HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting Recap 02/22/2016City of Petaluma, California CITY COUNCIL /PCDSA MEETING RECAP e ;�/ II Monday, February 22, 2016 - 5 :30 P.M. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016 CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. ROLL CALL - Al- bprwsevtt: CLOSED SESSION • CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.6, Agency Designated Representatives: John Brown, Scott Brodhun, and Dianne Dinsmore. Petaluma Professional & Mid - Manager Association, Unit 4 - Professional, Unit 9 - Mid- Managers, and Unit 1 1 - Confidential; International Association of Firefighters Local, 1415 Unit 7 - Fire; Department Directors, Unit 8. • CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of California Government Code Section 54956.9: William Case, et al. v. Jill Ravitch, et al., Sonoma County Superior Court Case No. SCV 256628. • CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION: Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of California Government Code Section 54956.9: Steven Vowels vs. City of Petaluma, Cowell - Rausser Family Trust, Lawrence A. Cowell, and Does 1 -20, Sonoma County Superior Court Case No. SCV- 256387, PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS - Noii&. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION EVENING SESSION - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. ROLL CALL - AZV P Wevtt. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. MOMENT OF SILENCE AGENDA CHANGES AND DELETIONS (TO CURRENT AGENDA ONLY) - GENERAL PU73LIC COMMEN7- ww-ved, to- lei P- IZESEN7 -A T-ION. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT - Seeivideo-/wa4u4tek; PRESENTATION Development Streamlining: o Open Counter Demonstration o Development Review Committee REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION (ACTIONS TAKEN) - No-vi&.. Petaluma City Council /PCDSA Meeting Recap Page 1 Monday, February 22, 2016 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Minutes of Regular City Council /PCDSA Meeting of Monday, January 25, 2016. - Approved a k covrecte,& Do- JWW that COU4,tca Member AUyorCwvv voted "vw-» o-w Iterw 6.3. B. Approval of Minutes of Regular City Council /PCDSA Meeting of Monday, February 1, 2016. - Approve& ak prae vttecL C. Approval of Minutes of Special City Council /PCDSA Meeting /Workshop of Monday, February 8, 2016. - App roove,& a k p rase nted 2. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda for Regular City Council /PCDSA Meeting of Monday, March 7, 2016. - Approve& ak prev_+ited Vote' 7/0 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. 2016 -020 N.C.S. Authorizing the Purchase of Mobile Column Lifts for Petaluma Transit From Municipal Maintenance Equipment Through the National Joint Powers Alliance Cooperative- Purchasing Consortium. (St. John /Rye) Votes 7/0 2e4o,U tym2016 -021 N.C.S. to Adopt Certifications and Assurances and Designation of Authorized Agent to Accept Low Carbon Transit Operations Program Funding ( LCTOP) Through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Caltrans; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Application and Grant Funding Agreement Documents; and Re�a M2016 -022 N.C.S. Authorizing Submittal of an LCTOP Cycle 3 Application for Operating Funds for Weekday Afternoon Service Enhancements, and Authorizing the City Manager to Accept Grant Funds on Behalf of the City. (St. John /Rye) Vote 7/0 C. IZe4oUtit m2016 -023 N.C.S. to Exercise the Option to Extend the Existing Contract with MV Public Transportation for One Year at Mutually Negotiated Pricing and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) For Petaluma Transit Maintenance and Operations Contract. (St. John /Rye) Vote. 7/0 D. 1Ze4oi Wym2016 -024 N.C.S. Accepting Completion of the Construction Contract for Marina Fueling System Upgrade Project (C64501401). (St. John /Zimmer) Votes 7/0 E. IZe4oUutw-w2016 -025 N.C.S. Authorizing Submittal of Application for Payment Programs and Related Authorizations for the Beverage Container Recycling City /County Payment Program for CalRecycle, Delegating the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency the Authority to Submit Applications on Behalf of Agency Members and Execute Agreements or Other Documents Necessary to Implement this Program. (St. John) Vote;• 7/0 Petaluma City Council /PCDSA Meeting Recap Page 2 Monday, February 22, 2016 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Adoption (Second Reading) of 0v'd4ng* c&2565 N.C.S. Approving a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone the North McDowell Commons Property Located at the Southeasterly Intersection of Palo Verde Way and North McDowell Boulevard from Residential -4 (R4) to Planned Unit District (PUD) and Approve the PUD Development Standards. (Hines /Ursu) Vote,. 5/1 (AU>ev%ow "vw- »; C�lccaa vim) 5. NEW BUSINESS A. ?Zowo utw-w2016 -026 N.C.S. Authorizing Award of Contract for the Wiseman Trail Rehabilitation Project, City Project No. C14101606 and Amending the Project Budget. (St. John /Zimmer) Vote: 7/0 B. Zayo,I 'w-w2016 -027 N.C.S. Authorizing Award of Contract for the Downtown Accessibility Improvements Project and Approving Project Budget. (St. John /Zimmer) Vote. 6/0 (KwW recw�e&) C. RascA t'wyy2016 -028 N.C.S. Authorizing Award of Contract for the Petaluma Complete Streets Project. (St. John /Zimmer) Vote: 6/0 (Kecwney vecus-e&) D. Ze,s�m2016 -029 N.C.S. Agreement with the Lew Edwards Group, to Provide Polling, Education, and Outreach Services. (Brown) Vote:- 7/0 COUNCIL COMMENT - See, videa-/m4yuAte* CITY MANAGER COMMENT - see, vLdeo- /m4uwft ADJOURN - 8 :50 p.WU Petaluma City Council /PCDSA Meeting Recap Page 3 Monday, February 22, 2016