HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8951 N.C.S. 09/15/1980n 1 1 1986 Resolution N®;8951 N.C. S. JLS: cw of the City of. Petaluma, :Cal•ifornia-. RESOLUTION. 'APPROVU G -,GOALS AND' T_I•ME-TABLES FOR. THE AFF.IRMAThUE: AC :PLAN - .FhSCAL- YEAR 198& 8:1" WHEREAS:, this City Council has apprgv'.ed t'he Affirmative Action Plan by Resolution No.. 7001 N.C.S.; and, WHEREAS, i t's 'nece'ssary to establ i s'h annual goals and timetables therefore;. NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT 'RESOLVED that th'i,s Council hereby ;adopts the goals and t1metabl es for the fiscal year 1980-81 contained.in Exhibit A,' attached hereto and'incorpo'rated herein., as if' fuI,l;y set forth'. -Under the •power: and authority coriferied :upon this._Council by the Charter of said City., I` hereby certify the foregoing Resghufion wasi ihiroduced. and adopted :by the v A r e s to Counoil of the City of Tetalufna of a (;Regular.) (`11CdGISihr3i meeting on the ..., ...:15th ..... day,:o • ,...5_ept e►lb er... _ ; >-9_.HO., by the following vote: > . ...:y ..... Cit Attorney AYES: CObNCILMEN PERRY./HARBERSON/,.BOND/:VICE MAYOR, B'ATTAGLIA[COUNCILMEN BALSHAW''.' &VAN'AGH%MAYOR ..MATTE I NOES: =0 _ ABSENT: 01: s2.. ATTEST: ......-• _... ...:... ................... City Clerk:Mayor • - _ .'COUNCIL FILE— FORM 'CA.2 1'/80 - REs: Nov 895,1,._N WHJTE� " MALES M,I:NO.R-I.TY 11 M .ES _. , T7' ;O WHITE MINORITY' _. , T7' ;O ,WHITE `MALES MhNO`RITY MALES 124 7.- ° TECHNLCAL =28: •: Po'SITION.S F'I.LUtb, I,4;IN0RITY. WHITE MA;LrE ` FEMALE MALE CURRENT _ 26 WOR'_K'=-FOR'C;E: T _ 'PIARITY' 1' l 17 9 WORK FORCE ' UNDER/OVER' l +9 8' . • REPRESENTATTON, . 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 52 'PoSzT 10N FILLED r MIN',ORITY. WHI-T :E MALE FEMALE MALE EEMA;LE 2 48 wa0 k FORCE P,ARI`TY 2 :.. 31 18, - _ UN,DE-,R,/OVER. -1,6 . R E P R' -ESE `NT A T I'0'.N :.. C L•E R I•CAL 31 :PcO S I T 10'N S' `F I L:L'E'D - M I N DR,I'T`Y W H.I T E —, MALE FE'M'ALE M`AL'E' F;EMALE ., CURRENT' . 1 1 2. 27 W.OR_K FORCE; PARITY 1 1. 19 lo E .. WORK FOR'C_- U.NDE',R./OVER:^ —' +'17 RE P.° R:E S. E;N TA TI O N, SKILLED. CRAFT '6 _- P.O'SdTlaNs 'f`ILLEp „. !M`INO,R'ITY. WHITE MA?LE FE'M-ALE MALE' FEMALE CgRRENT _ _ 4 2 WORK FO,R.C'E. PARITY _ - 4i 2 W0R•KFO:.RCE UPOE R/0'VER' — —. — _ RE'PRE S�EEN.T,AT;I O;N; SERVICE MAINTENANCE `29 ROS 1T-ibv`S: F'I ,L-ED. MINO`RI'TY WH LTE MALE FEMA 'E' MALE FEM'AL-F CURRENT`2 24 2 WORK FORCE, PARITY �' 17 10 WORK FORCE UNDER/ OVER +1 _: +] -$ I REPRES:ENTA'T`ION _PARA RRO;FESSI'ONAL 2 PO°SI'T.IONS- FILLED. MINORITY WHITE, M'ALE� FEMALE M"A•LE FEMA'ILE'' C'UrRRE-NT 2 - CJ O R KY F &R.,G E - PAR-I'TY WORK, .FOR'C'&' UNDER/OVE"R. - - -� +1 RE POE4,S.E N T'AT 10 N - ANNUAL TOTAL: SZVLARY 'IN #' OF.`. r1II10RITY- HI E .. ,THOUSAND- POS'ITIO?J DOLLARS:.. ` MALE. FEMALE MALE FEMALE _ _ 5 2'+5 {5 16 2'4' .'9. $2" 3 76 3 13 15, 9:, ,. 31 1 _ 22- g . = _ 1,0 -.12 -9 41'. 3: 1; 2.1 16 8-9'. 9 12 6-7.9 T" v . IV Analysis of FY 79 80.Go.a'ls Management Goal: attempt to hI re one woman Result: not accomplished Ana;lysi:s: there were no positions available during FY 79-80 Professional Goal:- attempt to hire one woman Result: nota accomplJs.hed Analysis: there were no positions awa 0abl;e during FY 79-8.0 Technical Goal: attempt to hire o-ne woman Result: accompljshed Anal,- .si ::. y p "- ' s 'Were avaJ 1 able du.ri`n.g the past five osrti�on fiscal year (',2 . Sergeant, .l Building Inspector, 1 Water System SerVtce Worker/,Plant Operator and 1. P`]`anning .Technicia'n.. The Planning Technician position was f'il-led-with a woman. „ Protective Serv4ce a. Goal: attempt .to hire one woman in the Police Department Resu-lt:- not accomplished- Analys'i,s: of the eight hired a's .Pol:ice Officer, the one female failed probation: b. Goal: attempt to hire one mi nor, i ty`i,n -t e Fire Department Result: not accomplished Ana:lys`i s : , th"e three hires during FY 79-80 were all "white males Clerical Goal no goals: establis'hed- Resul=t: N,/A. Analysis.; N/A Skilled; C'raft, . Goal: attempt to, place: one add;i.tignal female in this category iResul t: no:t accompli` hed Anal,ysis. the one p.osi.tton avai,la,bl e was Street Sweeper Operator and was filled by tKe one eligible candidate - a white male V Goals and, Timetables for FY -',80-8,1_ The basic. Affirmative Act'Tbh Goal will be 'to mai.htain a minority -t representation within�the,:C.ity workforce, eqpa] to the City at large.- The following slhoo1d: be u1sed, as a guide. 1. Attempt to;plane one. female within; the Management category. 2. Attempt, tol pl ace "One female wi,thiin, the- Professional- category. .3. Attempt to: pl ace o . he female, _-withi, ' n) the Technical,� category. 4. Attempt ,,to:place,i,aPublic Safety two minority males and two wo females,' 5. Attempt to place, .one !,additJoval female In the S6rvi'ce' Ma. ntenance category.'