HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/1981457 NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED BY THE ~ PETALUMA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING ~/ OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA~ JUNE 15, 1981 ~ ~ REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL 7:00 P.M. • Present: Councilmen Perry, Harberson, Bond, Battaglia, Balshaw, Cavanagh, Mayor Mattei INVOCATION Rev. Carl Hef.ner of St. John's Lutheran Church read the prayer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice-Mayor Battaglia led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT CALENDAR The following actions were taken by the passage of a ~ motion introduced by Councilman Cavanagh and seconded by Councilman Perry. . . AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ MAYOR MATTEI CLAIMS & BILLS Adopt Resolution No. 9196 N.C.S. approving Claims and RESO ~~ 9196 NCS Bills. RINGING THE BELLS Adopt Resolution No. 9197 N.C.S. approving proclamation JULY 4TH issued by the Mayor regarding "Ringing of the Bells" RESO 9197 NCS and urging citizens to comply for four minutes on ~ July 4tn. NORTH PETALUMA Adopt Resolution No. 9198 N.C.S. ordering reorganization ANNEXATION ~~9 of territory designated as North Petaluma Reorganization RESO 4~ 9198~NCS ~~9 involving annexation to City of Petaluma and detachment from Penngrove Fire Protection District without hearing (portion of Cemetery Lane). SURPLUS TANK TRUCK Adopt Resolution No. 9199 N.C.S. declaring various RESO ~~ 9199~NCS' equipment as surplus and authorizing the sale thereof - Diamond T tank truck, purchased during drought to do park watering and not functioning any longer. SEWER PAYBACK Ad'opt Resoiution No. 9200 N.C.S. of intent to authorize AGREEMENT - LAKEVILLE a sanitary sewer~refund agreement for~the Lakeville BUS.INESS PARK Business Park for an 18" trunk sewer pipe from the RESO ~~ 9200 NCS existing 27" pipe at the end of Cader Lane through the ' Lakeville Business Par•k for a length of approximately 1300 feet. ~ ADDING R-1 5,000 Introduae Ordinance No. 14•72 N.C.S. amending Article 4 ZONING DISTRICT of Ordinance 1072, the Zoning Ordinance, to add an R-1 ORD.,~~`1472. NGS 5,000 zone thereto and making various elerical changes ' ' to conform Article 4 to Article 16. _ COMMERCIAL REC. Adopt Ordinance No. 1470 N.C.S. amending Article 14 F9CILIT.IES IN LTGHT (Light Industrial) of Ordinance No. 1072, the Zoning INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Ordinance, by adding Section 14-411 thereto to permit ORD. 4~1470' NCS commercial recreation facilities in said zone with a conditional use permit. 45~ JUNE 15, 1981 TENTATIVE MAP; ~ Adopt Ordinance-No. 14J1 N.G.S. amending Ordinance PROCEDURE CHANGE 1072, the Z_oning Ordinance, to provide that development ORD.'~~1471 NCS . of industrial and commercial subdivisions in Planned Community Districts may proceed directly iaith a tentative ! subdivision map appl.ieation without Planned Unit , Development rezoning. APPROP.RIATIONS 80-81 Introduce and adopt urgency Ordinance No. 1473 N.C.S. FI`SCAL YEARI; appropriating certain available revenues not~ineluded ORD.~~~1493 NCS in the 1980-1981 budget and declaring the urgency ` thereof, to take effect immediately. , COMPLETION SARTORI Adopt Resolution No. 9201 N.G.S. accepting completion WATER LINE EROJECT of wa.ter main replacement project, Sar.tori Drive, RESO`."~6 9201'NCS Petaluma, Project No. 8544 (Harborth Excavating). ~`~ " , End of Consent.Calendar , * ~ X * * * ~ * ~ ~ * ~ REZ.ONE FOR MOBILE HOME (This item was.removed from the Consent Calendar) PARK `' `' ~ Introduce Ordinanee No. 1474 N.C.S. amending Zoning ORD. 4~1474 NCS Ordinance No. 1072 by reclassifying and rezoning ~' '~" ~ A.P. ~~137-060-17, located on the eas t sid'e of North McDowell Blvd : near Sunrise Parkway, from Planned Community Distriet to Planned Unit Development in Flood Plain Combining District (David D. Young). Introduced by Couneilman Cavanagh; seconded b.y Council.man Perry. AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVAN9GH/ MAYOR MATTEI There being no objection, Mayor Mattei rearranged the agenda order. STATE TRANSIT Resolution No. 9202 N.C.S. approving pa~ratransit ASSISTANCE PROGRAM demonstration program as set fo:rth in the repo:rt of_ RESO ~~'`92'02 NCS Bill Liebel and author:izing the City Manager ,to execute ' ,` documents to carry out same. Introduced by Vic'e-Ma.yor Battaglia; seconded by Co.uncilman Perry. AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND;/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ MAYOR MATTEI SENIOR CI.T.IZEN'S City Manager:Meyer_made a verbal presentation .to the_. BUILDINGS LUCGHESI PARK Council about a proposal by McBail Corp. t:o build a ` :'~ 4,210 square foot building in Lucchesi Park. _75,Q . square feet i:n building area would be an apartment.for senior residents, and the remainder~would be for the use by the seniors for their various activities , (hobby room, reading room, card roqm, pool table r.oom, projeet storage, kitchen, office and lobby area). Gity would permit (award allocation) MaBai.l to cons~truct as part of North Star Subdivision, 62 units in 1981, 32 units in 1982,, 9'S units in 1983, and 95 unifi~s in 1984 for a total of 284 units in that subdivision. McBail agrees to deed to the City three senior,living units or residences per allocation of 90 housing units (equalling 9 dedicated units) in North Star Subdivision. However, the.nine units will be;reduced at the rate of $60,;00.0 per unit to cover the unit of the senior citizens facility which is meant not to exeeed the val,ue of three individual units or $180,000. _ Moved - Harberson/seconded - Bond, to instruct the Gity Manager to wor.k out an agreement with McBai1 Company based on the presentation be_fore. them tonight, and aufhorizing execution of the described agreemenf., AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND./BATTAGLIA%BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ MAYOR MATTEI -2- ~ 45~ JUNE 15, 1981 COUNTRY CLUB UNIT I Planning Director Freitas showed the Council the ALLOTMENTS proposed change in plan for Country Club Unit I, placing buildings closer to the base of the hill, leaving more open space. Piombo Corporation now has controlling interest in the development and is requesting transfer of the existing 60 condominium unit allocafion, Phase I project, to the plan consisting of 31 single f.amily lots and 29 condominiums. Moved - Cavanagh/seconded - Perry, it is Council consensus to approve this recommendation of Piombo Corporation and staff to authorize the developer to proceed with the review process. AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ MAYOR MATTEI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Adopt Ordinance No. 1469 N.C.S. amending Section FEE/PARKLAND FEE 17.14.060.of the Munieipal Code to provide for reduction ORD. ~~I469 NCS of Community Facilities Development Fees and amending ' Section 20.34.240 to provide for exemption from Park Fees, when developers provide certain low and moderate income housing. AYES: PERRYfBOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/MAYOR MATTEI NOE: HARBERSON* *Councilman Harberson expressed the f.eeling that all housing units have impacts, therefore all housing units should share in those impact costs. DIAMONDHEAD COMMUNITY Adopt Resolution No. 9203 N.C.S. granting reduction of FACILITIES DEV. FEE Community Facilities De~elopment Fees pursuant to RESO 4~ 9203 NCS Petaluma Municipal Code Seetion 17.14.060B to the ' developers of Diamondhead Dev.elopment. Introd"uced b'y Councilman Balshaw; seconded by Councilman Bond. - AYES: PERRY/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/MAYOR MATTEI NOE: HARBERSON WILLOW CREEK Resolution.No. 9204 N.C.S. approving issuance of a RECONSIDERATION/ mitigated negative declaration pursuant to the California MITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC. Environmental Quality Act and the prior adoption of a RESO ~~" 9204 NCS, Gitywide Master Environmental Impact Report for Willow Greek Business Park. Council considered information received from Jon Anderson of MacKay and Somps, Engineers, regarding storm water.flow through the culvert under Highwa;~ 101 from this project. After consideration of that informa:tion fhe resolution was moved by Councilman Bond; seconded by Councilman Perry. AYES: PERRY/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/MAYOR MATTEI NOE: HARBERSON REZONE,WILLOW CREEK Ordinance No. 1466 N.C.S. amending Zoning Ordinance BUSINESS PARK' 1072 by reclassfying and rezoning parcels numbered 47- ORD. ~~T46'6 NCS 211-10, 7-421-8 and 12 (Willow Creek Business Park). AYES: PERRY/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/MAYOR MATTEI NOE: HARBERSON -3- ~~~ JUNE `15, 1981 TENTATIVE MAP Resolution No. 9205 N.C.S.~approving tentative subdi~ision WILLOW,C&EEK BUS. PARK map for Willow Creek Business Park. A cond-ition.was. RESO ~~ 9205 NGS added to require the developer to pay one quarter of ' the cost of a traffic signal at North McDowell'Blvd. ~ and Old Redwood Highway. Introduced~by Councilman Cavanagh; seconded~by Vice- Mayor Battaglia. ~ ' ' ' AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON%BOND/BATTAGLIA/BAtiSHAW/CAVANAGH/ MAYOR MATTEI PUBLIC URINATION - Council heard from Police Chief Murphy requesting DEFECATION ' appr.oval'of this ordinance.• Introduce and adopt ORD: ~~I475 NCS Ordinance No. 1475 N.C.S. adding Section 10,.16.020 to ` the Municipal Code finding.and declaring public urination and d'efecation and the public exposure of private parts for the pur-pose thereof inimieal to the public fiealth, safety~and welfa're and•adopting regulations`. _. prohibiting such'ac:ts arid declaring fhis to be'an urgency measure.to be;:adopted immediately~. Introduced by Vice-Mayor Battaglia; seconded by Counrilman ... Cavanagh. ~ ' " ' ~ AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ ~ MAYOR MATTEI EAST WASHINGTON/ELY Council by motion approved a•letter from Rev. Young. .. BLVD. INIPROVEMENTS Moved Bond; seconded Harberson. ~ AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ ~~ MAYOR MATTEI _ GRAY. ANNEXATION Planning Director Freitas reviewed the Loca1 Agency '~ Formation Commission's denial of Petaluma~'s request for annexation (Gray Annexation). Staf'f was requested to process the zoning from stu'dy zone to' specific dis't'ric~ts at an ea"rly time. E.I'.R.;BOB,-BENSON This matter was continued to July 20th at the request ~ of Mr. Benson. . ,_ - COMPLETION - Resolution No. 92'06 N.C.S. accepting completion of GASA GRANDE'L,IGHTING Casa Grande Softball f.ield lighting project (Valley R'ESO ~~'9206 N~S Crest Landscape, In'c'.). Moved by Perry; seconded by ' Harberson. ~ _. AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/MAYOR MATTEI ~ ~ _.. NOE: BOND (Councilman Bond`s no vote reflec:ted his feeling •that if we certify sloppy work we wi~ll continue to receive sloppy work. Councilman Harberson expressed his displeasure at the poor quality of the workmanship of this job.) - - . . . . MANUFACTURED HOUSING After some discussion, Council agreed to adopt legislation along the lines of the City of Lemon Grove with minimal design review. ' -4- 4~~ JUNE 15, 1981 PROPOSED POLICY Council heard from Recreation Director James Raymond, LUCCHESI PARK LAKE outlining the following draf.t policy: Lake use hours shall be dawn to dusk year around,-fishing will be allowed as a primary use with State Fish and Game laws to apply for anyone - fishing there; special boating.activities will be permitted with supervised personnel of the Recreation Department; non-profit groups will be allowed to conduct bona fide leisure programs scheduled through the Recreation Department; radio controlled model boats may be used when the lake is not being used for scheduled activities. The following uses are prohibited: s wimming, wading and diving are prohibited at any time; no private boats are allowed on the lake other than special activities se~t aside for events sponsored by the City of Petaluma; no boats with gas or electric mofiors will be allowed unless they are scheduled activities for radio controlled model boats. Council consensus was to approve this policy. ' ~ AGRICULTURAL PRESERVES RULES AND REGULATIONS RESO 4~ 9207 NGS Resolution 9207 N.C.S. adopting rules and regulations f or administration of. Agricultural Preserves. Introduced by Vice-Mayour Battaglia; seconded by Councilman Cavanagh. tYYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/BOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/ MAYOR MATTEI EAST WASH. WIDENING City Engineer Hargis addressed the Council requesting FUNDING ADDITION approval f.or an increase to the contract of an-additional $5,856.08 in order to place large rock~in to stabYize -- the subgrade of the roadbed. Th'is~ really increases the contract to Argonaut Constructors in the amount of $42,099.75. The difference being carried by the State funding for the project. Moved - Balshaw/seconded - Harberson,~to approve this request for additional funding for the East Washingtqn~widening project. ' ~ AYES: PERRY/HARBERSON/SOND/BATTAGLIA/BALSHAW/CAVANAGHj MAYOR MATTEI COUNCIL SCREENING Mayor Mattei appointed Vice-Mayor Battaglia, Councilmen COMMITTEE ~ Harberson and Balshaw to meet~Saturday at 9:00 a.m. to CITY ATTORNEY CONTRACT review the applications for an interim contract City Attorney. ' ADJO IJRNMENT At 10:15~p.m. Council adjourned to a Closed Session. , ~ ,/~i 'G'~C~~, ` Mayor -S-