be pyramided or compounded.. b. Overtime compensation, minimum. Any employee :requ'',red .to work overtime shall , in no case, be compensated for less than one 'hour for such overtime. c. Payment for work during holidays, vacations, etc. When it becomes necessary by an emergency to .have. employees work during legal holidays or the;peri:od such employees are entitled to vacation leave, such employees working on such legal holidays and during periods of vacation shall be entitled to receive additional remunerat;ion.at a ra:te of one and' one-half "times .their hourly wage equivalent based on 173.33.;,hours 'pe.r month, or equivalent compensatory time off. If an empaoyee works overtime on a legal holiday., he may waive pay and time and apply o'ne-half o.ff for the overtime worked to hies accumulated vac'ati'on upon mutual agreement between the employee and departmen head and approva'1 by the. City Manager Section 5. Health Lnsurance City of Petaluma Group Medica l-Hospital Insurance Program: The City shall provide for a, group: medical-hospital insurance coverage program for City employees in Unit 5. Durin:g 1983-84:; the:foll~owing insurance premium amounts toward. the group medi cal'-ho pi;tal insurance programs are provided by the City of Petaluma. Health Plan of Sonoma .Kaiser 1'he Redwoods County Employee $ 59.31. $`87:.00 $ 37.00 Employee + 1 dependent 117.62 168.,00 152.00 Employee + 2 dependents 170.21 ]98..00 203.90 Section 6. Dental Insurance The City shall provide for a g"roup_den;t°al insurance coverage. program for C..i.ty employees and d:epende,nts n.Un.it 5, duri;ng'fiscaa year, 1.983-84; the premium cost of $35.5b per employee, per month, shall be paid by the City. Section 7. Life Insurance° The City .shall provide, at no cost to the employee, group term life insurance coverage in the principle amount of $10,0.O~O:per employee. Section. 8. Workers' Compensation Benefits shall be payable in situa ions where: employee absence is due to industrial injury as provided in California State Workers' Compensation Law., The amount of disability payments paiid to the injured employee shall be deducted from salary payabYe to the employee while .on sick 1'eave: During the first:fhree;(3) calendar days of absence. for industrial disability, employees w:i l l be comPensa'ted. at, the"ir full' ra e o>f pay without deduction from sick leave unless they are hospitalized. Absences resulting in immediate hospitalization or absences continuing beyond 'the third day shall be cha"rged against the employee aa~the rate of one-half (1/2) day fqr each day of absence credited or compensated by~workers' compensation in urance,,provided the City receives all compensa°t;ion paid by workers' compensation payments only, without City payment for aa.lary at no loss of sick leave. Sick leave for industrial i`nju;ry shall not be allowed for a disability resulting from sickness, self- inflicted in,jpry or willful misconduct. Section 9. Berea ement Lea.v In.the event of the death of an employee's spouse, mother, step-mother, mother-in'-1aui, father, step-father,. father-in-law, brother, sister, child, i ncl udi',ng an ~adoP ed, chid d,, grandchild and. grandparent, an employee who attends th'e funeral. shall be granted time off work with pay. The. amount -2-~ ., of time off work with pay shall be only that wh'.ich~i-~s,requred to attend the funeral and make necessary funeraa, arrangements,"but in-no event shall it exceed. three (3) working days: These three ('3:) days shall: not be.eharge- able to sick Teave:. An additional two" (;2 )- days re"quired for necessary funeral arrangements may be charged to the employ,ee's sick leave and any additional"time beyond these two days may be charged to accumulated vacation or leave without-pay.. Such _be.reavement 1'ea;ve shall not be accruable from year to year. , nor sha'11, ~ i t hav:e any monetary value i f- unused. Section 10. Holidays, General ',. .: The City" shall observe ten (,10) paid fixed-dwate. holidays, These holidays shall be establi'shed'.for :the.City's fiscal year as de ermined by City Council` reso1°ution. Section 11. Holidays, Floatin During tfie Fi eal,'Year 1'98:3-84, the City. ,will autho:ri'ze one .(1) "Float,ing Holiday" per employee,, which may be tokem by the employee a,t a time selected by th"e employee,. subject to operational requiremen.t's.and approval- determined. by the -City.,. Empl"oyees° hi red between Ju`l'y 1 ,. l`~933„ and December 31 , 198:3,. w,l l be eligible fora "Fl oat:i ng Holiday" dur:i ng the course of the 1983-84 Fiscal Year. Section 12. Sick Lea~.e, Accrual Sick leave shall accrue to, all:full-time employees at the rate of eight °" hours for each month .of continuous service.". No emP'loyee shall ac'cumuTate more sick leave in any,year`than provided.- Section 13.. Sick Leave, Faml i_ea~~e o`f absence up to "four working days u~ith pay per fiscal year .may be granted to an employee in the event of serious iTlmess or injury in the employee's immediate family and will be charged agai"nst sick leave.. The immediate family shall consist of the spouse, ch.ildren,.parents, brothers, sisters, o.r other individuals whose relationship to the employee is that of a legal dependent. In such case, the appointing power shall grand such sick; leave only wh`en~ in his opinion the relationship. o.f the sick. or disabled person to the employee warrants such use of ..sick leave. Sec-ton .14. ~ Sick Leave Pay Out . In.the even:t of :the :death or retiremen of an emp oyee~who has completed .ten {10) or 'more years of continuous service with., the City,'the employee. should be paid or shall receive to h`i's benefit fifty percent (5'0%) of his accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed 480 hours. Section 15:. Vaca:t'ion a. Amounts.. A11 regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after working .one full year are ent'itl~ed.to the equivalent of eighty (80) hours of vacation with pay in the year fo l`owing the year in which vacation is earned. All regular empTgyees of the City of Fetaluma,.after five (5) years of contsinuous service with' the City, and beginning with the sixth year, shall be entitled to th'e :equivalent of one hundred twenty (~l'20) hours of vacation per year: -3- 7 t ~ . ` . ~ h .' .after te.n (10) years. of ~cont.nuous serva,ce with the C'ity., eight (8) hours of vacation shall be added for each .year of cbnti~nuous service to a maximum of one hundred.. sixty (160) hours of vacation. b. Scheduling. The times duping a calendar year i.n which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by -the department head. with due respect for the wishes of the employee. and. particular regard for the needs' of the erv'ice~. If"the requirements of thee. service are' such that an employee cannot take part or all of his annual vacation in a particular calendar year,~suc:h vacation shah be taken during the following calendar year. c. Deferral. A`ny eligible employee with the con 'ent of the head of his department and the P'er-sonnel Officer may defer five (5) working days of his annual vacation to the: succeeding calendar year '.subject to other provisions of this rule. A written report of each deferred vacation signed by the appropriate;d,epartment head and the Personnel Officer noting th'e detai s shall be kepi on file with the; Personnel Officer. Vacation time accumul°ated in excess of. two years s-ha1T be lost. In the event one"or more municipal holidays fall within an annual vacation leave, such 'holidays shall' not 6e charged as vacation leave and vacation leave shall be extended accordingly. Section 16. Deferred Compensation The City of Retaluma shal•1 make available to the members of this unit., the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. Section 17. Retirement The City of Petaluma's retirement plan under .the Public Employee's Retirement System shall consist of the following items: Miscellaneous Employees: 2% @ 60 Options: 1959 Survivors benefit 1 year Final Compensation Average Unused Sick Leave Cred'i't - 4 - COMPENSATION PLAN FO'R UNITS 3 & 4 Fy 1,983;.- 1984 This document~represen.ts the Compensation Plan fo'r'U'ni`ts. 3 ~ 4 for the Fsca Year 1983-1984.: Section 1. Term This compensation plan.sha11 be for a one (1) year term for the fiscal year commencing July T, 1983., through June 30, 1 984. Section 2. Salary The City sha:;l 1 adopt the _fol l;ow ng, salary ranges for each of the employee ~. in the fol'Towing classifications effective July 1,. 1.983 . UNIT 3 I ,II ILI IV V Civil Engineer Assista'n.t $1.702 $1~Z87 $1$:76- $1.970 $2069 Planning Aide Techn.ica~n 1`386 1.45'5 1527 1604 1684 _ Building Inspector 1702 1787 1876 1970 2069 Engineering Technjcian 1386 1455- 1_'5:27 1604 1684 ;' Ehgineering A.i~de T1;9.4 1.2'54 1317 1383 1;.452 Publis Works Inspector/Civil 1.830 1921 2019 2119 2225 Engi never As'si Stan-t Recreation Program Co.ord.inator TOT5 112`9 11,86. 1249 1311 UNIT 4 ,~ C`vil .Engineer Associate $1994 $20.9:4 $2,19,9:- $2309 $:2424 Assoc°i`.ate Planner- 1'830 T921 2D19 2'119 2'L25 P1 an ng Technician 1;583: 1662 ~ 1745 1832 1923 Assistant Planner 1507 1.583' 1662 1745 1'8'32 Section 3. Compensation Time An employee may receive:overtme compensation in the. form of compensation time: off at' a mutually agreeable time between the City and the employee at a rate of one-and one:-ha,l'f (.1;-1'./2) hours of compensable time for each hour of time worked.. Up to 'a :maximum o.f three (3) working days (24 hours) comp time may be accrued... Amounts earned in exces'~s of thaw will be paid at the overtme~rate in effect at. thefime the overtime was performed. Sect`i~on 4. ~Overt'me . a. A1,J. hours worked. in excess of eight (S) i,n any one day.o:r in exces of forty-(40) in any work week shall be; compensated for•~at the overtime rate which shall be one and one-half (1-l/2) times the basic straight time regular rate o.f pay. Overtime shall" not be: pyramided or compounded. b. Overtime compensation, minimum. Any employee req.ui,fred;to,-wo.rk overtime shall, in no case, be compensated for less Phan one hou.r~for such overtime. c. Paymeht_ for work during holidays, vacations, etc. 4Jhen it becomes necessary by an emergency to have employees work during legal ;:, - holidays or .the period .such employees a're entitled to vacation leave, such employees ~,vorking•on such legal holiday and during periods of vacation shall be entitled to receive additional remuner.at°ion at~a~rat;e of one and one- half t.i.mes their hourly wage equivaleht based on 173.33 hours per .month, or equivalent compensatory time off. If an employee works overtime on a legal ,holiday, he may waive pay and time and apply ogre-hal'f off for' the over- tme worked to h'is accumulated vacation upon mutual agreement between the emp ogee and department head a'nd approval by the, City Manager. Section 5. Health Insurance C-ty of Petaluma. Group Med-ical-Hospital Insurance Program: ~The~ City sh'a'll provide for a group medical-hospital insurance coverage program for City employee in Units 3 & 4. Dur.ing,1983-84, the following in- surance: premium am'ount`s toward `the group medical-hospital insurance programs are provided by the Gity of Petaluma. Health Plan of Sonoma Kai er The:Redwbods County Employee $ 5:9.:3.1 $.87.00 $ 87:00 Employee + 1' dependent 117.62 1"G8.00 152.00 Employee + 2' dependents - 1'70.21 1.98,. 0.0 203.90 .Section 6. Dental Tnsuran'ce The City shall provide for a ~g.roup dental i•nsu.rance coverage program 'for City employees and dependents in Units :3; ~ 4, during f; cal year `1983'.-84; the premium co t.of x'35:56 per employee, per month., s°hall be paid by the Gity. Section T. Life Insurance The City shall. pro~'iae, ;a.t no .cost to th'e employee, group term life insurance coverage in the princ'i'ple amount of $10,000 per employee. Section B. 6Jorkers' Compensation Benefits shall be payable in stuat:;ons where .employee absence is due to i'ndustr a injury as pr.ovi d'ed n Cal i fo:r. ni a .`State tJorkers' Compensation Law: ~T,he; amount- of disability payments paid` to,the injured employee shall be deducted. from salary payable tq the employee•while on sick lease. During the first three, ('3) calendar days of absence for indus.traT disability, employees. will be compensated at their full rate of :pay without deductions from sick leave ~unl.ess they are hospital.i.zed. Absence resulting in immediate hospital'izati~on.or absences continuing beyond the: third :day sha-11 be charged a~_gai nst th'e empa.oy:ee_: at the rate of one-hal f •(1,/2~) day for each day of absence cred'ited~or°compensated by workers' compensation insurance, provided the City receives al;l compensatioh paid by workers' compensation payments only, w`tho.ut City payment for salary at no loss of sick leave. Sick leave for industrial injury shall not. be allowed fo:r a disability resulting from sickness,~self-inflicted injury or willful misconduct. Sect:ion ~. Berea~eme'n:t Leave In the event of the death of an employee's spouse, mother, step-mother, mother-in-law, father, step father, father-in-law, brother, sister, child, including an adopted child, grandchild and grandparent., an employee who attends -2- • .,~, •. - the funeral shall be .granted time off work with Pay. 1'~he amount-of time off ,work with pray shall be only that which is .required to attend the funeral and. make, necessary funeral arrangements.,, -,but in no event hall it excee'd• three (3) working .days. These three .(3) day shall"not be chargeabl;e• to sick leave.. An additional two (2) -days required: for necessary fun;e_ral` arrangements may be charged to the employee;"s sick 1 eave. and any addi ti ona,l ~ timme• beyond .these -two days may be ch"arged to accumulated vacation or 1ea~e wi.thout.,pay. Such"'bereavement leave shall not be accruable from year°to year, no`s shall it have any monefary. value if unused. . Section 10. Holidays,. Ge~n_eral ' fihe City 's`hall observe :ten. (10) paid fixed-da'te holidays. T•hese~-holidays shall. be establi`°shed fo the City's fiscal year as determined by City Council resolution. Section 11 . Hol:ida'ys , Fl oa't ng During the F'scaT Year 1.983-84, the City will authorize•one (1.) "Floating Holiday" per employee, which may be: taken by the employee a:t a time selected by the emp'l~oyee, subject, to operational requ rement_s and 'approval determined by the City. Employees hired -between. July Y, 1.983;, .and December 31 ,. 1983, wi;l l be el `g bl a •~for ~a. "F1 oati ng Holiday" d_ur;ng the course of the 1983-84 -Fiscal Year. Sect-ion 12. Sick teav:e, Accrual Sick leave shall accrue to~,all full-time employees `at the rate of eight hours for each. month of °continuous service. No employee shall accumulate more sick leave in any year than prow-id'ed. Section 13. Sick Leave, Famil Leave-of absence up to four workingdays with pay per fiscal year m.ay be ~~' granted to an emp1 oyee i n the event of serious i-l l Hess, or, injury i n the °. ~ employee's immediate family and will. be charged against sick: leave. The immediate family shall consist of the,s.pou e', c,hildren,..parents; brothers, sisters,. or other ~i'ndivi.dua s whose relationship to the employee is that of a legal dependent. ~In such case, the appointing powers sha,lT grant. such sick leave: only when in his opinion the relationship of th~:sick or disabled ' person to the emplogee .warrants such use. of sick 1e'ave., Section 14~. Sick Leave Pav Out Ln the event of the death or retirement of an empl.oyee~.who:has completed ten- (1 Q) or more, years of. Conti-nuous service with •the City, ,the emp~loyee~ s;houl d. be paid or shall receive to his benefit fifty percent (.50%)~of his accumulated but unused, sick leave not to exceed 480 hours:. Section 1'5.. Vacation a. .Amounts:. A1.1 regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after working one full year are; enti•tl ed to the equivalent of ~ ei ghty, ,(80) 'hou.rs of vacation with pay in the year following the year in which vacation is earned. All regular empl:oyees,of the City. of Petaluma.,. after five (5) years• of continuous ser.vi'ce with.:the City, and beginning with the. sixth :year, shall be enti"fled to the equivaTen of one hundred twenty (120) hours of vacation per year. -3- ~ _ „, After ten (10) years of continuous service with the _Ci ty, ei gh ~('8") hours of vaca ion s°hall ~be added for each year of eonti°nuous serv'iee to a maximum of on'e hundred sixty (160) hours of vacation. b. Scheduling. The times during a calendar year in which an employee may take his vacaa.i,on shall 6e determ'ined by the. department head with due respect for the,w.ishes of the employee and particular regard fo,r the needs of the e:rvice. Lf the requirements of the service are such that an employee cannot take part o~r all of his annual vacation in a particular calendar year, such:vacat;on shall be taken during the following calendar year. c. Deferral. Any e^lig~ble employee with the consent of the head of his department and. the Personnel Officer may defer five (5) working days of his annual vacation to the swc:ceeding :calendar y..ea,r subject to other provisions of this rule. A written report of each deferred vacation signed by the appropriate department head and,tlie Personnel Officer. noting the details shall be kept on file-with the ,Personae Officer. Vacation time accumulated. in exces of two years; shall be lost. Ln the event: one or more municipal hol' days fal 1 wi th'n an annual vacat.i on 1 cave;, suc'h' iol i day shall not be charged as vacation leave and vacation leave s,ha'1T be extended accordingly. Section 16:. Deferred, Compensation The City of Petaluma shall make avail:abl.e to the members. of this unit, the City's Deferred Compensati-on Plan. Section 1'7. Reti remen:t The City of Petaluma'~s retirement plan under the :P°ublc:Employees' Retirement System shall consist of the following items:' Miscellaneous Emplogees: 2% @ 60 Options: 1959 Survivors benefit ° 7 .year Final Compensation Average lJnused Sick. Leave Credit -4- COMPENSATION PLAN FOR UfJIT 1 FY 1983 - 1984 This document represents the Compensation Plan for Unit 1 for the Fiscal Year 1983-84. Section 1. Term This compensation. plan shall be fora one (1) year term for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1983, through June 30, 1984. Section 2. Salary The City shall adopt the following salary ranges for each of the employees in the following classifications effective July 1, 1983. UNIT 1 I II III. IV V Secretary to the City Manager $12II1 $1345 $1409 $1482 $1557 Secretary 1144 1201 1261 1324 1391 Intermediate Stenographer-Clerk 979 1029 1079 1133 1090 Senior Account Clerk (Payroll) 1140 1196 1.256 1319 1.385 Administrative Intern 1225 1285 1350 1417 1488 Section 3. Compensation Time An. employee may receive overtime compensation i'n the-form of compensation time off at a mutuala y agreeable time between the. City and the employee at a rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours of compensable time for each hour of time worked. Up to a maximum of three (3) working days (24 hours) comp time may be accrued. Amounts earned irr exces's of that will be paid at the overtime rate in effect at the time. the overtime was performed. Section 4. Overtime a. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) in any one day or in excess of forty (40) in .any work week shall be compensated for at the overtime rate which shall be one and one-half (1-1/2) times the basic straight time regular rate of pay. Overtime shall not be pyramided or compounded. b. Overtime compensation., minimum. Any employee required to work overtime sha1.1, in no case, be compensated for less than one hour for such overtime. c. Payment for work during holidays, vacations, etc: When it becomes necessary by an emergency to have employees work during legal .holidays or the period such employees are entitled to vacation leave, such employees working on such. legal holidays and during periods of vacation shall be entitled to receive additional remuneration at a rate of one and one-half times their hourly wage equivalent based on 173.33 hours per month, or equivalent compensatory time off. If an employee works overtime on a legal 'holiday, he may waive pay and time and apply one-half off for the overt..me worked to hies accumulated vacation upon mutual agreement between the employee and department head and approval by the City Manager. ;; ~j ' Section <5. .Health Insurance Ciay of Petaluma Group Medical-Hosp'i'tal Insura,nee. Pr,o'gram: - The City shall provide for a group medical"-hospi'tal'-insurance coverage ' ~ program,for'City EmpT,oyee in Unit a. Dur'i'ng 1983-84, the following • insurance, premium amounts toward the-group medical-hospital insurance programs are provided by the City of Petaluma. ° !" Neal th Plan of Sonoma , • ~ Kaiser The -Redwoods Coun-ty Employee ~ ~ $ 59.31 $ 87:0.0 $-87.00 Employee + 1 dependent $117..62'. X168.00" $1.52'.00 Employee + 2 dependen;t's $.170.,21 $198.00 $.203.90 ° Section 6. Dental .I:nsura'nce ' The City shall provide .for° a, group dental .insurance. coverage program for - City employees and dependents i,n Unit 1, during fiscal year 1983-84~ the premium cost of'$35,'56 per emp ogee, per month., shall be paid by the City. Section 7. Life Insurance The' Ci ty.,,s;ha.l l pro;vid;e,, at no .cost to .the empl ogee, group term 1 i fe insurance cgvera~e in the principle amount of $'1-:0;0:00 per employee:. Section 8:." Workers' Compensa ion . ~ B'ene.fi is steal 1 be= payable n situations where, employee absence i`s due to industrial i n jury as ;p.rou"i ded: i n Cal-i forni'a :S.tate Workers' Compensa,ti on Law. The amount of disability payments paiid to `the" injured employee shall be deducted ~fr.,om sal a~ry payable to the employee wh,i 1'e on si cK 1 eave. During the fi rs,t three (.3') cal~enda'r days of "absence for industrial di sab~l i ty, employees: will be'. compensated at~their fu'11 r.a 'e. o'f pay without deduction ~`" from wick leave unless they are hospitalized. Absences resin ti"ng in `. immedia°te hospi`taliza'tion o.r absences eont~nuin`g :beyond the third day .shall be~charged against thee. employee at the rate of one-:half (1/2) day for each day of absence cred`i`ted or compensated by ".workers' compensation insurance, . provided. th.e City receives a,ll compensaaio;n paid 'by workers' compensation payment's only, wifhout City payment for salary at no loss of sick leave. Sick ]eave for "ind'ustral injury shall' not be a'1l.owed for a disability ,, resulting from sickness", self-inflicted injury or w:illful misconduct. Section 9. Bereavement Leave In;"the event of the death of an employee's spouse; mo he.r, step-mother, mother=in:-l:aw,; father, step-father, father-in-laws. brother, sister, child, inclUdin;g a'n adopted child, grandchild and grandparent, an employee who attends t:he funeral shall. be granted. time off work with pay.. The amount of time'. off'~wo;rk 'with pay shall be only that .whi'ch i s required to attend the funeral :and ,make .necessary funeral arrangements, .but` in no event shall it exceed fhree (3) working days. These. three (3) days shall' not be cha,~rgeable to i'ck leave. An additional two (2.) days regu.ired for necessary funeral arrangements may be charged to the employee's sick leave anal. any addai'on"al time beyorrd these two days may be charged to accumulated vacation or leave without pay. Such bereavement leave shall not be accruable from fiscal' year to fiscal year, nor shall it have any monetary value if unused. -2- Secton'1.0. Holidays, General The city shal-1 observe ten (10.) 'paid fixed-date holidays. These holidays sha91 be established fior the C"ity's fi`sca,l year as determined by City Council resolution.. Section 11. Holidays,~Floating During the Fiscal Year,1983-84, the City wi'11 authorize 'one (l) "Floating Holiday" per employee,~which may be taken ti;y~the employee at a .time s'e.lected by the~employee,.subject to oper,ation:al requirements and approval determined by the .City. Employees hired between July 1, 1983, and December 31 , 1983., witl ~l be eligible fora "Fl oat`'ng•. Holiday" during the course of the 1983:-84 Fiscal Year.. . Section 12. Sick. L_eave'~, Accrual Sick lease ,sha'l`l' accrue to all full-ti:me.empaoyees at the rate of eight : hours. for each month of continuous service. No °employee shall accumulate ~. more sick leave •in any year Phan 'provided. Section 13. Sick Leave, Family .Leave of abs;ence:: up to •four working days with pay, per fiscal year may be gra'nted' to a:h. ;employee i n they ev:en,t of seri>ous i`1 ~l~ness or injury i n the employee's immediate family and grill be charged° a,ga:ins't sick leave. The. immediate family~'shall~ eonss.t of the spous:e.,, chi'1dren, parents,. brotfiers, sisters, or bther~ ndiu"~dua7.s whose rel°a.t`ionship ,to~ the; employee is that of a legal dependent ;. In s'uc.b case, the appointing power shall grant such sick 1ea,ve only when ~n his,.opirron thee. rela't~i,onship of the sick or disabled person to the employee warrants such use~of sick leave.. Section 14.: Sick, Leave Pay `Out ' In the event~of the death or retirement; of an employee who has completed ten (10) or more years of con i~nuous service-. with the City, the employee: ~~ ' should. be paid or shall receive _to hi benefit fifty percent (50%) of his . accumulated. but unused sick"leave not to exceed 480. hours. Section 15. Vaca ion ~. a. Amounts. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after working . ~ one, foal year are enti: led 'tq the, equi'val errt o.f eighty (80) hours of vacation with pay in the year following fhe year in which vacation is earned. All regu ar employees of the City of Petaluma, after five (,5) years of continuous service with theeC"its, and beginning with the sixth year, shall be enti.tl.ed to the equivalent of one hundred twenty {l20) hour"s of vacation per year. • After ten (10): years .ofcontinuous service with he City„ eight (8) hours :,:~~ of vacation shall be added for each-year.of continuous service to a maximum ~. of one hundred six=ty (1~6D) 'hours of vacation. b. ScVieduling. Th_e times during a calendar year in, which an employee may take his vacation shall be de ermined by the de'partmen'tfead with due respect fqr. the w°shes of'the employee and particular regard for the needs of the service. If the requirements of the service are such that an employee -3- .. - ~ - . --~------ - (r - - ~~ .. .. cannot take part or all of his annual vacation in a particular calendar year, such vacation shall be taken during the follow,i`ng calendar year. c. Deferral. Any exigible employee with the consent of the head of his department-and the Personnel Officer may defer fire (5) working days of his annual vacation ,to the succeeding calendar year subject to other provisions of this rule. A written report of each deferred vacation signed by the.app.ropriate department head and the Personnel Officer noting the detai`1_s shall be kept on file with the Personnel Officer. Vacatiorr~time accumulated in excess of two years shall be lost. In the event one or more municipal holidays fall within an annual vacation leave, such holidays shall not be charged as vacation leave and vacation leave shall be extended accordingly. Section 16. Deferred Compensation The City of .Peta.luma. shall make available to the members of this unit, the City's~Deferred Compensation Plan. Section 17. Retirement The City of .Petaluma's retirement plan under the Public Employee's Retirement System shall~consist.o.f the following items: Miscellaneous Employees.: 2% @ 60 Options: 1959 Survivors .benefit l year~Fina] Compensation Average Unused Sick Leave Credit -4-