HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 8987 N.C.S. 10/27/1980PLK:ad 9-24-80 OCT 2 4 1980 12) f Resol6tion NO. 8987N.C.S. of the City of Petaluma; California RESOLUTION ADAPTING , HEALTH PERMIT FEES FOR -THE CITY. OF ?ETAL.U.MA BE IT RESOLVED that the fees -set out, in, County, of Sonoma Resolution No. 66462 (a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A), are'hereby established at the fees for inspectibn.s' and health permits issued within the City of Petaluma. Under the poWer, and authority,conferre_d,upon this Coxkncill by, !the, Ch-artev of said City. ;thereby certify the iore 'oing .1,k'as, - introdiuc and' adopted by the e - , , , e A pro S to 'I of the Cit� 4f Plitahj`rna at atAOipurned) XkxgAk Cc'unci. e Y 6g4wia �( � ' rfteeting on the- day of ......_...,....O I.U.0UP . ........................ I 9"K., by the following vote: ------ ............ .................... �t� or, City A forney AYES: Councilmen Oerry/flarbers&/Vi ce-Ma ,yor Ba,ttacglia/�Counci 1 man Ba,lshaw/Mayor Mattei Coun,-ci'lman •Cavanagh �.' D ABSENT'Cour' - P, ;bon po, ATTEST: . ........... ....... ......... ...................... City Clerk.Mayor COUNCIL FILEA01p?_­.p-,W/ 9987 N X FORM C,�,-,20'480 RFs. No. 1rHE WITHIN °INSTRUMENT. I5 'F. CORRECT COPY "OF THE ORIGINAL "QN .£ILE 'IN THIS. OFFICE: + r' i. .',Resolution No -66462 '� ATTEST: JUL 15 1980"---- .EEVE.T. T.-LEWIS 1, I Administration Center.. County Clerk &,ex•officio Clerk of the Santa Rosa:,. CA95401 Board of SupervisoFs'of the State of Cal• ifornia, in & tf jr the County of Sorioma Date . J A 1 y ,1;4 , 1960 ��5:........... Deputy PUBLIC .:HEAC7H SERVICE RESOLUTION OF TILE' BOARD n 8V. 0 .- P" F SUPERVLSORS OF T1IE COI��"fY OF SONONIA JVIE"N'DTN(, :RESOLUTION :'IvO. 64415(A), A FEE SGkiEDUI,E" U11. ENVIROM1'liNTALaNEALT;[1SCKVaCGS WHEREAS" health and Safety _ Code Section x510 authorizesthe Board ' of Su ervis ors b resolution to es; abli`sh fees -to meet the r.e'asonable expenses" of public health services, NOW, THEREFORE ; ''.BE ,-IT RESOLVED that. the following fee schedule for I envi.ro ental health services i;s hereby, adopted 'to- be effective the date of this r6.3o'luti"on: SERVICES FEE (per inspect,ion unless otherwise noted 1: F:ooa Establishments „ a. . Vending Machines $5 .Per -machine, annually , b. Itinerant Restaurant/" $51 - annually tlndustrial'Catering Trucks c. 'Retail Produce Truck'" $37 - annually d. Markets:. Class I under 10,'00U sq.:.:ft. $8:9 - annt�alT,y . Class lI over. 10, OUO sq'::'f.t'. $224 =, ann.uall.y' Class III Combo Ifkt/be, li' mt'/ _ $159: - annually Butcher Shop e: Bakeries $.150 - annually. f. Other .Food F $ 99:- annually: Restaurant Y_ezr-Round $150 =annual Ly F. over 6,50 sq.. f;t.. h. Restaurant Year..-. ound $I.20' -.annually 650 'sq. ft. `or le.crs. SERVICES l Lh, lns .unless• otherwise noted 'i. Restaurant Seasonal $75'. - annu.ai`ly .J� Bars $1,1.9 -annually. k: RestauranE[Bars over, 6,50„ sq. ft. ' $1.69 - ,Annua'lly, J. .Restaurant/Bars 65O sg. ft. annually. or less . ' Im. 'Ice..Plan't/Storage Units $51 - annua-la,y n. Low 'Ris'k/llinimal Food Es tab. $ f> -annually Fo. Produce Stands:.' Nkts. Open to Outside $89 - annually- Roadside Stands' $60 - annually Grower/Seller. Premises No Charge �p.- Multiple lJ.ni'ts $'S0' - un iUal.ly, -per "unit q. Plan .Chec, s/2_ hr. minimum $23per .hour Ir. Site -review's' $51 '. 2 �Recrea.tion a.: Public Swimming Pools:'Year-Round $213 - 6n'nuala,y, b. Public Swimming, Pools, Seasonal: $tW - ainnually. 1c. ' i llomeowners Assoc.. Pools - $43 = annudily d.' Natural Batliini Places $1'60 -annually le. llultij l,e Units $`3'5 - °Annually, jeer unix f. Min. Checks/2 lit min, $23 per Hour ' 1 Housing i. lnspec tion/Loan .Ai pr.ovals b. O -r ani;i:ed 'Cam Fear -Round b 1 $254: - Annually c. Organized Camp 'Sea'sonal $112- annually d.. Family Care dome.. /Day Care $.`5'1 = annually e., Mobile home Parks; Special Occupancy-Trai ler Parks: Occupancy 2 - 2;5 s•paces;; $'51 6ccupaincy -.over 2`5': $.102, 3 _ :SER VICESFI E, (per in�:pecti�,n unless otlier.wisn noted f. •.110to Is, Motels o;r Board.i.ng Homcis;: 2 25 Rooms/Unit`s $'S Over, 25 RoomstUAts . 4 02 g. Emp]:oyee Housing, Labor Camps; - Labor Su 1 Cain i Pli rant). PP Y 1 (. g $5;1 h. Private :Sc'hool: '•Inspectio;ns 4.: Water a. ' Weal l- Per -mi t s $85 .b. Well Permits' Class TI $,127 {.C. Water Trans.pocting,, Vehicles_ $68 - annually d:. ' Fj1e, 1ta:nt'enanc'e R'evi'ew of" Wa te.,r $'Ly - annually •Syst;ems - e.` New WaLe. r.•System Plan Review/'2 4r minimum •$29 per hour 5. ! Land Use a. Use Permit.Applicatibn $G6 lb. Variance 5,54 c.. Re -Zoning Appl'icatio;n $:54 - d. Design Rev ea $'54 i e. Minor Subdiai.s ons $11--1 i Maj or, sub/Septic sy,st,ems or individual wells .$111 + $5 per lot ' g. Major sub/Pub,lfc Sewer and Water. $25.. - j h.. Lot Line- Ad ju.stment,/C`e`rtif:ica"'te of .Compliance '$54 i. . Ma•jor sUdivisio'n Tinal flap Review $5• per lot. 6., Liquid Waste A. . ,Private' Sewdg: Proposal, .Site .$7:8' . Review ;Expanded System Permit b. New Standard Sy§tems. $241 C. New Special Systems/13 .hr:. min $'301 + 23 .per hour over 13 :hrs d. Repair Permit $121 .: e. Drainage Review./Lot $4 U, 3 SERVICES FEE ( cr, in.Lection unle3s otherwise' noted f. Request .for Waiver $.T8 8.. •Pe re Data Review/4. lots ..or less $43; h. Proposal Review;/2 `hr min $23 per hour i. Clearance.Of.fee Review $5' J J. Cle'ar,,a•nce Field Review $3:1 7. Solid Wa's,te . I. a,. 111-1 Central Site 2,,475 -annually b. Under 100 T/d I1-2 (Gu,ernevilie, }lealds;burb, Sotioma) 2,22 .7 _ .annually o c. Under 101/d ,(Anna.Palis) 4$1 ,- annually . d.. Under 10 T/d, (P.e,tal'uma, . Stewarts - Tr'. CYO Camp, •1:92', - annually ' e.. .III=3 (Wol:�le.r .Road.). 59 .- annually f. Transfer. 'Stn Large, 825 = annually g. Transf.e:r' .Stn, Smail 1G5 = annually h. .Wood Waste/•Masonite 303=iinnuaaly ; i.' Sludge Site/Sears Point., 412 - annually,' j. '.Garbage i Collection Fees 23. - ann.oally k. ' Se:ptic Pumper Trucks; 69 .- annually ; 1. Chenii-cal Toilets + 50 13,8...- annually m:. Chemical Toile.t;s. - 50' 69 ,- annually • n. Permi:t.•Fees for -Solid Waste Site 500' - ::: o. Variances on -Exem[ tion from Permidt - • 100 :- p. Hospi-tat Inlfec,t­TonWaste • Disposal Plan Review .Rest 110m'es 3;4 - Hospitals 46' 8. Milk. and Dairy • a.'` Harket 141 IR Dai ry 20,/month' b. 1,1arket M'ilk, Dairy (with sampl in'g & lab) 15,/.rionth c. Producer - Diycrlbuton' Raw Itiik 20%no:nth + .001/gal/'month d. Processing Plant (:renter of $35..6r .001/saltmonth e. Soft Service 'I.ce Cream 6, Yo ur;t, 75 - annually 9. -Violation Rete pection 'Fee 50 _ Applicable- to a'll .laws and regulation.,,; enfo'xced by the ` Public Health Oif.icer -4- . . ... .,...Say. .. . CITY' OF PETALUMA Office of City Attorney. Ju11.7, 1980 TO: Robert, H.. Meyer, City Manager SUBJECT: -Meeti,ng with So'homa County ,Health Department Offi,c"ials concerning food establishments On July 17; 1980, I met 'wi th. Dr. Robert,' Hol t'zer `a n Mike Vena.ti ari f fom' the Sonoma, County Health. 'Department.. We discussed .their concerns .about'" enforcement 'of local health regulations in the. City of Petaluma, since their authority extends only to enforcement 'of City -regulati.ons. I+n -the past. this has caused conflicts because' of--the lack ofun,ifo'rmity throughout the County. Also discussed with the: Cit °s 6ui.ldin Ins e .was means to improve y g p�ctor Coordination- of plan checks and'. revi';ew'-prior to authors zation for restaurant, and other food establishments to proceed,. The result o'f the meeting inc.l.uded the following: 1. The building. Department wi'1.1 attach '-'hando,u.ts' which include 'restroom. standardsfor restaurants and'other foo:d establish ments when return'i.ng -approved plans to the appl i,ca,nts'. 2.. The Bui ldi ng Depa:rment, (with your approval) , wi1'1 not: accept plans for checki:6g'unt'iT they have been submitted and ap- i proved by the Hea.lth.'De:partment. The delay in th.s.,procedure should I ` be minima, , si'n`ce. Health Department turnaround time .is from 3 to ?. 5 days. 3. The Health. Departmentw'11 request that the City adopt Appendi:x C of .the Uniform Plumbing Code, which relates to the number, bf restrooins and toilets-:in commercial establishments, so that t,hi"s Appendix is mandatory and not 'advisory as i"t,presently In adds ti on., a request' 'wi l l- be s;ubmi tted to i,ncrea'se fees.authori:zad- bythe Petaluma, '066-icipal Code. to correspond to.'the Coun.ty'.s duly adopted fe!e schedule;. F M . INIM,UM PLUMBING . FACILIPES' Type of building" X Drinking - or o�ccupan;cyl -Water Closets, Urinals" Iavatories Bathtubs or Showers fountainO Male Female Fixtures/Persons Fixtures/Persons Fixtures/Persons Persons Schools' Pmentary 1-30 1-25 1=25' 1-35 ................ ................... ....... 1-40 Secondary ...... 1: ...... ....... 1-40 1-30 1 �25 1-40 .......... .................. 1-50 Theaters; auditoriums ............ 2— 1-200 2— 1-100 2— 17200 1— 1-200 3-201-400 3-101-200 201-400 2-201-400 4—'401-600 4-201-400 4-401-600 3�401-750 Over 400; add 1 fixture. 'each- I per 10012 for additional 5.66: Over'. 600: .1, for each Over 750, .1 for each males and I foreach, 300 additiona . 1 300 males. additional'- 500 persons.', females. Dormitories. .....I ......... I per 10 '1 per 8 1 per 8 I per 25 1 per 12 For fernale,,add Additional Persons OV& .12, one bathtub per 30 1 per 10012 1 I per 25 :1 :per 20 Over 150, 1 per 15 -females Over 150 Iper. 50 1 per n maleSr I per 20 Office or public Fixtures Persons, 1- 15 buildings I 1- :1.5 2— 16-35 2 16,-.35 3-- 36= 6 6 0 3. 36- 55 4— 6,1- 90 1 per 1001 . 2 4 56- 80 5- 91-125 5 81-1,10- 6 111-150 1. add!l fo1r.each-45 I add'I for each AO ,Manufacturing, I 1, 9 1 skower for each 15 warehouses, 2 10-'24 Up to 1. OQ persons exposed to ex - workshops, loft 3 25- 49 1 per 10 cessilve heat or to skin buildings, foundries 4 56- 74 1 Over06, contamination with poi - and similar 5 75-100 7, 8 1 per 15 sbnous, Infec0ious, or establishments? a ..... I adc!14or each 30 irriiating material. Restaurants .................... 2 1'. 50 2 1 3 51'-100 1 3 1 4 101,200 2 4 2 5 '201-500 3 4 Dwelling or apartment I for each dwelling house'S4, or apartment unit. *Whenever urinals are provided, one 0) water 'closet less than the number "specified may ,be'provided -fr each urinal , , I installed, . .. I . - except the number of water closet's in suck cases shall not be reduced lo less than 'iwo-thirds (2h) of the minimum specified, 'The figures shownare based upon one fixture being -the, minimum L I reqbire"d 'for the number of persons indicated or any. fraction. thereof. Building category not shown on this table shall be "considered separately Iby the. Administrative Authority. 36iink'mg ,fountains 'shall not be, installed in toilet rooms: .'La " undr,y trays — I ' Laundry tray 'or . 1 automatic . washer . standpipe I ipe for each dwelling e Iiih. g unit or, -2 laundry trays or 2 automatic w asher sta h d - pipes (oP combinations ;thereof) for each 10 apts. Kitchen sinks I for each dwelling or apt. unit.. 'This schedule has been adopted (1945) by the Nation . aL..Council on Schoolhouse Construction. 0 As, r4clidieed by the American Standard 'Safety Code for l6dustrial Sanitation` in Manufacturing Establishments (ANSI Z4.1"- 1942). 7 Wherethere is exposure to skin contaimin -ation- with. poisonous, infectious,, or irritating materials,. provide I lavatory for each .5 persons. 824 lineal inches of 'w ash sink or .18 inches of a circular basin,.w ,heq proyided with water I outlets . for .•such space, shall be considered requivalent to:1 -.1avatory. 'Laundry Trays 1— 1: for each .50. persons. Slop sink' I for, each 5; 100 P!rs�qns. 10 (a) Jr ough urinals are prohibited. (b)_ Wall -type trough urinals shall' be acid resistant and each such urinal 3611 le not less'?than six (6) incke's'P, dee and shall :be'furnished, . with; one -'piece, backs "and have strainers with outlets at least' one:' and 4 one-h(4_1A) 66­ches 'in.'diameter. The washdown pipe shalf-lbepeif;r: ated so ;as to flush with -an even curtain of water, against -36 b'ack.of the uiinaL 'Urinal tanks shall, have, a flushing capacity of not ]as' than r*See' drinking fountain requirements below., 412' 1 for each dwelling I -fog each-qwelhr�g - r or :apartment unit. or apartment unit. one,, and one.'half (11M gallons of water for each two (2) feet of urinal length, (c), Equi i valent le6gth—Trough 'urinals . shall, be figured on the.basis-,of one urinalfor each, eighteen, (18) inches of length, provided that= Length of Urinal, 24" 36" 48" . 60" 72 Eq6iy6lent No. Urinals - 1 2 2 3 4- (d)' -S ur.rounding materials—Wall and floor space to a point one- (1) foot in front of urinal lip and four .-(4) feet above the floor,, and at' least one -(I), foot to each side of the urinal shall 'be ,lined with non- absorbent'material. General—In -applying this schedule of facilifles, ,consideration must be given.- to.1he- accessibility of -the fixtures. Conformity! purely, on a numerical basis may not result'.in an installation suited to the need of the individual. establishment: For example, schools sho6ld be provided , ided with toilet 1'a'cilities, on each floor having , cl.assrooms. Temporary. Workingmen Facilities—] water closet. loset. and I urinal for each 30 workmen, Length_of Urinal. 24" 36" 48" 60" Equivallenf No; Urinals 1 2 - 3 4 "A restaurant is, defined as a I businesswhich sells food to. be con- sumed' on ­the .premises. (a). The;-number:'of occ for a drive=in restaurant, shall be con- sid6red as equal' to the =r - of . .parking stalls. ,.(b) tmploye,e toilet facilities are not to be included in the a above restaurant "recluirements. Hand ,wa0j,pg, facilities must be 'available in the ki6enl for employees,. 2where'fbod is, consumed indoors, water stations may be, substituted for drinking fountains: Theaters, - Aucli,torium,s,r ' 'Dormitories, Offices or Public Buildings for use by more than six .(6) persons shall', have one; drinking fountain for the first one. hundred (100)" persons, and, one ad- clitional fountain for each two hundred (200) persons 'thereafter. C:_ Z =n 0 C: Z 0 0 M