HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 283 N.C.S. 06/19/1953~f!'cn ORDI1~NCE NO o 283 N"C"S b INTRODUCED BY COUNC!U,rAN SECONDED BY COmJOI~N ·W ..C'"Brown Leigh Shoemaker ;. ORDlNA11CE GRArJTnm TO PACIFIC GAS AIm ELECTRIC COMPANY,ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS,Tm:FRAliJCIIISE (1)TO USE~FOR TRA1'S1:TITTn~G AIID DISTllIDUTnrG ---",ELECTRICITY.SUITED FOR LIGHTIUG,FOR USE BY CON..., sm-mRS FOR ANY AND ALL tAt-JFUL PURPOSES OTllER THAN LIGHTI11G:t ALL POLES I1 '\'JIRES,CONDUIT~'AND APPURTE"tq.... ANCES ~,'HICH ARE ~mw OR 1-'lAY'IIEREAFTER BE LAJJFULLY plACED AND r-1AINTAINED IN TfTE PUBLIC STRI!~ETS AND PLACES l-JITHIN TEE CITY OF PETALUMA UNDER.THAT CERTAIN FRANCHISE OF GRANTEE ACQUIRED PUHSUUIT TO SECTION 19 OF ARTICLE XI OF~rlE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,AS SAID SECTION .EXISTED PRIOR TO ITS Al4ENDMENT ON OCTOBER 10D 1911,ANtI (2)TO CONSTRUCT 11 l rLAINTAIN AND USE IN SAID PUBLIC STREETS AND PLACES ALL POWS,".'IRES,COHDUITS AND APPUB,TEN... ANCES 11 INCLUDINGCOlJJlJIUNICATION C!RCUITS,1;;HENEVER AND WHEREVER SAID C01'iSTITUTIONAL FRAUCHISE SIIA.LL nOT BE AVA lLAl3IE THEREFOR D NECESSARY TO TRANSf.lIT AND DISTRIBUTE EIEC'l'RICITY SUITED FOR.!)AND FOR USF.BY CONSU}-'lERS FOR,ANY OR ALL !AvJF'UL PURPOSES .. BE IT ORDAHl'ED BY THE counCIL OF'TEE CITY OF PETALTIm AS FOLLm.;rs: Section 1..tfuenever in this ordinance the 'Words 01>- phrases hereina£ter in this section defined are used,they shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the follOl.rlng del'1nitio:ns (unless"in the given instance,the context wherein they are used Shall clearly import a different meaning): (a.)The word "Cra.nteen shall mean Pacific'Ga.$apd Electric Companyo its lawfUl suecesso~s or assigns; (b)The "'lord "city"shall mean tbG City or Petalum.a.l'a m"tll'l1clpal corporation qf the Stat~of Gallforn1a,in ita present In~' corporated form or in any1tl.ter reorganized,.consol1dated~ enlarged or reincorporated form. (e)The wor'd "stI'eeta"shall mean the publ4..t stz-eetsl}ways,alleys and places as the same now or m,ay hereafterexlst within said city:;including state bi~ways,:o nOvl or ·hereafter established within said city,and freeways hereafter established within said city; (d)The plU'e.se "poles II 'lfl1res p conduits and appurtenances n shall mean poles,to'Wers p supports",wires!>conductorsl)cables Q guys, SL5507564 \ conduits,ductsl!vaults$'manhciles~meters,cut..outa~switches, communication circuits,appliances"attachments;appurtenances and any other property located 01"to be located in,upon, along,aeross 11 under or over the streets of the city,and used or useful in the transmitting and/or distributing or electricity; (e)The phrase "construet,maintain and use"shall mean to construct ll erect,'install,operate,maintain,use,repair or rep1ac8 0 (f)The phrase "constitutional franchise"shall mean the right ac- quired through acceptance by said grantee or its predecessor in estate of the of~er contained in the provisions of Section 19 of Article Xl of the 90nstitutio~or the State of California" as said section existed ~r1or to its amehdment on October 10, 1911" Section 2 a The franchise (1')to t\sel'for'transmitting and distributing electricity,suited for lighting,for use by consumers for any and all lawful purposes other than li@lting,all poles,wires D conduits and appurtenances Which are ~or may hereafter be law~ .:fUlly placed and maihtained in the .public str&ets and places l-Jithin said city under that certain franchiso of grantee acquired pursuant to Section 19 o£Article:XI of thB Constitution of the State of California~as said section existed prior to its amendment on Octoper 10,~9ll.and (2)to constvuct g maintain and use in said public streets and places all polcs~wires~conduits and appurten- ancesl'i'ncluding C!QltIllUn1cation cirouits J whentlver and l.'Jherever said eoris~itutional'franch:1sesh.al1 not,be avaUable theref<;)r ..necessar-y to transmit and distribute e~ectrlclty s~ted·forJ and for use by consumers for,la~y or all lawfu1 purrosesp 1s hereby cr~nted to PacifI0 Gam 'and Electric C~anyp its ~ucc~ssQr~and as~ignsD . .Section 3"Sald 't'ranchisesh3.l.1 be jpdetermlnateJl that 1s to say ~said franchise shall,endure in rull force and e.fi'ect until the same shall,with the Qpnse!lt of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Califom la,be 'V'Oluntaz'lly surrendered or abandoned Sl5507565 by ·the grantee,or until the state or some municipa.l ox'public c OI'porat ion thereunto duly authorized by law shall purchase by voluntat'y agreement or shall condemn and tak~under the poweI>or eminent dOll'1ain,.all property actually used and usef'ul in the exer. cise of said franchiee and situate in the territorial l.imits of' the state,municipal or public corpoI>ation purchasing or condemning such property~or until.said ~anchise shall be forfeited for non- compliance with its terms by the grantea o Section 4~The grantee of said fl'anchise shall during the te%'ll1 thereof pay to said c1ty a sum annually wl,dch shall be equiva.., lent to two per cent of the grOB!annual receipts of said grantee arising from the use,operation or possession ot said franchise;. provided,however,that such pa}"lTlent shall in no event be less than a SUIll which shall be equivaleht 1;,0 one~half pe;r cent of the gross annual reoeipts derived by grantee from the sale 0:1 eleot:r>i= city within the limits of'such city under said franchise and said constitutional franch1se o Section 5~~grantee sb411 file with the Clerk 01' said city,withi;p.three mbnths after the expiration.of'the calen- d~yeat-lil or fractiC!lnal talendar year~follow1ne the da.te of the grantIng hereof,and Vith~n three months afte:r>the expiration of each and evel'y calendat>year thereafter,a dUly v.e~1.f1ea statement showing in detall the total gross re~eipts ofsu~h grantee during the prec:.~ding calendar year I or sUl:~h f'ractj.onal cale-ndar year 8 Trom the sale of electricity within said e1tyo Such grantee shall pay to said city wi thin fj.fteen QaYs after the time fot"i'iling such statement.1n lawful m<!l~ey of the United States,the aforesaid p~rc&ntage.of its gross reoe;tpts fa!'such Qa1e.n<Iar yeat',.or·such fractio~l calendar year.qpv~re.d by such statement o Any neglects omission or re~sal by ea1d grantee to file suchverlfied 8tate~ mant,or to pay said pe::,ce.,nta.ge .at the time a.n.d in the manner speci~ie~lII shall be groUnds for ,the declaration·of a f'or~~~ture of this fra.nchise and of all rightt of grantee hereunder-r 30 SL550.7566 Section 6"Tilii:franchise is granted under the Franchise Act of 1937~and pursuant to the City Chartero Section 11)The cQll1pensation reserved to the city for the privilege hereby granted shall be that eet :forth in Section 4 hereof.which is deemed by the city to be adequate compensa'cion for such privilege .. Section 8f)The right is hereby reserved to the city to take over at any t1me during the duzo8.tion of this franchise,in the manner provided by law :for condemnation of'public utility properties,such portion of'the pUblic utility's properties owned by the grantee,its successors or assigns Jl as are located within the limits of the City of Petaluma#without compensation for the value of the franchise granted hereby .... Section 90 The grantee of this franchiae shall (a)con... struct,install and maintain al~poles£,w1res,conduits and appur." tenances in accordance with and in conf'orm:1:ty with all of the o~dinances.rules and regulations heretofore or hereafter adopted by the legislative body of the City of Petaluma in the exercise of .. its police powers;(b)pay to the City of Petaluma on de~~d#the cost 01'all repa1rs to public pr.operty If'.lP.de nec~ssary by ~Y ope:ra=. tiot18 of the gl'antee under this franchise;{c}indemnii'Y ana hold harmless the c~ty of Petaluma and its officers from any and all liability for damages p~oxfmately resulting fram any operations under th1t;1 franchise:(d)remove <Tr relocate,v4thout expense to the City Qf'Petaluma any facilities inStalled,used and maintained .I unde~this franChiee 1»an¥streets,inclUding on ~r bridee'or artificial support in or ~derly1ng any such street.so long as :!Jueh street,br:dge O~artifl~ial support shall :z:eIllB.in under the .jurisdiction of the city as a city street,'Where such removal or relocation 1s made necessary by any 1awfu~change of grad~D align~ ment or width of sueh street"1ncJ.ud1ng the constt>uctlon of any subway or viaduot,?and also where such removal or relocation .is SL5507567 made neeesss:ry 'bey 'Fosson 01:an~repair or a1tOl'tlt ion or improve.. ment of lIDy such street.including any BUoh bridge or artificial support,p,JOov1ded thllt th:ts provision shal.l ceue to be appl1cQble to &:t:!1 such street.bridge 01?su~if and whetl the same shall beeClXlW a sta.te freewy 1)nor shall 1t constitttte a.eontra.ctual obligation 1n resr>ect.to Bueh freeway 'Vath!n the purview of Section 703 of the Streets and 1I1gbways Code or the State or Cfiil1forn1a;. and (e).file with the leg1slat1ve body of the C1ty of Petaluma within thirty (30)days after any'sale,transfer-,assigmnent 01" lea.se of this ha.rwhls e #or any part thereof,or ()·f .any 01;the rights 01"privileges granted he~bl.written evldetl'oe of the same, eertlt1ed the1"eto by the (p:'antee or lts duly aut~j.sed o.t'.f1cers". Seotion 10.The grantee of thia franchtee a~ees that the City of PetalUl1f:El when aet1~in a govel"IUTJental capacity6.' may 1mprove any street or portion thweof,in which .t~e.nch1se properties havo tbe:retotol"Q been eo!Wtrutted Oil'imltalle,'.i,and may ..~ :remove from e:o:y such stXleetany pUb11c 1mp2:'ov,em&nt.11'Ii;t,t1ee in wr1t1:ng is given to the grantee t.n (10)dfqs 1!t'adw..nee c,f 1#h& .fact·th~t work is to be done ~t to anr r·:igb.t :resePved'in this •¥,..v ~ seot1on"speel.1"ytng the gene:ral nature ot'the w~.nd the a:rea.,in which the same tEl to 'be pex-.f()l"'med.then the ~~e shall do ~ thin!s neef;uiJ'sl!!1"1 tCt p~o1;;.eet its t:raneh1se pX'opet"'ty dU1'lngthepro.. gress'of such work lilO a8 to pe:rm.1t the :rna:lntle~"()l'ex-at1on and -41-..,. use of such public 1mp1"QVetl1snt sO long as such s~eet shall remain under the 3urlsdS'et1on of th~oit:r as ae!.ty ,tJteet.,pr-oV'~ded that "< this px-ovlsion shan·ease to be applicable to tUtt.such street it ~. and when the same shall 'be~~s.sctrata !"r$eway,;r...,r shall thl~pro... ,~~". "l$iQJ:1 c()nstlt:ute a.~on:b:ra~tnal(,;.blifll'l.tlonane~·.viueh st.reet Atutll have 'become'a state :f:'1'I'ee'way ld th1ll the purview 01'Section 70.3 ot the Streets and Hlgbwa1aOode of the.State of Ca.lu''orn1a ll Section 114 no-p~Qv1ai~nror this trancll~se ahall be ~Q .. ...::~~..:>. conat7:'Ued as to 12npose u1>011 ~e!ty~:aut;r~~() •.,~::...,."....'+ e()na'truct~1"epalr or maintain 41J;t hi~ay,moj.u.d~tp..~Qt-GIj •Yo ~,.'O_ m which grantee'S tranohls&pXtopelftz"1s loge.ted.in 'aflY' ~1"ot'to a.:n:r putieU1arstand&~~ Seot10n 12.Thla otd~e ahal1 beco_eftectiYe"'t d«yB after its fUu11 t>assags,un1tUU9 ~pen4ed Ill'a refe;t'~~, tion filed as provided by 10. Seet1.op 130 The g1"lntee of'!laid ~A:nChlae shallp~" ,,.' the oitY'a.sum of nloney sui't'1Glsnt tel re1lt1bU'1"Se!tttJ:!all P1 tien ~nses 1nf.$"uN'ed bilt .In c~t.'on tdtA -,e gt'4nt~ such payment to be made withb t11l»t1'daye aftef'the)oj.ty .•ali 1'urn1shed luch grant8\)wi t11 a 'WX'!t_a atat..n1">'Of sum e~~~$..---.~......::~,: Section 140 The C1.tly Ol~k ant.1~~.'~'o:rd!~~{' y .1: be published once at least two ct)dq'$"betozoe fl.1 pQ.i~in, Petaluma.Argus...oou:r~e;t>~a new8~~!"ot~~u ~bcula'b1on and eu-eulated in said cit10 P~t 1"_(1 _d 1ntr~~~And .~d pub11sl.'md at i£!SilS lTlS6ting of:the City c-ow+c.n or:del C)lty h$1d on the 18th i;r;lay ot ,...-.I~"19530.x f t.• ABSENT: ~·tf,~ A1itant:~~~~l_,a..:;".·_.{L_<~.... t " STA:J:lE OF CALIF011NIA,) COUNTY OF SOHO)~,)as. CITY OF PETALUl1A Ct ) I,Gladys'R..rJallin,Oity Clerk of th~City ot Petaluma~ and ex...officio Clerk of:the Council,of sa1.d City;do hereby certIfy that the "a'bove and'toragoing 1s ,11 full,trtle and eON'&ct copy of the orll1:nalof Ord1.nAnceNo.283 N.C.S •........, of the City of Petaluma,adopt~d by ~ha Council of the City of:Petaluma on June 18,1953 and effect Iva July;,18...1953 _____'_'_t 101h1oh .sald Ord1l1tm.ee 1s now of recOl"d.and 0%1 file in my o.f1'1ce,together with ~certificate ot ths vo'ta thereon,and that the eopy"has ,~baeno~d by me with the original and is &.eo~et transcript the:re*om and of'the whole of said orlg1nal~ WITNESS 'J.Tr!I hand and the seal of said C:1 ty 0'1 Petalu.ma affixed at 'J:i!9'ottlee in the City of Petaluma.,OountY,of Soncmm, State of Oallt>orn,:1s'1i this 19th day ot ,June,1953.,'II