HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 5.BPart3 10/04/2010'~p~,. ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~
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19L8PMON0: (/07107LY7107
~,~~ -
~~ January 9, 200
Andrea McKenzie ~•'
ul Pies,
Sonoma County Agric etural a 10~~on and Open Sp,„ace District .,.
74.7 iViend~ocmosAvenu ,, Sui
Santa Rosa, CA 95401., 0
•. Re: Roblar Road Quarry / PRNID File No. PLP03-0094 / DEIR Alternatives Analysis.
. ~ i Dear Ms. McKenzie:
. • Y B .
Coup ' P ' y w applicarrt analysis .for the proposed
oad Quarry prof ect. ''The' hci ave tasked uswhether the ematcves •~ould evaluQte•the
Roblar R /
. ~' .
f~easibili •°of an alternative circulatioa,pmposal.incounecton with tha•project to avoid.impacts to
creek that.would occur from widening Roblar Road. We-have' determineii that a feasi~lo
alternative:is to, construct a.temporary haul route across a five acre portion of the adjacent property
, that is.encunibered by _a;conservation easement in:favor ofthe Sonoma County.Agricultural'
• Preservation and Ope"n Space District ("District'. .
e'would propose to enter into an agreement with the District under`Public Resources Code •
Secuon SS
g' I _ po is conscrvahoit easement qn approximately five
p~~40.5 whereb the District would release lon of
a elin Roblar Road in the southwest rti q Former Ranch, in excHange fora 20Q
+/- ` cre conservation easement over the enhretyof the: u site. .
We would propose to cntcr into a road easement with the'^ownerof the Former Ranch to
ova a au ro ve a 1
cre site or oses o connec to Ro
P• ~ pproximately P~P~Y• •,~ , ,
ad' across the a on Roblar Roadtothe oint o~ Nave and then cro
load. We-would"' P lar
then truck w . ss
e Neve
thc~g ~ party to Valleeny FooroRoamd and then proceed east.; This proposal is also contmgent`on
se ~eNeve's'cons property ---
• e n site would allow m addition tD an u ,
r „~ • ~, q . _ ~ cons align easement an the I app ;.. _ .. „ y.. ,., •, . , ~,, .
" ° ; ~ ~ "sting useso u±arrym stoc ilia and related activities'on roximatel 70 acres as descn'b°"y .'
the pro~ect;descnphon for the proposed quarry but would'otherwise prtserve the property for open . 'w ~ ~~
space;purposes only.
At:the termination of the quarrying activity, the. quarry site would,be reclairaedfor open
space or other public purposes. Although not part of the,agreemcnt or conditions, after reclamation,
our client is willing to voluntarily make ail irrevocable offer to dedicate the underlying fee interest in
the quarry'site to Dither the County of Sonoma<or;tfi®District without compensation for public
purposes and' will take a charitable contribution deduction for this gift.
,,~~~. ~ .
Andrea McKenzie
January 9; 2008
Sage 2
As;parf°of the reclamation ofthc quarry site, we would reclaim the:haul ivad acrass,the
approxiinafely~: five acre area•aad restore t'to its.natural~condition. i3pon~restoration of the~road,
we would:release~our easement forhaal road purposes~over the approximately-five~acres=and the
owner of that.land would recom+ey without compensation a conservation easement,tatheDistricY
over such five,acres: 'The con~nts of thisconservation easement would. be identical to; the
existing text of the District easement on;that. five acres..
~. ,.
The`ultimate effect of the foregoing wouldbe to assure that theres no permanent loss of
a.conservaton; easementovcc any portion of the District's holding; result in, a.recluired
coriveyance,of a-200 +„acre conservaton:easernent and result in°the ultimatevolnntary
conveyance of a 20U ±/- site to tho County or District.for open space or public purposes,in
reclaimed condition.
PR11~ iscauthorized tn, consider this alternative'haul road proposal':in,connection ~vith'the
development and analysis of altematives.for~tlie proposed quarryproject.. If }±ou,ilave any
questions;regarding this letter', pleasafeel fi~ea'to call. ..
vay truiy yo
c: John Barella '
Jennifer Barrett, 4ssisfaat`Director,PRMb
.. Scotf`Briggs> Environmental Review Division Manager
Dave Hurst, County Counsel -
,sue Gallagher, "County Counsel ..
~.~ ~ ~~~ ~. ~ ' t.AW~OPFICHSOF ~~~
°~. C - ~ T FI?zPATR.ICK & I~1vWCORTHY
:,. .
~~ , ~ .Sl~rl~- ~ ~_
' OSi1, GLIFORNIrC 9503
~~,%a . .
r~x X07 era-uea
TlIEPMONL't707 1:-421-1101 ,~
December 12, 2007
Scott~Briggs ~~-
. Environmental Review Division' Manager
2550 Ventura Avenue
n Santa Rosa, CA 95403
a~ ~ u.
' Re: Robl'ar Road Quarry /'PR:MD. File No. ELP03-0094 / DEIR Alternatives Analysis
Deaz Mr. Briggs:
As we understand it, you ar
' ~ , e>currently working witlu have'ask~ed us whether the a tlicant es'
analysis for the proposed Roblar Road Quarry project. Yo PP
would agree to an alternative .circulation proposal in ;connection with the project. That answer is-.yes
based on the following proposal and assumptions:
1. The proposed 200 +/- acre.quarry site is located immediately adjacent to a former
portion of'our ranch`("Farmer-Ranch") which was previously deeded to a third party (ICen Wilson),
and is encumbered by a conservation easement in favor of the Sonoma County Agricultural
Preservation and Open Space District ("District").
2. We wonld propose; to enter,into an agreement with the District-under Public
Resources Code"Section 5540:5 whereby the District would release its conservation easement on
three.acres arallelin Roblar"Road'in the southwest portion of the'Former Ranch; ,in exchange:for a
P ..S
200 +!- acre conservation easement over the entiety~of the-quarry site.. ~ '
3 • _. ar`Road: Ranch
,, ,, ,~ to im rove. a liaul r ad ac oss the hree acre sit for purpo ~eont wrath the ~ er of the FormerWe
P, Robl '
' ~ P o P ertytm to ~ .
p en cross the.Neve ,
would then truck`west;~on,Roblar Road' to the Dint of the Neve ro a and th ,,
property~to Valley Ford Road, and then'proceed east. This proposal is~ also contingent°on'securing
'° o co'ss'their property;
the.Neve s consent t
~. .,
4.:. The 200 +/-.acre conservation easement on the quarry site would allow, in addition to
any existing uses, quaiying, stockpiling and related activities as descn'bed in the project description
for the proposed~quarry butwould otherwise preserve the property for open space purposes only. .
5. ~ Af the termination of the quarrying activity, the quarry site would be reclaimed for
public p' urposes. ,.Although not part of the agreement or conditions, after reclamation, our client is
willing to volunt'aily convey the' underlying fee .interest in the quarry site to either the County of
Sonoma or the District without compensation for public purposes and will take a charitable
contribution deduction for thisa gift.
Scott Briggs
December 1'2, 2007
Page 2 "
6. Aspart of the reclamation,of :the quarry site, we would reclaim the haul toad
across the. three acre portion of ttie Former Ranch and restore it to its, naturai`condtion Upon
restorationmof the er of the Former Ranch would remconve~rwithout co.m~ ensation a onserveati'
acres and a own _ ,. , y p on
easement to,:the-District over. suehsthree acres. The contents, ofthis-conservation easement"mould
be identical to the existing text of the Disfirict~ easement on the Wilson Ranch.
7. The ultimate effect of the; foregoing would''be~to assure that there,s no peimanent
loss of a conservation easement over any portion;of the District's holding, result in a required
conveyance of x:200 + acre conservation easement and' resu t in the ultimate: voluntary,'
conveyance of a 200'+/=park site to the°County or District in reclaimed condifion..
You. are. authorized to .consider this,alternative;.haul road proposal in connection with.
your development and analysis of alternatives for the proposed quarry project: '1f you have~any
questions regarding this letter, please feel free to call.
Very truly yours,
c: John Barella
Iennifer, Barrett,. Assstant.Director, PR1VID
Maria Cipriani,. Assistant Director, SCAPOSD
Dave Hur"st; County Counsel
Sue Gallagher, County Counsel
~~ . ~'" ' ~ . ,~r ~ ~ ' ~~~ ~. _ I ~ .
' From: ~, :Blake Hille,gas
i.~ ~ ~ 5erit:~ ~ ~~~ rriday, December ~ 1',,,120U9.10:fi3.AM
. ~~~ To: ~ ~ ~ ~ '~Jacot%~Newell, ~ ~~. _ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~_
. ~ Cc ~ u Misti Arias.. - . ,, " -
Subject:' Roblar Staff Report
'' Aftachments: AR-M700N 20091211 101800.pdf; AR-M700N 200912'11_901921.pdf; AR-M700N_
"'' ~ " 20091211 fi02.1:25.pd(; AR-M700N_20091211 102256.pdf
~~~ - -
,a~.." ,
°' Hello Jacob, ~ '~
~~~ ..,
I :received. your message. Since I did not hear back from you, i put~together a draft condition of
approval,; (see attached staff; report acid draft conditions. of approval).
' Note condition # 1'13 requires that the a licanf obtain an agreement for Access Road 1, which
traverses fhe Wilson property containing the Open Space District easement.
. -
„ If you wo'u{d Like to arrange a sate visif with the applicant, John Barella, his number is 763-2891.
Let me know if you have any questions:
8{ake ~,
.~~ « . .. '
,u~..5. (~N~,i4.
5540.1_.: E$ercise of ,eminent. domain ove>r'San Mateo County. Coastal
Annexation Area by Mi'dpeninsula Regional Open Space District -prbhnb=
Notwithstanding Section 5544, the I1Ridpeninsula .Regional; Open Space District
shall not exercise bhe power of eminent domain to acquire any real property or any
nterest in, reap. property in the: San Mateo County. Coastal Annexation Area', as
lefined .in the Resolution of Application for Annexation 'Proceedings No: 03=20;
vhich was adopted by the Board of Directors of she MidpeninsuTa <Regonal Open
space District on June 6, 2003.
added Slats 1004.ch 'L7 ~ 2 (AB 1195), effective April 1, 2004. .
Note-Stats.2004 ch 27 provides:
SEC. 2: `The Legislature finds and. declares'that
a special law is necessary and that a geperal law
cannot be made applicable within the meaning of
Section 16 ot;Article IV of the California Gonstitu-
lion .because of the ,unique circumstances appli=
cable: only t_o this proposed project of 1he;:Midpen-
insula Regional Open .Space District. "The district
has adopted an ordinance and policy.prohibiting
the use of the; power-of eminent domain in an: area.
of-San. Mateo +(ounty currently proposed to be:
annexed, to the district. "Thiia policy was adopted
due to the'special:and unique circumstances of the-
,particular annexation project and the particular
nature of the territory- ,proposed for..annexation,
and.in response°to input.from a Ctt~zens ,Advi§ory
Committee formed to,recommend policies ~parti'cu-:
lar Eo this, proposed prroject. The Legislature fur.:
they, finds and 'declaiea-that the. need. to limit a.
district's condemnatior- power is not cpmmon to=all
districts- formed unde"r laws :governing., the forma-
tion', powers, and duties of park and ;open-space
districts and, theTeforE, warrants .special. legi~la-
5540.5. Exchange; of property
(a) Notwithstanding'Section 5540, a~district,'with the approval by a tinanimoui3
vote of the members of its. board of directors, .may exchange real ;property, or ~an~
interest in real property, dedicated .and .used for par-k or open-space purposes,: or
both park and. open-space purposes; for real property; or an interest in real,property,
that the board of directors determines to be of equal. or .greater valiie• and i ,
necessary to be. ,acquired for park or. open-space :purposes, or both park and
open-space purposes.
(b) A district shall.. not in a calendar year exchange more' than 10 acres of
district-owned. real. property,. or an in'terest.in real property, ptrsuant to this section
for other real property,. or an interest in 'real property,, and! .the, real property, or
interest in ceaI property; acquired by the district shall be adjacent to other real
property owned by the. district.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (.b), the East- BayRegional Park District ~, the
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, .and the .Sonoma County Agricultural
Preserva'tYon and Open Space I14strict may exchange'up to, a maximum of 40 acres
of district-owned, real property or an interest ;in reap, property -in a calendar year
pursuant to thin section, for other real property or ~an interest `im real property, and
real property or an :interest. 'in real property so; acquired, by the district shall !lie
adj'acent,to other real property owned by the .district.
Added Slats 1y77 ch 448 § 1'. Amended Slats 1998 ch.8?6'$ 17 (St3 `1649); Slats 1999 ch 321: ~ 1 (AB
t~i78); Slats 2002 ch '23 ~ t (AB 953),: effective April 17, 2002;'Stats .`1007 ch 28 § 1 (SB 988), effective
.January'1, '1008. '
1998 Amendment: (.1). Added -gubdivision des-
iRnati~~ns_Ca) .and tb); (2) amended subd (a) by'(a)
sub~titutin(; Section 5540, a. district for "the..
provisions ofSecEi~n 5.540, a.i~istrict may- ;:and (13)
ndilinK "m,iy" alter "board :of directors,"; (3) de-
I~~t~^~'"tiuch";filler "10 acres of" in solid (b); and (4)
;idiled ~ubd7c).
L`999~Amendment; Added" (1).-"or greater" a_ftei•
"~>f equal" in ::ubd fit); ;roil l'l) "and the Midpenn-
~ula f(eKionnl ,Open Chace t)istricC" in subd (c).,
`1002 Amendment:'.(~1) Added ";~n,~ny interest
in real property,"'alter''anyreal prnperty"in~ubd
(a), after "district-owne_il real p;operty" i3nd="other
realgproperty"~iri subd (b), andwherever"it appease
insubd (c);,aPid (2) amend'ed,subd (a) by.~subatitut-
ing (a) "purposes, or both, for real property,.or any
interest:in~real;property -For "open-space,~or both,
purposes for reaC property"; and (b)`"purposesi or
both.."`for'", or both„,purposes" at the e,nd.;
1007: Amendment: G1) Amended subd, (a) by (a)
deleting any"`,after"inay exchange,"; Eb) substitut-
ng ''an" for "any" both times it appears, andli)
adding' _ uk ,1nd open-space :purposes;" after "oi•
both" >otl; times it.appears; (2) amended subd (b).
by i~ stibi';itutng "a"'for "any'a(ter "nuf in"; (b)
aub>itituting "
~ c).substitutin
und'f3) subst
which read: ":
h;~st,Bay Reg,
indula Regfon•
vote of the
any inters:
~~r both, pr
continue t
purposes is
witlio"tit th
ridded State
April 17, 200
2002 Ame;':
in realprope
substituted `
55.41.. 1C
control,. of
beaches, t:
drives, be
acquire l~
aiid boule~
or repave
may do al
The bof
of the mu
the. di strip
Added Stag
1963 Am.
~;~raph by a
grounds" 'i n
duct progr:
education- a
j>r'oved" in t
"cif the facet
existing" fc
Beach, ,pact!
public prof
1870 An
};raph by a
m~ ~ ..,,. r , , ,
.. ~
m L'AWOFFICES OF " ~~ ~ ,.
"' , ,
~.;~ ~ ~ ,
- INCORpORA7E0 ~ ~ ~~
' 3333~MENDOCINO.AVENUE, SUITE'200 ~/'1~~
FAX: 707 548-t 390°~ ~ ~~
r~: i1~.
7ELEPHONE:.(707) 523.5181 ,
S'1'E]aH'IiN K.'BU'!'i;PR
July 21,.2010
Bill Keene, Director
Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space' District
747 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 1.00.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401 ' '
'Re: Roblar Road Quarry / PRMD' Fi[e No. PLP93-0044 /
Request for Contract Amendment.
Dear Mr. Keene:
Sonoma Coun PRMtion proposal in conneclt onlwrth~the e proposed Roblar Road Quarry project,
There is an alternative ci project which would:avoid potential ;~
impacts,to the creek that-mayoccur from widening RoblarRoad,,,That proposal includes a`temporary haul,
route across a 3.3 acre portion ofthe adjacent properly that, is encumbered 6y a conservation easement,in
favor of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open. Space District {"District"). That
easement; a copy of w(iich is enclosed herein,. was recorded on.May 21.,.2,004, as Document
2004077489, Official Records o'f Sonoma County ("Easement of Record"}.
We, on. behalf of :our clients, John and Andrea Bare[la, are farmalIy requesting an agreement with
the District under Public Resources. Code Section 5540.5'whereby the District would release its Easement
ofRecord on, approximately 3.3 -acres paralleling Roblar Road in the southwest portion of the Easement of
Record parcel, in exchange.;for"a 200 +/- acre conservation easement over the entirety of the guarryparcel.
' Additiona[I_ we request clarification oi' amendment of the:Easement ofRecord to allow; concurrent with
' ~ grazing, l 05~acres of the ~Easerr~ent of ~Record~parcel to be ufi)~izod~ as a California Tiger Salamander
'- and California R
" p y ~f p gg g CRLF reserve.. ,Im rovements associated with the reserve
{"CTS onsist. rimaril oed L andin Fth g (« ") :p p p
• ~ would ~,ex ~ e size of an existing ~stoc. k pond and constructing- an ad'dit'ional •'
~ k„
' ,stocg pond,,,both g wpicp,could be used by cattle and as habitat for the tu±o special-status pecies. No
miti anon bankin is' , ro osed.
Our clients-propose, to enter into a road and species preserve easement with the owner of the
Easement ofRecord parcel toimprove a haul road across the approximately 3.3 acre site for purposes of
' connecting to.Roblar Road. Our clients also seek the District's consent to the placement of a more
restrictive easement over~the preserve area to prohibit,agricultural practices that would be harmful to
protecting CTS and CRLF habitat., That easement would be given to the District, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, or California Department of Fish and Game.
' The 200 +/-.acre conservation easement on the quarry site would allow, in addition to any existing
' uses, quarrying;. stockpiFing and related. activities on approximately 70 acres as'described in the project
description for the proposed.quarry but would otherwise preserve: the property for open space, endangered
~~: -, species preservation and. agricultural purposes only. Like the parcel subject to the Easei~eiit of Record, the
~~ . ~ ~.
Bill Keene;
July 21, 20`10
Page 2
developer of the quarry~site :would constructian additional. "stock' pond on the'iemaining'13U~ acres af.
the quarryparcel;to replace an existing; stockpond that will be filled during later~pliases of
construction and ..enhancing an existing stock pond outside the excavation urea to anothe"r location on
the quarry parcel to accommodate•CTS and CRLE> n'tandem with, grazing.
At the termination of the quarrying activity, .the quarry site would be reclaimed `for.. open.
space and species preservation. Although.not part of the agreement ~or conditions,, after reclamation,
our client is willing to ~olunfarily make an irrevocable offer'to dedicate the underlying fee. interest iri
the 244+/- acre quarry parcel to neither he County of Sonoma or the District without..compensation
and: will take a charitable: contribution deduction for`this gift-. At the time of'fee conveyance,. our
clients would .reserve an easement to allow ongoing monitoring and maintenance of'the 130 acre
preserve area.
As part"of the. reclamation of the quarry ite; ou"r clients would reclaim; the~haul road,across
the approxmately'3.3,acre area and restore. into itshaturaleoridition. Upon restoration of`the road,
our clients would! release~the: easement for'haul road purposes': over the approxiinately`3.3 ,acres and
_ _.. _
t e owner of th'atland would reconvey without compensation `a conservation ;easement to the District
over such 3`.3 acres. The contents of this conservation'easeinent'would be identical"to the existing:
text of the District easement on that 3.3 acres.
The ultimate°effect of the-foregoing would be to assure: thatthere is-no permanent loss of'a
conservation easeinent,over any portion of'the District's holding-, resiiat~irr the conveyance of a
200 +/-:acre conservation"easement to the ~D{istrict;and result m the ,ultimate voluntary fee
conveyance dithe;200~ +/- acre the quarry parcel to tEie County orbistrict for open .space, agricultural
and species preservation: purposes in reclaimed condition:
a 243.64tacrelaoricupltural conserv hat another component of the quarry project'is the~conveyance of
g ion easemenf .in perpetuity over a' hay ranch proximate to the
Sonoma Bay: lreservation: of this ranch is'key because of'its'proximity to the. Petaluma.R~er`
Wildlife Area; Sair Pablo Bay National Vi/ildli fe Refuge,and other publically held open space
interests. This easement ean,be offered to the District if you o wish. Our .clients would.reserve .the
right to preserve Red-Legged. Frog; species habitat ri Tandem vi±ith the agricultural use of the property,
Please,consider this as ourformal-request fo proceed and advise us of what steps we should
take next. If you have any questions regarding this letter,, please feel free to call,
Thankyou for'consideringtks matte"r.
SKBaf .
cc: Sonoma County Board of`,Supervisors'
Jennifer Bat•rett,: Assistant Director,l'RIVID
Scott,Br'iggs, Erivironmental'Review Divison'1V[anager
'Dave Hutst,,:CountyCounSel •
Sue Gallagher, County Counsel
a.' n ..
i ~ ~m, ~, ~. ~ ,
a~ '
„, j
!' 0$/21/2004 14:29 TRp ~~ PGS
Sonoma County' Agricpltural
~~~~ ,
Pieservation and Open Space District. ~ '
575 Administration Drive, :Room 102A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Free recording per Gov't Code Sec 27303
ANI3 ~~ .
~~~ ~~ John E. Barella, Taustee and Andrea M. 'Barella, Trustee. under The Barella Family - ~ ~ -
T ~ust'Agreement 'dated Decerxiber 23,189 (hcreiriail'er collectively referred tv as
' CrRA.N'T®R) and 4he Sonorms County Agricultural Preservation and -Open Space District, -
... a pwhlic agency fo~cned`pursuang to the provisions of Public Resources Code ~~ct~ona
SS00 et seq: (hereinafter DIS`TRICT); agree as follows: •
°' ~ . - ' ; u i. ~'GItANTOR. is the owner in fee simple, of certain property (hereinafter"'thee . ,., ~ ,,
.- _
' , ~ ~ ~ ?Pnoperty".) located~in Sonoma Caunty~and more particularlydescribe_d in Ei~iliil-A,
attached%hereto and made a part of this Agreement ,by'reference. '
. 'tens of Sonoma CaumY -approved the creation of DISTRICT and
osittan~a€a'~~transactions,aud-use tax by tlie: Sonoma County Open Space Authority
the nano
~~ b Aaathoa~r") ; 'fhb p~rpase for the creation of DISTRICT and the imposition of the
y the Authority--was to pzeserve agriculture and open space by acquiring interests in
. appropriate properties from willh f esl itie .. b r Governnaent~Cod datary regwrements
irnpased on the County and eac o t s y e sections 65560 et seq.
and by~tlae open:space elements of their'respective general plans. T~ order to accomplish
that ase, DIS'T'RICT entEre' ., ,ky Ope ..Space.
P~ sittons,
I. ~ Authori wbereb m consderatton of that cult ~finau~cug DISTRICT S acqur ' '
~~ t3' Y, tY
• l
Barells 2 wnservation easement 3.10:04 90
DTSTRiCT :agreed to and' did' adopt an acquisition program that was in conformance with
the Authority's Expenditure-Plan, . .
3. On February 27,.240.2, DISTRICT'S General Manager ani GRANTOR entexed
into negotiations for the purcb~ase by DISTRICT of a,conservatian easement in the
Property. Those negotiations culminated in an agreement which is' memorialized by,ths
writing.; .
4. On Apri1;29, X2003, DTSTRICT's:Board of Dixe.ctors, in its Resolutian,No: 03-
041~3, determined,. pursuant to Govermmenf~. Code section 654U2 and Sonoma County'
Ordinance No:: S 1;80,, that the acquisition of''a conservation easement ~in the Pzoperty~was
consistent with the T989 Sonoma County General Plan ,(specifically the Plan's
Agricultural Resources .and Open Space elements). beca~nse the property maintains
agricultural..productian on~farmtands. at theaedges o£liut beyond the urban service:
. .,,,• ~ .
boundaries of cities .and urban ~sezvieea areas and the contriuaton of this use,, or.
alternative open ..:space uses, minimizes the influence of speculative Iand transactions on
parcelization and "the price of farmlanii;;and~encourages long term open-space uses: ~On
Marche 4, 2U04 the Authority determined,, in its ResolutiAn No: 2004; Q07 that the
acquisition was consistent with its Expenditure -Plan.
S. DISTRICT has the: authority to acquire; conservation; easeynents by virtue of
:Public Resources Code:. section SS40 and possesses the ~ibility and intent to enforce the
terms of "this Agreement.
6. GRANTOR intends, by.seliing the conservati~en ea5ement~created in this .:
Agrecinent.to: DISTRICT at a price substantially leas than its fan ~ua~rket ~alu.e, €o~ make a
charitable contribution to DISTRICT in support of DIS7'R.ICT'S efforts to preserve open
spade;:. natural,'scenic, agricultural and historic values o'f the Property, _and' DIST12iCT
aclrnowledges GRA.NT'OR'S cb%aritatile intent,
THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual cayenants and agreements of the
parties, and other valuable consideration receipt of wlicb is aclrnowleaged; th"e parties
enter into this Agreement.
1. Patrpos~. The Property''conssts :of two separate Iega~ parcels,.. one 3 SS,,S acres
., .
and one 368:9 acres, totaling~757:'~ acres o£~open, rolliug;grassland;'patches "of oak
woodland' and shrub lapds, and!~riparian; areas associate!` with Americano .Creek.. The
pzoperly",and,surrounding leads havebeen useci.~for agriculture':foir over a eentury and the
Property possesses physical and biotic features, that make it well-suited to continued.
agricultural use: These. features, including its soils; ccansisting primarily of S'teinbeck
Barella 2 conservation easement 3,10:Q4
~ .p .'. ~r , •~ ~~. u.
' ~,
.. i, v - .
.. ~ ., .
i r~l i
. .
,, p p Sonoma.County; grassland'
laams whichare among the most roduct~ve asture soils in
species appropriate for livestoelc°forage;, and~water~sources, have allowed-the Property to:
°~ ~ remain,iai productive~.agricultural~ use. This long-term. agricultural use has kept the '
" °„ ; ' Property open and undeveloped, .p ovtding views of an important agricultural landscape
from the Valley Ford. Road Scenuc Corridor. Riparian areas include a tributary to
.,,.. ~ y: ,~,.
Americano Creek which is the~primary freshwater tributary to the' Estero Arimericano, a
downstreaun estuary that supports. a diversity of wetland habitats and associated plants ~~ ,,,
and animals. Accordin 1 , this A cement will runaril reserve the Pro a 's '
$ y $r P -~ - Y P P rtY
;`'„ productive agricuittuat''soils, agricultural. viability and productivity, and the Prapexty's
size, such that it remains large enough to sustain ~aii econonucally viable agricultural
operation. Protection of the~.Property will also maintain geographic features. integral to
preserving the rural and open space,.character of Sanorna :County. it is also the purpose of
this Agreement to protect the natural resource value's of'tne Property and prohibit any use
that would ~im air, de e, or a these°values. The'features of the Property
p ' ~ p .space{valu,es of~the Properly. It is the pc>rpose of this
described above com ,per o~
~° ~ Agreement to preserve these~open~ space values o£ the Property, and each of them, and to
. ~ im air or interfere with these
prevent any uses of the propertythat wauld siguficantly p .
.~ , "„ values, Taus purpose, as further defined by the provisions of this Agreement is generally
referred to collectively herein as "the conservation; purpose of this Agreement."
•r ~ , .
2. ~ranr'iand flccerstanee of , ,the.; rove Pursuant to the common,
acid °statutory law of the State of Califormaincl~udm ~~ p nt-'sions of Civil Code
., sections 8~5 to 83:6, inclusive, GRANTOR:herebygrarits to DISTRICT,and'DISTRICT
accepts; €or the pttirposes set'forth in;ReGital No. 2, a eon~ezvat<on eaye3nent in the
' ~~ Property~in perpetuity.
. ,, 3, ,A~r»aarave .~'a,~lais o~I3I,~Tlt£~T. Subject #o the. conditions and rights
expressly reserved in this Agreement, including,but not:limited to the provisions of
paragraph~~{B), the a~rniative rights conveyed to DIS'T'RICT are the following:
A. Ta adentify; to preserve; and top p rP ry p P .
~~.,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~'.. ' ~ ~"valuesre~~ ~resented~.b the conservation purpose of this Agreernentu the o en s ~~ace
~~, P . Y
~~ ° ~ B:: To~ enter upon°the Property and to.,iBSpect; .observe, and study the
'' Property°for the~puposes:of {i)'identifying°the current TDR~and aii~nao hereon and the
() nitoxng the uses
baseline concD~tton thereof {rn cooperation vtinth GRAN ),
and p~~etises reg~rding~the Property°to detcrmine~whether°rhey are consistent e9ri`t17: tads
Agreement. Such entry snarl be permitted at least.once a year.at reasonable times, upon
24 hours' prior notice to GRANTOR, and shall:be made in a manner that will not -
unreasonably interfere°with the proper uses and practices regarding the Property. Each
' entry shall. be ~or,;anly„ so, long, a duration as is reasonably necessary to achieve the ,,
" ' ores of this ara a h 3 'hut not necessarily linuted~to a single ;physical entry during ,; .
a'single twenty=four haul period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should DISTRICT'S
Eacella 2 conservation easement 3.10.fl4 3
,~ ~~ 92 ~ -
,~,, .
General:Manager have a reasonable belief.that GRANT±CaR is in bireach~ of `this ,
Agreement,,. DISTRICT shall have
the'~right; uponthe giving o£-24 hours'`notice;. at any,
tune, toy enter the Property for the purposes; of detexmiriing if such ,breach has, occurred.
The rights :of entry provided:by this paragraph 3:B, shall extend to the employees; agents,.
and consultants of DISTRICT,
4.. GRANTOR'S Use of th°e !"iropert~: This Agreement. shall, corifne the uses of:
the Property to the uses which are described: herein.
A: ~erm~tted`and'Prohibrted tTses. Exarinples of uses;.;practices and
improvements which are. ccrnsisterit with the canservatann purpose o£ this.Agreement, and,
which are.,hereby expressly reserved ~by GR.AN'TOR, :are set forth ~in .Exhibit "$;" attached
hereto and incorporated.hereinbytlis reference: Examples o£uses;;practices and .
improvements which, are. inconsistent with`the conservation purpose: of this Agreement,
and which are~.hereb ex ressl , forbidde ~ are setforth; u Exhibit.'-'C;" attached,hereta
Y p y
and incorporated.. ,herein by this reference. `The uses and practices set forth;in bath;
Exhibits " B" :and "C" are not necessarily exhaustive recitals o£ consistent:and iaiconssteII#
activities, irespectively,, They are' set forth'both to establish specific permitted. and'
prohibited,,actvities and. to provide :guidance indetermining the consistency of other
activities with,the conservation purpose: of this Agreement pursuan# #o the procedure set.,
forth,ia ~paragraph.S of tlus,Agreeirient. .
The' allawed:ases. practices, and' rights to improve the. Property which are ,
not retained;by GRA~TC?R. are ,hereby extinguisiie~. I:a:~ie event tliat~sucln
extinguishment is determined, to be .unlawful or'otherwise unenforceable;.: then,, those uses,
'practices and-rights to improve the Property are hereby assigned by GRANTOR td
Neiifier GRANTOR itor DISTRICT shal]!~;use yr receive the :benefit from
any increase in.allowable uses;, practices and deveiap>Yaent.righ#s associated with; the
Property resulting .from. anychange in applicable goveanmental land:use regulations.
B. Conveyance of Separate Parcels; ltilerger::GR.ANTQR aclmowledges
that the Properly .currently consists of two parcels: 1Niore than one 'parcel may exist: one the.
Propertykthrough :the recognition off' previouslyunrecognized parcels created by patent or
deed conveyances, subdivisions; lot line adjustments,, surveys, recorded:or unrecorded
maps or 'other documents and,,under existing, or°future land use regulations; these parcels
Ynay be sold or otherwise. conveyedseparately from one another as separate legai° parcels
but for. the provisions°of this Agreement.
(i} Exceptas prodded irr subpara~aph.C(ii); the sale or'conveyance
of any or all of these parcels,. asseparate and .distinct, from the: Property as a whale, :is
inconsistent with the conservatiori purpose_of'ths Agr~eerr~ertt and his. prohibited. To that
Sarelta 2 conservation`eascment 3.111.04 c
- 93
,.. ,,, , .
.,q,, ,.,~ .o , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,
'In + -
.. ,~ ..
.end, GRANTOR "shall, to the extent not already accomplished as a condition precedent ao,
`~ ~ the acceptance by DISTRICT of'the easernent:conveyedh~rein, apply for and pursue to
;~... ~,
having ~unschchon, for thetco~nsohdado of Sonogma or Y ch oth g povernme claimed.
' c P ~' PP . .~ n or mar er of:an . existin garcels ornfial agency
x i~.. ,~.
a„ parcels~of the Property info~~a single parcel, or failing such eonsolidation or merger, ,;
` ~ pursue and .secure such other applicable legal restrictions: so that no .such existing parcels
'' ox'claimed'''parcels maybe separately sold or conveyed from the others. ' '
,, ,
(ii}•, Even if the parcels cannot be merged because of their lack of
contiguity ar for arty other reason, GRANTOR will not sell; alienate or convey any such
parcels separately or apart from the-entire Property.
C. Subdivision of the Property.,.GRANTOR shall not divide,. subdivide or
de' facto subdivide the Property; provided, however, that
(')The voluntary conveyance to a ,government or non-profit entity
exclusively for conserv ~ or puhli'c access~purposes ~s permitted pursuant to the
~..~ .
,, ,procedure set forth in Paragraph 5' of this Agreement;
(ii} A lease of aporhon:of the Property solely:for an agricultural use
~, ~ ,
that xs consistent with the~conservation pur,~ose of this Agreement.may be permitted
following the. approval of °GRANTOR'S ,applicafzon pursuant ~to paragraph 5 .of this
Agreement; and
OR, following the executicin of
gr (iii) In the pv~t,that the GRANT gr emend. CrRANTOR,shall
this A Bement,, divides the Fro a ut violation of flue A e,,
not sell, Iease ox fistance the resulting~:paroels and :.shall immediately merge. all :resulting
parcels in the manner set forth in 'Paragraph 4.B ofthis:A:greentent.
S:.~,pnroval Proceatur~~-arni~~~r~er°aa. GRANTOR agrees to notify DISTRICT in
~~ vrxrting,before. exercising any right,not expressly described in~Exhibit "B" as,,a permitted ,,
. , „ .~ „
t use, the exerease o ~ P ch~ a constitute a breach of this Y Berne ,
ante nee ox . ' ~ TOR which, quire
' ~ actrv[ ro sad t® be done or undertaken b CvR.AN s
_ the prior approval, of T3IS'TRfCT gursi~t to the express provls~ons of Eiclubits . B or C
hereof shall be commenced only afler satisfactipn of°lhe notice and approval conditions
of this: Paragraph, 5. .
A. GRANTOR'S Written Notice. Prior to the cammencernent of any.,.
"" activi ~ use r or ~ente rise:re uirin DISTiiICT'5 a royal, GRANTOR shall send .
ty, ~ ~ g Pp
DISTRICT vvritton riotice' of CrRANTOR'S intention fo commence or undertake such
activity, use or enterprise.. Said notice shall inform D1ST'RICT of all relevant aspects of
such proposed activity;. use, or enterprise including, but not limited to, the nature, siting,
" ~ size, capacity, and number of similar and' dissimilar structures, improvements, facilities,
•, Barella 2 conservation easement 3,10.04 ~
u 94 •
• ,
uses or .enterprises.
B. DISTRICT `S Response. DISTRICT shall have. forty.,-five (45,) days from,
.. ~ Y
the mailing. of such notice, as indicated b -the re 'stereo' .or certified„ret-urn~ receipt; to
review the:°proposed activity, use, or. enterprise, and to-notify GRANTOR ofany
objection thereto; Such objection,, if any, shall be based upon DISTRICT'S opinion that
the proposed :activity is inconsistent. with= the conservation purpose of :this Agreement or
that:the,,notice is incomplete or'inaccurate, If, in`DIS~`RIC'I''S judgment, the proposed.
activity; useor~enterprise;would notice, consistent withahe conservation purpose ;of this
Agreement,said notice shall inform GRANTER of the reasons far the DISTRICT'S
objection: Except as provided in subparagraph C.. of ths.Paragraph.5,. only upon.
DISTRICT'S" prier written approval, given by DISTRICT'S General Manager; may the
proposed activity, use, or enterprise be commenced and;/,or conducted; and only in the
manner explicitly°represented by GRANTOR and approved ar coridifiorially appzoVed by
C. "DISTRi`C'T'S Failure to Respotu~ Should?DISTRICT fait to postits
response to GRAN'TQIt'S .notice within forty-five ,(45)'days- of the mailing of said notice;
CrRANTOR "shall :send a second notice by registeired or certified mail. Should DISTRICT
fail to respond to' said;second nonce wtthui: en (1(l} days of the matting thereof;: .
.GRANTOR-may either appeal toDi'strict's Board of Directors, bx commence. an action in a,
court. of competent jurisdction;~to compel DISTRICT tc- respond to GRANTER'S ngrice.
Regardless: of the .outcome of :the court. action; GRANT'OR'S, costs; of suit, ncluiiing,
attorneys' fees, shall' be borne by DISTRICT, provided tYiat the court finds; that'
IISTRICT'S Creneral IVlanager actually received boot the first and second notices and`xhat
the;notces'were tinel~r.
6, Costs~and Diailrti~s: Related to ire ~o~e~~-.
A. GRANTOR,agrees to bear all costs: axtd.liabilities~af any. lcindrelated €o
the operation; upkeep, and maintenance ofthe 1roperty'and~does:herebyindemnify and
bald DISTRICT harmless therefrom: Without limiting-:the fozegoing;.GRANTC?R agrees
to pay any and „all reap property taxes and assessitnents ~levieci by competent authority on
the Prolxtty:. GRAN'Tt)R. shall be sotely:responsilile°for any casts related to the
maintenance of general liability insurance covering.acts.'ontbe Property. `DIS'TRICT
snail have: no responsibility whatever;for the operation of the Property,, ;the,monitorug of
hazardous conditions thereon, .or.the protection o€ GRAI~ITGR, the public,. or any thirtil
parties from risks relating: to conditions on the. Property!:.. GRANTOR.hereby agrees to
indemnify .and hold. DISTRICT' harmless ,from and against any damage, liability, claim, or
p (~ g y ~ } g ~, linitiilg,the
cx ense tncludin ~attorne s fees `xelatin ;to such,matters. Without
foregoing,. other tb'an is provided in paragraph S.C.,,D1~S'TRIC3' shall.not'be.liable to;
GRANTOR or any".other person or°entity in cot%nection-vvith consents given or. withheld
hereunder, or in connection writh any entry=upon the.Pxoperty occ2uring. pursuant to: ibis
$arelle 2 conservation easement 3,.10.44 &
_ 95
,~ v ~~~, ~.. ~ ~, ~ - _, ., ,.. yii~
~,: ... ..
gr m -rent, or on ' , aunt of `any clean, lie 'li ` , Ndama a ar'ex ense suffered or incurred .
eem ace '.
,. ~ S
- g y p tity, except as such .clean,
by or threatened a ainst GRANTOR or an other erson or en p
liability,: damage, or exper;se is the result of'DISTRICT'S negligence,. gross;negligence, or
~~~ ~~ intenti~onal'misconduct. ~ ~ ~ ~ '
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to:tie .contrary;
' the parties do not intend and this Agreement shall net be construed•~such that (1) it creates.
,,, ', '~ in DISTRCT the obligations of liabilities of an "owner" or "operator" as ;those words are
defined and used in environmental `laws, as defined below, .including,. without limitation,
"' the Comprehensive Environmental'. Response; Compensation° and Liability Act. of 1980, as
amended {42 United States Cade, sections 9601 et seq.: and hereinafter "'CERCLA") or
{2) it creates in DISTRICT the obligations, or liabilities of a=person described in 42 United
States Code section 9607{a)(3) or (3) DISTRICT has the~rightto.investigate and
remediate any hazardous rnaterials,:as.defined-below, associated with the Property ax {4)
DISTIi;ICT has any control over GR:A:NTOR'S ability to investigate and remediate any
,: .
hazardous materials associated with the 1Froperty. GRANTOR repzesents, wa-nrants and
cQVenants to DISTRICT that GItANT4R'S use of the. Property shall comply with all
environmental `laws: as that phrase is defined below. -
Far°the purposes. of this Agreement:
i, T'he term "hazardous materials" includes, without limitation, any
ftamariable explasives, radioactive materials'hazardaus materials, hazardous wastes,
~° hazardous or toxic substances: or related materials defined' in CERCLA, the Hazardous
. ; Materials Transportation Act, as amended (49 United States Cgde sections 1501 et seq:),
the Resource Conservation arid,Recovery Act of .1976, "as amended {42. iJnted States
Cone secti'ona G9Q1 et seq:); "sections 2511:7 and' 253''lb of'th'e California Health &: Safety
-Code, and yin the regulations adopted and;publicauons promulgated pursuant to f'rtern,, ar
any;other'federal, state, dr local environmental laws, ordinances; ,xz-les, or reg~xlatidns
,, ;concernutg the environment,. ndustriiil hygiene or, public health or safety now in effector
,. ~ . ' ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ .enacted after°th's~~ date. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
. ~ '" ` ~ ii. `The, term: "enviz~onmental laws"..:.includes, without limitation, any
' fG Lrai auto la~a'a~ ~d~.nn7istrati~~e :agency statute,: regulation, *_ule, ordinance, order or
~requiroment relatxng~ta envuom~~tal co;~tlitGtis or hazardous aaate~ials.
A. G.RAIV1'Q:R'S Ir-~eninity, GRANTOR shall hold harniless, indemnify,
and def'en'd DISTRICTF from'-and against damages, liabilities;,claims and expenses,
including reasonable attorneys' fees,- arising from or in any way connected with (i) injury
to or°the death of any .person, or physical damage- to property resulting from any act,
'„ ,,,., , omission, condition or other matter related to or occurring on ar about tl-e Property,
"' '°'`° $arella 2 conservation easement 3.IO.Q4 7
. ~, . ,
except; as such damage,~~liability claim or expense is ;the°.result of the negligence, gross
negligence; or intentional misconduct o#'DISTRxCT_(itbcing the intent of'tliis provision
to lintit~GRA]VTOR'S indemnity to the proportionate paxt of DISTRICT'S damage,.
liability; claim;or expense for v~rhich'GRANTOR is:respdnsible); and: (iii the obligations
specified in Paragraph. 6, Xn tbie event of any claim,. demand, or legal' complaint against
DISTRICT, the right to'!the indemnification provided by ..this subparagraph 7.A: shall, not.
apply;to any cost; expense, penalty, settiem_ ent paymen~ or judgment~a lording alttoineys'
fees, ~ncurred.pnor to DISTRICTS ,written notice of su h clean, a .. , ... g_
complaint to GRANTOR,, unless GRANTOR has acquil•ed knowledge of :the matter by
other means; nor-to any egsts; expenses, or settlement payment, including attorneys' ,fees,,
.incurred subsequent to that;;notice:unless such cast; expense; ar settlement'payment sba}}
be: approved in writisig by `GRANTOR; which. approval shall -riot be unreasonably
B. DIST.RICT'Slrtdemnity: DISTRICT:shall hold harmless;indemnify; and.
defend GRANTQR.from~andagaiiist all damages; liabilities; claims,'and expenses,-
including reasonable,attorneys` fees,, arising,from or~in any way connected''with injury to.
ar the:. death, of any person; or-:physical damage to any ~p`rciperty,, resulting from;any act; -
omission, condition, or .other matter related to or.occurring.on :or aboutthe Property and
attributable to DISTRICT, except toy the cxterit that such ,damage, liability, :chum or
expense is :the result of `the negligence; grass negligence; or intentional -misconduct of
GR.ANT,OR .(it being the.intent of "tliis.prov;sion to linut DIST,RICT'S indemnity tci the
proportionate~part of GRANTOR=S damage, flalility;,.cRaim or expense `for whi`ch.,
DISTRICT is responsible). ~~ the. event of;any claim, demand; ar Iegal.c'omplaint against
GRANTOR; the rigkzt to the indemnification provided by this .subparagraph l3. shall. nat
apply to any cost, expense;. penalty, settlement payment, or judgment, including attorneys'
..fees, incurred prior'ta GRA:iV'TOR'S written,~otce o£sach clean, demand, or,~Iegal
complaint.. to I~IST'RICT, riot to any, costs, expenses, or settlement .payment, including
attorneys' fees, incurred subsequent'to thatanotice.unieWssurh cost,, expense; or~ settlement
payment; shall be approved in writing~.by DISTRICT, Which approval shall `he in
DISTRICT'S, sole discretion: DISTRICT hereby also. agrees to hold harmless, iridemniiyy
and defend GRANTOR fxom.and agauast`alI damages, liabilities, claims' and expenses,..
including attorneys' fees asserted' against: GRANTOR 'by any officer-, agent, employyee; or
~~clir~leer of DIST~~rT, for pea•sanai ~Ln}iuy and/or rroperty aiamagc: arisuag out of any
inspection or visit to the k?roperiy 3y any. such officer, agent,, employee nor volunteer of.
DISTRICT, except to the extent that:;such injury is attributable to the negligence,
intentional act :or v~illfiil misconduct of GRAI`dT012.
8.:~'aabl~~~4cc~ss:to tke~.~ir~nerty. Nothing coat~ined in tkis,Agreennient sfiall be
. ._.
construed-as; granting, perinittutg, or affording the public access to- any portion,af the
Property.. Nothing in this Agreement shall' be~ con'strued to preclude ~CrR.ANTOR'S right to
grant`access to Hurd parties across.the.Praperty; provided tlia# suchaccess is allowed in a
reasonable'manner and:is consistent'with the conservation purpose of this: Agreement-.
Bareite 2 conser"vatian easement 3'.10:04 r
: ~ ~ ~ °..~ ~- ~ ~r, r
~: ' i ':. ~i: .° ~ i~; is ,^ ~.,, ~.. e ~ ~ ,.
.: 'G'~ :~ - ,' u :
' ,~. i
i .
' :I
~.. i..
. , ,:
~,~ ., ~ , :: 9;~ ;infer
that thus Agreement maybe
retarcorauud.Co~rstructtote To the~,extent _
. ~,
,. f re urges cite
' gu q rpretatioz or construction, _ then it shall be
° ~ uncertain or~amb ous such that it
interpreted and construed in such a way that meets the conservation purpose of'ths ' , ~ ° ~ `°~
w ~ ~ Agreement slid the public; policy goals: referenced;in recital no. 2. It is the=intention o~~ . ~ .
shall promote e, co
the attics that an rote retaha n ee pp
. ~ ~ vino ~ o£this A on~ment or~the a licatt servation purpose
of this A cement If an ro. $• or con_ stru ' _ .
~' y P ~' on thereof to any
d to be :invalid; the remainder of the provi ions of this
person.or c>rcumstance is'foun
„ ,, ,, Agreement and the .:application of such provisions to persons or: circumstances, other than
those as to which it is found Ito be invalid; shall not be affected'thereby.
h irtaon for ~}~ r b. this A ee T acknowledges by
. ,14..~casettne document other nghts giant d y D, gi' ment that the present
,,, acgwsition ol'the easement and.
;agricultural uses of the Property- are consistent with the conservation purpose of this
' ° ~ Agreement. In order to estaliiish: the..present. condition of :the Property's protected values,
P P ; umentation prior tQ thearecording of this
1~ISTRICT will re are Baseline Doc
Agreement, which i~ili be maurtatned'on file wi#h:DISTRICT and which is intended to
serve as an olijectgve~informati'on baselinefor-montoring;compliance with the terms of
this Agreement. 'The parties agree that the Baseline Documentation provides collectively
an accurate rep 1 sertado GRANT4 P fr aof char a one,comelete roof o ~1 greement.
' P. ~, ~ ~ P„ PY of the
", ~ DISTRICT shat royY e .
Baseline Documentation promptly after itis~ prepared. GRANTER ani1~DISTRICT -
' ` recognize that changes in, econonuc conditions, in' agricultural technologies, in locally
' ~ accepted agricultural ~management'~practices,. in natural resource management practices,
aril in the situation of GRANTOR may dictate an evolution,ofyagrieuliural and natural
resourcesAmanagernent of the~Properfy consistent withthe conservation purpose of this
,, Agreement.
1I. Remedt~sfor breach. -
A. D.ISTRIC~''S Remedies. In the,:event of a violation or threatened
~~ ~ ~ ~ violation: of any term, condition, covenant!; ox. restriction contained in thin Agreement,
_y wing nottce~ to. GRA.~iTOR, which notice .shall :contain '
` DISTRICT ma , folio ~ a .
reasonable~and~specific~:cure period, institute a suit~to enjoin and/or recover: damages for.
such violation ~andlpr `to require the restoration of the Property to ~lte condition that
existed prior~to, such violation.: Iii the alternative, DISTRICT may; with they consent of
GRANTOR, co"mmcnce a' proceed.u3g in arbtrarion under paragraph I3 of this
Agreement., The notice shall be a general. written notification of the condition claimed by
the DISTRICT to•~$e a violation that is either-mailed or delivered by DISTRICT to
(sRANTOR."'Tf DISTRICT reasonably determines that circumstances. require immediate
achan`to revert or-rtuti' ate significant damage fo any natural conditions o£ the Property
protected by'this~~greement, DISTRICT may pursue its~remedies.:under this paragraph,
- without. watiiiig for the period provided for cure to expire. I?I$TR:ICT'S rights under this
paragraph~~apply equally in the event of either actual.or~threatened violations of the terms
Bareila 2 conservation ea~ment 3.10.04 g
~.: ,,~ ,„ ~ 98~
~, ,
of this. Agreement,., and GRANTOR agrees that DISTRICT'S remedies at law or any
violation of the;terins of`this Agreement.are inadequate: and that:DISTRI~T shall:be
to the in unchve relief -described in;tbis ar
entitled J eh ~ inolud~ agh; both prohibitive: and
mandatory,; in addition to such other r e_ , .. .. g,,damages,,. to which DISTRICT may
be entitled, including specific performance of'the terms; of this. Agreement; without the
necessity of proving either actual damages or "the; inadequacy of otherwise available legal'
.remedies. ~ ~ ~ ~ .
B. DISTRICT"S~17rscretori..Enforceirnent of the'terms~, of ~tlis Agreemen#
shall'.be at the discr_,etioin :ofDISTRICT, and any forbearance by DISTRACT to exercise its.
rights under~this Agieement'in~ the event of any breach "c~f:any term .of'thi"s Agreement. by
GRANTOR shall not be deemed.oir.construed to be a~waver by DISTRICT ~o£such term,
. y q the~same or,any"other tens "of t4us Agreement. Any "failuxe
or of an subse cent breach of
by DISTRICT to nct sliall, not be,:deemed ~a waiver or forfeiture. of pISTRICT'Sright'to
enforce any term;, condition; ~covenarit, .or,purpose:of this Agreementin,tlie future.
- C: Liquidated Damages..Inasmucl as the actual damages.. which would:
result'fzom'the doss of the values associated with the conservation purpose of~th's `~
gr ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ its breach by GRANTOR are:uncei;tain,~and would be=
A eemezit and caused b
impractical, or extreitiety difficult to°measure, the. parties. agree that:°the damages allowed'
by Civil. Code, section 815.7(c}~shall'be~measwed. asfo'.ilows
{i} for;~an improvement prolubited`by this:" Agreement, anamaunt
aqua! to the product o~'(A) :the market value of"~the improvement, (B) the length of. time
that tine improvement exists an, the Property,; and (.C)~tlue then. current nterest.rate for°gost
judgment~irtterest; and. ,
tli} £at
it involves>an ~irtiprovement,
GRANTOR'because of the
a change in use prohibited by this Agreement, ~vliether or°not
an'amount 'equal to any economic gain realized by
change in use;` and
- viii) ~£or a change.iin use prohibited by this Agreement, whether or
riot it involves an improdeznent and where~there~zs~na measurable"economzc gain realized
by GRANTOR, the. product~of (A}~the~ cost of xesforation,, as set forth in a written
estimaife by a qualif ed person:selected by°,DISTRICT, {B} the Iength of time that~the
prohibited use cantiziues.and'(C} the then eurrentinterest;rate for past judgment interest.:
i3. GR~4NT'OR',5`Corriptr'arce. If DTSTI~.ICT,; ut the nat'ce ~a GRANTOR,
demands that`GR;ANTOR. remove an improvement, discontinue a use or~`t?oth and claims
the a~eab. sfiill Iamb l CnNwith DIST `on 815.7(c}, then GRA.NT'OR may mitigates
edam s y p yi 8 ~_, RICT'S.notice-withui'the cure,period provided
g y
therein. In,the event of'such.full ~2tnd timely. compliance, DISTRICT shall not be entitled
to damages far the breach specified. in the nati~ce: "In the event of litigation arising "out of
Baseila.2 Conseirvation easement 3.1 D,09. 10
iu, :z
the notice; brought either by GRANTOR Qr by DISTRICT, .in which GRANTC}R
prevails, then GR.AIVTaR, shall.. be entitled to economic damages; provided that'neither
DISTRICT nor GRANTOR -shall be entitled to damages where DISTRICT has not
~~~ ~ claimed damages in its ,ziotice.
:; .,~ ,.
E. Remedies Nonexclusive,. The~remedies set forth in this paragraph I l are
- . ~ not nteiaded to displace 'any,,other, remedy mailable to either, party as provided by this
Agreement, Civil Code sections 815 et seq: ar any other ,applicable law.
i l2. ,~cts,~ekond GI~AN~'.'~R'~ Conlpo~ 'Nothing contained:in-this Agreement
trued to enti'tie DISTRICT fo bring any action against. GRANTOR for any
shall be cons
injury to or change in the~Property resorting from.causesbeyond GRANTOR'S control,
including, without limitation, fire; flood, ;storm,. and earth movement,,, or from. any prudent=
action #aken by ClZANTOR under .emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate
significant injury to;the Property resulting from such causes so long,as sucks :action, to the
-' ~ , trol; is .designed and carried out in such a way as to further
extent that GRANTOR`has con
the conservation purpose-of this Agreement. '
~, ,.. ~ 13. Arbiirrriiots:. If a dispute arises .between the parties concerning the consistency
- ~ ~ of any proposed user oi~ actzvity with .the conservation purpose of this Agreement, or any
' ~ other dispute ansing under this Agreement; eitherparty,, with the prior written consent of
~ y the dispute to arbitration by a equcst madT" inh ting IIp~onn the .other.
Pee other ma refer .
~~~i 4
iovided that GRANTOR agrees not.to proceed! w-th the use a a _ty p g
p p ' agr nc't u sth ~parhes' to proceed to arbitration,
resolution of the dis ute, and u on the eeme .
within thirty (30} days o~ the'receapt of such a,r q #, a parties °shall select a single
' arbitrator to hear the. matter. i£ the parties: are unable to agree on the selectiozr of a single
arbitrator, they. each party skiall'riame one arbitrator and the two arbitrators thus selected
shall. select a third arbitrator who siall be a retired Federal District Court or California
Silpexior Court' judge, provided,, however, if either,'partiy`fails to .select an .arbitrator, or if
~,, ' ,:~ the two arbitrators £ail to select;a third.arbitgator withal' ~purteen X14) -:days after-the
a LL nd arbitrator, then in each suchinstance; a proper court, on ,
PP ~ ' tPe'seco
' ` '~ ~ ° a Quit: the. second ar'tliird arbitrator or both, as'.the case: xnay lie;'
.~ ` ~; p shall , Pp
enacordance with.,~sectibns I28'0, yet seg. of-the Cahfortua Code of Civil Procedure,ar ar-y
in ac
succe"ssor.. statute~then in ;effeet: The: arbitration sha11 be determined` in accordance with
' aidstatute, with;the-coz~servation~purpose of this Agreement, and ail relevantproyisions
of~this Agreement;~~and'`-the applicable'.Iaws of`the State of California, as the bases for
determination and`resolurion and a judgment of :the arbitration award maybe entered in
any court havuzg jurisdiction (hereof. The prea+ailing party shall be entitled, in addition to
,;, . ,, .,
e c ens~es related to~ suchbarbi~txatio~ ~c reasonable sum as and for all rts costs and
Xp n, lulling, without`limitaton, the fees and expenses
of the arbitrators but excluding attorneys' fees; which shall be ,cleternuned 1?Y the
arbitrators and any court of competent jurisdiction that maybe cai:led upon to enforce ox
. review the>award..
,~, .
~.~~., ,
Barella2 conservation easement 3.10.04 Z ~
~ ,.
14, _F.xtinguishment;_D,IS7'R~C7"S Entltleme~rt Ito Proceeds,
A. Eztingtishment Subject to the requirements and limitations of
Cali#'oraia Public Resources Dade section 55'40; if'circumstances arise in the future which
render the conservation.purpose of~this Agreement impossible to accomplish, this
Agreement'. can only be' terminated or extinguished,; whether,in whole or in part, .by
judicial proceedings in a. court of competent jurisdictions and the amount of the
coin ensation to which I]ISTRICT,shatl be entttled front; any sale, ~exc~$nge, or
:involuntary conversion .of `all or any portion of the Prroperty, subsequent to; such
temvnation or extinguishment, shall bey determned,unless ot~:erwise,proarided by
California law at".the tiz~e, .in accordance with subparagraph B. ~of this ~Pai~agraph" 1~.4.
DISTRICT shad use. any such` proceeds in a manner-consistent with the purposes for
which DISTRICT was, created. , , ~ ,
B, Compensation. This Agreement constitutes a real :pro~eirty interest
immediately vested in DISTRICT: For'the purpose o£ this sub . ara a h,B, the parties
P ,~ P _
stipulate that this Agreement shall.have a £air rnarkervatue determined by mtiltiplying ~(i}
the fair market value of the Property unencumbered by the Agreement (minus any
increase in value attributable to xnprovearierits made after, the date of this .Agreement} by
(ii)"the ratio of.the value: of the Agreement at the time of thisgrant'to the. value of the
Fro a unencumbered; by~tnc Agreement, at the time o£ the grant: The_;val::es~ at the -
P ~Y~.
time~of this, grant shalt be .lliose values estat'lished by"GKANTOR'S qualified aspprasal
(pursuantil to Treasury regulations § 1. I70:A.-.;k3} for fed'exal ;income tax puxpases.. The-ratio
established by thissubparagraph B.; shall-remain :cgnstant, and ~ on a,subsequent sale,,
exchange, pr-involuntary conversion of all ox any portiUn 4f the Property,,,pursuant,to the
provision§`mf'subparap~'aph A., of,ths Paragraph 14, 'DIaT~CT shall be erititlecl:to, a
onion of the rocecds a ual to~such~. rbceeds minus:>an arkion.at~bwtabie~ta
P P ~ 9 B (. - ~ Y.p
improvements ~rriade after; the-date of ttus.,grant) mealtiplaed by, the ratio established t5y~ths
subliaxagraph B; In the event, of extinguishment; a£_the Agreemerit~by saTe~~to CrRANTOR
~ xtn-guislunent:provisions o£subparagraph A. o£ this. Paragrap__: w ,
sub ectta the e " ` " ~ h 14
DISTRICT shall be, entitled to receive an amount equal ~to .the .fair'iriarket value of ,the
Property at the. time of'such sale (imnus~such amount as~ 4s~ attributable- to :improvements
made after- they date of ths~grant), as established liy independent appraisal, multiplied"by
the ratio established by this subparagraph B. The;phrase "minus -such amount' as is
attributable~to improvements;made after the date of .th~s,grant" shall mean that in me „
apportzanment of the proceeds of either a condemnatian award or other,:txansfer,resulfing.
- - :.
from an.egwsl2ment-, ari~adjusiraent,shail bemade in ~rRANTOR'S favor for`any
increase in value after the date of th's~Agreenient that is+attributable°to improvements;:
provided such increase in~value is eaxned ttirougli GR;~NTQR'S efforts :and is not the
result of value. added bq this 'easement, the; passage4of:time or other~passive means and
provided, further, that such increase in value is not~the~result of actiiities constituting a
Barella 2 conservation easement 3:,10:04 l2
_ 101
~~ ~ ~,
' ~~
.'° ~~ ' lireach of this .Agreement. .
' G. Eminent.domaatz Whenever all. or part of the Property is ;taken in
. ,,
.. exercise of e_riunentdomain by public; co orate„ or other authority so as: to abrogate the..
~~, ~ restrictions imposed by this Agreement, either GRANTOR ar~ DiSTRiCT {or both, on
,, c nditions as they shall then ages upon) may.commence appropriate'actians to
su h co
' recover the full value of'the Property'(or~portion~tliereof) taken~and~all.incidental or direct
damages resultingfrarn such talang.An}r expense-incurred by GRANTOR~or DISTRICT
~~ ~` ' is any such action shall~be~ 4u~st reimbursed out of`the recaveredproceeds; the remainder
~„ of such proceeds shall tie divided between GRANTOR and DISTRICT iaz proportion to
their interests in the Property; as established by subparagraph:B. of this Paragraph 14.
i5..APre~t~ro brad Succes~vrs; The conservation easement herein granted
` pon and shall continue as a restrictive, covenant: and equitable servitude
shall be a burden u
Winning ~.n perpetuity with the Property "and shall bind GRANTTOR,. GRANTOR'S hens,.
ersonal re re ssees, executors, successors, including but not limited to
p ; p sentatcves, le
p `~ .tax sales; "and'a5sgns° forever: 'The parties; intend that.this Agreement shall
benefit5and burden, as-the case may tie, their respective successors, assigns,, heirs,
executors, admiaustrators, agents, employees, and _all ather~ persons claiznngby~ or
through them pursuant to the common. and statutory law of the State of California,
including, interalia, Civil Code sections X15-816.
16: Satbse~a~etxt .13eeds and'Ieases: GRANTQR agrees that a clear reference to
;~ ~~~~ ~ ~ y ubsequent deed, or other legal ~instcument, by means
' this "A ode ui
eennynt will be rn ,
o£ which. an interest ~n the Property {including,: but'not iiznited toj :a leasehold_interest) is
` "' et~nveyed, that GRANT(~R.will' attach a copy ofths,Agreement to any such instrument;
and that GRANTt)A will r-otify DIS'rI~ICT in.writing.ten {I0) days prior to any such
.conveyance. These obligations of GRANTOR shall.not be construed as a waiver or
relinquishnnent by DISTRICT of rights created in favor of `DISTRICT ~by Paragraph 15 of
this Agreement.
~1i 17. 1Votace~. Any notice,, dem$.ind; ~reguest, consent,, approval, or communication.
that. either . desires or is required to give to the other shall be in writing. and either
served personally or se°nt by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed as Follows:
To ~;1~~'~R: John B'arella
P.G. Box 6004
Petaluma, CA 94955
. To DI~T`l~C'~': General Manager
Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation
anal Gpen Space I?istiiet
,,,,, u
Bxrelln 2<conservation easetuent 3,]0,04 l~. ,.
~,~, ~ 102
747 Mendocino tlvenue
Santa. Ros"a, CA 95401
or to .such other adiiress as either~.party from time :to time shall, designate; by written notice
to the other.. Notice; if mailed; ,shall be deemed to have.b~een,given=upon the day
fo2lowing;the day shown on the postmark~of the.envelope in w Bch ~~ of llown the
or, ~n the; event there is no such date~sbown on the postmark, th n th ay, _ - g
date o~mailing- sliown on DISTRICT'S: written declaration.of mailing; which writing,shall
have-been executed by a 1JI~TRICT offzcer or ezriployee:,
18. Sr~ccessors and"Assigns. 'Phe, terms CRANTQR and I?ISTRIC`T
wherever used herein, and any pronouns, used in place thereof, shall::nieari and include the
above-named GRANTQR~and his heirs, personal representatives,. -lessees;. executors,: '
successors; ar-d assigns, including any person clainung under them, and the above-named.
DjSTRiCT-..and its' successors and assigns, :respectively,
19,. In#e~atio~t-. This,Agreement is tbe..i6naland complete; expression gf~tfiie
Agreement between .the: parties: and any and atl prior. or contemporaneous:. agteements
written or oral are nnerged in#o this v+rritten instrument.
20. E'sro~,pel Cerlafic~tes: ]7IST1tTCT shall, at any time during the existence:
of the Agreement; upon not less than thirty :(30) days' prior written,notice from
GRANTOit, execute ,ai'd deliver to GRt~NTQR;a statemen#,in writing" certifying that tile:
~Agrecyrient is-uiunodif ed;and:in full force.and e_"ffect (or, if modified, stating .the nature of
such modification): and ~aclcnowledging that there is not, to DISTRICT'S"knowledge, any
default~liy GRANTOR,hereunder,~or, l£I~iSTRICT`alloges a d:efault`by GRANTOR,
specifying, uch default. .. - -
TNESS WHEREOF,. GRANTUR,and I?ISTRiCT' have executed this" Agreement
~this~~ day of ` ~ i ~_ , 201:
B ~ ~•
olin E. Barella
(By executing this document, the` sgna#ozy
personally warrants to the bstrict that the
has been duly authorized to da- so by'the
Barella'2 conservation easemept 314.09 14
' Andrea M. Baretfla
~. ,{By executing tflus document, the signatory
' a '~ personally wazx'ants to. the District that she
' ~ has been duly authorized to do so by the
ATTEST: Mike Reilly
President of the Board of Directors
EE~TE T LEA, Co:~nt 1~rk and
ex-offci9 Cflerk of the Board of
. ~,, .. ,,
Harella ~ conservation easement 3.10.04 ~ S
On Apri16, 2004 ~ - , before'me, the undersigned, Notary-Public
personally appeared John"B. Sarella
( )personally known tome - Olf-{X )proved to me on the basis of;satisfactotyev~detice to~be the person(s) whose name(s)
'islare"subscribed to"the within instrument andyacknavrledged to
me that he/shelthey cxecutal the same in:hisltier!#heir agtliotized.
capacity(ies),~and that byhis/her/their signature(s) on;rlie.
instrument he pcrsoii(s), or"the en4ity"upori`behalf of which the
L.Q HUDSON person(s) acted, ex~i:uti:d the instrument,
- .: ,,
~: COEVIM 1304681 ~ WITNESS my hand and ofticial;seal
g +94ttOMA COUNTY -+ .
hfya2ammsExptnaJurb"18,2048 - -
(This area for otTiciat,notarial seal)
On April: Z3- 2004 , before me, the undi;tsiQned. Notary Public
personally appeared Abtdrea M Barella
( )personally;known to me - bR - ( )provedto;me on he basis of satisfactory evidence to:bc the:person(s)'.whose name{s)'
islare sizbscribed:to tha within instrpinent and;aclmnwledgedto
me that he/sfie/theyexecuted''"the same in.his/herltheir• authorized
~ _~ ~A ~ _~ capacity(ies), and Ghat by his/her/their'signature(s) on.the
t..QM}~~®SQ,~ instrumenktheperson(s),ortheentityupon:behalFofwhichthe
~,; ' person(s) acted, executed the instryment.
M. 13tY~81
~' ~= r'!o?~Yf'tJBt.tCCAtIPOANIA: ~. WITNESS my hand and ofCcial seai~
~' t3t3fJOldkCQUh1M _,
'My Co+nm: Eriptreo Jur~s 1®, 20Q$
(This area for official,notarialrseal) ,
ESCROWNO. ,56201=62217539=
'I`ITJ:E`ORI7EIi'NO, 62217539
!~A A8,i4,•~Q$RP®5~ ,~CK~~V4~6.E®GiI~l~1P~T
State'of Califomia~ i. ,
~ ~
County of -
., ~ •~ ~„ ,
- ,,' ~"~
.. _ DaGO Name end TMledOfFker(e.g.:'Jane ~NOtary Pubweq
personally appeared
~ersonaliy known to me ~
~ Q proved to ma on the basis of satisfactory
to' be the persor-(e~j'whose name(ej- islare '
j sutiscrlbed to the, wihin instrument. and
i acknowledged. to me thaf helsi3eftt~ey executed.
the same in hisAasrir authorized
i capacitytt~j-,,, and ~ that • by hi~~- t
,, ~~~ signature ~on the~instrumentihe~persont~y, or ~
the. entit~upan behalf of which the person(
acted, executed the instrument.
l 1NITN SS my and and'official seal.
~• ~ ti
i ~
I ry Putuc
- - Signature-
i •1
` ( Though tha'lnlorma;ion below ts:not requiredby;law, it may prove varuable to persons retying on he;dacumentartd could prevent
4 . fraudulent remava7 and `reattachment of this loan to,aiiolhendocument. ;
. , ... ~
~Qe lption of Attached Qocuonent 1
l Tithe or Type ocument:
~ Document Date:.
~~~ Number of Pages: ')
Signer(s) 'Other Than Named Ab
~, i
.y ~ Capacfty(ies) Claimed i,y Signer
r . ,.. ... . , Signer's iNarnes -
~~ Individual " Tapol thumb Here
t7 Gorporate:Officer.-Ttle(s):
Partner-=ttimited [`:,General
CI TnusteP
=Guardian or Conservator
,,, ~
~~ Signer fs;Representing: - ' ~:
' " " ~ ~~ O59g9llerbnal.NOtW ils9ocratton• 93'''i0 De Salo Ave. P D. Bui 2462 • Char-sworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.nationahplary.urg Picd. No. 5907 Reerte~ Ca11 ToP•Fre¢ t-e0o-8769827
E7~ffiBIT '!A",
PARCEL "B"-'t'.Vest Parcel
Being: a portion of the lands of ..John E, Baretla and Andrea .M., Barella, Trustees under the
Barella Family'Tnzst Agreement Dated;l7ecen~ber 23,1991..t~s described in°that:lDecd recorded<a~
I)ucument°No,200:1-151873: of'Oflicial;Records, Sonoma Gflunty, Records, saadlands also being,
further described. in those~Administrative Certificates of Compliance iota. PLPQZ-003b, A0002-
0087 through 02-0092 :recorded as Dacume-t No's: 2003~03fi5:$ through 20.03-03663
respeetifuliy of°Offical Records, Sonoma County Records, said portion bein~'mpre'particularly
described as follows;
BEG~tIN~ at the northwest, corner. of Parcel `3 as described. by said. Deed; from which =s' set.
No. 4 zebar at~d alloy cap marked ''$IZLTNI~tEI~ PLS 4206" bears S88°48`4'7"~41; ;22.29 :feet;
thence along the northerly'~lina ofsaid'Parcel3, S88°48'47"'W, 22:29 feetto a set;Nb: 4 rebar and.
alloy cap marked, '"BRUNNER PLS 4206"; thence ~ZJ58°1'$'OS"W; 207.28' ~feet;~ thence
N28°24'09"W; 70;63. feet "thence N7`7°2°1'34" W, 71:87:feet; thence N56°23'>03"W, '64.69 feet;
,. ..
thence N,73°43'36"W; 47_,.,;04 feet'; thence S83°02'SG"W, `123,43 feet; thence,N58°:54'52"W, 7$,02;.
thence S8b°01'54"W;103':40 feet; thence N56°19'58"W, 78.49:feet to a set No: 4 rebarjand alloy
cap;marked "T3RLTIVNER PLS'°4206"; thence 585°2Y`18"W, 212.72 feet to asset No: 4'rebar acid
.alloy cap. marked,,'B1tUi~NER PLS .4206"; thence• 5'77°53'58"W,,167;$5 feet to~ a set N'o, 4 ~rebar
and -alloy cap marked. "BRUNNER PLS 420b' ;thence N81 °22'43"W, 31-9 $2 feet' to ~ a 'set. Na. 4
rebar and allay cap :marked "BRUNNER PLS 4206" thenr±e S$6°17'13'"W, :101:23 feet°to' s set
No. 4rebar~and alloy cap marked "BR~tSNNER: PLS 42U6"• thence N,76°29'08"W; 76.83 feet`ta a
setlVo..4 rebar and`alloy.°cap:marked "BRUNNER PLS~4206"; thencetS84°4'b'05"W;144.85,feet
to asetNo. 4,rebar and~allvy'cap,niarked "BR:JNNE4tPI,~'-''4206',thence IV6g°~19'S9"W,1`1O.S2
feet to a set No. 4 rebar and alloy cape marked "BRiJNNER PLS, 4246" thence A159° 13'43"}N,.
272:65 feet- to a 'set Trio. 4 rebar and, alloy cap txiark~l ~ "$RUNNER PL3 420b"; thence
N59°..13'43"W, 20.'15 to tZae p~ysical.ce~atepline of,R~ELr'iit-R4JAB, thence:leaving said line;~arld
:along said, centerline tieing• a, non tangent curve to ;the left whose center bears 563°43'38"E
having a radius of 200Q00 feet; .a central angle on 07°3$':19",- for a Iength of 266.64 feet to a
point .fzom which a set° No: 4 rebar and alloy cap marked "BRUNNER, PLS 4206" bears
$71°21'57"E 12:OO,feet thence 518°26'45"Vlr; 118:67 feet, thence SZ`~°28'12"W, 493.88:feet to
a pciirit &om, which a .set: No, 4 rebar and alloy cap marked "$RUNNER .PLS; .4206" bears
571°3`1'48"E; 17.00 feet; thence along -a tangent curve. tp the right hauing~.a radius o£ 1000:00
feet, a:central azigte of`17°26'16", for. an~arc length 304.35 feet:#o a pdint~froirn. which a set.No. 4
°~ -i ~ rt ~ o r n
rebar and ahoy cap. marked BRI33~1NER PLS 420b bears 554 0532 $;.:24:40 feat; thence
535°4'28"'kN; $2.5:92 feet to a 'point :from which. a set' No. 4 nebar and alloy cap marked
"BR'UNI~IER PLS 4206" bears S54°07'43"E, 2'4.b8` feet; thence slang a curve• tc. the ri~it having
~. r',:s ~~ 2~~:~~;f~t~ an ee~~.wgle ~f 03°l l'1'~", fq~~ A» arc 1pn~h nfi 1~`j ]',25 feet to a.~~t
-. -
frnm~wl~iod~ a-,set No: 4 rebaP and alloy cap maarked,'~BR .UNNE~,PL:S X206"' 1~earsa'S00°05`32"~?!r
67:9.6 feet; :thence leaving said centerline. and along the.. westerly of said Lands `500°05'32"'QV
67.95 feet; thence 500°Q5'3Z"W, 777.99 feet to' a set No: 4 rebar and alloy cap' marked`
"BRUNNER PLS' 4265" shown, as POST' "H21-VV2" oil ;>aid, Record of Survey; thence along a
line established by an. ancient fence: S00°00'44"W; 2722.20 .feet to the southwest comer' of said
Lands, -said corner: also being a set No. 4 debar and alloy .cap iiiarked "BRUNNER PLS' 4206"
Page 7 of 4
,i ~ ,.
'I 1 .~ .~.
.i ~ ~, "~
y, y„r ~ .
sho QST H-10 on sasd~ Record of Serve the
„~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ wn as P ~ ~~ ~, " .~ ~ , „°~~ l fie t~~t ~ ~a'set No.~4 el3ar~ and and a~ang the
1 ~ soatherl lute- of said Lands .589 40 50 E, 558., ~ e ; o nce lcav ..sand 1 alloy .cap marked`
Y -
~;~~ "BRUNNER l'LS 420E". thence S89°30'51"E, 158.0 fit to ttte northeast corner of a 7"x8 ,
rahoad tie fence. post;. thence continuing ~S.89°30'S1"E, 253Q.63 feet to the southerly corner
' ~ , , ,. also lasing a et No. 4 rebar and allay
,~ -
" ., n to Parcel 1 ~ Parcel 2 of said ~s~sai ~a~ ~~ ~~erly lute of scud Parcel 2 ,
ca marked BRTJNNER ~, PLS 4205: ,
~F, N~°3378"E, 1384.87 feet to,a. set No:;.4 xebar and alloy cap marked. "BRUNN.ER PLS 4246";
~;~. thect~e. continuing- N00°33`28"E, 734'.7.7 feet to a` fouad 8"x$" good post; thence continuing:
N~0°33'28"E, 523.64 feet _to 'a sel No: 4 rebar and alloy cap marked "BRUNNER PLS 4206"
thence contuxwuag N04 X3.211 E, 2406.38 feet "to ,a set No. 4 rebar'and alloy cap marked "
"BRL:~NNER PISS 4206".. thence continuing N04°33'28"E, 644A8 feet to the POD of
Bh~l~dIIhdG .~
C®ntainu~g 38$.72 Acres mare:or less.
i ~ ~ ~ !fie c9 ~-
L~gal Description Prepared By _ _
H .Brunner, P.L.5.420C Date
DEPAR~lv'I' ~F 1`'E~$YVII3' A~I~I?'~S~iJR~E' 1~IAlaTAGI~lI+1T JE~~IO~ED N®'i'l"
~ ,~ ,
The purpose of this deed is fora Lot Line Adjustment for a recon~guratibn of the lands. of Sohn
y rusk Bement Dated December
• y 51873 of Oi~cial Records,
3,~9described d ed°rezor ed uruler Document I~FIo, 2f?4.1-
Sonoma County Records, (APN 027=210-002 8c~ 027-200-002)). This de{ed is part to
` L;LA02-4043 ion .file in~"'the office of :the ".Sonoma County Permit and Resmutce M~agement
Depart~nf.:' °lt,"is the express intent of "the: signatQrs 'hereto that the recordation of this deed
.' extinguishes anyundcslyirig parcels qr porfions-of parcels: `
)E~B~T tiA~e
PARCEL "C"=East: Parcel
Being a portion of ;the lands of John E. Barella and Andrea M, Barella, Tnistees under the Barella
Family.Trust Agreement°Dated December 23, ,1:44.1 asdescribed in thatDeed recorded as Document No:
.2001-15]$73 of Qfficial'Records Sonoma. C9unty Records, said: ands~ahso being further described in
those Admuustrative Certificates ~ of Compliance No. PLP02-036, :A00020`087 `through 02=0.092
recorded as;DocumeniNo's, 2003`-03658': tlirough'2.003-036b3 respectively of Qfficia1 Records; Sonoma
~'°`" County Records. Thh's description is"based on itfiat;unrecorded Record of Sun%ey prepared by Howard W:
Brunner, PLS; Jab No. ,2002-005. dated June 20,02: Said Record of Survey Ito be recorded at , a
subsequent date.'Said portion being more particularlydescribed as follows;
BEGINI~IING at a:~found'Towrislvp Comer as.shown.on°the~atiovereferericed.Record of Survey; being a
found "Break-off monument with alloy cap marked,'-'BRUI~I~NER~PLS-206 Townshp:.6`Nortli, Range' 9
West, Section 36 Township 6' North, Range 8 West, .Section 3,1 Township 5 No_rtli, Range. 9West,
Section I, Townslvp 5 Nortli, .Range 8' West Section 6 1994"; thence along the' northerly dine .af said
Section 6, N89°33'S5'!E, 1118.51_ feel to a point from which a'I4" iron .;pipe .riot tagged 'bears
N00°26'05"W, 1:9G feet; 'thence aeavingsaid line ~and,along the "northerly line on said. Record' of Survey,
N77°24'06"E, 95,8'.3b feet to a set No, 4 rebar and alloy 'cap. marked "BRiJNNER PLS 4205"~ in. a buiht
rack mound; thence N79°24'08"E, SQ4.72 feet to, a set.No:: 4 rebar and :alloy caps marked.'"BRUNNER
PLS. 4206' ;from which a I/2" iron pipe not tagged :bears N79°14'08"E 0:7t? feet; thence leaving, said
northerly line and along~the~ easterly and northerly,lines of the Lands.of Trench' as shourri on that:Record.
of Survey filed onBook'S3'1 ofANiaps, l?ages:1=6; Sonoma~Counfy Records, SQI°16'24"E, 3b5'.6$ feet to
a found. T=Bar and tag stamped "BRUNNER,:PLS '4206" thence 588°29'52"VJ, 2.31.. to a'fauridT-Bar
and `tag- stamped ':BRUNNER~ PLS 4206",,.said T-Bar bears 800°31'24"E, Z0.22~ feet from a found
"Break-off 'monument with alloy cap marked '!BRUNNER PLS-4206 Townsp 6 North, BR' I7, .
Township S 1~To_rth Blucher Rancho, Township 6 Not}i; Township S. North, Rancho Roblar`;De La
.:~, •Miseria, 1994' ;thence' along the easterly line.'of said Blucher Rancho,.. 800°3~1=24"E, ..2478.;88 feet ~to a
found T=Bar <and fag stariiped. " BRUNNER. PLS' 4206' ;, delineated as POST '"M-7," on said. Record of
Survey; thence leaving said pine and. along :easterly and ~soutlerly Lines of ,said Lands, N88°09'45"VV,
539:92 feet to a.found T-Bar an yta pstamped ~~BRUNNER PLS 4206~~; then,eated as POST "H-17" on
feet to a set I`1o. 4 rebar and ahlo. ca mar'.ced' „BRLJi~7AIEF.PLS 4206'; deliz eN88°Q9'48'`W, 2U32.9S
said Record of Survey.; thence N88°5.1'46"W 588:74 feet to~ a set No. 4 rebar~ and- alloy cap marked
"BRtINNER PLS 4246",:.delineated as POST "1" on said Record of Survey; thence 840°33'29"W,
r..•cn r n , - ~. • __i-__ _~J. z~_ .._1.:..~ ~li]DT T'CD DT~~' A.!}A'~It. ~1+4....n C~4~°C4~`15H\1T
.Lbbti,~~ Ieei t0'~'SGtr~o. ~"IGOiU"'ti[lct.al~Gy 6.4~ 11121I16.Gl1, `DS4V'i'IR~i:i~ i i.. ~tvv ~, Ul~.cla.4,vui .ru YY,
., ..
1337.06 feet to a `setoNo. 4 •rebar and alloy cap marked.""BRUNNER PLS 42Q6", delineated as POST "1-
l Q" on said Record of Suivcy; the~ice ,N84°30'5:1 "Vii, 79.67' feet. ;to the southerly corner common to
Pazcel 1 and Parcel 2 of said Lands„ .said corper ,also being a set No: 4 rebar and- alloy cap .marked
"BitiJt~II~R PI.S;4206"; ihence•alorig the wcsreriy'luie fi Said Parcel 2, P300°3`3'28"E, 1384:87 feet'ta a
set No. 4 rebar and~alloy cap,marked "BRUNNER PLS 4206",; thence continuing NU4°33'28"E; 734.77
'feet to a :found 8"x$" wood post; thence continuing N00°33'•28'",E, 523.:60 feed to, a. set No. 4 rebar and
alloy cap marked "BRUNNER l'LS 4206....";,.thence continuing N00°33'28"E, 206".38 feet to a set No. 4
rebar and alloy cap marked "BRi3hINER PLS 4206" thence continuing`N00°33'28"E, 644;08.
.feel to a point from which a' set No; 4 rebar,andalloy, cap'.mazked['BRUNNER E.LS 4206" bears,
:Page 3' of 4 '
I, ' i. '
S88°48'47"W '' 22.29 feet- thence N~8°48'47"E, 85.59 feet; .thence S4U°10'22"E, 1;.45.23. feet;
7, ~ ~ r
thence S67°596"E 257.7` feet';. thence S87°04'54"E 314.I'$ feet; thence 5711°47`24':E, 449.95
feet to a set No. 4 rebar and alloy cap marked. "BRUNNER PLS 4206"; thence N'75°18'43"E
519.58 .feet to a .set No. 4 ,rebar .and. alloy cap market} "BkL]N1VER PLS 4206"; thence ,
SZ;3°50'28"E, 2:12.92 feet #o a. set No, 4, rebair ~,:a~id', ~lloy~ cap: marked- "BRUNNER'PI.S 4206"` -
th~e N20°44'3b"E, 304:8.9 feet to the PO~fi'~' ~F BEGl<NNffRI~;
Containing 368:83 Acres. more oz less -
Legal Description Prepared $y:
- -Ho d runner, P.L,S: 4206 Date
Ttiq purpose ofthis~deed is' fore a. L,ot Line Adjustment for a:reconfiguratian of the' lands of John
E., and Andrea M. Barella, Trustees enider the Barella Fainily•Trvst,Agreement Dated December
23, 1.991 as described by deed recorded under Docutnerrt Na. •2001.-15 Y873 of official Records,
Sonoma County Records, ~(AFN 027-210-002, a27-~c 200-002)). This deed is pwsuarat to
LLA02-0~3 on file iri "the :office of the Sonoma County, Pertnit° and ResotaPCe Maflagement
Departuverit. Ifi is ,ihe :expxess' intent of the signators hereto :that the recordatiori of this deed
extinguishes any underlying parcels or portions bf parcels;
Matchl'S, 2004 c~-CARtp
Job No. 2002-032 ~~~~ ~° w. aR ~q~
rc ~ .. _ .~~..
Page 4 af.4
The•follovving uses and practices, though not necessarily ari exhar~stive=recital of cons'istent~uscs and
practices,:are.permitted under this Agreement, provided that,tlie~i,are undertalten~in~aecordance with -
the kerms. and ;provisions of; this Agreement and that all appIicalle go~ernrnental appxoyals and •.
pemvts"are properlyobtained:and Eollowear
1. Consigten "Use : To use or lease the. Property consistent with th'e conservation;purpose of this
2. Agtzeuly ral_p ses:gTno engage in agricultural users ofp a Pxoperty':P accordance.;wi.th sound,
enerall acre ted;a' culturaland soil.c4nsetvaaon~ racrices and rovided that such agricultural
uses shall not.result:in significant saildegradaton,. or stgriifcanf pollutiom,or degradation" of~.any
surface ox subsurface waters. For the purpose of this 1lgreetrient, "agricuitiural uses" .shall be
defined as:
^ breeding, raising,,past~.ring;,and grazinglivestock of eneryn~ture and description. for the
production. of food,and, fiber
^ breeding and raising bees;: Csh, pouItay,'and other, fowl;
® planting, raising, harve"sting, and'producing,agri,cultural,; aquacultural horticultural; and. forestry
rxops and products of°every nature and' description provided however that no cultivation ox . .
;permanent crop planting shall`occur under°the eanopy of~arty~oak or other native' tree,:designated
as>`Natural;Resource. Areas' on the.Baseline~ Site: Map;,
^ and;the processing,'storage~and.aale,~including direct'xeta sale to the,public~,o£etops and'
products har+rested ar~d produced pz~incipaliy°on the Property, provided that the~processng,,
storage andsale of any`such crops or products that are notirood;fiber, orplant~ materialshall . '
require the consent of'DISTRICT.
3. S`tructutes and CD~6eg ~Irn~rovements• GRANTOR;tnayundertake construction, ,
reconstruction, or ather.improvernent of the, .Property only as .provided below: I:ocation •of ~ .
residences and agricultur@I accessory structures will be chosen so as to minimize vlsual,irnpacf
from Valley Ford' Road:
a. C4nsi~truc~on of Pfim~t~r• Residences:. The total nutrnber of,pritnary single-family
residences-on the Property shall not°exceed twos one on~Parcei,A and one on-Parcel =B. Said
residences shall' be located within the "Ag; CornpleXes;",which will-not: exceed 20; acres. in size,
on bothPaxcels:Band C,.delneated do"the Baseline. Site Map. `Said residences~shall•not exceed
4,500 square ,feet in size~and, 30 feet in`height,on Parcel B and shaIl not exceed~4,Q00 square feet
and 20 feet,in height on Parcel C, exclusive of the garages,; each of which shall"not~exceed 1,000:
square feet;in size and20 feet ri. height on~ either Parcel. Construction or_ placement of said
residences, and;associated~roads~ shall zzot be `.commenced with viritten approval is obtained, from
the.~DISTRICT;,in;,accoriance withthe provisions set fortti;n Paragraph 5 of thisfAgceernent.
DTSTRICT's approval shall lie based upon.its~ finding;:that the proposed>constructlon'or
placement is not-visible: from ZTalley Ford Road, is not witFun any designated `Natural`Resouice"
Area", does not exceed 20 acres in size, =and is consistent with the: conservation purpose of this
"Roblar.`Ranch Pemutted Uscs 8/20/03
u i I
i il. ,.. .
b, [' nstruction of 'culturalAcce~s°oty Residences. To constxuct,or~place agricultural
• accesso residences aAnd associated access ~zoads°reasonabl ' necessatytto tle,,agricultural uses of
rY y
the Property~wittiin the `Ag,.Corripiex''on Parcels B and~C; delineated'on the.Baseline Site Map,
provided that GRANTOR obtains the prior written approval of DISTRICT in accordance with
the provisions set faith. in P-aragraph 5 o£this;Agreement for the construction of such additional
,. ,.
structures; and tb;at;such,coristruction,i5''nade in accordance with applicable°laws. DISTRICT's.
Pp „ p `' g ,proposed construction or'pl'acetnent is not
visible from Vall y F d Road, i knot anthuz, ny'desigrated `NatutalResouzce tl,rea" and is
consistent with° the .co'nservatioii purpose of this.Agreement. ,
e. Construction of Agxi'cultural Structures: 'I'o constructor place.agricultural improvements
or expand or enlarge existing improvements; including;. but^nat linuted to banns aiid other
agricultural structures.reasonably°necessary for'the agricultural:uses of'the.Property;within.the
"Ag Complexes" on~ both Parcels B and:G,, provided that GRANTOR. obtains the prior written
approval of the DISTRICT in accordance with the provisions.set forth:in Paragraph 5 of this
Agreement for the construction of such additional improvements, azid.that such construction is
made in accordance with applicable laws. DISTRICT's approval shall be-based upon its finding
that the proposed construction; or placement is nat visible frgm Valley Ford Road; is not within
any designated `Natural Resource Azea" and is_ consistent with the conservation purpose of this
d. Retilacement'~of Improvements: In the event of destruction; deterioration ox
obsolescence bf any residence; agricultural structures or roads conforming to the.requirements
of this Agreement; whether existing at'the,date~hereo€ or.constructedasub;sequently pursuant to
the provisions of this Agreement; GRANTOR may replace same with~ories of similar size,
'functian, capacity and location, provided that GRANTOR obtair-s.tlie prior v~iritten approval of
DISTRICT in accordarice'~vith the provisions set forth iri Paragraph 5 of this Agreement.
e. Maidten nee ~"Re air and. Ire"nova 'on of true r s: To maintain and repair structures
;on the Properiy'without prior.notice to;or approval by DISTRICT;provided, however, that such
inaintenanee,and repave's consistent with the conservation purpose of this Agreement. To
renovate wlu'ch.can include ex ansion or enlar ement of residences and agricultural structures
P g.
'in a manner which:does not impair the conservation purpose of this Agreement provided that
or written approval.of DISTRICT far such renovation in
''accl o dNanORwith the visions et forth in Paragraph"'5 of this Agreement and provided;further
that no such renovation sliall,result in the primary single family residence on Parcel B being
~Iaxger tliaii 4',SOQ square £eet and 30 feet in height~,.and:the~primary=single-family orr Parcel C .
bein lar er~than 4'000 s uare~ feet and 20 feet
~~ the g' `c~ltuxal use bein ~ eater than 2 000 sqm height, aril any other~residence-accessory #a
g~ g gr care feet in size and 20 feet in height.
f: ' `F nei ' _' , To, construct and maintain fencing, only as necessary~for agri.culturai uses, natural
resources protection:or other uses accessory to the residential use o.,f the:Property. Such fencing
must be the minimum necessary foz~ agricultural:uses; natural;resources protection, or other
minor uses accessory to the residential use of the property: In the- event o£ destruction;
deterioration, or obsolescence of any fences; whether existing;at the date hereof or constructed
subsequently puTSUant tothe provisions of tliis:Agteement,,GRANTOR may replace such
fencing wth~a fence.of similar size (i:e,, no greater in height orlength}, function, capatitp and
.location, withoiit,prior'notice to.•or~..approval by DISTRICT;:provided; however, that-=such
replacement: {t)' is consistent u~itli`'tle conservation purpose of thts Agreement, including the
Roblar Ranch Permitted Uses
preseryapon of scenic values,. (it7, does not impede wildlife movement except im cases where
exclusion of predators.issnecessaty to protect~,the agricultural uses described,iniParagraph.3 of
this Exhtbit;B;:and (iu) complies with the DISTRICT4S then. curzenf standards far: fences `on
conservation lands. .
g. toads; `To~ consfinzct and :maintain .roads= necessary for and accessory toy tlie. agricultural
uses of they Property and. roads necessary for :access _to residences.provided that GRANTOR
obtains .the prior written, approval:of DISTRICT in:accordance with, the provisions set forth izt
Paragraph 5 of this Agreement for ~ahe construction of-,such roads, ,and thatsucl; construction. is
made in accordance with applicable laws:
4. ~,gereattibnal Vises:': To utilize[he Property°for recreattonal,or educational purposes provided
thaeno~significant surface alteration ox;other development o#';the land shall;occur in connection
'" y _ h.uses may include, arithoutlimitation,;hiking, horsebackrding,~natuxe .
with an such use, Sue
y ' g ''fisliingas permitted by the California:Departtnent oE,Fish'and~Game or
.stud ,and'huntxn ,and
otler'applicable agency..
5, Water`lEtesou~rces: 'To,maintaui and`nodify.existing.water resources"on.theProperty,;::to"
develop new springs?anil wells;:to~lay~or construct ptpes~and conduits for.the transportation of
water:: Development of additional<wate_r "storage facilities such as freshwater and"wastewater'
tanks and reservoirs; shall be permitted provided that GRAN- TOR obtain the prior"written'
..approval of.DISTRICT~in accordance!wth the;provisoris set;;forthin Paragraph: 5' of,this
Agreement: -Development, maintenance anal modtfcaton o:~wacer resources under this..
" ..'p ff P ~~~.
p iinanner consistent
:residential sets on'the P of erty and shad m all instances be~ evelop din a~c~~~~ Batton or
with, the. conservation;,purpose of this Agteerlaent;:
~o construct, place, oz erect signs.on the Property, ~>rovided that the size of any such
b. S' T
sign shall individually not exceed thirty-fwa (32} sgf~ae feet, ;for tlie.following purposes: a sign
(one)`reasonably necessary, for Ehe identification of~tlie;Properry; a~sign:or signs=to,advettise its
sale~or Iease,or the!sale oi" its' products;" and'. a signor signs-ailvoeating candidates or issues that
will:be~presented~to voters in a' public. election provtd'ed that such sign or signs- cvill.be;removed
within two weeks: after the election. .
7..Easem~ntss 'To eontinge-use of existng<easements of.recc~zd granted prior to this Agreement.
New easements and modifications to easements .af recard~as; of the date:hereof,require the
approval of DISTRICT in accordance:with=the provisions set forth'in Paragraph` 5 of this
Agreement: `New easements or easement modificauoris"may.only be granted where `they will
~~ y p ~ g ` - _ p ~ tY protetted values
remove or si hcantl lessen the.ttn act.of,existYn easernE,nts of record;on.the
set'forth iia the conservation purpose of this A' Bement It:is the rttn du of the
GRANTOR to enforce the limitiztg=provisions; of new easetrieuts and easements of record
granted,pror to~this Agreement. It is.furthet~the~duty of GRANTOR tv prevent'the use of the
Ptoperty,by,th~rd parfies that°mght~resultin the=creaton~o~;piescxiptive rights that a=e
inconsl"stent with the terms and:condtions ofthe conservation purposeof.tliis~.Agteernent,.
S, _ 'chemieals: To use overnment,a roved a c
fertilizers and biocides ~ those `amount pand with.thhemicals, including. but not limtted,.to, ~ .
at £teyuency' of application' necessary to.
accomplish reasonable agricultural management, consistent with the con5etvation purpose of
this. Agreement,and "v~ritlirt limits of applicable government: regulations; and guidelines: ,
Roblar-Ranch Permitted Uses S/20J03
~,, ~,•~i~~4 ~ ~~~.. ,.
i ~:
9 Animal Control- To control predatory and problem animals by"the use of selective control
technigssionetand othethovemm nrtal entities Navin ~'ii'risdieti ~ou~ty- flgricultural
Comnot g g 1
10. i~toration "and"Enhancement. To undertake conservation practices ,that promote .soil..
stabilization and zeduce exo'sibn~ in accordance `with sound, generally accepted practices.;
Approval of DISTRICT in accordance-with. the provisions set: forth.in Paragraph 5 of this
Agreement is required~when conservation practices involve significant surface alterarion.
11. ,i~gmoval of Non-1Vative PIants: To remove invasive, non-native plant species that threaten or
impede the growth ofnative species or the Property's agric~tural~uses,
~ -
Rolilar Ranch Permitted' Uses
I I ~
'.li~~~'~~, iii
The following uses and practices; though:nat+necessarily an exhax~stive recital of nconsisteszt uses
and practices, are~inconsistent`with .the•purposes of this,Agteement and shall be~prohibited upon or
within the Property.
1. In9nsiatent YJses: To establish or carry outiany nonagricultural commercial or industrial
activity of use.
2. i s: To construct; place, or erect any-sign or billboard except as provided in Paragraph 6 of
3. onstructi4n: To construct, reconstruct, or replace:any structure or;itnprovement except'as
provided in Paragraph 3 and'S of Exhbt."$:"
4. Su~divisi~~ T'o divide;_subdivde, or~defactosubdivide by lot-line adjustment, application fqr
certificates: of compliance pursuant,to the Subdivision Map Actor other ,means,,of the Progeny,.
provided, however, that a lease of aportibn of the.Property for agricultural use s1aIl:not be
proli6ited by this paragraph.
5: Notarized Vehicles: To usemototized vek~ides, except far GRANTOR' or others:under
GRANTOR'S'control for agricultural; ranching, emergency or residential use of`the Property.
Aqy use of°rriotoxized veliicies:,off raadvays is prohibited except when necessary £or~etnergency;
agticultutal~ar ranching purposes:
~. Dumt~in~: To dump. or'..accumulate trash, ashes,,gai6age, xvaste, inopezative~vehicles or other
unsightly material oil.the Propety, provided, however, that agricultural°jroducts~~arid by-
products-map be placed or stored on the land, so long,;assuch placement or storageiis consistent
witfi law; public health, and sound agriculturalpracdces.
7. Fences: To construct any fences-except as provided form Paragraph 3 of Exhibit B.
$, itgadec To construct any toad except as provided in Paragraph 3 of Exhibit B;.
9. Wester and Soil ~Degraclatian:; To engage or permit any activity on the Property that-;results in
significant soil,degradation, of §ignificant.pollut'ton or degradation of any surface; ar subsurface- .
1~. Storage of Et~uin~ ~eut,and 1Vlaterials: T'o:store work txi~terials outdoors which inay be visible
icam,publiC raad~vay5 sucl-i as pipes, c~;.vens, £er~cig, l~ea~-j~ ~qupment and the.lire,. except
~rhile work;is in progress and rzot for any period exceedis-ig ~-iety (90} days:
11. Ueilitiea:~ To install new above-ground utility 'system's,'including,.. without limitation; water,
sewer; power, fuel, and coininutication lines and related' activities and equipment; except £or
systems serving pernutted ranching,,agricultural, irrigation, of residential uses on-tbc"Property as
provided ia,Pasagraph 7 of'Exhibit B:
Roblu'Ranc6 Prohibited-Uses 8/20/03
12. S ace Alteration oL Excavation To signi6cantiy alter the surface of the land; including, but
not;litnited to the excavation or removal.of sosl, sand,. gravel,:rock; or sod, except as may be
required to pzovide~ material<for the repair of roads and darns on the Property and then only in
small quantities from a site approved in writing by DISTRICT in accordance with the provisions
set..forth in Paragraph 5 of this r'lgxeement --_. -. w .
13.M Inm' .gi'To explore, develop,; or extract minerals or hydrocarbons >;y any ruining method,
surface or otherarise.
14. 1~1a#ive Vegetation Damage of Removal: To remove or destroy any native trees or shrubs
provided, however;ahat~Grantot shall have the right to cut oi.remove trees as reasonably
necessary°to control insects and~diseases onto prevenrpersbnal injury and property damage. To
cultivate or plant any pe=tnanetlt crops under the canopy of any native trees. To cut,. collector
store wood on the Property for- commercial purposes except as provided for in Paragraph 2 of
Exhibit B. To remove or destroy native shrubs:
., C-2-
Robiar }ranch Prohibited Uses 8/20/3
{CovcrnmentCoacSection27281) ' .
Thts 'is to certify that the,'interests isi real property conveyed by the'Conservation
`Easement Agreement elated 1. ~P _ , 200?l, from the Barella .Family Trust; to the
Sonom:~ Caunry Agraultur~il Preservation and Operi Space District;, a governmental agency
formedpursuant<to the provisions of Public Resources:(wode Section 5506.5,rs hereby accepted.
by ihe`President of•the kiciard of Directors on behalf of the Dstrict~pursuant to=the,authority
coniferred by Resolution Nn. s~ ot'the Board of `Directors; dated
2004 and the District consents fb;the recording thereof-by its duly aathorized~officer.
Dated:____,tl ~~~ ~1
i~ i ~ "i;$'I'c
Eeve T. Lews,.C9unty C1erl:,and
e~-offecio clerk of thee. Board of
.<a.sa~. s~at.aa~
Sonoma: Caunry Agriaultur~, Preservation and'
Qpen Space: District:°' ~'
~ ~ .
Mike Reilly, ~!'res!dent _ .
Board.af Directors
Water Pollution - California
My Subscriptions
Copyright 2010
The Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, Calif.
.Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Business News
September 16, 2010 Thursday
ACC-NO: 20100916-UR-Petaluma-rock-quarry-takes-ahother-step-forward-0916-20100916
LENGTH: 810 words
HEADLINE: Petaluma rock qualrry takes another step forward
BYLINE: Brett Wilkison, The Press Democrat,"Santa Rosa, Calif.
Page 1 of 2
~~ ' LexisNexis
e previous Next
. Sept. 16--A long-proposed rock quarry west of Petaluma cleared its first big. hurdle Thursday, earning final approval from the
Sonoma County Planning Commission and a hearing before the Board'of Supervisors, tentatively set for Oct. 19.
The quarry,+.slated for 65 acres off Robta_ r Road'and in fhe works since 2003, has raised strong opposition from neighbors and
envirohmental groups concerned abouE potential groundwater and air pollution. '
Supporters, however, say the quarry will be environmentally safe and will provide both jobs ahd a local source of construction-grade
rock for the area.
On Thursday commissioners said the quarry's .benefits outweighed its impacts, which they said would be mitigated.
If I thought for one minute, for one second, that this was an environmentally unsafe project I wouldn't support it," commissioner
Don Bennett said before voting with fellow„commissioners, 5-0, to support. the project.
The decisioh came in the project's. fifth. hearing before the commission in the past two years. Commissioners.. had previously voted
5-0 in April. to approve the quarry's environmental impact .report and send it on tathe Board of Supervisors.
But4a.lafe discovery of endan,gered'California tiger salamander larvae on the project site ahd the state's imposition' of hew
;greenhouse gas limits required another pair of hearings -- including Thursday's meeting -- to incorporate those issues:.
Oppdnents used fhe meeting to; ht'on their long-running concerns about the quarry's. location..
The proposed quarry sits next:to a former landfill used in the 1950s, and later in the 19jOs to dump building waste from the 1969
earthquake that .rocked Santa Rosa...
Neighbors and envronmehtal groups fear the .dump contains toxic materials such as lead and asbestos and that digging and
blasting to extract:gravel could. stir toxins into the air and leech. them into groundwater.
Two previous quarry proposals by other applicants on the Roblar Road property were shelved in the late 1980s and early 1990s
after they, too, ran into opposition bn those grounds,.
Sue Buxton, president of Citizens Against Roblar Road,Quarry, the main opposition group, said those issues and others were not
adequately addressed in the project's environmental Yeview.
But quarry owner John Barella, who sold- his Petaluma-based company North Bay Construction to rival contractor Ghilloti
~. 11ttp://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?orgId 2154&bgrpId=&Aetion=UserDispl... 9/20/2010
Water `Pollution -California ~ Page:? of 2'
Construction Co. of Santa Rosa in June, again said that the quarry will not be a polluter.
In addrtiori to planned 'water and air-quality safeguards, Barella will,pay up to $80;000 peracre to Yeplace salamander„habitat
damaged' by mining operations; .plus put:'up fencing around_ the guari•y, site~to ward'off'the;amphibians and hirean on-site biologist
Burin"g each phase of the work, county staff said.
He would also-have to use alternative, low=carbon,~fiiels for equipment and: pay to offset the nearly 6;000 met~f¢ toris of greenhouse•
gases -- almost six: times the legal cap -- the prdject is expected to produce, each year.;
We're trying to do everything right;" Barella said after the meeting. "We want`to br: a great neighbor."
If apprdVed by supervisors; the,quarry would,employ about 10, workers and support hundreds of trucking fobs: dt'S expecte_ d to.
produce about-11 million cubic yards of high-;grade rock worth about $60 millidn, owe`r its 20'-year permit period'.
The project follows a lfi-year-old courity plan to shift more ro°ck mining .operations from the Russian'River to upland quarries, which
generally present fewer environmental problems.
But it could hit a Stumbling block before, supervisors: the cUrrenf;:preferred tcuckn,g route from tt5e'quarry would use ,four acres of
adjacent property already protected as: open space by county taxpayer dollars.
Barella has offered to donate as open Space his entire 198-acre property; includini3 eventually the "quarry; in exchange-for use of-the
road alignment, which is preferred to a mdie costly retrofit of'Rdblar Road.
The exchange would amountao Ehe first pr'iv.ate; commercial use; ,aside from a wefland mitigation ..bank, of publicly protected open
space in the county,.eounty open space district officials said.. It"would require unanimous support:by supervisors; the' project itself
requires only a majority vote by the five=member board.
Opponents Thursday called [he Yoad plan:"outrageous" and "a dangerpus precedent."
Barella responded; saying "if (supervisors) ask me to go down. Roblar Road, I'll go.dow;ri Rd61ar Road.
To see .more, of The Press pemocrat, onto subscribe to th"e, newspaper; go to http_//www.pr~ssde"mp~rat.co.m'. Copyright (c) 2010;
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LOAD-.DATE: September 17, 20.10.
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