HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 1.A 01/31/2015 Part 3City Council Goals and Priorities for 2015 and 2016 CATEGORY: FINANCIAL STABILITY A. Goal: Maintain Financial Sustainability 1. Priority: Develop Five -Year Financial Plan for the General Fund a. Provide Semi -Annual Forecast Updates to the City Council. b. Develop and Prioritize Revenue Scenario Options Reflecting Community and Council Preferences. C. Develop and Prioritize Expense Scenario Options Reflecting Community and Council Preferences. d. Select Preferred Alternatives. e. Establish and Implement Budget Policies Necessary to Realize Preferred Alternatives and Foster Long -Term Financial Sustainability. f. Analyze Alternatives for Reducing PERS and Other Post Retirement Benefits (OPEB) Unfunded Liability. g. Develop and Implement Plans to Re -Establish Regular Contributions to Funds Including General Fund CIP Fund, Vehicle Replacement, PERS and OPEB Unfunded Liability, Employee Benefits, and Marina. 2. Priority: Enhance Revenues a. Evaluate the Benefits of Establishing Revenue Recovery and Purchasing Specialist Positions; Create and Budget, Accordingly. b. Develop a Plan (2015) to Educate (2016) the Public and Business Community on City Finances. C. Evaluate and Take Appropriate Legislative Action to Establish New Revenue Sources and Means of Financing City Services and Infrastructure Projects. 3. Priority: Update Citv Purchasinq Ordinance a. Draft Comprehensive, Updated Purchasing Ordinance Reflecting Current Best Practices. b. Update Agreements and Other Supporting Documents such as Requests for Proposals to Updated Purchasing Requirements. C. Provide Staff Training on Updated Purchasing Requirements and Supporting Materials. 4. Priority: Prepare Financial Forecasts and Establish/Revise Reserve Policies for Enterprise and Special Revenue Funds a. Water b. Waste Water c. Storm Water d. Streets 5. Priority: Amend/Revise Reserve Policv for General Fund 6. Priority: Establish Fiscallv Sustainable Fundinq for Storm Water Management and Pavement Maintenance a. Re -Visit Options and Implement Council Direction Regarding a Storm Water Utility or Other Funding Means, as Appropriate. b. Explore feasibility of Benefit Assessment Districts for Street Paving and Transportation Facility Projects. 7. Priority: Address Loss of Redevelopment a. Evaluate Feasibility of Completing Major Transportation Projects Utilizing an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (SB628). b. Continue to Monitor Evolving Dissolution Law and State Response and Pursue Administrative Actions, and/or Litigation Related to Project Funding. 8. Priority: Continue to Develop the Citv's Website and Social Media to Allow for More Efficient and Interactive Communication Between Residents and Citv Departments a. Implement Additional On -Line Payment/Billing Systems. b. Evaluate and Implement, if Feasible, On -Line Permit Applications for Building Permits and Simple Planning Approvals. C. Maximize Digitization of Stored Documents. CATEGORY: COUNCIL/STAFF RELATIONS AND DECISION MAKING A. Goal: Build a Cohesive Team Comprised of the Mayor and Council, City Manager, City Staff That Provides Clear and Consistent Direction and Works Together to Provide Core Services 1. Priority: Negotiate Successor Agreements with All Represented Emolovees. to Include: a. Units 1, 2, and 3 (AFSCME) b. Units 4, 9 and 11 (PPMMA) C. Unit 6 (POA) d. Unit 7 (PFA) e. Unit 8 (Senior Management, Compensation Plan) f. Unit 10 (Public Safety Mid -Level Management) 'L ' 2. Priority: Plan For, and Conduct, at Least Six (6) Citv Council Workshops Each Year, to Provide Ample Time For In-depth Consideration of Issues: a. Sign Code b. Mid -Year Budget Reports and Financial Forecast Updates C. Storm Water System, Structure and Financing d. User Fee Update e. PERS f. Equal Opportunity Plan g. General Plan Amendments h. Ambulance Exclusive Operating Area i. Others as Determined by Need and City Council Interest 3. Priority: Establish an In -House Leadership/Management Academv (Manaaement Trainina) for Manaaement and Suoervisory Staff a. Outline Program Design b. Identify Potential Outside Funding Sources C. Refine Program Design and Provide Program to New and Existing Management and Supervisory Staff 4. Priority: Design and Implement a Robust Equal Opportunity Emplovment Plan a. Conduct Applicant Pool Availability Analysis b. Develop and Initiate Department -Specific Strategies that Promote Equal Opportunity in All Areas of Employment 5. Priority: Establish Low -Cost Emplovee Recognition Proarams a. Employee of the Quarter b. Employee of the Year C. Informal Recognition 6. Priority: Update and Make Consistent Advisory Bodies' Enablinq Leqislation a. Airport Commission b. Building Board of Appeals C. Public Art Committee d. Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee e. Recreation, Music & Parks Commission f. Senior Advisory Committee J0 7. Priority: Develop Materials and Provide Staff Training a. Public Records Requests b. Resolutions C. Ordinances d. Contracts e. Leases f. Requests for Proposals III. CATEGORY: HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A. Goal: Create and Implement Clear Direction on Development and Sustainability Objectives 1. Priority: Continue to Develop and Implement Procedural and Legislative Chanqes That Will Expedite the Development Review Process a. Revise Local CEQA Guidelines b. Modify Processing Policies to Streamline Public Hearing Process for Projects That Necessitate Both Planning Commission and City Council Consideration. 2. Priority: Streamline the Development Review Process a. Establish a "One Stop Shop" for Permitting and Inspections. b. Expand Opportunities for Online Applications, and Permitting if Feasible. C. Integrate Sustainable Development Practices and Requirements into the Development Review Process. 3. Priority: Complete Components of a Zoning Code Update That Fill In Current "Gaps", Correct Unanticipated Consequences, or Brinq Current Provisions That are Out -of -Date a. Revise the Sign Ordinance. b. Update Chapter 15 of the IZO to Facilitate Application for Certified Local Government Certification. C. FEMA Flood Mapping Changes. 4. Priority: Sustainabilitv Practices a. Join and Participate in Sustainability Circle or Similar Program. b. Design and Deliver Cost -Effective energy and Other Resource Savings Projects for City Facilities and Infrastructure. C. Seek Funding For and Implement Project to Beneficially Utilize Biomethane Produced as By -Product of Waste Water Treatment. "J\ 5. Priority: Implement the Central Petaluma Specific Plan — Maximize Development Potential Around Transit -Oriented Development a. Work with SMART to i. Extend Regional Bike Trail Through Petaluma ii. Site Second Station iii. Pre -Design Downtown Station Area iv. Create Fact Sheets to Market SMART Sites b. Work With Property Owner to Design, Entitle, and Market Haystack Site. B. Goal: Plan for the Future 1. Priority: Review and Amend the Elements of the General Plan 2025 to Reflect Chanqes Since its Adoption in 2008 a. Updates to Reflect Changes in Redevelopment. b. Updates to Reflect FEMA Mapping Update. C. Conduct UGB Assessment (Policy 1-P-37). d. Update Exhibits and Figures to Reflect Implementation. e. Incorporate and Update References to New/Updated Plans and Studies. f. Update Traffic Analysis to Conform with Changes to State CEQA Standards. 2. Priority: Complete Comprehensive Planning for Maior Svstems and Programs a. Prepare a Petaluma Community Climate Action Plan to Achieve Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Requirements. b. Update the Urban Water Management Plan. C. Update Master Plans: i. Water ii. Recycled Water iii. Wastewater iv. Storm Water 3. Priority: Enhance Petaluma's Abilitv to Divert Solid Waste From the Waste Stream by Increasing Recvclina and Comoostina a. Complete Alternatives Evaluation for Services Currently Provided by Membership in the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. b. Assume Leadership Role in Determining the Future of the Agency, or Successor Agency, Including Amendments to the Joint Powers Agreement, if Any, and Fate of Composting in Sonoma County. 5 C. Goal: Attract and Retain Businesses in Petaluma to Enhance the Tax Base, Jobs and Quality of Life for the Community 1. Priority: Implement the Petaluma Economic Development Strateay. Placina Prioritv on Strenathenina Existinq Businesses and Attractina Those New Businesses That Add Value. and Which Pav Head -of Household Waaes a. Business Retention i. Support Business Development and Growth ii. Talent Attraction iii. Business Education b. Small Business Assistance i. Develop a Petaluma -Focused Business Guide ii. Design and Implement an Educational Program to Orient Small Businesses to the Development Review and Permitting Process 2. Priority: Implement a Comprehensive Marketing Proaram to Promote Petaluma as a Business Location a. Create Compelling Online and Print Materials that Promote Petaluma's Strengths and Assets to Business, Talent, and Investment Audiences. b. Partner with Local Companies to Finance and Develop a Talent Attraction Campaign. d. Promote Petaluma's Strengths and Assets Using Advertising, Social Media, Content Development, Conferences and Trade Shows, and Public Relations. 3. Priority: Focus Attention on Supportinq Food and Beverage Processina. Manufacturina. and Alternative Enerav Business Clusters, and Companies Focused on Sustainabilitv and Communitv Benefits a. Implement Marketing Strategy to Attract Companies Focused on Sustainability and Community Benefits. b. Improve Business -Friendly Practices for Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Waste Water. i. Complete Solids Treatment Improvements to Allow Acceptance of High Strength Waste. ii. Update Water Rate Study 4. Priority: Support Heritaqe Tourism a. Identify Heritage Tourism Opportunities. b. Assist Visitors Program with Marketing Events and Destinations Related to Petaluma's Heritage. 6 4. Goal: Focus Attention on Opportunity Sites Identified in the Petaluma Economic Development Strategy 1. Priority: Evaluate Sites and Opoortunities for Citv Involvement. Su000rt. and/or Partnership a. Pomeroy Property and Surrounds (Jerico to Riverfront) b. North Water Street C. Downtown SMART Station Site d. Corona SMART Station Site 2. Priority: Conclude Fairqrounds Lease Negotiations IV. CATEGORY: SUPPORT PUBLIC SAFETY 1. Goal: Maintain a Safe Petaluma 1. Priority: Revise Sidewalk Repair Strategv. and Budget Appropriately, to Optimize Current Maintenance Technioues and Reduce Administrative/Legal Costs 2. Priority: Complete Flood Control Proiects a. Petaluma River Flood Control Project. b. Complete 5 -Year Community Rating System Re -Verification (by 10/15). C. Denman Reach, Phase 3 and Capri Creek Projects. d. Identify Funding to Dredge Petaluma River and Marina/Turning Basin. 3. Priority: Continue to implement "Petaluma Policing' a. Determine Policy for Regulating Grow -Houses, and Develop Ordinance. b. Identify and Implement Technology Tools to Enhance Service Delivery. C. Implement P.O.S.T. Management Study Recommendations Regarding Patrol and Detective Services. d. Initiate the CALEA Standards Process and Develop a Two -Year Plan for Certification. e. Develop a Plan to Expand, Update, and provide ongoing maintenance of the Police facility. f. Expand Town Hall Meetings and Community Policing Academies for the Latino Community. g. Collaborate with Regional Law Enforcement Agencies to Determine Feasibility of Providing Shared Service. 4. Priority: Refine and Implement a Structured, Prioritized, and Time -Specific Plan for a Comprehensive Citvwide Fleet Replacement Prooram 5. Priority: Develop a Plan and Financing to -Expand Fire -Stations 2 and 3 7 i) 4 6. Priority: Revisit Downtown Sprinkler Ordinance and Conduct Outreach 7. Priority: Resolve the Petaluma Historic Ambulance Service Area with Sonoma Countv: a. Evaluate Financial Viability of Continuing to Provide Advanced Emergency Medical and Transport Services Within the Petaluma Historic Ambulance Service Area. b. Provide Council with Recommendations in Support of Continuing or Discontinuing Emergency Medical Services in the County Area. C. Restructure as Needed and if Possible to Continue Providing Viable Services. d. Secure a California Health & Safety Code Section 224 Rights Agreement with Sonoma County. 8. Priority: Implement a Real -Time Bus Arrival System for Petaluma Transit V. CATEGORY: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS A. Goal: Plan For and Implement Priority Capital Projects as Funding Permits 1. Priority: Coordinate with Caltrans, SCTA and Others to Deliver Reaional and Local Highwav Transportation Improvements a. Highway 101 Widening b. Rainier Undercrossing/Interchange C. Southern Crossing 2. Priority: Prepare Capital Replacement and/or Maintenance Plans for Water and Sewer Distribution and Collection Svstems: Storm Water Facilities; Streets. Streetliahts, and Traffic Signals: and Citv Facilities a. Prioritize Improvements b. Identify Funding Sources c. Initiate Construction 3. Priority: Complete E. Washinqton Park, Phase II a. Baseball Facilities b. Restroom 4. Priority: Seek Grant Fundinq of Water Recvcle Proiects Throuqh Proposition 1 and Other Fundinq Opportunities Beina Created by the North- Bav Water-Recvcle-Authoritv for: ti �O a. Expansion of Recycled Water Production Capability. b. Off -Season Storage Facilities and Increased Agricultural Use C. Extension of In -House "Purple Pipe" Distribution System. c/mgr/kc/012715 final