HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8882 N.C.S. 06/16/1980I Z
6-1.Resolution No. N.C.S. -80
.of the .City of Petaluma,; California
WHEREAS,, the'tity, through its d ly'aut;horized representatives;
and. the..�PetaIuma, Peace Officers' Association through its duly authorr:zed.;
representatives,, have conic Iluded their mutual .obligation to' meet and confer
in ;good faith' wi.th respect to terms and condi tions of employment for the
employees in Unit 6, i -n. accordance with "the Meyers -Mil ;as Brown -Act- and the
Ci,ty's Employer -Employee Relations Rules and Regulat'i'ons (Resolution
No. 5512` N.C.S. )'. and,
WHEREAS., the; duly authorized representatives of the City and. the
:Petaluma Peace Officers' Assod ati'on, have executed a_Memorandum of'Under-
'standing (darted June, 13, 1980.), pursuant to Section 15, Resolution No. 5512.
N. C'. S.. and recommend its approval by the City Council; and, ;
WHEREAS, the City Manager, pursuant'to Section 28, City of
Petal 'uma City' Cha=rter, and as the City's, Mur':ici'pal Employees Relations
Officer (Resolution No. 53:75 N..C_S.) is,requi.;red; and. empowered to make a
recommendation to the City Council on matters related to:employees' compen-
sation; and,.
WHEREAS, the City Manager, has reviewed and concurs with said
Memorandum of. Understanding for Unit. 6, and does recommend that the City
C0unti 1 ''ratify sand, Memorandum, of.' Un.derstandl ng„ .
NOW, THEREFORE, BE 'IT RESOLVED that" sai.dMemorandum orf Under-
standing, being in, the 'best interest of the `Cj ty,, is rati feed and the terms _.
a.nd, condi;ti;ons of said Memorandum of lJndersta'ndi ng(as attached;) shall be
effective July l., 1980, through June 30, 1981.
Under the, power and ;authority conferred upon 'this, Council 'by the Charter. of said City
I hereby certify the .foregoing Resolution was:. introduced and adopted by 'the
Council of the City of Petaluma at aXiX4- (A'djourned u� Approved -as to
r�P meeting form ••
on the........... i t w;.. day' of..:...JUAU
.................... 19 80.., by the
following vote:
City Attorney:
AYES: Coun'ci ]man Ba;ttagl 'a., Vice -Mayor 'Bond, Councilmen Cavanagh, Perry
and Maypt, Mat,tei.
ABSENT: Co uncil.men B'alshaw� d�iai Gerson'
l .._. .._....
.� ..:....--.....
City Clerk o� May"'or
Fr) PA rn :x 1 P __ . .. :RPR Nh TA Q, .N.,C .'s
Term of Agreement
Court Time
'Call Back'
Police Ufice' Working'tn._Higher
Sergeant Promotions'
Compensatory Time
Educational Incentive
Uniform/Clothing Allowance
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Life' Insurance
Long Term_ Di=sability
Holidays„ General
Se,c ti on
Ho,liday,. Floating-
Sick Leave
Sick Leave, Retirement
This document `represents the flnal and. complete agreement resulting
from Meet 'and Confer ses's'i'ons between .the Qi°ty, of Petaluma and Petaluma
Peace Off'i'cers.' -Ass:oc-iation, U'ni't 6.
. Repres:entative's of the City andr Unit 6 acknowledge that they have ful
filled their.mutu'al and respective obligations to: Meet and Confer under
the Meyers-Mi'lias-Brown Act. .,As a result;, th"e parties have come to a
mutual understanding -,which the representatiVes of the City and Unit b
who 'have the approval of their members,, agree to_:recommend for acceptance
and approval. to the City .Council .of, the, .City of Petaluma.
The parties affix their signatures as cons.titu,ti=n,g mutual .acceptance
and' recommendation: of this 'Memora'nd'um of Understandi`n.g. to °become,.effective
July 1, 19801, upon acceptance and approval .of the City Council.
.Section 1. 'Term, 'of Agreement
This Memorandum of Understand'in'g shall be fora one (1) yearr.term
for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1980, throu,q.h June -30, 198.1.
Section 2. Servability.
The.'part;'es .wi 11 commence meeting :and conferring for1,98.1-8�2 fiscal. year
not later than; -the end of April, -1981, and will endeavor to reach an agree-
ment,, in,:a written Memorandumiof,Understand i;ng for s,ubmiSSaon to the City
Council for its determination, prior to the adoption by the.City of its Final
Budget for the subsequent Fiscal Year:
Section 3. Workweek
A work -week shall' consist of forty (40) hours= worked in one 'week, based
upon a fifty, -two (52) week year. An on -duty work day may consist of eight
(8). hours per- day in each: ,of file (5) 24-hour day.>s, or .ten (10) hours per day
in. each -of four (4) 24-hour- days.:- The City solely determines and `admirri'sters
all requirements, practices and procedures, related to, for example, scheduling,
'resch'edu'1 i'n
g., shi'fts', watches, assignments, holidays and other matters
related thereto. -
For the purposes of.eva;luation the adaptability to the department,, as..
determined by the Pot ice Chief, , for- 1980-81
(a) Police Officers in the patrol division
will .be placed onto .a four (4) ten ('10Y.-'
..hour -work day .for an, evaluation period :.
beginning -on July 1,, 1980, through to
about June 30, 1981
(b) Further, Police Sergeants in; the patrol
di vi si`on may be placed onto a four '(4)
ten (10) hour 'work day fo:r an evaluation
period a's determined by the Police Chief.
Section 4: Salary
The,. s,a'I ary ranges for each. of the c1 as' i:fi ca.ti ons f ntl uded in :representati ona,l
Unit 6 are as- follows:
I I. "I LL I
Police Sergeant (,Inves:t;igator) $173:4 .$1821 $.1.912
Pol ce, Sergeant 1734 1821. 1912
-Police Officer. (In.vesti.gator) $1362 1.430„ 1501 $:1576' $1655
PoliIce' .Offi�cer 1362 1430 1501' 1576 1655
Youth 5,qrvj ce Offi cer 13,62 1430, '1;501 ' 1576 1655. '
Animal Control Officer 1017 1068 1121 1177 1236
Assistan"t.Animal.Control Officer 943 9.90 .1040 -1092 1146
Pa'rki"ng Enforcement Officer 986 1036 1088 1142' 1199
Community. -Service Officer 9816 1036 _ 1088 1142 1199
Property. Technician- 986 103.6 ; 1088 1142 1199
Communications Dispa#he,r-Clerk 986 1036 '1088 1142 1199
Section 5. Overtime
E-f;fective July 1, 1973, the City will compensate each employee governed ;by
thrix memorandum at the rate of time.: and one-half fdr approved overtime. (`Off
duty -training time. conducted. "in-house" shall be c:ompen,sated as overtime.)'
An empl oyee' may'recei ve overtime in the form of compensable time. off in
accordance wifh approved policy. Time an'd one-half shall. not apply to off
duty court `time. .Overtime of fifteen minutes. or less shall not be pai..d.
Overtime, in 'excess `of fifteen minutes shall be paid. to the nearest .quarter ;hour. .
Section 6. Court Time Payments
T'he .City will compensate a minimum ,of three (3) hours straight -time for ,each
officer -for court -appearances on his own time;; additionally, time and one -'half
(.1-1%2) shall. be co.mpensated for all hours actually worked. in court beyond
such :three (3) hours.
Section 7. Call. Back .
An employee "who is called .back, to work; excluding; Court ;time ca]1-_back, after
having, comp! eted the employee's regular sh'i ft ands having left the City premises.,
s_ha1`l .receive a. minimum of two (2) hours of 'wor. k. �or two -(2) hours of pay; at
the overtime "rate.
Section 8. Police Officer Wo;rk'i;ng In.A Higher Classificati-on
When a Police Officer is assigned to Perform the duties of a Sergeant
for a. period o*.f four (4) hours or more' by the Chiof of Police or a
Li`eutenant or the. Watch Se"rgeant of the. preceeding shift when the
Chief or Lieutenant is .not on "duty.., he shall be paid a't,•Step I of the
Sergeant• salary classi.f cation.. If the Watch Sergeant of- the preceeding
shift, the thief, or Li_:eu.tenant is unavail,abd e due to unforeseen
circumstances 'and' it is 'necessa'ry for an officer to perform the functions
of a Sergeant,; the C:hi•ef or Lieutena"nt.may !grant subsequent .approval
during hi`s next normal work shift.
Section 9. Se,rgea'-nt Promotions
Upon.•,promotion to Sergeant, Police Officers in Step V of the salary.
scale shall be.placed rn Step II of•the,Sergeant salary scale.
A111 other Officers promoted to Sergeant s'ha.l l be placed i n• Step I of
the Sergeant salary scale.
Section 1.0. .Compensatory: Time Off
An, employee may receive.; in lieu of ,being pa1d for overtime," compensatory
time off, ata mutually agreeable time• between the City and the employee.
Such ,compensatory time off may be -accrued up to a maximum of thirty (30)
hours for those employees in sworn classifications and twenty-four (24)
hours for fhos'e :employees in . non -sworn cl assi fi cations Amounts ea-rned
iniexcess of that,will be paid. Such compensatory time off shall be
used. for persorial' activities- only.,, In the event that the Fair Labor
ndards Act fou'nd to apply to the p•ubl ic- sector, "the: above shall
then be administered with the pro of. the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Section 11. Police Educational Incentive Pay Program
A.; This. Program encourages employees in specific classificat"ions to
acquire and to mai;,nta,in educational achievement..
B'. Educational incentive pay is provided for qualified -employees in the
c1assification an,d• for the amount as specified. below:
1. Po'lico"Off'icer,'Police Officer (Investigator) or Youth
Services Officer:
Educational Achievement Incentive; Pay Amount
Assoc'i,a'te of Arts (AA) Degree in $25.00 per month per employee
Police tSci.ence
Intermediate P.O.S.T. Certificate $50.00 per month., per employe
Advanced P..O.S.T: Certificate $75.00 per month, per employee
2. Police Sergeant or Police Sergeant•(Investigator):
Advanced P•.O.S.T. Certificate $75.00 per month, per employee
C. Program Requirements:
Qualification in the.Frogram is determined by the coMbinr.ation of
atta 'ni,ng and maintaining educati`Un 'and experience in Jaw enforcement".
1. An employee receiving i.ncen.tive pay o.n June 30, 1,980,-shaTl
have` such payments continue through-'D`ecember- 31 ,. '1'980'.
2. An employee Who,is at,, o:r :above, hi-s/her classification's
salary step III. and has received prior to June 30, 1980,;
an AA Degree, in. Poli"ce Science, or I;ntermedi'ate P.O.S.T'
C'ert.ificate or Advanced P 0.`5.5-. certificate, shall qualify
to receive incenfue_`pay(pursuant to B,, above:) for the
period. July 1, 1980, to.December 31 1;980. An .employee
who, qu T-f-Ted bets teen the period of July l ,• 1980, to Dec-
ember 3.1, 1980, shall receive such payment-commencing
with t,he. n:ext full pay period following such qual'i°fication.
through 'December -31 ,, 1980.
'3. An employee who meet-s both of the following' requirements
shall receive incentive pay"(pursuant. to B,. above) for the:
period January 1, 1981, to June 30, 1981:
(a) the employee is at,. or- above, h;is/he;r :classi'fi.cation'.s, -
salary Step' III, AND
(b) the employee has &i.-ther'
(I-) Successful`1>y fcompl,etbd Three' (3') -semester
approved col.l ege units during the :cal;enda-
year 1980 OR
(I°L) is enrolled in a three (3)) semester
approved .col'Teg :' unit c6drse, which
commenced with the Fall, semester of
1981, provided that such course is
successful.ay completed at th'e. con
clusio.h of the Semester.:-
An employee :who, reaches , far the- fi r, st:` time,- salary: Step IIT
-of his/her c-iassificat.ion, between the ,period of,January 1,
1981, to June 30, 1981:, and who .has an AA-Degree in PoTice
Science, or Lntermediate-P.O.S.T. Certificate or Advanced.
P.O..S.T. Certificate, shall.qualify to receive i'°ncentive
pay (pursuant to B, above) commencing with the next full
pay period following s.uch,,qualification through June 30, 1981.
4;: The fol l owing cri te.ri`a ,shall app:l,:y to the three„ (3) semester_
approved college .unit retention requirement, as provided in
3 (b) above:
(a) ' Courses, sVal,l be approved prior to registr-ati,on.
(b) Courses mu'st_abe, related to the performance. of an.'
eligible empl;oyee's normal duties and responsibilities
as determined by a Committee,, cohs i sti n,g of the Police
Chi,ef,_Personnel Officer and a representative designated
by the President., of the Association..
5 Proof 6r ver ficafi'o,n, by, the 'Personnel' i0ff-ice'r of, any degree
or 'certificate, o;r attainment. at or above S-a`la°ry, Step,1 -1;
or :successful;: completion o'f three- '(3) semester ,approved`
c-oll,e,ge unit `s is requ `red in :order.to:receive or- to retain
any edacati'onal_ ncent've pay amount. -
6: An rempl ogee ual i fi ed for .moue `than, one payment, shal 1 ,receive
only. the higher .p'ayment. ;amount.:
r'. - -
= Q Any exceptions -to these pracedure`s sha l require;. tfie prior approval ..of .. -
the. City Manager
S'ection 12. Un°fo,rrri/Cl:ot:hing A`l`lowance-P-rogram:
All employees shall c'omply•wi'th the uniform/cl`oth�ng' requirements and
procedure As establ ished and adm. n.i stered by the P,oal ice. Gh ef;
The U,ni:form/Clothin:g Allowance Program shal•1 -be paiaL in fiscal-yea;r-
1980=81•, with one-half '.of the a;nnua'I. amount to' tb, paid. 1 on or .before.
• :September 5, � 1,980, •and the other .ha.I f to bei pard on;,.or :b;efo�re" March 5,
.1.§ , or tho e employees in the fol.l'owin;g cla°ssi°fications
A., The amount of $2-7, 00• per employee,
� ,perea;r for the
cl:;a�ssificat"irons of PoTice.Offic.er., Poli ce Offa'cer
(Inv.estl atom), Youth, Service O:ff1cer, Pd] ice
Sergeant "and Police Sergeant (In;vesttga'or');. :
_B', The amount of $165.00: per employee,, °per year. for the
ca assifieatibgs of Pa,rk•ing _Enforcement Officer, .Animal;
C'ont`ro'1 Officer; 'Assi•stant."A`ni.ma... Control Officer, and
Community. Service Officer.
Employees hired `o.n or af-ter August 31, T`9$0; 'and prior to ,March 1 , ,1-981 ,
shall be paid a`full�•-annual; payment, amount' on or before- March 5,1:981.:
Employees hired o.n or' of - February 28, 1;19,81„ and prior, to"June 30, 1981,
shall .,be paid a fu1'1 annua',1 payient.'amount..on� 6r befo,re: June 30', 1981.
..An employee who: terminates from,.C.i ty sery 'ce,. or i's released. from City=`service
s'hal'l only, rece ''•ve -a prora`ta a'nndal`* amount,.=; An employee who so, separate's
' of the_ al l�owance determi ned b _ t!he l has been made �shal l return`, that_ portion ;
from C'i ty servi ce aftler any, payment
y y ty ..service and the end of"'
ast day i°n Ci
the f j scala :ear. Any employee' on 1 ea;vd of absence wi thout pay or leave
status i.n excess'` -,of thirty (•30,) calendar days shall 'rec04e a prorata. -
amount fora the -fiscal; yea°r•
S`ect:i on 13: Health Insurance
The Ci ty of Petaluma .Group 'Medic;al 4ospital 'andDental In urance Program:
T'he .City .shall `p`rovid`e for a group medical.-hosevital and; denial insurance
coverage program, for: :City employees in thi's Unit.
The Ci ty ;shal l pay, during ,.f'i sca'1 year 1980-484, the .following a, n u:rance
premium amounts towards.;the: City group: nie�di`cal=hospital ins'uranc'e coverage
A,: j,nsu,rance, premium amount- of $-71.x55: per month.; per empI oy,ee„'
towards; employee coverageC, and
R. For employees,:who ma.i ntai n. dep.endent(s )' coyera',ge, e:i ther:
1 Insurance .,premium amount. of $2.1 .68 per month,' .
per ,employee:, ;towards one (1) dependent.
coverage'for emplo'yees.wh'o maintain one (1)
l dependent ;coverage;, or
er', employee,,,, o
f ,premium `amount, of '$30.31 per :month,
-. . Insurance .
•• : ! p p yee;, Iowa^r.ds twos °a("2 ). �,or more dependents, _
_ coverage :for' employees w,ho mai,nt
aj n two (2) or
! more ,dependents c.over-agp.
C•. B
If uri'ng the coax 'se of f1sea-1 year. 1980 83,' the premium cost
be i ncreased,, .. the- City `shal 1 pay the i ncrease_'
TheCi ty _shaI l pay, during fi'!s:cal year' 1980-41 ; $21-.85 toward the Ci ty _
group denta'1' insurance, 'tbvera:ge: program
Secti_o,n.14. Dental Insurance
:The Ci ty, s;ha 111. pay, during' fi seal' ..year, 1y98Q-81 , X21 .85 per emp'l oy,ee per
month toward the City group dental insurance,,cove=rage-program.
'Secti'on.l5. Life Insurance"
The City sha l provide, .at no cost. to. the 'empl ogee, group term life
i nsura,nce coverage in t'he, p,r, i nc pa,l •amount. of s$;5,D00, per empl ogee':;
Section 16. Long Term`Disabli;ty Insuirance;
The' City' shall pay. durng fi seal 'year 1980 ;81 , the monthly premium for
the PORAL'Long Term Dil.sabijlity plan for allPolice Officers and Sergeants;
p.ro.vidPd„, however., that the, tota'T .amount paid, by 't,bg;,C,iIt fn, 'connection wi=th
LTD shall not exceed $1;%.00:'per: month for any empl,'oyee,.
Sectfori 17: ` Holidays,, Genera
The; City of Petaluma- shall grant a total ,of ten (j 0) holidays to the:
emp.l ogees. i n Unit 6;. The Gi y. s'h'_al 1 pay for these -hol i days` i w the month
of December; i n IJ eu of gi v=ing time o;ff:
_ Secti o`n • 1`8.. Hol iday, F1 oati ng, s
The City will provide one (1`--) "floating ho,l,iday,” of eight- (8) hours per
employee, per fiscal year for employees, ass`i±gned-`to work ei;ght'(8) hours'
pe`ra day;, wh,icah may b6'ta.ken by the •employee at a time ;mu.tuaYly agreed' upon
fiy t -he employee "a`nd..th0 Pol i:'ce . C -h` :ef,, cons.irstent, with `operati`ona Weeds .
The City wa'11 provide one (,' floating. holiday • o'f te_n (1'0) hours, pe'r
employee per fiscal year, for e'mployees•asssi,gned. to work ten (10) hour-
per dray, which, may be_ taken, 'by the empl'oyee.�at, a time •mutually agreed
uPon.by the employee and the Police Ghief consistent wi,th`o;perati,onal needs.
The appropriaate hours,, 6t6ht (8) or ten (i 0) will b' determined. by the,'
hours per day ted-ngwor'ked,at the, time`"the `"'floa.t�ng holiday" •is taken
Section 1,91.. Sitk, toave
It i s understood a,hat the &i,ck. l eaveP; rovTs ton of the, Memorandum of -
Understandi ng, for °this unit prov ides for atCrual ., at the rate of
eight (8) hGdr-s per employee: per- month: No employee shall accumulate
more sick lea 'e in anw.year. `than :p.rovided., .
Section: '20: S,i c k _Leave.,, Re,ti rement
the -event of -retireme_nt, .an employee Who, :ha,8, compl'eted,.ten (10) -'years
or'mo,re withthe City shall-recei.'v.e fifty percent (50%)•.of his „accumulated
6u;t�A nused• sick .l:�eaue,. nof' to exceed '48:0 'ho;urs;
Section 2l'. Reti'rement
The, City.'of Petal'rurna, agree;s to; notify, its current ,P,u bd is Employee
Rett rement System too :provi d'e; fo,r. 'both 'swo.rri and non' ,sworn
a� Sick Leave C,redi,t°
b.; Fina ' year comp ens-iti;o,n
Section 5'22,. `Vaca,ti,on
Al h regular employ.eesof the Ca ty of P'etal'.uma, after working one • full year are
entitled to the equi�al'ent 'of eighty; (80) hour:'s ,of vacation with pay_ in the
year foil owing the year i°n whi"ch the: •v_acat.ion is,earned'. "
Ali regular employees of the Ctty of Petaluma„ after five (5) years of ;
continuous=emplovment with the C:i`ty, a'nd beginning :with" the: sixth year, sha.li
be enti tl ed to the equi.al eot of" .one Hundred twe-nty (1720)- hours' of ,va,cati on
pe;r ,year; W
After ten• :(10) years, of conainu.ous service, eight ($'
) additiona'1 hours of
vacati",Qn, shall be added fo:r each"ad'difionaI year, of •continuous service to
A :maxi:mum•o.f 1601h6ur•s:'of vacaticih.
Vacatiµon ac -cumulated'• in exc-ess .of two 't'ea`rs `will be: lost.