HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 6.B 07/06/2015 Part 29 .1 Page 51, Attachment 4 00V CITY OF ,PF T A LUMA T'OST OPFIC1.13 fit tit PEA'AC,1INTA, CA 94953-0001 n>,vrrr Mayor Febrnary 18, 2015 a . Chrla Aiherlsatr Ernmanuol Akognon Cercanianrrclt lleory nTl1r� 1011 Allen Street rnnaWcnrncy Petaluma, CA 9495el nnVC Tiing UnthyMIll , " ' ' "" " Cnrioe`tlirionibets° RE; ColnditloInnl Use Permit for Village 13aptiSt Church -- 38:35 Cypress Drive PLUP -14 -0001 connnrutlly Development Department !! a'}Iglhrh Strae! Paraihav, N 94952 Photro (707) 7734301 Far (707) 778.4498 B1111dhrg Utrldon Pl anc (747) 77,4.4301 I'nx (707) 7734498 ?daft; cddC27.pafalnura,cn.us To Sahadtde ASM1lons phanu (701) 778 -4479 Ptavrting DIPlrtnrr Phone (747) 778.4410 pax (107) 778.4498 r•a1nf1: 1) a fall NapJctnrirr8 a Ctj�atalrnuacn,frr tvlr, rlkgnon, Tho City of Petaluma has reviewed your application for all Adnninistrativc Conditional Use Permit to allow Village Baptist Church to operate in the existing building located at 3835 Cypress Drive Suites 107 and 108, within the'Busihess Park (BP) zone. TZO Section 3,030,5 allows the Director to determine that a proposed use is similar to and con�paGbla with fI listed use and may bo allowed, pursuant. to Section 3.030,D, after detailed review, the Director has determined that a Conditional Use Pernnit is not required for the proposed use of a religious facility to locate in the desired location because, it is similar to the use of a club, lodge, private meeting hall, which is a permitted use in the Business Park 2'oningr District, The determination is abused on the folloNving findings: 1, The TZO def+ulcs a club, lodge, private meeting hall as ponuanent, headquarters -type and mceting facilities for organizations operating on a rneannborshll> basis for the prnrnotion of "tile intcrcsts of the moltrtbors, including facilities for, business associations, civic, social, and i;ratcrtnal organizations labor unions and similar organzations political organizations, professional membership organizations, and other membership organizations. ' 2, 'lire TZO defiincs a religious facility Its It Penn =uaellt faacility operated by a religious organizzition exclusively for worship, or the prolraotion of religious activities, including accessory uses on the sanle site, Examples of these types of facilities include churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples. 31 The lcey distinction between religious facility and a club, lorige, private meeting hall as defined in the 170 is that the rcllgioars facility definition applies to organizations exercising religion while the club definition applies to organizations that gather for non - religious purposes. 4. '1116 ch<lractcritttics of and activities associated with a religious facility fare similar to a club, lodge, or mating hall in that both uses are conllliu'ablc I'll the type and 'intensity of use. Club, lodge ar private mceting halls and rcligiotls EXHIBIT A Page 52, Attachment 4 I i t facilities both gather groups of members together facilitate common interests. Purthenmore, the type of uae, hours of operation and parking are comparable to that of a club, lodge or private meeting hall: The Business Park zoning district is intended for business and professional office, technology park clusters, research and development, light industrial operations, and visitor service establishments. Additionally, club, Iodge, or meeting hall is a permitted use In the BP zoning district and as outlined above, there is little distinction between the operational characteristic of a religious facility and a club, lodge, or meeting hall. The proposed religious facility Is consistent with the general purpose of the BP zone and Is not anticipated to detract that Intent, 6. The property at 3835 Cypress has a land use designation of Business Park. There is no applicable specific plan that applies to the property. Similar to the associated BP zoning, the Business Park land use designation provides for professional offices, technology park clusters, and research and development, Therefore, the proposed religious facility is consistent with the applicable General Plan designation, 7. The religious facility is compatible with other uses permtted In the BP zoning district such as office, medical services, and multiple recreation, eduoation and public assembly uses because there is no distinction between the impacts of a club, lode, private meeting hall and a religious facility In this zoning district. ' 8, A club, lodge, or meeting hall is a permitted use in many of the city'b zoning district; however, a religious facility is not a permitted use in any of the city's zoning districts, After conducting a review of the IZO, there is no stated compelling government interest that necessitates different treatment of the two types of organizations. A determination of compatible use made by the Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission in compliance with Section IZO 24,070.' A letter of appeal by the applicant or any other Interested party must be filed within fourteen calendar days following the date of the Director's determination. If no appeal is made within that time, the decision shall be final. An appeal shall be addressed to the Planning Commission in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk. The appeal shall state specifically the grounds for the appeal and the relief sought by the appellant. Said appeal shall be accompanied by the appeal fee as specified by Resolution 2010 -206 N.C.S. as adopted by the City Council, if you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me at' DT- 778.4472 or ehilt@oj.patalurna.oa.us, Sincerely, Bllen Tdill j Assistant Planner I Page 53, Attachment 4 r, ;., 1 EXHIBIT--'B Page 54, Attachment 4 Loudness Standards for Churches — How Loud is Loud Enough? poslod by: pin rn r 'n Tlwro Is n great donl n( coniroyorny thoso days rapnrding t o nccoptnblo loudnoas IOV610 of muade In modern worshlp nnrvteus, The question that bolls to he nnswnt id Is this: 'Just how laud ho loud enough ?" Thin doculeo III will axphdn pro Really aecoptnblA laud nose lovols (or houses of worship and other venues, and will provide sound lochs and workers with the necessary farts to defend their doelrions about loudness levels. You can rest nnsurad that the anfaty, of your audlonco, bolli present and In the future, is one of Ole hlghost priorities taken Into consideration In the development of their) standards. Any nod all questions nboul lira antoty of Ilstoning levels must be taken with the utmost soriousnoap, It Is impodnnl to convoy to anyone quostloning the loudness oryour music that their concerns will be considered and that your primary pout In to continually Improve your snrvieo to the lord and the worship experience for nvoryono in atU +ndnnco, Standards of Safety The U.S, Government has alresdydone much resenrch in the area of hearing safety. The govornmani's OctupnUnnai Sillily end Health Administration (OSHA) has rosonichod and published Its rocommondad sound pressure lovols (SPL s). Their findings ere readily avallablo an the wasb nt:1 nyry,hsftr r > Applying OSHA Safety Standards In adharonco to OSHA unfoly standards whin your facility, the uno of a eoond prosnurn level (SPL) motor nhould be utilized to monnuro the loudnaso level of every service or avant, This rnnlor should be located at tho Sound Control Booth and condolontly monitored to ensure that sound levels do not exceed nccoptnblo loudness standnrds (which fall within OSHA guidelines), A pound Iovol of 00 dO 10 07 dB ohouhi he ndoplod nn the standard for nil events o(lhss Ilmn 3 houra duration par OSHA, as Indicniod In Inbbr C -10 holow: OSHA Table G -16: Duration Hrs, SPL dBA slow response 0 lire F, tin dBA 0 hm 4, 02 dBA 4 hrs b 05 dBA 3 hrs == 07 dBA 2 hrs ` 100 dBA i lire 100 dBA only occoalonally should sound levels uxcoud OSHA standards, and even then, It should only bo during momontary musical peaks. Moroovar, sound tochs must comptolofy understand that church sorvlcon nro not cnnrorts at which the nudionco sings along with the performers on stage, Rnthor, the musicians ovary ono of UTon1, including pro nInorim —•aro merely accompanists to the worahip and symphony of prnlso trroutht forth by iho ronosogatton, Thu praiso hand and stoners should he mixed ntcording)y, only loud onough to do their jobs of lending and supporting the congropnlional worship Five Common Pitfalls of DIY Installations Cntor your Inlonnatlon Below To Wirolvo The Fivn Common PII(ulla of MY Insinlintlonnl (' Cnmll l Fuel Nama Required Field �`u�klrult qL (5EI Topics — > Audio Visual Equipment > AVV✓idnq > churches > Projector Roniol > Rocordoblo Modin > Rocoiding Studios > Sound System > 'llpli > wirolona inlefophano Popular Tags Recent'Articles EMBIT B Page 55, Attachment 4 and praise experience. Loudness Standards for Houses of Worship Praise Bend and Congregation n 08 dB Worship Songs (a cepollo) - 03 d8 Spoken Word, Proeching, etc. 0 00 dB It Is Important to note that the sound level cannot be parfecay distributed throughout an entire auditorium or room. White the sound designer mayhovo Bono to great lengths to ensure ovon sound distribution at every seated position throughout the auditorium, the sound system will always produce htghortoudnoestoveienoorthospookom. For this reason, It Isr000mmondod that soo8ngpositions era caredritychoeen with We In Had. Safety, Comfort, and Personal Preferences Ono must acknowledge that oven within the range of safe sound levels, Me rent people will still have difforonl Ilstontng prororoncos, Scion(Ittoresearch and white papers like this one will not make It easier for people to enjoy sound levels that era higher than their own personal comfort levels, The sound tech Is tochnlcatly responsible for ensuring (tot sound levels do not exceed OSHA guidelines, However, every sound tech should also be aware that some people have special hearing needs and may experience a level of dasoomfortduo to certain sound frequencies, the overall loudness level, or both, in this circumstance, It Is advisable to assure anyone experiencing discomfort that steps will be taken to hotp dtom gnd a comfodablo solution, They should be Infonnod that their discomfort Is not an Indicator ofhooring damage, and sound aaenua8ng ear plugs should be offered at no charge for thalydlecrotionary use and relief, In Conclusion Bound levels In churches and other venues have crept up over the years, In fact thoy have now become a concern, and dghtiy so, because the SPIe In some vomme approach unbearable levels, Poop Is enjoy loud music generally opookinoi however, It Is the distortion that kmallmas accompanies - loud music that makes It unpleasant. Eliminating or reducing distortion can be accomplished with hlohquallycommerolal sound systems combined with properknowtodgo and the acquired skills, Those factors alone, however, are not enough to avert discomfort for all Individuals, Other measures ouWned above are often necessary to malre the experience a poslavo one for all attendees. Itle crucial that sound tacho equip themselves with the proper toots, knowtodgo, and oxpodanco to sumeeelUOy manage sound levels to everyone's oontent. Me article has addressed many of the typical concerns and questions surrounding this Issue. Please contact me directly If I can be of additional osslatonoo with these or any outer questions that may arise In the Mire, t aHARE THIS Related Posts > No related posts round A Oategorlost Churches Sound System.jjgb > Use Quality Sound Equipment For Your Porly > The Various Uses And Benefits Of AudloMdeo Equipment > Use Profosolonal Audio VI0001 Equipment i McMinnville TN ) Part - Understanding Oupaco8on vs Replicallon ) Part 3- Avoiding Problems with Me Page 56, Attachment 4 1 " J/ Mott AudloVlsuol TN la a C1100huh AV compnny npeclollzing In church nudlo and vidoo instolhill000, Our vast rnacurcas Include Mato then 500 product liner with over 200,000 !toms, WO flrmly boilovo (hat what the ore doing (or churchoo throuphoul thin prom Motu In our minletry, The Bible tonchos that how we serve others is how we servo Christ himself, (M1 2G40) We take (hose wordo norlously, We realize that we nro serving Christ by using our God•givon hdonis to servo the church, As such, we dedicato oursoivos to excellence H everything we do. We use only the (most equipment and compononts, and we complete every Installation exnclly as It It worn our vary own, We koop coals down whatever possible so that wo can bettor opproprfnin On avallablo funding toward highorquaifty oqulpmont and optimal Installation procticos, We understand that tho quallty of our work represents the quality o(work we hove done for Christ himself, Our goal Is to tomovo the technical burden from your shouidors entirely and provide you with the vory t)ant In onginooring, cronsmnnship, and stowardshlp of rfhurclh fAmda, ivory insfaliolion becomes a showcase of our dodication to excellence in both design and purfotmanco. Wo want to complete your AV projocls for you, not so much bocauso of the benefits tint it brings to our nrgnnizrdinn, but more importantly because of the benefits thniItwill bring to yours, Five Common Pitfalls of DIY Installations Entor Your Information Below To Rocolve The FIVO Common Pitfoifn o(OIY Inataliotional F-maii ' F(rst (Jame _ = Roquirecl Field Submit We not only care nboul tho quality of our work, butwo nlso care very much about ministry and ovongellom, We know that superior Inslallo0ons urn much boiler than tto Interior ones that nro oBnn Ure product of low bidders and AV companias whose only mlWon In one of prontoblllty, Wn nino know that Ihn suporior porfomhonca of our systems can make worshipping more olfodlvo and morn onjoyablo for everyone In ollondanco, This can toad to church growth and future expansion, both o(which will ulllmuloly bonoM t ho ant re body of Chtisl In a posltivo way, And thol Is whatwe as a Christlan organization care about most of all, v Topics It humhlnn os when wn fire soluc(od to bid on a church AV projoct, We would be pleased and hoporod to visit your incilily to oiler n )Audio Visual Equipment no cost evaluation of your next prnjocl. Plonno contact un today, 616.006-6556 (0 AM -. 0 PIA, M-F) or fiUit2tlStw-4 k j ) AV Wiring [.o11lYS 4A (StD1.t0if ll Churches > Projector Rental > Rorordnbto Modin > Ruaarding Studios ) Sound System > Tips > wireless microphone Popular Tags Page 57, Attachment 4 Nil 3 0 Page 58, Attachment 4 From: Chadboum Hawley (mallto;chowley (Mcomprinox,comj Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 10:34 AM To: Hill, Ellen Subject: Conditional use permit - Valley Baptist Church at 3835 Cypress Drive Dear Ms HIII Please accept this omall In lieu of a letter as I am out of town on business and understand any objections to the conditions[ use permit for Valley Baptist Church at 3835 Cypress Drive must be submitted by today. As an owner of a business condo In the building (Unit #207), I em ver concerned about the possible degradation of the property and the potential for theft and vandalism, The church proposes to operate on weekends when the normal tenants (the rest of1116-tWIlding owner /occupants) are not there. They propose to hold meetings for 100+ people , They make no mention of security. From past experience of having a church operate In the building on weekends we know that the doors are left open and there Is no monitoring of who goes in or out of the building, The building had suffered from theft and vandalism in the past , We have gone to some lengths to ensure that the doors are securely looked on weekends and evenings, which are preolaeiy_the (Imes the church proposes to operate. In addition, the size of the congregation will put pressure on the Infrastructure (bathrooms, rugs) which already have significant pressure from existing clients, I don't think I am alone In this concern, but fear other ownerloccuplem will not have time to express their re servations/concems, Regards Chadbourn Hawley Owner - Unit # 207 Sent from my (Phone EXHIBIT C Page 59, Attachment 4 �' From: Kim Stephens (msillo:Kim@sml -Ila coml To: Petaluma Planning Commission RE: village Baptist Church, 3835 Cypress Drive Minor Conditional Use Permit, Pile No, PLUP -1 4.0007 Stephens, McCarthy, Lancaster LLC (owner and occupant of 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 206) strangly obieots to the Conditional Use Permit under consideration for 3835 Cypress Drive, Suites 107 and 108, as we believe that the expanded usage has the potential to have significant negative operating and economic impacts on our business. We are concerned with the negative effect on our daily operations which would be impacted by security concerns, noise, parking, accessibility, liability and common area wear and tear that would come with-tine dramatic Increase in the number of persons allowed under the CUP under consideration. We are also oxtremely concerned that the negative effects on our daily operations have the potential to adversely affect the long term economic investment that we have made in this space, by potentially to decreasing its value to any future purchaser. In addition, we along with most of the others owner occupants of the building have now become very concerned with the impact of the original CPU which allowed increased usage beyond the norms for the buildtng and encouraged the marketing of these units for a usage even more inconsistent and inappropriate for the butlding. Our specific concerns are: Security: Our building is open 7:00 AM -» 7:00 FM Monday through Friday, We limit access Into the building during the off hours and weekends for security reasons, both to the physical space and to any occupants working in those off hours, There are many ownerloccupants of this building who work in the off hours, either seasonally or because they are small business owners whose work requirements are not tied to the clock. We are on the second floor and would be particularly susceptible anyone peeling off of a group In the building after hours, Events on evenings and weekends which would expose our office to new security risks, would require a re- assessment of the building's entire security provisions and could potentially Involve modificatlons to second floor access to Include new locking fire doors at the side entrances, design modification to the open staircase from the main lobby to the second floor, and perhaps actual security personnel, Any and all security enhancements should be paid by the entity requeslinalihe CUP, Noise: The increased noise that could potentially come from the as needed usage during regular business hours (funerals were mentioned as an example) is complg�j}( Inappropriate for the existing business and medical usage In the building, We are sitting doing offlce work that requires focus and concepirstion and can only assume that an even higher level of focus and concentration is required for the medical and dental procedures being performed In the building) -�- Page 60, Attachment 4 -.7' Parking: It appears that the church plans to hold some services during the week which could our ability to find parking. We have a deeded assignment of four parking spaces. These four parking spaces are available to our office suite seven days a week, twenty -four hours a day as also noted In our CC &R's. Each suite has a specific maximum number of allocated parking spaces for their use. TFPdquasted usage in the CPU would signIflontly exceed their parking space allotment for the two suites in question. A couple of our employees have specific hours and typically park their care early and leave them in spots. The remainder are outside salesmen who come into the office as needed during regular and off hours and count on being able to find a place to park when they have a limited amount of time to achieve whatever task for which they have come Into the office. I can only Imagine that the medical and dental offices would like their patients to be able to find parking in a timely manner. Our parking lot Is not particularly large, but certainly adequate for the existing usage without having to resort to designated, assigned parking - could you even imagine the owners meeting where we argue over who gets what spot on a permanent basis? Parking on the busy street should not have to be an option for building occupants with deeded spots, especially as we are across the street from UPS and very near FED -EX and many other large, busy facilities. Accessibility: Out building CCRs state you cannot extend Into the common area. The Common area Is only for Ingress and egress (section 2.3 A). There can be no conducting of a business in the halls or waiting area. In the case of the large functions (Le. Increased numbers of people) that this CRU-Is being asked to accommodate, have you ever seen people disburse rapidly after one of these types of events? Other people wanting to enter the building, either during regular business hours during funerals or during the off hours, will potentially to brave the parking and then the crowd to make It Into the building to conduct their business. Liability: The increased usage requested in the CPU would seem to bring the potential of increased liability with the number of persons on site. A completely different allocation of Insurance coverage and costs would need to be determined that would not take Into account pure square footage as currently done, but comparable usage. In addition, we assume that the Vlllege Baptist Church will have children at their services. Our building has a steep set of stairs, any permit granted to the Village Baptist Church should require adult supervision of all Children while they are In the common areas. Common Area inadequacy, and Wear and Tear: We are very concerned that the infrastructure In our building Is Inadequate for the vastly Increased usage requested In the CPU. The aniall Spaces Intended to accommodate the usage does not appear to be adequate for 86 plus people, What happens when more people Show up than anticipated? The previous tenant grew in attendance and exceeded the allowed number per their CPU, If this CPU is granted over the objections of the majority of the current owners — will we end up in the really awful position of standing outside and counting the number of people attending a wadding or funeral in order to file a complaint? How would the oily compliance officer be able to come out and determine the extent of the misuse? We have two small bathrooms, one on each floor that would not be able to handle a large crowd, especially if securlty considerations make the second floor off limits. Will the existing sprinkler system In the building meet the requirements for this type use? Any upgrades would need to be paid for by the requester of the CPU, The Increased usage requested in the CPU would Boom to bring the potential of vastly increased wear and tear on the common areas. A completely different allocation of operating, maintenance, and capital Improvement costs would need to beAetarmined that would not take Into account pure square footage as currently done, but comparable usage. We at Stephens, McCarthy, Lancaster LLC appreciate your earefid consideration of the concerns that we have expressed as well the ones expressed by the owners of the other office Page 61, Attachment 4 condominiums at 3835 Cypress Drive. All of the owners were quite aback by this recent request, initially by its Increased scope, but also upon the realization that the granting of the previous CPU had opened the door to this kind of usage request. I believe that I speak for many of the owners who were not happy about the prior CPU granted to a tenant, but did not object strongly for several reasons. At the time, we commiserated with the Owner (who is now die Seller) of the units in question because the cconomle conditions In the county, and tho county as a whole, made the units very hard to sell and renting at least provided some incpme on the units. We also now see that the duration of the prior CPU was mischaractorized. It seemed that many of us were okay with off hours and Increased use because we were told the tenant was temporary and that they had purchased property to build a permanent site. Now we see the permit was open ended, and its granting has encouraged marketing and it sale for a use that for exceeds the numbers appropriate for this building. In our ignorance of, the planning process, permitting, etc, we allowed something to occur that we find was decidedly not in our interest, and t believe that we will be working in die Nture to see what remedies are available to revoke the existing CPU, Stephens, McCarthy Lancaster LLC 4 Chris Stephens Kevin McCarthy Glenn Lancaster' # tt# rt# wwtr#•* 4wrtt*# w# tww## twrtw4wt4wr4rrwwr+ tw# r*# # *tww # #wwwwwww #wwwrttw #wrwrt +tw wwrwwwrwttwwtwtwt 4rww# wwwwr4wwwt# twrr4w4# wwrrttt### ttwwt * #w #wwrtrwwr #w#tw4wtt *rtt *4 r* wtwwr# wrr4#+ �w## }w+tMw #w+Ywt44#4w4 #4wri+It4wttt #two # «4 #r Page 62, Attachment 4 ;• , 1 1 From: <mhaaa @haasopa,com> Date: January 22, 2015 at 7:22:05 PM PST To: <ehlll @cl.petaluma,ca,us> Subject: Objection to CUP amendment of village baptist church January 22, 2015 To Whom it May Concern: X strongly object to the proposed CUP amendment of village baptist church at 3835 cypress drive. 1 am one of the owners at 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 204, Petaluma, CA.1 put chased my suite In 2005 and have been operating there since as a CPA firm We use our office and the common area mainly Monday through Friday -all hours of the day and night. Several months of the year we, use our office and the common area on weekends, - As an owner of suite 204,1 have a deeded assignment of 6 parking spaces. These 6 parking spaces are available to me -7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Bach suite has a specific maximum number of allocated parking spaces for their use. When these suites were purchased, the City of Petaluma required a certain number of spaces per business. This was dependent upon the type and scope of the business. We all had to conform to this, The use of my 6 parldng spaces can not be changed, We received the notice for the amendment for the CUP for The Village Baptist Church, which will be occupying suites 107 and 108. For the Planning Department we were told the Village Baptist Church would like to operate as follows: Sundays 8.10 :15 am - children's group (no size noted) Page 63, Attachment 4 `J 11 -1 worship- size to be increased to 125 people - current membership is 85 5 x's per year from 3 -7 pm they would like to have additional largo gatherings = up to 125 people Wednesdays 6 :30.9 pm Bible Study (no size noted) 9:15 -10 :15 pm Choir (no size noted) Fridays 7 -9:30- Youth Group (no size noted) Saturdays 10 -12 Men's Group- (no size noted) 1 time per month a large conference -up to 125 people As Needed - large group gatherings up to 125 -for weddings, funerals, etc.,. M -T -W from 8 -4 there will be Church Staff in the offices - V We have the following Issues regarding the proposed usage of the space as outlined above: 1, The CCRs do not allow a business of this size. Any business occupying these suites must conduct their business (2417), using only their allocated parking spaces. In the case of Suile6'107 and 108 they only have 11 allocated parking spaces,This Is deeded to the suites and runs with the property. Per the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for 3835 Cypress Drive Business Center, A Condominium Project„ Section 22 D reads: "In no event shall an Owner or other occupant of a unit Ariake use of more than the allocated Parking Spaces per Unit as Specified on Exhibit A, Parking Allocations" Page 64, Attachment 4 i Each suite In the building has a deeded right to use their parking allocation 24/7 per the MRS, The OCRs state that no business can use more than their allocation. This holds true for any business in the building, If they operate using more than their allocation this is a violation of the Culls. This restriction is effective 7 days a week, 24 hours it day, All the owners purchased the right to their allocation when they purchased their suites, Our CCRs do not allow one suite to give their allocation to another or waive their right to their spaces on certain days of the week, The proposed business plan of the Village Baptist Church operates beyond this restriction, They currently have a congregation of over 85. They also are currently advertising a 100 person Saturday seminar in February. If this business, or any other with this usage, is allowed to operate in our building it will be in violation of other owner's rights and the OCRs- urrent owners or future owners require 24/7 access to their allocated spots, In the case of the church the maximum occupancy per the City and our CCRs is 44, The proposed 125 far exceeds this limit, The City does not have to right to give away every owners allocation of parking spaces on Sundays (or any other day), Just because the current situation appears to leave parking spaces open on Sundays, doesn't mean that in the future (several suites are for solo) it will stay that way. Business models change and It is the deeded right of each owner to have access to all their spaces ou any given day at any Eimc. 2, The usage of the space, as proposed, oxeceds the maximum accupnucy as determined by the Fire ]Department. The congregation space is 1274 sq ft, and depending upon the structures (stages) in the room, ilia usable space can be less, Depending upon whether the congregation is seated or all are standing the sq fl /person can vary from 7 sq fl (standing) to J6 sq fl,(seated). -`So the possible maximum capacity rims from 180 to less than 80... all depending upon stnictures in the room and provislon jar seating. I can not Imagine that the entire congregation of 85 -125 will be standing for the 2 hour worship service nor will the 100 plus people attending the planned conference be standing all day. Nor will attendees of funerals and weddings be standing. T assume there will be furniture etc, taking up space and tlrrther reducing the allowed attendee space. Therefore, this busljcess would be operating over allowed capacity, which wottld cause potential safety Issues and hazards to Ilia entire building. Page 65, Attachment 4 , 3. We object to Arnerals and weddings taldng place in the facility. The church has proposedt large group gatherings up to 125 for weddings, funerals, etc. Any day of the week? Aity tltne of the day or night? They do not state how often these events will occur or what days of the week or what time they will be ...Potentially they could be any day and up to 125 people In attendance... We oppose this nit so inany levels. 1. Parking is an Issue. They will be In violation of the CCRs if attendance and staff are In excess of 44 persons, A business In those suites can only utilize their 11 spaces. Currently the parking tot Is close to capacity especially on weekdays. In no way can we accommodate this. 2. How can you limit the size of a funeral? Will someone be counting people as they enter? The CCRs state you can not extend Into the common area, The Common area Is;Wlly`for Ingress and egress (section 2.3 A). There can be no conducting of a business In the halls or waiting area. 3. is a casket going to be wheeled through the entry hall? to and out? Where will the hearse be parked? Blocking the pedestrian entrance? It Is completely Inappropriate for an office building. a. Where will any receptions be hold? No food service Is allowed In the building (section 7.1 A10- No food Servloe or food preparation may be permitted within a Unit) S. Nolse- Per CCRs Section 7.1A1• "No facility shall produce noise at such levels as will be offensive to owners or occupants of adjoining unths or portions of the Common Area of the property or to any owner of a unit or portion of that property" Noise must be at the level of normal "office " occupancy use. The sound of 128 people entering and exiling a building at one time is over thl_s -tkval. According to Facility Planning and Management Notes, published by the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis College of Human Ecology at Comell University- The average nolse In a business office is between 48 and 58 Decibels„ ~� According to "iyor;shipLeaders" Worship Decibel Level Study- Page 66, Attachment 4 (� 7 The average worship noise for a group of 90 people Is between 7888 decibels and the average worship noise with music for this size group Is greater than 100 decibels THATISNEARLYDOUBLE THENOISELEVEL OFA NORMAL "OrTICE" Please consider these objections when reviewing the CUP amendment for this business in our building, Our building is not suitable for a business of this size and scope, It would not be fair for The Village Baptist Church to move In here and subsequently realize the limitations of the space. Nor would it be fair to the rights of all the other owners, 1 feel the original CUP was issued in violation of our CCRs and should never have been approved. The proposed' Village Baptist Church amendment should NOT be approved and I feel the original CUP should be revoked. Stncercly, Michael A. Haas C.P.A. Haas & Reaney LLP 3835 Cypress Drive Suite 204 Petaluma, Ca 94954 phone 4J5,382,1040 fax 707.76.x, 3411 - a fffi=ua, coin Page 67, Attachment 4 9 1 J Sent from my (Phone Begin forwarded message: From: "Hill, Ellen" <EHILLQcl,petaluma,ca,us> bate: February 18, 2015 at 18;26:44 PST To; 'MB' <m1b7171 ®yahooxom> Subject; RE; 3836 Cypress Dr. From: Hill, Ellen Sent; Wednesday, February 18, 2016 4:26 PM TO :'MB' v Subject; RE: 3836 Cypress Dr, III Michael- Attached Is the letter of determinotlon for the church use at 383S Cypress Drive, It has been determined that there Is not a need for a Conditional Use Permit and tlidt'the church will be allowed as a permitted use. Please let me know if you have any questions, Best, Ellen Hill Assistant Planner From; MB [maltto:m1b717i @yahoo,com) Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 201512 :23 PM To; Hill, Ellen; MB Bozuk; Angela Haas; Hens% Comoost Subject: 3835 Cypress Dr. HI Ellen Page 68, Attachment 4 / we had a short discussion this morning about the notice that I received on 1/18/15 In regard to the conditional use permit for a church to locate at 3835 Cypress Dr. I own a surgical suite in the building and have a surgery center as part of my office space. I purchased the space In 2006 as medical office space. We see patients In clinic daily at the office and have some special clinics saturday am,* few times per year. I am understanding that a baptist church Is requesting a use permit In the building. I am objecting on multiple levels to that type of use of both the space and the building, The building was originally marketed by the builder as medical and professional space. That's why I made the Investment in the office. I was under the impression that the building was going to continue to keep their professional /medical space standards. Currently without the church the building is starting to experience a strain on the parking spaces. I would estimate the parking lot to be g0% full during work hours, with handicap parking at a premium. My elderly patients often have to walk from the distant part of the parking lot, and I actually have 17 spaces deeded to my suite, A church would certainly overwhelm the parking situation. As much as I was told that there would be limited use during the week, I very much doubt that the church will limit their worshipers to some kind of set weekend hours, f=urther there is no contingency for the situation when the parking lot becomes full and postoperative ( often wheelchair bound) patients are not able to get parking close to the building, Most of the suites in the building are running on two first and two second floor bathrooms. Only the medical suites have Internal bathrooms. Thei'raftic and the wear on the bathrooms has be high, and toward the week the building often smells. It has always been amazing to see all the different suites, their employees and visitors to use one lobby bathroom, I don't believe that a church congregation will benefit the bathroom situation, Due to my noise sensitive work, the expected traffic will make It difficult, If not Impossible. We had a situation that dogs were brought In to other suites, and the animais were heard in my surgery center, The owners have agreed to a no pet policy to address this Issue. 1 am fairly sure that a baptist congregation, with weddings and funerals and the traffic associated with it, will likely strain the building and the noise levels will go way up, i have noticed that you are not planning a separate entry for the church, meaning the main entry will be used. Every time the door open and close at the entry i can hear the thump In my suite. I think that placing a high traffic business such as a church is not a good Idea for the building. Page 69, Attachment 4 -7D , e We have had multiple break -Ins Into the offices over weekends and_rgsolved the Issue by locking the building after hours and on weekends. That has substantlally Improved the security condition in the building, Certainly anybody after hours or on weekends has to be an owner or owners designs, By opening the building for the weekend we will encourage crime In the building. Since I have medical gases, anesthesia medications, and narcotics stored In my center, this makes my suite a target for break-Ins. As you noted I am not in favor of a church moving to the building. F=eel free to contact me directly to discuss If needed. thank you Michael Bozuk MD surgeon Bozuk and Associates surgical Attachments area Preview attachment 3836 Cypress Compatible Use Determinetlon,pdf 3038 Cypress Compatible Use Doterminatlon.pO 11v. Page 70, Attachment 4 Petaluma Planning Commission Re: Village Baptist Church occupying sultes 1071108 at 3835 Cypress Drive, Petaluma California 94954 Conditional Use Permit, File #: PLUP -14 -0007 To The Petaluma Planning Commission: We strongly object to the proposed CUP amendment proposed by Village Baptist Church, We are 2 of the owner /occupants at 3835 Cypress Dr, Suites 209, 210, Petaluma, CA, 94954, We purchased the suite with my business partner, Dr, Martin Steigner and his wife, Mrs. Dea Steigner in 2005, We use our suite mainly Monday - Friday, but in 2015, we plan to expand our hours to serve our patients on Saturdays. We are pediatric dentists and plan to offer Saturday hours which are often easier for aTttidren as they don't have to miss school, We are also present in the building fdr any dental emergency which can arise at any hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We strongly object to the proposed CUP amendment proposed by Village Baptist Church for the following reasons: 1. Parking: (From the letter of Mike Haas, CPA): In the case of Suites 107 and 108 they only have 77 allocated parking spaces. This is deeded to the suites and runs with the property. Per the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for $836 Cypress Drive Business Center, A Condominium Project., Sectlon 2,2 D reads: "in no event shall an Owner or other occupant of a unit make use of more than the allocated Parking Spaces per Unit as Speclfled on Exhibit A, Parking Allocations" Each suite In the building has a deeded right to use their parking allocation W per the CCRs, The CCRs state that no business can use more than their allocation. This holds true for any business In the building. If they operate using more than their allocation this Is a violation of the CCRs, This restriction Is effective 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. All the owners purchased the right to their allocation when they purchased their suites. Our CCRs do not allow one suite to give their allocation to another or waive their right to their spaces on certain days of the week. Furthermore, our concerns include: The dedicated parking ailotment4or these suites Is 11 parking spaces, All of the existing businesses have parking allotments in this range. The CUP amendment request by Village Baptist Church request an occupancy of 125 people. With only 11 allotted parking spots, where will VBC visitors park? Who will monitor that VBC visitors do not park in non -VBC spots (so that cllents /patlents of existing businesses continue to have access to parking)? Is it safe to have this amount of cars parking on the streets around Cypress Dr. and Pine View Way when there Is already limited street parking? Would this many cars on the street create a traffic hazard? Would it effect other local business? The CUP amendment request lists weddings, funerals, seminars, services, etc. These type of special events usually Include outside vendors who arrive with trucks, Where will these trucks be parked? There are not enough handicap parking spots for this additional burden. Our Page 71, Attachment 4 professional office provides services to children. This meanp that a parent must drive them to the appointment and often brings the younger siblings with in their arms or In strollers. We do not feel that it Is safe to put our patients at risk to have to park and walk from some other location than our dedicated parking spots. 2. The requested occupancy of 125 surpasses the occupancy allowed by the CCR's and the Fire Code. From the letter from Mike Haas, CPA based on the parking alottment: In the case of the church the maximum occupancy per the City and our CCR's is 44. The proposed 125 far exceeds this limit. The congregation space Is 1274 sq ft, and depending upon the structures (stages) In the room, the usable space can be less. Depending upon whether the congregation Is seated or all are standing the sq ft/ person can vary from 7 sq ft (standing) to 16 sq ft (seated). So the possible maximum capacity runs from 180 to less than 80... all depending uppn structures in the room and provision for seating, Upon viewing the photo - gallery from the VBC's website, it appears that members are seated during service, This would allow for less than 80 occupants. In addition, lecterns, stages, etc., would further decrease that number. 3. Noise: Suites 107 /108 reside next to an accounting office, across from a general dentist, below an orthodontist and pediatric dentist. All of these offices are quiet, professional offices with less than 20 people on average In each space. At times, even some sound can be heard between the offices. There Is a medical suite off of the common area on the 2nd floor which could hear the sounds of the previous church even though it is located down the hallway and on a different level. An occupancy of 125 people would be very loud. Events such as seminars, weddings and funerals would create considerable noise. Does the church play music, have singing, etc, that would also contribute to the noise levels ?'There is a rap group listed In articles about the church. Mike Haas, CPA also cited the differential between normal office noise as 48 -50 decibels and the average worship noise for a group of 90 (much smaller than 125) as 78.88 decibels with worship music greater than 100 decibels, twice that of traditional office noise. (Please reference bflp;a wwwy.vlllaggbaptiathoma.org /media Reaching God's Goal In 2015 at 35:15 as an example of how the speaker becomes louder and louder. A decibel meter of a few second sampling of this sermon rated at over 80 decibels). This level of noise would easily be heard upstairs In our suite. It would be very distracting ro-the children who are receiving their dental procedures and the team trying to °focus on their work, ° 4,'Securlty: We completely agree with the comments from Stephens, McCarthy Lancaster, LLC who stated In their letter: Our building Is open 7:00-AM L 7.00 PM Monday through Friday. We llmft access Into the building durlhg the off hours and weekends for security reasons, both to the physical space and to any occupants working In those off hours, ''here are many owner /occupants of thle bullding who work in the off hours, either seasonally or because they are small business owners whose work requirements are not tied to the clock. We are on the second floor and would be particularly susceptible anyone peeling off of a group In the building after hours. Events on evenings and weekends which would expose our office to new security risks, would require a reassessment of the building's entire security Page 72, Attachment 4 provisions and could potentially Involve modifications to second floor access to Include new locking fire doors at the side entrances, design modlficatlon to the open staircase from the main lobby to the second floor, and perhaps actual security personnel. Any and all security enhancements should be paid by the entity requesting the CUP. Furthermore, our concerns also include that: Our suite is also located on (he secorid floor which exposes it to further risks from visitors away from the church. We are also present In the office at any given moment for emergency dental procedures in additional to our regular business hours. Unfortunately, when the last church occupied the building, there was damage to common areas, damage to the keycard security locking system, common area Items stolen, and Items stolen from offices, This medical - professlonal building is a high security risk due to many computers, technology, medical devices, medications, medical gases, patient charls, and more. 5. Accessibility: We also agree with Stephens, McCarthy Lancaster, LLC who stated In their letter: Our building CCRs state you cannot extend Into the common area, The Common area Is only for Ingress and egress (section 2,3 A), There can be no conducting of a business In the halls or waiting area, Furthermore, our concerns Include: Historically, people tend to social after church services, meetings, weddings, funerals, seminars, etc. There are specific children's services for children 12 and under held during Sunday services. Where will these children go? R,ow -can VCB ensure that the children are not In the common area and don't pose a liability risk to the current owners? Suites 106/107 do NOT have a private entrance. There Is no way to access these suites without going THROUGH the common areas that are shared with the medical and professional offices. The owners of the existing suites purchased the suites In a medical- professlonal building. We did not anticipate that funerals would be In this building, It Is unacceptable to have large groups of people, processions and caskets In the common areas of the building where our pediatric patients are coming for their dental visits. 6. Existing CUP allowing a church in the space: When the previous church requested a CUP to occupy the space, the existing owners were told that It was a temporary usage while the - church built a new location, The majority of the owners did not fight the CUP because It was a temporary situation, We were not informed that the CUP would remain with the suite and could become a permanent usage for the suites. The previous church requested Sunday usage for approximately 80 people for 2 hours and evenings approximately 3 days a week for up to 15 people. This is a dramatic difference to a permanent location for Village Baptist which is requesting an occupancy of up to 125 people with usage every day of the week.. church, or any business of this size, is incompatible with the CCR's of the tha building and existing Fire Code for the City of Petaluma, (Please refer to the letter from Mike Haas, CPA for further details). 7, Wear and tear: With weekly meetings, events, seminars, weddings`; funerals, and services almost every day of the week in addition to regular business hours, VCB will generate a significantly greater amount of wear and tear on the building than the other owners. How does VBC plan to compensate for this wear and tear? We also agree with Stephens, McCarthy Lancaster, LLC who stated in their letter: We are very Page 73, Attachment 4 concerned that the infrastructure In our building Is Inadequate for the vastly Increased usage requested in the CUP, The small spaces Intended to accommodate the usage does not appear to be adequate for - 86.125 -plus people, What happens when more people show up than anticipated? (How can the church turn away mourners at a funeral ?) The previous tenant grew In attendance and exceeded the allowed number per their CUP. (And as owners, we suffered damages to the common areas, doors, security, and theft). if this CUP Is granted over the objectlons of the majority of the current owners — will we end up In the really awful position of standing outside and counting the number of people attending a wadding or funeral In order to file a complaint? How would the city compliance officer be able to come out and determine the extent of the misuse? We have two small bathrooms, one on each floor that would not be able to handle a large crowd, especially if security considerations make the second floor off limits. Will the existing sprinkler system In the building meet the requirements for this type use? Any upgrades would need to be paid for by the requester of the CUP, The Increased usage requested In the CUP would seem to bring the potential of vastly Increased wear and tear on the common areas, A completely different allocation of operating, maintenance, and-capltal Improvement costs would need to be determined that would not take Into account pure square footage as currently done, but comparable usage, 8. We also agree with Stephens, McCarthy Lancaster, LLC who stated in their letter; Liability; The Increased usage requested In the CUP would seem to bring the potential of Increased liability with the number of persons on site. A completely different allocation of Insurance coverage and costs would need-tabe determined that would not take Into account pure square footage as currently done, but comparable usage, Furthermore, with the types of events that the church is requesting, outside vendors will also bring Increased liability to the building. 9. Per the Planning Department we were told the Village Baptist Church would like to operate as follows: Sundays: 8.10,15 am - children's group (no size noted), 11.1 worship- size to be increased to 125 people- current membership Is 65 , 5 x'a per year frorr>-3_ -7 pm they would like to have additional large gatherings- up to 125 people Wednesdays: 0930 -9 pm Bible Study (no size noted), 9,1.5.1015 1m Choir (no size noted) Fridays: 7.9 :90- Youth Group (no size noted) Saturdays: 10.12 Men's Group- (no size noted),1 time per month a large conference -up to 125 people, As Needed- large group gatherings up to 125 -for weddings, funerals, etc,.. M -T W from 8 -4 there will be Church Staff In the offices However, In researching the Village Baptist Church activities at their current Marin City location on their website, Facebook page, and published artioies, the church holds the following functions: What are the exact details (time, duration, frequency) and numbers of visitors attending these events for the following? Will all of these programs be implemented through the Petaluma location? If yes, they Increase the above risks to existing owners and our businesses. Page 74, Attachment 4 "r . A. Sunday worship, Sunday school- children, Sunday school - adul4 20 /20 .group, Cell group, Men's Group, Corporate Prayer, Gathering Hungry, Seminars, Weddings, Funerals, special events with vendors, etc. B, A food pantry for the needy, a Headstart program, tutoring program, and South Marin Bible Institute for Theological Studies, 10.Funerals/Weddings: The original church CUP did not mention furitrals-or weddings. It is not appropriate to have funeralstweddings in a medical /professional building. How can VBC guarantee that less than 125 mourners/attendees will attend services? Will the deceased/caskets be brought Into the building? When will funerais/weddings be held? Are receptions held In the church after services? Where will outside vendors park? How will they access the suite? What type of processional would be expected? 11,The VCB Facebook page lists a Women's Seminar In the Cypress location 2/21/16 from 8.6pm for 100 people (not allowed under the current CUP guidelines or Fire Code ), What type of activities will occur at this seminar? How often are seminars held? What type of seminars and what type of activities? - 12.The article also states that VCB hosts gatherings, celebrations, and has a kitchen. What gatherings and celebrations are planned for Petaluma? Are wedding and funeral receptions held In the church? Do they plan on having a kitchen? (Our extating OCR: section 7, / Af 0- No food Service or food preparatlon may be permitted within a Un1t, ) 13. The VCB website and Facebook page refers to evangelism as a key component to spreading the word of the bible and growing the church, What will prevent VCB from practicing evangelism on our patients and clients In the common area? VCB appears to have a growing membership as cited in the articles, especially In younger adults who will marry and expand their families and thus the church membership. In addition, they have very successful evangelism programs and are growing, VCB Is already seeking to expand the CUP from 80 to 126 persons. What is the plan for growth beyond 125 persons? 1 4.Will the be keeping their Marin City location? Is this an additional location or a replacement location? It Is unfortunate that the seller had allowed this to go to escrow without releasing a copy of the OCR's to the Village Baptist Church. The existing owners do not see a church and medical - professional as a good neighbor partnership. The existing owners purchased their spaces knowing that this Is a medical - professional building and to be with other like businesses. The businesses are all quiet businesses with a steady stream of Just a few patients or clients per hour. Many of the businesses are medical facilities which provide medical and dental care to adults and children. Patients receive sedation and require a quiet environment with ease of parking for their caregiver. Several of the businesses work late or weekend hours as needed. The medical providers may need to be present for emergency care for their patients. We did not purchase these suites to be next to funerals, weddings, seminars, events, church services, etc, The current owners adhere to the existing CCR's of the building which protect the existing owners-from damage to the building or common areas, theft, misuse of parking spaces, noise violations, fire Page 75, Attachment 4 711.1 code /maximum capacity violations, etc, The request by VBC violates the OCR's repeatedly, We kindly agreed to the previous church on a temporary basis to help the church grow within the community as they built their new building. We would not have agreed to a permanent situation. That church did not host weddings, funerals, seminars, etc. They mainly met on Sunday for 2 hours with an occasional meeting during the week. As owners, we experienced damage, parking difficulties, theft and noise, Their CUP allowed for 80 people, VBC Is requesting an additional 46, How will the City of Petaluma Insure that the Fire Code, parking allotments, maximum occupancy, CCR's, safe street parking, safe traffic patterns, etc, occur if this CUP is granted? For all of the above questions and concerns, we believe that allowing the CUP as requested will have a significant negative Impact on our business botFprofesslonaily and economically. We believe that parents will be unhappy with the parking and crowd situation and will choose to take their children to a different dentist. We believe that having a business of this size and structure in the building with devalue the existing real estate values of the suites. We are vehemently opposed to the CUP amendment and respectfully request that the City of Petaluma deny Village Baptist Church's request. Sincerely, Dr, Raymond A. Ramos and Dr. Cheryl L. Willett -Ramos Pediatric Dentists 3835 Cypress Dr, Suites 209/210 (DBA 210) Petaluma, CA 94954 707- 763 -1548 CLWR@me.com o 1 • rl► � 114 / .!11 1' •�} all ! Ia1� ►i 'r. :���• •111 :!-� =! I .I 1 1 � ►,1► , a ! e .: • - 1.11: • ! Page 76, Attachment 4 '7,7 � z MARTIN R. STEIGNER, DDS lti C1ipLOPEgiATRtC DENT Rp OF ISTRY PFEDiA RiC DENTISTRY RAYMOND A. RAMOS, DDS Clpt OPT ATRIC DENTISTRY City OF City of Petaluma V Community Development Department Planning Division .„ 11 Engiish St, _ Petaluma, CA 94952 ,. ,,, ..... .... , .. „ " RE: Village Baptist Church, Rile No,�PLUP -14- 0007„ -Door Planning Division, „ .S:r..........`L, � • •..:�� ::' ..� a::2ai �.ri'�w•�: 1."11:Sr".4"v{J' "'J'.°v+ •.._..". ••�711'r�a'riv^'•, ..... ... • r = I write this note to discourage approval of Village Baptist Church for a Conditional Use Permit at the address 3835 Cypress Drive. Church use in the building zoned for various professional uses Including accounting, medicine, dentistry, etc, is Inappropriate, The number of people using the church alone Is "• -- - •••• -••• not in the best Interest of.the owner s,who,uiexhe faG1I1tV•. With Sunday services, weddings, funerals, and activities during the week the owners will need to deal with Increased wear and tear on the building, and parking inadequacy!. our parking Is beaming a problem presently without the church presen� also concerned occurred dutring the presence of the security, in the past we hat! a rash of theft a previous church tenants, I understand the violations of our bullding may have nothing to do with the previous church tenants; however It was more than once owners came across Individuals wondering upstairs and In areas not involving the church on weekends and evenings. Please allow the Baptist Church to pursue a more appropriate facility than our buildl�g at 3695 Cypress, Again, i ask you to avoid approving the village Baptlst•Church for a Conditional Use Permit at this address, Sincerely yours, cl, Martin R. Stelgner, DDS 0 3835 CYPRESS DRIVE, SUITE 210 a PETALUMA, CA 94954 o 707-76,-4-1548 a FAX 707 - 762.6042 Page 77, Attachment 4 J I Rick R. lbtketson, CPA (i' `I� ,�l✓t .'�C �+' loth A. Enochs, CPA, 01 G. Wal, CPA Wd H, storum, CPA 44 F Cwnm Punic A=UNTAtM January 26, 2015 ...... Assistant Planner ... • ........... ...• . ..... . . •' '+ ° �' " .,Via email: ohl1l @o1,peta1u1ua,oa,us . « i.tb t:•PA a r. _I. '.._.....— _.r......:Y. •. ... .... .. ... ... �_.. »....�... ... y. .hr y.......or v...•...... `. . . . :., r. ..i. ». mil• �•.r�.• .�. .•. . .. RB-, Use permit for the Village Baptist Church Pile APDUP -14 -0007 To ThePetaluma Planning Commission: ` I am writing to express my protest to the issuance of a use permit for the Village Baptist Church. We are a CPA firm occupying Suites 109 & 110 and be.the immediate, next.door neighbors to the church. Our hours now are gam -5pm Monday through Saturday, although we and our employees ft-equently work on Sunday's as well depending on file work load, I know you havo objections fxom my fellow owners of these suites acid I will try to be brief and not unnecessarily redundant, My objections are on many levels, but my primary objectives ate parking Issues, bathroom Issues, noise levels, and safety and security to the building, Patridng: Parking bas been allocated by square footage of theapaco owned. Their suites 107 and 1081tave I 1 spaces allocated. Myinformatiai fYom the building manager (Angola Haas) indicates that the Valley Baptist wants to change the permit for gatherings 4 days a week for up to 125 people, It seems pretty obvious to me that 11 parking spaces won't put a dent in the 50 vehicles — uot counting their staff vehicles that would requi!•e parking, I can't fathom how this would not encroach on all the other owners of this building location, Bathrooms: Downstairs we have one men's and one women'- abathmom, Each widt d toilets. With over 200 people permitted downstairs, the congestion In the bathrooms (not to mention the mess) is unimaginable to me — particularly with the proposed 'youth groups'. 3835 C),prCSS Drive, SUlte 110 Petaluma, California 94954.6966 707.795.2691 FaX 707.795.2799 Pagd 78, Attachment 4 2 Noise Levels: I have to hope and believe the typical Sunday sermons would not be objectionable, but Choir groups ?, Youth groups ?, Weddings? Gathering hungry?, `special events with vendors'? A school that ire longer occupies this building had many youths and we experienced excessive noise, garbage, running around the front of the building and general activity not conducive for the profossiot:.al building that we have all invested in. Safety; The aasetnbly hall we are dlseussing is 1,640 square feet per our building manager, Is It possible to cram 125 people in this small a space? Certainly not sitting with aisles for orderly leaving the building •- and in a growing congregation, wo all know this number will be stretohed, „ Seeurlty,- The last occupant in tbat space was also a small c�mroh and when they wore hero, there was damage to the security locking system, oonuno :l area items wore 'missing' over the weekends, more thou one office was broken h1to including iny own. Wo were all happy to see the church (a rental tenant) leavo the building. What is the permit process for if not to protect the rights of those around the applicant? You should have nearly unanimous' NOY' from all of us In the building. 1leaf you ha v a anyq uestlons,pso don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Rick R, Torkolson Torkolson & Associates, LLP Certitled Public Accountants Page 79, Attachment 4 %: Hill, Silen From, mjroperdds@aoi.com— ; • . ' • . •' ..I Sent: Sunday, January 25, 201510:14 PM To: Hill, Ellen .. ...........» .., Subject*, To Whom It May Concern, I write regarding the proposed church at'3836 Cypress Drive, Suttee 107 and 108. t am concerned about the hours of operation, the proposed number of people attending services and events and the number of parking spaces required by the proposed facility. -The building Is now occupied by professional oflloos and light medlcai dental/dental as well as school for children with Cerebral Palsy, • All of these businesses operate on a similar work schedule and hours. The .proposed church will hold services on the weekend and wprk0ops In the evenings and weekends when the building Is currently closed, This will Increase security concerns for the existing owners as well as Increasing wear and tear on the building culslde,Qf Its,pormal scope of use. , , , �„ „ „ „ _ „„ „ • ,_•,, In addition; ON therware no reserved parking spaces, there are deeded apacoe for each unit to comply with the current parking regulations of the City of Petaluma, t have already negotiated and paid for deeded- speces.and will not cede any rights to them, The current owner of the units has agreed in writing In my sales agreement not to do anything that Interferes with the operations of my business which specifically Includes use that jeoperdlzes the amount of parking spaces required by law for my business to operate. I am also concerned that after some time has passed the the church will begin to operate outside of their proposed hours of operation and participants and have a severe and negative Impact on the existing offices Whlle I respect the work they are involved In I believe they would be better suited to a free standing building pr a building with tenants operating similar- hours with similar Interests, Sincerely, Mark J Roper 3836 Cypress Drive Suite 203 Petaluma CA 94964 1 Page 80, Attachment 4 C�7 r Hilt, Ellen From: Blair Kirk <baklrk®outlook.com> Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:10 PM Yo; Hill, Ellen Subject; CUP amendment proposal I am writing to express my opposition to the CUP amendment proposal being brought by the Village Baptist Church, which plans to occupy space at 3835 Cypress Dr.; Suites 107 & 108; My name Is Blair Kirk and I am the owner of Suite 208 In the same building. Based on the information provided by the Village Baptist Chotch;'attendance at their services will number approximately 125 persons. This will certainly exceed tho allocated number of parking spaces assigned to suites 107 and 108, which currently stands at 11, and unfairly Infringe upon the parking aveliablilty of the other Suite owners In the building.:..... :..'.. .... .. ........... In addition, the maximum occupancy of these suites is designated as 44 persons. Again, having a membership of 125 persons will exceed the occupancy restrictions as per the City of Petaluma, _.. Finaljy, the owners of the other suites have no guarantee that the membership of the Village Baptist Church will not increase In number over time, potentially placing the organization In violation of the amendments they are seeking now, For these reasons I ask that you do not approve the amendment to the existing CUP, Sincerely, " Blair A. Kirk, DDS, MS Page 81, Attachment 4 VA Itaw 4 5 11119,042 Page 82, Attachment 4 , , / April 21, 2010 Catherine Stewart- Chairnan 1180 Stage Gulch Road , Petaluma, CA 94954 RE: Application for a Conditional Use Pennit for a Religious Facility to be Located at 3835 Cypress Drive, Suites 107 & 108, APN 005 -300 -007 and 005. 300 -008 Dear Ms. Stewart- Chatman: Your application for a minor Conditional Use Permit for •a Religious Facility as an ancillary use to a 01 ally permitted medical use to be located at 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite based on he following Findings 005-300-008 and subject to the approved. This approval is b e following conditions: v Condi� Honpl Use Pomit Fludinot 1, The proposed project, as conditioned, Is exempt Om- the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. (CBQA) pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities. The project proposal is for a religious facility In an existing building, the proposal meets the parking requirements, and the use is considered t6 be,gegli ible slid ancillary to the principal permitted use which alto s for ihinor medicalal su�es� The Coimrtunity for Spiritual Living takes a 10 is c approaa o p sical, mental and spiritual well being. The 'Well -Being Center uses include chiropractic, acupuncture, Nutrition, massage, Reiki and counseling -to achieve this goal. The subject property is In the BNBusiness Park zoning district, The BP zoning district allows for minor medical use as a permitted use. The Community for Spiritual Living (an ancillary use) offers 'Sunday spiritual services, evening classes and eveninglwcekend workshops and events. Th.o religious / spirituul use portion of the business requires a Conditional Us rm1t. EXHIBIT D .� �1 Page 83, Attachment 4 .V-4 • 2. The proposed religious facility, as conditioned, will conform to the requirements and intent of the Petaluma Implementing Zoning Ordinance, specifically, -the .project provides a suitable location for a religious facility in proximity to arterial street traffic and will serve the needs of the community. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the Business Park zoning designation, whioh allows for Religious ]~aeilityuses as a conditional use. 4. The proposed project, as conditioned, will not constitute a nuisance or be detrimental to the public welfare of the community in that the project Is required to comply with the Califordia Building Code and Implementing. Zoning Ordinance Performance Standards, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 51 The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the provisions for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 4.030 of the Zoning Ordinance in that the conditional use permit was published in the Argus Courier and notices were sent to property owners within •500' of the subject property. The following concerns were raised- regarding tlies proposed use permit: • security issues with night time and weekend use of the facility, y' • adequacy of parking and traffic, , • operating outside of normal weekday hours of operation, + maintenance rind upkeep of building, • concerns of the mix of uses within one building, • noise, • smells associated with the use of acupuncture, • potential for expansion of the religious facility with other uses that may occur with the religious facility such as a soup kitchen, iitndraisers, choir practice, book clubs, chanting and meditation classes, etc,, - e the operational characteristics of the proposed use, , • utility usage Upon the ending of the public comment period ended staff icquested that the applicant hold a neighborhood meeting with those that had concerns abd °other tenants / owners within the building to, see if some of the concerns could *ba'addressed. The applicant held a meeting on Wednesday March 31 ". The conditional use permit as proposed and as conditioned adequately addresses the concerns that have been raised. The subject • structure was approved as a business condominium by the City of Petaluma, therefore potentially allowing for a mix of uses within one building. The proposed religious facility Is ancillary to the principally �. permitted use and therefore requires the conditional use permit as allowed- per the Implementing Zoning Ordinance. With appropriate conditions of approval .the proposed conditional use permit is appropriate for the site and the mix of uses. Page 84, Attachment 4 J 7. Electrical or other necessary permits shall be obtained through the building division, 8, At no time shall future business activities exceed Performance Standards speclfied in the California Building Code, Section 21,010' of the Petaluma Implementing Zoning Ordinance, and the 2025 City of Petaluma General Plan, 9. The applicants/developers shall defend, indemnify, and bold harmless the City or any of its boards, commissions, agents, officers, and employees ,from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its boards, commissions, agents, officers, or employees to attggk, set aside, void, or annul the approval of the project,wMt 16h claim or action is brought within the time period provided for in applicable State and/or local statutes, The City shalt promptly notify the applicants/developers of, any such claim, action, or proceeding. The City shall coordinate in the defense. Nothing contained in this condition shall prohibit the CIty from participating In a defense of any claim, action, or proceeding if the City bears its own attorney's fees and costs, and the City defends the action in good faith. Fire Marshal; 10, Prior to issuance of development. permits (tenant improvements), the applicant shall n1 provide verification (copy) of the 5 year cortiheation for the fire, sprinkler,system plus copy of the annual fire alarm certification/condition of use; both must be current with no efficiencies. Within fourteen (14) calendar days following the date bf a decision of the Planning Division, the decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by the applicant or by any other Interested party. If no appeal is made within that time, the decision shall be final, An appeal shall be addressed to the Planning Commission in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk. The appeal shall state specifically the grounds for the appeal and the relief sought, by the appellant. Said appeal shall be accompanied by the appeal fee as specified by Resolution 92 -251 N,C,S. as adopted by the City Council, In any case whore a conditionai'use ppermit has not been used witliin bue (1) year after die date of granting thereof, the permit shall be revoked unless thirty (30) days prior to the one �1� ye ar expiration date, renewal of the permit for an additional eriod of riot more than one 1 year shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator (Director). If after the one (I) year extension period has expired, a conditional use permit has not been used, then without further action the permit shall be revoked and be null and void, Page 85, Attachment 4 `� Conditions of A n-yrovalt From Plannnine, 1. Approval is granted for a. Conditional Use Permit for a religious facility (The Community for Spiritual Liying) to be located within the existing building located at 3835 Cypress Drive, in SuitCs 107 & 108, APN OOS- 300.•007 and 008. The religious facility shall be ancillary to the permitted principal medical use. The p o ed Cottdt or ' ' mill allow for,the following: • • Sunday spiritual sendoes will be allowed from 9;00 am.-to 1.2:00 p.m., (this:. Includes time for set -up and clean up) • e.axWge number of people in attendance at the - services shall not exceec�60- `70 peopl . • Vfia total portion of space to be occupied for the proposed use shall not exceed. 8, tea' of the entire building, • The Conditional Use Pen-nit will allow for evening and weekend classes /workshops and events (i.e., weddings/fteralg and fundraisers). The classes/workshops are. to be held in the evenings from 6:30 p.m, to 9:30 p.m, and ; shall not exceed three times per week o The average number of people in attendance at the classes/workshops shall not. exceed 15 people; Modifications to the Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Division, 2. This approval does not include any signs, Signs require a sign permit application through the Building Division and approval of the planning Division prior to installation, 3. No exterior modifications to the building or site are includes as part of this approval. 4. The site shall be kept cleared at all times of all garbage, and debris. No outdoor storage shall be permitted prior to approval of the Planning Division, S, All new outdoor mechanical equipment, satellite dishes, for main and all rooftop equipment shall be Billy visually screened upon installation, subject to approval of the Planning Division. Screening devices shall be shown on the construction plans, 6. All work within the public right -of -way requires an excavation permit. U "*/* Page 86, Attachment 4 � I If you have any questions, please fe61 free to contact me at (707) 778 -4315 or by e-mail at iborbaQa l.petaluma.ca.us. Sincerely, Irene T. Borba Senior Planner co: File 10•CIJP -0025 Feide Faintly Limited Partnership, 3875 Cypress Drive, Petaluma, CA 94954 Jeff Traynor, 2455 Betuiett Valley Road, C•200, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Mike Haas, Haas & Associates, 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 204, Petaluma CA, 94954 Angela Haas, Haas & Associates, 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 204, Petaluma CA, 94954 Chad Hawley, 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 207, Petaluma CA, 94954: Mark Roper, 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 203, Petaluma CA; 94954 Marty Steigner, 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 210, Petaluma. CA, 94954 Raymond Ramos, 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 210, Petaluma CA, 94954' sAplanningVcitersleup approvalwW cypress weNess centeroop Page 87, Attachment 4 to C14 o }} � / ) j G $_ // CrIl )�\ " ' \ 0 ( � V /P RO I!- I o ir Ir Lo 0 10 ru ~ ( (o in O® o M 0 IM 4 I Page 88, Attachment 4 N in 0 O � � | Q to C14 o }} � / ) j G $_ // CrIl )�\ " ' \ 0 ( � V /P RO I!- I o ir Ir Lo 0 10 ru ~ ( (o in O® o M 0 IM 4 I Page 88, Attachment 4 1 i V °a'.._ {rB�eTi r'1\ 'T" .. a. ,. ,. .,.. .<i. V i.. ..•.... .... •Q. 1, Page I or 1 c @ V Y pA t N n114.R h`AI �_�t Ab o.rf: f7uwt4 K +w41•r i 1 tVC7, -,{f f t knvtf Stlu 4t t.♦PfIJI ° e /1)i >IIIYtYY f141f 141111 CJfwt ltd -y Mit hF mlat Nut+ � ' I 1. tut "" tI21t ! Ili��lf!�i f l� lf�E�i�l�' lIIIlf fl! .., a UN•lo (Y)111111a1/ _�� Fil3l1L[X r.Jl RJI 15.1)17 't Claha Cooper, Cily Cloth 1 a � CY+ne 0 ty of PclalulM roa i t Vnpllch q, o¢il ,r PfiRlUttq, CA P4151 TUC • 03 MAR 10 :30A PRIORITY OVERNIGHT —SS 17 1733 3030 8224 j 1 fil J �J4952 ' p� �' `� ta'F!A NO TA A OAK m , UI t T IKl•Y{I I f X0'1 ,�,� p. , tr 1r t WrNPKa 1 J S i11«IF.IN1/d r41M,Kn1 �<< ��g r• 9n 1., -N l.f In rrW tvl t ' W d 3, U,t eJ 'l31 affil rW !t ^,' 4 NI (ti�:�J M.y ,ef it ib.+tt iA�14r F }Iiltfth iO4 rm. 11 V� - Lyll�ufft, LLa'•j rah 4fN tt»:f'llw fY if 1W # yf „ ffl>` art #hav<li s41+f .trt rJ#dE Esnfc 04, ,rrfla5ie aah etfsrl (r:f_+ 7Wl tar T'..04 Ix NY UrN. In#Kula U$loop., p 11 MAal1Y 4n #tt1lN NMft,l ,-I.at n 1- jrfvkyjrf'1l�eflef`(,b mJllf i'Yrti.aryif a /)ai deS/are atfprirt vile, paf 6n ld•{tiH,J lTarq #, Q>pynfnt}NVrUWI bta Et,j lk f114Y144T11a'�ivv110W141 YK C1YIa iN�X $aMf1 CtMI 11511k� #r yl•Ydf,ty114i teCOYt!iNT i'ldl.Y IN i, 1Y bla,4Ki'tnp$1t 4Nlf tiVe(f 11M p![}:dp0, Init fffJ0 /. 4Y[tna F,tlf IL I,Wki4Y✓tYa�l ( Yto1lf, MdOtMf,teml Of JRaniO#K1tp{iN aWK(ht11tM11•tXn fal PnfKi.9111+KJYIILmymiMpn gnYU0,1400 1.7T #vr�M wi Oa( I .f.Jeahf#iia(Vt!>)'t ?M19C1#If0ad K1Y.�A>VrntMM Ma /IiK4 Xe Nkeml U�Wq adyagry Yeiv(P$t,l!V.ap 1.44'Xlirta jMefy N#rhN mei 1.wpo.rldt ht4nr •rml tole br <nnY llt.lh KXS Y#7ted•4.a fn Ua'ml,..eN....4 4 't ,. #.ter- mllMiiv7 Mca tit /M. � 3 I Page 89, Attachment 4 ATTACHMENT S From: aEsanon@comcast.net [mailto•akoanon(alcomcast netl Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 8 :55 PM To: akognon, freda; Akognon, Maude; Akognon, zabadoo3; Bradley, Erin; Carpenter, Mickele; Carpenter, Orin; Deacon, Hamilton; Derrick; Douglas, Juanita; Doumate, Gina; Hairston, Reginald; Hunt, Atonla; Jonathan, Matthews; Lagomarsino, Mary Ellen; Manager, Village; Morgan, Roy; Santini, Jackie; shiatay17; Woods, Margaret Cc: Egide, Nick; Knudsen, Steve; 0., John; Prescott, Glenn Subject: UPDATE ON 3835 CYPRESS BUILDING Hello All, This is a short update on our church and our struggles with 'some of the owners at 3835 Cypress Drive. Deacon Jonathan Matthews and I had a 90 minute meeting today with Mike Haas (Chairman of the Board of Directors) and Chad ( a Board member and one of the owners at Cypress). At the outset of the meeting they made it clear that they were representing the other owners at Cypress and wanted to know what could be worked out following the denial of their appeal at the Planning Commission, I introduced myself again and also introduced Jonathan Matthews and I indicated that he was not at the meeting as our attorney but as a deacon from our church. We thought the meeting went well. In fact, during the whole one hour and 30 minutes they never once brought up the issue of parking. The discussion was very good until the last two minutes of the meeting when they both thanked us for the meeting and also indicated that the meeting cleared a few things for them. They encouraged us to finish our units and also ask the fire department to clear us for the few remaining required fire Marshall requests (The emergency lighting and the panic door). BUT UNFORTUNATELY they also indicated that they "ARE PROBABLY GOING TO FILE ANOTHER APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL ", At that time, I felt the whole meeting was a shamlll So, people of God, BE READY FOR ROUND THREEIII If they do file an appeal, we are not obligated in any way to follow through with our negotiation with them. An appeal is a message that they are ready to fight. An appeal, if defeated, gives us more power to follow the approval given by the Planning department and the planning commission. We don't have to negotiate with them again. I have already communicated to Shola to finish what we need to do to make the units ready for the final inspection by the Fire Department. Let's move on and do what we need to do and give glory to God by scheduling our first service date in Petaluma. "No more Mr. Nice Guyslll" We have done all we need to do. Let us march on to VICTORY in the name of JESUSIII Thank you for your support and please continue to pray that God be glorified in everything. Shaloml Pastor Emmanuel Akognon Page 1, Attachment 5 ATTACHMENT 6 Page 1 of 10 CITY OF PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION City Hall Council Chambers 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 MINUTES Tuesday, April 28, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT :Teresa Barrett, Jennifer Pierre, Richard Marzo, Gina Benedetti - Petnic, Bill Wolpert, and Diana Gomez. ABSENT: Jocelyn Yeh Lin. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT The Committee will hear public comments only on matters over which it has jurisdiction. There will be no Committee /Commission discussion or action. The Chair will allot no more than three minutes to-iny individual. If more than three persons wish to speak, their time will be allotted so that the total amount of time allocated to this agenda item will be 15 minutes. Vice Chair Benedetti -Petn le 4. PRESENTATION A. N/A S. COMMISSION COMMENT A. Council Liaison - Teresa Barrett Page 1, Attachment 6 http:// petaluma .granicus.com/MinutesViewer.php ?view id =31 &clip ^id = 1906 &doc_id= 41b... 6/4/2015 Page 2 of 10 Council member Teresa Barrett reported that the City Council had a workshop on April 27th regarding how the City of Petaluma will address the State's water reduction mandate including a 16% reduction the July 2013 residential use. New measures will be put into place on June 1 to-he in compliance with the State mandate and July 1 for, measures requiring Council resolutions and votes. Discussions will continue at the June 1st Council meeting. Barrett also stated that the Corona Creek Subdivision project was supposed to be heard at the April 20th meeting and has been postponed to a date uncertain. Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee - Jocelyn Lin There was not report due to absent committee member. C. Tree Advisory Committee - Gina Benedetti- PetniF.e_s - Vice Chair Gina Benedetti - Petnic reported that the Tree Committee had an event on April 18th in celebration of Arbor Day where they planted a replacement redwood tree at Center Park. She stated that the event was a lot of fun and there was a good community turnout. D. Other Committee Comment 6. STAFF COMMENT A. Planning Manager's Report Planning Manager, Heather Hines reported that staff will be reviewing the application process, conditions of approval and requirements to incorporate more water reduction into the development review process. She stated that there will be an increase in the discussion of water reduction with regards to new development and landscaping and staff will be developing a package of updates for Planning Commission approval before being forwarded to Council. Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Council Member Barrett Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ms. Hines Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Council Member Barrett 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ' A, Approval of Minutes of Regular Planning Commission Meeting of Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Page 2, Attachment 6 http:// Petaluma .granicus.com /MinutesViewer.php ?view id =31 &clip id= 1906 &doc id= 41b... 6/4/2015 Page 3 of 10 The minutes were approved without changes. Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic 8. OLD BUSINESS A. N/A 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Village Baptist Church Appeal - Appeal of Administrative Decision to allow a religious facility in the existing multi - tenant building located at 3835 Cypress Drive. Project Location: 3835 Cypress Drive File Number: PLAP -15 -0001 Staff: Ellen Hill, Assistant Planner Andrea Visveshwara, Assistant City Attorney Cypress Church Appeal Staff Report Attachment A - Application ' Attachment B - Comment Letters `� Attachment C - Director's Determination `:� Attachment D - Appeal "`z, Attachment E - Resolution Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Commissioner Gomez Ellen Hill, Assistant Planner Andrea Visveshwara, Assistant City Attorney Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ms. Visveshwara Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Council member Barrett Ms. Hines Council member Barrett Ms. Hines Council member Barrett y Ms. Hines Page 3, Attachment 6 http: // petaluma .granicus.com /MinutesViewer.php ?view id= 31 &clip_id= 1906 &doc_id= 41b... 6/4/2015 Council member Barrett - v Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Hines Commissioner Pierre Ms. Hines Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms, Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Ms. Hines Commissioner Pierre 4 Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Marzo Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Marzo Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Marzo Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Page 4 of 10 Page 4, Attachment 6 http:// petaluma. granicus. com IMinutesViewer.php ?view_id =31 &clip_id= 1906 &doc_id =41 b... 6/4/2015 Page 5 of 10 Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez , Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ms, Visveshwara Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ms. Hines Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Angela Haas, Representative of Appellant Emmanuel Akognon, Pastor, Village Baptist Church Jonathan Matthew, Attorney Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Kim Stephens, tenant at 3835 Cypress. She noted that the previous CUP was a wellness center with a ancillary use as a church which was approved for a much lower capacity. Although many people objected to the use of the wellness center, the CUP was approved. She stated that her group was very upset but didn't fight it due to the temporary nature. Ms. Stephens stated that after the Village Baptist Church CUP ndt"ifrcation, her group found out that the CUP went with the unit and they objected due to the increase in capacity, Chad Hawley, owner of unit at 3835 Cypress. He stated that he has no objection to Village Baptist Church but to a large gathering of people. He feels that the intensity of use is not appropriate for this business building. Cecilia Meyers, Petaluma resident and works at 3835 Cypress Drive, She stated her concerns about safety and security of the office building. She feels that this office complex is not made for any business with such a large group of people, Her office is upstairs and sometimes works in the evenings and on weekends. She stated that the outside dotes _ are set to lock/unlock at certain times and are locked on the weekends. When the wellness center was there, doors were propped open and she felt unsafe, Her office was broken into during that Page 5, Attachment 6 http: / /petaluma. granicus. com /MinutesViewer.php ?view_id =31 &clip ^id= T906&doc_id =41 b... 6/4/2015 Page 6 of 10 time. She is concerned with large groups of unfamiliar faces in the building after regular business hours. Erin Dunnigan, Petaluma resident and member of Village Baptist Church. She feels that the church has had a positive presence in Petaluma for the past decade and believes that many fears expressed are unwarrented. She believes that part of the problem is relational and could be resolved with communication, Michael Bozuk, Sr., architect for Suite #202 i0836 Cypress. He stated that he designed the offices for use as medical offices. He feels that the appeal is not about religion or the church, but about implementing the Zoning Ordinance. The Village Baptist Church is an active church and will bring all of these activities into the complex. He stated that parking is also an issue and should be handled differently. Gary Zimmer, architect, Thousand Oaks, redponsible for design of surgery center at Suite #202, 3835 Cypress Drive. He feels ` that the application for Village Baptist Church religious assembly accupancy with no CUP, should have been considered incompatible due to the number of proposed occupants, inadequate restroom facility, lack of required parking, and safety issues. He feels that any of these items would be reason to deny the application without further discussion. He stated that Suite 202 is a medical /admin office as well as a surgery center facility that must be quiet to properly function and that the use of Village Baptist Church is not compatible with the existing professional offices at this complex. Gina Doumate', member of Village Baptist Church and 14 -year Petaluma resident. She stated that she As- active in the community as well as a client to a dentist' in the 3835 Cypress Drive building. She stated that the Village Baptist Church is multi- ethnic and the members are Christians and teaches Integrity, wants their members to live honest lives, believes in service to community, and has the desire to be good neighbors. She believes that the church use works for_ after hours and is asking the City to deny the appeal. . , ,. Dave Weidlich, pastor of The Vine Church and 11 year Petaluma resident. He feels that the spiritual community makes Petaluma a great place to live and finds that all churches in the Petaluma community are different, with different leadership, yet work together. He feels that the Village Baptist Church is a very active church that does good work and because of Village Baptist we are a better community. He finds that it is difficult because Petaluma has no church zone and that new churches require special approval. He feels that problems can be worked out and knows that Village Baptist Church will be a good neighbor, Kimberly Weidlich, daughter of Vine Church Pastor. She stated that churches are out there for the greater good and is not different than a dentist with many clients. Page 6, Attachment 6 http;// petaluma .granicus.com /MinutesViewer.php ?view id =31 &clip id= 1906 &doc_id =41 b.,. 6/4/2015 Page 7 of I.O. Steve Knudsen, minister and friend of Pastor Akognon. He feels that Pastor Akognon is in the business of changing lives and dispensing hope that grows. Tanya Ortelle, 26 year Petaluma resident. She is in agreement with points in the staff report and is in favor of seeing buildings filled with occupied businesses. Nick Egide, sold last four units at 3835 Cypress and stated that he was familiar with the CC &Rs. He said that one of the conditions of closing for Village Baptist was to acquire the use permit first. He also noted that the parking `1s-unreserved and unassigned and if there are empty spots; there is a right for another occupant to use those spots. Cypress School was first occupant in building with 300 guests per week and dentists have 30 - 40 guests per day and he believes that the church has a similar intensity of bathroom and parking lot use that some of the other tenants have. Reginald Hairston, member of Village Baptist -church. He stated he lives in Oakland and has been a member of the church for over 20 years. He stated that he would like to commend the Commission on their work and hopes that they approve the permit. Barbara Dana, Petaluma resident. She stated that she grew up in Wisconsin and attended a church with a white steeple. She does not feel that a single church building is possible for a new church in Petaluma and therefore churches have to find homes in business parks. Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Commissioner Gomez Commissioner Wolpert Commissioner Marzo Commissioner Pierre Council member Barrett Vice Chair Boned etti - Petnic Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Wolpert Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ms. Hines Commissioner Gomez Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Motion to Approve Upholding the Planning Director's Determination that a Religious Facility is a Permitted Use at 3835 Cypress Drive, Suite 107 & 108 made by Diana Gomez, seconded by Jennifer Pierre. Vote: Motion carried 4 - 2. Yes: Teresa Barrett, Jennifer Pierre, Gina Benedetti - Petnic, and Diana Gomez, No: Richard Marzo, and Bill Wolpert. v Page 7, Attachment 6 < http:// pctaluma. granicus. com/ MinutesViewer .php ?view_id= 31 &clipjd= 1906 &doc_id= 4lb.,, 6/4/2015 Page 8 of 10 Absent: Jocelyn Yeh Lin, Ms. Visveshwara Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic B. Adobe Animal Hospital - Site Plan and Architectural Review for the construction of a new single -story commercial building and associated site improvements at 408 Madison Street East. Project Location: 408 Madison Street File Number: PLSR -14 -0021 Staff: Ellen Hill, Assistant Planner Adobe Animal Hospital Staff Report �a Attachment A - Resolution for SPAR Attachment B - Photographs of Project Site Vicinity 'Z� Attachment C- Plans ` Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Ellen Hill, Assistant Planner Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Commissioner Wolpert Ms. Hill Commissioner Wolpert Commissioner Pierre Ms. Hill Commissioner Pierre Ms. Hines Commissioner Pierre Ms. Hines Commissioner Pierre Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Commissioner Marzo Ms. Hines Commissioner Marzo Ms. Hines Commissioner Pierre Ms, Hines Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Vice Chair Benedetti - Petnic Commissioner Pierre Ms. Visveshwara Commissioner Gomez Page 8, Attachment 6 http:// petaluma. granicus. com/ MinutesViewer .php ?view_id =31 &clip_id =1906 &doc_id= 41b..• 6/4/2015 ATTACHMENT 7 From: Hines, Heather Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 2:10 PM To: Hill, Ellen Subject: FW: FW: 3835 cypress drive appeal with Village Baptist church decision Public comment on the appeal that went directly to the PC, Can you please print and add to the appeal f(le. Thanks. Heather From: Chris Albertson [ councilman,albertson @gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:59 PM To: Hines, Heather Subject: Fwd: FW: 3835 cypress drive appeal with Village Baptist church decision F Y I ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - -- From: Mike Haas <mike haascpa.com> Date: Wed, May 13, 2015 at 12:49 PM Subject: FW: 3835 cypress drive appeal with Village Baptist church decision To: "councilman.albertsonngmail.com" < councilman .albertsonna.email.com >, "teresa4petalumancomcast.net" <teresa4petaluma(@comcast.net>, "mayordavidulassngmail.com" <mayordavidglass(a)gmail.com >, "mthealYnu.sbcglobal.net" <mthealyQsbcglobal.net>, "councilmemberkearney(@me.com" <councilmemberkeameynme.com >, "davekinoccngmail.com" <davekinanccnumail.com >, " kathleencmilleroffice @gmail.com" <kathieencmilleroffice cr,gr`nail.com> Dear Council members, I am writing this email to request that the city council require a CUP for Village Baptist church to utilize this small office building for its functions. I'm sure you will read the legal arguments we have vided in the - iro appeal as well as the information we provided the planning commission. I don't wish to repeat that background information here. First, our issue has nothing to do with discrimination and is entirely about incompatibility of uses. If you review the planning commission meeting you will note that the entire group of commissioners acknowledged that a church is an incompatible use in this particular situation. A meeting hall would also be an incompatible use. These kinds of entities entering the business park in an unrestricted fashion will eventually lead to problems with the businesses that operate here and pay their taxes. If it's the City's goal to attract businesses to Petaluma then I believe the city needs to provide business parks with Page 1, Attachment 7 proper zoning. Then, any business that decides to move here will understand the vision for how the park will operate now and in the future. If the city council allows unrestricted access to the business park, business owners will be reticent to move here and take a chance on who their neighbors might be. Under current zoning, a veterinary off ice is a permitted use in the business park. In theory, it can exist in 3835 cypress. From a practical standpoint, that would be an incompatible use in this particular building as there are physicians and dentists performing surgeries and other health care services within the some walls. If allowed unrestricted use in this building, I foresee a veterinary customer pulling a trailer into our parking lot and bringing a horse in through our front doors. Clearly, that isn't appropriate and I am asking you to fix these zoning issues immediately before`it gets even worse here. I believe, if my example came to pass, that some of the current owners of the suites in 3835 cypress would be forced out of business or forced to move and lose their investment. All of that through no fault of their own. That would be unfair and is preventable. One of the city planning commissioners at the appeal hearing brought up the fact that there is already a school here in our building. presumably, her position was that we should be able to deal with an incompatible use of a church since we are handling a school already. That is so simplistic, convenient to say, and utterly misleading. UCP occupies the f loor beneath my off ice. ' It is clearly an incompatible use in this building. I protested it to the city planning department as such before they moved in. Let me reigte a story that happened just a week ago. I am looking out my .upstairs window at our parking lot. I see a youngster riding a bike in circles around the parking lot and this goes on for quite awhile. Cars are coming in and pulling out and he just continues to ride as no supervisor is telling him to stop. That is a very dangerous situation and he could have easily been hit by a car or hit a parked car himself. I did notify the school. But this is precisely why we have different zoning for schools. If someone gets hurt in our parking lot on a bike and I get sued as an owner, it is not my fault. But I could very well be held accountable! as for as I am concerned, it is not my fault at all as I Page 2, Attachment 7 protested right from the beginning. it isn't the child'svfault, he's doing what kids do. It might be partly UCP 's fault as. they should have seen this facility wasn't appropriate. But it is 100% the city of Petalumas fault because it is responsible for proper zoning and the issue of incompatibility was clearly pointed out prior to UCP occupying this building. I would welcome a meeting here in our building with any number of members of the City Council to see our-building and discuss these issues. I am out of the country through May but am available anytime after that. If necessary, some of the other owners would meet with you instead. The appeal with VBC goes far beyond just their use of this facility. I believe the city of Petaluma needs to recognize that some buildings (condos in particular) are not suited to every use. I believe a Pandora's box of issues could be opening up for the City if it doesn't tighten up zoning. I am hopef ul that we can ta11f Work together to solve these problems so Petaluma continues to thrive and attract business. I truly believe proper zoning is in the best interest of churches and schools too. We want them to be successful too. thank you, Mike Michael A. Haas C.P.A. Haas & Reaney LLP 3835 Cypress Drive Sulte 204 Petaluma, Ca 94954 phone 415.382.1040 fax 707.7155.4411 =' v www.Haascpa.com This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. 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