HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8883 N.C.S. 06/16/1980ReS.O .0 iQn NO. 8883 JLS : cw 646-80 . of t1Ze' City of Petaluma, California RESOLUTION RATIFYING MEMO.RANDUM7 OF. UNDERSTANDING EXECUTED' BY THE .DULY AUTHORIZED ;R.EPRESENTAT'IV.ES OF THE CITY .OF PETALUMA AND,'THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE . FIGHTERS_, LOCAL 1415 FOR EMPLOYEES IN UNIT .7 WHEREAS, the City., through its duly duthorized representatives, and the . nternationa.l .Associ.ation of Fire Fighters, Local 1415 through its duly authorized repr`esentatives,- have concluded, their mutualdbli'ga tion to .meet and:-- confer' i n good faith wi fh respect to terms and .con,di,ti ons of employment for empl:oy..ees in Unit' 7, in accordance with the Meyers- Mi 1 i as -Brown Act and_ the City's Employer -Employee Re,l ati ons Rules and' Regulations (Resolution .No.:. 5512 N:,C.S..); and; WHEREAS, the duly - authorized representatives of the CA ty .and International Association of Fire, Fighters, Local .1415 have executed a Memorandum of 'Unde:rstanding (da -ted -June 1Z, 1980) pursuant to Section 1,5, Resolution No. .5512 N.C.S. and recommend ,.ts approval by the City Council; and, WHEREAS,, the .City Manager pursuant to Section 28;. City of Petaluma City Charter,. and as: the City's. Municipal Employees'' Relations Officer (Reso,luti'on No,. 5375 -N C.S:-) is. required and empowered to make a recommenda`ti on' to the. C'i ty C,ounci 1 on matter r'el ated to employees' compen-. sati,on; and, WHEREAS; the City :Manager has 'r'eviewed-and concurs with said Memorandum of Understa';ndi ng for Unit 7 ;and dopes ,recommend that the City Council ratify said, Memorandum•of.Understanding, NOW, THEREFORE„ BE IT RESOLVED that said.Memorandum of.Unders-tanding, being in the best interest of .the City, is 'ratified and the. term's and conditions of said Memorandum of Understanding (.as'att;athed) `shal.1 be effective July 1 1980, through: June .30, 1981.. Under the, power and,,,authority, conferred upon this- Council by the _Charter of. said City: ; I- -hereby certify the .-foregoing Resolution was, introduced and adopted, by the Council of the Cit of Petaluma at a . ) ( meeting Approved :as to . Y �(Iil (Adjourned) �> g form on the ............ 16.th..:.',aay.,of, ................ Jun•e. ............................. 1980.:., by the following vote: ......... ........................ City Attorney _. AYES:. Coun`ci1;man Battaglia, ..Vice; -Mayor Bond; Co.unci1men. Cavanagh, Perry and Mayor Mattei NOES: NONE ABSENT: Co un e 1'men 'Ba l s a --an, d' Ha b''ers on , .7�" . ATTEST :� ...._... - - ....................... .. City Clerk Ma1?or. `COUNCIL FILE OO FORM CA 2 ;1/80 REs'. No.__8883_.N C -..S.. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE S:ecti'on..l Term of Agreement Section 2 Work Week Section 3 Living Restrict.io.n Section 4 Sal ary Section 5 Overtime Section 6 Uniform Allowance Section 7 Health 'Lnsurance. S;ecti;on."8 Dental .Insurance Section 9 Life Insurance Secfi.on .10 Long Term Disability Section 11 Hol idays General Section 12 Sick Leave;, Accrual Section 1:3 Sick- Leave, Fami`l,y Section 14 Sick Leave, Retirement Section 15• Sick .Lea:ve, Usage Section 1.6 Vacation Section. 17 Retirement Section 18 Education This document represents•the final and complete agreement result,ng from; Meet a`nd Confer .sess`ion's between the City of Petaluma -and 'Inter:- na'tional Association af.Fire Fighters;• .Local No- 14-15 (P,etaluma), Unit 7.; Representatives of-t_he :Ci.ty and �U"nit-7 acknowledge that.'they, have fulfilled their mutual and respective obligat.ions.to Meet and Confer under the Meyer-M'ilias-Brown Act. As a result, -the parties have .come to a mutual understanding which the.re,presentat'ves of the City and -Unit 7., who have the approval. of their members; agree to recommend for acceptance and approval to the City Cou,nci'i of the City of Petaluma. The parties affix their signatures as constituting mutual acceptance and recommenda-ti,on of this ;Memorandum :of Und:erstand'i ng to become effective July .T, 1980, upon acceptance; and approval, of -the City Council. Section 1 Term of Agreement; This Memorandum of .U•nderst'anding shall be ,fora one (1) yea"r'termfor. this fiscal year commencing July 1, 198G, 'through June 30, 1981. The parties will commence: meeting an`d conferring for 1-984-82 fiscal year not later than the end -of April, 1981, and will endeavor to reach.an agreement, in 'a written Memorandum of Understanding for submission to the City Coun-ci l' -for its Final _Bud1ge for the subsequent fiscal year.•- Sec't':i'on 2.. Work Week Duty Shift's: The fire on -duty 7 -day work week shall be the average of 56.0 hours per fire on' -duty '7 -day work week,•'effect.ive January 1, 1977, for all employees i n ;this Unit. The C,i'ty shall. make such changes as it deems. J necessary to `accommodate this change from the previous 61.9 hours per fire on -duty 7: -day work week to the 56.0 hours'.per fi're on -duty 7 -day work week. Section 3... Living Restriction Al 1 members ,of Uni t 7. shall mai, ntai n their pl ace of resi°dente wi'thi n fifteen minutes of.their assigned:.duty station. The Ci,ty w,,ill consider modifyi�ng the. present•fifteen (15), minute living restriction. The Fire, Chief will recommend no sooner than October 1 re_sstrict ono oraextendatheali:m t to twentyW(20)eminutes. Inta.inte 'thersee`v vent. a map - will be prepared and made available wh'i'ch il1ustra.tes the extremities of the restrctio,n: S,'ection, 4.' ,Salary' The momth°ly salar i.es.-of employees, in _ths Unit n th`e- various' -'s't'eps, + shall bel ai-s follows{, .. I I;I. I'II IV V F re . Capta n $1x425 '$l496 --$'1 571 $.145:49 $17.31 Fiyrefi,ghter $1,2'56 '$1319: ;$1385 $1;454 $1527 ' Sec t i on' 5.1 Oye rtiy,e The purpose of th'u's. section' i s to: cl ar`i fy matters' relevant to F,i,re Department. overt ,-me ,. :Any i`n.terpretati;on ,or appl i cati'ion re'1 ev,ant: to overtime �sha.1 l Ib_e resol:ved 'by the City SMana;ger,, whose de-termi nat',ion. ,. 1 - AT`1 requirements; a'nd any procedures relating to over.ti'me Os"° basically outl i ned bel ow, shall .be as determi ne-d ,and admrni stered ;by fhe City_ ; A. Shift The members of the "Fire; Dopa:. ;tmeA,,; ,when called' to work; a full',.ove"rti;me,s=hift,,; shall be paid o e,rt 'me at the <. regular shi`f;t rate times, l•.33. An .ove:rtime shift; is defined as any c`onti:nuous period' of on-d'6t' time e'xceedin:g, si"x;teen; (1:6:) :tonsecuti ve ho-u,rs wh-ich ins • not ,pa=rt of the empl;oye:es, reg Ta, schedule:. This rate s;hal,l be figured on't'he- ,regular number of hours worked per :week as: per the; • �':- • fol°1'ow n,g formula,: - ' 1 Mont My sal a,ry times two] ve mo,n:th's equals annual. Sallary; 2 --The average hours ,worked per week tfines fifty-two°;.weeks, dq;ualKs .faou'rs worked an'nua.11"y. 3. Annual,, s;alR4ary- clivi^ded b, hours". -F. worked annually, trines tweny-fou_r (24) .hours ,establi"s'hes the rate fo,r 6 ig Assned ,Call-back Duty, p nt-vpe,rs:onneh' in. -the Urt a,re subject to All. Fire' De' artme as'si ned ;call -:back dut, b the Fire Ch%ef 9 y Y ( f;o,r ,examp'1 e w - pul anc'e related dut at ti=me and one-half` at 'the amb Y). - em loyee`'s hourly r-ate.'based upon. a 5,6• Hour work week An employee owho .ia as,s��`gned, fo..s�uch cayl'1-back:, duty shall rece�iave', at miin:imum, si:;x. houlrs ;pay at this ratd. at time and one-;ha'lf. C,: Fi',r.e Recall and Special` Recti°l1 O.ff-duty Fire 'Department pers;on'nel. a0d personne`l required %to work past. the; end, of a .s:h ft :a°re. subje'ct `to recti"1"1`and will °bep'aid on an overtime basi-s (except-as set forth in and' "B" ab:ove),, at t=ime and one-half the -hourly rate based upon the 56 hours work week. "However, i,n no case �W:i I I they be `pard•„les§ than one hour �Nhen cal;l.ed nor ,more than s,xteen (.1;6) consecutive hours i at- thiIs rate Further, when,.the, complete ,recall exceeds one hour, but does not ex;ten;d ,beyondd fifteen minutes past the.hour; the overtime Will be for one-.hour. . When a, recall ,exceeds. one: hour and fifteen mfnutes, the o-vertIme;'wil.1 be to: the nearest hal f hou"r`•''(examp_] e, one an`d one`-hal f hour),: Any and"all prior practa.ces,, 'procedures, °resol ut "o,ns oar understandi:ng;s are 'hereby superseded:and' repealed, Y cti'oh 6 Uniform All;;owance. ; A11 employees shat :l comply with the unJ form/dothi rig, requirements and procedures .as establ-I,shed and admih7stered by the Fire Ch,i.ef. The Uni°form/Cloth ing A`11owance Program sh`al`l be paid in fiscal year 1.980-81., on Qr before _Se'tember, ,5; 198'0„ p for those emp:l ogees in the cl assf ca:fions of F.i refi.ghter and Fine, Capaai n; i n the amount of .75% times the annual. rate; of pay of. a Step V Firefighter, per year.. r Employees hired on or a-fter Augu-s_t 3l„ 1980;,.and prior to-March 1, 19,81;, shall be pa`.d the full annual, payment amount on or before March 5, 1981. Empl ogees hi're,d .o.n o,r'after February 28 ,1.98'1, and 1pri or to J.un,e 30,:,.`] 981,; shall be pard th'e ful 1 ;annual payment amount on; .or ,befor,.. -;June '30., 1, 981 An •,emp1oy ,e, who, -termi°nate s :from Ci -service dr, is, released"-from:: C ty. -service .sha J onjy receive a pr..o, rata annual amount. An employee who so separates °f'r.om City .,servic_e after any paymeft ha-s been made shall• return that gorti;on of the al.l'owanee d'etermi';n0ed" by the 'I asf :day- fn-, Ci ty' service and, the end :.of the f1scal ye'a`r. ,Any employee on leave of absence without pay o,r lea°.ve statins i.n, exce s ofthirty (V) c�al,endar..days sha"1"1 receive `a pro rata amount. for the, f s,cal'..yeaer,. Section 7. ',H'ealth Insurance The City s;hall provide =for. a' group med'i'cal'-hos,p`i`tal insurance-coverage program for City employees "n thls Lin i't: - The Uty sha,l l •:pay, during. 1980 '81 _ the foil l;owiAg- insurance premfum;.amou - t towards the City group - medi°cal-hospital' insurance'coveraga program'; A. Insurance prem;i um amount of '$71 55 p'e,r ;mon•th'.; "per employee,, towards employee, coverage, and - B.. For employees °who inar,ntan dependent(s.)',.:cowera.ge,, either:;; 1':. ..Insurance,p remi:um Amounit -of $24'.97 per montempl ogee,, Aowa"Ndi one (1) dePenden.t coverage for einp ogees: 'who mai ntai n one d'epen dent coverage; or, 2. Ins_utante prema°_um `amo,u.nt sof X26 :8I per nionthi;:: p:er employee; towards` two (2) or more dependents coverage, ^ - for employees who 'ma,i nta In two ('2) or .more dependents. couera.ge=. S1.ec,ti'on 8 Dental_ Insurance:' = The City sha,l prove de for to group dental insurance program, for City employees ,an'd' 'dependentsIn thfs ;unit The City'sha1T p'ay; during 1980-81 , the i ns-ur:ance- prema.um in the amount of-, $21 .85 per, empl ogee; .. per rmonth , Section .9. Life. Lnsu.r&ffte T,he City shall provi de;, at no cost to the employee, group' term °1 i fe - _. . insurance 'co.verage- in.the principal amount of $5,000' per employee. Section: 110. Long Term _Di,sab,l ity. Insurance The City sha 1. pa during fiscal year 1980-8;1 the amount' of $•9..0.0, _, per::month, per emplRoyee in. connec�ti'o,n wi th ;a-.'1 on term dai sa?bi 1'i ty 'i.nsu.rahce pl'ahf .. . So econ l l Ho'l TO ay s, General, T;he hal idays"'for. 'the ca endar year. sha,l l be the total of ten (1,0,);, the Ci'°ty, shall. pay fo:r. these hoTaday"s i;n the ,month: ";of December., in lieu of '.g;i.�i ng time off'.; 'Se,cti on 12. ' S'i c `Leaver, Accrual {i`ck l e'ave . fair- the Fire; Departmd t sha:l S'I ' bb accumul atedon: the basis of sha fts4° with shifts equal i ri Etw•elme of s`i c'k 'T'eave to be a:ccumul ated per year ;on the °ba,si s of 11 .-2 ,hours pe,r month, Fire Department 40 -.hour 'emp:loyee:"s shal 1 `aceumoJaite si;ek I-ea've as other employees .,.of the City' section 13 Si ck Leave; Fami 1,y,: _ Leaves of absence up to four working .d°ays wit h.pay per{ yea<r•:may be ;- .. granted to employees TY theevent of death,, serious illness or J`njury n the.•emplo�yee'�s 'immed'iJate; family Ohd wilJ �b& cha:rged,'agai:nsf.sick 1e'ave, 'Twe 'mmeda:te familyshall: con-list of, the. -spouse, -children,' parents. brother--s:.,- sisters, or other Jrfd,, vidual.s wh6set relationship, to t•h�e employee '� s th-at of a dependent, or near .dependent... In each• case,., the ap.pointi'ng. power sha'l`l grana` .such sick- leave only when in his opinion, the r.01 at-o h� p o;f the, s:i ck 'or.d-i sabl ed - person.to- the: employee' warrants such .use of si;ck l ea,vre: Section .14 Sick; Leave; Retirement " I'.n- the event bf, r•eti�rement, "an. employee who' ha:s completed ten . (l`.0)'° years or more with the'C•ity shall, r`ecei've :fifty.perrcen't (50%) of h.s acc�urriu] a•ted `but unused si ck leave but sotto, exceed- 672 h:oUrs,: Section 15.: Sick Leave,., U.s�a-ge Toh'e first day fof sick leave will' be c:h'arged:: aga�;nst= the emp;loye.e's, accrual -at.the -rat'& .of 11 .2 ;hours;,. Each su,ccessivee d'ay ;will be- charged'.at the rate �of,one1. s°,hift, :(24 .hours). Section 16: Vacatto.n Firefig'hters _vacation s;ha11 i6e. computed as follows: Amount of 'o'nti mous S_eru l ce_ Vat on After completion of twelu'e months` 4,.66 ;shift's pe 'year After completion 00 ft+s per ye of five years - -7.shiar After compl^,etion of ten' years 8.00 ;shifts per year- After .compI -tj n o.f fifteen :years 9.0.0 -shift per'.year` V`acati',Oh entitlement accumulated ,n excess of two . "ears wi 11 be lost.' ` Any e11,gi bl e employee w: th the co,nsen,t; of the head of hisdepartment an, thea Personnel.Y Officer :may defer 2;:33 shifts .o;f h;is: annual vacation: to the succeeding calendar year, ;subject to the;, other proviLsions, of this rule A written 'r=eport' of each deferred vac°atioa; signed by the approp.riate, department head and the Personnel Officer noting the detai-ls >sha'1'h• be kept on =f51 e wit h the . Pers,onneT Off;ce;r.. Th-e times-,during'the, calendar ;yea:r in which an' empl°oyee may take hips vacation sh'al.l-be determanedby the department head with due: respect for t;h,e wishes of the ,employee and p`articuhar regard for t:he, needs Of, the service., If the requir.-ementsG of the service 'are s'ach that an empl`oye'e cannot faKe part 6'r al'l- of h'ts annoa1 vacation i°n .'a .pa,r`ticu'Tar ca`l,endar year, such vaca,t`ion s'hal.l b_ e, taken; du,ri;ng the fol lowing calendar year.