HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCDC Resolution 2010-12 06/21/2010RESCJLUTI®N N®. 2010-12 PETALU~AA COi1AMU6VITY ®E!/ELOPnAEIVT COMMISSION APPROVING THE PROJECT BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE BROWNFIELDS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ASSESSMENT GRANT AND THE BROWNFIELDS PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON ASSESSMENT GRANT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT ECON, INC. WHEREAS, the Brownfields Hazardous Materials Assessment Grant and the Brownfields Petroleum Hydrocarbon Assessment Grant ("Assessment Grants") have been authorized and funded by the federal government through the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"); and, WHEREAS, the EPA has established procedures for administration of the Assessment Grants; and, WHEREAS, the Petaluma Community Development Commission (PCDC) has entered into a cooperative agreement with the EPA to administer the Assessment Grants; and, WHEREAS, City staff has prepared Request for Proposal documents and advertised for a Qualified Environmental Professional to participate in the Brownfields Assessment Grant Project; and, WHEREAS, on March 25, 2010, fourteen (14) proposals were received and opened in accordance with applicable law; and, WHEREAS, based on review of the proposals and qualifications, staff determined that the most responsive proposal for the Project was that of ECON, Inc. for $358,400; and, WHEREAS, staff has verified that ECON, Inc. possesses the required training and experience to meet the. EPA's All Appropriate Inquiries Final Rule that qualifies ECON, Inc. to perform the Project; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Petaluma Community Development Commission hereby: PCDC Resolution No. 2010-12 Page 1 Approves the Project Budget in the amount of $400,000. Directs staff to issue a Notice of Award to ECON, Inc. Authorizes and directs the Executive Director to execute an agreement with ECON, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $358,400, which substantially conforms to the PCDC's standard Professional Services Agreement, and includes the scope of work and rates as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. ADOPTED this 21St day of June, 2010, by the following vote: Commissioner Aye fVo Absent Abstain Barrett X Vice Chair Glass X Harris X Healy X Rabbitt X Renee X Chair Torliatt X ATTEST: Claire Cooper, CMC, Recording ecretary APPROVE[YR'~ Ti0 FARM: Eric Danly, Genet Counsel PCDC Resolution No. 2010-12 Page 2 I ASSFSSMFNT GRANTS SCOPF, OF WORK/TASKS Task 1: Provide Project Management: Provide project management oversight for the hazardous materials site, assessment stud}. Attend 1PA educational mectints and conferences related to I~rownlields in the project aria. Project staff will attend at least one reg==tonal and one national meeting over the course of the two year prgjcct period. Provide regular quarterly reports to the Cily liar submittal to EPA related to grant activities. Prepare and submit Project Reimbursement. Requests to the EPA for grant related activities each quarter as necessary. Prepare and submit MBF;/WBF; cumpliancc documents for each grant to the EPA once per year and at the end of the grant period. Provide ['final Actin-hies Summary Report to IPA. Summary report shall dcsc;ribc the assessment aclivitiCS lx,rfbrmed under dais ,rani. and a discussion of any eh~~rnges implcmcaitcd from the original plans. This report shall contain supporting documents such as sampling results, field photographs, and contracu~r progress rcpot~ts. The consultant shall alsi~ prompt the City to write a self-evaluation of the assessment work conducted under the grant. The self-avaluation shall highlight successes, impediments, lessons learned, and a description of future tasks that will be necessary ro complete the development of the; priority sites. Projected Budget: Peu•olcum Grant: $ I G,4{1g,0{1 1-lazardous Substances GranC $16,405.00 Estimated Completion Date: 'fe~~ he completed over the 2 year period. Deliverables: Conference materials and list of contacts, if requested, Quarterly Reports for each Assessment Grant, Final Activities Summary Report for each Assessment Grant, M BE/W BE Compliance Reports for each Assessment Grant. Task 2: Community Outreach: Conduct an initial community outreach to inforni the community and other stakeholders of the tusessmenl prgjccl and the intended outcome of Uic program. Conduct up to three subsequent public meetings during i.he project to inform the public of lindings and gain input. The initial public meeting will be in July of 2010, and an additional three meetings will be scheduled in accordance with complc;tion e~i'technical assessment milestones. Information relevant to the f3rownlield~ Program and this prvjcct will be provided to the public zeal he available fear potential posting c~>n the City wcbsite. Projected Budget: Petroleum Grant: $19,900.Q0 Hazardous Substances Grant-. $19900.00 PCDC Resolution No. 2010-12 Page 3 Estimated Completion Date: The grant award atnd scope was announced at a public meeting held in July of 2010. $ubscquent meetings will be scheduled at a later date. General public outreach will run the. coupe. of the two-year assessment study period. Deliverables: Press rclcasus, meeting summaries, presentations, attendance lists, ~~riphics, etc. Task 3: Conduct Inventory and Rank Sites: Develop a general list ant! map of potential sites via a literature search, use of maps an<I historical data, including interviews with State, County and City personnel, euxl community outreach to the ~cncral public and private landowners to develop a list of potential sites. Consultants will create a matrix for these p<xential sites to highlight such thin~zs as lt~xauon in redevelopment arc<t. developer interest, estimated or perceived (from data source} level of contamination, etc. Develop a short list of S priority sites bawd on ranking criteria such as availability and nrarkct demand for the site, impact to surri>unding land use, rc(Tevek7pmi~nt potential, landowner support, developer interesC and public input, and other criteria developed during the prvjcct. Projected Budget: Pelrolcum Gram.: $15,450.(H) I~azardous Subsatances: `y 15.450.00 Estimated Completion Dale: .luly 2010 Deliverables: General list and map of potential hazardous materials sites, information matrix and list of public contacts; Med7odok~gy/criteria for prioritizing potential sites. T..ist of 5 priority sites. Evaluation committee scoring sheets. Task 4: Conduct Phase I flssessments: Conduct Phase t Environmental Site Assessments for a ii~inimum of (i priority sites for each arum. 'T'he Phase. i ESA will identify the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or pcu•olcum pri,>ducts on a property that indicate an cxistin<, release, past release or a threat of a release of a h~rardous substance or pctr•olcum product into suiictures or intro the around, around water or surface water on the property. Each Phase l Report will he used to create a Property I'rotile Form on the- EPA ACR13S wehsite. Projected Budget: Petroleum C;rant: $22.345.00 Hazurduus Suhstanccs Grant: $22,345.00 PCDC Resolution No. 2010-12 Page 4 Estimated Completion Date: June 20}1 Deliverables: Phase 1 Reports, Property Profile Farms for each site (12). Task 5: Conduct Phase II Assessments: Develop specific investigative sequence of tasks in discussions with consultant and conduce Phase II ISAs fc~~r a minimum of (i sites fc~r each ,rant. Prior to a draft Field Samplin;~ Plrut tieing written for the Phase 11 investi~~atir>n. consultant shall conduct a Scopin~ Session, t<~ discuss [heir thoughts on the total number of samples to be c«nducted; where and what depth samples will be collected; analytical laharatory me[hc~ds to be used to analyre satnp{cs, etc. A Scoping Session rn~etin~~ will include invitations to DQH, FPA kegii~m 9 project coordinator, County project coordinator and EPA Region 9's Quality Assurance Management Office representative. The purpose of this meeting will he to gain consensus on the proposed sampling work and provide the amsuhant with input before writing the sampling plan. The consultant will then produce a Quality Assurance Prc~rject Plan (QAPP) for each grant {2), Field Sampling Plans for each site (I?) auul Health rind Safety Plr~ur (HSP) li~reach site (1.2`). ICON will implement the approved investigations at the twelve (12j selected sites and prepare summary reports.. }?ach Phase II report will he used to update the- Property Prolile hc~nn on the }?PA t~CRES w~ebsite. Projected Budget: Petroleum Gram.: `~ 105, 100.00 Hazardous Sushtances: ~ 105,100.(}0 Estimated Completion Date: May 201 1 ihrou~~h July 2012 Deliverables: QAPP for each specific grant sent to EPA. Assessment reports and supposing d<~cuments as determined by F.PA Project Officer and County. Property Pro}lle Form (ON3I'3 Nip. 2O5{)-!')192) for each property. Field Sampling Plan and Final Health and Safety Plan a4 approved by the regulatory agency for each site (12). 'T'welve (I"?) Phase Il Investigation Sununary Keposs. PCDC Resolution No. 2010-12 Page 5