HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 9211 N.C.S. 06/26/1981JLS.e d'a ._ 6 25-:81 FZe$-AU ti�o� No. 9211 N: C. S. of the City of Petaluma;_ :California RESOLUT-I:ON ESTABLS-SHING!SALARY AND, SUPPLEMENTAL WAGE BENEFITS T _ _. FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES, UNITS '8 & 9 WHEREAS, the City Manager -;-pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma, City Charter, is required and. empowered to make a4recommendation.to the City Council'on matters related to employees' compensation; and, WHEREAS, Robert H. Meyer will be on leave of absence from the specific charter duties of C .ty'.Manager on July 7, 1981 through September 30, 19.81;. and during, this period will be serving, in the capacity of advisor and performing duties on specific projects;' -and, 1 WHEREAS, :the:•City of Petaluma will continue to provide the City's health, and. ,dental plan to Robert. H. Meyer and, dependent:after September 30., 198.1 under the.same terms and ,conditions provided to the successor or successors to City Manager of Petaluma until October 1, 1986.. WHEREAS,, the 'City Manage;r,,has.'r:eV owed the attached • Exhibit =`A". _and Exhibit " B"' and' .recommend approval thereof, j NOW, THERE ORE; BE IT RESOLVED that the salary and supplemental wage benefits as specified in these attachments for Management Personnel are approved -and shall become effective July 1, 19,8.1. t- BE,IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is City Council policy that ninety (90,) days: notice. -ia required .by either party (City COuncll"'and City.Manacrefl prior to termination of services 'between 's,'aid., parties.,, Under: the power and authority conferred upon, this" Council' -by the, Charter of said City. I hereby certify the foregoing„:Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Council of •rhe ;:City ,of' Petaluma at a 01 1}@X-.X1j1(cX**X4) .(Special)' meeting Approved as to;, form ` 2hth on ,the dag. of .:..� une .” ...::..... __ ....., 19,.8 �„ by the following vote:? _ =... City Attorney AYES: Perry, Ra rbeM, n, Bond, .Battaglia, : B:; Fo•r"., emp'l oyees 'who mai nta-i n dependent`(,) coverage, ei th&r (a) . 1Insurance premium 'amount of 24,-.,'917 per month;;;' per a empl:oyee,; towards one (1) dependent: couteka,ge'°for empl.oyees, ..who maintain` on'e(1) dependen,tt coverage;: (b) Insurance .premium amount"'of $34 81 ',per month,, per•. :.r emp,hoyee ,towards .two '(2;) or more :dependents coverage j for.-.employees who - maintain two (2 )' ;or ,mo'.re dependents cove:"rage: S•ecti:on .5. Deni-al, Insu;ranee° <, The City shall provide .for a:-group dental insurance .co'verage program for C1 employee-s, an.d..depende-n'ts in Un`it 9,:, during the fiscal year i 1„981-82<. .The pr,em',um cost of $'30-.94 "pe:r employee':,., per month, .'shal'1': be' paid.by ' -the .City,: Section :6 Long Term Disabi`l'ity -, r The C� ty sha°ll pro.vi de 'a Jong term. di Sabi 1 i ty pl,an, ,, ;premium Pa'id by the C°ty. - 1 i 3 Section J Life Insurance The City shall provide,, -at no cost 'tot`her employeeE, group `term life nsur.ance• coverage; in the principle amount of $5';OQO per= em;pl oyee Section 8 P:14nagemen,t Li fe` Lnsurance shat"1 be:�n the amount=of one and one half times their-- annual ;salary rounded to the nearest even do"liar;= i e:;• $12;;000;• $13,000;; etc;c not :to exceed $6,0.,000. Section'-.9. Worke;r's Compensation M. Be.n:efits; shal°1 be. payabzle in situations where employee absence is due to industrial ,injury as 'provided i,n ca j"forma State Workers. .� Compensation ;Law The;. amount of di sab:i`1 i.ty •payments, paid to the inj;ured; employee &,hall be deducted from salary payable, to the employee` wh1l.ie on sick leave During the fa'rst Three (3) calendar days of.'. absence fdr industrial di Sabi 1 isty, ";emphoyees w� 11 6e compensated r a,t theJ- fuaar• raVte. o'f °pay wiahout ;deduction from, sick, _lea•, unless os;pi taT eresu ngthey are M ,n i,mmedi:ate ho-al i zaft6n g or ab'sencebs cont.inui.ng° beyond :the• this'd' day sha.l•T: be•.c.ha,r ,ed against tfe.. emp;l.oyee at,'th'e rate of one-half.._("l;/2,).:day fo;r- each day: ofr absence L credited, or ;°compen,"''sa.t.ed by workers,' coripensatTop- 'i n"surance: provi d.ed' Y pY p Y p Y Y 1 p the`C�t. receives all com ensation aid. b workers com ens'ation payments° only, without, Cit a merit for sala-r at' no loss of sick ` ' l ea ve Sick ,l eawe fo"r industrial` i nlury shawl not be al l oNied f..or a di•sab1tity result` from sickness' serf-inflicted. injury or willful. m i:s:c o n'd u,c t : ? D >'0'Q211 ExIhIbi B. Pdoe, 2. of Sec'' -tion 10 .Bereavement Leave In ,the event; of, t'he death of` an ;employee's spouse;;, mother; tep. mofher, ,-other n law, fafhor, step father, father in law; brothe_r;, °m , - shster, chl,l d, 11 udi n,g : an adopted chgi'l d}, , grandc'hi l d Fa nd• grandparent, - y' an. ompl,oyee ,who attends the-funera'1 steall .be granted �ti:me' off work . wrt_h pay: The amountr�of time off:',,work: with ,pay shall.:, be only that wh fc.h; s; r.equi re , to attend: t`he, fune,ral'; and„make; nece,s a.ry.` funeral arrangements; but in no event stet _l ft exceed three (3') working days These three. (3) days shall'.not, b'e chargeable to sick leave An""addlt;ional two- ('2) days required fo'r`,nec-e`ssar'y fune'-ral.a:rrang;ements may,, charged to, ;the employe'e's sick leave: rind ahy ,Add stional ti me beyond these i6joc d-ay.s• may be. aged "to accu'mul a -ted vvacat on .or lea'we xithout pay ' ;Such bere'alv,ement "leave. shall. not :b:e aceruabl:e from year for _year; .nor sfi`al•l is , have. any mo:nota"ry value i,f unused. SectJ.on '11 --::Holidays;; General°' The'- City, shal`I observe 'ten (10) paid fixed -date ho,l id'ays.- =These . ho]'iday.s- sha`l l: 'bei establ i shed' for `the` C' - yy, fiscal ;year as,-.determi n`e'd' by:City Council re`solu,f: .TO Section 12 Holjdays, Floating : -iDur"i ng the Fiscal Year , 981-8`2,. the City 0, 11 authorize on,e.. ' Tloati.ng Holiday" per. ,employee;; whiph, ,mat) be taken •by the° -employee ' r at; a timo se'Iected;.by th.- employee; subj,eca' to 'operational`. requireme"nts and. `appr-gval :detbrmined.:,by the Ci'ty,; .> s Secct164-13 `Sick Leave; Acer,"ual Sick 1 eawe steal 1 a,cc.r.u'e to a_l l full .lme emp;l ogees at the rate' of K eight hours. for each month of contyi mous se-ri ce, • No employee a : shall acrcumul ate more- s°ck .Leave, i n any year' than- proviided.'- - 1 - Sectlion':14 Sick-: L.eavae,, Family` n d `• Leaves of ab enc`e.'up to'; four working days wJ.th pay per fiscal year ma'y be gr -ah ed to an employee; i n the ew•ent .of ser o.us , i-11 ne s or hjury in the. employee's immediate fam ay and 'will be charr.ged; Y alga%nst _sick eaue: The' immediatae family sfal.l consist of the spouse„ c,hildren,, paren;t's, brothers, sisters;; or'other individuals - whose rel ationsNIP to the employee, is that -of a l`e`gal dependent. In such case, the, app ,Th! t� ng power sfial l 9""rant ;such -stick leave only :when , i n hsi s oypi ni,on; the relationship of the si ck• or disabled person to the emp'l'oyee ;warrants : such -Uso of sick heave. Section .1T5 _S,ick Leave= -Pay tout " In .the event; of the deafh or :rets r.ement'of a!h emp•l'oyee who. 'h'as. z completed ten (10) or movre years o'f conn mous servi c&. wi fh the CTty, 'the empl'oyee,.shoul d be pai a :o r, "shad 1 receive. to= his benefi t fifty percent (50%). of Chas aceumula'ted but' uen'used :s�;ck,_ leave no.t ,to exceed, 48n0 ho,u'rs Y. j, Section 16 Vacation 1: h1iscellaneous &Police Personnel r a.. Amounts A11` regular emp'1"oytees= of t:he City of` Petal,uma,,: after morki{ng one fuTl year are4 entitled' :to the equivalent ; of 'e,i thty, (80) hours of ua�cati on w� th pa>y i n the year i;ch .vacati`on a, earrned: fol l,owi n the year i p wh : regular gimps oyees. ,of the 'Ci ty of Petaluma,,` after- f ve (5) years'of ico_nti _- o se`rvi'ce Gvith the „City:,. and ,beg.inning.- with. the sixth year, shall be --ent�t ed to;: the: equivalent - ofon`e hundred, twenty (12'©) .hours of vacation per year,.. . After' ten (1 Or) years of conte mous s`ervi ee wn.th the City eight; (8) hours of v;acati�o'n shall be: add`e:d for each year -< of continuous service to ,maxi.mum ;o o.f'ne hundred si`x;.ty- (1;60,`); h`ou,r.s : of vacat on:: b. Sched'uli,ng. The t�3mes during a. calendar year-: in which an j employee may take his vacation. ';s hall(' -b 6: determined by t`he; deparament -head with 'due °respeca for the,wishe's of the ,employee land pard cu+l,ar, �re.gard :for t`he needs of the y ` sery;ce . If the requi remen,ts of the servt%ce are such that* an employee cannot take part or al 1 .'of hiCs ann,uaT vacation t in a art�'.cular,calendar ear,, such ::vacation sfaall be P y taken during the fol.l`owin,g, cafe;ndar..year.; • i' C. Deferral Any ;eljgJb,le iemployeie with the, con ;ent.�of .the:. !!' head. of his department and the 'Personnel Officer may i defer f ifve (5) •;working days _ o f • hi;s annual': vacation to the �. succeeding' calendar year s;ub7ec.t to other' pro"vsion sof rule.:. A" written report of each; def'e`rred- acation`' signed kby ;the a'pprop,r,-i _,._ department- head; and the Personnel' Officer notj ng the de`tai l s; shall be °k'e`pt -on fi`l e' wi"th the ;Personnel `gaff i cer - ll,�acat on time accumulated 'i n excess . of two years, s'h;al1 be lost In the :event one or mare muni cl, pal hol JA ays . rfal 1 w ahi n ,'an annual'. �vacat on 1_eavae such''hol id'akys sharl'`7 not be charged_ as vacation' 1"ea've and, ; vacation 1''eave sha;T1 be exten:d:ed ac'cordiyn,gly 2 ' :' F� re Ba'ttal,i'on: Chiefs' vacati on shall ° be. com `u fed gas. 'fol l ows:, ° Amou:nkt of. Continuous Seryi'c.e. Vacation A,fte;r completion of twelve mon hs 4:66 J',; ft per_°yeas After c:ompl,e;tio,n of 'fv'e.yea•.r's 70 - per year. 0 shifts After completion O'...ten', .y,ears; 8.00 shifts; per ,yeas Af.'t,& compI efi`on• of fi fteen- years 9;:00 shifts' pe:r' _year, Vacati on�°enti t`l ement a.ccUm ated i`r' excess °of two ye,w� l l be Trost: Any eligible. emghoyee `with the consent;' of 'the head=of h`i s d`epa"rtment.; ' and the `Per.sonneI Officer'mary d'e`fer" 2 r33 shrifts ,.of :... - 4 Reso,. 92'11 Exhlb B : prises �.: