HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 9454 N.C.S. 05/24/1982_ a , ~ ~ ~ T. ~,-.r r-'`', ~ , . " ~ ~ . ~C~SOIU~T01~' ~NO. 9454 N. ~. S. -- ~ of t~e City, of Petaluma, California ~ A RESOL~l1TI0N ADOPTING GUIDE°L'INES FOR . THE ISSUANGE'• OF ECONOM~I'C DEVEL'OPMENT ~ REVENUE BONDS WHEREAS, the C'i:ty o,f~~ Ret~°l~umaf i s a•'_muna ci paT corporati on and charter city duly ,organ~iz:ed and existing under-a freeholders' charter pursuant to w',hich t;he City~,,has' the rig:h~t and :power~;to` make; and enforce al„1 l,aw.s and• regula`t;i:ons in 'respect to muni'ca.:pal ~affai'~rs a'nd certain other matters in accordance wi~th and as..more particularly provided in Secti:ons 3, 5 and 7 of Articl,e: XI of 'the Constitu,tion of the State of Cal-ifornia and Sectaon 81 of the City of the Gi'ty:of Fetaluma; and, WNEREAS, the Gi;t,y,Counc'il" of tlie Cit,y o:f Peta~luma finds that the ,, public in-terest and'.necessity`require the est~abl:ishment.of a program for ~ the authorizati~on,~sal~e and issuance of economic.de~elopment revenue 6onds by the City and, acting under Section 3,, 5 and 7`of Article XI of ~ the Constitution of the State of California and Secti'on 81 of the Charter, adopted City of Petaluma Economie Deve.lo:pment Revenue Bond Law known as Ordinance No;. 15:20 N.C.S.; and, WH'EREAS, the C.ity~ Counci,l'~of the City of Pe;ta'Tuma desires to adopt --- ~ Gui del i nes for Appl i cati`ons '~fo`r Fi nanc`i n'g under the Ci ty of Petal uma .- Economic Development Reuenue Bond Law (Ordinance No: 1520 N.C.S.); NOW, THEREFORE,'BE IT~RESOLVED by~the City Council that it hereby adopts the guidelines entitled "Guidelines for Appli:cations for Fin'anc- ing Under the Gi.ty of Petaluma Economic Development Bond Law" attached ~~ hereto as Exhibit A, att'ached hereto and incorpor-ated herein by refer- ence.. :~ - I hereby certify the `foregoing Resolution was introduced. and, ,adopted by the ' Council •of the. City of Petaluma at a(Bl~~) (Adjouined) (:~iY1) meeting `' _ ppro d, to on the ..24.tf1 .-•--. day of -----._.... Ma.:l! ....... .......• ..,---•-- > ~iv_..82, by the ~ ' following yote: ' ,_ ~ ., ~ - '' '~~ty~llttorney „ ~ AYES: PERRY, HARBERSON, BOND, BATTAGLIA, VTCE MAYOR CAIIANAG , 1AYOR MATTE.I ~ ' ,- NOES: NONE ABSE~NT: NONE _ , `N ; BA'LSHAW ~ ATTEST: ----- ~- -- _ : _- -- - -.- .. " - _-~• ... ....:. ..........• ' ~ -- --.. --~ ---- ; ..- ,...., - _.... :. , City Clerk ' .> ~ . . ., .4'~4-:09 , . Mayor . _ „ . _ : ~ ~ -~ . COUNCIL FiLE'_'7~'~'~'7~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ , . ." `7.`.i'. J `F . ' ~ ~ . . . . ' . - . . . - . .. ..~ ~ ~ , . FORM CA 2 1./80 , . RES. No: ~ ~ - - . ' - GUIDELINES . • FOR APPLICATIONS FOR FINANC~ING UNDER THE CITY OF PETALUMA ECONOM'IC DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND LAW MAY 24 , 1982 ~~'~~~~ ~ ' courvci~ Fi~e ~~j~T'~J~~ ' REB. NO. '7 ~'/'~7__„~~ These guidelines have been adopted by the City Council of the City of Petaluma (t'~he "City") for the purpose of establishing guidelines for the_ submission and review of applications for financing under the City of Petaluma Economic Develo:pment Revenue Bon'd Law (the "Bond Law"). All projects to be f`ina:nced under the Bond Law are subject to these guideline:s. A11 terms used herein shall have the same meanings given such terms in the Bond Law. APPLICATION FOR fINANCING Application for financing under the Bond Law shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk of the City at City Hall, P. 0. Box 61, Fetaluma, California 9495:3. Each application shall be accompanied by an application fee in the amount of one-quarter of qne perce;nt (0.25%) of t.he face amount of the. bonds and shall set forth the following information in the order prescribed below and should include all documentation specifically required or otherwise appropriate. Any information and documentation which are not readily available at the time an Application is filed must be submitted at a later time to be designated by the City Manager. At his discretion, the City Manager may recommend that the City Council aceept an incomplete Application. The resolution approving such an Application may be rescinded or amended if the r.equired supplemental~ information and~ documentation (i) are not provided to the City by the prescribed time, (ii) are unsatisfactory.to t.he City Manager or City Council, or (iii) are inconsiste.nt with the findings made by either the City Manager or the City Council with respect to the original Application. • A. Applica:nt.Information. 1. Name of Applicant: 2. Legal form of A.pplicant: Individual (s) Partnership Corporation Trust Other: ,,.'~'~.: ~ ~I~ ~ COU E19. N1O. ~Q~ ~ ., . ~ _ 3. Unless Applicant is an individual, please attach copy of partnership agreement, articles of incorporation, instrument creating trust or other document evidencing existence. 4. Principal office of•Applicant (address and telephone number): 5. Name and title of contact person or persons (give address and telephone number if different from 4 above): 6. If Applicant is a partnership, attach a list of the partners; if a corporation or association, attach a list of the board of directors, principal officers and any parent corporation and subsidiaries. 7. Unless the Applicarit is an individual or a trust, attach a d`escription of the Applicant's business, including its history, major products or services, major customers, suppliers and competitors, and operations in the City of Petaluma. 8. Attach a list showing the firm name, address, telephone number and individual contact name of each of the following who are now known: (a) Applicant's general legal counsel and local counsel who will participate in the proposed financing. (b) Underwriter or purchaser or placement agent for the proposed bonds. (c) Counsel for underwriter or purchaser or placement agent. (d) Bond counsel. 9. Will any entity other than the Applicant own the site of the proposed facilities? If so; p,lease attach a copy of the lease.or other agreement under which the Applicant will use the project site, or if such agreement is not yet available, describe the terms of the agreement that 2 p j~°~ ~ COUNCIL FILE ~4 ~~~ ~~~~C~E Y ~ RE6. NO. ~~5~~. wi11 be execute;d; and give the name, ad'dress, te.lephone number arid co"ntact p.erson of the owner of the s'ite. ' ~ B. 10. Will,.any entity other fihan~the Applicant use any part of.the proposed facilitie:s? I.f so, at.tach a supplement to thi's application describing th:e.:agreemen~t under wh'ich ariy. such other entity will use the facilities (incTudinq, if available, a setting forth tn copy of.such agreement) and he information about such other entity which is.given for the Appli,cant in items 1, throug.h 7 and 8'(a) above. ~ 11. Will an~y enti`ty other than the Applicant.guarantee ~ > the pr:o.p'osed bonds or guarantee the obligation of the App'lic;an-t to, the City? ~ If ~so, ~ attach: a suppl.ement to 'this applicat`i.on. identifying such ` other entity (name, address,, tel:ephone number and contac,t ,person) ;: describing the :re.lationship between the Applicant and such ~ntit:y.and setting forth~ the financial information :a~bout such ;entity which is :given for~:the ~Applicant in „S`ection -E beTow.' Project Informati.on. •. - 1. Location o:f: propo;sed facilities (give address a~nd, - if available, attach legal description): 2. ~Description o.f facilities (check~one or more): Constr.uc:tion bf riew facility' Addition t`o existing.facility ~ Renovation of exi~sting facility ~ ~ Acquisit'ion of existing f;acil-ity Acqui'sit`io:n of machinery and equipment ~ Acquisition of land . ~ . 3. Attach narratsve description of the facilities, inc,luding: , , - , 3 ~ ~a~-d~ ~°~.~~~~~ ~ ~ COUNCIL F1LE _ . ~~~~~. ~~ f'.EB. NO: .~~... ' - ~, • . . - . . . . . ~ . ( a;)~ ar-ea of lan'd to be a:c,quired and . nature o'f .improvement~s 'to be made to land; (b) sizes arid.typ:e,s o.f any buildings or buil,ding additions to-be constructed; (c) si~ze and type of exi,s.ting facilities to be ac'qui red; , , (d) nature of renovations to be m`ade to exist'ing facilities; ~ (e) items of machinery and equi.pment to ,be.~aequi.red and install,ed. ' 4. If the p;roj°eet involve:s new construction, attach a survey of the project si,te ;showing =ltocation of proposed improvements..; if the proje,ct involves acquisi'tion 'o,f existing 'facilities, attach a survey of the pxoj,ect site showirig-ex:isting improvements. If suc:h a survey has not yet°.be~n made please submit it to the Gity when available. 5. Descri-be the operations for which-the facilities are to be us:ed:: ~ 6. Will any operations now conducted by the Applicant or other user °of the proposed, faci~:lities in an.y - other area in.Cali,forni,a be re"loeated or abandoned as. a result 'of the comp'let;ionk and operation of the ' proposed facil~iti.es'? ~ If so, please attach a description~of:such.other operations,~the ', reasons fo.r.relocation or ab'andonment and the other ~~ s~ites~ the Appl:icant is actively co.nsidering: .for location of: the operati.o'ns tb be conducted at the p ro.posed facilities. 4 ~~3~~tl~ . . GOU'I~GIL FILE ~OT' ~O~ I~ ~.. • FtES. NO. ~7 T~~ _ 7. Will the fac'ilities'meet zoni"rig requirements at the prop.os;ed location? Will a.'zoning variance be required? If's`o,. has an application been made for ~such,'varia"nce:? °~ . 8. Attach a deser.i;ption of any add~itional public services which wil,l be re'qui;r,ed for the facilities, including water or sewer°Tines or..other utilities, dedication of roads., publ`ie t:ran_sportation services, and other services: 9. Does Applicant now own the site,of the proposed facilit.ie~s'? If not,, has~ the Applicant entered i-nto an option or commitment or other agreement to pur:chase the larid? If so, pleas'e attach a copy of such agreement. 10. Proposed c'ommencement date of acquisiti'on or construction of the facilities+: ~ 11. Estimated date on which facilities will be in operati,on: 12. May the construct-io,n or operati.on of the facilities potentially result in any of the following: yes no ~ ~/ ~/ Emissio:n •o,f air pol:lutamts of an~y kind or in ariy amount? ~/ ~/ Discharge of water pollutant's of any kind or in, any amount? ~/ L/ Production, storage, processing or use of solid waste? L/ ~/ Production, storage, proce~ssing or use of hazar.dous materials, including. solid pr:oducts - ~ of combustion? ~ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ Noise? S'•treambed or lake alte'ration or significant increase in-„use or diversion of water? Impact, up.on an his:torical landmark, archaeological site, wilderness or park area? Combustion of oil or natural gas? 5 ' ' ~a COUNGIL FILE ~ ~0(~~ ~~~~~~ g ~ RES. SVO. r:..~( ~/,...~+ ~/ ~/ Substantial dire,ct o~r ~indirect isnc~rease in energy consumption? ~ ~/ ~/ Visual or aesthetic, ,impac.ts? ~/ ~/ D-red.ging~ or fillin,g of wetlan'ds or navigable waters? . - ~ ~/ ~/ Const~ruction in a floodplain or seismic risk area? . - ~/ ~/ prillirig,or use of, any weT.l? ~/ ~/ Alteration of the natural cont`ours of the land? ~/ ~/ Sizbstantial increase i.n ;'traffic? ~/ ~/ Displacement of people, or increase in need , for s:ocial services. (schoo-ls, police and fir.e ~ departmerits, etc.)?'~ ,. , ~/ ~/ DispL:acement or other ef_f'ect on fish ox wildlife habitat? ~ ~/ ~/ Use of ,nuclear .materiaTs? ~ ~ ~/ ~J Other erivironmental'imp;act:s? If ~yo.ur answer to any `o;f the above is yes, ~ p.Tease exp°l:ain why. _- ~ 13. List all permits required f:or the facility, the dates applicat'ions for such.permits were or~will be <filed, and whether such perrni,ts have been received. 14: Describe any actions taken or to be~~taken in order to comply with the California Envi"ronmental Quality ` Act and/or the~:National Erivironmental Policy Act.. C. Project Cost Information. 1. Estimated cost of the project,, including cost of facilities and financing costs: ~Land;and existing improvements $ Cons~truction of' new bui,ldings Cons.t•ruction of bu:i,lding additions 6 ' - . ~0~: D 9 ~i~p~i~~~~^,~ Co~ RES. NO, . ~/: ~'~ OtYier site improvements _ ~ Renovation of existing buildings . Machinery and equipmerit ~ Architectizral & engineering fees ' - ~ Attor.neys' fee`s ~ ~ Underwriter's discount or pl.aeement fee Trustee's fees . . Capital.ized int'erest and other ' financing costs . .App,lication fee . ~ Other ' Total $ _ 2. Maximum amount of bond issue requested by this application: $ ~ 3. Identi.fy s,ource of funds to pay proj.ect costs not . p:aid from bond proceeds: ' 4. Desc,ribe the proposed or d"_es,ired te-rm and interest rate of the financing and the desired form of . . offering (-direct sale to i•nvestor, insti-tutionaL ~ pri,vate placement or underwr'itten offering). ~ 5. Identif:y the proposed purcha~ser of the bonds, . ~ ~ underwr-iter or placement ag:ent~for the App:licant, .and~attach a c.opy of any c'ommitment letter £rom ~ such~prospective purchaser~or any agreement with such:underwriter or placement agent. 6.. Indic.ate desired method of financing: ~ t Loan of bond proceeds by C'ity to Applicant. ° . ~ . . . ~~~~~~~ ~ COUNCIL FILE ~V r~ ~ ~ REB. No. .~9~f~ ~ . Lease of facilities by City to Applicant. Installment sale of facilities by City to .:Applicant. D.. Information Regarding Public Benefits. (If applicable, information in this section is to be given for both the Applicant ariel any other entity that will use the facilities.) ~ 1. Current employment and payroll in the City of Petaluma: ~ Number of Employees Annual Payroll Full Time $ . Part Time , Seasonal . Total $ 2. Estimated employment upon project completion: . Number of Employees Annual Payroll Full Time $ Part Time Seasonal Total $ 3. Estimated employment 2 years after project completion: . Number of Employees Annual Payroll Full Time $ Part Time Seasonal Total $ 8 . ~~~~~~~ ~ rOUNCIL K'IL~ ~O ~~ ~ • ~tEB. NO. ~,] ~S ---•-~ 4. Estima,ted i;nere.ase in dollar,amount of sales after ' project completi.on: . Current sales $ . One~ year a'fter completion $ Two years after completion ;:$ 5. Esti-ma~:ted' inc~rease in dollar amount o~f Applicant' s real and personaT property in the~City upon comple,tion of the.,project. • 6.. If applicable;;, attach a d'escription of' how the use of the fac-iliti;es will reduc'e, or improve the disposition .o;~f, waste mat`er~ials•. 7. Attach a descri.ption of hgw the use of the facilities ~wi;ll benefit consizmers re'siding in th'e; C,ity by<improving the quality o:r quantity or _ reducin,g the price of produ'cts;,: energy or related service:s or.facilitie.s or by pro'duci;ng new or - ~ improved~ p;roducts' or ,re.l;ated serv~i.ces or facilities which wil:l be available to such eonsumers. ~ 8. If applicable, att;ach a desc;ript~Yon of how the use of the facil'ites will contribute to~the stability and diversi£ic,ation of the 'City'',s••economy. E. Financial Information. 1. Does the Applicant expect to..grant a security-~ inter.est in the facilities to secure the proposed bonds or the~Applicant's obliga;t'ion to the City? If so, ~attach an appra~is~a'T, •prepared by an independent appr,aiser showrrig,the expected value of the facil~i,t;ie~`s ~•upon comp~leti°on.- ..If not, will there be other seciirity for the bonds o`r for such obligation?~ If ~so, please attach a desc.ription, and apprai;sal of such security. lf t~he security i=!s .°to •:be~.a guarante,e b.y an entity other~ than the Applicant or.:a g.overnm'ental.agency, please supp•ly tli.e info.rmat=ion': requested in 2 through 7~ , below for both the Applic.ant and such other entity: " . 2.. If the~App:licant is a publ;ic' eorporation, on what stock_ ~exch~ange is it listed? , 3. If the App~licant is a privately heTd cor-po;r;ation, ~ ~ . a:ttach a'l'r':s:t of principal (more than 10%)~ ° _ stoc~kh'olders. . 9 " 1~~ . ~ ~I .. . ~U~:ct~ FILE `~ , ~~6-Ei3~~tl~ ~ REB. NO. ~.( 4. Attach audi'ted financial statements of the Applicant for the last two fiscal years. 5. If appli.cable, att.ach annual r;eports (or form 10-K's), for the two most recen,t fiscal years,, a•nd guart'erly rep:orts (Form 10-Q's) and current reports (Form 8-K's`) since the mo,st recent~annual report,~ if any,. (If the ~le'gal form of the Applicant is . such that the.flnancial statements or.reports required~above are not avai,lable, unaudited financi~a:l.. statements,or Federal income tax returns may b.e submitted instead.)= 6. Attach a desaription of any significant pending or thr.eateried litigation involvirig the Applicant. The undersigned individu,al,s hereb.y. certify that they have the au`thority to submit thi:s application in the name and on behalf of the Appl;ica•nt:named herein, as shown by their titles appearing under thei:r si:gnature_s below,'~that ~ they have reviewed all.of the inf,ormation set forth -in this application, including al-1 attachments,~that tYiey are sufficiently 'familiar with the affair;s: of. the..Applicant,to determine the accuracy ,of such infoxmation, and that to the best knowl:edge of the undersigned the in~formation set fo;rth in this applicat.i.on, incl`uding all at~tachments, is true, - complete (except as noted herein) and co'rrect as of the d'ate hereof. The undersigned agree; that if any of~such information becomes or is discovered to~be i-naccurate prior to the issuanee'af bonds or rejection of this application by the City, ~the uridersigned, wil.l give the City :promp:t notice. and correcti,on of such inaccuracy.. The undersigned furthe"r agree to supply to the City a•ll.informa:tion and materials necessary to complet'e this application a's soon'as the same can be made availab:le.' ~ .~ The undersigned "under.stand that i this application, and~whether or not-bonds. issued to finarice the proposed.project,_ the 10 ~~fl-TiH~~~ d~ f the 'City accepts are ultimately Applicant will be -pUlVClt FILE ~~/~ ~ R~s. n:o. _.9~s.`/_ =--~' re:quir:ed to pay a;l;l fee;s and expenses of counsel for the Ci.ty and' bond counse~l in-,connection'with the proposed financing. • This application is~,dated, and submitted , 19 . _ (Signature) (Title) ~ ~ (Signature) (Title) On behalf of: 4 (Applicant) ~ _ <'OUNGIL FILL ~D C~~ ~~.. RE8. No. ~.-~~/-"'-' , -.:: REV I,EW OF AP~P L I CAT I ON All Applicat-ions f.i:led with the; City C:lerk shall be referred to the City Manager, who..i:s hereby designated the , coordinator'of the Appli.cation process,; The,City Manager shall forthwith;re~iew-each.Application to determine its sufficienc.y and .sha-ll notify-~the:Applicant within seven working day_s after fi;ling with the City Clerk whether such Application contains suff:icient inforinatiori o;r..whether additional info~rma,tion or agreements are required. When he/:she has determined tYi~at an Applicati.on contai-ns sufficient information and agre.einents,-the City Manager shal.l coordinate the review of such Application.with interested members o£ the City staff. Such reView sha1-1-include the~making of appropriate determinations co:ncerning tYie financ'ial feasibility of the,proposed project and the probable contribution of the proposed,project'to the public;purposes and municipal affai.rs set for"th in Section .102 of the Bond Law. Such dete~rmiriations shall be made within thirty days after the City, Manager ha"s determined that the Applic:ation e.ontains :sufficient informa.ti;on.. If it shall be determined that the proj~.ect is.~ f~inanc`ially feasible, is likely to make significant benefici.al contributions to the purposes of the:$ond Law,.and is the type of project which it is the po.licy of the City to promote,,the City Mana,ger shall proceed to pr.epare or cause to`be prepared~ an appropriate ' written report- on th'e Applicatiori to the City Council. I'n the event that it shal.l be determined that'.the prop.osed project is not fin.ancially feasib.le, or .is:~<not:'likely to make ~ significant beneficial,contribut~ions:t'b the~pur-poses of the Bond Law, the City~ Manage.r~ shall so- na<tif;y tYie Applicant in writing, and such determination shall':be eonclusive. . . Upon an affirmative determination that a proposed project is financi:ally,fea'sible, is li~kely to make significant`beneficial co.ntributi,ons.to the purposes of the~ Bond Law, and is the type of pro.ject which it is the policy of the City~to promote, the City Mana"ger;shall file a copy of th'e Application, as then~amended or supplemented,'together with the r,eport pr.epar,ed by the City Manag.er, wi°th the City Clerk for entr,y into the records of the City. As soon as it shal,l` be convenient to• d,o so, the City Council shall, at a publi.c meeting, proc:eed~to review the Appli,cat,ion, take such, ev;iderice as it deems';necessary or deslrable., including hearing:any interested.member of the:public, f,or the purpose of det~ermining wheth°er• formally to aecep.t and ~•approve the . ~ App1"ication. I;f 'the, Gity Council chooses•. to • approve any Applicat-ion, it shal~l,adopt a resolution to that effect. Notice~.of such 'approval shall be published once by the City Clerk i-ri the of,ficial newspaper withinsthe City as soon after the passage thereof as:~is practicab`le: The City Council may 12 . ~~:P~G~~~ ~ ~ .''OU~NCIL FfLE r O ~~ ~- RES. NO. ~~ ~ _9~-~~ -•--- m u_ ~ - ..~ ~ L " ~ continue its con'siderat'ion of the Application from time to ~ time as in its judgme:nt i~t deems necessary„ or for the purpose of obtaining additional information o,r agreemerits from the Applicant.~ In the event that the City Council ~ determines not to.appr:oye and accept any Application, it shall do so by motio.n_duly recorded in its minutes.. The determination by the City Council to accept and approve any Applicati:on~in no:way shall constitute a eommitment or agreement by~the Gity to consummate the financing of the project. Ang~Application which has b.een~accepted may be subsequently re;je.cted,. and the resolution approv'ing such application ,may. be subs:equently "rescinded b:y the Ci"ty Council at any time before the issuance of: Borids therefor and for any reason. ~~ 13 ~ ~ ~ ~^OUNCIL FILE ~O~ ~ O ~w11~H~ll~ ~ RES. NO. ~._,~YS_._y