HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 9209 N.C.S. 06/26/1981JLS: da
Resolution No. 9209 N.C.S
of ;the City Of Petaluma, California
& 22-8'1
WHEREAS,, the City, through itsl
-h !.dilly authorized repr-esentatives,
and.-t-1ye International Association of -Tire Fighters, Local 1415,
through its duly authorized representatives, have concluded their
mutual obligdtion, to meet- dr)A'confer-in good faith with respect
toitbrms and conditions. of'. employment. for -employees in Unit 7,
in :accordance vith-the Meyers-MiliaS7__
Brown Act and the, City's
Employer -Employee Relations Rules-and'Requ:lations (Resolution No.
5.512 N.C.S.)
WHEREAS, the, duly authori zed. -r�ept&sentative8 of the City
and International Association of Fire _.,gh-ters, Local 1415 have
executed_ a Memorandum of Unddrstan,d,'ing*,('dated,'..Jun
ne 19, 1981)
,._.piir'8uant to Section 15., Reso'lution. 5,512 N -C. S. and recommend
'its approval by the. City Cou.,.n,c.i,l,- . an&,
WHEREAS, the City- Manager, pu �--,s,uAnt: to Section 28, City of
Petaluma City Charter,, -and as the City - 1s Municipal Employees'
Relations Of f ic'er. (Resolut--,i6n, No. 53715,N.C.S*.) .1s required and
.empowered to make a --,tedomfnendati,,bn,,�toIty - ''Council on matters
related to employees;' compensation; and,
WHEREAS, the City Manag'et has ,titivie .1 wed'a'nd concurs.,with.
said Memorandum' of, "U'n'de',r-s'ta"nd"'-i-rl'g for "Un' 7' ,and does` -recommend
that the City M&mok-ahaum 6f-Und'eist,anding.
NOW, . THEREFORE , BE IT` RESOLVEDEhat - said - Memorandum of
Understanding being in the best interest o f. the'�City, is ratified
and the terms and:conditions of said, Memorandum .of - Understanding
(as attached) shall be effective-. July i 19$1, 'throug4l'.June 30, 1982.
pow- pon t -is,,
Under the power and',,auth6rity'confierre m-' h Itoiin6il by the Chatter said City.
r of
the -foregoing Resolution 'was '
1 hereby certify 'introduced, and, adopted by the
Council ,oftkq;`Qity of Petaluma ata'(Approved as to
XtXWX (Special) meeting form
, .., .......... day of ...
onthe'19..gj, by the
fo'llowiriLy vote:
. .......................... w ..............
City Attorney
AYES: Reuy, Harbe.rS.oh) Bond, MciVor-1attel
NOES: None
FORMICA 2'1/80
........ ....... .................. ..............
� 9
f3E!9. No...
F � .•z
Term of A66 ,cement
Secttion 2
Work Week `
. Section 3:
;Living' Restriction
Section 4
Salary `
lSection 5
Sect,i-or 6
Out of Grade Ray
Section. 7
Uniform Al" lowance
I Sec-tibn 8
Health Insurance
i Section 9'
De,rital Ins, urance '
Section 1`1
Long: Term; 'Disabil°ity" Insurance° °.
Sect;io:n .12
Hol idays; Generali'
S,i.ck Leavg', ;Acerua'1'
.. � Seco on.4.
Sick Leay.e�, Fame ley' ,
= Sec -tion 15
Si c;k' Leaves, Re'ti cement
Section 16
Sick Leave, Usage
�Section 1`Z
Vacation -
.=1 Secaion°;1IIRetirement
r Section.:1.9
Educa -ton
, R 7:
e so., 920:9 EXh 1,b• t Ra �`2 of
This, document represents ";the f'nal,:and complete agreement resulting
from,'Mdet, and Con.f,er, sessions :between the City of Petaluma and Inter
na,t°onal.; :Ass.oca;tio;n of Fire .F•ghters, Local No :1415 .(`Pe.taluma')', Unit `7
Representative of 'the C'i ty and Wit 7 acknowlwedgee • that* ethey have
'f�ulfi :ed their ,mutual .a<nd re�specti''ve Obligations -.to Meet and Confer, '
under the';116yer Mi l ii°as Brown Act As aresult, th.e pard es have ;come _
jto ta.,muunderstanding which the representatives of the City and
Unfft 7,, who have the approval" 'of fh:e�`r =member,s, agree- to recommend fo:r ;
acceptance and'; approval. to the City Cou:n:ci l "Of tiie: C�`ty of 'Fetal_uma.
' The;-parti,es affix the=ir s�gna.tu,res`'as constitw isnq mutu'alp acceptance and
recommend"atronof, th'j's, Memora:n'dum of Und'erstandi nig: to `become :e.ffec't ve
July, 1, 1,981 , ,"upon acce,pta'nc`e; :and approval o'f, the °City Counc l
Sec:t'ion 1 . Term of Agreement
rT.his;.Piemo:randum of fJnderstandngY hall `be for: a' ori:e (1,) year term `for
th s f� seal; year commenc';ng July l`, 1981 , through, June 30;,T982.
The. Parties wi:l l commence mee ;i ng and conferr` ng for 1982 83', fiseal ,year
`no.t .la ti- A an-. the. "end _of Apri-1 , "1982n; and, wi 11 endeavor to reach. an
agreement., n `a written Memorandum.-of Understanding fo.r submission to
the-,City .Eounci 1 for 1t Ti na] Budget f;or the; subsequent fiscal year.,
ction 2: 6Jo'rk Week :
Duty Shifts:
'The.°fire: on-duty 7'-day work week s:'hal1 ;be.th;e average of 56:0 hour-s per
ffire,' on'=duty 7-day,,work week.,; 'effectiv2e January 1 ; 1977; for all
Y: jempl oyees i n t_hi s Unit., The C'i ty srhal 1 make -„such, ,changes as i t deems
" ,nece`ss'ary. to accommodate thiI.s `,change from th:e previous 61 9"hours:. per.:fi
- fire on=d'uty 7}-day: wo•r'k-,week. to t_he- 56,0 hours ;per fire o1.
.n-duty 7-day
iwork week: = ti. -
Sect:ion 3. Li°v�ng_Resfr'iction t x R y 4
Thb.liv�ng res,:tr�'ct on 'or-,members-,of the City of-Petaluma Fire Department
shall be ..twenty . (2Y0) minutes . A ma+p wjTl be ;prepared .and made avai lab,, e
which it Lustra es'.. the extremities •of the; restriction;, -
Sect;on 4`: Salary
The monthly tsa,laries tof employees i:n tM. Unit in'the, •vari'o.us steps shall • ,
. - : • bei as foil l owsx: y .
Fi re Captain.. $150 $1623 ,$1704; $1789 $1878
Fi`refi°ght"er $1363. $1 All, : $15Q3::$1578':
See,i on '5. Overtime
The purpose o:f thi;s;,sect :on �5 to ,c`l=ari fy matters' retl e�'ant to Fire •Departmen;t
overtime,;" Any. nte.rpretati ons or a:ppj i ca'ti on rel euant, to overt4i'me shall be. '
resolved ,.by •the City :Manager, whose determ1.na Jon s fi nal
l �.af Reso', 9209 Exh I b. t .,Pale 3 of 7
C•. -
requirements and any p"rocedur:es relat�ng;to overtime ais basic?ally,
outlined' .below' shaTj_ be .as determ ned`.and adm mastered bV the , Ci ty.
A Shift.
The members of Ithe Fire Department;, when call ed tq" work.
" a furl over,time14.s .,,ft steal l s be paid overtime .at the:
regular shift rate t'mes.I* S An o':vertiine shift is
def;ined.'as: any ;continuous: period of .on duty time exceeding
sixteen ;(16) consecutive ,hours 'which` is not part of, the;
empl gyee' s Peg* u:l ar work jsc'heduI e Th, rate s',hal lr,,be
figured on:the°.requl°a'r number: of ho'uirs worked ;per week.;
1 s ormulaapeig: .r
1 M'onthl.y sal', ary , tames twe`l've months
equalsxannual salary: ,
2 The avera-,hours worked
ge p`e;r, week
;tames fjfty-awo .week -s°, equals hours
- n . worked ,annual 1y•:•-
3 Annuafi:salary d-ivided� by* hours
worked., an"nu'a Ily.;, :times -twenty four :
(24) ,hours estab;l-fishe-s'-.
'he. rate ;fo:r
R • -iAssi geed. GOA ba'c'k Dupty,
All Fire Repartment erso"n'ne.l' i n the Unit are •subj,ect_ to:
:assigned call back duty by- Fire: Chief (fdi example
.1 ambu;l ance related duty) at time and one hal f at the .
f employee's hourly Pate bas -'ed' upon a 56 hour work weekAn
i, emplogee :who is `assgn.ed to such call-bac'k duty sha,l-1_,receive,^ :
' at minimum,, .six houra? pay this='ra�te at: time and: one-f`a1f..
CeRecal.l and' Spec-ial. R�ecal l :
Off=duty•F'ire Department personnel and,personpel required
to wor;k past th'e end of a.,shift arer subj;ee.t to;.rec,a•11 and
be `paid on fan overtz�,me basis, .;(except as: set -forth: i'n
an 5j'6'" above,.); at time .and one ' hal'f ;a'nd hour -Ty. rate
basedupon. the _5'6..ho,u;r work week.
However, in, no case- wi 11 they bepaid 1 ess than one hour
when; call.e'd no,r more than sixteen (16) ebnsecutive.hours
at this rate
Further, when tkhe complete- reca_l 1 exceeds one hour,, but;
does -knot , exytend beyond f i f:teen minutes past the hour; ,r the "
overtime °u%i11 be for• ,one: hour: When; a recall ;exceeds. one
hour, and fifteen minute's; the :ov6i f 'me wi 11 ,be; to, the
nearest hal f hour (example_, one and 'one, half .hour.)..
: y"
and `a'] 1 prior,.practi#c:es, 'procedures_; ,7ruti.ons or u"nd'erstandi n,.gs
M are! ;here`by superseded and repeal ed.'
Reso 9209 E..'xhi , LL t Faae. f 7
Seco on 6';. Qut, •of. ,Grade Pay :
A .Firefig.hter. or Captain wi''11 be compensated' fair w rk,��Tng-at. the next higher
grade upon completion of';five::(5) ;duty assignment-shif-ts at -•that ,next ,higher
:grade durj ng :any fri scaI year.::., Eve yass _geed' shift thereafter wi 1.1 be
40mp:en'"sated, at,;,tha-t next higher grade,duri.ng,-that. fiscaI year, ,.at a,n",
additional 5%-,over„:the, Firefi ghter ar Ca, ptai n -regular .rate of pay.
Section 7. Uniform:'Allowa_nce,
Al 1. employees shal] comply wi't'h, the uh 1 formjcI othi ng req trements . and
procedure' as; estab:l,ished and administered by t,:O Fi.re Chief.,
The. Uni=form/C,lothing All,oWdnce Program shall be paid in fiscal year
1981-82, on o,r before Se,ptembe.r 5, .l 981 for tho's.e employees in the
�c.l,as'sific__Ajon-of-F refig,hter and Fire Capta, n.: n the amount of .75%
.times the annual rate of pay of a Step U Firefighter., per year..
-"!Empl ogees •hi red .on or after- August 31 ,, .1981 and 'pri;or to March 1, 1982,
shall .be. paid the, full annual 'payment amount on or before March l , 1:982'.
Employees hi.r.ed on. o.r. after. .Februa:ry 28, 1982, and pri.o:r to; June 30;. 1982,
shall be pa;id'the fu; 1' annual payment.amount•.on or before July 5`5, 1982.
An °emp•1'oyee w`ho terms nates from Ci:ty.,•servi ce or i s rel eased. from Ci ty-
iserv.ce shall :only.rece:ve a pro rata annual 'amount A'n employee who .so .
separates f.r'om 'Ci ty service after any payment,. has 'been; ma , e shall retu`rn�
that portion .of Mie al'l owance .determi;ned`' by. the I as.t day i n .City service
;and the end Of,the fi scab year Any .employee on leave : of absence without
jpay or leave status i n excess ,of thirty ;(30) ;calendar days shal l. -'receive
la .pro rata amount -for the .fia -al ,year:
Section; 3; ..Health' Insurance
!The' .City_ shall provide fora group 'medi cal-ho`spi ta.l insurance coverage'
program° for bi ty emp1 oyees i'n thJ s unit. The. Ci ty s hall, pay, during 1`981=82
the -fallowing -insurance. p.remlum. amounts .t:oward'the fol l,owi-ng med'i cal 7-hospi tal .
,ns.uranee cove,ra,ge ;programs: Sonoma County Health plan;.. Heal th P_1 an;of the .
Redwoods and. Kaiser.EThis amount shall1 not•exceed;, however;; the -total ,,cosh of
the medical.=hospital' premiums,.
_ $81.35 per.month; per employee
$'106:;32 per month:; per employee .w th one d'epen'dent
$103:1.6 per mo.nthy, per employee with two or more depende'nt's
Section 9': D'entaF -Insurance
'•The.0 ty, shall provide -for a' - group, -insurance. program fo.r°City.employees
and dependents i.n this',unit The .City shall pay, :d 1981>82, the
nsu,ranee premium. in .t_he'--amount of,,$3.0.94 per employee, per month.
Section 10,.. - Life I.n. 'urance
The City shoal provide . at no:":COLS t° to the employee;, -group term Ii,fe „
i nsuranc'e coveragei n .the p.ri.nci pal amount of `$-5, 000 per employee .
Reso;, 9209 EXI b i t Pacie . 5 ,of 7
Secfion,.11 Long Term4D'isabiaity`Insurance
Ther City shat:l' pay ':duri'ng fiscal year '1981 82', tiie amount o'f $115.001
;monfh, ryper emp°l3oyee Th%s amount shall not exticeed,;; however, the
total cost, of the prem"i um for a+ la:ong term di,sabi 1 i�ty i nsur. ance plan:
Seco on 12 Holidays:, _ `General
The holiday-s for the calendar year. shall be ;f he totaFl of ten (10)' the
City shal'1 pay for these holidays, �n the month<of December;= �n l'i°eu.
of giving time off.
.. - . c
Section 13 Sick. LAeav,e,_ /accrual, `..
Sick Leake for the :.F7 re. Department, s, al l be' a,ccumul ate_d " n. the, bas�i s of
shiffts'_wi`th shifts; equal'.inq, twelve (12) .;day`s of sick leave t.o be
accumulated per vear on::the ,basial of 11'_ 2 hours per month: Fire: `
. Department 4`0=hou,r emphoyees shall accumulate sick 1 eaye as other
emp;l'uoyees of .-the C'i tY.,•^ _
Section 1:4 Sick Leave, `Fam:i;ly
Leaves of absence upta, four world nq days w� fh pay per -year'. m y be
gra`nstedto emp;l ogees n 'the :e-v.ent :of death,, serious U l l,ne'ss or i njury' S `•
i n :the employee's : ;m nedi:ate family: and, `w.i 11 be charged; against s°i ck.'
n 1 eaye The immediate fame ly shal l: consist of the spouse, chIl Oren,
parents,, ;brothers, s,istprs, or afher ind�vi"duals> �ahose relationship to
the employee i`s tha't o dependent o.r nea•r dependent Ln each cas.e., fhe
a`ppoi nti ng 'power shall .grant; "such ;sick. l,ea,v:e; .onl,y _,when i n ;ha's opi`'nion,.,
the: r'elat:'ion`s'i'ip of the :suck! r disabled person t"o. the employee warrants
such` use of si"ck l,,ea`ve. -
Section• 5 Sick Leave,}_ Retirement _
I"n the event of ret`i rement, an emp.l ogee. who ha's <compl eted ten (fQ•)
ears or: more,With.'the ;Cit. shalrl ;recei" ,fi;ft ercent (50% of; his
accumul.,a;ted b`ut unused sick leave, but n y p _ )
-. p`t "tof °exceed 67;2 hou.r.s
c Seem on l'6 Snck Leave, Usa. 'e
The -fi rst day• sof .s,ick 1 eave ;w 11 b.e cha'rged Aga i n_s�t the; empl:oyee';s ,
accrual a°�:t the rate of. 1'.1 2 hour`s,. -. Each successive day vit. 1 ,be
charged' a:_t the: carte of one .sh'j ft ;(24 hours )': f
Section 17 V`acat an i4
Faref ighters .vaca.t_,on sha11 :be computed4as fol Tows
Amount o:f_ Cont-mous Service Vacat=i'on =
After com:p'1eton 'o f' twelve months shifts peryear:
After comW"*t on' of five years 7 00 shift's per ye'a�r
= Affer °compl et 'on of° ten. t'ea'rs;. 8 00's,hi fts' pe,r year
After compl et`on of fi`fteen,. years: - 9 00 'shi ft.'s :per year
Vacations en,ti tl_ement .&ccumul ated Thi: excess of tH�q year f be
wl " Post::
4. 9209 Exh I bite
tPage 6. Of
Vacation. ;(continued)'..
Any eligible"employee with the consent�of the head of hi.s department
Iand.'the••Personnel Offitc,er may defer 2 3�3 'sh'ifts-.of his annual vacation,
to the succeeding calendar year, -su-bjec;t to 'the other provisions :of
-0is ru'Te A' written report of each d3eferred' vacation signed by the
appropri4te• department head .and the Personnel: Offi�cer'noting .the
#de jail"s shall ,be kept on f"i :le .w1th the Personnel &ff.c`er.
The times du:r `ng tf e ca_1 enda'
r year. i•n whish: an employee may take his
vacation_ shal`l..be,d`etermi.ned_by the department -.head with du;e respect
for:. -the "wi she's- of the emp'l oye:e and part Ccu'l a1.r regard f6r the needs, of . `
the-.aetVice , If- the requirements.of the serva'ce are such that an-
,employee cannot•take part or-all ofhis-,annual.,vacation in a part]cula.r
1calaendar year, sue,fi.v.ac"ation shall, be taken durr.ng the .foll;owing.
calendar: year.
r• ti
Section' T8. Retirement
The C.i ty wil l _.implement 'its contract. wi tfi PERS to: ;prow:de the '2% ;at
- 5'5` "Retirement .PJdn without; cha'ng;ng, the; -current :benefits.,
Sec'fibn:1,9 E'duca,t=ion r
tY shall re;ir burse, empl„ogees 'of chis unit. for books and tui.ti:on .
upon the sat.i5fac-tory,completa:o.n of the course: To.be.`eli.gi`ble for. .
` _
reimbursement, the course must be (`a) fire s'er.vice rel.a:ted, (b):, approved
by the :chief, and (:c) c`ompl:e.ted at a ;Junior. College or .Indian Valley'-
The: pard°e s- a;ffi;x., thei r- gnatures; as consttii tut`ing mutual ccep ante
:and recommendation -of this Memorandum 'of Unders'tandi ng: to become t
effecti°ve July=1', ;T 981; upon acceptance-:and a,pprov.a:l; of theaC.ity. Councilti.
s CITY , > 151 X7
- - 5 -�Reso, 92091.- EXhibi't. Paye 7 -of 7