HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 9218 N.C.S. 06/30/1981AYES:
resolution ,'No.
of Cit of P6ta!6 . California
'WHEREAS,'the City, through. its duly a:uthori'zed repre-
s.ent,-Ativos, -.And the Petaluma Pea.c'e,Off,icersl.,Associati-on through'
its, duly authori.zed'-repre8entative!j,, have concluded their mutual
obligation-- to meet and.qo4fer in -good faith with respect to
terms and Coftdns of,employment for�,th&.employees in Unit 6,
in accordance with t'lie Meyera-MI-1-ilaz B,r6wn' Act, and the City's
yee RelatiOns'Rules and - Regulations. (Re solution
No.. .5512 N.C.-SS.);. and,
WHEREASi; the duly -authorized representative -s of the City
and,the- Petaluma` Peace Officer's" Association, , have -executed a
Memorandum of Undetstandlihg (dated June pursuant to
Section 15, Resolution. No.. -51512 N„C.. S.- and., recommend ,its approval
by the 'City C8tncil; and,
WHEREAS', - the City:. Manager,, pursuant to Section 28,
City Of-Pet&lurha-City -:d-harf-e,k--, and as t-he,,C1ty's Muni*cipal
Employees Relations Of,ficer..'(ResQ,1,ut-i.bn No.'5375 N.C.S.) is
equired and empowered to make a,' t0commenddtioli to the -City
Council on mattersrel- teemployees' compensation; and,
qd to mpl�oy
WHEREAS.1,. the City Mandger,has.reviewed and concurs
with said Mdmorandum..'of Understanding .for Unit. 6, and does
recommend that the Cit . y,Pbtincil ratify f y- -.§,a 16 memorandum of.-
NOW, THEREFORE,,. BE"IT RESOLVED -that, said 'Memorandum of
nddrstanding:;-be'ing, in; the best. i. -n terest,"of .-the'City, ._is fllat'if ied
'and' the termsl' and. c--,6ndi`b1.onTsof. said Mdmoraridum of tihdo _sta,,ndihg
(a:s .,.attached') -shall,.'beef f I ecti v . e, JulyI 1, 1 19:81 through June 30, 1982.
Under the powerand authority; tbACound, ite Charter :of. said City.
I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introdike"d and adopted by the
Approved -as to
Cqtkncil of the ;City -0f.'Petaluma �(-)MI)iXXiXO,(Special):rr,ieeting
, - " � 1 1, .; orm
3Q J:066�' �� .1 - I . 8
.................... ....... day, "I 1,;l3y the,
,on, af ....................... ... ..
:following ,, vo e:�,
.. .. .... . ...........................
Ca y Attorney
Caun6ilmen. Eon:d.,:Bal Shaw:,:Cavanagh., Vice .Mayor_ B.atfa,.g1J,,,a and" Mayor' Mattei,,
FORM"CA-2-1/60, -
_.- .. ............... M . ...........................
Mayor. . I . 1. . _
`_ �• .
$eCzt`a6h '1 : ' .
°- .:Term of Agreement
ction '2
_ S;erva6i'17ty
1Sect" 3:
Sec:tion'4. J
Sect j on 5':,
Sectaon ;6_:
Court Time Payments;
Sec;t,ion 7.jCa;l1
Section. 8;
Police ,Offi.cer 'Wo'rki i°n, Higher
Sect°ion '.9;.
:: Sergeant. Pr9motion,s.
--iSect;ion 0 r:
Compensatory Tine,: Off.
Section lsl
Pol ice Eduea'tl`onal 'Incenti_e Pay Pro -gram
'Section 1`3
Heal th,Insur, once'
Section 1`4 , '..'
.Dental Insu,r,•ance
See•tion 1.5
Life I'n,sura'n.ce F
Sect';ion 16 -
Long Term Di'�sabi1-ity.I;nsurance
Section, 17,..
Ho] iYdays, .'General
Sect on
Hol iday, F1 o,ati ng
Sick Leave
Section -,20
'Sick :Leave,'._Famel,y'
Sec'.t on '21 ..
S;ick Leave,,; Retirement.
Sec't"i on =22.
Bereavement 'Lea.ve
Sect -n:24,;
?es c�,-1_8 Exhlbl't A
Pc:e .,of `
: Betweep ry
'Thi s`. document, ;repre_sents. the fi nal -and complete a,g:reement resul ting from
Mee*t,arrd-Confer se'ssio"ns between'th•e City of Petal'uma:amd ;Pe,taluma "Peace
03ffi''ce-rs`'" Association, Unit 67.:
Re-p.resenfati ve of the Ci ty and Uni t 6 tackno 16dge_ that they 'have;. ul fa l led
their mutual and re'spectFi ve +obl i gats ons ''to RMeet and Confer under the P�eyers.=
Mi ltais Brown .Act As a .result, the' parties have dome to a mutual .understandi ng
' e`n,tati,v:es of .`the Gity `and U,n .t 6,:'who :haw,e the approval of.: their
which the repres
members-, :agree. to recommend' for acceptance:.and app_ ,ro,v,al to' the City Coun,ci 1 of
the 'City' of Ketal uma ;
'a rti es affi x, their, sJ gnatures :as const tut -J; ng mutual acceptance and:
reeommendati ofi. of t"his '�1emorandum of Und'ers andi n,g; to °become' e . ecjt� v;e
.. ;.
Ju`ly:A 1:1081" :upon. acceptance aril approual of the Ci ty '.Counca?l
Section ,l Term-of`Agreements
T'hi°s Memo '&ndum ofUnder;st hdi ng, shall --be for a one (`1'), yearer
• tm for:
(b) Further Poli ce. S'ergeants n th:e, patrol
r d>iV, sion may ,be: placed onto: a' four. (4)
_te'n ('1:0) hour 'work day-`=for a`n eval ua.t'o;n.
peiri0d. ,as. determi''ned ;b the ,Police Chief. '
(c') Upon the hiring of a ninth full-time
' regul—, Communicatson's'Dispaacher-Clerk,
Mie management of,'the police department'
w'l 1' reconsider t-I,e,4 feas� bi.l'i ty ,and desi�rabi 1 i ty
of a 4 -1,0 plan for Communications Di's,patcher'=
�.. Clerks;.
Sec'fion 4 Salary
The: _`sa,l`ary .ranges `for each of the _c,lass 'fi°cat,ions ancluded`'i;n rep'resentatio:naT
Unit r6 ;are. a's`. fol lows.
Pol e S,ergeaA (I
i'cnvestigator)' $19.,07 $2003. $21"03
Poj i;ce Sergeant :, 1::907= 2003 27,03 •
Pol;,de Officer, (Investi;gator:) $14-9.8 $15;73
$1652 $1734- ' $'18,2.1
ti Pool ice Officer ' 1'498 <` 157.'3' ` 1+6'52 1;73"4
You';th S.eru�ice:'-Officer. 14'98 1573:
1652 173.4 1821
Ani'.mal "Co-ntrol .Officer 1.1.1`4 117,'0 12'28 .1289 1'353 -
A'ss,Tstan't 4nirral ,.Control ' Officer 103,2 .1084_'' 1138 1195 1255
�Pa.rking ;Enforcement; Officer• " 107.9 1�133' 1';1'90. 125:0 131:3
Communiay? Service Officer 1079 1133. 11,90 125'0. 131=3: ;
Proplerty Techn;cia'n; 107:9 1133 1190 1250;` 1313
Commun'ica'tions` Dispatcher Clerk_ 1079. 1133A -- 1190 12'50 .1313
Section '5'. O.v'ert� me
Effective J6,1, -1.1`97,18, 'the City w ill compensate each employee .go;verned
this "memorandum at the rate of time and :one half for :approved overtime,. (Off
duty:.,tra°i'ning.time 'conducted ".in house ' shall be compensated as overfime .);
An 'employee may receive overtime i'n the, ':form of compensable ''ti m'e, off, in
accordance with ap.prowed poti:cy T`�me and o`ne ha'l'f sh'a'll .not ap'pay to :off.
duty coura time, Overtime of. =fifteen minutes or less shall- not be paid
6vertime: 'n 'excesxs• of fcifteens.,minu..tes shall '_be paird -,to,-,,the nearest quarter 'hour.
Sect>aon 6 Court Time_, PaymentZrs
The "C1ty will" compehsate ,a mi;;nimum of three {3) hours straight time for each
officer for court appearances on 'his oHin time; additionally, time and-one half
='hal 1. 'be compensated xfor all hours actual Ty wo'"r'ked i;n court beyond `such
An emplogee re,ceiy'-ng full salary whi'le'not workin;g,pursuant to Labor Code'Section
485;O;i shat 1 no;:t be gran:ted 'further-comp`ensa,t on f:or court mpuI ess ,thi s court, .
time, (i,nc-TU&J�n`%o alwl re1'a'ted.'profe''ss uaI- activfi,Aes)' exceed' the,,numberl of 'hours'.in
th1r e,regblahr. ,work da°y (e.igfi"t ('8) or'ten :{:1,0,),::depending'upon 'his or her"schedule). .
' - in ;o;ne day or'40 hours ;in on•e'-week;. if- su-ch cort- time. :and 'related pro"fessio;nal•
2, _
Reso, 92_8 Exh bIt A Pi1c�e .!+ of g.
hies e>xceeds eight y(8)°.or ten (10)' hours �n,yone day (whichever is
app`hica"bT,) or.:40 hours °inn one week„ the employee shad J- be Compensated
for: such :addi 'T6hal,,time at':rthe app.lica"ble ,ov_erti;me rate .
la'S ec,t"ion. 7' Cal
An',,empl ogee w,ho 7 s cal 1 ed back to.:work; excl:u'di ng'Court, time. cal l -back;; after
having completed -the 'empl,oyee's :regular -shift'. and: having left the, City premrse's,
shal.:l r.ec_eive a mi'mmum: of two (2)` hour>s of}wo,rk. or two (2i) .hour>5..of -:Pay, t
the.ov°ert, imp •rate a.
Section °8, Police :Off�cver `Wbxrki`In ahe;r Claas!�ifitdt.ion
U�he`n a Pol i ce ,Off cer i s'' assrgned to pe_r:form ,the duti es of a Sergeant for
a period •of fo-ur (4') hours or.more ,by th'e Chief of Police or a Lieutenant
nor the Watch 'Sergearynt of; the:'preeeedi,n',g shy t when `the Chief or `Lieutenant
is not on; duty., he shall be pa -id at; Step I of: the'.Serg;eant 'sal'ary, c,lassAlf
If ;the :Watch Sergea;n, `of the,•`prec_eeding shift,, the; Ch vef, o -r'. Lieutenant is
una ai 1 a;bl e due to. unfo:reseeq� ci,rcumsta;nces, and i t i s n'ec,es'sary, 'for -an officer
to.perform t'he funic -tions of: •a `Serge`ant, the 3.Ch ef';.or L 'eutenant may grant ;.
subsequent app`;rova.l , duri':ng his next` normal wo',rk ,sh'a ft:..: '
Any overtJme performed by a Pol ce' O,ffiicer wh,i1e he or �-she is entitled
pay at nth,e Sergeant rate; shall be: compensated at, one and one half (1 ,l./,2)'
times the: app]' p -,bl e Sergeant' rate of pay
Section Sergeant 'Promotio'ns
r t ,
UJpon promo4ti o:n to S'ergea:nt, To ke �Offi:c'ers i n Step V, df ,the salary seal e
sha'l:l ;be placed rn: Step • ;I I of. the Sergeant salary scale
All "'other Officer`s' promoted to Serg;eant.. s,ha1.1 be, pl aCe'd- i n Saep I ' of the
Sergeant salary sc;a-le ' "
r '
Sec ion 10. Compen'sato'ry_ Tine ,Off `
An einpl:oyee may rec;ei ve:, ! i n 1 ie of be�sng pa-i'd for overtime,. compensat'ory''
time toff at a' mutually agreea',b�l'e .,time beaween' the. City and theemployee
Such, compensatory time off maFy be, accrued up `to a, 'maximum of, thirty (3 0)
hours „fbk those employees in sworn clas^sifi,ca- ti'ons. : and'twent+y four (24).
hou,r,s',for those employees in :non='-sworn-;c4lass",f°ikea,tons: Amounts•, earned
in excess: of that w 11 be paid Such compensatory, time: off'`shall. be used
fo.r ,pers`o;na.l- acti•viaies ionlyt In, the e�zent that the Falk"r Labor StandardsF Aet
18found, :to app'. y to the; publ li',c sec-,torthe a`bove,tl. hall then be admjnj ster.e'd
with. the,:proq a,. V5. Of the Fa: `r Labor :Standards R'q't,: �
Sect on''1T Educaational, In'centitve Pay Program; � �'
A Thi s. Program encourages eriipl ogees i;n; spec fi c class' fi'cati ons; to
acquire and' to"mai';ntain.'educa"t=ional- achiiev:ement,
B Educational �ncent�ve pay'is p.rovi-ded for.qu,alafied employees,.in the �.
;classification -'and for.. the amount as s,pecj,' -' ' below
ro ; 9218 Exh i:btl t A Pale 5; ,of .
1. P;o.lce Offtcer,'PoTi. ce_Offcer.(In;vestigator),or Youth
:S'erv.c,es Officer: =
j. EdUcafional Achievement Incen:tivesV Amount!.
Intermediate ,P Q S: T:: Cer: t� f d -'ate $5;0 e00' per: :month;, oer employee
Advanced F.O. S:=T Ge`rti fi cafe.' $;7`5 00' ;per month;,,- per 'empl oyee
. .
2 Police Sergeant, or Po'l'ic°e S„e.rge'antr.(-Inv,esga
't tor)
;Aduance,d P;.O S _T Certificate per $75 00 month; per employee
Sec:t`ion X12 Uni,.form/Cl oth�n.g__Allowance ;Program:°
Allemployees`F hal; 1. comply with tfhe” uni'form/elothi_ng.-_requ'irement.s and: procedures
as established; and ,administered by ''the :P;oltce Chief.
Tfie.,Un�form/ClothYn.g Allowance Prog"ram s'''hall `be pard in' fiscal year 1981`=82, wilth.
on ''ofthe annual ariiount to be; paid on oir,bef.o.re-September '5, 1981, .and,the
otli;er ,half to.:;be.pa;id on">or-b"efore =March 5,;- 1982, 'for' t"hose; employees "irn the _
followi.n.g classify:cations
A... 11W 1amouni'of "51'=1 /2%`" of tfie ;a'nnual s`'al.a,ry of 'a top step.° Pol i Ce Officer
per" year -'for the cl assi f°i cations of `,.ol i,, e Off cer . Poli ce. Off i ce'r
(Inwe'stigat, or), Youth Service Dffice'r, Police Sergeant and Police 2
i Sergeant (Investigator,)
B l`he amount:of T=1'/4 l of the annual salary" of a top step` Animal Control -
Off l'cer per year for the; cl assi'fi cat,i ons o -f Parks ng Enforcement Off icer,,
Anima°1 Contr6i '0ffic :r, A-ssikstant Animal ControlOfficer: and CommuniPty
Service. O.ffi�c,er': .
Emphoyees• hired on�or after July 1 ;' 198:1;, and prior to Marc
h; l , '1982, hal'1'
Pire" P yr'ch -T, and prior before Marei 5, 1982. Employees;
be aid a fuMll annual a menti amount on
fel l�annual � as mentaamount o98o;r before,'or to June' 30, 198. 2', shal'1 be. paid -th'e ;
p y July, 5, "1;982
mployee ywho terminates fromCity se;r-vicetor ins released from Cit
y. : serve ce �
shalI' onl;-. re,ceiwe3aa a-nnua'l amo,u,nt_ An .Qmpl:oYee wh,o so separates from
y Y grata
y pro
Cit,. Iserv�ice' after:ana�yment` has .�been�'madeshail�'return that portion of the
allowance determined byythe last day in,.City ervice andthe.�;end :of th`e fiseal
year,. Any employee' on 1<eave of As-ence w4 thout -pay 4,or l eaves states i nt Excess`4
of thirty' (•3,0)r calendar days: s;ha'l l`'.rece;j`ve a prora-ta amount four the fiscal;, year.
Section T3;.,,'Health Insu`:rance'
The:"C,>>t ; of Petaluma Grow f�ed�cal==.Hos T'
y p ; pi tai .and.' Dental Insu'.rance ,Program
They:':City fia,la provide for a, "group medical hospl,ta'1 and dento
al in,sura_nce
r cove' age*_program for City employee's in this Unit.; :.
Ci ty shal 1 pay during fiscal year, 1;981 82, the fo;l l owi a.g i nsuranc,e priemi um,
amounts towards th.e; ,med'i;cal los.grtal in;suran_ce cdver.age programs;.prov'ded by the
[y t
.'Reso�9218 � E�Xhlbit .�A' �°age':6`.0�` 9
3Ci ty of Petaluma lth' :Kai"se;r, HeaPl &n,o•f ..the Redwood`s,; Sonoma' County `;Health Plan
A. Insurance_ premium amount -'of $81,.35 'per month, per emphoyee,
towards employee oov.erage.and; y
B. :For employees. who mai°ntairi dep;endbnt(s.) c:overa;ge,, ez ther
1 Insurance premium. amount of $21 .'68 p'er month, per
employee, towards one' (l)'dependent,covera;ge four
;. verage, "or
p Y p
em lo'zees.who ma
e en en co
I; n am one - ,
2 Insurance .premium ,amount of $.3;0;31 per mon h; per
a employee, towards two (2):or more dependents coverage
for em;lor e'es,Hiho mai°stain. two 2 or more! de endents
p Y (.:) P
4coverag e _ .
C "If,. ,d'uring the:cour,se of'fi;scaI year 1981=82, :the premium cost be
i ncre'ased, ;the City =shall pay the i ncrea`se
Seca�on lV4 Dental Insurance
The+.City''shall pay',, during fiscal .year 1.981 82, �$3.Oe 94r,per employee pe'r ;
' mon_t_h toN:ard the City` group denta. i nsurance•; covle;rage.: program.
Secti ori ' 15. 'L• fe . Insurance
The C-i'ty shat'lprovide,-'at no'co-st>:'to. the ;einpaoyee; group term 1 i`fe -
insurance; coverage, in the pr-1nci,pa,. amount 'of $5•000 p;e_r employee.•
Section 16 Long Term Dfsabai•ty Insurance
The City hall ,pay during fiscal year 1981 82', theP monthly premium fo.r the, .
;PORAL Long Term D� sa�bi 1 i_ty plan fow all Police Off' cern and f rgean.ts provided,
however, .tha :the, total amouria�pald, by fhe ?C"i y �,n con:sect',* wi=fh LTD shal l
lnot:.exceed $18:.20 .p'er month for., a.n'y" employee' .... : _
Dur;i ng the Fi sacal Year '] X81 82, (;commenc,i ng . i n the; month the coverage 'becomes ,
e.ff;ece) the: Ci ty<. will, pay ;$;5 5O:per ":mon.th' toward, Long Term Di Sabi l say'•
coverage °,for, :non sworn`;ipersonnel ,'n+ Uni`f' 6:
Sca:ion "1`7 H.o1°days,, Oe_neral
The 'Ci ty, of Petal uq4 shala grant a tota°l'. often (,l 0) holidays to 'the'>,empl ogees
tiY- ,
. .
i n .Unit 6:. The City shall pay for these holidays" it't,h'e month of`'Decerr er i�n '
` eu' of giving time'=off:.
If"an emplLoyee works onlby part of a:, year, due to ;re-sJgnation', termsnat7;onL
reti.rementt, or` di sa!bi 1 i ty, he .or she wi 1.1 be ;entitled to a- p,r.orata share of
th:e"ten hol i'day payment` ;based °upon the 'port�o;n of °the year the employee worked.
Seciti on `1'`8 Hol i,day, Fl oat ng ,
City will prove one (l) "floa'btin.g, ,hol iday o.f eight (8.) hours per employee°;
er `
" p fiscal year for'empIoyees :assigned to work e'rg'ht (8;) hours per day, wfiach :
the' Police Chief c;ons�,s°tent. with opera-tion'al 'need's d
y ma be taken 6 the em 1 o ee at a tame mutual l a reed. u on . b tf%e em o e'e' an
Y bythe Y Y 9 P Y p Y
Re o, 9218' Exhlblt: A. Rage. 7 of .9,
-' The 'City will prov,de ::one (.l )'. "fl,oatin.g hol id'ay" of ten,• (10,)" hours per
employe,e'.per f' seal' year..for .emplogees °assigned to> w6r,k,.ten,;,(10) hours
per day; . whish may 6e taken by the" employee. at atime mutual iy 'agreed .,
upon1by the. employeeand the :Fol ce.'Chi'e,f. conisistent with :operatjo, ai `needs:
The `appropriate h' s, e.ght (8) or ten (10) w�11 -be determined -by" the
hour• pe.r. day be�zng:�work•ed at the. time the "',fl oa,fi nq ho.l i day'> i s' 'taken,
Sec,j1dn ,l"9 , Sick ,Leave
It is understood that the sick leave provisions °of the: Memorandum: of 'Understanding
for this unit provides for accrual at th'e rate of peight `(8') .hourss per :employee
peronth. No employee shall' accumulate more• sack' leave in_ any year than prove"_ded
Sect;i'on 20 Sick .Leave_;; Family_ "
Leaves orf: absence u, to four works n da' 8 wi t'h a,' er ; Eear. ma be ranted to
p 9 Y p Y P Y Y 9
emp ogees_ i n ff e e"vent of serous l:l 1 nes_s or „� n 7 ur.,.y i n,: the empl oy,e,Q s.. -
immediate family ,and will be; charged aga'inst.;sJtk. ,leave: The immediate, family
sh6l"1 ;c,onsis-t .of• thee' spous-&,.;echild:ren, parents, brother, •s, s:inters', orother,
J ndlvJAual s, whose, -rel'at ;onshi';p to the' •employee i.s that,;of a' de"pendent -.or near
dependent. In, each case; the appol`ntin;g power shall g:rant;s:uch sick• leave .o'nly.,whe`n
in::h;ls opion;.'the,:relationshi`p of t:he sick o`:r drsa,bled ,person to ;the empldye,e
wai*4n:ts such, use o:f s .ck leave.; "
-' Section 2;1 S'ack-L:eave�;;. Retir,emen5t�,. ,. ; ., �- u. •
In the event .of retirement, an employee `who has, complelted tern (10); years or`
more [Ww t'h the City shal 1 .'rece'i`ve f :fty perc,en't (�5`0%) of. h� s accu,mul aged but:.
unused sick leaVe',, not to ,exceed 480 .h4ours
Section ;22. B;erea:ement ;Leave'
Leaves of absence up to three' working days_with pay per'year many be granted; "to
employees in the event of death in `the employee's immediate family The immediate
fam-i l,y shall , cons,i st of the spouse,: children.; parents,, 'brother,s, sisters, or•
other i nd; v�,dual whose. ,rel ati onshirp° ,.to the employee i s that. o,f a 1'egal ,depen'dent;
Sec :ion .2'3 R`eti rement;
The.' Ci ty ;of Petal uma agrees to modify its cu.r,rent,,P4ubl i c Emp°l_oyee':Reti cement; System'
to pxovi".de the 2% at 55 'program .and al>1'.,othe'r.' options 'curren:tly in effect `f, sworn
officer-s effective: Juily, 1982.
Sec,trion 2.4?. ilacati.on r
All- reguljar employees o -..Ahe C'i ty .of Petal uma,,, atfter wo:rki ng' -one ful l ;year •are
ent-i;tl e' -to the equ :val ent of : e� ghty (80) hours of vacation 'with' pay i n the year
fol Towi ng the; year n which the vacati on, i s--.e_arned.,
All'regul:ar employees^ of the City.`of Petaluma:; after five (:5) syears of ;conttiinuo•us
employme.nt wit, the> Ci-t. arid' begi nni ng„ ;with! tthe_ s'i,xth year;, _ shal lr be' enti.tl'.ed -to
the equYv,al eht: of one hu?ndred ,twen;ty (.120),. hour-s 'of "vac'ati,on! per .yea: