JUNE 28, 1976
1:30 P.M.
City Hall Conference Room
Members Present: Eleven
Guests: Nine
Downtown Merchants Association: Three
Property Owners: Six (?)
Staff: Frank Gray, Director of Community Development; John Scharer, Finance
Director; Janie Warman, Project Manager
Janie Warman: Commented on EIR Draft and the comments and responses received,
also the final EIR includes the Draft EIR, comments from audience and commit-
tee members, and comments received from state agencies and responses to them.
Americo Gervasoni: Questioned sections on rules and regulations for Owner
Participants. Ms. Warman explained that these are proposed rules and can be
amended. The rules were drafted by counsel to staff to protect property owners
as per state requirement.
Section 7: Read by Mr. Gervasoni.
Frank Gray: Replied an OPA is only entered into when public improvements are
made. Owner participation agreement with City can help. If your property use
doesn't agree with the Redevelopment Plan, then the Commission can require
an owner participation agreement.
Section 5: Read by Mr. Gervasoni: If the code takes care of any improvements,
why do you need rules? Mr. Gray replied: If you want to make improvements
on building with CDC, you need some type of guidelines. The Commission would
go over the plans of the property owner, and if the proposal is in compliance
with the plan, the owner may go ahead. If they are not in compliance with
the Plan, an owner participation agreement to bring the use or building into
conformance is made. It really isn't any more strict from the codes that are
already in effect with the City.
D. Lieb: What is the Planning Commission's role?
F. Gray: None
A. Gervasoni: Do we need CDC?
F. Gray: The CDC are representatives of City, as are City Council members.
The Council wants to retain this power in the present politicalatmosphere.
It won't change, in the near future. All projects are approved by
CDC after
Plan is adopted.
A. Gervasoni: Can Council set up a new Commission?
F. Gray: Yes, City Council can appoint a Commission in later years. It isn't
foreseen in the present or near future.
A.Gervasoni: If I remodel my buildings, what would happen?
F. Gray: See the Commission, and if it is in compliance with General Plan
as far as general use, it would be in conformance with Plan.
Discussion ensued on power of eminent domain.
A. Gervasoni: Section 8, Rules. Read aloud.
F. Gray: "If's" are in there so that Commission can buy buildings and make
them safe. Fair market value is set on agreement. It is a partnership between
City and owner to improve property; not the City trying to take over the owner.
A. Gervasoni: Herold Mahoney stated that the rules are objectionable. It
is okay as a cooperative basis and not as a Commission interference with rights
of property owner.
F. Gray: The City and owner must both improve land. It's not a one-way street;
everyone participates, not just the City making improvements suggested.
J. Warman: In order to discuss revisions in the Rules and Regulations, another
meeting could be held with legal counsel, J. Coomes on Friday.
F. Gray: Owner participation agreement only applies when a building's use
changes according to the basic plan.
J. Williams: What about short-term rent and plan use?
F. Gray: It is a very "General" plan.
J. Williams: Can Council require exterior storefront change?
F. Gray: It could happen by adopting a design theme, but it would require
a public hearing. No change could be required to conforming uses unless Commission
was willing to bear the costs.
Mrs. Rose: Can I sell out to anyone?
F. Gray: Yes, you may need to enter into owner participation agreement if there
is a change in general use, not specific use.
Mrs. Rose: Does RDA get or pay fair market value?
F. Gray: Yes, it is the best deal in town. The agency is not only responsible
for fair market value but also relocation costs and any disruption of business
or loss of good will you might incur:
J. Warman: It's a very general plan, intended to improve riverfront and other
public improvements, such as parking. Mainly the same land uses will be main-
F. Gray: The City Council has discretion to decide conformity. Owner partici-
pation agreement is to protect owner. Money for improvements comes from tax
Question: What is tax increment?
F. Gray: Increase in tax revenues goes to the Commission, not to the taxing
agency. It does not mean that taxes increase.
Robert McLaughlin: "I don't want the Plan and don't need redevelopment. I
have plenty of business and I do my own renewal of my building."
F. Gray: "The City doesn't need this project. The City can fold up shop on
this today. When viewing this project, though, remember Kentucky Street isn't
the only street in town."
McLaughlin: A vote of merchants and owners, not a City Council and a few pro -
businessmen, should decide redevelopment issue.
F. Gray: A public hearing will be held on July 12th; you should be sure to
come. Three actors are involved in redevelopment: property owners, merchants,
and the general public. The decision should be made on the general welfare
of the plan.
Discussion of Parking District AB -103 Committee.
The parking facility bonds are paid by meters only.
Jim Williams explained history of AB -103 Downtown Merchants Association.
Business license - a voluntary license, to parking lots, leased parking lots,
$1,200, $23,000 brought in, promotion $8,500. Money saved $12,000 for last
three years hired Larry Martin. Provides mandatory fund for promotion and
other needs.
F. Gray: Be sure to separate Redevelopment Agency, Parking District, AB -103.
A shopping center provides 1) parking; 2) general management for advertising.
AB -103 - Provides the management district for CBD works for people who are
participants to promote downtown areas similar to shopping center promotion.
Henry Meyer (Bicycle Factory owner/retired engineer) commented: "This is a
chance to redevelop before it is too late." He worked on redevelopment in
large eastern cities.
Harry Sackrider: Likes downtown area to shop. Doesn't want to lose downtown
as it may be lost forever. Don't need massive redevelopment, but improvements.
Question: What is PAC and PCDC?
J. Warman: PAC is Project Area Committee and PCDC is Petaluma Community Develop-
ment Commission. The Committee takes no legal action, but recommends to the
Commission. The Commission is the voting body and the City Council acts as
the Commission.
D. Lieb: Suggested a meeting on Friday to discuss Rules for Redevelopment.
H. Meyer: If rules are eliminated it will end in devastation. Need to be
modified and clarified, not abandoned.
J. Warman: Americo Gervasoni; Herold Mahoney and others may make recommendations
for amendments for Friday. We can meet prior to that, and then meet with special
counsel, J. Coomes, on Friday.
A. Gervasoni: The Commission can be changed, but only by Council.
J. Warman: Proposed Rules were taken from other agencies for protection of
property owners.
Arends: (Herold building owner) Comments on Washington Street right-of-way.
F. Gray: City looks out for public welfare not always one property owner.
B. McLaughlin: Asked about Mary Street, Herold Bldg., Washington Street.
Frank: City Council already has those same powers for public improvements.
Jean Winterhalder: Wish Bob McLaughlin would come to Merchants Assoc. meeting.
Victor DeCarli (Lan -Mart Stores): We must think of whole town not just Kentucky
Street. City didn't help improve before, and we don't need it now. We need
to redecorate not redevelop. Beautification is fine.
F. Gray: Individual businesses downtown have found it difficult to provide
good promotion and large parking areas. Need some type of help.
Victor DeCarli: Rebuttal
J. Williams: Progress may make tenants pay more rents, but they will be generating
more business.
Harry Sackrider: Traffic is problem, not parking.
B. McLaughlin: Bridge discussion (foot bridge on Golden Concourse). Four
hundred arrivals - 31 boats at $25.00 per person spent in Petaluma. $18,000
brought new money to downtown Petaluma.
F. Gray: Bridge will produce more money than yachts to downtown. Comparative
shopping opening up new parking spaces with bridge. Redevelopment is to re-
vitalize City, not re -do it.
Lieb sums up:
1) PAC (25 members) half of which are property owners.
2) We've tried to inform everyone, using mailings, advertisements in Argus -
Courier, and word of mouth.
3) PAC and PCDC appointed at the request of merchants.
4) Don't use redevelopment for removal but a beautification of downtown,
parking, traffic circulation.
5) Brought up "A" Street lot with new developers. (Jeff Harriman and Wally
6) Need meetings of merchants, owners, City not to improve CBD.
7) No action to redo whole downtown, no overall architectural theme;
want individual buildings, keep what is there and improve it.
8) Appointed Fred Schram, Americo Gervasoni, Herold Mahoney and
Harry Sackrider to meet before Friday and this Committee will
meet Friday at 10:00 with Joe Coomes to discuss rules.
(F. Gray stated there have to be rules)
9) Get some action this time, don't let this study collect dust on
a shelf.
10) Need cooperation of merchants and City.
11) A lot of small projects for Petaluma, not a grandiose scheme.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.