HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 9210 N.C.S. 06/26/1981„JLS da _ 6-22 8;1 :9.21-0,. a. ” l�esolutlon `N®. -- of the City of "]Peta'lu- a, ,,California RE'SOLUT, ION APPROVING SALARY . AND: SUPPLEMENTAL WAGE BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEESF IN UNIT> .l •(.CONFMIDENTI"AL) ; UNIT 3 (TECHNI'CAL)' , UNIT- 4('PRQFESSTONAL) , AND UNIT 5 (CLERICAL) .' WHEREAS,. the employee's in' in' Units -1, 3, 4, and 5, are not; represented by any ,recbgn,ized employee organ-ization;-,and, WHEREAS, -the City Manager,, ;pursuant to.Section 28, City of Petaluma City -Charter':;' is, required and empowered to make a.recommendation.to the.City Council on matters r'elated,to employees' compensation; and, WHEREAS,.the City Manager has recommended that employees .of. Ur its l 3, 4 and, 5 :receive salary '-and' supplemental wage benefits, t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 'RESOLVED that the salary and supplemental "wage benefits, as, specified in the attachments"for employees in these units, being in the best interest o€ th6.%Qity, is approved and shall become effective July 1, .19181.. i Under_the;power.-and,,authority coiffured_ upon this, Council by.the. Charter of said;:City. I hereby certify the. foregoing ;Resolution was -introduced and, ,adopted .by' the. Council of the 'City of Petaluma ata (Specral meetin Approved as to 4i�x ) _ g form on thee., --26 tb ........ day of ......... ,., 19-91., by :the / following vote: City Attorney AYES: Perry,: Harberson.,, fond, -Be QI0(vana9,h., Mayor Mattei NOES: None " z M. ABSENT: CIiRI` j % f y- ;F ATTEST:- City'derk May , - COUNCIL,FILE -- _ FORM CA,2 1180 REs No-; = COMPENSATION PLAN FOR, UNTT 1' FY� '1,981--1982 z ` 'This document rep:;resents the ;Compensat orn,-Phan fgr Uni t. 1 f -or. the F� seal' Year ,. .. Sec tion;°`l. This compensation ;plan 'shallbe for a one (1) year term for the fTs;CaI. y`:ear commencing July l , 1,9$1 , tb,rough June..30, 1982. Section• 2 Salary. ,^. . • .. . .. . The. City shall adopt fhe following sal a':ry ra:gges for each `of the : emp'l,oyees: . k. °a`'n ;the following class,ifica -,ions ;eff0tt;i've July, l., 198:1 . UNIT 1: - I II III. IV� . Secretary' to 'the -Aty Manage"r $1,1-32 11,89.$131:0 $x1.376 Secretaryf` - 1;011 1062'• 1!,l 15 1171 ]_230` Intermediate.'Steno'graph`er-C'ler,k - 866' 909_ 954- 10'02,- 1,052;,; `Senior Accou"n"t Clerk (P;ayro:l l } - '. 1;007 , .. 1057 l l TO 1166 1224 . !-Administrative Inter. n" ;......' -1:082,, 1,13;6, T1.93: 1253' 1�a6 . L S,ection`:3 Compensatiion Time t.... An -employee may ,recei ve:J `6rtime compenys 'Ition i'n -'the' form bf I compensati&6 t-ime :off at a mutua{ltl`y�agreeabl'e time between the City ; and; the employee a;t a rate of one and one half (°l, 1/2)' bhour"s of f coripensa'ble•,'tlm& for ea_'ch hour of time worked Up,, to ''a Emaxi u of.. houma three(3J,world-n da 24' rs com Gime:-;,be'^ aceruedf. y Amg:unts earned i n ' excess ,of =;that w� l l be pa:i;d 'at, the overtime rate effect at the gime the o,ve'rtime was.;performed. Section 4 *,'Gverti:me } _All 'hour. s- worked i n�, exce& :91 el gl t (L8) n a'ny one: day. or i n.,. excess , of forty (4.0) i°n. any: work week shal 1 'be compensated for ,at the overtime -rate which' shat -1 be one acrd one half. (1 1''%2)' .times =the , :. basic 'straight time regular -,rate° of pay ,O;�;erti,me sha_ll.no:t be.:' _ pyx: ami ded o r 'compo;unded, Ouiertime compe,nsat'on, mini mum Any empl;oye,e: required to work overt% me shall , i n. no case, b;e ' compe,nsa'ted for less than one hour fo`_r such overtime., : e ter, E .. F - • - .1 - Reso9210 ExM b I t Page 1 o`f 5 c...Paymen t. for work duri.ng,* hol i'days,=rvacatrons,; etc,, When-I'tbeeomes necessary,by an emergency tolhaue employees work during legal ; {iol i:day or.;'the period' suC'4 emp1 oye,es- are ::enti,tl ed to waca, J, n' leave, uch .employees working on such_ l egal; hol i days and during periods .o of. vacati on a+hal 1 be enti`tl ed to receive addi ti opal remunerate on. •at 'a � r rate of one -hand one .haT,f times their Murl'y.,�wage >equ•i,al ent•: based on.' 173 3:3_.hour's per' montf;:or' equivalent.;.compensagtory time. off..,I'f an -. emp;l oyee. work=s oue'rti,me.: on a l egal ho<l i,day,. yhe may wave pay and time and apply: one half off for the ,overt-ime ;worked ,£o his accumulated va:nf-fon upon mutual' a;gre'ement between the ,empl:oye`e .and d da ''tment head. and jf &p.p-r.o.val by: the CT- y Planager ': Section: 5. Health' Insu'ranc:e C�ty'of Petaluma Group Medi�ca.l Hosprta'l ,Insu;ran:ce Program;. .. The:, City shall prove de :for a group med°ical hospitals insurance coverage `program, for City employees in Unit ] The City jshall ;pay, s . { tlur9i ng 1981 82, the fo,l l:owi ng i nsuranceo p.rem>> um amounts toward the City group medical_ --`hospital :nsura'mce program: A Insuirance premium amount of $B1 35 ;per ron,th', ' per em l o ee, , towa`;r.ds em^ l o ee� cove:ra e' and P p py p Y 9 For smpl,oyees..who° maintain dep'endent(s)..co.ver'age,. either: (a) Insurance premium amount of $24.97 per month -,,aper, i employee.:,. towards one (1) dependent coverage -for' y employees.who maintain one (-1) dependenit cove;r,age (b) Insu;r."ance premium amount of $'30 81 per month; per empl°oyee,; 'towards t��o (2')` or more dep.end`en:ts coverage ••. for``empl,oyees:who ma�ntai;n two (.2) or, more' dependents i c o,ve:ra Section 6 D:ental+' Ins.u;r:ance; 1 The• City shal?l provjider group dental i`nsura"nce coverage p:rogram;- for, City empl`oyees;: an", dependents -i n Un=i t 1 ,, during fiscal .year 10:1 82. The;;pre�rium cost of ,$30:`94 per employee>, per month, shall: be•"paidby the. Clty'. 5 Sec;t1on 7 Life hnsuran ce ' Tfie. .1; Y, +shall provide; at .n'o co-st, to:`;the° `er�;ploye'e„ ,group t'erm,life.- i nsurance couerag.e i n the princ,i pl e amount of.. `$5, Q00 aper empl oyee. Reso., 92} 10 E°xh I,b i t Pa.e 2 ,of, 15` -2 Sec'tf oh,'8 GJorkers Com"pen_sati orr; 'Benefits, shall be'payabl in"situations where employee absence is _:. du'eto yndust`rial injury as p'rov'ided in' California Sta°te LJoJrke,rs'_' Compensa,:ti on. Law The amount- of. di sabi'1 i ty° `payments • p'a ,d.� to 'the 4nj`ured :employee shall__be deducted; from: salary payable to the empl oyee� while oo• sick heave . During the first three (,3 )" calendar " days of.<absence for industrial disability, empl6- s w 1`l be compensated �at° they r` full rate of pay w� thout :deductiron from si cke le a ve unl ess they are hosp'1 talYi:zed Absences resin "f i ng' i n. immediate hos,pi tal i zata`o;n absences cgntinuing beyond the` th.i"rd day'>sha. be". chagainst f. the employee, at the rate of o,ne, half (l:/2) day for ea'c,h day' of iabsen:ce r cred°i ted or compensated by wo`.r, I<ers'' com'pensa;t"i on :insurance, prov;d,ed theCity rece:iv4es aTll compensation paid by w_.orker"s' compensation payments only,; wit'hout City payment, fo;r," salary at., no^ lossw of sick leave.. .Sick"" leave .J0.`- nau's;tr�al' n4jury shawl n:ot be"al_1'owedh.for di Sabi 1 ty resin ting from si c_kness, se -1 f i nfl i t- i n- ui or wil`l'ful misconduct. k.. Section 9 Bereavement Leave r In ;the e-ventof the deathF of an- employe'e's : spouse,; mother;; , step mother; mother i,n-.,law, ;fat -her, s"tep faFther, 'father in -16% `brother, sister, •chrl d; i ncl.udirn;q an adopted ch:'_l d, " grandchi 1 d sand grandpa�ren't, ,an` employee'w,fo"a;ttends the,. funeral shall, be .granted time of.f. work i "with p'ay: The amount" 'of time off, workF.with pay haa.l: be only, that which 'i's required to attend: tfie funeral .and, "make :inecessa�ry'funeraa ,. ar-rangements-, but in no event; shall it exceed three •(3) wor.ung days These" three'(3) .days §hal°1: not 'b'e chargeable to -sick leave. An. additional ,two (2,) days.:;required, for necessary° fune;rah a.rrangemen s _ maybe charged to the employee' s .sick le&vez and any add�atsi o'nal ti°me- beyond these two days may be, `ch•arg;ed to accumulated v"acat�on or leave ,w.th"out ,pay;,.,,, Such be;reavemen,t. 1 eaves_ s;hal l not. b,e .accrua'bl'e { from yeayr to year; nor shal l it ',have any monetary' va, ue ifunused., 4 Sec`tron�1.0: Holld_ays,,�,Genera'l _ fyThe City shall" observe ten (T0) .paid'f"ixed-d'ate holiday -s: These holiday --s. ,shal'1 be:establ=i shed' for t'he C'i.ty's fiscal .year .as determi ne'd. by Gity;Cou df .resolution: Secti onn• 11 Hol i days, Floating, r Dung the FirsO.j� Year `1981-82,, •the Ci'`ty 1wi 11 author'i-ze on;e r (1 ) "Floa-ti?ng Holiday -per emplloyee, which `may be taken by the ..'employee a<t; <, a time se:lect:ed by the•`employee, sub3ect to..;opera;tiona'1 requirements and appr,.ova,l_ determined by ,the "City, = , ' SectTo,n':.12 .'. $i(k.Leaye;,; Accrual "S' _ ,•Sick leave shall accrue to, a,11 fu'l'l time employees at the rate.:'Of eight hours for each mo"n'th; o.;f co,ntinuo'us service: •No; employee ". shall accumulate more s:f6k' leave. 'i;nr any`yea"r than pro'v`ided::, `I _.3, -• Reso ; 9210 Exh z b Lt Page - 3 of 15 a Y S'ec'tion 13 Sick;Lea'ue; Family ; Leaves .of absence °up to four working days with pa'y per fiscal year - may be ,granted to - an 'employee' in- the event. of seripus= i T'l Hess` o.r, injury �n the empl'oyee's i'Medlate: ami ''ly and w -1.3 be charged. agaanst.aick,;leave;: T,he i'mmedia-0� family. shall consist of 'the spouse'; children, ;parents, brother=s, s+i;' te;0s, or other indi.vi.dual`s Mwhose relationship, to,the employee is ghat o.f a legal dependent In such -case the appoin'ti°ng "power shall'.gr.ant sYu`ch sick leave only t ,when in„';his 'o;pinionhl th6 re:l;a;tion-ship oaf the -sick or,disabl°ed:-p'erson -t,o, `the- empl oyee viarrants such use :of ski ck l ea;ver: ' ' SeetioriLeave' Pay '00t. In t o' -,event -of th:e death or reti.remenf of an emp oyee' who .has, completed ten. (10a); or more years 'f continuous. service with the a City,, the employee sho,ud'd be p -aid or shall receive for li' s bene.fi't fifty 'p.ercent- (50%') ofis >accumul;ated;but uInus"ed siek.lea,ve not. to exceed -.4'80. h'our's: Sec'ti'on. K, Vaca'ton' s a Amou:nts . All ,r,egul ar, employees of the. City of Petal uma, •after works ng one ful 1 year a;re enti�tl ed to the eq'ui yal ent of eighty (80)e hours of vaca,t�on ,wifh..pay i'n the year:fol:low'i,n'g the year in. whi'c,h v'acatio.n is :.earned: a, "after five 5) years g Rl 1°` regu,;l ar employees of the City -of Petal um - of 'conti.nuou's'. service, with type City, and beg: nn.in with the sixth year, stea11 be entitled- to.the equivalent.of one hundred twenty hofvacation'.per`year. 7 After ten (TQ,',,y of;co,ntinuous service With fhe C:sty, eight (8) . hours of<vacation shall be added for `each years of continuous ,service ,. to maximum of; one `hundred sixty (:160)' hours 'of` vaeati,on: . r <' A b.. Schedul � n;gk The tlmes d:uri'n:g' a calendar' year` -i,n' why ch , an ,'e`rnp:loye`e.may-take his vacation shall be determined by the''department head wi t`,h due ,res:pect' for the jwi s,hes .of the emp! oyee ,and parti c;u ar regard'for.th;e needs o;f'the servi,c'e If the:.re,qu;irements;of service are such that a;n employee cannot take part o_r all of hi.s: -annual .vacation i:n a particular -'c'alenda:r year, such vacation 's'ha 1 °be taken dura+ng .the foil owi ng caa enda`r yeas..:. C. De,ferra , Any: el i:qi bl e e'mpl oyee w the the consent; of the head ` of `has s . departmen=t and the P-e'`r,sonnel.- Of,fifce'r 'ma defe.r.�f i y ( ) wor:kinq. days ,o,f,-M annual v;acatio.n'.,to th`e. succeeding .calendar year. subject to 'other provision -s of this rule A written report -of each defer red,,vaca,tsion signed ,by the .a-pproprJAte-department head. and =the.,. Personnel Office'r�, noting the detai'1 s sha,l'l. b_e kep,t on fi 1 e ,w�.th_ the , '. Per.;soOne .l Officer:” Vacation time. -:accumulated in, excess of two ;t'ea'rs shall, :be.l.ost. In .the event. one :or more municipal hal,idays ,. -,4 Reso;, 9210 Exilbit, Pees 4-o;f 1,5 & COMPENSATIOt�l;•-PLAN :F,QR, 11NITS.:3` 4 FY 1981-82 - Th;i s document represents th6i Com sensation Phan fdr Un;'ts 3 & ;4. fox, 'the Racal ;Year 1981=8`2 Sectson'`1 Term 'This. compensation plan: sha,l 1 be .for a one (1;) year term for the - a•fi'scal yea,,r. commencing -Juhy 1; '1981, tli-rough June. 3.0; 1982 Sec ion:,2 Salary,.' -T e City shal`1 adopt the fowl owe n•g salary ranges for each ,o.f the empl ogees, ;� n `-the. fol 1 ow ng CA assi.,f<i cations. effect:i ve Jul;y 1 , 1981jt: 11 nt 3 IL:I I Vj» V r 1 Civi -Eng neer' Assistant $1505 $1580' $1'659- $1742: f Pla.nnin.g. Aid'e'TkhMci,a,n, 1225 1:286_ 1.3'50 1413;. Building In?spector 1505• 1580': 1659 1742' 1;829 : F; Engineering fiechni ci an; 122;5. 1285=', 1350 =14'18 1.4,89` Eng'i'neering A:de> 105'6. 1109° 11`64 -1222 1283 Publ=i:c Works Insp:eetor%.Ci ua 1 l 6] 8 ' 1699 1784 1873 .1967 Dngi:neer Assa Stant I I' V . ,U C'vi 1 -.Engineer As ;oci�a'fi'ori>''l Z63 $:1851:,` $1944 $12041 $2143 Assoca a.te Pl,a'nne:r .r .161 & 1:699 1784: 1873 1:9.67 P'l ann _ng Technician 1399; 1469 1.5'4:2 1,6.1.9 _ 1.700 Asstant Pl:anne,r 13:3 s`i2 1399' . 1469 1542 161:9 _ Sec' t,ian 3 , , Compensation Time, r { An_ emplogee may receive overtime compensation jn the form of .; compensation :time,off jFt a mutually agreeable time between the'Gity and the employeeat a gate, of ,o,ne and 'one, half _.(l 1/2) hours ° of- compensa;btl e .gime for, each. h:o:ur :o;f time -~work d ; ' jUp, to, a max° mum'• off three (,3) working. days:;(24.hours;) .com%tj,me ma'y% accruedearnedYn:-excess,of `than: wio e pati -d at::the, overtime "rate i n effect'At the time the :overtine was':performe:d. : < :• �� Sec`tion`4 0'verti�rr�e ` � - a Al 1 hours i�9or-ked' �J n -excess of ei g,ht (`8) Nin a.ny orre day' or n exc,ess� otif forty (40) �n:,any ,work ri��;eek shall =be compensated at the;.oVertime,ratb--which• shall be, one and Vne-half ;,, basic straight time regular rate: of nay Ov:erti?me; shal•1.not be.., pyr',anx,ded or ,compounded: : 9210 Ex I b i t Paye :6; of ] 5 Overaime compensation., .min.irmum Any,employee: required to workovertime. shall, in - no case, be comPens°a`ted for, le s than `,one, hour for,'s,uch ''overf-Ame c ; : Payr�ient ;for work duri'n;g 'hoid:atys,- vaca, oJw , etc.. When it ;becomes necessary by° an emergency --,"to have emplbyees work <: dur',i ng 1'egal _ holidays o;r the peri_o.d suc?h emp`l pyees, are enti tl ed", to va,cat.1,o:n leFav<e, such employees wo:rk l9 .on,+tsuch .,le,gal holidays and' durFi'ng periods of "vacation shal 1 be enti tl•ed to , re -ei ve ad'd ti oral 4. remuner&tion.,•ait, a rate .of .o,he and -one'hal f tames .their° hourl v wage equi val ent based on 173:,:33 'ho.urs p'er month,_'or equi valent' compen ato,ry *time• aoff'. �If an employee .wo'rks. ov`erti`me. on' a 1 egal ho:l iday. he ,may, ave-.,,,payand, tame::and. apply one h:a;lf off for the overtime U�orked; to hiss .accumulated, vacation upon mutual a,g:reeme`nt�.bd'twe'en the ;employee &nd depar�tmen.,t headand''_approval;:.by the- City; P1anager., Section<5 .Heal th_. Insur",.ante: City{ of .Petalama Group ;Medi cal Hospital; Insurances Program: �d ti ti i The, City= srhall pr"o;vide 'for a°`group med^cal.-hospital insurance coverage:? program for Crty emplwoyees i n Units 3 & '.4 T,he� C`i ty �sha.11 -06y-,,-duri nn ]4981 82, th;e� fol`l.ow� ngY i nsurance prem um amounts towards group .medical -hospital, insurance .cover* ;ge,•p.rpgr-ams provi,def.by,.the Ci°ty. t r A,: Insurance :premium amount of $81 :35 "per month; per employeez, toward''s, empl;ovee coverage :,_:a;nd ji ,) B.. For,emplogees who,mai;nta1n dep;endent,(s) coverage; either: Y (a) hnsurance premium amountof $24.9x7 per month,` Per employee, towards one °.(1) dependent— — coverage, fo,r �empl oye°e's, who mai,nta� n'. one (l ). 'depend'ent f" .0.coveriage, r (b) -Insurance premium amount of $30;.81 per, month, per employee, tdvwards- two �(2) or more dependents coverage fo:r ,.emp;l ogees who, mai nta,i n -'two (2) or, ,more - dependents, °coverage:'. Se;ctison .,6 Dental Insup -,e The City sha_l provide ,for a,;grou"p' dent"a'1 -in`surance coverage prograiii... for Crty employees• and :depenaents''in. Units 3 & 4 during fiscal year 19B':1 82 Ther prem .'um cost of $30..94 .per e1 p yee:; per, month, _.` shall bd— pa,id'�',by,:"the City Section :.7 L'afe Tnsurance Th;e, City sha�l 1 pro:v.i de„ at no: cost to :the employee, group term '1 nee vraprrncipl e: amount .of $5,,'.Q00 pe,r-. empl o'ye_e .,' 2 iReso 921Q Pale .7 of ..15 .(Exh b I t ): Section 8., Workers Compensation Benefits shall. be,payabl;;e in situations where employee absence is due to industrial injury. a:s:, p"rov`yded, in California State Workers' Comp,ensa;ti on Law., The amount. of disability payments paid to the injured employee shall -be, deducted. from salary payable: to the _employee while on stick l:ea've:. Du'r ng th'e Ifirs't,-three (3) calendar days of absence for industrial d i"sabi 1 i ty, employees will be compensated at their full rate, of pay "wi-thout deductio-n" from 's-i,ck leave unless they are hospi tal ize'd'. Absences resulting in' i"mmedi a.te hospitalization or absences continuing -beyond the third: day shall be charged against the employee at the rate of -one.-half (112) day four each da`y of absence credited or compensated by 'workers' compensation insurance, provided the City receives all compensation paid by, workers' compensation payments.only, without City payment for salary at no loss of sick leave. S;ic'k leave for i,°°ndusGtrial injury shall not 'be allowed for a disability resulting from sa ckness, self-inflicted i`:njury or willful misconduct. Section 9. Bereavement Leave IIn the event of the 'death.of-an employee's spouse, mother, step- mother-, mother - in law, father, step -father, father-in-1-aw, brother, sister, child, i ncl udi'ng' an adopted child," grandchi hd and grandparent, an employee who attends the funeral shall be-.gr,a',nted time off work with pa,y. The amount of time off work with pay shall be only that which is required.to attend the 'funeral and ma'k'e necessary funeral arrangements, but �n no event shall it exceed three ('3`) working days. These three (3)' days shall not be' chargeable to sick leave. An additional. 'two (°2) day required for nece -rsary fu,neral.arrangements may charged to the -.employee's sick leave and -any additional time beyond these two days maybe:charged to accumul ted vacation or leave without pay: Such bereavement leave- shall not be accruable ifrom year to year,, nor shall it have any monetary va.lue'i'f unused. Section 10. Holidays,, General The City -shall .observe. ten ,(10) paid fixed -date ''holidays.: These holidays shall be e_stab.lished`for the City's fisca'1 year as determined by City Council resolution. Section ll. Holidays, Floating_ During the Fiscal Year 1981-82, the City will autho:ri'ze one .(1) , "Floating Hol i day" per, employee, which may be taken by the employee at a t:;me selected by the employ,ee,, subj,ect.to operational requirements and,app,roval determined by the City. Section 12. Sick. Leave, Accrual '.Sick leave shall accrue to all full-time employees at the rate of e,g,ht hourrs for each' month of continuous service-. No employee shall accumulate more sick leave in any year than provided; _ 3 - Reao, 9210 Exh,Wil Page 8 of X15 Section 13. Sick"Leave, Fami Leaves of absence up to four working days with pay pear fiscal year may be granted to An ,.employee in the event of. serious itl,ness, or injury in the employee's, immediate family and will be charged against s'i.ck,leave. The immediate family shall consist of the spouse, children.; parents,., :b.rothers, si`sters'., or other individuals whose relationship to the employee is that"o.f af Tegal dependent. In such case, the appointing power shall 'grant such sick `leave only when in his opinion the relationship of th& siek or'.d-is'abled person to the employee warrants such use of sic"k'leave',: Section 14. Sick Leave Pay Out In the event of the death ,or retirement of •an employee who has completed ten (10) :or mor. e years of continuous service with the City, the employee should be paid'or shall receive to his benefit fifty percent ('50%) of his accumulated -but unusedsibk leave not to exceed 480 hours. ion 15. Vacation a. Amounts. All regular •employees of the City of PetaIl uma,, after working one fullyear are entitled to the equivalent of eighty (80) hours of vacation with pay in the year foll-owing -the year in which vacation is earned.. All regular employees of the City of Petaluma., after five (5) years of co.ntinuou's service with the City, and beginning with the sixth ` year, shall be entitled Ito the equi,ya;lent of one hundred twenty (120) hours. of Vacation per year. - After ten (10) years of continuous ser'ice with the City, eight (8) hours of vacation shall be added for each year of continuous service to 'maximum of one :hundred sixty (l'60) hours "of v,acati':on. b. Scheduling. The times during 'a calendar year in which an employee may take his vacation shall be d`eterinined by the. department head with .due .respect for the wis'h'es of the employee and parti cul;ar regard for the needs of the service. If the requirements of the service are =such' tl'at: ,an employee cannot take part or all of h'is annual vacation in a particular. calendar year, .such, vacation steal l be taken during the follo.wing• calendar year.' c. Deferral. Any eligible employee with the consent of the head of his department and the Personnel Officer may defer five.(5) vi'orki,ng days of -h'is .annualvacation to the succeeding calen'd'ar ,year (subject to other previsions of this rule. A written. "report of each deferred'. vacata on` si gn:ed by The appropriate department head and the Personnel Officer not pg the details shall be kept on fife with' the P'er-sonne:l­Off icer. Vacation .time accumulated in excess of "two years shall tie !lost. In the event one or more municipal holidays - 4 Reso , 9210 : Exhibit Page 9 of "15' fall within :an. annual vacation. leave, such hol Aaysi shall' not be charged as vacation leave an'd vacation leave shall be extended accordingly. Section 16. Deferred Compensation The City of Petaluma shall make available to the members of this " unit, the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. Section 17: Retirement The City of Petaluma -'s retirement plan. under the Public Employee's ` Retirement System shall consist of the following -items,: Miscellaneous Employees: 2% @ 60 Options: 195.9 Survivors Benefit I year Final.Comnensation Average Unused Si ck. Leave Credit i i - 5 'Reso 9210 Exhibit Page 10 of 15 COMPENSATIyON P•L_A. N FOR UNIT, 5 This document: represents tthe, Compensatj,on P1'an for Un ft 5 'for the Fiscal, Year 1'981 498.2. S'e ct i o,n. 1 T:e rm ` This compensa'tAon plan shall -be f`or a�6,n0 (l.) yea °r term for the.:: fiscal? . year commence ng J,ul.y 1 , _1,981 , ah'rough' Juane. 3D, 1-982. sectign, Z. Salary n . The; City shall adopt the fol Tows ng sal a'ry ranges for each .of the. emp'1ogees. i,n the.`fol1owing c, assif ea�tions euffect: ve July ],, 1981 ,U'n<i t 5` :..I _ IF I T I I V V * Se'cretary to Community Services/En;g125. '1181 , $1240 $`1'302- $13Ei7 :. Seciretary ;1;00,7 , .1057• 1;110 ls1;66 1224 -1 n=termediate:'Stenographer Clerk ' 860 903: 948 995 = 1045; •` - Sendo,r Tran�s`cribier-Typist -1.er,k..' 904_ ' 94.9 9:96,1046' 1.099. Intermed'ate:Typist G,`lerk 821 862' •905 950 998 Tra'nscr ber Typits t -Cl erk . 821 862. X905 '950 Typist 744a 781 820 8612 998. 904; Junior -Clerk General'Services Aide 744"J8 820 861 904 General Sery"ices Clkerk 1007 .1057; 111.0 1166 ". 1224 -Serr�oar Acc,oun't C,lser.k 1:007 ;1057 11 TO 1>1;6.6; 122,4.. ' Aceount`'C1 erk' 821. 862 905 950' >- 998 Qpera`tor 801 84T $_83 927 973 jCashier=Telep;hone Kennel Attend'ant 706 742: T79 81`8 .'.. 858 ' 5eofl ,3 CompeK atiom Time; An; emplgyee may receiv.eL'overtime compensation �n -the fprm 6,.f - compensation:.time off at a mutual.l.',y agreeable time be,twee.n the City " and, the .employee ata rate of one. and one ;half (1 ']'./2). hours of ` ' compensable time for each hour of'time:worked Up to a maximum of three (3,) world ng ,days . (;24 hours) tcomp : time ;may be accrued. Amounts :earned i n excess oaf that ,w.i 11, be paid at ::the. overtime .ra`te i n, of-fec a.t the 'tame t`he overtime was; erfo,rmed-. :- Section 4 O ertme a:. All hours worked J -excess of :eight (8) 1 n any one - day. or-in- r in.forty forty(40) �. - ,a'ny' work week syhal,;l' be .compensated 'for .at .. the oue:rti.me rate which- shall be _666 -6n -d one;°.half` (lr l%2) t`° -meas,„ the` -' basjic str..aigh time regular 'rate pay Qverfa:ine sl"all no:t;be>; ,of nded-. pyramided =or.compou' . r 1 r ff <t R so, 921Q Exh I b,I` �e. osf 15. . - in . . .. r • r - • _ `. I , b Overtime :compensati-on, W'nimum Rny emp.l;oyee ;requirred to zwork overtime shal'1, in` no ,case,,_ be compensated :for .fess than on.e hou;r for' such. overtime` c;` Payment for work, du,rIng �holad'a'ys, u'acatnons etc. When i t' becomes necessarry by an emergency t:o have employees wor:k.. du:r ng, egal 'hol Tdays or the period such employees are enti t,l ed : 'o vacation }leave, such employees world ng Eon =such. legal hoa i days and <, + dur;i ng peri ods of waca- on 's-hal 1 be ent;.i t'to. recei'ye addy ti oral ` re.muneratiion at a rate of lone a_nd-.one has=f times the=ir hourly wage i eq'ui val ent based ;on 173:33 hours'`per month, .or equivalent compensatory tame; off:. IT ' an employee wo_r"ks overti°me on. a 1 egal ho,l i day, he may wave pay and ::time ,and apply one half off, fora the .overtime' worked' to h s a,ccumu 1 at'ed va,ca,tl.o;n upon mu;tuaTl agreement between the emp:l oyee and' department headx and`approval,._by the'' City' Ma'ha;ger,: Sec=tion . 5. Heal th; Insurance C i,;ty of ,Peta,l_uma Group Medi cal Hosp� ta;l Imsurance Prograrrt: The City shall provide for a group med°cel hospi-tal in urance co:vera;ge program for City T,he 4b ty 's, ifT dulri ng -198°l -82, the 6'V owing insli­urance. premium amount's towards ' g'ro'up med,�cal;=hospiital :ansur,ance :covera=ge programs provided by;:the' i A irfi, premium ariount;,of $81 .35 per month; per'employee, owards emp,l.oye'e coverage- and B `For, lgyees empwho lmai�ntai'n dependent(s;), :coverage, either (a) =Insurance premium amount>.o`f '.,$2C,97 per month,,.-­._ o'nth.,.- per employee, towards one (1).:depend'ent coverage for Poyees `who ma.inta'n one; O')'.dependent coverage, em 1 orf ,Insurance. prem_;um� a.mount of $30 81 per: month; per employee, towards two. (2) 'ror more dependents coverage ' for e_ mpl.oyees who .magi ntai n two (2) or, more dependents A{ coverage Section` 6� Dentate, Insu,ranc'e T,le Cit` y p y for a group denfal �finsura.n'ce coverage pro=gram y shall provide ; W Cit em to ee "and dependents, in Unit 5,: Buri ng fi-scal year` ' 1.981k 82': The: prem,uni ,cost of $3;0:'94 per employee, per monf;h, steal`). be =paid' by 'th'e City ; Sec:ti`o,n.,7 LifeT'ns=urancel The; City s'haTl provide, at no cost to the employee, group term life i5nsurance coverage i n, the,,,' pri nc pl,e amouna; of $5,.000 per iempl ogee z Res o,. 9210 Exh,I bI t Page 12 of 15 Section 8. Workers Compensation 'Benefits sihal.1 be: payable in situatJ'ons� where employee absence i's - idue to, indu-s=tri,al injury as provided in, California- State 14o,rkers' !Compensation `Law., The amount of disability 'payments paid, to the !1 injured employee, -sha.11 be deducted from saJalry payable to the employee while on sick 1eave..,.Duri,ng the fi`r.st three (3)' calendar 'days of absence for industri,a, . I disability, emp1oyees will be compensated :at their full rate of,pAy without deduction from sick 1,eav-e unless thev are hos p i ta I i z,O. Absences resulting u , immed;iate hospitalization or absences con't i nui h'g ° beyond the th i rd. day :shall be' c h4 rge-d a:ga i n s t, .the- employee at the rate of one-half (112') day fqr each, day of absence ,credited or coml,pens'a,ted by 'workers' comp,e.n.sation, insurance, rance, provided the City receives all compensation'paid' paid by workers' compensation payments, only, without City payment for sa"la"ry' at ho loss of sick ,leave. Sick, leave for industrial Tnjury,shall not be.,allowed for a d -i s%ab i 1"i ty resulting from sickness, self-ifflicted injury or willful misconduct. Section 0.. rBereaVement Le'a.v:e In the event of-th,e deVt4of an employee's spouse, mother, step - mot mother; moth&-ih-l&W,�father, step -father, fat-her-tn-:law, brothe;r, sister, child, i,ncludi'ng; an; adopted, child', grandcfiflld and grandparent, an employee who.'atten-d,s the funeral s�hal I 'be,,gra�nted time off work iwith pay. The amount ,ofI time off `work wi,f4 pay shall . be only that 1which is required to attend the funeral and:, "make necessary funeral I-arrangeme . ntsi but in no event shall'it exceed, three (3) working days, 7bes'e three (3) days: sh6,l*1 not be chargeable to sfck leave. �An additional two (2). 'days required. far pep I essary funeral arrangements ,may' be charged to the bmployee'ls sick leave, and a-ny,,additional time ibeyond these two days may be charged to accumulated vacation or ileaye,without pay. 'Such bereavement- leave, s,h-a,ll not be accruable 1,from- year to: year,. nor shall i't have any monetary va,lue if unused. Section 10,. Ho IJAays, General The City s,hal I observe, ten (10) paid fixed date 'hoUdays. These hol,id'ays -shall be 'e'stablis.hed for the -City's fiscal year -as determined by .C,ity Council resolution:. Section I I.. - Hol'i'days, Floating_ During tbe Fiscal Year 1981-82, the City will authorize one (1), F 1, 0 alt i n g H61 i d ay"` per -employee,, which may be taken. bythe employee at •.a time sel'ec'ted _y b the employee, subject to operational requirements, and approval determined by th,e City. Section .12. .;Sick Leave,_,Accrual Sick leave shall accrue to all- full-time employees. at the rate of eight hours for each month of continuous,servi-ce. No employee sh'all actumulate more sic* leave in Any year than provided,. o f 15 3 Reso. 921Q Exhiblt Page113 Section -13. Sick;Leave, Family Leaves of absence up to four working days with pay per fiscal year - maybe granted. to an employee in the event of serious illness or i n j.ury in the; employee' s i mmed i a fe family an`d will. be. char. g,ed against sick leave. The immediate family shall consist of the spouse, chil dren,'parents,, brothers, ;sisters, oro her individuals whose relationship to the employee is that of a legal dependent. In such case, the appointing power shall grant such sick Teay.e only when in his opinion the relationship of ,the sick or disabled person to the employee warrants such use of sick leave. Section 14. Sick'Leave Pay Out :In the event of the death or retirement of an employee who has completed ten (10).or more years of continuous' servi,.ce with the City, the employee: should be paid. or shall receive to his benefit fifty percent (50%)•of.his accumulated but unused sick leave not to exceed 480 hours. Section 15. Vacation a. -Amounts. Allregular employees of the City ofPetaluma, after working one full year are entitled to the equi-al.ent of eighty (80) hours of vacation with pay in the year following°the year in which vacation is earned. All regular employees of.the City of Petaluma, after five (5) years of continuous service with the City, and begi:nning with the sixth year, shall be enti't'l.ed to the equivalent of one hundred twenty (120) hours.of vacation per year. After ten (10) years of continuous service with the City, eight (8) hours of vacation shall be added for each year of continuous service to maximum of one hundred_ sixty (160) hours of vacation.. b. Scheduling. The times during a calendar year in which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by the department head with due respect for the wishes of the employee and particular regard for the needs of the service.' If -the requirements of the. service a,re such that.an employee cannot -take part or all of hi.s annual vacation in a particular calendar year, such vacation shall be taken during the following calendar year. c. Deferral. Any eligible employee with the consent of the.head of his department and the -Personnel Officer may defer five (5) working days of his a-nnual vacation to the succeeding calendar year subject to other provisions of this rule. A written report of each deferred vacation signed by the appropriate -department heard, ,and the Personnel Officer noting the details shall be kept on file with the Personnel Offi'cer;. Vacation time accumulia'ted' in excess of two years shall be lost. Ln the event one or more municipal holidays -4 - Reso, 9210 Exhibit Page 14 of 15 A