HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 9648 N.C.S. 01/17/1983~
~~S~1~t~~I~ No. 9.6'48. ~. ~. ~. MJ:A;:,cw 1-17-83
of the City of Petaluma, California _
BE I,T' RE~S.OLVED tha,f the~ C1ass S,peci f icat ions, one: (:l ) copy
of which is on f'ile with the Ci'ty .C-1erk and~made.a part hereof, for
~eertain c:lassifieations exempt from t'he Persqnne~l System, are hereby
adopted and placed i°n Uni~t 8,; and tha.t the salary ranges for these
exemp't pos i t ions be esta6l i shed as. fol lows':
Director. of Parks and, Reereation $2,54:9 - $2,943 per month
Director o:f Bub:l`ic Works/City Enginee'r $2,931 `- $3,.623 per month
Parks and Bui'ld.ing Superintencl'ent $2.,1:50 - $2,500 per month
Streets Superi;nit'endent $2,,1,5'0 - $2,500 per month
Water Systems Superi°ntendent $2.,15~ - $2,500 per month
BE IT FU:RTHER RESOLV:ED that Resolution:714"T N C.S. and
Resolution 9477 N..C.$,. be and are hereby amen`cled to. reflect the above
job classificat;ions.and salary ranges>.
ler the pbwer and;authority conferi+ed.upon this Council by tfie Cha'rter of said !
I hereby certify the foregoing .Resolution was -introduced. and adoj~ted. by the
Council;of the City°of Petaluma at a(Regular) (~d~~~~ meeting
on the ..,:.. ..1.7:txl...,:, day of --•...~T.aztl.l.a.z:y.,.. •---:. .:..._, 19$:3.., 6y thei
following vote: _
A~g= Balshaw:, Batt~aglia, Bond, Cavanagh; Harberso~Perry, Mayor Mat~
NOES: None
ABSENT: jvp, , ry
. , , _ - ~ ~~ .
ATTE3T: ,:.. _ '' ° _ ` - ... •-.. :. ....: . -• •-
...,... .. ..,_.
. --• - -•- ------ ... ..... . . .. ........... .....~
.~,'Clerk _ Mayor'
~~~~M 502-01
F~ cn z;~isi - x~. xo......._..~~~$_~_._ ,
Def i mi E`ion
Under general direction of the Pvblic Works D`ireetor, to plan
orga'n i ze,, d i rect and i-ev i ew the programs and act i~v'i t i es of the
street maintenance, egu.'ipment maintenan,ce,„s:a"nitary.and storm
sewer collecti.on sy<stems.,.river activities;, and . .,.
traffic contro:T de~i;cies; to provide p:rofessional and technical
sta,ff assistance.
Example.of Duti;es
Duties may include but are not limi.ted to:, development and
implementation o.f goals;, obj'ect:.iv.es, policies and 'prio:rities;
to plan, staff and direc.t th'rough subord:inate superv'isions, a
program o.f s'ktreet, maintenance and repa;ir activitie's including
such thi!ngs as street r_esurfac.ing, repairing and patching; side-
watk, curb and gutt:er removal and replacement, and surface drain
and sewer collection system main'tenance; sup`ervise the maintenance
of time; material and equipment use record;s; req:uisition supplies
and materia~l;s; recominend the purchase of equipment and ass:ist in
the development of specif'ications; rece-ive, inves"tiga,te and dispose
of complaints; check street;s, sidewalks, cu;r.bs, gutters and surface
drainage system faciliti,;es and the sewer collection s'ystem for
needed maintenance~and' re~airs; ins'pect the work of crews while in
progress; provide ad;v.ice:and assis:t'ance to subordinate supervisors;
prePare and•,adminis:ter sect..ion bud9et; prepare cost estimates for
street and su:r.fa:ce drain'a.ge s:ystem maintenance and repair activities;
make plan.s and skefches for minor s:.t;reet maintenance and repair
projects; coordinate street and surfaee drainage and sewer maintenance
activities with, ot;her City department-s, divisions and sections and
with outside agencies:; se,lect, supervise~, tr-ain and evaluate sub-
ordi,nates.; perform related duti'es es assigned.
Under executive direction of the City'Manager, t;o p:7an and d'irect all
activities of the,Par'.ks, Building rlaintenanc.e and the Recreation
bepartments; to assist in the acquisi.tion of, planni~~ng for,. aod
maintenance of future:and existing development of parks, recreation
areas, landsaaped areas, and recreationaJ facilities and buildings.
Example of Duties
Confers with the City Manager on programs and policies rel'ated to recreation
and le.isure time.programs, pack development and maintenance of Public
buildings and ground;s; pians, assigns and o~ersees uaried park', recreati:onal,
and buil"di'ng mai:ntenance programs; ~period'ica1l,.y inspects work in progress
and uPon comPletion; coord;inates with other departmenf's for the maintenance
of equipment, development and mai;n;tenanee of park and rec°reational
facilities; plans, d'irec"ts and coordina~tes,a variety of recreational activities
and events for various ages and special interest g;roups; coordinates the
use of park and ,recreationa;l facilities an'd Participation in scfieduled
programs with s:chool and :community groups and other Gity de:partments;
speaks before civi:c, school and other interested groups; maintains effective
management of departmen.t f~nc~tion,s, records and operati:ons; supervises
the developmeo:t and-evaluation of employees and advises on hiring, discipline
or termination of de:partmen~t personnel; prepa,res and pre:s.ents oral and
written repocts, stud'ies, correspondence and recommendat.ions; prepares
departmental annual repocts, prog,rams of service, and Preliminary budgets
in conjunction with subordi~nate departments; controls expenditures within
a.pproved 1 imi tat'ions; at:tends, wFien necessar-y,, G i ty Counc i 1, Recceat ion,,
Music and Parks Comm;i~ss::ion„ Pl:anni.ng Commiss.ion and other meetings; coordinates
departmental activiti`es and ma:intai~ns good working relationships with other
departments, employees, the~pub'lic and other agenc'ies. Duties may include
6ut are not limited to the above.
~ January, 19.3
Under execu,tive direc,tion of the C-i.ty Manager,~to pl.an and direct all
activities of the Engineering Department., Streets-Department and Utility
Depertment,.responsi6'le,for the planni.ng, des;ign and construction of all
municipal publi,c works, including the water sup
street maintenance; eng.ineering construe~tion and
as Traffic Engineer; to carry ou;t the du;ties as
where the Gity Charter or Code uses the term or
Public Works wh,en requiring a graduate.engineer
engineer, and to do related work a,s required.
Examples of Dufies
ply, waste disposal,
'lancl. development; serves
Di'rector of Public Works
ref,ers to Director of
or a registered civil
Confers with the Cit;y Manager on p,roposed pol'icies, programs, projects and
improvements; inel'udin,g, but not limited' to traffic., water, sanitary and
storm sewer, sol.id waste, air po.lluti:on;; park deve.lopment, capital projects,
and planning; performs engineering rel'a.ted phases of environmental impact
reviews; direct_s a~l`1 engineeri.ng,~constructi~on inspection anci operational
activities of the department; rev~iews and approves all engineering plans,
specifications and documen,ts; .coordi'netes and direct-s engineeri,ng work
involving streets-, sidewalks, water and sewer util'ity syst,ems, drainage
systems, civic struc,tur.es,; t°reatment pl.an.ts, genera-1 transportation and
traffic; ser~es as techn:i~a_1 adv'isor to other dep'artments; directs traffic
engineering acti"v:ities; mainfain.s offie„iel maps, .rec"ords.and files related
to public~works engineer',ing projects; maintai.ns effective management of
departmen~t functions, 'reco;rd;s and q:perafions; su,pervises the d.evelopment
and evaluation of employees and advises; on h.iring, d`isci;pline or termination
of department personnei; prepares and presents oral and written reports,
studies, torrespondence and recommend'ations;' prepares, in conjunction
with subord:inate;depa`rtmen~ts;,annual reports, prog~,ams of service, and
tenta.t i v.e budget~s; contro'.1 s expend i tures 'wi'th'i n ap,proved 1 im i tat ions;
attencis, when necessary, City Council, and other meetings; coordina,.tes
departmental activ'ities and mai~.n:tains good~working relationshi:ps with
other departments, employees, pufilic and' other agencies:
January, 19~3
Under direction of :the Director of ,Parks and Recreati.on, p):ans; directs,
and supervises the maintenance and care of parks, recreational areas,
public buildings:and g,rounds, and' rela.ted faciliti~es and to p.rovide
highly respo~sible and technical staff assistance:
Example of Duties
Duties may include but are not l.imi'ted to: pla'n„ supervise and direct the
planning, developmenfi', cons.ttuction and ma.intenance of parks, la,ndscaped
medians, parkways, p;l-ayg:round areas and pa!rk fac:iliti'es and other Public
facilities; dire¢t the scheduling o~f work proj:ects and the de.tecmina.tion o.f
equipment, material and personnel needs; inspect and review work progress
and performance and resolve°work pro6lems; direct' t:he des'ign of new,and
changes to ex i s'-t i ng, Park ;s i tes and publ i c bu i 1 d i ng;s,; rev°i ew pl ans and
drawings, time a:nd materi'al estimates and cos,t projecti:9ns; coorclinate park
maintenance and constructi~on acti'vities with ot_her City departments and
d`ivisions and with outs~ide agencies.,; mai^nt,ain and :develop cooperative
relationshiPs witli se.ction employees, outside agencies and the gen;eral
public; participate in bud.get p;reparation and admin.istration; prepare and
supervise the maintenance of a varie;ty of r;eco`rds and r.eports; select,
supervise, train and eValuate su'bord'inates.
~- January, 19 3
`.. ,;, .,
~ , ~ ~ ~
`b ~ 1
Under directiorr of the Director of Pub`1ic W6rks, to coordinate,
supervise and review the constructi:on, operation, maintenance and
repair of water system facilit`ies and to provide profess,ional end
technical staff assistance.
Example of Duties
Duties may include but .ar,e not limited to the 'foll,ow;;ing:, assist in
the implementati:on of ,go,als, objectives, policies:ana priorities;;
organize, schedule, assign, supe`rvise and eoordina'te directly and
through sabordinate supervisors the cons:truc•t'ion, maintenance and
repair and operat.ion of the domestic water systems; confer with
engineers, contractors, other utilities and G'ity sfia.ff regarding
projects and project problems.; review projee~t~ plans and drawings with
crew supervisors., making change recqmmendations based on field observation
and operational probl:ems; inspect fie.ld' p.rojee,ts in progress and upon
completion, provide technical advice and assistance.on difficult work
~ problems; evaluate work methods and procedures used in field operations,
recommend.in:g improvements; ~supervise the maiqtenanee of time, material
and equipmen.t :use records; requ'`isiti:on su:pplies a'nd materials;
recommend the purchase o;f .equipment and assist in the deve:l.opment
of specif`i.cations; receive, i_nves;tigate and d"ispose of complaints.;
check water sys'tem facilit'~es for needed mai,n.tenance and repair; assist
in budget Preparation and adm,inistration; pr;epa.re cost estima:tes for
water system construction operation and mai:nfenance activi'ties; select,
supervise, train and evaluate subordinates; perform related duties as
Janaery, 19 3