HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/05/1980~~0~~ MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA,~CALIFORNIA ) MAY 5, 1980 OE~ REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL 7:OO,P.M. NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED BY THE UMA CITY COUNCIL Present: Councilmen Balshaw, Cavanagh, Harberson, Perry*, Vice-Mayor Bond Absent: Councilman Battaglia, Mayor Mattei *Councilman Perry arrived at 7:10 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Harberson. MINUTES Minutes of April 21 Regular Meeting were approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Gouncilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh to adopt the resolutions and Ordinance No. 1416 N.C.S. and introduce the other ordinances on the Consent Calendar. AYES: BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/HARBERSON/VICE-MAYOR BOND ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/PERRY/MAYOR MATTEI CLAIMS & BILLS Resolution No. 8849 N.C.S. approving Claims and Bills RE50 ~~8849 NCS audited by the City Auditor and approved for payment by the City Manager. RESIGNATION . Resolution No. 8850.N.C.,S. accepting the resignation BARRON ELDRIDGE o;f Barron C. Eldridge from the Historic and Cultural RESO ~~8850 NCS Preservation Committee. SURPLUS PROPERTY Resolution No. 8851 N.C.S. declaring various scrap RESO ~~8851 NCS material and equipment as surplus and authorizing the sale thereof. GILBERT PARCEL~MAP Resolution No. 8852 N.C.S. accepting the completion of RESO 4~,8852 NCS public improvements for Gilbert Parcel Map. . PURCHASE PROFERTY Adopt Ordinance No. 1416 N..C.S. au:thorizing the purchase ORD. 4~1416 NCS of real property located.at Liberty and Magnolia Sir.eets (830 sq. ft. for $2,490.00, plus costs - Assessor's Parcel No. 06-03'1-09 in part). REZONE COUNTRYWOOD Introduce Ordinance No. 1419 N..C.S. amending Zoning TO P.U.D. . Ordinance'No. 1072 N.C.S. by rezoning the property ORD. ~~1419 NCS located at the southwest corner of Sartori Drive and Casa Grande~Road from R-1-10,000 to Planned Unit Development - Countrywood Development. REZONE 101 ELLIS Introduce.0'rdinance No. 1420 N.C.S. amending Zoning STREET TO P.U.D. Ordi:nanee No. 1072 N.C.S. by rezoning the property ORD. 4~1420 NCS located at 101 Ellis Street from R-M-G (Garden Apart- ment Residential) to Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) - Assessor's Parcel No. 007-361-19. ~o~ MAY 5, 1980 TRUCK RENTAL Introduce Or.dinance,N,o. 1421 N.C.S. amending Zoning PERMITTED USE Ordinance No. 1072 N.C.S. by adding Sect'ion 14-409 to IN M-L ZONE allow fruck and trailer rental establishments as ORD. ~~1421 NCS conditional uses in M-L zones (Light Industrial). (End of Consent Calendar Listing) * ~ ~C ~C ~ * ~Y * * 3c ~ sY * .c CONTRACT - Resolution No. 8853 N.C.S. awarding bid for rehabilitation REHABILITATION OF of City Hall and Kenilworth rest rooms to J. R. Peters REST ROOMS Company, Santa Rosa, for $5,995.00.. Introduced by' RESO 4~8853 NCS Councilman Balshaw, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh. REQUEST FOR ZONING STUDY - "D" STREET 10, 000 or R-1-20, 000. Planning Commission's wait until some more AYES: BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/PERRY/VICE-MAYOR BOND ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/MAYOR MATTEI ABSTAIN: HARBERSON (due to a potential conflict of interest) Council considered the Planning Commission's request for a zoning study regarding rezoning West "D" Street from R-C (Compact Residential) and R-1-6,500, to R-1- It was the consensus of the Gouncil to accept the request for such a study, b:ut such study would have to important matters are cared for. CARDROOM REGULATIONS Adopt Ordinance~,No.,1417 N.C.S. Introduced by Councilman ORD. ~~1417 NCS Perry, seconded by Gouncilman Battaglia on April 21. AYES: BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/HARBER50N/PERRY . -..:, , ~. .. . .. NOES : VICE-MAYOR BOND . , , _ , , , ~ . , ,_ , ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/NIAYOR MATTEI DRUG PARAPHERNALIA Adopt Ordinance No:.1418 N.C.$. amending the Petaluma RESTRICTION Municipal Code by adding Chapter 10.14 thereto relating ORD. ~~1418 NCS to the display or of£er for sale of drug paraphernalia and declaring its urgency to take effect immediately. Introduced by Councilman Perry, second'ed by Vice-Mayor Bond on April 21. COUNTY COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL STUDY SANTA ROSA JUNIOR COLLEGE SIGN - FAIRGROUNDS DRIVE RESO 4~8854 NCS AYES: BALSHAW/C9VANAGH/HARBERSON/PERRY/VICE-MAYOR BOND ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/MAYOR MA'TTEI City Manager Meyer requested Council input on the Sonoma County Commercial/Industrial Study prior to the May 19 Council meeting. ResoTution No. 8854 N.C.S. approving installation of a free-standing directional sign to be located at l00 Fairgrounds Drive in Petaluma. Introduced by Couneilman Perry, seconded by Councilman Harberson. AYES: BALSHAW/GAVANAGH/HARBERSON/PERRY/VICE-MAYOR BOND ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/MAYOR MATTEI -2- r _ 302 MAY 5, 1980 TENTATIVE MAP Resol'ution No. 8855 N.;G.S. approving renewal of .a COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES tentative subdivision map 'f.or Country Glub Estates. RESO ~~8$55 NCS Introdueed by Councilman Perry, seconded`by Councilman Harberson. ~ ' AYES: BALSHAW%`CAVANAGH%HARBERSON/PERRY/VICE-MAYOR BOND ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/MAYOR MATTEI ,. ,,, ,,, .r.. . r . ~ ~•rr. e..;..; -- . ~. .. , ~.i E. WASHfiNGTON WIDENING Resolution No. 8856 N.C.S. authorizing the Mayor~qr AUTHORIZATIONS City Manager to execute any and all documents necessary RESO'4~8856 NCS to release funds necessary (including Federal.Aid Urban - EAU) and~to proceed with completion of tfie East Washington Streef widening project•. Introduced by Councilmari Harberson,. ~ seconded by Councilman Cavanagh. AYES: BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/HARBERSON/PERRY/V.IGE-MAYOR BOND ~ ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/MAYOR MATTEI DREDGING . Resolution No. 8857 N.C.S., urging an action necessary RESO '~~8857 NCS to promote`-immediat~e'~d'redging of the Petal-uma River by ' the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Introduced'by . Councilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman'Eerry'. AYES: ,BALSHAW/CAVANAGH/HARBERSON/PERRY/UTCE=MAYOR BOND ABSENT: BATTAGLIA/MAYOR MATTEI SPOILS SITE , City Engineer Hargis indicated he had receiyed preliminary notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that in the fufure the Petaluma River dredging materials spoils disposal site will' have to:be operated under a 50-year management plan -- beginnrng with a 1984 dredging project. . 1980-81 PRELIMINARY City Manager Meyer read the Budget message and,; ;Co.uncil,,_ ~, ,,,, BUDGET agreed to set aside June 9 for an all day budget ' ~ session. SMOKE DETECTION AND City Manager Meyer noted Council has been fu mished RESIDENTIAL_`BUI_LDING with two ordinances on these subj~ec,ts. This matter RECORD REPORTS has been scheduled for the May 19 Council meeting. ADJOIJRNMENT At 9:00 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. :~ ~ ~ , , ~~~G'~~'~ / l _ Mayor Attest• City erk -3-