HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1066 N.C.S. 10/24/1972~ ,%~: ~~ . . ~~ 1 I , ~, . . *. E~ER;: s f 9~'"27,%'72 O,RDINANCE N~.~ 1 Q_6 6 N T C.. `S . INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN S~CONDED BY COUNC~LMAN A.N ORDINANCE' A.M~~T~~NG ZON.~~TG nRDIN~NCE NO. 6 6~ N. C. S m BY REZnN~NG ASSE~S012'S ~A~2:CF~ N.UMBERS '~-0.~'2-29; -33,. -37 AND 'I'I~E SOUTHERL.Y 130 FEET (~F ~SSESSOR' ~ PARCEL # 7-022-49 C8.L7, 8Z1~ 82~~, 8.29 :E7~a'I' WASH~NGT.OtV STR~F'~) FROM R-lvi-1500 ~MU:~TI-FAMIL~ 12ES~~ENTIP;~,y DIS'TR~CT 'T0 C-N ~NEIGHBnRHnC~D COMN(ERC~A:Ly D'~S'I`RIC'I`T BE ~T .ORDATNED BY THE COUNC~~ nF THE C~.TY OF .PE"~PsLUI~A A~ FOLLOWS : Section 1. That :the C.~tv Gounci'~: ~:inds tha~ the P~ann:~n~ Commission ~i~ed w~~'h the Citv Gouncil on the.2lst d~:y oi 5eptebme~, 1972, i~°ts report ~.s se~ ~orth in i.ts Reso`l~ti~n .No. ~.14-72 ~.ec'dmrnend- inq the r~ejecti~n ~f an amendment .to the Zon~.nq n~din~nce No. 662 N.C.S. ;b_y rec~ass~~ving a~d ~e~zc~ninc~ cer~a,in la.;nds beinq m~~e 1~articula~ly described as ~c~llows : , ~_ Assess~r's Pa~cels Num~e~s.'7=0;22-2~9, -33, -~~ and the sou~the~lv ~3~ reet of A:Po- # ~-022-.49 8I.7, 821, 825 and ~29 East W~sh.~.ng~~n S~~e_e.~ ~ ~.1~ ~ha~ ce:~tain ~ea~ p~.op~~tv s~.tu~:ted; l.~ina and being in the City ~f'. :Pe~~.luma., C~unt~ of; Son~m~.., S~~te o~ ~ Ca~.i.fornia, ~~unded an~d de~cr:ibed. as ~c~ll~ws : , ~ Beginnin:er at ~ po:int on °~he weste~ly ~:i_ne o~ Washinctton St~ee~, i d~s~~nt ~he~eon ~~Oe$0 ~eet nort~he~ly f~~m the no~tl~west co~ne~ , of P~yran and tnlashingt~n St:~eets as the.~ ,s.a~ne ~~e 1.~~.d dc~wn and desi~rna~ted ~xpon Harmon' ~ Niap ~i~ :Eas~ Pe~~:-1~m~,; ~.hen~e continuinq a~ong the we~~te~°Yy line~ o.~ ~Va~hingtc~n 5tree~. „North 36a'q2' 33" Eas~ ~1.9.90 fee~t to ~ point; ~henc~ along ~the n~:rthe~~v lin:e of the ~~nds o~ C:u~~~.s ancl 1ea~inq sai.d St.~.ee~ N. 54'~ 10' t~Test :t,32, 50 feet ~:o a p.oint; thence S. 36~ 02' 33" Wes~., 1?~.x°~:Llel to Wa_sh~.n~t~n S'.t~eet '70 feer. t2~ a poin,t; thence wes;te~l.y r A~sra1]~~l t~ P~.y~~.n ~t~ez`t 9. 00 ~ee~. ~to ~ pc~~nt; ~hence s~u~iie:~:~y, par.a~lle~ ~c~ Wdshinczt~n 5~reet ,Y66.8 f~et ~o ~ p~int; then~~ z~ster~v, p~Ya~~.e:L t~o Payran' ~~reet ~1. 50 .~eet t~ ~ pQint; then~~ s~s~ath~~l.v ~ p~r~z~.°.L to Washington S~treet 83,3`7 tee~t to a.,pdin~ wh~~h be~~~ N: . 54~ ~.6' ~2" West ~~~~n th~ p~int ~~ be~:~nnine~° ther~~:e ~.. 54~ 16' 32" E~st 136 ree~. .~~ the~ poir~~ ~f beqi=n:rz~.n~: Section ~. ~'he C~~v Co~nca:l :~~~~~er ~i~~.s tha~ ~~,ir~ ?~l~nn~.nq CO1llTlllSSlOY1 he:~d hea:~inas ~n s~id pr~~:}~~.~~~ am~ndmen.~ ~~ the ~~nirr~r O~d~.- nance Noo 662 N.C•,S. -on ~he ~.~th day ~~. Sep~eti~~'r, 1,9~'~2, ~.~~e~ :h~vinc~ -~- ~~, , . ~ ., :~` ~',~~ i ~. :~ ~ given motice of sai.d ~ie;a~incts ,in tlie: 7na~n~ne~°,; ~o~~ ~he. pe~ic~d ~nd i~n the '~orm re;qui~`ed by s~:id Ordiriance 'No , 6 6;2 N ~ C~ S. Sec~ion 3. ~'ha~ p.~zr;_~ruan~ ~~o Artic~e ~1. ~~ said~ ~e~r~~.ng ~~d~.- nanee N'o. 662 NmCrS., ~he C°ity Council he~e~y ado:pt~ ~n ~mendmen~t to said ~oninq Ordinance;No. 6`62 N.C,S.~s;o as to.reela'ssi-~v and ~ezone said pr°;oper~y hereinbefo~e dese~°~bed fr~om ~.n R--M-.15~00 ~Mu~.ti-F~m~ly Resident~.~.l) Dis~t~°~.~~ to ~C=N. (Ne.~_qhbo~°~ood. Comx~i~x~c~a~.) Dis~t~~.c~~ I ' Section 4 ~ ~'he C'i.tv Counea:l fur~ther ~`ind~ ~Gh~t ~~e c~i~:n.e~e is cons~isten~t wi~h ~he ~u~poses o~ Or.dinan~ce~ No. 6,6:`2 Nm~~So a~ desc~ib'ed ~.n Sect~.c~n ~.=T00 tlze~eot and ~hat a~l ~ee~:ui~em~nts o~" ~~e said Ordin~.nce ha~re b.e.en me~. ~Sect~_on 5. ~I'he Ci.~y Clerk be, ~.nd s;he .is. herel~~ di~ec~ed to ~~~~publish ~his d~,dinanc;e, in the pe°~aluma :Ar,gus-Cou~°ier, ~he o~f~.cial new,s.pape~ of ~he City, incl.udine~ the sa~d map sh~wine~ t~e desc~°ip~ic~n of s~.iel~ p~ope~t~~r ~0 be reclas.~i:tied ~nd ~e~,~ned he~eunde~, ~e~~° .~he period iand ~n ~he manner~ .~eq~ired. by ~he Ci,~y Cha~,°~e~ ~ 4 . ORDERED' ~~PUBL~SHED ~his 1Ath d~~ o~ Oc.tob'er , 19`~2. AYES : ~- COiJNCILMEN BRUNNER, CAVANAGH, <JR. ,: DAI;Y', MATTEI, P~ERRY, JR. , and MAYOR PUTNAM. NOES: ~ NONE. . ABSENT:i COUNCILMAN CLECAK,. ~ i . ; . _ M~~~~ A~"TES.T,: ~~~ . ~ _ i~y .~'~.~er.~. ~- ~_ ,~ . , -' . , ` Adop~:ed th `is ~ p2 _ day o~ . C~~~~~~~~ f~.9'7'~' _ . -. : , r ~ ~"~ -2- ~ ' . - - _ . I. h'ereby certify, tfiat Che within: ord~nance, ~v.as; publislied in full orice in~,the~ P-eEaluma Argus-Gourier, a, daily ,paper of' " _ _.0_ctober 13 ~ ' 72 general cicculation; publisfied within ,the City ;of Petaluma, to<wit ....,_._ t7r~; . .. _.._. . -------------•--'-•------...c-- ...... 1`9: . . . .. -~--~;- °, and Chat the said Pe[a'luma Argus~Gourier is; Ehe, official, newspaper- oE 'tli'e Cify of. P.etaluma,, _ o , ,. - _ :_ ,_ ~ ;,I lie~eby certif:y; that, ifie whole number of ,members of~ the. Council' of the. City, of, ~Pe,taluma is seven, and: th5t the~ ~~ , - forego~ng ordi°nance was.passed by.,tlie Gouncil at its irieeting,of... ....~-Ot.h:....,day of ____ ~CtObe.z' - 19 7~: ~,. by' fhe following vofe, to-wit; . , ~ - Brunner,, Mattei AY;ES:, COUNCII;M't1N ,,-_ ... .. . ...:... ..•---..~.; COUNCILMt1N .- ----:- _., .. ,.:•_-..._ ..--.-° - • -•• ----- ---••:-.- --_-~- AYES:' COUNCI'LIvIAN ;,..... Cc~VaI1.dC~Y1 ~, Jr' _ : : ____ COUNCILMAN` _ .,,PerrX ~ `7r: AY,ES: COUNGII:IGIAN-------- - Dal~ .,_----: ..-• •-- --_. -_-- COUNCII:MAN ---_,. - _,--- ------------- -•-•----~-~----~ - Mayor_ :Putnam, Mt1YOR -----~--° ----~°--- - -~----• ---•'-•--==-------------- - _ - - -~ _ . __.. _ . . ~ - - ;-~~. . NOES:: :-----.~:,:.-----Nqne~.---~---•--.:.......--------~= _ ~ ~. ~ ~ ABSEr1.T, :.._:: _ :_Cou cilma~Cle. ~ak:~_ - ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ,-- - - - ~- , -,;- -•--• - ---- - •.---• . - - ~•. " (:5E°AL). = ¢ • GITY CLERK .; . ,~--_-~~- ~ ~ a ' The foiegoing Ordi'nance Number ~.Q,6:~....Ne4j~ Cfiaiter 'Series, having, b~een regularly passed! an8 presented t~o me i%;~' tfiis .._... 2 4 t~l _ day o# :;:- _.. October -.--- -, 19 ~.2..., is; hereby appeoved'. by me: tfi'is:-. 2:4:t.h .. :day ..: ~ ---.. ...._.. _ _,,. ~. ....- . `"d ry - .._ . .. . r . . . _ . ~ =~::~f __.._..October .._..---~----~---------------- ------~----> i9.72:... ffe~c~~e aace--. ---,--:.mber 23, 1~72 ~ ~ .: ---~--- _~, ---~~- -- . ...~- - --~ ~---_ _-_ _ , _ --.<-_ ------ -- --- --~ . ---~------- MAYOR