HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 9637 N.C.S. 01/03/1983.-, ... t l~esolution No. 9~ 37 1V. C. S: of the City of Petaluma, Ca~lifornia A RESOLUTION-AUTHOR'IZIN1 A J~INT POT,9LRS AGREE- : _ _ P/IENT WITH ,THE COUNTY OF SONOIvIA. EOR THE INITIAL DEVELOP~IENT PHASE OF THE `NFST PETALU]MA REGION- AL PARK AND AUTHORIZING THE P,!~AYO?~~ OR `CITY MANAGER TO EX~CUTE SAID AGREEMENT. BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor or.City Manager is here- by authorized to enter into.a joint powers agreement with the County of Sonoma for the development and .use of certain prop- erty to be commonly known as the West Petaluma Regional Park for the benefit of the Petaluma and southern Sonoma County residents ; and, BE IT FURTHER:.' RESOLVED that the City of Petaluma shall pay to the County o~ Sonoma the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars: ($50,000.00) which sum shall represent the City's sh_~:re of~ tlie ~~ development costs of the property, sai,d money beinb ~~the proceeds-~-•"~ of grant funds from:the vejedly-Hart State Urban and Coastal , Park Bond Act of 1976; and, ~- ~~"' ,.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEE that the Mayor or City Pi,7anager is hereby authorized to sign said ag:reement,~ ,.~;. copy of which is attached hereto as E~hibit "A". Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and' adopted by the ,-'' Ap d s~o'~'~ Council of the City of ;Petaluma at a(Regular) (Adjeu~azed}~.~S~eci,al) meeting fO 3rd- Januar S3 on the ---•-•--•---......••-..... day of •--•-••-•-••....._ ..---•••--.Y••••••• ••••-•••• , 19•--:..., by the followin~ vote: AYES: Balshaw/Ba.ttagl.ia/Bond/Cavanagh/Harberson/Vi~=Mayor Perry/ ~I~ayor Mattei G- NOES: J ABSENT: • --" r~ ~~ TTEST: ~~...~~....-••••..~Q~'~.,~~ -••• -• •-•--• .. ............................:....................•••-°------• ~(~~:t. -• •,... _ .... •- ~ -. •~ - • • ••_- • • ---•- City Clerk Mayor, Council Fila. .. .. .y.,.... .....: Form CA 9/81 Res. No.••.t..`3....~.G.~.'~•~••__i~.7• ~• S• ~ ~ r 4~ i~ - J~'C1I~N'T ~1'OIJI,RS AGREEM~1?N~T ~ 'CFCLS J(~7:N1' P~WI~RS l1GKI:I;r1LN'1, macie lli:is /2~~ ciay af 19~, by and between the C1.lY OF PETALUAIA, a corporatio- exi.sting uncler ai~d I~y vir. ttie o1 the laws of tlle State of aLter referr.ed to as "CITY", i_incl the COUNTY OF SONOT~, (ti r re e ed to as "COUNTY"'). WI'TNESSETII: ].. COUNTY owns cer.tain pr~perty commonl.y knoc.in as the West Petaluma Regional Par.k (here~ifter re~erree3 to as "Pr~~er,ty'') ; and 2. Said .PROPEKTY is ehe subj'ect oF a Grant Ap~~lication submitted by CITY Eor a Nejedly-Ilaxt State_, Urban arid Corist~l ParLc Bond. Act of 1976 Grant in t'tre amc~unt oL- FIFTY THOUSAND I~OLLARS ($5'0,000) ; ancl 3. COUNTY AND CITY wish to join in the c~evelopment 3nd us'e of said PROPERI'Y as 'a re:gi~nal park f.or the benef'it of the Petlluma and southern Sonom,i CoimLy r.esic}enLs. IN CONSI_DI:R~1T10N ~f the meiLu<~1_ covenants ancl ec~nclitions entered :~nto hcr.cii~, C~I:`l'Y ,in~l C:C.)lJN'I'Y if,i-er. :i5 fo:l.i.c~ws: L COUN`I'Y shal_l tidminister the Gr•ant Ap~~lication wl~ich has been suhmitted for. a Neje~3ly-Hart State, Urt~an ancl Coastal. Parl~ Boncl Act of 1976 Grant, for , the amount of. FIF'1'Y TIIOVS~IN'D DOLL;nRS ($50,000) . 2. CITY sliall coo~~erate ~incl ,;lssist COUNTY i_n the administration ot the - Grant Api~li.cati_on. .~a 3. COUNTY staall .pay any and all costs of mas`ter ~lanning the park to Ue deUeloped at the Wes,t Petal.uma Regional Park. GI.TX and COUNTY shall cooperate :in the pr.eparation oL tYie master plan which sha1l include passive park ancl 1-ecr.eati:on fac_ilities. ' ~ ~ 4. CITY; slaa]_1 pay'to QOUNTY, upon-demand, the sum of FZFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR.S (~$`50,,00.0), which sum s'h'al1 re~r:esenC CITY''S share o'f the d:evelopmenf ~costs o:E th-e PR~YTR_TY. In t11e Eveiit CI'TY i.s not awaxd'ed said Nejectly-ktart Grant, this Agreement st1~~l'1 terminate and be of no further force and effect.. pl''an. 5'. COUN;iY s,liaTl devele~P the ~~ro}~erly accoreling to the agreed upon master , 6. CQUNTY sha]_1,perf~grm maintenariee.~and'cus:todial services f:or the p'ark ;~_ al'ter :i_ts c~mp.l etlon. The I~axl~ slit-~l.l be o~era`ted as part o£ tlie COUNTY' S' regi~nal park sy-•stem. ~ n ganized and C~'lifornia (tie ein- ereinafte r.r 7. COUNTI' ~tgrees t-hai YIZq:PERTY must be retained for puhlic park, recrea- t~.on or open space in ,p:erpetuity; alon~ wi:th a 1eve1 of operation and main'tenance adequa:te Co insure the maximum utilization,of the PROPERTY hy ttie public for U ~ ,' •, ' 'r_ ' r.ec-re<-~Gional ~urPoses and that tlze u_se of the PROPERTY shall be ~"rantc.~ to aii_ res~_clent°s o~ the 'CITY an the same conditions that residents o[ the COUNTY use the I?ROPERTY, anel that if the COUNTY fails to coiriply with one or more ~f these s;t_ipula~ions, rhe CITY has the right to operate and ' mainta°in the projeet in accordnace wiCh the purposes of the grant.. 8. COUNTY reeogni;zes t1a~~t Lhis PR~PEFTY can otily t~e useci for the ex~r.es-s pur.p~ses of recrea.t=i.on and that no other use.of this land shall o¢cur without per.mission of tlle.State Legislature. ~. COUN`I'Y a~;rees to allc~w the tise l~y the CITY. on a renG-£ree basis for_ twenty-Live (25) years [~r the purp~se of. meeting the laaid tenure r.ec~uiren~ent oE the 197'6 St„ite Ii~n<3 AcL (PRQ 5096.1.]_}„ ttie property described in ~xhib:~t "A", attacl~ed hereto anci incorporated her.ein by tfie reference, ane3 COUNTY slia:l_]_ not tiave tlle Power to t~evoke s~~1:d use ,of this Agreement clur:i:nf; Lhe 25-yc<~r. per.:ic>d f r.om Che date of execution. Signed this ~~ (iay o~~ p~~. J . 19~-~ ; COUNTY OF SONOMA f - -~ , . By_. ., ~ ~., hai`rman,•-_ard of Supervisors C.ITY OE PETALUMA ~ Ey ATTEST: / .~ - C1_e,r o{ Lhe Boar~ of Supervisors of the Coun•ty of Sonoma,, S'tat'e of California ATTES. • __ ~ . . _~ ~ : `~' :~ ~ ,a _ .~ '~' Cit ' Clerk of Pe,tal;uina ~ F' . D:irecto /A:uditor ohn~ L. S:charer, City P7anager . ~ • .~ . ,r I , y ~ EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real propertg situated., lying,near the City of Petaluma, County of Sonoma, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of the land owned by the County of Sonoma and described in the following deed: The deed from STEPHEN J. VARNHAGEN, et al, to the COUNTY OF SONOMA, more particula~rly described as follows: Beginning at a 2'" ,iron pipe'tagged LS 2798 marking the corner cotnmon to se`c"tions 5,6,7., and 8 of Township 4 North, Range 7 L,lest, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence N 0'°29'27" E, along the line between Sections 5 and 6, 2673.'49 feet to W.z" iron pipe tagged LS 2798 marking the qu~arter-corner common to said sections 5 and 6;. thence, S$9°24'02" E, along the Northerly line of the Southwe,st % of Section 5, 2650.25 feet up a 3/4" iron pipe marking the center of Se'ction 5,; thence, S l~°12'16" W, along the Easterly line of.Southwes't %, 2657.76 feet to the 4 corner common to Sections 5 and 8-; thence, N 89°43'30" W, along the line between 5 and 8, 992,.41 feet; thence, S 40°14'49" W, 572.52 feet; thence, N 71°08'15" 1375:07 feet to the point of beginning. Gontaining 171.00 acres. Being the areas generally descri;bed.following water, telephone, electrical and sanitary system lines serving park and recreation facilities aC [dest Petaluma `Regional Park.