HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1059 N.C.S. 08/21/1972\ ~ • ~ ~ \`~------ ~; ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ . F~f'Ha ~~H . ~t~ ,; ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ EE:R:btr 8/'3/ ORD INANCE NO .'1,0'S 9 rJ . C'. S. INT TC~'D BY COUNCILMAi~ SECON~Ell„BY CnUNCILMAN % ~ AN ORDINI~NCE OF THE CITY OF P~TALUMA, CALIFORN:IA PROVIDING FOR TIIE DEFIPdZTION'S APPLICABLE GENER~LLY TO OFtDINANCES OF TIIE CSTY OF PET~LUMA., . CALIFORNIA AND PROVIDING FOR RULES OF C(ONS,TRU.C-TION FOFt TIiE OR~INZaNC~S OF TI3E CITY OF PETAIrUM11, GALIFUFtNIA BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE COUNCIL OF TI3E CITY OF PETAI;UMA, AS FOLLOWS : S~ction l. Definitians. TYie following words and ~hrases wh~never used in the ordinances of the Cit.y of Petaluma, California, shall be aonstrued as defin~d in this section unless from the cantext a different meaninc~ i.s intenciEd or unless different meaninc~. is s~aecifi.cally aefin~d and more ~ particularly directed fic~ th~ use of such ~,aords ar ~hrases: ~ ~ C1:) "Cit_y" means th~ Ci~y of` P~ta.l.uma, teal:iforni~., c~r the area within the terra,tor.i_al limi~s of the Citv ~t ~e~aluma, and such terri~ary outs,ide the Citv over which the C~.ty has jurisdiction or c~nt~ol b~ virtue ot any constitut~ional or statutorv provision. ~2) "Computatinn of ~.i.me" means the time within_ ~ahich an act is to be donep It sha11 bs computed by exc3uding the first day and including the last day; arid if ~he last day be Sunday or a legal holiday, that day shall k~e ~xcluded. . (3) "Councii" m~ans the City Coiancil of' the City af Pe~aluma, Cala.fornia. '°I~11 its memk~ers" or "all. Cauncilmen" mean the tota.l nurriber of Councilm.en a~ ~r~vir~ed by the Petaluma City Charte~. ~ ~ (~~j "County" mean°s the Caunty of Sonoma, California. (5? "Law" derio~tes applica-ble federal law,, the .consti- tut%on anc~ statu:tes of the S'tate of California, the ordinances of th,~ Ci~ty of k~etaluma, and wYien appropriate, - any a~rid .all rules and regu`lations wh~ich may be promulgatec~ . th'ereunder . (6~ "May" i<<s permissiae. ~.7'~ "Month" means a calendar mon'th.. (8) "Must" and "sha1L". Eac-h is mandatory. (9) "Qath"' sha'11 be construed to include ari affirma~tion - or declaration in all cases;in which, by law, an affirma- tion may be substi,tuted for an oa~th, and in such cases tlie wo~ds "swear" and "swor.n" sh'alI be equ°ivalent to-the words "affirm" and '"affirmed". _ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~, ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~l0) Or may be,read and and and may be read or ~ if the sense requir,es it. C1~) "Orc~inance" means a. 1:aw .o`f the city; provided tha-t a temporary or special Taw,, administrative action, ord~er or d~.z°eetive, may be in the form of a resolution. (12) "Owner" applied to a building or land includes any part own~r, joint'owner, 'tenant 'in common, joint tenant or tenant by the entirety,, of the whole or a part of such building or land. , ~ . (13) "Person" mean;s natural per's9n, joint venture, joinnt stock company,, partnership, associa,tion, club, company, corporatian, business, trust, organizat'ion, or: the maria.ger,; lessee, agent, s~rvant, office~° or. emplo.yee~of any of them. (14) "Personal property", irie~ludes money, goods, chattels,,. things in action~and,evid~nces~of debt. (15) "Preceding" and "foll:owing"' mean`nex~t before and next after, respectively. -2 - L~ Frr ~ ~ (16) "Property" includes real and persomal property. (17) •"Real property" ineludes lands, tenements and heredi~aments. (18~ "Sidewalk" means that portYOn of a street between the curb line and the ad.jacent p~°operty line intended for the use o,f pedestrians. ~19) "State" means the State of'Californiao (20) "Street" includes all streets, highways, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places, square's,; c:urbs, or other- public ways in this city which have beeri or may hereafter be dedicated and open to public use, or° such other~'public .l `~ property so design'ated in any law o:f this.state. (21) "Tenant° and "oceupant°, applied to a building or land, includes any person who occup%es whole or a part of such buildi:ng or land, whether aTone or with others. (22) Title of Office: Use of the title of any officer, employee,-board or commission:means that officer, employee, depa~°tment, board or commission of the city. (23a "~Vritten" includes printed, typewritten, mimeo- graphed or multigr°aphed. . (24~ "Year"' means a calenc~ar year°. (25) A11 words and phrases shall be construed and under- s~ood aceording to the common.and apgroved usage of the language; but technical wor.ds an'd phrase.s and sueh ot=hers as may have acqu'ired a peculiar and appropr.iate meaning . in the .law shalT be construed and understood according to sueh peculiar and appropriate meaning. (26) When an act is required by 'an o~dinance the same being such that it.may be done as we~l by an agent as by the principal,, such requirement.shall be construed as to include.all such ac.ts performed by an authorized agent. -3- ~ . ~* , , ~ ~ , i , ~ . Section 2. Grammatical :inte:preta~;tion. The f~ollow;ing grammatical rules shall a~?ply in :the ordinarices of. the City of Petaluma, Califo:rnia~s (1) Gender° . Any- gender inc`l.udes tYie otYier gender s, ; ~ ~~ _ - (2) Singular and:Pl,u;ral. The singular number include's the plur-,al_ and the pliiral includes the singular.. (3) Ten°ses-. 'Word~s ~u'~s:ed in the pr'esent tense include the pas't .and' tYie future tenseis and v=ice versa . (4) Use o,f Words and Phrases: Words and phrases not specific'ally def`ined s~hall `be construed according to the . context aiid appr,oved usage of t`he language . Sect'ion 3. Prohibited~acts;include causing,; permit:ting, etc. Vlhen- ever .in the ordinances o;f the C'ity of Petaluma, any act or omission is made unlawful, it shall include causing, allowin.g,, permitting:, aiding,;~abetting, su~ffering, or concealirig the •fact:of such act or omission. Section 4. Constr~uction. The provi;sions' o:f: the ordinanees o;f ~the City of Petaluma, and all proce;edings under them are to be construed w~ith a, view to effec~t their objects and to promote justice.. Sectian: 5. Repeal shall not revive~any orc~_in_ance~s. The repeal of an ' ordinance s;hall not repeal the,r.epealing elause of such ordiriance or re;vive any o:rdin~a~nce. which ha~s been rep'ealed thereby. Section 6. The City Clerk be, and s~he is, hereby dir-ected to ~ _ , post/~i~. this O~d.inance. ~~~~~i~~~~~- ~4~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~ for the -4- period and in the manne"r required! by the City Charter. ORDERED POSTED/~~ this 8th day of Augu,st , 1972. AYES: CO,UNGILMEN $RUNNER,,~ CAVANAGH, .~JR. ,• C,LECAK; .DALY, MATTEI.~ _ , , PERRY;: JR'.., and -MAYOR. PUTNAM. ~~ ~V ~ . , NOES• NONE. _ i , ABSENT; NONE. . -~• ~ ~~~_ .. J%~• ATTEST : '`~' Ci~ty le~°k ~.~,-- _ ...I . Mayor _ . . ~ Y • ` ~ ~ ./ / .. Adopted ;t:his '~~=~ day o f ,::~~ ; .. . ; _ !;. : I9 7 2 . • _ , , ~. . i ~ ~ --.5- ~ - one~ I hereby' certify'that ;Ehe witliin ordinance was p.osted 'in t~r~e p;ublic places:in Ehe; CiEy ,of Petaluma,'to-wit:: In; fi~ ~, ~f the City °Hall ~.:-- : -;.-- •. -.__• - _. _;:, _ - . :,.. and at: ~_ . •-~= •--_-. , . -:-_ _. _ ..._ ._ ,,,on the_ 8 t~'1 ._ .daY: of' ' -----August~ .........--~-----19'----~=2- ' ~-. ~,, 4 y . . '' ,I <hereby certif : thac; ~he whole number of inembers of ,thee Council, o'f the', Gity of Petaluma, is. seven, and tliat tlie ;fore"going~,ordinance was.pa"ssed by tlie Council.at its,ineeting of.. 2:1_S:t_.! _._._,day of _____________P,UCjU_8t'__ _ _ : 19_ 7.2, by the'following~ vote, to-wit: AYES: courrciLMAN_ _:__. BRUNNER_ _ :.. .. ......:..... CourrciLMArr CAVANAGH_r__ JR ... ~ t1YES: CQUNCILMEIN ...___.._CLECAK ' • ---------- ------ • • ---------•-•----••----•--•---•, CQiJNCILIvIAN. ---DALY.••• •-••••-•-._......::••••.•••••-•--.._ MATTEI • - - PERRY° JR AYE5;; GOIJNCI,I,MAN -------,- •---• --- __---•- _ --.-.... : COUNCILMt1N -•-•----- ,..:.! ~:_.•~-- --e-- , _ _-.._ ~ HELEN PUTNAM' ' . ' ' MAYOR :-.•,• .---- --_:_- --.:--- --_:.;:. ~~`"' ` . NOES:; ...NONE±.:..__ :~~ : ......... ....................... ....::..... . ~ .. NONE ~ ` . ABSENT, ------ •-••- --- •----••- --•---• -: -,•-•-•-•• , ~ ~ c ,` , v~.r-y ATTEST,:, ~' ..~..--°- :-=--• ~------- ---,.- -:...--• •-.••- ••••••••••. . : ~ , (SEE1L) ,.: . - _ CIT,YoCI:ER~K ; t~ , • ~ Tlie foiegoirig- Ordmance :Number 1:~'5 9. Ne~;'W' ~ g regularly passed :and ptesented;. to :me . Charter Series; hadin +been ~ a, ~ . ~ , ~ • ~ ~. ~ . ~;, this ... 2 ~.~_~.,: •-•.;. ~day'of :, .~1:iC~jIJ.S ~=:. . _ •••-- ° --••-; 19:7~:=,., is ~h'erebY aPProv,ed;6y' me' " . . ...~1$~t •••• . ;••••:day, _ . : ., "~ - of---...:Au~ust--=---- ~ ---`--.. . ... .:.. ..:.........:. i9:~:~,-. ' e~ri~e.dar -----ep..ember -~~~-~----1;972 t~' . . . --- ------••, ••••- -•„_-. ,-• •• ............ _ .. -•• ---- . - `.IvItTYOR.