HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 9476 N.C.S. 06/14/1982.-~. Resolution No. 9476 N. C. ~. JLS : cw 6-1-82 of the City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION APPROVI:NG SALARY AND-SUPPLEMENT°AL WAGE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEfS IN UNIT 1(CONFIDENTIAL), l1N.IT 3(TEGHNICAL), UNIT 4(PROFESSIONAL), AND UNIT 5(CLERICAL) WHEREAS, the employees, in Units 1, 3,.4, and 5, are not represented by any recognized employee organization; and, NJHEREAS, the City Manager, pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma City C~harter; is required and empowered to make a recommendation to the City Council on matters related to employees' compensation; and, t-JHEREAS, the City Manac~er has recommended that employees of Units 1, 3, 4, and 5 receive salary and supplemental wage benefits, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the salar.y and supplemental wage benefits as specified in the attachments for employees in these units, being i'n the.best interest of the City, is approved and shall become effective July l, 1982. ~ Under the power and authority conferred upon.this Couricil`by the Charter of said-City. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was ;introduced and adopted by the Approved as to ~ Council of the Cit of Petaluma~:at a 'Xr 3 Ad'ourned fO~ Y . ~~~ ) ~ ~ J ) ~P~~1) :meeting . ~ ori the ..:_...a.4~h...._.._ day of --••-•-••s~_U11~••••-•••--• .:.......:....:.......:........ 19_H2._, by the f 11 .. ~,. , , . AYES: 0 owing vo ., , •-••••••--••-----•-•----•--•----••---...-•-- ' City Attorney Harberson, B:ond, Balshaw, Battaglia, Vice f~layor Cavanagh, Mayor Mattei NOES: ABS~NT.: . AZTEST: Fomi CA 2 7/81 . ..., •--•--- .:__..,,. ...~.,.•-••---. . .,... _ . ...:........•--.. Mayor Council File... :~ V ~............_....... `~: No.......~47.b ............. :. i ~` ~~ ` •~ _ r i ~ y. /~J GOMPENSATI'ON PLAN FOR`UNI:T l. FY 1982 - 1983 This document represents the Compensation Plan for Unit 1 for the Fis:cal' Year 1982-83., Section 1. Term ~ This compensation pl:an shall be for a one (1) year term for the fi'scal year. commencing July 1, 1.982, through June 30, 1983. Section 2. Salary The City shall adopt the following salary ranges for each of the employees in the following classificati_ons effective July 1, 1982. UNIT 1 Secretary to the City Man.age;r $1223 $.1284 $1345 $14T5 $1486 Secretary 1092 114'.7 1204 1264 1328 Intermediate Stenographer-Clerk 935 982 1030 1082 1136 Senior Account Clerk (Payroll) 1088 1142 1199 1259 1322 . Administrative Intern 1169 1227 T288 1353 1421 Section 3. Compensation Time ~ - An employee may receive overtime compensati,on in the form of compensation time off at a mutuall.y agreeable time between tfie C;ity and the employee at a rate of one and one-h'alf (1-1/2) hours of compensable time.for-each' hour of time worked. U:p to a maximum of three (3'') work.i3ng days (24 hours.) c:omp time may be accrued, Amounts earned in excess of that wi.ll be paid;at the overtime rate in~effect at the time the overtime was performed,. . . ~ Section 4. Overt:i'me a, A`11 hours worked i,n excess of eight (8) in any one day or in excess of forty (40) in any work week shall be compensated for at the overtime rate which shall be. one and one-half'(1-1/2) times the.basie straight time re`gular rate of pay. Overtime shaJl not be pyramided or~compounded. b. Overtime compensation, minimum. Any employee requi•red to work o,vert.ime shalT, in no case, be compensated for less than one hour for such overtime. c. Payment fo,r work duri;ng holidays, vacations, etc: When it becomes necessary by an emergency to ha~e employees work durring legal ho] i da`ys or the peri od such empl oyees are ent~i tl ed to vaca~ti on. l eave, such employees working on such legal holidays and during periods of vacation shall be entitled to receive additional remuneration at a ra,te of one and one-ha.lf times their hourly wage equivalent based on 173.33 hours per month, or equivalent compensa;tory time off. If an employee works~overtime on a legal . holiday, he may waive pay and time and apply one-half off for the overtime worked to his accumulated vacation upon mutual agreement between the employee and department head and approval by the City Manager. ~ l - ~ .~ 4: _ . ,<< ,, ,, Section 5. Nealth.Insurance: ~ City of Petaluma Group Medi'cal'-Hos;pital Insurance Program:_ The City shall pro~ide for a.group med.ica1-hospital insurance cov~erage~;program~~ for City Employees in Un.it l. During ]982-83, t.he foll'owing i~nsurance premium amounts toward t'he group medical-hospital ins'urance programs are,prov'ided' by the City of Petaluma. HEalth Plan~of_ Sonoma Kaiser The Redwoods County_ Employee $ 89.]7 $ 85,00 $;70.];'5 Employee + 1 dependent 114..~14 135.00' 1Z1.n90 Employee + 2 dependents 119.-3J ~ 153.00 155.;90 Sect~ion 6. Denta`l I~n'surance T.he City s,hall provi~de for a grouP den=tal insurance covera~ge program for Gity empl oyees and dep;enden;ts i n tJni t 1;.du "ri rrg fi:scal year 1982-83•; the premi um cost of $35.56 p'er':employee, per month, shall' be pai,d by th'e City. Section 7. Life .Lnsurance . The City shall provid,e;, at no cost to the emplo,yee, grouP term l'ife insurance coverage in t:he pri;nc:ip:le amoun.t' of $1;0,Q00 per employee. Secti"on 8. rWorkers,' Gompensation Benefits sfia:ll be payable in situa'ti„ons wfi'ere employee a6sence is due to industri;:al injury as provided in`California State k~or'kers' C'ompensattio'n Law. . fromasa~ar of'~di~sab~lity payments pai~d` to the i~njured employe'e shall be deducted y paya~bl~e to the employee while on sick leave. During the fi~rst three (3 ) caJ enda'r days of absence for i ndustri a;l di sabi 1 i ty, ,, emp1 o.yees w-i 11 be compensated •at `th,ei r ful l ra;te of 'pay wi'thout deducti on from ;s~i ck 1 eave unl es~s~ they .are' liosp.i tal i zed . Absences resul t.i ng i n immedi ate hospi tal i z~a,ti on or absences conti~nuing; beyond. the: t~fiird day shall be c.harged. a.gainst the employee at the rate of one-half .:(:`1/~2") day for• each day of absenc;e c:redi~ted' or compensated by workers' compensati~on i n'surance., provi ded -the C~i'ty r..ecei ves all compensat:ion paid by workers:' compensati~on payments only,, without CiTty payment for sal ar.y at no l oss o.f sick l;eave, Si.ck l eave:.. for i;ndu~str-i'al ~ i~njur.y sha.11 not be al 1 owed. for a di'sabi 1 i~ty resul ~i,ng .~from si cknes's, sel~f-i nfl~i~cted injury or willful misconduct. ~ Section 9. Bereavement L:eave In the event of the dea-th of an em:plo"yee's 'spouse; mot'her, ste:p-mo~~.her; ;mother- in-Jaw, father, step-father., fa,ther i;n-1aw, brother, sister,, chi,Td, i;ncl~qding an adopted chi 1 d, grandchi l.d arrd g,ra'nd"parent, an empl oyee who a'ttends .the -2- - y , ~. i~ . ~ _ . - . . y.. `:~ +, '' ~ ~ ~ - ~l~ ~ ~, C ~ ~ ~ ~... ` . . ~ . . . . - . . . .~~ . . :~.. • . . ~. . . . . . ~ ~ ` funeral shall be.gran:ted time;of,f work with pay. The amount of time off work with pay shall be only that,which is requi•red to attend~the funeral and make necessary funeral arrangements, 6ut in no event shall i~t exceed three (3) working days. These three (3) d:ays shall not be charge'able to sick leave. An additional two~(2_) days required f.or necessary funeral arrangements may be charged to the emp:loyee's.s:ie;k leaVe and any additional time beyond these two days may be charg'ed to accuiituTated vacati~on or leave without pay.~ Such bereavement leave shall'not be accruable from year to year, nor shall it have any monetary value if unused. Section 10. Holiday.s:; Genera7 The Ci~ty shall observe ten ("l0) paid f~x;ed-date holid;ays. These holidays shall be established for the City's fi;scal year as d'e:term.i'ned by'Gity Council resolution. Section 11. Holidays, Floating During the Fisca:T Year 19$2-83, the City w~ll authoriz;e o'ne (1) "F•loating Holiday" per employee, which may be t'aken by the employee at a time selected by the employee, subjec,t to operat'ionaT requirements- and approval determined by the C-ity. Employ:ees hired be.~tween July.l, 1982, and December 3`1•, 1982, will be eligible for a"Floati~ng Holiday" during the course of the 1982-83 Fiscal Year. Section 12. Sick Leave,,Accrual Sick leave shall accrue-.to all'full-time emPloyees at the rate of eight hours for each mon.th of conti`nuqus service. No employee sha.ll accunulate more sick leave in any year t'ha'n provided. Section 13. Sick Leave, Famil Leave of absence up to four.wo"rking days with.pay per fis;ca'1 year may be. granted to an employee in th~e even.t of serious i11ne5s or injury in the employee's immediate family a,nd will be charged against si:ck leave. The immedia.te family shall consist of the spouse, children„ parents, brothers, sisters, or other indivi:duals whose relationship to the empl:oyee is that of a lega1' dependent. In such ca~s;e, the appointing power shall grant such sick lea,ye only when in his o:pi~ni:on the relation.shi'p:of the=sick or disabled person to the employee warrants such use of sick leave. Section 14. Sick Leave Pay Out In the event of the death or reti.rement of an employee Hiho has compl;eted ten (lOp or more years of continuous .service with the City, the employee should be aid or shall receive to his 6enefit fifty percent (50%) of his accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed 480 hours. Section 15. Vacation a. Amounts. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after working. one full year are entitled to the equivalent of eigh:t (80) hours of v'aca.tion with pay in the year following the year in which vacation is earned. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after five~(5) years of -3- ~ . . ~ ' - ~ „ -. v,~.,~ , . . i,. . . ' Z conti,nuous s;ervice wi;th the C~ty; and 6eginning with the sixth year, shall .be enti t.l;ed , to. the> equ i val e.nt of one hundred twenty (120 ) houns o,f vacat~ on . per' ye`ar: . . = After ten (10) years of.eontinuous se:rvice wit'h the City, e•iqht (8)' hou,rs of . ' vaca't.ion shall be a~dded for each yea;r of continu~~us serv:ie~e to a ma~x~mum of one hund'red sixty (]60) h,ours of y_acation, . b.: Schedul i ng,:~ The t'imes duri ng a eal endar year i n whi ch an empl~o.yee may take. hi s vacati on :shall be d;etermi ned :by the department. head wi~th d'ue respect for the wirs.hes o;f the~ empl oyee and part,i cul ar regard for ,the needs of the serv'i ce,. If ;the `.r, equi rement's of t'lie s~ervi ce a~re sueh that, an e'mpl oye'e cannot take part or al l of h~:j s annual vacat~`on i n; a part:i cul ar cal end;ar yea:r, such vacat;io;n s,hall be taken during the: fol'l;owing cal~enda:r year. , c. De,fer.ral: Any eligible empToyee ,w~th ,the consent of the head' of his =. department ,and .t,he Per.sonnel Off~ic:er may d;efer five (5) wo~rki`_ng d'ays of his annua;l va°cat,ion to the. succeed,ing..cal;endar year subject to other'~prov~i?si.o.ns of this rule:. A.written' report,of each defe~rred vacation signed by the appropriate departmen,t hea_d.~and the P.erson.nel, Officer notin:g the detai'`T:s sha;11 be kept o_n fi`l~e with th;e Personne;l Off'icer;.. Vaca.tion ti'me. ac'c~umu`T~a;ted in excess of two years shall be;lost In the event one.or more~munici'pa] hol~:idays falT w~thi;n, an annua,l vac:atron; leave, such hoTidays ~sha;ll not. be charged as vacati:on, l eave and vac'ati on l eave -sha11 6e exten'de~d acco,rdi ngly. ; Section 16:.. Deferred Compensation ~ ~ Tfie Ci ty of Petal:uma shal l make ,a~vai~l,abl e to 't•he mem6ers` of thi s uni~t., the ' City's Deferred.Compensation Plan.. ~ \ . Sec;ti on ] 7'.: Reti'rement . . . The Ci ty o~f .P_eta=l:uma=' s reti`rement p'l;an under~ t'he Publ i c Empl;oyee' s Reti rement System `sha:l l cons~i s.t of the 'fol l ow~i ng i tems :' ~ : Mi scel l.a~neous Empl oyees : 2% @ 60. O.pti,,oms: 1959`Survivor"s benef"it 1 y,ear Final. Comp:ensati~on Average Unused S'i e,k ,Leave C,red.i t . - 4 - : . _- ~ , - ~~u~;y,~..s!~~,,~:I~~e r~ ~`~u~{',; . y: . . ,:~ . ~a.,, 'S x ~Y • CC~MPENSATION PLAN FOR UNIT 5 FY 1982 - 1983 This document represents the Compensation Plan for Unit 5 for the Fiscal Year 1982-83. . Section 1. Term This compensation plan sha,ll 'be f.or. a one (1) year term for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1982, tiirough June 30, 1982. Section 2. Salary The City sha11 adopt the following,salary ranges for each of the employees~ in the following classifications effective July 1, T982. UNIT 5 I II III IV V Secretary to Community Services/'Eng. $1215 $127.5 $`1339' ~1406 $1476 Secretary 1088 1142. 1199 1259 1322 Intermediate Stenographer-Clerk 929 9T5 1024 1075 1129 Senior Transcriber-Typist-Clerk 976 1025 1076 1130 1187 Intermediate Typist-CTerk 887 931 977 1026 1078 Transcriber Typist-C1erk 887 931 977 1026 1078 Junior Typist-Clerk 804 843: 886 930 976 General Services Aide. ~ 804 843' 8:86 930 976 - General Services Clerk 1088 1T42 11:99 1259 1322 Senior Account Clerk 1088 1142 1199 .1259 .1322 Account Clerk 8~7 931 977 1026 1078 Cashier-Telephone Operator 865 908 954 1001 1051 Kennel Attendant 762 801 841 883 927 Section 3. Compensa~tio:n Time . • An employee may receive overtime compensation in the form of compensation time off at a mutually.agreeable ti~me between the C~ity and th'e employee at a rate of one and one-half'(1-1/2) hours of comPensable time for each hour of time worked. Up to a maximum of t~hree (3) working'days (24 hours) comp time may be accrued. Amounts earned in excess of tha't wi'll be paid at the overtime rate in effect at the time the overtime was performed. Secti'on 4. Overtime a. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) in any one-day~~or in excess of forty (40) in any work week shall be compensa:ted for at the overtime rate which shall be one and one-half (1-1j2).times the basic straight time regular rate of pay. Overtime shall not be py.ramided or cornpounded; ~ b. Overtime compensation, mirrimum. Any employee required to work overtime shall, in no cas~e, be compensated for less than one hour for such overtime. c. Payment for work during holidays, vacations, etc. When it becomes nece:ssa:ry by an emerg'ency to have emp.loyees work during legal holidays or the;period such employees are entitled to vacation leave, such employees working on such legal holidays and during period's of vacation shall ~. ~ ~• , be`entitled.to recei~e add,itiona'1 remune,rat~ion <<t, a rate of o.ne and. one-half times their hour,ly wa.ge equiValent based on 113.33 hours pew month, o:r equival ent compe,ns:atory' time off,. I:f an .:employ,.E~e works ove:"rti`me on' a, l eg:al holiday, he may waiue pay ~and time and a~pply "one-half off for the oVerti.me wonked to hi "s accumul~a~ted vaeat:i on upon mu~tual 'agreement between the empl oyee and depa-rtment head and approval by t'he City. Manager. ~ Section 5. Health I'n_surance C.i ty of. Petal uma; Group Medi cal -,Hospi;t;a`1' Insuranr.e Program;: The City s'hal.l' provi;de for a group medi;cal-hospa'`ta.l insuranc'e covera:ge ,prog;ram for City empl~oyees.in Uni.t 5. During T982-83,; the foll.owing insurance premium_ amounts to~ward the group medical=hospi`ta.l insur~rnce' programs are;provided by the. City of PetaT.uma. • Kaiser Hea] th Pl an o,f Sbnoma T,rie Redwood's Co'unty fmpl oyee :$ 89. T;7 Empl~oyee ± l :dependent . 114,.~14 Employ,ee + 2 dependents 119,31 Section 6. Den~tal Insurance $ 85.,.00. 13 5 ..00 153.D0 $ 70.1;5 l 2'1., ,90 155,90 The Gi;ty shal'1 pr.ovi`de for a;group den~tal insurance covera:g.e program. for City employees and.d'ependen:ts in Unit 5, during.fi`scal.year 1982-83; the p;rem:ium cost of $35.56'per empl.oyee, per month, shal'1 be paid by the City.`° Section 7.. Life I,nsurance The City shal~l provide, at no cost to .the employee., group ter-m life insurance coverage in the principle amount of $1'0',000 per employee. Section.8. Wor~kers.` Compensation Benefi ts: shal'1 be payab:Te i n si tuati;o:ns . where ernpl.oyee absence, .i_s due to i°ndus;;trial injur.y a's provided in Cali~fqrnia ;State k!orke'rs' Compensati:on Law. The amount of d;i~sabi"l~ity payments pai':d to t'he i°njured ~emplo.y.ee s:hall 6e: deducted from salary payable to ;the employee while on sic:k lea~e._ D:uring the ~first thr-ee {3) calen_dar days of absenc,e for industri~l disabil.ity, employees wi11 be compensated at t'he;i r fal.l rate of pay wi t'fiou~-~ dedWCt~ on from s,i ck l ea.ve unl ess -:t'hey are. ho'spi tal i zed. Absences re°sul t:i ng i n immedi'ate -iosp;i:tal i zati on or absences ~con:t;inui'ng beyond th:e thir,d. day sha-J1 be~ cha,rged agains~t `the _. . - emp•loyee at the rate of one-";hal-f (;l/2.) day for E~ac'h day of absence credited or compe:nsate'd ~by~work'ers' compensation insuranc:e; provided~the City receives al:l compensa,tion paid~ b.y work,ers' compensati'on ~aymen,ts only, w;ithout Ci:ty payment for' salary at no loss o~f sick ]eave. S-iek 'l~eave for indus,tri;al injury : shall not be a.ll:owed for a disability resul~ting from sickness, self-i'nf°licted injury.or wi.llful misconduct. ~ ;Section 9,.' Bereavement Leave In t'he event of the d''eath ~of' ,an empl;oyee's spouse, motfier, step=moth~er, mother- in-law,. fa,~the:r,;;step-father; father-i,n-law, brother, sister; child, including ~an ado;pted c;hild, gra~ndchild and grandparent, a'n employee who:.a,ttends the = 2 - q: • 't ~~~~ ~t r ~~--'..~'Rl ~ R ~ ~~ ~ ~ , fun_eral shall be granted time off work with pay. The amount of time off work with pay shall be only that which is required to attend the funeral and make necessary funeral arrangements, but in no event shall it exceed three (3) working days. These three (3) days shall not be chargeable to sick leave. An additional two (:2) days requ;ired for necessary funeral arrangements may be charged to the employee's sick leave and any additiona~l time beyond these two days may be charged to accumulated vacation or leave without pay.~ Such bereavement leave shall .not be accruable from year to year, nor shall it have any monetary value if unused. Section 10. Holidays, General The City shall observe ten (10) paid fixed-date holidays. These holidays shall be established for the City's fi•scal year as determined by City Council resolution. Section•11. Holidays, Floating During the Fiscal Year 1982-83, the City will authorize one (1) "Floating Holiday" per employee, which may be taken by the employee at a time selected by the employee, subject to operational requirements and approval determined by the City. Employees hired be~tween July.l, 1982, and December 31, 1982, will be eligible for a"Fl.oating Holiday" during the course of the 1982-83 Fiscal Year. . Section 12. Sick Leave, Accrual. Sick leave shall accrue to all full-time employees at the rate of eight hours for each month of con.t`inuous service. ~do empl'oyee shall accur~ulate more sick leave in any year than provided. Section 13. Sick Leave, 'Family Leave of absence up to four~working days with pay per fisca,l year may be granted to an employee in the event of serious illness or injury in the employee's imr~ediate family and will be charged aqainst sick leave. The immediate family shall consist of the spouse, children, parents, brothers, si'sters, or other individuals whose relationship to`the employee is that of a legal dependent. In such case, the appointing power shall grant such sick leave only when in hi:s opinion th'e relationship of the sick or disabled_person to the employee warrants such use of sick leave. Section 14. Sick Leave Fay 0ut In the event of the death or retirement of an employee.uiho has compl.eted ten (10) or more y.ears.of continuous.se:rvice with the City,, the employee ,should be paid or shall receive to his benefit fifty percent (50%) of his accumulated but unused sick leaVe not' to exceed 480 hours. Section 15. Vacation a. Amounts. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after working one full year ar,e entit]ed to the equivalent of eight (80) hours of vacation with pay in the year following the year in which vacation is earned. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after five (5) years of - 3 - ~. 9 . . .. . ~ a conti'nuous service with the City, and beginning with the:sixth year; shall be entitled to the equi`ualen:t of o~ne hundred twenty (120) hours of~vacation per year. After ten (10) years o:f conti'nuous service with the City, ei:qh,t (8,) hours of~ vacation shal.l:be added for each year of continaous ~service to a maximum of one hundred sixty (160) hours of`vacati'on. " ~ b. Scheduling. The times during a calendar year in whi-ch an employee may take his Vac'ation shall be determined ~by the department head wi'th due respect for the wishes of the employee and pa,rticu,lar rec~ard fo.r the needs of the service,. If the requirements of the service.are such that an empToyee cannot take part or all of 'hi's annual vacati'on in.a par.ticular calendar year, suc'h vacation shall be taken during the foll,owing calendar year. c. Deferral_ Any eligible employee w:it'h' the consent of the .head of his department and the Personnel Officer.may defer five (5) working days-of his annual vacation to the succeeding ca.Tendar year subject to "other provisions ~of th:i s ru.l e. A wri tten ~report of' eaeh -deferred v:a:ca:ti o..n s i gned by' the appropriate department head and the Personnel Offi,cer noting the details shal l~be kept on . f`i 1 e wi th the Personnel Officer. Ilac'ati`on t'ime accumal ated in excess of two years shall be l.os~t. In the ev~_n.t one or more municipal hol~idays fall within an annual vacation leave, such holidays shall' not be charged as vacat'ion leave and vacation leave~sh'all be extended accordingly. Section 16. Deferred Compensation . . The City of Petaluma shall make available to the members. of this uni`t, the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. Section 17. Retirement . The City of Peta'luma's retirement~plan under the Public Emp~loyee's Retiremen;t System shall consist of the following items: Miscellaneous Employees: ~2% @ 60. Options: 1959 Survi`vors benefit 1 year ,F~i nal Compensati`o,n Average Unused Sick Leave Credit . -4- - :',L•' ~:1.~ _"'~- ..~ ._ .r.~_~~~~.. ~.~_. ~_.~~~.~. ~_._~.. ~ ~ _ ' ' ~~. .. , . . ' "_ ' . ~. ...+--~~..<'.. . ....... .. . . .. .... ... . ....... .. .. .. ... . . . . .. . ~,.... . - . .. . . . _ . ... ~ r _ = y : . . . .. : ...,.._ . . ~ . ~COMPENSATION PLAN FOR ~UNITS 3~ & 4 ~ FY 1982 - 1983 This document represents the Compensation Plan for Units 3& 4 for the Fiscal Year 1982-83. Section l. Term This compensation plan shall be for a one (1) year term for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1982, through June 30, 1983. Section 2. Salary The City shall adopt t:he following salary ranges for each of the employees in the following classifications effective July l, 1982. UNIT 3 Civil Engineer Assistant Planning Aide Technician Building Inspector Engineering Technician Engineering Aide Public Works Inspector/Civil Engineer Assistant UNIT 4 I II III LV V $1625 $1706 $1791 $1881 $1975 1323 1389 1458 1531 1608 1625 1706 1792 1881 1975 1323 1389 1458 1531 1608 1140 1197 1257 1320 1336 1747 1834 1927 2023 2124 Civil Engineer Associate $1904 $1999 $2099 $'2204 $2314 Associate Planner 1747 1834- 19,27 2023 2124 Planning Technician . 1511 1587' 1666 1749 1836 Assistant Planner 1439 1511 1587 1666 1749 Section 3. Compensation Time . An employee may receive overtime.compensa.tion itin the form of compensation time off at a mutually agreeable. time be:tween tfie City and the employee at a rate of one and one-half (1-1J2) hours of compensable time for each hour of time worked. Up to a maximum of three (3') working days (24 hours) comp time may be accrued. Amounts earned in excess of that.will be paid at the overtime rate in effect at the time the overtime was performed. . Section 4. Overtime a. All ,hours worked in excess o:f eigh:t (8) in any one day or in exc~e;ss of forty (40) in any work week shall be compensated for at the overtime rate which shall be one and one-ha.lf (1-1/2) times t.he basic straight time regular rate of pay. Overtime:shall not be pyramided or compounded. b. Overtime compensation, minimum. Any employee required to work overtime shall, in no case, be compensated for less than one hour for such overtime. c. Payment for work during holidays, vacations, etc. When it becomes necessary by an emergency to have employees work during legal holidays or the pe.riod such employees are entitled to vacation leave, such employees working on such legal holidays and during periods of vacation shall ~~~ . ` be en.titled to receive add.itional remuneration at a rate o.f one and one-half times: thei~r hourly wa,ge equivalent based on 173:33 hours~p;er month, or equivalent compensatory time off. If an employee works overtime on a legal holiday, he:may waive ;pay and t'ime and appTy one--half qff fqr the overt,ime worked to his accumul:ated vacation upon mutual agreement bet~aeen the employee and department head and approval by the Ci.ty.Manager. . Section ,5. Health Insurance City of Retaluma Group Medical-Hosp:ital Insu,rance Program: The City shall provide for a group medical-hospital insurance coverage program for Cit.y empl;oyee_s in Unit.s 3& 4. During 1:982-83, the foll:owin'g insurance premium amounts toward_ the group medical-hospital insurance programs are provided by the City of Petaluma. Health Plan of Sonoma Kaiser The Redwoods County Employee $ 89.17 ~ $ 8'S.00 $ 70.15. . Employee + l dependent 114.14 135.00 121.;90 ~ Employee + 2 dependents 119.31 153.00 1;55.90 Secti.on 6: Dental Insurance The City shal,l Provide for a g;roup dental i;nsurance .coverage prog:ram for Gity employees and dependents in Units 3& 4, during fiscal yea:r 1982-83; the premium cost of ~35..5b per employ,ee, per, month., shall be paid by the City.. Section 7. Life Insurance The C,ity `shall provide, at~no _cost to the employee, group term life i:nsurance coverage in the principle amount of ~10,000 per employee. Section 8: 4;orkers' Compensation Bene.fits shaTl be payable in situations where employee absence is due•to ' industri~al anjwr.y as pro,uid'ed in Calif'ornia State k~orkers' .Comp.ensat.i~on Law. The amount of~=disabi`l.ity payments paid to t'he injured empl.oyee shal'1 be d`educted from sal a~ry payabl~e to the empl oyee whi'l,e on si ck< ~l eave. Duri ng t_he. fi rst _ three (3) calendar days of absence for industri'al disability,,'empl`oyees wi~ll be co.mpensated at their full rate of pay w,it_hout deduction from sick leave unless they are hospitalized. Absences res'ulting in immediate hospitali'z`ation or absences .eontinaing beyond the third day shall. be charged agains.t the ~ employee at the `rate of one-half (1/2) day for each ~day of a6senc'e. c:redi°ted or compensated by workers' compensation insurance:, provided the C~ity receives all compen,sation paid by workers' .compensat:i~on Payments only, without City payment for~salary at no loss of sick leave.. Sick leave for industri~al injury shal} not be allowed for a disabil'ity resulting ~From sickness, self-inflicted injury or 4aillful misconduct. Section 9. Bereavement Le'ave ' ~ In the event of t'he death of~an.employee's spouse, mother, s-~tep-mother., mother- in-law, father; step--father, father-i•,n-law, brother, sister,.child,, including an adopted chi`1d, grandchi`ld and grandparent, an employee who attend's the - '2 - `- ' ~ ~ ° '"~1c .. ~' - . .. . , ~~ ,X~rr... .. ti. funeral shall be granted time off work with pay. The amount of time off work with pay shall be only that which is required to attend the fune:ral and make. necessary funeral arrangements, but in no event shall it exceed three (3) working days. These three (3) days shall not be cha'rgeable to sick leave. An additional two (2) days required for necessary funeral arrangements may be charged to the employee's sick leave and any additional time beyond these two days may be cha'rged to accumulated vacation `or leave without pay. Such bereavement leave shall not be accruable from year to year, nor shall it have any monetary value if unused. Section 10. Holidays, Gene:ral T.he Gity shall observe ten (10) paid shall be established for the City's Council resolution. Section 11. Holi,days, Floating fixed-date holidays:. These holidays fiscal year as determined by City During the Fiscal Year 1982-83,.the City will aathorize one (1) "Floating Holiday" per employee, which may be taken by the employee at a time selected by the employee, subject to operational requirements and approval determined by the City. Employees hired between July.l, 1982, and December 31, 1982., will be eligible for a"Floati:ng Holiday" during the course of the 1982-83 Fiscal Year. ' Section 12. Sick Leave, Accrual Sick leave shall accrue to all full-time employees at the rate of eight hours for each month of continuous service: Pdo employee shal.l accunulate more sick leave in any year than provided. Section 13. Sick Leave, Family Leave of absence up to four working days.with pay per fiseal year may be granted to an employee in the event of serious illness or injury in the employee's imr~edi~ate family and will be charged against siek leave. The immedia.te family shall consist of tlie spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, or other individuals whose relationship to the employee is that of a legal dependent. In such case, the apPoint.i'ng power shall grant such sick leave only when in his opinion the relationship of the sick or disabled-person to the employee warran,ts such use of sick leave. Section 14. Sick Leave Pay Out In the event of the death,or retirement of an employee Htho has completed ten (10) or more years of continuous service with the City, the employee should be paid or s;hall receiv.e to his benefit fifty percent (50%) of his accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed 480 hours. Section 15. Vacation a. Amounts. Al1 regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after working one full year are entitled to the equivalent of eight ('80) hours of vacation with pay in the year following the year in which vacation is earned. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma, after five (5) years of -3- ~.• , ' - . cont'inuous serviee with the City, and beginning with the sixth yea"r., shall be ent.itled to the:equivalent of one fiqndred twenty (120) hours of vacat'ion Per y;eaa~. . ~ After ten (10) years of con.tinuous~service wi.th the City, eiqh:t (8) hours of vacation shall be added for each year of continuous service to a maximum of one hundred:sixty (T60) hours of vacation. b. Sch`edul i ng_. T,he ti,mes duri ng a cal.end'ar year i n which an empToyee may take.his vaca:t"ion shall be determined by t-he .department.head wit'h due respect for the wishes of the employee and particular 'regard for the needs of the service. If the requirements o.f the ser~ice are such that an~employee cannot take~part or all, of his_annual vacation in a pa,rticular calendar year, sach vacati'on.shall be taken during tiie following calendar year. c. Deferral. Any eli;gible emPloyee with the co.nsent of the head of his department and~the Personnel Dfficer may~.defer five (5) work~ng days o.f his annual vaca:t.ion~to the succeeding cal.endar year subject to other- provisi.ons of this rule. A written report of each deferred vacation signed by the appropri~ate department head and tbe Personnel Ofl=icer noting the deta'il's shall be"kept on file with the PersonneJ~ Officer. Vacation time a;ccumul,ated in exc:ess of two years shall be lost. I;n the;eyent one or more.municipal holidays fall within an annual vacation leave; such holidays shall not be charged as vacation leave and' vacation leave shall be extended accordingly. Seeti°on 16, Deferred Compensati,on The City of Pe:taluma shall make available to the members~'of this unit, the . City's Deferred Compensation Plan. Sec'tion 17. Retirement. The City of Petaluma's reti~rement plan u,nder the Public Employee's Retirement System shall consist of the following items: ~ Misce:llaneous Employees: 2% @ 60 Options: 1959 Survi,.vors; benefit 1' year Final Compensatio:n Ayerage ~ Unused Sick Leave C,redit , - 4 -