HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 5.A 07/03/2017DATE: July 3, 2017
Agenda Item #5.A
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council through City Manager
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FROM: DaSt. CE — Director, Public Works & Utilities
Larry immer, P.E. — Deputy Director, Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract for the Deer Creek Improvements to
Coastside Concrete and Construction Inc., Revising the Project Budget, and
Authorizing the Transfer of Funds
It is recommended that the City Council approve the Resolution Authorizing the Award of
Contract for the Deer Creek Improvement Project to Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc.,
Revising the Project Budget, and Authorizing the Transfer of Funds.
In 2012, the Petaluma Neighborhood Association (PNA) filed an appeal to the City Council with
respect to the approvals for the Friedman's-anchored Deer Creek Village Shopping Center. PNA
raised concerns that the developer did not adequately address the traffic impacts and pedestrian
safety around the development. The PNA withdrew its appeal in exchange for additional traffic
mitigations and charitable contributions to organizations that serve the Petaluma Community.
Mitigation measures that were suggested included pedestrian improvements to make the project
more accessible.
The mitigations consist of traffic calming measures that include the construction of three new
curb ramps and the installation of a marked crosswalk with rectangular rapid flashing beacons on
Professional Drive at Rushmore Avenue, the installation of two radar feedback signs on Rainier
Avenue and installing new crosswalk markings at Rainier Avenue at Maria Drive with
continental style crosswalks.
The traffic calming measures were discussed with a representative of the PNA to ensure the
project was consistent with the intent of the terms of the settlement agreement. The project plans
were reviewed and approved by the PNA.
The award of contract was scheduled for the June 5, 2017 meeting, but concerns were raised over
the sufficiency of coordination with the PNA. Due to this concern, the item was postponed to
allow for a meeting with an additional meeting with PNA representatives. .
The proposed action meets Council Goal: "Plan for and implement priority capital projects as
funding permits."
The construction plans and specifications were prepared by engineering staff and a Notice
Inviting Bids was advertised on April 6, 2017. One (1) bid was received as follows:
Name of Bidder
Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc.
Engineers Estimate
Bid Total
$79,785.50 Lowest Responsible Bidder
The lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Coastside Concrete and Construction Inc. has
performed similar projects in Petaluma and possesses a valid Class A California Contractor's
License, #995338, which qualifies Coastside Concrete and Construction Inc. to perform the
work. It is recommended that Council adopt the resolution awarding the contract to Coastside
Concrete and Construction, Inc., the lowest and responsive bidder, in the amount of $79,785.50.
This bid is within the project budget and while it is higher than the engineer's estimate, it is
believed to be a better reflection of the level of effort needed to complete the project. Council
may also choose not to approve the project bid, and rebid with the hope of receiving a lower bid.
This option will delay construction until later in 2017, and is not expected to reduce the cost of
the work.
Due to the poor pavement condition at Rainier Avenue and Maria Drive, additional asphalt work
is necessary to provide a smooth surface for pedestrians and for the thermoplastic pavement
markings to adhere. If the thermoplastic markings are installed on asphalt that has severe
cracking and signs of failure, it is likely that the markings will start to peel off within the first
year and become an annual maintenance item. This asphalt work was not anticipated in the
original scope of work. An additional $15,000 from the street maintenance fund is needed to
repave the crosswalk area to reduce the annual striping and pothole maintenance cost at this
City staff met with PNA representatives on June 14, 2017 to discuss the proposed improvements.
The proposed improvements were previously agreed upon by the PNA, which is the signatory to,
and the approving entity of the Deer Creek Plaza Settlement Agreement. Staff explained that the
proposed crosswalk improvements at Rushmore and Professional are intended to provide better,
safer pedestrian connectivity between the Rainier area neighborhood and adjacent land uses.
Additionally, the crosswalk upgrade at Maria and Rainier will enhance visibility and safety, and
the flashing radar signs on Rainier are expected to reduce speeds, thus providing traffic calming
benefits. Ultimately, it was agreed at the meeting that the improvements presented to the City
Council tonight be installed as has been proposed. Additional improvements and concerns were
discussed at the meeting, such as a potential lighted crosswalk on Rainer at Acadia, excessive
truck traffic on Rainier and additional speed and warning signage. It was also agreed that City
staff would continue to work with the neighborhood and look into potential safety issues and
possible additional improvements as warranted and as future funding allows.
Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2017 and to be completed by August 2017.
Construction management and inspection services will be conducted by City staff with assistance
by an outside consultant for material testing.
The total FY 16/17 CIP project budget for the Deer Creek Improvement Project (C16101303) is
$80,000. An additional $15,000 in Street Maintenance 2411 Funds is proposed to increase the
total project budget to $95,000. These funds are budgeted for pavement maintenance and
currently exist in the budget.
The following is a breakdown of the budget for the project:
FY 16/17
Revised Total
Project Cost
Construction Contract
$ 71,000
$ 79,785.50
Design (City Staff)
$ 3,000
$ 2,717.48
$ 1,000
$ 1,000.00
Construction Management & Inspection
$ 5,000
$ 4,800.00
CIP Overhead
$ -
$ -
Contract Contingency
$ 0
$ 6,697.00
$ 80,000
$ 95,000.00
Funding Sources
Developer Contributions
$ 80,000
Street Maintenance 2411 Fund
$ 15,000
$ 95,000
It is recommended that the project budget be amended and the transfer of funds for a new revised
budget be authorized in the first quarter budget adjustments. Furthermore, a construction
contract contingency of $6,697 is recommended.
1. Resolution
2. Location Map
Attachment 1
WHEREAS, in accordance with the City of Petaluma Charter and Municipal Code,
California Public Contract Code Section 20162 and other applicable law, City staff prepared
construction bid documents and solicited bids for the Project; and
WHEREAS, the project was bid on April 6, 2017, and one (1) bid was received and
opened on April 27, 2017 in accordance with applicable law; and
WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid for the Project was submitted by Coastside
Concrete and Construction, Inc. from Santa Rosa, CA for $79,785.50 which compares
reasonably to the engineer's estimate; and
WHEREAS, staff has determined that the Coastside Concrete and Construction Inc., bid
satisfies the bidding requirements for the Project; and
WHEREAS, staff has verified that Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc., possesses
a valid California Contractor's License, Class A, #995338 that qualifies Coastside Concrete and
Construction Inc.to perform the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project is categorically exempt pursuant to California Environmental
Quality Act ("CEQA") and Title 14, the California Code of Regulations ("CEQA Guidelines"),
Section 15301, because the project consists of repair and maintenance to an existing public
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Petaluma hereby:
1. Approves the Transfer of $15,000 from the Streets Maintenance Operating budget
2411.24110 to the project budget for the Deer Creek Improvements, Project No.
2. Approves the revised project budget of $95,000 for the Deer Creek Improvement Project,
Project No. C16101721.
3. In accordance with the City of Petaluma Charter and Municipal Code, California Public
Contract Code Section 20162 and other applicable law, waives any and all non-
conformance in the bid of Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc. for the Deer Creek
Improvement, Project No. C16101721, finds the bid of $79,785.50 to be the lowest,
responsive bid, and further finds that Coastside Concrete and Construction Inc. is the
lowest responsible bidder.
4. Awards the contract for the Deer Creek Improvement, Project No. 16101721 to Coastside
Concrete and Construction Inc., in the amount of $79,785.50, the amount of the lowest
responsive bid, conditioned on Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc., timely
executing the project contract and submitting all required documents, including but not
limited to, executed bonds, certificates of insurance, and endorsements, in accordance
with the project bid documents.
6. Directs staff to issue a notice of award Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc.
7. Authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute the project contract on behalf of the
City of Petaluma upon timely submission by Coastside Concrete and Construction, Inc.,
of the signed project contract and all other required document, including but not limited
to, executed bonds, certificates of insurance, and endorsements, in accordance with the
project bid documents.
Approves a construction contract contingency of $6,697.
Attachment 2
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Date :JUNE 5, 2017
N City of Petaluma
PROJECT SITE " E Public Works and Utilities
S Department