HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCDC Minutes 11/08/1976REGULAR MEETING
NOV. 1 9 1978
Minutes of Meeting
Monday, November 8, 1976 - 4:00 p.m.
The Regular Meeting of the Petaluma Community Development
Commission was called to order by Chairman Helen Putnam at
the hour of 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Brunner, Cavanaghr.
, Harbes.on,_Hilligoss,
Mattei, Perry, and -Chairman Putnam
The minutes of October 12, 1976, were approved as mailed.
POLICY ON AREA Project Manager Janie Warman stated the purpose of the meeting
CITIZENS' was for the staff and the citizens' committee to receive
INVOLVEMENT policy decisions regarding redevelopment from the Petaluma
Community Development Commission. Ms. Warman stated the area
citizens' involvement is comprised of the Project Area
Committee which meets two times each month and which has a steady communication
with the Downtown Merchants' Association. She then -reviewed the alternatives out-
lined on page 8 of the packet which had been prepared for the Commission and which
was dated October 26, 1976, a copy of which.is.on_file_with the Recording Secretary.
Ms. Warman reviewed the methodology for input for private and public projects,
Alternatives I, II, and III. Commissioner Harberson indicated his -preference would
be for -Alternative III, and he would like to see some sort of interplay between the
Project Area Committee and the staff and for this combination to come up with a
proposal to be given to the PCDC. He also felt.the-Project Area Committee could
independentlybring -a project to the Commission as these are the people who are
most heavily involved and who would be paying the cost of.the rehabilitation
process. He felt the staff should be used as research people to come up with some
ideas and to put the plans together, but the people who own and operate the businesses
in the downtown area should provide their own plans -independently. Ms. Warman
stated this is the system now being used, and from her contact with -the Project Area
Committee, she feels this is the course of action they would like to take.
There was general discussion regarding the makeup of the Project Area Committee.
Executive Director Robert Meyer suggested the committee remain as an ad hoc
committee and not officially -appointed, which would:require supplying staff.
Commissioner Mattei recommended that as specific projects are suggested, the
makeup.of the..committee should,be from those.persons_who.would have a vested
interest in the proximity. In response to a ques.tion.by Chairman Putnam as to
the composition of the present Project Area.Committee-and the scope of their
undertaking, Deputy Director Frank Gray stated the present Project Area Committee
is an ad hoc committee of property owners, merchants, -and the public at large who
have.an interest in the area who have asked the .Commission for,an opportunity to
be recognized as the.official Project Area Commit.tee.... Their membership was
determined by themselves -and not at the City's direction. Mr. Gray stated the
Project Area Committee has recommended to follow the suggestion made by Commissioner
Mattei that.they not work as a whole but divide into special interests as they
approach a specific project. General Counsel Matthew Hudson also cautioned against
making the Project Area Committee a formal committee as it might make the members
subject to the provisions of the Brown Act. The more formal the committee would
become, --the more likely it would be subject to City or staff intrusion on their
independence. Executive Director Robert Meyer also stated if a formal committee
was formed, the City may have to either provide staff or they could go out and
hire their own staff for which the Commission would have to pay expenses. At the
conclusion of the discussion, it was the consensus of the.Commission that the ad
hoc committee structure continue. It was suggested, in addition to property owners
and merchants from the area, that consumers also be included in the ad hoc committee.
Mr. Gray stated two of the members on the Project Area Committee represented con-
sumers, one was Joan Paddor from the AAUW and the other was Carolyn Geiger, a teacher
at Casa Grande High School, who regularly shop in the downtown area. Their input
tc the Committee as consumers was very important. Ms. Warman stated the Committee
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DESIGN.REVIEW_... Project Manager Janie Warman. -stated the staff was looking for
COMMITTEE AND direction from the Commission regarding site design review
CRITERIA for projects in the downtown..area. She asked the following:
1) Should a member of. .the. agency's staff attend the design
review for proposals for-_c.onstxuction and rehabilitation in
the Project.Area; and, 2) Would the PCDC want to.establish the downtown area as a
demonstration point for a stronger sign ordinance. .Ms. Warman also questioned
whether or not the Commission would want to establish some type -of theme..for__the..,
downtown area.
There was_.a.great deal of discussion regarding the.makeup of the site design review
committee, and.it was determined that since the PAC is an informal committee, it
may be well to have a.member of the staff accompany the applicant to the site design
review.of any proposed project in the Central Business District. The Commission did
not feel a distinct and separate site design review committee should be established.
Mr. Vincent De Carli, owner of the Lan Mart Building,, was present during the discussion
and suggested.a.theme be.established for each distinct area in the downtown. His Lan
Mart..Building_which..faces on Petaluma Boulevard now -has an 1876 theme; whereas, the
back.portion of the building facing on Kentucky.Street is a 1930 building. Executive
Director.Robert Meyer suggested that the Commission look at establishing theme
criteria on a block -by -block basis, and this would_keep.the downtown area 'from
becoming a monotonous, one type of theme. Project Manager Janie Warman suggested
the block -by -block theme be referred to the Project Area Committee for their review
and recommendation.
Project Manager Janie..Warman::refexred to the comparison factors
on pages 19, 20, 21, and 22 in the packet prepared for the
Commission. It was determined the Commissioners should com-
plete the questionnaire.and return them to Project Manager
Janie Warman by the following.week. .
The Commission thendiscussed#2 alternatives on page 7 of the packet which had been
provided for them. On item #1 they had already made. a..d.ecision to address themes for
the Core Area. On items 2, 3, and 4, they felt_the.redevelopment should place focus
not only on the financial business district but on:the retail for Petaluma.citizens
and on the.tourist trade. It was felt that all..three-of.these categories should be
encouraged. With.reference to items 5, 6,.and..7__on..parking whether.to have assessment
district, tax.increment only, or a combination of. -'tax, -increment and assessment
district, the Commission.detezmined item 7 wouldprobably be.the most logical.way
for the. parking district to be accomplished.. On item...&, beautification, the
consensus..was-a "yes" vote; item 9, a separate. -site -.design review board, the
consensus was..a."no1° vote; item 10, to use the.existing..site design review and
add additional.members, the Commission voted "yes".; item 11,, to rehabilitate old
buildings in the downtown area, the consensus was a._ "yes:' vote; item 12, new/modern
buildings.encouraged, "yes"; item 13, blend of old..and new, "yes"; on item 14, focus
on architectural.design criteria, the Commission.made.no definite committment on this
but the.feeling was that no set standards should be established; on item 15, for the
Project Area.Committee to generate ideas, Chairman Putnam felt that all people
interested in the area should generate ideas.
Since.the hour was getting late and the Petaluma.Community Development Commission
would be.reconvening as the City Council, Executive Director Robert Meyer suggested
the Petaluma Community Development Commission should have a study session of at least
two or three -hours -to formulate the ensuing phases of the Redevelopment Plan. Some
discussion -was held whether or not to have the meeting during the afternoon or
morning. No definite date was scheduled.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission,
the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Record' g Secretary