HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 4.B 03/06/2017LF,yF,*,,, DATE': March 6, 21017 TO: I 101101-ablQ Mayorand Members of the City Council through City Manager F I��!,��� ROM: S I J HJ EC' F: Rcso[U(ion Approving Amendments to the Rarwho Arroyo, Business Park Planned Corni.mmity District ("Rancho Arrop PCD`) /oning District Regulations and Intl-OdUrCti011 01' all Ordimmcc Rezoning the: property located at, 4986 Poaluma Blvd North From PCD to C2. R1,X'0MMENJ)AT10N It is recommended that the City' COUnCil: a) Approve as Resolution Amending tile Rancho Arroyo BUSinCSS Park Planned Community District ("Rancho Arroyo IT') Zonino District IgLdUti0J1S- and b) Introduce an Ordinance Rczoru.ng the propci-ty located at 4986 PdalUnia Boulevard North firom PCD to C2. BACKGROUND, Ali application was submitted by the. 360 Church requesting approval of amendnients to the Rancho Arroyo PCD to add C.ommunity Meeting Facility (which is (lie case category that includes churches) and Sehool to tile list of conditionally permitted uses within (lie PUYs Zoning District Regulations, More specifically, tile applioant. requested that these two new uses be listed as condilionally painit(ed uses on the. existing Petaluma Valley Athletic Club propelly WVAC) located at 85 Old Corona Road. In addition to the applicant -initiated PCD niodification request, staff is recommending thc 1,611owing modikat-sons to thcRancho Arroyo PCD Regulations: * Forincitting irnprovernelits and ektrif-ications to increase usability and update citati011s * Added parking ratios 6or the iiew conditional uses * Added Fitness,/f lealth Facility cis a conditional use at 85 Old Corona Road ((Iq 0 compliment to the existing conditi011al Use CatQg014Y LuiliZed OWN, CODIMCI-Qial Ree.reational Facility) and * Added School as as conditional use at 1-155 1111-h.1,141-hil MenUe, 11-1C. S01101W1 COU11ty Of'fiee of'E'dUcation site. The project before the, City COLInCil rIISO includes a Zornno Mail Arnendment to rezone the property locitted at 4986 Petaluma Bottlevard North (Dermy's) from the Rancho Arroyo PCD to C2 to he consistent N-vilh the existing and hiStOrie LISQ Ofthe property as a restaurant, wbieb isnot allowed in the(J), and consistent with cxisling /oning of olher properties Mono the arterial. The applicant has alst.-) Bled an application I'Or an Adi-ninistrative Cotiditional Llse Permit to allow the 300 Church to occupy the oxisGng hullding, at 85 Old Corona Forel (currently occupied by PVAC)7 conougent upon approval of the requested PCD Amendment, No StrUCtUral jinprovenicrits or exterior modifications are. anticipated to facilitate re -tenanting the existing bUildinoL� piven dial both LISCS care classilied as As.sernbly, A-3. LI A more detalled project description is provided in the Planning Commission staff report in Attachment 4. The Rancho Arroyo PCD is bounded to the nombwest lay properties with 1-1'OntagC On 1-10alUnla Boulevard and that are typically commercial in nature, hounded to the west 1)), the. Pc(alLjIIIa River, bounded to the southeast by Corona Road. and paw unded to the northeast by the Auto Center PCD. The Rancho Arroyo PCD is transected by industrial Avenue, (Attachment 3-, Map) "I he PCD includes 58 parcels with fronuugc on Industrial AVCIILIV and one addilional parcel that runs between Old Corona Road and ALI(O Center DriVC. Fxisting parcels include: o 44 parccls each consisting ol, 'one Condominium unil within a larger, typical bUSifICS-S park structure and containing a range oftypical bLI,9iIICSS park uses 0 5 parcchs developed witli typical bUsiness park structures and uses 0 6 C-ity-owned parcels abutting the Petaluma River that are compoticuts of' the Dentrian Reach flood terracing proJects 0 A vaunit. parcel abutting the River 0 A parcel owned by the Sonoma COLInt)' 01111CO of Iduct-dion and LINUd LIS Z-1 SOnall allernative high school 0 0110 I)MCOI WithOUt firontage, on Industrial Ave and CUITC[Itly occupied by the Petaluma Valley Athletic Club — the primary subJect ol'the pri.-iposed IICD Arricridn-rent. At its January 9, 2017 mecting the 111anning Commission considered the I)rojjCut ZIL a noticed public, hearing and tipproved resolutions recommending approval by the City Council by a vote of 4 to 3 for the Amer dnients to the PCD Rcgalations and a vote o -I-`6 to I For the Running of Deriny'sa No conditions Nverc added by the Planning Commission to either resolution (Allachnients 5 and 0). Thirteen people spoke durino public comment at (lie Planning Commission mecting on this item. Additionally, twelve public comment letters were received 101- the JIUbliC hearing; three til' these letters were fi-oni multiple lndividuuls, The majority) of, tile courments w-vcrc. Front mernhens of the'. Petaluma Valley Athletic Club, expressing fila desire fiff the Ch -111 to I-CITIAin ill OperlitiOn. Commen I ci's expressed concern that the listing of Community Mecting Facility and School as conditional uses within the Rancho Arroyo Pt -.'I) and more specifically for the PVAC property would I'C,Lllt in file CIIIIIIS CIOS-illg. 2 A numNi, of'specific concerns were expressed that as church anwor School Occupying thQ, PVAC facility would tic less desirable than mnoinumf ofIemdoti of the GO or could pose impacts greator than the existing use such as traffic and loss ol'City reverittes. Other speakers included the two owners, cjfPVAC and the Mef Firtmicial Officer ofthe (Aub who spoke aboUt CO-OrtS (() tnakc the Cloh sell'-swst;iiniug, and efforts to sell it to another local Club, and about the, inability to continue to operalc PVAC at as financial loss. Several speakers indicated that if PVAC is uriable to runain in business, having anoln comnaMy type imer in 14, space, such as as chimoll and/or a school. would be pre-fiarable to having it torri dm,\,ri, .During deliberation and ultimately Ow vote cm the. itern, the nizajority of the planning Cornaiission I -bund the following: * The addition of conditional tins at 85 (Ad Corona Road retains the ability 11or PVAC' to remain in operation, * The addition of (lie conditional uses of Community Mccting Facility and School at the pVAC site WOUld 0 Increase the likelihood of the cnisting hulls: kg being reused rather than demolished (,.supporting General Plan Policy 1-11-7), and 0 Ilave minimal im,pact to the Business Park as it whole becausc the parcol is physieully separatcd fi-om the rest of the business part<, arid becausc tic: parccl has never operated as as business park use (the ClUb predates approval of the business Pat), However, three Planning Commissioners opposed the rcconimendalion based on one or more of tile lollowing reasons: • Preference that, if the Mh1dic Club closes, reuse of the propely be as a business park Ilse already listed by (lie Rancho Arroyo 1"CD • Concern that a1 non -Profit such as as church actilring the larkeay would result in loss of' (74); teveruics • Prelercrice that as ('1111 with all pi-qject details regarding the specific church and school be. considered c-oricurmntly with the PCD amendment • Concern that 85 Old Corona Road may not be a good location for as school, and that hsdng school as a condihonally permitted LtSe may imply aNnoval tear- Sure use No concern or opposition was noted regarding the other aspects of file [I(-']) amendment or the Reof-lingofthe Dently's parcel action, both ofwhich are inn re house -keeping in nature. DISCUSSION An analysis of the pi-qject as it relates lo f1w applicable policies and regulations cal' the City of Petaluma is proWded in the Planning! Commission staffrcportl 3 In inspouse to the conucrus cxpv"cd by one or more planning Com ill issi oilers (ill italics), St'aff offers (lie following, discussion. Pi'vo 1141nning Commissioners ex/vesscd prfumce Out/ the 1,i-hnttrjuse (-?f' the PFAC p)-olierly- be CMISWMI Ifilh the biminess Ivirk1light industrial uses allowed hi the Rancho Mxt,o Nl) if the exisling addelie club closes. The Rancho Ar�royo PCM ouUMes a series of alloNvabIC USQS permitted bo(h by right and as condiliond LWCS fOr PrOI)CI-ty Within the boundrit-ics o.f the Inmincss park. rhe proposed anwndmcms allow the current athletic club rise to COnfinUe. In addition, the, existing F`VAC HUilding may lie wnvened In a Imincipally permitted use. sudi as office, warehousing, laboratory, or assembly. A new property owner could also apply Rw a Conditional Use Permit for any of the uses already Hoed as as comfitimud use "Illhi be MIX such as a nem, ,Into dealership or a machille sho P Ircontinued operation of than Club is not financially feasihle, the majority of the Planning ConmWon did not choose to Suit Raure use or the site to ah-cody listed business hark uses, because the lorm of the exiaing Wding omy not make it an obvious choice 1'or one orthcNe uses. Secondly, the Planning, C-'catunksion did turf wish to limit the budding) to a business PW* Use gWCu that the PVAC:° property is Marly distinct Erom the other pareel4s within the Rancho Amiyu Flusiness Park: • It WaS GOnStrUCted before the F)USiuC.SS Imrk was established, • It does not have frontage to Industrial Avenue as do aH oHwr primck, It is physically separated from the other Rancho Arroyo PCD properties (the PVAC huilding, is more than 700 feet firom the nearest business park building), It has never comined at business park use or served as a UniQing COMPOnOlt of the business park, and It currently has an Asserribly occupancy type, and exchanging 0110 Assembly rise (PVA(:,) for another (such as as church oi- schoof) would not inherently represent an impact to the conflimed viability ol'the business park. Starr <rlso notes (11,1( as the. Asscmbly occupancy rating' ha!" file 1110'St UXICruSiVC JCVC1 Of btlilrdiug arld fire requireinctits, ILiture use of (lie PVAC, building by as usc tht retWitys all Assembly rating, (suc-h as as Conumunity Meeting Facility and/or a School) represents the most effilciont use ol'the City'S Current stock OrSLI'UCWIVS 2. Tivo _Plurwir7g (,owmiSSiW7C1-.Y ('XIVCN.Yed C017CCO? Over polcillial loss ql_,Ciljv reveinve ifdw M=AC Jwoj?ellj7 were Infrehosed b.)., a non-exemjw non-prqfil, such (is the 360 Cr'17twch of Peltilvino: it possibilill) niore likev if*Comlnunily Alecting Inc: eihy mul School Cwe fisted ct.5 CoMlilional mmv At the Planning Commission hearing, stafT did not have, specific data al)OUt eXionig or potential revenue in response, to this concern, Subscquctit to the Planning, Commission m mectingi staffhas confirmed that City NVenUe frOM the CXiStillg USC (If' the ff0perty in terins of'both property tax revenue and business tax 1-CV011LIC are Very Millinial. While 1_QVU0UC 11FOrn h0th 111-0perty tax and bmsiuess I , tax WOUld be eliminated should tile property lie purchused and operated by a 11011 -prof -it" thcrc are, other Conditions (flat would offset the finaticial loss of those minimal reveritie sourcos I -or (lie City. With regard to properly tax, ifthe 3160 C.1itirell, buys 85 Old Corona Road. they will sell the acreage they own on Lindberg LiJile, CLUTC11tIV Zoned IndU(rial. and Which is llmv exempt f'roln property Ulx. The property Avill sell t6r, and thcrcl-Ore be assessed at, significatilly more tlign the current assess.ment of the property at 85 Of(] Corona (f)VAC) with propci,ty taxes tied to its purchase Thrice in the 1990s. As at result, the City's property tax revenue, would increase 11'360 Church were to buy the PVAC property kind sell their Current property, at Lindberg lane. In the ail -licalit's letter to (Ile City Council, (lie Church olfers to not sell the Liji'Llherg Lane properties to as tax-exempt noll-profit (Attacbmem TA) ,lrid has voluntarily agwcd to at condition ofapproval to mcniorializc this olTer (Condition of'Approval I In Attachment 2). Willi regard to bLlsillMi taX. one or more industrial users operating at the current 360 Church Lindberg properties can lie anticipated to contribute more in yearly business Lax dian the minimal revenue currently generated trom PVA(_ I aid its two independent instructors. FUrthenriore, should Harvest (Iii-istian SQhool relocate it) the PVAC property in the fcaure, (lie 18,000 square fect ol'prime office space that they have rented since 2009 swill become. available and as new tenant call be anticipatud to contribute Business tax re'vellUe where u0ne Baas been collected over file lastL) years. A third potential SOL11-Ce of revenue is from property trnnsfer tax., Non -profits are not exempt from (ransilcr tax, which is paid to the City at a rate of $2 per $1,000 of, purchase price. This one-time tax would be collected at the time of property sale, InclUding the sale of 85 Old Corona, 879 and 90 t Lindberg Lane, arid 43 1 Payran Street. Two 1'/cann it -Ig Conjmi.ysionev,a t+,anled to conshleithe P(-.']) an-tem.-Imenis c-iricl Me associaled acklilion qfcorttNional uses eoncut-i,eifl i0th the ivi.-ion, q 'pi$ojecl ,spec yie (TINfim. those While the applicant has submitted an application ]or at Minor Coriditional Use Pcillut for 1 -0 - tenanting the 1'' ¢` bUilding with a chUl-Ch LISO, ain application for at school is premature at INS time. 'I tic applicant's requcc;t that School also he listed as a Conditional lyse Nvithin the PCD and specifically fior the property located al 85 Old Cororut Rond is kir potential future relocation of' the existing I larvest Christian School NvIlich is currently located oil llakcville I lighway. Relocation of'the school is COTICCPtLial at this time and the spceillic details required ofn (A-111 are not yet known. Staffanticipates any luture CUP application for establishment of'a school at this location would, he processcd as to Major CUP Lit the dkerotioll ()I' Planning Commission and would likely be inCILISiVC ofan application f'or Site Plan and ArchilectUrill review to address site: plan iiiodlfiC,10011 kind ally 11CAN' C01lSt1VC1i01L While an upplication flor as CUP to allow a school has not yet been filed, the applicant is rcclUCS(ilIg 111M both C011111-Mili(y Mecting I"acility and School LUSQ8 be added to the PCD a% I Condilionally permitted uses at this time. This approach allows the 360 Chkirch to promed with the purQhasc of the PVAC properly knowing Ikit hath uses ore, eligible Jor consideration as conditional uses oil the site. However, the addition of these uses as conditional uscs at 85 0 .Ad Corona Road by the PCD Regulations in no way constitutes an approval oftfiese uses on L_ I Ole site, A current application I'm a CUP for the 360 Church rC(ILIC.StS approval for as maxinium set -vice sizc cif` 250 persons -,in(] does not involve any building expansion or site plan modification. The Lise, would replace tile historic use of' the, site as, all athletic Club with it membership of' more thall as 1,000 People. In keeping with the. nature of the application (one assembly use replacing another in an existing building, rather than development ofa vacant lot as as church or converting as warehouse building, to as CIAL11-Ch, for example), and pursitant to IZO section 24.030.11, if-Conimunity Meeting Facility is added to the list of` con ditional Uses, this CUP would be publicly noticed, carefLilly considered, and appropriately Conditioned by Start' *In its current Norm the application falls within tile discretion of as Minor Conditional Use Permit and does not require hearing bef'Orc the Planning Commission. Staff may always refer a CUP to the Planning Commission Wadverse impacts are identified (PLU-SHUnt to lZty 24.030,Q), citvwide� wheel Zoning Districts are adoptcd or Planned Community Districts drafted. coir ditional uses are listed (' or not I isted) without knowledge of what specific uses jilight be proposed car what the extent of' their operation might be. The listing of'a cont-fitionat use, allows each spccirlc f1flure user it) be eonsidercd in leans of its, operating conditions including bours, noise, and in(CilSity, as Well LIS i)) Consideration to its particular site wid surroundings. L_ Community Meeting Facility is listed as as conditionally permitted use ill most zoning districts City=wide, The only conventional zon.ing district Citywide that (toes not allow- as Community meeting Facility as, a permitted or conditional use is the: OPell space J'ark zoning district. Similarly, most zoning di8ri-iCtS Withit) POtall-1111a list School as as conditionally )IC111littCLI, LISC. St, , Lit- N4ixed U S andard City Zoning Districts of Business Park, all Io )SC zones, 'all six Residential zones, Civic Facility, and Agriculture list Schoot as as Ct J-1-1 use. The Implenlenting Zoning Ordinance lists Community Meeting, Facility and School in the FOHOWing NXay, IZO Zoning Districts Usc C,0111111 Lill ity Meeting Facility sellool Business Park CA -1 p C, U p 131' Mixed Use zones CUP CUP All 4., TVIUla.­MtJb m Residential Zones All 6: RIZ ­ R5 T—livic F, a-cjli­i,Y_,___"" Agriculture NO Indi.1,13trial I Commercial a c) Open Space — Park 0S Ii [,1,17' Ct 11-1 CUP CUP In addition to Conimunity Meeting Facility avid School being listed as a con( fitimial use,,A (tic lmkjorily of"parculs in tile City, it is especially relevant that hath arc listed as conditional uses in the IZO's Business Park reining district. When the Rancho Arroyo Business I)ark PCD was created 111 1983, there was not a "Business llavfc zoning district option in the Zoning Ordinance. If as development area envisioned itself riot as an 0111CC al -W ala-arae111CILIS1.601 MVU, hitt as this newer concept ol'Business Park, establishing as planncd Community District was thell IlIQ 111cans to do so. The conventional /haling desigriation of "Business Park" was not established by Petaluma until 2008, to coincide with the General Plan elesIgig nation (if Business Flark. Tbe IIVAC porcel lias as Gvnerat Plan ct�signatioii of' Business Park-, thus as the IZO deems Community Meeting Facility rand School appropriate to list as a conditit--mal rise in its Business Park designation, designating the 85 Old Corona parcel in the same manner is consistent with the -tand, ard condition at husincss parks Citywide. 4. Two Plunning (7onnnissionets exlwussetl coixern as to whether 8,5 ON Ctwona is on 611)[wopriale localionfi)). a Sch001, ow/ conceln that listing School ers a contlitioned use ma.1, that a CUPJbi- uSchool (it this locathm is achievable, Throughout disCUISSi011 01' this project with the applicant, staff has been wry clear (flat die addition of as conditionally perinitted use in the IICD does not assume that it CLIP for any specific use Nvill be �,ranted. The Planning (' 'oniniis'siorl Was also Clear With tile applicant ori this point and Clic aliplicatil acknowludged this Pact at the Nanning Commission hearing, Public notice oftlic March 6, 2017 City ('01.11161 meeting was published in the Argus Courier on FebruaiN 23, 2017 and mailcd to all property owners and OCCU1.1,111tS within 500 feet of the boundaries of the Rancho Arroyo 11CD boundary, As of tile writing of this Stall' report, 011e public comment was l'CCcjVQd M support (,i1` the amendment, see Attachment 9. Comments rece,ived during noticing Im- the Planning Commission hearing are lattachod at Attachment 4 1`. The applicution to amend Ific, Rancho Arroyo ITD lias been reviewed Under the provisions of'tlie California Elliv i roll III crital Quality Act ((J'QA) Guidcline. Pursuant to Section 15061I,t)")(3) i (Revietv'An, A.vemption, Getierid Ride) oft1w CFQ/A Guidelines, there is no possibility that this application to furiond the Itancho Arago FIT) may have a significant cffcl on the covironment, and the opp4ation is theivibre categoHeally excuipt froin the (,']',,QA Ouiddhwm The recolvITICIldnIm that die vroning ofthe Denny's pamel M 41H6 PBN be formally niodi I -led to C2 has heel as been re0ewcd an(] round Categorically F.xomp( rrom CEQA pursuant to CEQA Gidddines §15301 (Existing ruteditiem and not albjCO to any exceIxtions to use ora categorical Excn,Ximi provided in ('I,,QA (WidClinos § 15300,2 (Fxccptions), E'INANCIAL I ANIVACTS The prqject is su,Mct to cost recovery with call expenses pak! hy Me applicanL The applicant has odd $1103191 in cast .recovery {ccs to date, ills 11001011911 WINE Attachment I . ()rdinunce Rezoning 4986 PJIN ( ' Dunny'st2 ) Incoin PITDo C Aftachnwjit 2. JZcsokohmi AjVr0Vij1,,!, KanJio Arroyn P(T) Moch&Mion, Exhibil.4. lightal Wing Dismict Illegidations For Ftanclio Arroyo PCD Attachnient 3. Map ofl�ancho Arroyo lICIJ AtLachnumt 4. Planning (",ommission Staff lZeport, January 95 2017 with Sub-ALwchnimn 4-(:.' - Mapping Relating to the Dcnnys and SC(Mi PwvW.s Sub -Attach -mint AD - CHpinal PCD I�CgtdaliOIIS PIUS City COLIncil Resolution No. 86-188 & City Council ICcsolution No. 92-114 which comprise its to Sub-Attacfiment;-f,l,, - Rodline 0f(-',LWrCnt Zoning District Regulations for Rancho Arroyo Business Park I lighlighling tvlodifications to I lsc, Parking, Format. in(] Updated Standards SUb-Attacliment 4 1-- - All associated written public coniment Attachment 5. Planning C.ommission Itesolution No. 2017-03 Amen(lment) Attachment 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2017-04 (Rezoning of Denuy's,) AlWchinent 7- ketter From Applicant dated Vebruary 1, 2017 Submadruent TA Fiscal hiRm-nial,ionik ()1'lcr of I&& Resuiction Sub-altachnientU3 bufFic Ddernorandum dated F`cbruary 7, 2017 Attachment 8. Letter from property omicr nfS5 Old Corona Road Attachment 9, Public Con-mievit m ATTACIIMENT1 ORDINARCE OF THE CITY CO;tNC1L OF THE CITY OF PETALUMA 1 11 FE p* I I I JTI 1, 1 "1 P I 1 1, 11, 111', 1 1" j Q- J� r- 0 11, mi WHEREAS, in preparing the Rnncho Armyn Business Park Planned Conir'nunity Disirict (R ancl—rca Arroyo P`D) sluff ideiilified that Ific; Deniny'.s re, ourant parc:efl al 41?86 Petaluriia Blvd Norlh (APN 007-412-023) was rezoned from I lighway Comi)-iercicil 'to ih(:: Rancho Arroyo PCD in 1983 by Orcljnanc--c= No, 1558 N S, : cuid WHEREAS, the property cal 4986 Pelakirno Blvd Nor-th wris iru-Judi-x-I in the Ranc-lia Arroyo PCF) by listing of ils c-me-,sor's parc:0 both wilhin Or-dinonce No, 1558 KC,: l and withill Resolution 9938 which approve -d the PC[-') Oovelopmenl Plan and Re, gukr-,Aom, cis well cis its depic-lion on lhe PCI -D niop included of Lxhibil A of Rer�ofufion 9938: and WHEREAS, inc cDrisisterit wilh lho above., the -toning Mcip has depicted the paic ell wilt) a Commerc:ial zoi-jing de signol ion FJn(1-e the I VIS Os; sand WHEREAS, purse ani lo Ir-T)plcmienting Zoning Ordinunu-,- §25.050, the Cily's 111orinirg Commission netc.] a doly noticod public he�qrinq on Janticiry 10, 2017, which inn -luded] corrid ration of the, Zoning Map Awendrvent t() fre I one its e parcel to Cry to be, cnnsistentwiq-i the Zoning Map depiction, at which lire -Ie (III Inleresied pailies had tire opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, on Junuary 10, 2017, the Planning Conimission re-corrinre-ndocl Cily Couilcif approval of the loning Map Arnencimc-,,O lo change then zoning designation of the Donny's resk-)uroril properly focole(-:] (it 4986 Pelalunio 131vd North frorn Rciri(-ho Arroyo PCD io Comi-rie-rcial Z consisloril Willi the designalion thenal Ihe Zoning Mcip cum--.nlly depicts, of the site; a n c I WHEREAS, on March 6, 2017 Iho Cilly Council hold a duty rioliced public heoiiriq Io r`onsi,,Jei the proposed Zoning Mcip Amendmeni; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PETALUMA AS FOLLOWS: `o �, D .)-F���on 1, Frriclirigs� Pursuant to lml-�)lemenf !ng 7oning Ordirranc-c,-, Chapler , 1 asod on the PICjjjjrji1)0 COMmissic'm's City siciff report and F.)Libli(-,- heming, the City Council adopk the Zoning Arnondr-nent, cis &,scriL)ed above and -scd forlh herein, based on lhc� findings nicide binlllow� I. Thic; proposed Zoning Map An-e,,znidnrnntis conSj,: Wit -n JhC, , tlekilurmr I'lon Land Use, M(--jp which desiqncrlethan lond ns Neighbork-.jod Commerc.ini, m Th-rc Con-in-ic-rciU 7on[np d(-,.,srqna'[on is more oppropriate flicin lhe, Rloncho Aircive ca. The pc)rctal has frorilcige ori Petalurna Borilevaid North, (,in arlerlcistreet will'i a (,,OTT)rTif1r("1ci1 uscige pailern, None of itie Poncho Arroyf) parcels face far. loluma Bodc"Vard North, and 1:). The I-)arrej Micas 1--ic-en dev(r,4opc-A in a curime.rc.Jall cis a reslauiiorit sinc(.---, 19611. the (-Turrenl and foleseecible use of 1he porcel is cis o cofninerc'Jal reslaumni, A rest(LION-DrIl 15 0 06-111111lod use wHirin the cartin-rercial zonina dktrict but prol-ribited by the, Rancho Arroyo PCD. 3. 'P -ie [..)roposec-i Zoning Map Aivic-ricirrien't is consisteril wilh the nocossOy. XWO-ni(-2t-ICE: c-ind cionoral welf,,wc• bacause, it will allcm the operation CA a Commercial rwisc, Ihoi licis historically ocx-kipied the, subject- propefty- 4 - lhc-,i requirer-ienls of then California Environmental Qtjciliiy Act (CFQA) havc- bccri, scifisfic�d ,jiC)ij f1la, tj�j(- -)jj-jg k -1p -idnient is CategorlQcilly F-xernpf frorn tho 7ol i ihrOUgI-1 tho, der-tornimc ie California Fri viranmen Icil Quality Act (CIQA) puisucirit to CE' A Guidelincs § 15301 Jr-o(.-.ijijieS) (.If -ICI not sr bj(---cl to any exceptions to use of a Cafe-gorical Exemption provided of CFQA Guidelines §15300,2 (Exceptions), Th(ar proik-)C- 't inVolVes (.1f.1 eXiStiliq de-veloped property, Would incase: rio i.1hysical change in the, erivitunt'nowit cind would not expand the existing Lise. No em-eption to the use of a categorical exemption is present sinc.-c the projeci is riot Incated in a sensitjVC! ICK -01101)'r is flot the of a successian of sirnilnr projoct resulting in e50f1'1LA0hV(,, in,ipcicfs, has no recisoricible possibility of resulting in ca significurit effccl, it not visfblc from a scenic:; higt)wciy, is not Ioc ated on a hazardous Waste- site=. and would not alter a historic- rescii irrc- Sedion 2. late, Zoning Mop contairied in the Impk--,�rne�nfing Zoning Oidincince is heroby americ-iod 1) roodily ine zoning c..k.;,,signalion of thc! Denny's rGOCIUraInt propoi-ty Icxr-,ated at 4986 Pcialurna Blvd t1ertli fronj Rancho M-oyo PCD Jo Clorrimercial 2, consisloni will'i this• ciesigricilion 1-1-icit the ZC)niflj MC -11:) COM---r-Illy detrActs cit Me silex. it Qrly provision of 1his ordinance of fl -ac?-? applic-cilion li�r cr , f Section 3. Soverability, I � C) 10 uny person -)t circumsfance is hcld invalid, the relmlindei of Hie, cidirianc�, il)(Aidlif appliccific-T) of se -ac h [:)(111 c:ar plovisloil to (.Iffier, p(--,.rSc)nS of dt-curr)'i'lanc-es sholl not, be affected these oy and Shall con-tinue in full fc.)rcc and offoct, To this crid, 1-,)rovisions of this ordinarice are, se ve°rcatile:. The City CourrcA her(,-,,t-jy declares Ihni if wc.,nild have 1--)asse,d each section, si-ibse,dion, 5LJI-)dVi.SiCjn, pciragraph, serilence, ---IC1U5(--1, or phrcisu- hereof irrcspccfivu� of tho fact lhaf ony one or marc, sections, subsoctions, sobdivisiom, parcigraphs, sorifonc:(cis, or phrases he held uncon iflValid, (M- Unenfor-emble, Soclion 4. This orclinonce Shall bc"conm eflecfivrthirty (30) cklys aft( --,,r the dcAle of its adolrDlic,in by the Potolumo Cily Council. m Soction 5. postj ng/1"Li blist -ling of Notic-'a lhe" City (clerk is hereL)y directed to post and/cm publish this oudinunce or a synopsis of it for a period and in Ihc, miannar required I -,)y the City C hartuf, INTRODUCED ond ordered posied this sixth of Mcirch, 2017. ADOPTED thj,,, Ji'nsei I day] of (imed niorflh], ` OI ) by the following vofc: Ayes: Noes: Absiain: Ahs (--, n f: Aurrium Od ENT 2 A tipsompnoNi ou fill? cily (w PIMLIMA. 421TV COUNCIL RE,COMMENDING"riw crry(X)UNCIL AMEND THE RANCT10 ARROW) BUSINESS P,,WK FILE NO. 11,17111641003 WHERE'AS, by Ordinance No, 1-559N,C,S�, the Roncho Arroyo IICD was created in 1983 After APTq 048080029 Nus added to the Rancho Mroyo IND hi 1 YH5 (by Onlinmwe 1611) and aller east side parcels were renloved to Wrill, the i\uto cclitcr P(,'D in I 9HS MY ChAinrun,ce 17481 lose hatreds that runinin %Ghin the Rancho Arroyo IT'D are, Assessol's ParCCI RLH-nhcrs (AP- t: • 007-412-034. 047, und 054, • 150-060-00 1 through 031.. • 1540204M8, Wo known as 85 Owum INW, an] • Thosc portions of 00741XO31, 033, 036, 037 mot 038, 0480804QQ, VOW - M7,018,024, m -K1 025, and 150-070-001 through 013, not designated as Floodway by the Current FIRM 111,1p; and WHEREAS, in October 1983 the Clt)` COUnCil by Resohitioli 9936 adopled Rancho Arroyo PCD Zoning DUO Regidatiqns for the above mentioned area; and WIJFRE,As, iD ILIIY 1986 the City Council by ResollitiOn 86-188 1'eViSed the albrelnentioried regulations to include new car dealwArts as as conclithnall We in OIC PCD; and W11FREM, in May 1992 die City Colund by Revolution 92-11,4 revised (lie aRirerilentioncd regulcitions to niodi Fy, the sethack regUk-ttionS at SeCti011 11. 1, and WFIEREAS, in AmpuM 2016 ChQI,.-,,,ea Chotter-ton oil behall'ol'360 Church SlAbillitted ,,in ajaplication to revise the aforcniont-inied regulations to niodify tile PCD kCgUlatioris to I includf.!, solely at Ole 85 Corona Road parcel (APN 150-020-008., currently Petahinla Valley Athletic Club) Conimunity McQting Facility t Iiocluding Religious Facilitics') and School as condilionil uses; aaarcl M111 ERFAS, as sniall alternative high school exists al file opposite extremity ol, the PCD frotil tile PVAC on lairds owvncd b lic 11 y the Solloilla CounLy Office of'E.d atio (SC( U) and SCOE has expressed interest in also having School added as as Conditional us'e at their 1.355 industrial Avc. location; and WHEAUT1,kS, tile applicant-hritided 111) iruvii5cutWil rQquest led 4) Ober QM llcgulntion mAhlifications to provide parking ratios (6, the ncxv conditional uses, to allovv as Filtic's"S/Fica) ill Facility use to LitiliZO the PVAC space via a Conditional 1.1;.e Ilerniit, and to inirwove flit: ft)1-1-rialtilig and update CitUtiOlIS MW add ITIMCCLIUral hinguage to the PCD Regulations (d se rnodillcutions are herein Swicd ;a To "assodrded PCA) uphl!""Y and 12- A'J'TA(AIMEN'1'2 Ivil-wia"m; the pifeet is entegorically exempt I - roln the (OHRMIN Awiromnaltal Quality Act (CIi',t),A), taider Seetki 15061(I ) 3) (Review For Wription, Kneral Ruk) or the. (J' Q)A G'Lliklines as there, is no posihility that the nlIflication to anicnd the Rancho Arroyo FICID may have as sigldilcant eft' ct oil [11Q ellvil-onniQl1t; and WHEREAS, We Irl inniing Ununksion held as cluly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed PCD nuidiFications on January 10, 2017- considered the stal'Freport antilyzing, the application dated January 10, 2017, and approved Resoluthin No N17-003 recon-inlending the PCD Amendment altuchcd as OWN and NVIIERFAS, the (-'ity Council held as dtly m1ced pultic hearing to Wnsider the proposed lIGD modifications on fWarch 6, 2017; allLI AWKINIK'A'S, a GOrly of the PUbfic notice was published in the Argous COLIHOI' and Illaded t'o,residellis awl ocnlpallt,s within 500 feet sell' l5 Old Corona Road aS \VVII as to residents and ocmWants within 500 feet or the Rancho Arroyo Business Park, in cxmipHancQ With state and local law. Pont nitIREFORF4 1311 IT RESOLVED that the City Council ala roves tile, Rancho Arroyo 141) Anierldt-rielit-, attached as F&WA Ilereto, based kill the findings inade below aridsutajeet to the conditions oyproval. A, J"he J'(,)rQgojn,,- recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by rclerence. 11 Pursuant to Gencial Plan Policy I -P-7, the proposed listing of Cointwufit;y Vecfiitq Nwility, School, and Facili(y as a condhion use at 85 CAA Unmia and oc Nckud at 1315 Induktird Ave will allow Or greater r1exibility in the continued use of tliQ,qQ two existing buildings. C PLII-SUIlut tO J111I)JOIlCluing Zoning Ordinance Planned Unit DiMrict and Planned CorninuidLy District Section 19M31 Me proNmed addi6on of uses possible at 85 Old Comma Road and 1355 Industrial Avenue via as Conditional I -Ise Permit and the asmseiMed uprimes does not anbo the uhilIty or the P( -,'D to rvinain coinpliant with Me I-CCILdrodfindings in that: L With sid inLdi ricatimis, the Ire infHed uws and hitwit or the Rancho Arroyo Business Park Will 0-latiVILIC WillIOUt liftemrion and 1hus the PCD NVill Continue to I'.salt in as immv desimbW use or Wnd and at bettcm physiod environ -ran -0 darn woWd be possible Undet' any single zorling disult or combitlation ofzonijig, districts. I The acildon or uses possible at 85 Corona Road and 1355 Oduslihil Avenue via as ContUthmal Use Perink and tho associated P(A) updates, represents -no inipact Otwoun Raileho Arroyo parcels and thorough('ares. All Rancho Arroyo parcels continue to have tile, Sallie, arclecluaate aCCCSS to 17011d"MYS, illClUding tile I)MCCIS SCCking the addithn ornew condAkind use 85 (Act Corona Road and 1355 htclumhl Ave. The disWomiry (Imf0mal Um Penni( process for such a new use -,vould allow as IN VVYWHVVIENI, 2 trecused review of traffic impacts related to the specific project, 3. -file addition of uses posAbW al 85 (Ad (Anorra Road or 1355 Indusaird Avenue via as Conditional Usc Permit, no( the associalckl FCD updotcs, will not affect Rancho AnvyWs ahility to Ilivsclut as unified and organized arran(gernont (it' buildings and service tacilities which are appropriate hi relation to a(tirlecirt and ricarby propeaici, and that include adequate landscaping and/or screening to insure compatibility. P(.='I) stand als reganlilig she plan rind ai-chit(ACIL11W review requirciticrits, setbacks, and Irnidscaping remain in effect. The proposed addiUmi of uses IsoMe An to (VulhNnal Use Permit will cnablc a user such as the 360 Chi"'CIL UJ apply to utilize 85 (Nd (Tonnia lAmd, Rwrrledy i1sthirma Valley Athletic Club (TVAC). As tile use Of 85 Old Corona Road ham Once odginul consGuedon in 1979, operated via as Con(litional it perm ft in as amimemll me re Iacility, this site has liever contribi,tted i princyally perridHed use to the Rancho Arwyo)XIT I-aijuly IWCUSC of the lxweers, kohom Front (lie rest of the PM) area, the distinct oper,11ion, ofille pwvel has lwoven no negafive Qlacl to the identily of or cohosiveness ofthe Rancho Arroyo IhNiness PaA, As the use of 1355 lixtuWal Avenue has, since twiginal C011SIRICti011 in Uh0LIt 2002. operated as as small high school, this site has never cotilibuted it prineilmlly peri-nittod use to the Rancho Arroyo PCI) ind adding. School to the list of Conditional Uses at this pareel is not andeipatod to represent as riegritivc impact to the Rancho Arroyo PCD. The adAtion of' usys possible via a Conditional Use Permit land file associated PCD updates will have mi it Ixicl with regard to the natural and scenic qualities of' tile Ranclio Arroyo site; available public and private space,.; designated by Rancho Arroyo I-Cirlaill UnClianged. No stnictures or physical unprovernents are proposed. There is U0 Unique firnitation on Commaithry NxIcedng Facility or SchouL the architecture or the nialwgmumn: thaeoll &A would lire vent or impair the use front complying wi(h alldicah1c site. and buil&ng deign Still1dardS Outlined in the Zoning District Regulations ('or the Ranchi Arroyo PCD and the IZU 4. While no developmets is proposed, any future development of'85 Corona Road or the other Rancho Arnqo parcels Miall rnnahi suhjccl to site plan and archi feel urril revievv and to those state darvis or ow lea who Arroyo PCJI Accordingly, 170(ure development within Rancho Arroyo will tull he doiximardW to the public welf"arc, will be in the best Werests or the C)ty, and will be in kecl-ling with the general intent and spirit cal the. zoning inguiations orne My of PcWhrrria, with the Petaluma (Jenerol Plan, rind with any ulAllicable plans Wopted by the CIV, A sindkir assembly use that generates a similar level of activity and that iTICILIdes ancillary use ofouldoor recreation area - coninlerdal recreational KHRks - oQually inteuded to accoi n mod Lite tile Ranclio, Anuyu Raccluct Club (now called Petaluma Vallcy Athletic Club) is already penSted at all lots within the Rmlcho Annyo PUD, ']'lice newly proposed conditional toes al oudying, lots will not yvevaH the Runcho Arroyo PCI) frorn scrving, its CQ purtmsy to prunuAe uncire Immundoin and coordinated industrial dcvckq)rncIll, MR ATTAC14MENT 2 1), The Ra.ticho Arroyo PCD Zoning DOW regulations, as Shown in I`Nhibit/l or 1,11k, Resolulion and oil 61c Tu the Planning ITiviWon, al -C 110-Chy lnodifiCcl I)IJI"Alant to SCCtiOu 19 of the fillpIcnicill /oning Ordinance, L Oindilion (WApproval K Any Clondidomd We Penmit gmted u) ANY the 360 Chumh (Mmimna U) opciatc at 85 Old Coronm Road, MuH hwlmJc us n condhkmi or upproval tiMt tile lands CLUTC1111y owned by and used by the chuff at 879 and 901 Lindberg Lano shall not be sold to a Wx-exonpI mnjmuk ViWa(ion of the Conclithn shall terminate validity of (lie CIM, Sirnihirly, a CUP 11n, the above shall not be grimed should the church's tax-exempt lands m B79 and 901 Ijndbcr[; kme have already been Sold to a tax-exempt buyer. IT9 ATTR CHMEAT2, 1+x I-11111TA ii� 1111,111 illi�illi : iiiiiq� 1111,111 1111111111111 �Iiq virs i Originally Adopted by Petaluma City Council on October 11, 1983 Combined, Amended, and Restated on January 10, 20,17 M Zoning District Regulations for Rancho Arroyo BLISiness Park Table of Contents Section Title/Contents Paige Chapter 1. PCD Zonin District General Provisions 3 1.1 Purer}SC' 1.2 - Flood Deslgn mon Noto 1.3 DUe GMIfi0n Section 2 ApplifAiNty 3 2.1- Lacalion 2.2 ­ Temis 23 - Effect (if Prior Actiorn-, 2.4 - Relation to EO o S riction 3 Permitted Uses 3.1 - Purpose 12 - Permit Reqoirornnnts 33 - Perinilted Acce,�sory Uses 14 ProhltiltedlUses SoOlon 4 Nuisances 41 -- Porpose 4,2 - Nuisance-, 4.3 - Zoning Ordinance Standards - Seelinn 5 Development Standards, 6 51 - Purpose 5.2 - Standards 5.3 Flood Mapping Designations Affect Rancho Arrove 5A - Petaluma River Aucess and Enhanceaient Plan Applicability M _01on 6 Parkft 6 61 -Purposes 6.2 . Vehicle Parking Spaces 0 - On -Sl reet Parking __--- Section 7 Design Guidelines 7.1- Purpose 7,2 - Landscaping 7.3 - Building Desigri 13.1- Purposo 8.2 - Conformance wilt( Sign Program _t A p 81, n Permits Section 9 PCD Modifications 10 r1.1 - Modification Procedures Section 10 Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) 10 101 -SPAR Procedures 102 • SPAR Findings 10.3 ftiief Efficlen(:y �IjWndatds E 111111l 11101 ii !!111111111111 !!J111 111111til Si],iiiill ii'll N I M. Purpose. The purpose of the Rancho Arroyo Business Park Planned Community Development ("Rancho Arroyo PCD`) zoning district is to promote more harmonious and coordinated industrial development than would be possible Under the provisions of the standard M -L (Manufacturing - Light) Industrial Zoning District. (The M -L conventional i-oning, designation in place when the PCD was adopted was replaced by the I (IndLlStrcal) designation in the 2008 IZO-) Flood Designation Note. It MOSt be noted that much of the district is overlain by the Flood Plan Combining zone and is adjacent to the Floodway zone and that for these reasons, extraordinary care must be exercised by current and future property owners and developers and the City in planning and approving future development Due Caution. Where the Community Development and Planning Director doems it necessary to maintain harmony in the district and enEure due caution in development and use of land, the Director may refer any development proposal to the Planning Commission for review and approval in accordance with Conditional Use Permit review pursuant to the Implementing Zoning Ordinance (14-7-0: Section 24,030), and its periodic updates 2®O Applicability LfWA a 10 M 4 Aim 00,11 2. Terms. These regulations shall apply in the same manner provided in IZO §1.040 (Applicability of the Zoning Ordinance). 3, Effect of Prior Actions. The following actions after original adoption of the PC have been incorporated into this revised document: a. City Council resolution No- 86-188 (listing new car dealerships as a conditional use) b. City Council Resolution No. 96-059 (modifying the setback regulations) 4- Relationship to IZO. Where the Rancho Arroyo PCD reqUiations are silent on a matter related to land use or development, or less restrictive than the City ordinances or policies, the properties in the Rancho Arroyo PCD shat! be subject to applicable current City of Petaluma ordinances and development policies - Purpose. To list those land uses that are permitted, and by which type of planning permit, for each use. Permit Requirements. The tables below list allowable land uses that are- a Permitted Subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of the. Rancho Arroyo PCD and the IZO. These are shown as "P" uses in the table; b. Allowed as an accessory use, incidental to, related and/or clearly subordinate to a primary use On the sarno, parcel, which does not after the prifnary use nor serve V property other than the parcel where the primary use * located, These are shown as "A" uses in the table, c. Allowed subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (IZO Section 24.030 and its periodic updates), and shown as "CUP" uses in the table; ICS section 24kK-P and its Subsequent updates offers guidance as to whether a minor or major CUP is appropriate; d Not allowed on particular lots, and shown as "—" in the table. Note: A permitted land use, a use authorized through the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, or a permitted accessory land use may also require Site Plan and Architectural Review (IZO Section 24.010), a Building Permit, and/or other permits required by the Municipal Code. P TABLE 3.1 A ALLOWED LAND USES AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS CUP LAND USE TYPE CUP APO III - 020 -008' INDUSTRIAL iIup CUP Dyeing Establishment (lex1ile) D.2 CUP Food aod Beverage Product Manufacturing P� D.2 rup Governmurial, Municipal, and Public Utility Facilities D,8 ("UP Laboratory - Re -march, oxperimontal, engiricedrig, and ioshng facilities, S.3 p Liqmfied pr-lrolvom gi% & cotnprossed gas bulk stotage (3) D 3 CUP &A Metal products Fabrication & Machine Shops 0) D1 CUP Man0ar,turinq, assnnibly, or packaging t i iti BJ p Manufacturing, Packaging, Transport or Storage of Known 1-1,97aidoirs, 115 CUP Toxic or Carcinnytiric Mate0als or Chernicols ll) Pliarrriaceulical.s and Cosmetics P1 D CUP -- - ----- ----- Repair, Cleaning and Service of DA CUP -Fq0pment-/Prod-u-cis - Slotage - Warehousing, Indoor Storage (6) DA p Equipmont D,6 CUP Ultily/Industrial Equipment R6 CUP Wholesale krsinesq aid Warehousing and DistribiMon N RA p OFFICE Permitted Principal Use Permitted Accessory Use Conditional Use Perrnit RequirpiJ Use Not Permillod APN,00ALL OTHER LOTS 412.038*1 M CUP cup, P Cut) & A E CUP CUP CUP&A CUP P clip CUP CUP CUP iIup CUP I' Clip Clip P - ------ - - ------- --- Olfrce - Adininishative, executive, financial 13,2 p p Office - Rese'arch and Dovelopmenl 13,2 p P Office - Calalogue sales and intornel/mail order processing B,5 p P SERVICES - BUSINESS, FINANCIAL, PROFESSIONAL Commercial Recrentional Facilrlie-sl 0 0 CUP CUP CUP Filnessil-leafth Facility 0) CUP Pd i ilino and Publishing, hook Nndinq bloe prinling, photo en p P p SERVICES - GENERAL Mint Storage, Facilities KH P P P RETAIL New X0 Dealerships C CLll), CUP K TABLE 3.1 CONTINUED ALL-Q1rx1L&: r— �-% �1111 2EDUITEI-IFUTS LAND USE TYPE LODGING Lodging - HolcliMolel P Permitted Principal Use' A Perini(led Arx;essory Use clip Condilional Use Peoril Required — Use Not Permitted APkrj'g6: A -ON ' T® — I Will 412-038' ALL OTHER LOTS wo CUP I cup CLIP INSTITUTIONAL t nity Mc(Ainq Facifty 00) CUP and Public Utility Facilities 0,8 CUP CUP _CUP Goveinniental, Municipal School - Elomenhity, Secondary, or College 0 ti CLIP CUP RESIDENTIAL Up Residence for Property Managernent orSeeurily 02) C,3 'U P C CUP Asqnmor's Parcel 0,56-020-008, aIsu known as 85 Corona Rood, formerly first Rancho Arroyo Rarquet Club, theri PoGitorno Valley Athletic Club, now in rxinlract by 360 Church. Assessor's Parccd 0007-412-038, alsO WWI a=1355 Industrial Avenue, owned by Sonorrin Counly Office of Education and operated as , small aHornafive high school. (1) Referunce In the migni of tike 's lis=ting, most typically to ilia Soction rul'ofunce of the origiriat, 1W3 P(,D Raigulations. (2) Not induding the production of fish products, sauerkraut, vinetier, or [lie like, or If,(, fendeflng of fats Find oik, Including bakeries, crearneries, & boldrift plants (PCO D 2 & D.7), (3) Whero bu4' storaqLl of gases Includes riff -premises delivery, and only as an appurtenant 0, to as perruglod of oon diP0 Flat use (Pcn r),-.1). (4) Spiccilically: Light mental appliawx and stool iabrication shoos and machine shops (PCD D-11. (S) For the following only (PCD 61); e P(OIJOCIs 1101-11 preViDUSly prepared materials such as cloth, plistic, paper, leather, precious or serni-preclous metals of stones, but not including such operations involving I , primary production of wood, metal or chemicals from raw materials. h. optical, oluctric, and oloctioruc, firning and nri6aRuring Instruments and dovicos (6) May iriclimp storage of iaw mateuals and finished products (PCD B 1). (7) Delerininalion of such usez, shafl be orade by the PWininq Dircr.tor after review of preliminary onv4orimerital assesgruom for each proposed use, The Director tray roquire convUllation with experts In make the determination (PCD D 5)' (8) Fuel or flouriat;j[do liqaI(jS storage or wholesale businesses are uNdudnd frani this rise calegory (PCD 8.4) (9) Defirhioq: A fitness cower, gyrrinusium, health and "IthlefiG club, which may Include any of the following sauna, spa or hot tub factlilips, milloor tennis handball rauquol.ball, arutiory and shooting ranges and other Indoor sports activities. Does not mcludr,, adull onlmlainrne.nt business. (Pursuant to the 20 Ord 2300) (10) outivilion: A mulli-purpriso moolino fat:ffly, both Club, Ledge, Private Meeting Half type and Religion-, Facility. Sea !ZO Ord 2300 for full definition, (11) Private,, or if relevant, pub kl s(J)ools toacning elementary through college level residonlial unit per lot for properiv managunictit CH SCIAnity 2 inn.. Nol-m Any Cather resnarGh business, light or relail commercial use as detefrnined by tho Planning Druutor to be (if the, sarne, poneral ofmractr,-r as the ahove, may bp treated as such PermittedAccessory Uses. The following are the accessory uses permitted in the Rancho Arroyo Business Park Planned Community District: Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, in accordance with the, provisions of Table 4.12 (BP and I ?ono Clovelopment Standards) of the implementing Zoning Ordinance, and its periodic updates - Prohibited Uses, The following operations and uses shall not be permitted on any property in Rancho Arroyo Business ParIc a, Residential uses except as provided for in Table 4A. b, Trailer courts, mobile home parks or recreational vehicle campgrounds c, Junk yards or recycling facilities d, Quarrying e. Commercial excavation excopt m the course of approved construction W qtr f, Distillation of bones g. Dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction on garbage, sewage, offal, dead animas or refuse h. Fat rendering i. Stock yard or slaughter of arrivals j. Cemeteries k, Refining of petroleum or of its products I. Smelting of iron, tin, zinc or other ores m, Jail or honor farms n. Laborer or migrant worker camps o. Trucks or IDUS terminals p Petroleum storage yard q. Auto wracking or auto painting or auto body repair F, Billboard or off-site signs. Off-site signs not to include entry or directory signs for Business Park 1. Purpose. To list the nuisances that shall be controlled and mitigated within the Rancho Arroyo PCD. 2Nuisances. No nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate on any lot whi& A- Emissions. Emits particulate or gaseous matter, or discharges liquid or solid waste into the atmosphere or any water course which may adversely affect the health or safety or persons or use of property or vegetation, B, Glare/Fleat. Produces intense glare or heat unless such is performed within an enclosed or screened area and then only in a manner to insure that the glare or heat emitted will not be discernable from any exterior lot line. C Sound. Creates a sound pressure level in violation of any regulation of any public body having jurisdiction. D. Smoke. Allows visible emissions of smake outside any building, other than eXh@UstS emitted by motor vehicles or other transportation facilities, in violation Of any Public body having jurisdiction. This requirement is also applicable to the, disposal of trash and waste materials - E Vibration. Creates a ground vibration that is perceptible, Without instruments, at any point along any exterior lot line. 3. Zoning Ordinance Standards, The Performance Standards of the IZO (Chapter 21), arid its periodic updates, also apply. Purpose. To provides basic standards for site layout and building size. 2. Standards. New land uses and structures, and alterations to existing laud Uses and structures, shall be designed, COTIStrUCted, and Pstabiished in compliance with the requirements in Tables 6.1 in addition to the applicable standards (e,g,, landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in Sections 6 through 10 of this document. a TABLE 5.1- DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIMENSIONAL STANDARD LOT SIZE 'MininiurnAfea[rt -,SETBACK$ (2) Front anci v) Any Slreet Tn Industrial/Gild Gorari,901 - Structures - - , - -- ", - ------- --- - -Ica Indusbial/Old Corona( -"t - Off -Street Parkin(3__ To Auto Center Dr - Struclunes ro AutoCenterCar ParldnOLindscapIng To Bunron Way Structures To Bonson Way - Off-Sifeet Patking Side l'bAr,,Joi Lot Line) stro of I I res Parking or Circulation Area Flew (Inlorior Lot Lina) UANDARDS ALLI-CITS I ACRE 0i M ALL LOTS 25 feet 0) 25 feet 25 It - 14) Ctoflforfn wilh the existing Auto Conter Dr pattern 20 feel 0) 10 feet to bac.k of cur.., M 20 tool U! 5 feet l'n Structures- 25 f e v I - — - — - -- -- -- -------- ------- - ------ Pafkin,� Of 011"GUlatiOn Area 5 het ka, HEIGHT 40 feet or 3 slories M No lencing of any kind willbin the. selb�ack mpedfied FENCING to -pubtics1re-ol COVERAGE 40% 110 (1) Applicable to now lots proposed to be subdivided frorn a larger parcid. Not appfii,ohle to area-; to he condorniiiinmized. (2) Moasunid to properly line, exrapl regarding off,91real parking to Benson Way (3) Setback to Industrial Avenue, Old Coruna Rodd, and any public stroet frot lodividuilly lisled (4) Rogardinq SaUCILIT'laver 50,000 square feel: Solback to stfoot-shall be inweased by I loot for each 1,500 square foot over If)(., 50,000 square feel, to a roax1rauni of a 100 feet setback risquirerneril (5) Along Sprison Way onlyoff,straigi parking setback reqUirornent it, f1fora the back of curb (6) No buildings or parking purfiritted within setback afea (7) Whroe daveloprnent of two atlJoinlrig lots proposes abottingistructures along their interior Pommon lot Iinp, the interior setback may be waived provided War the opposite property kine setback ds inGreased by 10 feet and lands('-apild (8) Where development of two or Imre adjoining Us providos conniiiin use parking, loading, or vOilcular cuculfltion area, the inturior s0back areas olong tire interior property lines common to such lots may be waived (9) Brnidinqs ,hall not exceed 40 feet nor be. exceed 3 Eledes, except buildings constructed over pafkinq may be 48 feet (10) Not rnore than 401%, shall be cccupipd by unpromricrils, including bulhAngs, sheds, loncos, walls, screens, harriers, or and s,ervko areas, and oxcluding parking and vehicular circulation areas. 3- Flood Mapping Designations Affect Rancho Arroyo: Be Advised. C011SUlt current FEMA FIRM maps: the Rancho Arroyo PCD abuts the Petaluma Rivor and every Rancho Arroyo PCD parcol is covered or fouched by the Floodway Zoning designation or the Floodplatin Combining District. Areas within a Floodway designation are subject to those standards and no encroachments are permitted (see ILO chapter 6 and its updates). Areas within a Floodplain Combining District are subject to both the Floodplain Combining Zone (sea 170 chapter 6 and its updates) and this PCID, 4, Petaluma River Access and Enhancement Plan Applicability. The Petaluma River Access and Enhancernotnt Plan (1996) is applicable to all parcels on the West (Fietall-u-na River side) of Industrial Avenue. 1. Purpose. To facilitate public access to the Rancho Arroyo PCD througirl the provision of M WU# off-street parking spaces and access ways for vehroles, bicycles and pedestrians, To provide adeqUatO off-street parking spaces for the employees, customers, and residents at shared parking lots within tne Rancho Arroyo PCD. 2, Vehicle Parking Spaces. Each lot shall have facilities for parking sufficient to serve the floor area or nornber of employees for the business conducted thereon. Parking shall be provided to the following standards for floor area; or where applicable, number Of employees, whichever is greater: TABLE 6.1- PARKING STANDARDS ALL LOTS LAND USE TYPE ParkingRequirement M OFFICE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT I simce por 201),300 sq, ff oross floor arca M WAREHOUSING I space p(ir 350 A50 sq- ff. gross floor aroij (2) f qr;[� fjr_',,r fj0Q_9()0 Sri. it grass floor arena (21, jl; PARKING STANDARD BASED ON EMPLOYEES I spnce per 1.2 arnployees, W COMMUNITY MEETINGIRELIGIOUS FACILITY I ipacp for oach 4 seatstilt ISCHOOLS FleirrentaFy & junior High I for each efriployee-ort -iiia m axin I unr Shift t"a Hiqll 'Schonl & College 1 for oarh ornployee an the maxinium AM plus I for each 2 students N (ij Tho spenific ratio tcr be determined by the Plarning Director in each cast,.. (2) Parking shall be provided to the square footaql„ btan(jard of to trk_, oinployre bra,','oor rjUjutp whichever is �f g roatur (3) !;Wfjcienl mi -site area shall tie reserved to wfnrimodate expansion to one parking space per fuor purr hod fifty (460) squaro feet, to ensure future adaptability of Ifte, boildirw4 to higher InIonsity uw (4) calculatoij for olaximtrol shiR. This Is the minjaiian raqWremoni,, Jha CUP proco&i shall consider whother additional spacers mo nc-cased for the specific use and se.1ting. 1000��� On street parking strap be prohibited. Purpose. To promote attractive and compatible forms of development in the PCD 2- Landscaping. An overall high quality appearance and feeling of Rancho Arroyo Business Park shall be established by the inclusion of extensive landscape treatment along Industrial Avenue as well as within the interior of the abutting properties as they develop IndListrial Ave The rninirnurn area of planting along Industrial Avenue shall be an area 25 teet wide, measured from the Industrial Avenue property line. IVIOUndinq. In order to enhance the overall effect of the landscape area, gentle mounding will be created frorn one foot to as high as four feet, depending on the proximity to access driveways. In order to maintain safety site distanoo, those areas immediately adjacent to W access driveways will contain lower profile landscaping. Mounding along parking areas is encouraged, to provide screening of automobiles from Industrial Avenue and provide increased growing Surface for trees, shrubs and ground cover, MoUndMg shall be incorporated or extended onto private properties creating a Continuity of design and adding separation and screening between individual development sites, Water Conservation. All landscape areas will reflect the reqUirernents of the current City Council Water Conservation Ordinance and the City's Landscape Water Use Efficiency Standards, and their Subsequent updates, Trees- The principal street tree shall be evergreen Ash or a similar type tree from the City's Current street tree list, with Supplemental trees along the 25 foot frontage landscape strip. These supplemental trees may be the Whiter Alder and Canary island Pine that were encouraged in the first version of these standards, if appropriate. Alternatively, they may be substituted, subject to City review and approval, with both evergreen or semi -evergreen trees proven to thrive in Petall-111-1a and with a low water use, in order to give the development a year-round landscape richness and softness. Seasonal accent colons should be added to the background of evergreen foliage by the use of species for fall color, together with species for spring bloom and summer color, Shrubs- In the original 1983 PCD Regulations, the following shrub selection was considered proven low maintenance varieties that each add some additional interest to the overall landscape effect: Heteromeles Arbutifolia, Toyon Photinia Frazen Pittosporurn Tobira Xylosma Congesturn Other shrubs meeting the same intent may be substituted. in the case of new construction or a significant remodel requiring SPAR review, substitutions may be considered through project SPAR review, In the case of changes to an existing landscape palette, substitutions shall be Subject to City review and approval - Lawn. Lawn as ground cover may be used only as permitted by the City's Water Conservation Ordinance and the City's Landscape Water Use Efficiency Standards, and their updates. Irmation. All landscaped areas should be provided with complete automatic underground irrigation systems, each designed to serve the specific needs of individual landscape plans. Low volurne drip irrigation shall be used in all installations where feasiblo The storm Water holding ponds and Industrial Avenue right-of-way shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained per the approved improvement plans proposed for assessment District Number 10 and the CC R's as reviewed and approved by the City Attorney Additional landscaping on or adjacent to each property may be permitted, or required, as a responsibility cf each individual property owner, as individual improvements to each lot are installed. 3, Building Design. All buildings may be either reinforced concrete and steel or wood frame construction Exterior materials should be of pleasing visual quality. Fxtorior walls shall riot be Constructed of metal or plastic. Screening of Mechanical Equipment, All rooftop or outdoor mechanical equipment shall be fully screened in a manner which is architecturally integrated with the structure which it serves. M W= Purpose. To protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the Rancho Arroyo PCD by ensuring that the number, type, size, and design of all signs in the PCD will not detract frorn the attractiveness and orderliness of the City's appearance - Conformance with Sign Program. All signs shall be in conformance with the Rancho Arroyo Business Park Sign Regulations and GUidelines, dated April 5, 1985, or its subsequent updatos. The sign program shall describe in text and/or graphics-, sign placement on lots and buildings, height and style, materials of construction, compatiNity with structures arid lighting. Sign Permits, All signage or signs, as defined in the IIZO, both permanent and temporary, shall require issuance of a sign permit. SUCII a permit shall be required for any change of lettering, style, color, copy, size, location, number, or method of lighting. N030UTITWIM_ =0 Modification Procedures: From time to time, it may be necessary and desirable to modify the Rancho Arroyo PCD development standards. Modifications shall be in accordance with I Chapter '19 (Planned Unit District and Planned Community District). SPAR Procedures: All new development or changes to the exterior of existing structures or site features shall require Site Plan arid Architectural Review in accordance with Ick Chapter 24 (Administrative ProcedUres), and its subsequent updates, The Director may grant admmriistrative Site Plan and Architectural Review for minor additions or modificabons to existing buildings and/or site features. 2 SPAR Findings: All new development or changes to the exterior of existing structures or site features shall, in addition to the findings required by IZO §24,010(G)(1), also be found to be substantially consistent with the building form, materials and architectural style of existing buildings at the Rancho Arroyo PGD, 3.Water Efficiency Standards: All new development and landscaping projects shall comply with the City of Petaluma Water Conservation Ordinance and the City's 11randscape Water Use Efficiency Standards M Outline of Rancho Arroyo PCD Area m DATE: FROM: January 10, 2017 111alIDIlIg ( -I 0111111iSSiMl Till'any Robbe, Senlor Pkinner I feather I lines, PlanningM.In,:lgcI- Attachment 4 AGENDA 111"M NO. 8( SLIMFICY: RANCHO ARROW-) BUSINESS PARK PCD M0D1F1(__:AT[0N Zoning Map AnICAL111112I)t PCD Aimodment FRI*, NO. PLAMA 16-0011 RECOMMENDA,r][ON his reconimcnded that the Planning Commission adopt the followillt�": Resolution rccommending the City Council approve asdi6cadons to the Rancho Arroyo Business Park planned Communtly District (Attachment A):, and Resolution recommending [lie City Council adopt as Zoning Map Amcndment to rezone the property located at 4986 Pcftfl.uma Boulevard Nortlitrom PUD to C'2 (Attachment B), BACKGROUND Location alut Context The application concerns [lie Rancho Arrow BLISilleSS Pali PhIlUIC(I ("01111TItIllity Distr-ict (Rancho Arrovo PCD) located in the Petahima Boulevard North Planning SLIbarea. T'he boundaries of, the Rancho Arrovo FICD include 58 parcels along Inclust6al Ave rte and one additional parcel that runs between Old Corona Road and Auto Ccuter Drive. Ofthe 58 parcels Within the PCD: 0 44 are condominium units: 31 C011(10111 ID I LIM units are within. the, three Arroyo ClUb Business CcIller buildings at 11 M, 1120. and 11,30 Industrial Ave (150-060-001 through 030 and 13 conclon-iijil'um units are within the single building at 1129 Industrial Ave bUildill- (150-070-001 dirclugh 013'1. Various businesses operate Fhese From temits;LISCS include sniall-scide, I'abrication as well as office and storage, pailicularly of busi I losses servicing 01T site Clients; Ali additional lkic parcels are developed With StRICI.L11-CS tyl)iCLII Of as 111ISilICSS park (007- � -c.c 412-034WK11, Assoeiatcs. Supply, 007­-JL2-0-t7/CypI �s • Six are (-'.i(y owned p�,irucls ahtlttill� the PCtalLIMa R.iVCI- that are or are planned to be part of, the DC11111all Reach flood lerracillg proicct- • One parcel is tfiQ vacarit Silcil property 'IbUttiDg a City owncd riverside parccl and under considoratim for iuclusion in the Denmun R(mch 3 flood (erracing 007-412-033; ® OIIC l),'ITVCl is OCCLII)icd by a small altern,ative high whool (007-41" -038/Sonoma County ()fljcc ol'Education); and • One parcet is developed with the, Petalmna Valley Athletic Club (15(i-0210-008/85 OW Corona Road) — the primary SI-thicet ol'the proposed PCT) AmendmenL 'Fhe Rancho Arroyo lICD relates to that porflon of the above Parcels not designated as Floodway by the moqt recent FIRM map (puirsmant to ROSOILIti011 9936), Since adoption of'thc P(T), some pop -tion ol'thc above river val-d Parcels has bccil dQ'Signated as Floodway, in accordance with (lie FIRM 111ap III arfmt at that ti-nic. Thus the. rivuward extent of the PCD within the above parcels has shifted with the FIRM updates over the. decades, and shall presumably C011thILIC to dc) So. The proposed IIC'D area is depieted by Figure 1. The Rancho Arroyo PCD is bounded to thu nortImcst by properties that have ftontage on Petaluma Boulevard and are typically coniniercial in nature, bounded to the west by the Petaluma River, bounded to the southeast by Corona Road, and bounded to the. northeast by the Auto Ccnter PUD, The Rancho An-oyo IICD is transected by Industrial Aventic. 1,11gure I Outlitic ot'Runcho Arroyo PCD Area The PCD '11 -ca is designated by the General I'Lan Land Use inap Lis "Business Pork", The flusiness I'm* Land Use ticsignation is intencled lor "business and prollessional oCtices, "I. pg2 technology park. chisterst rescarch mid development. fight indiNfi-ial Operations. mid visitor suwkv estaNishinQvits, with rdail ordy Lis asecondary usc- ,Rancho Ari-(vo ft"'D Uistory and Pi-evious 111infifications The Itanclu) Siqro) Business Park 11(1) with associatcd Zoning District Regulations was adopk!d in 198-3 h) , C it5 Council (Winnnec 1558 N� C.S. and City Council Resolution 9936 N.CSThc puqwse uT the Rzoicho Arroyo KU is "to promote more harnioni0l.tq and, coordiiiatcd industrial developirrod in the zone than would he possible ouder the provisions of the standard I0-1. (ManufactuHng - QW) ifl(LIStrial ZOKDg district.- After Y\11IN' 048 -OM1 029 (al Corona Road and the River, noxv owned by the City cis part of the Deninan terracing project) was addcd it) the Rancho Arroyo I -W in 1985 (by (Uhmice 1031) and after the cast side parccis were ranoved to Kni the funo UnIcr PCD in 1988 Q, Onfinwwc 17dHb Ouse pare ds that rctnain within the Rancho Nnvyo PCD are lose limcd wi pages I At 2, und which now number 581. hi 198k the City Owed modified the Rancho Arroyo PCD Zoning District (iCgU1a1iOuS tax include new car deaRrOps as as eundRional use in the PCD (Resolution 6-1 88, Aitachnicni D) In 1001 the City (Truncil revised the PCD Zoning Regulmions to madif setback wgulations relative to.13enson 'Nay am! AM Center Drive (Resolution 92-114. Altachirient D). In AUIU,t ol' 21916, Chelsen OuItterton on behalf of 360 Church of Petaluma submitted all application to niodit"y the Rjncho Annyo PCL) Zoning District ReElilations to include., solely ut the 85 Old Corona Road parcel (Petalunia Vatley Athletic Club; APN 150-020-008). religious Scilhics and soba ds as condiOmiaily pcnnifled uses, IWAHowed "ithin the Rancho Arioo PCD 1JSQS 'U'l-Ontly pennitted or conditionally permitted Mroughout the 15mcho Aanyo 111) QUIV the frollovving: Perwitteel Prine it)(11 I /ses 1. WInUfactun assembly (w packaging (including slorat, ge (& ravv materials and finished products there 11-oni) of the following: a. Products 1rom previously prepared materials such as Cloth, pfirstic, Paper, leather, precious or scniiprecious 111cuol's or stones. but not including such operations involving Inel"11 (11� CheirnicalS , Froin ra )a -i. 1, 1ximary prodwsion of wtKid, ", IT I cl s. K OMNI, ebUtriCt and clectroWn thwUng and measuring instrurwits and devices, 2. Adininistrative, executive, financial atut irseamAL testing shops and develolm-nerru offices. 3. Research, cxperiincural, mid deve0pniunt IaNworics. 4. Wholesale hUSiI1(:SS. StOrclge Or %VHrCI10LISiI1,0 (d'gxxxis linked W storage NOOK a buddPog, and Wilmdon estaWnwn". 5 Catalogue tows and mad on"r estamiswoum 6, BILIC printing, photo engraving, prindi-ig. publishing, and book binding. ' HwhWQ Ma Wmys kW Akh h dhemsM bduw w paps 5 & 1 1, 7. Any other research business. light martufaCWHng m retail Coll) merci a] to as dewrinjud by we l"Urning Director to be ofthe, sarne general Characte'r as the above. 8, Mini storage. racilitics. Com itional Uivs I , Light. metal appliance and steel fabricating Shops and machine shops 2. Bakery, creani erysoll drink hottling plant and dycing cstablishnictrts I Bulk storage of offlprctniws deli\,Qry ofcompressed gasses and liquefied petroleum gascs Pururritted only as an appurtenant LISa to a1 f1CF111it(Cd 01' CO(IditiOual LJSC. 4, F'stablishments for the repair, cleaning,, and servicing, of commercial or industrial equipment or products. 5. MWMacturing, packaging, Mmsporl or Momge or known hummitm, toxK or careirwgutdc materials or chernicalm Ducrinination of'such usQs shall be made by (lie Platining, Director after review or preliminary en Nei ronmental assessment each proposed use. Thk: Dircclor may require constdtatkni x6th experts to make the detertnit-ration. 6. Inchm-tHal, communication, frawspor(ation and utility equipment. 7. Food PnOwN, pha rmaccut i cats, cosinctios and the like, but. not 1he production of f1sh priAtuts, sauerkraut, vinegm% or We Ile, or the rendering of fiats in(] oils. 8Oomlin-tental, municipal, and ptibliC utility (1-142,ilitiCS aSappropriate and necessary. 9Commercial recreational (acilitics, I th Motoul Intel. I I . New Car Dcalemhys .with appMenara facilities, not inch ling large vehicle enWne rqmij- or nutior body repair (Imirsuant to City Council Resolution 86-189), AwhibRA ties The Rancho Arroyo PCD lists 18 uses that are prohibited, see Section 3.4 of Attachment )V Fxhihit I and Section F of Anachment LL No toe of for shnilar to) school, church, or 1-11cefilig OF! is listal as a Ivehibited aso PjzmE(--r )llisetumoN The appilant is requesting a PM Cyt-nendment to acki Religious l0cility aml School k) the list of Conditional Uso in the Raticho Arroyo PCD. 11ecause, (lie 85 Old Corona Road site is as notably distinct property within the PCD as disCUS40d at page 5, 1he applicant is makin this req Uest specifically and Q\Clt1-SiVCIY to (Ile PnJWHY at 85 (Md Wrmw IM, The applicant has also filed for a ConAdonal We 11nnh to allow the 360 Chumh to ocmWy the cxkdng buildhig at 85 Old Corona Road (Pualuma VaHey Athletic Club, MVAC) contingcnt upon approval of the reWtested P(A) A.mendment. 140 Sh-LICtUral irnprovemerAs or exterior modification are anticipated to he rapdred kir the 360 Onirch k) 1110VC into 01C StrUcture presently WiHzcd by PNV\C% us Nit toes are chadfied as Asscrnhly, A-3, (If this P(.'D modificafion is approve& and the rartmsted use is Usted as a Conditional Use, the Condition-ril, Use Permit applicm4m WHI he processed by staff lit accordance with the provisions of the (moxhlied) Rancho Arroyo PCD and IZO) DISCUSSION A nal ' ysts With an '11111 of, protocting industrial and raisin ss pnYh lands ns well as to pi-eserve tho, collesivelless of tile Rancho At,r(-),,o corc, area, which is conmvd along industrial Avcnuc, stafl' supports the applicalit's approach that the PCD Amendment to add Rcligious Facility and Scbo(,0 to the list off'onditional Uses be specif-te to 85 Old Corona Road. Rather than listim,g Reliious Facilit)� specifically as a conditional usc, staff i-c-comnicuids Wiliziop L, - 11 tile, more Inclusive language of' tile Petaluilla Implementing Zoning Oi-dinance (1ZO') Commmunit ' v Meeting, Pticilily, which, as (1cf-med in the IXO includes a religious, Jacility as well as as cl-Lib, lodge, aril private rriceting liall, Gellend Mull Consistenev The proposed moclificatioll to tile Zoning District Regula(ions fior the Rancho Arroyo PCD will conf'orm to tile illwilt ofthe General Plan and canry Forth the l'ollowin-,1� General Nall Policies,: 0 Policy I -P-7: Encourcige flexibili1v hi hitilthn(Ir lbrm and in the m-1111re of i1clivities to uflob'fiw innovalion und the ubilify, to change over lime. The proposed addiflori (if" Comimmi1j, AAICWTI, FUCifilY Mid SC11001 as COIACHLOtlill LISCS I'Or the 85 Old Corona Road parcel allows Im greater [loxibility and 0j)ti0I1S 101' rause OfthC existing, Petaluma Valley Atfilctic Cluh facility by a ,similar OCeIIINIFICY t1!PC LISC (tile A-3, Assembly, occupailey) arid adds this flexibility with minimal impact to the exisling uses and overall operational Characteristics of the business park and industrial uses (hat were envisioned by the Ratic-bo Arroyo PCD and (hat have been established within the Rancho A il-or FIC 1). This modification increases tile vnricty of businesses that may be cslabjiasllcd ill tile e\isting Assembly A-3 building, and thurclorc inci-cascs tile number of potential tenants. increasing tile likelihood that die. building will not sit vacant, fill( be rCPLIrj1()scd by another user. Hie Petaluma Valley Athletic Club bilikling has been Use-cl as as commercial rcereitti(:)nal facility Isar 37 years and this modification will allow fear innovation and tile abilit)' 6W tile 111,111dit-Ig to CVOIVC over time. Rmich o A rt-tqo PCD: 85 Oh -1 Corona Distinction 11-10 cxisfiljo Petallunizi Vallcy AtMellc Club laurel of` flee Ran cilo Arroyo PCD Is distinct fi-om the other I I arcels with the Rancho Arroyo [ICT). Originally called the Ranclio Ari-oyo Racquel. Ball (" lub, the property bvas granled a Conditional Use Permit and developed In 1977. pi-e-datiriv tile Rancho Arroyo PCD by six years. Since 1977 tile, Club has been the only site operating under Section D,9 of (lie PCD RegULations, as at "colmneivial recreational lacility" with as C,onditional I ise Perrild, The building Ims an Assembly occupancy type, rather than Lill MCILISU-ial, WaNJIOLISC0I'0flICC OCCUllanCy tVpe Customary oftlic R;mcho Arroyo PCD StI'UCtLa'eS. Furthermore, it is file only Rancho Arroyo parcel that is physically sepal'ated I'Mol the otiler properlics govvnied 6y t[ic Raoclio Avroyo PCD, I costly, the pnopertv Is (lie only Retic ho Army() parcel Without fi-oll(op cell IndustriOl AVOILIO, III SUMMVY. the pI'0J)C1-tV Ht 85 COI -calla is cle'arIN, q, jlo-,, 5 dift,crentioted in both location, fil-Orktage, We. and deVUI0[)llJ121_1t (YPU FF0111 other I1r0pC1_tiCS Within the Rancho Arroyo 141) and worvforc is not al uni Fying cointionent (W (lie, Rancho Arroyo PCD; nor would the pipposed use ofthe Iropcay to as diff'crent a,"crubly tylic use (con-unanity rn.ccting jacifity or school) tic. inherently imlyall to the col-itinucd viability of the. 11CD. AIIo\viq,, the Assernbly rated PVAC building to 11C, LltiliVCcl by nnothcr Assembly, semi-public type Ilse, "Slich .as a (`o1lullrinity Meeting Facility (including as Religions I"Icility) or as School would not Ile detrinlelital to the identity or collesivellcss of' the Rancho Arroyo Business Park, but Would rather- C011tilltiC [lie parcel's long history of' distinctness wi-thin the Rancho AITOY0 Business PCD, as outlilwd. in the 111-CNiOLIN pat-Llgrapll Ile (Aniditional Use Permit proecss ror tilesc TICNVIY listed conditional uses would ensure that irthe use at 85 Old C'orona Road confirittex-, to be distinct Froril we PC Ij in operation would be cora polible vith the lir alley WoVoWn.l. /'("D Afaj)jying Et•mr Ittentified In Irepuring the PO) nomendri-leut, WC Wont hcd WO Pal -C-01% that were part. orthe 1983 Rancho Arroya Business Nut IXD flat have never Teem reninai out of' the 11('I), but vvhich are shown on the city's WIN- Map as coniniercially zonal. This itwonsistency occurred hecause, while the PCD creation Ordinance No, 1558 N.C.S. name.,; the parcels qxcifkallp the FEMA rnalls of the 1980s Show each of Me two pare els ImTrly \Atldn the PUndway Ile Kkning Maps orthat pedod designate the bulk of each or the two identi0ed pumels as Flood\,vay. When at FF.MA revision in the 1990s reduced the lloodmmy line (mi each prlred, each %as inemisistenfly mapped with as Cortiniercial zoning designation rather timn the adual PCD designation. To this day the nrapp:ing ener has rcinainod; the enri-ciii. Zoning Mal) reflects as Duninercial 2 desigfiae tion oil -th Denny's Parcel (007-412-0214986 ITMIUMI Boulevard Nor1h) and a (Amunvithl I designathm at the Sonoma County Office of h0ducation parcel (007-412-038; 105 Indumial Avenue), (Attachment C provides this niapping,) The Sonoma Couidy (ATicc ol"FALiciition (SCOE) parcel is oil the west side orindustrial Avenue between the niotorcyde shop and Fishman Sunfly Constructed in approximately 2002, SCIN runs as small ,alternative high ichool hcrc, IleadwateWs Clonmilinity Schoolt fior studonts in smutheim Sonoma Courfly. starr reconunends that (lio 1,3(.',01-, parcel at 1355 fridushial Avenue rernain within the Rancho Anuyo 1U) ns spccifled by Ordhiance No. 1558 Nk-',S., RCSoIUti01l 9939, and the 1)(1) niap included at t',Nhibit it ofifesalution 99W TheZoning Map shall be COlTeCICd to110vl (Ile p;aIrCvl within the Raneho Arroyo PCD. Staff makes this reconitnerixWon bemuse Me S(W paivel: • Fronts Industrial Avenue, • is nut developed it) as coninici-cial manner. and • as the CLATC111 and I-oresecahle use is as as small idwrnative high school, and • as schools (elementary, seccnidary, or culla gc) are not as perinitted or conditional use within ke (0-nnuAlKII WHO, and • as Me General Plaii designates the Parcel as TILISilICSS Park Kirthel- 01011 COMITICY6 Ill. The PCU aniendment requests that schools be added to the list of'Cronditional Uses at 85 Old tkimna 1AW urml staff recorninends that the Same he allowed at the SC OE school parcel. Discussions with we Worria (Annity Oflice of I-Aucation Director of Operations, John silvestrini, indicia e an appVcimion of we to calm list die SCUF lie as one "licre SOW& could he allowed via a Wndifi(illll ')SOi�crallit,While 010 Current sellout opQnV'WQS under Ole aittliodly oF the Shue and IMS Ibulul local zoillig reguladmis inapplic"INC to the NOUN use (0, be parcel, a listing OF Sellmll OS as COMHOOnal rise would cnallfc, this or another school to operate evi(h at CormlitionnI Use Pciinit which might proVO OfUSC -It SOIl-IC fUtUrC Point, and which is Consistent with Genuml Plan pohey 1-11-7 relafirig to bUilding,, adaptability, The Octiny's RcsImmxtnt at 4986 Peinharna Boulevard North reccNed Site Plan sand Architectural approval in NO and appears, to have been constructed that sanic year. At that time, and Up to the 1983 ifICILISiOn OfflIC IMIaCCI ON& the Rancho Arroyo, the parcel had eorrillicrt:kIl roping, ShATiventrurlends that (he 1knnys parcel be rcumed to Commercial 2, as the Zoning Map has renecied lbr more than 20 yews SWUnnikes this reemilunendation because (lie Denny's parcel: • has frontage oti Petaluma Uloulevard North, an, arterial street with at commercial usage [NO I ern, • has beer) developed in at commercial Illaritict, as, al restaurant since 1969. and as at restaurant is a permitted LMC Within the winnuorcial zoning disfi-ict but prohibitcd 1)), ilie Rancho Arroyo PCD, and • as the current anti toresQQable use is as a eoniniercial rostaurant. and • as ini other parcel Ii-onting Peuduam F011evard (such as those oil die oppositQ side oi Industrial it( 1111N) is within the Rancho Arroyo 1)(1). aild • as the General Plan designoes to Ira mel as C'onunQrcial rather than Park. MY has prepared at W odinance Rn- as Zonhg Map Amendment to niodil'y file zoning designation accordingly (Attachn-terrt BY MIT has not yet received corrurioU Avni the Indly that brats owned the lknnys powel since at least the 19KN; MY were Contacted hy letter oil December 8. 2016. Zoning Or dinatice U'lien the R.-uncho Arroyo Business Park IICD was adoptal in 1983, there was not a BUSiuCSS Park zoning district. Ifus, the Rancho Arroyo PCO was based off" the Light Industrial zoning district, modified to rest -tit in a "iliore harmonious and coordinated industrial deveklmnent" with at Business Park ationlation. The conventional zoning designation ol"Business Park" was first emuted in 21MS, to coincide with the General Plan &SWuliti011 OfFILBineSS Park. Co,nsistent with this proposal, Conlmitfnill! ;Vfeeiing 1,,acili�y and Sihool are Sted ,;is Conditional Uscs within the IZO's Business Park designation, Per IZO §19.040-11 ir a imaposs modification to a Wined Conintunity District (PCD) "involves stir addidOn Ofa new LOC or gixnp or uses not shown ()it the origiriol Unit Development 10m or Genual Development Plan... a Public hearing shall Inc. held on the proposed Illodiricaln-)II, and a ircornmendation niade thereon to the Oly Council." Both proposed uses constiu-Ne as use new to (lie Rmicho Arroyo PCD; thus, the -.1ppliCatioll I-CCII-til-eS PIMIlnug Coninji"Sij-)j) rCVjCW. Jijll the 111.11flenlefl[ilIg /,oujug The following discussion prirnarily Acmes cm conistency m �� Ordinanco (IZO) per (lie required findings as outlined in (Iiapwr 19 (/'1)[) ((Jurj MWCC(11111?1y)tanArialysis N Wised on Me nqxc(s ot'die Ming District Regulations ti-ir the Rancho Arroyo 111) dial ME- from current regULui(.-IJ)S that were Previously approved by the PhnMng Omm-nisMon and Cly (Orned. IS Akof�ficafion to PCD Regulations. Proposed Alew Usav Ra 1 rwomnwndN Tal We Zoning, DIMACt 110gMations Isar the, fka-uicho Arroyo PCD are Updated at section 1) k) add two ncNv Conditional I ises: I ) At 85 (Ad Comna Road: Coniniunity MccOng lVeMy (Rc[Qious l4cility ant! (Mb. Isidge, Orivate AwlecOng UNH) - to (Jefined by The IZO ChapWr 28 (Hossary ,incl 2) At 85 (Ed Mona Road and Lit 1-355 Industrial Avenue: School clonent,my, seannhiry, or collego As the CL11-14011 PCD RCQ �Jdalions only provide parking ratios for Office/R.&D, Mk1J1UraCtL1ria&)7 Ware] iousi ng, and based on eniphlee numbeq MT also recommends Section I of the PCD be tWdwcd to cauy Anvoixt liar) Ng tupiii-ement I-oj- the new uses. As drafted (Attachnient Al NASH 1), storfreconinicrids parking requiroments consistent moth the current Vo mwndards A these u! es, J -he updkited PCD Updmims also rawyose that a lincsMalth fiacility use be listed as a conditional use 0 It 85 (Ad (Virowi Road/PVAC situ Ile she no", oppates as a Onmncrc4d Ifecreational QUM Incause of its oroin as as topis and r"IC(luct Club: howover it 11,ns evolved toward as litness/heal-th I'acility. Adding, (lie fitness/licalth I'aCility USC WOUld enable a NItUrC LtSel' Lo operate tile site in ghat 111anner. Foi-inuffing and Technical &Ikv In addition to the applicant -initiated PCIJ 1110difICU6011 1'CLIUC-A, :staff hats niadc f'orniattinti and clarifialons to the Rancho Anoyo 1XV to increase usability, convey inforniation praphically via tables, update citatioim and add procedUral k1nCWc'1ge, I'liese fortnatting, and lechnical edits to the PCD do not Over the peri -nil -ted uses, the, &N�ulopnient standards� or the intent oftliv Rancho Arroyo PCED. Attachnient 17, presents die current 11011hIg District RQU-1ations Or the Ranclio Arroyo PCD docunicnt with niodifleations lighlWhted dwoughoUL Fxhibit I ofAttachinctit A pres-ents tile. PCD RegWatimis as draftekL Aside frorn the addition ofconditional uses and 1 -he illClUsiorl Of ai:liprupdwe paiting radoN the lbllowin�o inodi I Ica (i (ills are proposQ& L Purpme Statements. Addition or "Pi.wpose" statements for each section cif` the Zoningo lAskio Regidadons Rw he IMM) Arroyo PCD docuirient to clarify intent, Proposed purpose staternous we induded in HAS I i'll'Attachnient A for each section. 1 'New, Procedural Chiqifers. Two nee x scclions and the. enhancernew of as ThA we projwscd to Chd[y [WOCCdUral issues Uld i111l)ICn'1C11U,1ti011 iSSUCS With tile /Onillg District Regidations 1,61- the Rancho Arroyo PCD domn-nent. The InvIrosed seedons are: Li. f,rdianced Section 2: A1jjj1ieabi1i�),,, alfitimmi 1xinguage w -as added to mit-6nal section I. to Claril' y the area that makes Lit) Sneho Arroyo and to KaH13, that rurst anxvineils by HOW& me now inawporated into tile RC1,11AIations. 1). New Section 9: PCP AtodyBdAuum to oudiiie the process Isar- rnodjfy,ijip, Clic Rancho Arroyo PCD in the fut,mv, in accordance with the IZU c. New Section 10.Site Plan and hrhMn1mw1 Reviow (SPAR), to SLuninarize die Q pp, S rckationship betweon the Zoning Di�lrict RCgLdatiOuS for tile Rancho Arroyo PCD docunrent and tile '-"ite Plan and Architectural RL�vicw procedures tna1hred K TO IM This chaNer Mso Aludos rel'erencc to Current Nv'ater el , ficiency stand"Ird"', jl(.)t hi Most %ten the Zoning Dimict Ifegulmions kv the Rancho Arroyo PCD docunlent was adopted and laMan)ClIdCd, '3. Coi-revtWns and 11fdaks, Sttuenwuts no longycrapplicable N-vere renioNod, including: a. Updating Stony Point Road retbrcrocus to read Industrial Avmnw. Man the PCD Aning District Rego,dations Were approved, the skml colmweArn betwem Noxmi Road and PcIaltuna Boulevard North %.N'as anticipated to be Called Storly, Point Road; it was instead nanied Jndustrial Avenue. h. Unloving Ole "Circulation" dkeussion (cniginal section M) regarding how to provide accc,5s to parcels that are now Nvith,in the Auto (',enter Drive, parcel and it) which access has now Men achbvcd with cinistruclitin of Auto Center Mve. c. Revising the landscape, language ItO allOW StIll-StitIttion Of SPCCificd SpMiCS, Will] Cal-ISQ, SJV(JFICaally FOr Jo%'k-waler spQ_eies proven to he successAll in Potalunla, likemdse updating the section M be omsisWnt whh the cunvnt lbcus can low -motel, ImAmping. whHe nudwaining, the JICD's focus on SUbzitantial Strect-side landscaping (section 7.2). T Adding language appmved Ill ReMM 84I R8 to list new car dualerships as to conditional use Uable :t.1). c. adding language approved by Asohlon 92-114 to tnodily the setback regulations a I see d o n FL I (Tab I e 5. 1). f Adding as notice about J."loixi designations w4hin the Developinent Standards section WOOD 5.3). g, Adding a refierencc to the applicability of the River Access and 17,nhancetnent by Also: pamoAs West ofInclustrial AVellue (SC6011 SA). 11cr IZO §19.040.1`_S, the Planning ('onnilission Inay reconlinclid that City Council approve Modifications to as PM INveloprownt Plan SLIbjCCI. 10 the following 6H&ngs (Aal anNyxis is included in italics): A. That any I'LU), or rnazlifickon of a I'M is proposed oil property which has as suimbIC idationshli Ui one (1) tar nlorc thoroughfares. aind that said thoroughl'arc,", are. MICCILKIle to carry any adIdonA IRA guxrMcd by the developillent. No 11evelopnien't is 171,oposeo' oovi/h the ciawt.,ni allplicalion. There is wlequaw exisling, RUI(Av, acrex, to t,07 Rancho ilo-(avo NA pruref Inc4n(Iiiasf,, the I)oi-ccls seeking, the O&hnan of new CWndilional uses: NJ M/ ( bromi Roart anct 1355 hahawkd As The _r Pr v discrelionary Con'tilional I se Permit processfill, vvch a fleW iffe WOUld tallow fffi)cusod review qQj#i(, iml)(1cls related to B. Thal die plan. or intAlIcation thereof, f6r the yoposed deveklynent prtaseths as unified aruil organized mungmient of buiWiangs and service WilitiCS Which apfIrOpriLLIC in relation to41acent or nearby Imilierfics and At adequate landscaping and/or scrcenirl�, is iwhMed if necessary to ilISLIl-C C0111patibifity. 171C illyVic-olion pro/)oses ;-to 13/tiAvico/ hqwovenivids it) the Rancho Arr(avrl N W Ac KD ReQwhms rcgardiag ,silex I -Van (ind archnectural review requiremenis, sethavlcs, and tandscol7ing, remani in y6fet. hAtrUterinore, Communky AfeciQ hWho; and &,,*ool do noll necessifole a disonel tuMbecture that mwukf 1prownt such a use jrnln compolible wish wher pel-Initivil or conditiontilly permitted oxes in the Ronelitt Arr(�I,o PCD, though close o8ention iNvIl be pwki Mi the Sile Plaa and zli-chileclurtil Review j)rtwess to fiaure everior inothlicalwits to envwc conlinued cmnlyatibility. Alvainples, exist eurrently of these livo uses olerating in a eonplatible ti cart wilhin a similay, .shin, , satch as the 360 ( AM cutivnib) AW an hubmwkil building and zonin�ir designalion, River Adiniessori, Aurvest Chrinnall, U17d Cypress SIchooly within as Bushuss ITA bnildin�L7 and setting, as well as the Sonoma Sinkv Q% qf 1h"Iductilion's small rdlerncdive unintnuniq hQ school tit the north extent of /he Rancho Arrttvo Business IM As the usc of 85 Maui Road h4fs, sajee ty-iginal c:onstructi(r11 h; 1971 WnTawa mita o conditionol use perinil os ci connuctrial this site has never contributed a lirincij)ah�y 1wrinitted use to the Rtincho ,Irro'vo PCO: largev hccouse qf the ]')arvel's isolationfi,on? the rest (�I'(he P(7) arect, the distinet operation r-Ohe parcel hav prt)1uz no negative hiyiacl to the icknliti, tel or cokuAwness of the Rancho Arl,Q,J'O Business Pork. .4s 1355 hnhavial Aveinie has, since origincil consfruclion in about 20OZ qwreacd as a stuall high Woof this site hav newr conhibulett u jwhwjQl, perafitted use to the Rancho .4rrtrvo 117) and My Wwd to Me list qf'C'ondi(iotud thes at thk jwuM is not onlicipaled to rettl -cse I'll a negalivc initiact to the Rancho 4 rrcyo PCD. AiN 0171?liCUliOn COMTOI' adding Connnnnily bocifil -v ondSchool to the list qf Corlditional I tses ('11 the 85 Old Corona Rocid pureed audSchools tit Ibc 1355 hidustrial Ave liareet qfthe Rancho Aisigy) ITU As such, juntre applications it) establish to (>nwnmitj° Meeling Facility or School would he sid?jecl to slet/ ,/ reilew to ennnw thil InTTosed ines ewe twaWarible with exiviing; businesses, and are in conqViance 1vUh the owastons Qr the Zoning District Rej�ulations jor the Rancho Arrcvo PCO and the POMMI bW Q 11ml- the naturn] anti seenic qualities 01' file Site al -0 IVOICCtCd. With aClC(jLlatC available puhlic arld private squees designmed oil the Unit Development Plan or General Pre I hninary review of the YKJ MinOWN (J JP requost to occupy I Ile INA C WO I ity in dicMes mi A iovase in the weekly number oF vehicle trips, PVAC ClIT-rellily has an averoge offlearly 1,600 arrivals to tlicsitv. PCr weck, ill the past We mmkos wets hWwr KH. 11v chumh esloccls 250 animls to the site on their' pcak day, Stinday monling Aw ch"M savirls. Mby tmwnhp does mH mpresurd a pwk Me hmr citywick. Adding in wee6hy, chwTh gatherings Lifyouth gnmpq chureh evsH, am! Te Ile, the litunbei ofnips is antivilIcned to he less, I 101y notably les& that the oxjmQ,,,.. [,600 ,arriving trips per week. Development Plan, 171c (III)lication coneeiws (lie atIdilian qjjwo new Conditional 1.4ws al Me 8_5 Old Corona RoadInavel (#"Ihe Rancho Arrqyo PCD and (he fisfifiR�; ql"Schoo/ (ts a Conflitional Us(", it/ 1355 huhmial Avenue (Shich is ciirrcnllv operateel as a swall lfigh school). The wo(,qficatifnis to the PCI) Regalalimtv are of mi inyviet at rt_,garai to the nal-urot and scenk qWks of the Rancho AiTqpo she; avaiMle public and prhqde spacvs des4lnated 1r1� Rancho Arr(ap) reniain iorehani� etd_ No vtruclures or pll),-sk:vl illy Iroven-lents are proposeel There is no lonque limitation on Community rt ectinq Facifiiv or School, the coMeenwe or the inavitigenic tit that ivould pivveni or blywh: the use Awm =WbVils w1h 4yhcable site ana' biatiliqg clet,sign slcuulorcls oialined in the Zoning District Regulations.fin- the Renwho :,frroyo P(J) anct the lZCk IX I hart the Mclopment of the suit jccl pi-opvty W the munilci- p,oposcd by Clic. tillplicant, Wd! not be dodineliml to the public wc1fai-e, will be in the best intei-ests ofthe (Ity, and "A! he in kcjng with the gencml intent and spidt oftheYuming, I-egulations ofthe City 01' Pert{IILIIIUL With thy: PCfIlILtnia Mom! Pkm, and with any applicable plans adopted by we (1, liner cy'dicyahm chjes, not propoSe new constnWan or t1evelopojent, but is seeking to titIM C'onnnunitv kleeling F&HOi am/ Wool cis Onuhtional (Jes W Me R5 (Nd (Irmui RMKI pirrel ref_ the I?ancho .4rrqjv PCO� anfl School as a Conditional fAyes (it the 1355 InchhVIVal vIve parcel. .4 sindlar assewblv use tht-ft �envrules cl Similar ievel qfactiviv 11MI that indunks ancillmy use qI'mat1hoor recreation urea - twininercial reciviviniud IwOks - orighwqy haouiled to aca"innoclate the Rancho Arro�vo Racquet Clith (non, cc hill Pehdzmui P'alle-j" "Wile icy Club) is alreat�y permitted tit all hit,%, wilhin Ihe Rancho Ar"Vw IX31 7he neat v- proposect cof-Iclitional uses (it outlying lots I'vill not prelyC1,71 the .Rancho.Arr(eVO 1)(1ifi-Oln SVITUY,(,f Us WON Pwl?)"Se,' to pronloic Inore harmonious and COW'dinateel in(jusiriol (levelopineni andfiinciion as a business park. As a con(litional use, Cirvstqffa lit/ Pevie 1, bo(fies will maintain oversbuhl to inhigede orpivikutt ptoenthdb� conflicting./minis q/ aahly eismAMml with a parficular Cnonuniay Alveling Faciih�v or Wool at Me thne a use jwrndi% Mese cwnirols inc.ry incluele ensurQ, that nokq, leirly he cminwlletl carnal Mal ncleitnate parkhyg is availcible to seriv call rises Zonhi,L,t Mop Amendment In addition Io PCD Illodi I teat ion, it: is 01,11 tile :'ouing of tile Denny's parcel at 4996 JIBN be rorinally inodifiQd to (72 for t:onsislency with tile depiction oil the city's /,oning Map kw nit-ve than 20 yeai-s ,in(] consistent with the cm,rent cornincl-cial Gieneral Plan I,and I -Ise designation, long fenli conlineW use or the site, sh.ing abutting othei- Q011111101'Cial tises, und As (Tanta e^ (in theailet-ird Petaluma BoulcNizil-d Not-th. 360 Chuivh While not (Urectly n subject or this vqVlickion to W C hmunw4v Meeting, haciMi� and School to the INI of Wnditimml thes possible a! die 85 Old Cmonti Rmid parcel c& the Rancho Art,ovo PCD, it C�IFI be USCH-11 to LIII&IM-111d the Finnic pInns now emAsuplatcd by thy: aplilieW, the 360 (TwO or 10taku-no The 360 Clut-ch presen-dy conims or i 5o peolde on Sunday morning M11LI 4, P& 11 Ims a strong youth fbeum ColUrn Irving, is the executive dircckw. The Chumh !us an agreement to Fmchase the current Petaluma Valley Athletic 125b (PVAC) facility at 85 (Ad (Jonmm Road, corrlirtgm upon Cinutumity Meeting Facility and School uses hciq� listed as conditional uses (it (lie site.. Im uses become IKWd cond%ml us", stalTwould finalize Mc processing of' the CUP fluit the 361) Church 1100 U11 fit 10 OCCUily the MiStiag PV/ ' SIRIC1111'e, The church finds (lie PVAC hKOng to be Wily unfle 1111Quir chmvh, with adequac IJVAC, plumbing, insuNtimi, egress. and natural light. Picy 1) mA anticipate 11131 building modifications to lie rmfuhrd in order to immodiatAy occupy the building. 1'110 City's FifQ and Building Divisions' Varve conibyled that the Assetribly A-3 occupancy type of With PVAC and the 360 Church imply it simple transition rrorn one reser to the other, The she cuacutly contains 78 parking spaces. The CUP request on file is for it 250 pemon service SiZC. to allOW g1-0nthabOVC their CLUTCht Church attendarico Ile droll PCD Regulations state that one purkin,, space lor each 4 seats is the minimum reclukement and flat Me M' process shall consider wholier additional, spaces are needed For the sjx�.cillc use tax! scitino, A 25(1 person service size therefore requires at tile least 63 parking spaces. The (-'I-.JP process will Continue 10 CUDWICr I)arkillg adOCILlacy, but as the she currently contains 15 parkingo spaces rmmm than the ininhut-1111., preliminarily, parking provision appears adalume. A 031? mridition Would require that should church attendance prow :ibovc 250 persons in the Future, two services sepanaed by tinge sufficient fi-n- the. first group to depart prior to the arrival of the second group would hit tiled iately be scheduled, or a site plan -aid om-chhechuml review and conditional use pCrInit MOdifiCatiOrI 10 first supply additional parking spaces would be filed and approvcd. The 160 (Torch is mqucsAing 104 this 111) amendment also list a�;chooi as it conditionaf use at the IVAC pareel Incame they me cons i derinp- a future modification of the site to accommodate the I farvcst C'hristimi School at this pmvd. Both uQW ConStrUcLioll to acconiniodate the school (in the tennis courts arca), and as ivell as new con,'411160tl W aCC01111110daLC dIC ChUrCh With use of' the existing PVAC' building for the school, have been contern 1) lated. A nurnhCr of rooms, X-VOUld, likely be shared between Me two uscr& ']'be current flarvest Christian School lease price has increased to such cin extent that they are considering a new, long-term location. In it I'm years, if the 360 (Aurch and I larvest Cluistin School do decide to move Forward with relocation of the school to tile 85 Old Corona Road parcel, it major Siur Plan ami Architectural Review and Convit4m Use Permit capplication Would Inc: filed and subim 4) review and a.pproval by the Planning Con-anissiom lit the netir term 85 (Ad (Vonmia Road is intended to be udlized by 1110 ChUrCha I'lle Chtffch Would Asunitinue its UNC of 879 and 901 Umlhe% Im which the 360 Clufl-Ch N'.00iVed Site Plan 011d Arc-hilectural ReVieW approWil to modi(y the former industrial worclumme building and WNW yard io accommombile then, then permitted -by -right Meelin,Teale imn While the my users) of the 879 and 901 [Andberg We she is not yet knom. As InMrial zoning, and the Iniplementing Zonin,,, Ordinance tame ndinof of 2015 (Minanec 2552) which now requires that a incefing". 11,111 or rulkigious IlicilRy be gnmted a conl1knud use pemih prior to occupancy Whin an Irmfustri,11 zoning designation, imply it likeliJuxid that We 879 and 901 Lindberg J,,anc site NAJJ1 return to inthi-skil umgc if the 360 Church does relocate to the PVAC i4cilityat 85 Old Corona Road. As the CNy has de monstraled is jancM in mahwhAng Wustdal hands aw inWhId user',; (utch as via Winance 2552), this reversion is desincible. T pp. 12 PUBIAC'COMMEAT A No ice ot'Public Hearing R)r Mothficabons to the Zoning District Regulations Rir the Rancho Aamyo ITT wvas publiflied Fn the Argus Onnim on December 28, 2016 and maile-cl to all PMqwdy owws and ocellpaills tvilllijl 500 1-cet 411,01C skll�jcc( prolle.1,1_31. No comments have been received in date. ENVIRONMENTAL 11IMEAWA The application to amend the %who Axwyo PUD has heen reviewed LIIILICI' the III -(-)Vision., OftlIC Calironlia F"rivil-onrylental Qwalily Act (CIEW) Guidelines, PutNuant to Section 15061(b)(3) (Rcvkm,Aw- IhvuqVW (knowl Ruk) oV the (T,,QA OddcliaQs, (hurc is no po,"ibility (hat this appWon to amend Ihc Rancho Arroyo PCD may have a significant effect on the environment, arld the application is HIMAbre Categorically exempt t'Will the ('I,',QA Guidelines. Ilic reconancondaWn that Ilic zoning ol'the Denny's parcel al, 4986 111IN be lormally modillcd to C'2 Ws heen u[so ben redewed and lbund Categorically Exempt Rom (T'A pursulant to (I',QA Guidelines §1531.11 (1 liming liciUdes) and not sul�jcct to ally exceptions to use () N Categorical ExenqAinn Iwovided at C13QPA GUi(lClhICS § 15300.2 (Exceptions). ATTACIIMEN,rs 1"tachInCIA Pu Ifesohitin-i J'or Ranclio Arroyo IICD Amendment A'xhibil 1: I-Jpdated Zoning AsHO RepAtimis lbr F,'ancho Arroyo Attachment B. Resolution for /oning Map Amendment (Denny's) LOW 1: A& CC OrdirtanctV Athchnw(C MappIng Relaling, to the Dcnny"s and SC'OF, Parecls Machment 11 Original FTD Regulations plUS C.ity Council ResolUtion No. 86-188 & CIty COUnCil ROSOILItion No. 92-114 which comprise its niodificatioll Athichment Redlinc of Curroil ZoAng District Regulations Q Rancher Arroyo Business INS 111[ilighling to Use. Parking, Format, and Updated SWDdmds 13 ATTACHMENT 4.0 Mapp,111gRclaling to the Dennyls & s('01"J"Arcels F.XHISIT A —Rancho Arroyo —'P C,0 Original PCD Map --i Exhibit A of the 1983 Paso 9936 ' tfto-J� The PCD did not include parcel area within the Floodway of the 5, Dplinu 0Petaluma River I Current General Plan Map When FEMA remapped the Floodway in the 1990's, the Zoning Map was adjusted incorrectly - an error still visible on the current' onin Map ZONING DESIGNATION ci EDC2 PCD N Current Zoning Map, with Errors RA'RCHO ARROW BUSIIiER.5 -PARK PLANNI,'V COWAUNj,%ly�- -EJLIVELOI�MEPT %ofjljC D7,STI o &UVAT16NS, far f y Clei. < AfTROVEr,l) AY' V�JTYCOt;�P4('J!,, 99-36. Na CA. 0.� 58, Al Z-'Q,!NA:Nc-Lb.,5 - 6( �,TO w ll�- 1'x -3 S'opter,ibe,r,,, J-983 Altadiment 4-1) RAACHO ARROYO BUSINESS PARK, PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 0010=4 � The purpose of the Rancho Arroyo planned community development (PCQ) zoning district is to promote more harmonious and coo nated industrial development in the zone than would be possible under the provisions of the standard (H -L) industrial zouing district. it must be clearly noted that such. of the district is overlain by the Flood Plain Combining zone and is adjacent to the Floo - dway zone and that for these reasons, extraordinary -care must be exercised by current and future property owners and developers and. the City in planning and approving future development. Where the Community Development and Planning Director deems it neces- sary to maintain harmony in the district and insure due caution in development and use of land, he may refer any development proposal to the City Planning Commission for 'review and approval in accordance with Article 21 and Section 26 500 of the Zoning ordinance. PERWITTED PRINCIPAL USES The following are the principal uses permitted in the Rancho Arroyo Business Park Planned Community District: 1. 1v1anufacture, assembly or packaging (including storage of raw riLaterials and finished products therefrom) of the following: a. Products from previously prepared materials such as cloth, plastic, paper, leather, precious or semi- precious metals or stones, but not including such operations involving primary production of wood, metal or chemicals from raw materials. b4 Optical, electric, and electronic, timing and measur- ing instruments and devices. 2. Administrative, executive, financial and research and development offices. 3. Research, experimental, engineeringe and testing facilities and laboratories. 4. Wholesale business, storage or warehousing and distri bution establishments except for storage of fuel or f lammable liquids. q-15 6. Blue printing, photo engraving, printing, publishing and book binding, 7. Any other research business, light manufacturing, or rbtail commercial use as determined -by the Planning Director to be of the samte general character as the above.. 8. Mini storage facilities. The following are the accessory uses permitted in the Rancho Arroyo Business Park Planned Community District: 1. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant tw a permitted use, in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 of the Petaluma Zoning Code. 2. Signs in accordance with the provisions of Article 21­20,� of the Petaluma Zoning Code and the criteria as approved as part of the PCD Development Plan. 3. One residential it per lot for property management or security. D. CONDITIO14AL USE The i olloiwng are the conditional uses in the Rancho Arroyo Park Planned Community District in accordance with the pro - ons of Article 21 and Section 26-500.of the Petaluma Zoning Code! 1. Ligbt metal applialice and steel fabricating shops and machine shops. 2. Bakery, creamery, soft drink bottling plant and dyeing establishments. 3. Bulk storage of off -premises delivery of compressed gases and liquified petroleum gases. Permitted only as an appurtenant use to a permitted or conditional use. 4. Establishments for the repair, cleaning and servicing of commercial or industrial equipment or products. 5. Manufacturing, packaging, transport or storage of known hazardous, toxic or carcinogenic materials or chemicals. Deterntination of such uses shall be made by the Planning 9 9 3 6 -2- Director after review of preliminary environmental assessment for each proposed use. The Director may require consultation with experts to make the de- termination, 6. Industrial, communicatioa, transportation and utility equipment. 7. Food products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and the like,. but not the production of fish products, sauerkraut$ vinegar, or the like, or the render- ing of fats and oils. 1 8. Governmental, municipal and public utility facili- ties as appropriate and necessary. 9. Commercial recreational facilities. 10. Motel/Hotel. 0 '5ee_ -- /' 11, 1 E. PROHIBITED USES The following operations and uses shall not be permitted on any property in Rancho Arroyo Business Park; 1. Residential uses except as provided for in C. 3. 2'a, Trailer courts, mobile home parks or recreational vehicle campgrounds-. 4. Quarrying. 5. Commercial excavation except in the course of approved construction. FAVOOM Dumping, disposal, incineration ov'reduction of garbage, sewage, offal, dead animals or refuse. 8. Fat rendering. 9. Stock yard or slaughter of animals. 10, cemeteries. 11. Refining of petroleum or of its products. 12. Smelting of Iron., tin, zinc or other ores. 13,. jail or honor farms. 14, Laborer or migrant work�er camps. 15. Trucks or bus terminals. 9.936 Orc% Y-17 16. Petroleum storage yard. 17. Auto wrecking or auto painting or auto body repair.- Ia. Bill -board or off-site signs. off-site signs not to include entry or -directory signs Zor business park. Wo use shall be permitted to exist or operate on any lot which: 1. wits particulate or gaseous matter, or discharges liqui- or solid waste into the atmosphere or any water course which may adversely affect the health or safety or persoj��- or use of property or vegetation. I 24 Produces intense glare or heat unless such is performed within an enclosed or screened area and then only in a, manner to insure that the glare or heat emitted will not be discernable from any exterior lot �line. 3. Creates a sound pressure level in violation of any regu- lation of any public body having jurisdiction. 4. Allows visible emissions of smoke outside any building other than exhausts emitted by motor vehicles or other transportation facilities in violation of any public body having jurisdiction. This requirement is also applicable to the disposal of trash and waste materials. S. Creates a ground vibration that is perceptible, without instruments, at any point along any exterior lot line. WMM�1 x'_ No structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty (401) feet in height except buildings constructed over parking may be forty-eiglit (481) feet. 'i4ot wore than forty per cent, of the square foot area of any lot shall be occupied by improvements including: buildings, sheds, fences, walls, screens, barriers or service areas excluding parking and'vehicular circulation areas. 'SETBACKS 1. W6 off-street parking or structure shall be placed closer than twenty-five (251) feet frena the property line of any public street (frontage setback area). Front and street side setback shall be increased by one (11) foot for each additional 1,500 square feet of building area over 50,000 square feet, to a maxinLuii of one hundred (1001) feet. 4- I ve 2. No structure shall be placed closer than twenty (20 ) fedm from any side property line (interior property except as follows: I a. Where develQpxiient of two adjoining lots proposes abutting structures along their interior common lot line, the 201 interior setback may be waived provided, however, in such case, the opposite property -line set- back shall be increased by 101 and shall be landscaped. P. Rear setback twentv-five (251) foot minimum. 3. No off-street parking or circulation areas shall be placed closer than five (51) feet from any interior property line except as follows: a. Where development of two or more adjoining lots pro- vides common use parking, loading, Qr vehicular cir- culation area, the'interior setback areas along t1ie in terior property lines common to such lots may be waivecl 4. No fencing of any kind shall be permitted within the frontage setback area. PAMUNG Each lot shall have facilities for parking sufficient to serve,the floor area or number of employees for the busi- nesse:�i conducted thereon. Parking shall be provided to the following standards for floor -area, or where applicable number of emplayees, whichever is greater: 1. pace pe office, lZesearchand Development - one parking sr U�W dred 0) to three hundred (300) square feet of gross ticar area of the proposed building. Specific ratio to be determined by the Planning Director in each case. 2. Manufacturing - one parking space per three hundred fifty T3_50) to fdia—r hundred fifty (450) square feet of gross floor area of the proposed building. Specific ratio to be determined by the Planning Director. 3. Warehousing - One parking space per six hundred (600) to nine hundred (900) -square 'feet of gross floor area -of the proposed building. Specific ratio to be determined by Planning Director. However, sufficient on-site area is to be reserved to accorcmiodate expansion to one parking space per four bundred fifty (450) square feet in the event of conversion of the building to higher intensity use. -5- II/_/7 9936 4. Parking Standard Based on Employees - One: space per 1.2 wa ghif t) exployees (calculated for a ir-rn 5. On Street Par]Si�ng - • street parking shall be prohibited. J. MINIMUM LOT SIZE Business Park lots shall contain no less than one acre of land area when being subdivided from larger parcels, shrub selection are all proven low maintenance varieties and each add some additional interest to the overall lMndscape effect. The shrubs are: M 9936*rc- heteromeles Arbutifolia, Toyon Photinia Frazeri Pittosporum Tobira Xylosma Congestum Lawn as ground cover may be used to reflect a particular landscape theme or feeling. All landscaped areas should be provided with complete automatic underground irrigation systems, each designed to serve the specific needs of individual landscape plans. Low volume drip irrigation may be used in all installa- tions where feasible except for lawns. The storm water holding ponds and Stony Point right-of-way shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained per the approved improvement plans proposed for Assessment District Number 10 and the CC&k's as reviewed and approved by the - City Attorney. Additional landscaping on or adjacent to eac . h property way be permitted, or required, as a respon- sibility of each individual property owner, as individual improvements to each lot are installed. 2. Build ' ing Design - All buildings may be either reinforced Boncrete and g -t -eel or wood frame construction. Exterior materials should be of pleasing visual quality. Exterior walls shall not be consiracted-of metal or plastic. 3. Signs - All futuxe signs shall be in conformance with a sign program reviewed and approved by the City Site Plan and Architectural Review Committee. a. The sign program shall be developed and approved within 90 days of Council approval of the PCD .ill or before the first sign permit is issued, whichever occurs first. b. The, program shall describe in text and/or graphics: siNY n placement on lots and buildings, height and style, materials of construction, compatibility wi structures and lighting. I 4. Screening of Mechanical Equiprae.nt - All rooftop or outdoor lechanic-af —eq"Pment shall- be fully screened in a manner which is architecturally integrated with the structure which it serves. APPLICABILITY These regulations are applicable to all properties, within the PCD as established by City Council Resolution fqj& NCS or VASO 9936 tOC-S sdded to the district by subsequent City Council action and shall, where silent on a matter related to land 'Use or development or less restrictive than the City ordin- ences or policies, be subject to applicable City of Petaluma ordinances and development policies. M. CIRCULATION Circulation and access for the proposed district shall be provide(i a -B shown on the attached Exhibit A to include the proposed Stony Point Road ex -tension and public arree-Z access to AP#s 150-020-04 and 7-412-08. The access atreetS to Parcels 150--020-04 and 7-02-08 need not be offered for dedication until the owner of a parcel abutting or to be served by said street receives City appro-val of a development plan for such parcel. The ac- cess street to said parcel ?-412-08 need not be izprove'_4 until the owrLar of a parcel to be served by such streeT receives City approval of a development plan for such pa --- eel. When such approval is received, all affected proper ­r7. owners shall cooperate as neces8=7 to proceed with stree-. dedication and improvement. Tne cost of constructing the access street to pareel 7-412-08 shall be borne by tEe owners of all the parcels served by such access street, in proportion to the benefit received by each parcel from such street. In addition, the owners who are reauired %to dedicate right-of-way for such street shall be similarlF comtensated at the time of dedication proportionately. b -- the other benefited owners for the fair market value a-,," the land dedicated. If the ovae'rs cannot agree as to the fair market value 6$ the right-of-way, or the rela.10,ive - benefits to.the parcels sez-7ed, or both, -such matters shall be resolved by &rbitration under the rules of the America:� Arbitration Association. The owners of all properties with- in this PCD shall, as a condition to the City Co=cil ap-pro- val of the PCD zoning and of these regulationm, agree 3.0 writing to be bound by the toregoing provisions of Section M. 12 Resolution No. 01' tll(-j Oly Of 1-11(-ItOIL111'1�1, California RESOLUTION AMENDING THE P.C.D. ZONING DISTRICT REGULATION -s FOR RANCHO ARROYO BUSINESS PARK WHYREASY by Ordinance No. 1558 N.G.S., the area with the following Assessor's Parcel Numbers has been zoned P.G.D. and F.P.C., AP No.s 150-020-02,3,4,5 and 7-412-8 6 11; an(l, WHEREAS, in October 1983 the City Council by Resolution 9936 ad(-')pted Rancho Arroyo P.C.D. Zoning District regulations for the above mentioned I 'tre 1a; and, WliERI!',AS, on May 27, 1986 the Planning Commission considered ai-id forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to revise the aforementioned regulations to include new car dealerships as a conditional use in the zone; NOV THEREFORE, BE IT REISOLVEW that the City Council hereby adopts the following findings: That the proposed amendments are in general conformity with the Petaluma General Plan and applicable Euivironmental Design Plans. That the public necessity, convenieDce and general welfare require or clearly permit he adoption of the proposed amendment.s. The P.G.D. revision Is categorically exempt from CEQA per Sections 15301 and 15305. BE IT FUR'ITER RESOLVED that the Rancho Arroyo P.C.D. Zoning District Regulations on file in the Offico of Comm -unity Development and Planning is hereby modified pursuant to Sections 19-707-1) of Zoning Ordinance No. I 1.072 N.C..')., a.s amended, as follows: I - V/ ull. WC.S. I of 2 There shall be idderl an eleventh conditional u8ti as follows— "New car dealerships with apl)urtetiant facilifics, not irichiding large vchirle engine repair by major body repair". reso. ranclio. arroyo ruS05 Under the pmer and authorRY contomd iipon this (Inunizil by tbo, Charter of anid CAY. N ('F: I horcl)y mr(ify the forcgoit)g 11cuolution was Jntrodoced an(I adopted lay tliv .Appyovcd t) - fo C ouneit of the City of Patultimn A a (RLgu)ar) (AA'4XKMf 4MUSIM muntivr i 9 or on ilia .... day of ..... ....... ...... by MO following voto: . ....... Y orney AYP"S, Davis, Sobel, Woolsey, Cavanagh, Balsliaw, Vice Mayor Tencer, Mayor Mattv'i NOVS� None jl ABqENT: Not .............. City Qorl; Mayor CA 10 85 a 10" 3 4 5 rm I I IrA 8 9 10 IJ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9�5 26 227 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Resolution No. 92-114 N.CA.,So, of Ific C'jly of F'k-"falut-ria, G-flil'ornia RE,SQI1JTf0N AMENDIN('111-TH P.CD. ZONING DISTRIC'FREGULATIONS FOR R&NCf TO ARROYO BUSI NF SS PARK WHER13,A,S, by Ordinance No. 1558 N.C.S., the area with the following Assessor' s Psi -cel Numbers has been zoned RCR and KP.C., All No.'s 150-020-02, 3, 4, 5 and 007-412-8 & 1.1; and WHEREAS, in October 1983 tile, City Council by Resolution 9936 adopted Rancho Al,royo P.C.D. Zoning, District Regulations for Ilia above mentioned area; and WHEIU3AS, in July 1986 tile City Council by Resolution 86-188 revised 1110. aforementioned regulations to inefitdc new car dealerships as as conditional use ill tile, zone; and 4 1---1ERFi,AS, oil April 28, 1992 the Planning Collimission cousidel-ed and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to amend Section 111 (setbacks) of the afore mentioned regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that. tile, City Council hereby adopts the follOWit)0 " fjIIrdil1gS: Findirlas.- That PUBLInot 10SOC6011 15061(h)(3) of Tile California Environmemal (Duality Act (CEQA), no e.ovitumictital review is necessary for this ronin g district aniondment, since dw request has no possibility of creating significant envirotuliental efrocts. That thealliendment to tile zonillp, district Ngl,11,116013S is in substantial harmony with the General Plan of tile. City of Pet-alunia, and is or can be. cool-dimi(ed with existing and pl.aorled devolopmant of thesurrounding tiara 'm BE IT FORTHER R1-,,,S0LVI:,,D that (lie, Rancho Armyo P,CD, Zoning District ReEijf<iliolji% on file in the Planning Department is hereby as pursuant tot SWIMS 19- 707-1) of the Zoning Ordinance No. 1072 N.C.S., as amended as follows: lewl. N -C" W. I Text Anim-finunts: 2 3 Section H.I: 4 5 Aloe g Auto Center I)rive the setback standards for landscaping and parking shall 6 Conform as they Currently exisL No structure shall be placed clover than twenty-five 7 (25') feet fronj the property line along Auto (,'enter Drive. No off-street parking 8 shall be placed closer than ten (101) feet from the back of curb along Benson Way. 9 No structure shall be pkiced closer than twenty (20') feet from the property line 10 "llong Benson wply. No tiff -street harking or structure shall be phiced eloser than 11 tWCUIty-five (25) feet from the property line of all other public streets (frontage 12 setback area), Front and street sidpsctbacksshall be increased by one (1) foot for 13 each additional -1,500 square feet of building area over 50,000 square feet, to as 14 maximinn of one hundred (100') feel, 15 16 17 royores / hg -5 19 Under the power rind autbvrifY conferred twon this Counuil by the Charter of sa4l Oky., R17! FE, RENCIi,: I 11(geby coxtify tho foregoing 11moMign wary intmd%vod snarl adopted by J'ba—if)PT [011 C( 0 C01111cil tit t1ju city pt Pvtolurna at a (Rogular) mc�f'�inj,' '1171P., on ibn--L8.tb ... 19-52r sl tby Oley following vote- my AYES: Reade DaViS, Cavanagh,Soh('r.%1, Nelson, Vice Mayor Woolsey, mayor 11i1-7.igoss NOUS: None ABSEMP: No" D *rCLERK ...... 'few City clkl-r�4 -27 CA M -S5 ul iff Attachment 4 V. �d rl Ili 4 (11 4J 4-1 4 J b t Q) g I 73 115 1 1 dr m Q, 41 i 4-1 j Cl 28 ISI �t F "P .[ a,, 1 —'• 4' €!f � ei {� �) ^ P .d v eJf , I. ,y c) {.J 9 , i Id 44 4 itj a a R9 �-� t1➢ tai y ; .. g {_} ib t7 t =/f CO as (14 (71 iw I du fdi ml 5: lli i -i H in is (U 04 ,J 14 4 in 4 J 'S fli 91 01 in 4-1 if) vp to to al in Tl 0 -H 0 H ff) C14' Cd ('I iw I fi E E E E li ,is i d o -AUi ID U T f -I �+6'°C�l l q(D e. 4 -J a) s'l 01 A it$ s,4 A ; L) U C) 04 to .1 0 V4 itj (d 4-) Rl to 44 fy;(D (D 3q 31 11) cz7 >, ul Ni p at —A fT:s 0, H s a N-1 V) ql ji in 4 1 W g.tki I iIj its CLI C 4-1 I—} .0 Q1 Ll I 0 t a) o ii all1 4J 4 ti}I Its , m 4-) (AA (d A alts C7 a its la �4 I o U) LO to 0 0 4-) 0 N, 0 U) 144 t 4A 0 ti I 3-d C3 Nti P- =Cg C-, r, , J) it. � 4 7a 5 i f7j (U' 4) o ro if) -,.q �: If)a. o P4 a) (IJ 0 sis IJ its Qi a 0 (1) (0 s-': (1) Q) 1­ t Cl) Z)l in of III 1 0 N 75 i Ul ril A�: its C61- t V) I (1) 4J ul U) I It In rij I 453 s„ al kl) 0 qJ s4 �q It; Y— 4� Vrl �ti4 i 'd Nt-t =ti 4-5 6a •= i i. C) tf) Ui V��' Flrl �o tC$ in � I tJ 4iE I) Of <#) bi iFa Qi t}s PLS er i +' i C3 $ NVI r 11 at 0) V' ur g triso ra bd 'c3 N 31 of j ti t7y ^• ul •- # Cj •oi M' `0 ' C.13 S P00 -,..{ ., .: a C:; -• V a)' rl 9 ' Vtl �V U a 4S iia' S f "I n3 04 J7 t°c'3 Ci : 3.," ,C {i Via,, rLf �y ^.�'t u.c; . I •.I {�; i}� r<IS td{ � U9 , �i0p.., ,rU C? [1 C,} 7S is -� ICF .t� r13 id =z$ C.) ace I�" If ) ciV QI .V -I [) Cii rri ¢3rlG"V 'i NCE {ii 9y t[f 1.4 qyF t/l t) tiP t&45 ri ; ,' QN6i til C .' -�C S ! U',i 4�� $ ri r{.; t; , {.t () G:J' Cr fl; iV1 Ca t) rt3 Sa t',7 1,,: -i I I y.I (: e I '{) f.i 6a iri tJ CV 7 4-J c 4 { 'Ccl {_, ti i {)y» fit ti ni l.R f. t:"°A F o Cl -r (Vl (1.-£t t11a c ) ,. ry'9 `. iri tV I -r., al r, t ! t.t Ca,1 C'- Y— `A Pe �I FI r{ 4jl �}3 ? r✓3 (1p C) I 4J a_) rl r nS 0 li ti! ut 'yP �d 6 s �A C"4 r i +ti 44.I Uf # i aij {}} rc:, {a �> ,cl to c I i} I,w ' Cif .o I E{l I? CIS 2 Ila M tP} Il U v:P s` Ell .iu d}) KA kl Ela t?C:' d-) f_D W to ' 3 w 0 CN I # 7 _ {W�h 1 $.1 PA CJ 0 to til (C$ a € txD C? k % a7i 14,1 il) SI t.J 7 S Ci {u FI IP +r N c{J L, s1 CS} CS aD il) M E' 4-1 ()IA R) - s, IJ � I? (.,t Cd.} t } to fit €j rPg a 0 3 ,C, d($ -1 ya s1 F� al ro cf 41 D til Uf l!] If l t1,I rN7 Al $.. 3 I J {1i 81 � f }i (a 1 to d {I? .f-1 U) C ? Cl } Cll y It) n ct5 a , s (;3 (4 al +.1 ras C� ni -moi ul C{ tY1 �.D 4 0 .4', %o 41) ! a p?y F•N td 411 -'d YJ k¢ 411 FI `CSY }N tar E„7 (: {il tl 1 ti � r :i Cy IN fYi is .�” (7 iii C; C> FI tl (S Y i tn7 _r.. Y r� tPl K ,q_r }I) � i,i •13 1($ tP rft ., i �rvi c�.l t°1 <<1, Yla is -a E -s tS5 r -I t'1 s I P"1 i"1 r1 e'"1 `A Pe �I r{ 4jl �}3 ? r✓3 (1p )I I 4J a_) rl r nS 0 li ti! ut 6 s �A C"4 r i +ti 44.I Uf # i aij {}} rc:, {a �> ,cl to c I dl�S to I,w ' Cif .o I E{l I? 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W I cl If, CZ' 3 r, ellCGM C cj Si 0} 9} 'Cj GO (f] ai —I W 0 Ip Lr) twO U) 0 (11 m MR C.3 ail' 41 hl }W 1 to U) +-k t11 51 E Ft ata r 1 to r- 4-' [°}' mii : �-Y "� d{4 t1,, Ea'1 �-i '-) 5.�. � ter -1-5 k- 4 x •s to t3 -",. t115' ' i} .4:; irl ¢+ 9';4 CIS e;5 3s 3 f7 4l 5r), =1 6.eF 5 cl) { y sdS,a�i 4- { u a is f4! c.j t. 41 Co � - -I `t "- ,-, " I ,5, .,, R � u to fR ,..•1 ill t1i � 2 r.{ " C4 �� j 4-; {� 4.; q ts7 cE -%$ ("� t1 s1 -i° '' r=• 'K1 (� t? - Cl) riY ilr`iJ }3 't$ 4' (1) {? u1d t1 r1S #', 1 .i., y rt) I k j ' �. ''• ., to q) q) Ny cl t" rG vi f rt5 { In tY! `r41" €; S W 4.) � 4 41 •t qi ¢7 G d3 ! '-S (1) C3 4 t15 ,-Cj _o df3 I c,%,��i '•i) u.-, "' r[l � W-. ; � 8, cll c> �.' 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Mr,.YERS 349 Park Placc Di% Potaluma, CA 95954 BevRmeye'rs 'a3 maiLepill (4 15) 786-9326 SENT BY E-MAIL ONLY Alln: Tiffany Robbe Scnior Planner lllanning.Division City ofFletaluom I I English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 t ro bbe(,c i. petal unia. ca. u s Allachment 4,F RECENED 1-11-ANNING DIVISION Re: January 10, 2017, 7 pmi. Planning Commission Meeting in City Council Chambers rc Ranclio Arroyo Business Park PCD Amendment (i.e,, Issuance of as Conditional Use Permit to Re -Zone Petaluma Valley Athletic Club for Use ate a Religious Facility and School) Dear Senior Planner Robber My name is Beverley R. Meyers; I am as rt enihor of-Tetaluma Valley Athletic Club (PVAC or the Club); and, I ani writing to obJect to t110 iSSUMIC0 01`0 U011ditiOnal L130 pCHIlitSO that 360 Churell of'Petalunia May Ultimately buy PVAC, demolish its facilities, and use it for as etrimental to the welthro ofPctaluma school, My belief is that this change in zoning, Nvill Inc, d residents. Please timely provide this letter to Planning Commission nlerlibcm prior to the hinuavy 10, 2017, 7 p.m. meeting. Unlike any other lie-allh c1uh I havejoined, PVAC olllers a somse ofconimunity. PVAC has tennis, racquetball,swimming, and exercise classes, all in one place. Without PVAC', there would be as shortage. of tonnis coUYUS ir) 1'OWILL1110 1`61' its hJrV_C tMIlk C0111111111lity Of all ages. One fiantily I know lavas three generations playing runnier at PVAC, The Club also of summer cam.ps for children, atid tennis lessons for kids, t6steringy a love of tennis, PVAC has c=reated a place of Gom III on ity Jor R -1111i I ic's, al Id the Inany son ior ci t i zoos that pl ny dieuc, Afteratcrinis match, we enjoy food and drink with triernbers of our Club. And atlar a tennis team praclice,a rlU1llhff0fth0 players stay J'or coffee, during the day, err, a drink, at night, to soclalizu wide each othor. PVAC. also beasts many ovcas for its members, sach as fourth oflmly roulid-robins, where 1110ve, arc potlucks "Ind (lie ('1111) barhequvs. Mmy children have learned to swini in the PVAC pool, an([ pilrents have bonded with their young ehildren, playing together in the pool. Like many older, mliletes,'Istruggle to maintain my overall health. Pyr AClicips nle by Providing lenllis, mvilm-ming, and aerobic cltivus.ull in one plam I atil Concerned (hat Without PVAC, I will Ile Unable to maintain the level of rituess I mquire to avoid diabotes and other serious discasc-,i, Thure are mcany oldor Petaluma athletuq Who WOVIK OLIt I'CgUlarly M PVAC, rccluiring the multitudo ofathictic disciplines that only PVAC offers. I understand that (lie Club is a business; bUt, I also believe that every effort should be mado to maintain PVACs existing use. 1"Oftlie, OVer 1,000 111CIIII)CIS, With I SigilifiCkIlli 111.1111ber Playing tel) -114;, it is detrimental to these P0,1111111H residents for this filcility not to be Ill'aintailled with its existing seven tennis Courts alld three raccluethall ccntrts. This is vital to the tennis CQnjrI)Unity it) PCICAL1111a because there is rtes other club, with the facilities PVAC has, and there are as shortage ONCIIIIi.1; COUrts ill POWILIM11. Members would be devastated to experience. tile (IC11101itioll or the millis and facquetball courts, and restaurant area, which have wrvod its 111clubers, fi)1, over 30 Years, providing exert iso and sooial inturactioll. I area also Concerned Glut WithOLIt. PVAC, Petalunin will losc tennis for i(s families. I'VAC's long -lupi and valued C11-1ployces will also lost theil-jolls, I thank you for takiog the (iine to h(,-ar my input, Unfortunately, I xvill he 1.11111ble to RtWIld thea ,laouary 10, 2017 hearing because of a tcaching commitment. (I f you wish to reach me, Plea SC CODtI,Ct MO CiflIff by C-IflUil or by phanc.) Sincerely, fa�u I, Mel-t-� Bovc�rlcy RU/,fyenq The fifflowing JIVAC nicnibers (present and past) agree with the coiltunts oj.'this letter, and sigil this letter cledronically; /S/ Kathy Baker SLIgi Bornard Cherry Bauman Molly Bloom David Brooks Janic Castles Juntly Clark .Jed Clark Patty Curley Laura Cushman jial Dechictano AdiC Fishman Alfie Glow Ann Gors Chris Grace Angela Hmis Pat Hansen Chris llonicn Carol.1011c's L),ivid Jones Law -en Lautner Sharon IBJ cAUICY Theresa Mahoney Louise Marshall Jetina Nakc)r Paula Perkins, Deborah Rothenbug Mary Suhafi v sangeeta sighe Patridu Souza Carol An.n Strect Amie'Fayfor Naomi I I ickle Joann Vanderwett David Yarbrougb I IVAC Zonfiig Commums fiw I fearing I MEWS EM Attn: Til"fiany Robbe Senior Planner Planning Divkioji City of Petalunut I I 11"ne'lish Strec-L Potalunia, G/k 94952 F � E C3, �-*, I V F, FD, PLANNU DIVISJOKI Rc,-: July 10, 2017, 7 p,ni. Planning Commission Mecting ill City ("oum-11 Chambers re Issuance, of as Conditicmal I Au Pecinit to lac:,Zonc Petaluma Valley AthleficClub Cor liseas as Religious Facility and School Dc,al, Senior I-Ilkinticr Robbe: MY nal-ne is Connie MadridI arn as member ot'Petalutna Valley Athletic Club (PVAC or the and, I all) Mititl�; 41 Ol�jUt tO IIIU iSSIRUICU OfM ("Onditional use permit so that 360 (JILIUCII Of PCIall-IJIM 111fly UlLimatcIV buy PVA(,',, deniolish its Facilities, and uso it flora subool. My belicfis; that this change in zoning will be. detriniental to the welfare Of f"etalimla residents, Will'. CANTALLOW 11.1 Unlike any other licalth CtUb I licive joined, IIVAC offers aso.nsu of community, FIVAC has tortnis, niquotball, swimming, and uxercise classes, all in one placc. Without PVAC, there would he asliottage oftunnis courts ill Petalunin for its large tellnis con-mitmiLy of all agcs. One Iamily I know li,as three genctations playing tennis at PVAC. My children 1,111 learned toswill-t at I'VAC. The, Club al'so of summer oamps for chilcircn, and tennis lessons for kick, I'mte-ring at love of tennis, PVAC' has created a pkicc of commouily fi0j, Ilainilius, and tile manysenior cid7uis thfA play there- After at tennis match, wc, cajoy lbod and drink not just with our to,1111 and tile (apposing tcam from another club, btic also with clihol, mcniki-S ofour Cloh, who have'suppot-ted us, lav watching, the match, Aftur a tennis team practice, as number ofthe women On the Warm, Stav for ooffic, dotiop, the day, or as drink, at nit,,ht. PVAC'also hosts many uvenos lbr its mumburs, sueli as CoUrth Of 3111Y f0tind-TObillS, MICIV tllCtC aN pothicks and tile Club harbecilles, J understand that (lie Club is as basin s°1,; but, I 11,'O bCIiQVC that (,Vt,'I'y offolt should bu In axle to maintain PVAC,'s CAiStIllf" LISC. W11C.11 tile clu'rent owlier's purdiased the property the sellers: chow theill becallse they Wanted to kcep 111c, exis"Ling tr;cFor the over 1,000 mcrnbcrs, with aSij11ifl(I-Illt l)lAlIJ,bUl'j)llYillg tennis, it is cicti,irriGntal to Oiose Putarlaalttaa residents for this fileflity not to be rmdotain((d Wilh it:; exisLing seven tonnis collas and two racquetball COUrts. '"I'his is vital to tile, ter)nis commulli(y ill Pcialuma because there is no other Qlub wilh th(! Ricilitios PVA ' has, and Aicrec aro a shortage of Mmis courts, in 11cfaIL1111.1, me'll)bers wrlidd be, duvastated to oNpericlice. file, c1cillolition of tile termis and rauquetball COL11-tS, ClIld IV.Wauralit area, vvhich havo served its members fbi- over 20 years, providing oxercise and social interaction, I ,in) also CODoenied that without IVAC, Petaluloci Wi I I lose, tennis f01. its lillnHics. 111)' 1111( YOU fior taking ffic [fame to lioar my input, C.'an-tue Wlach'id pl,r'A (1, mernhe-r S1,41-ce �](?9,2 `14 ) 1 I'livasant.Drive, Petal unia CA 707-765-2601 zm AtLention,'Fiffany Robb(,, Senior Planner Planning Division City of Petaluma 11 Lnghsh Stro(A Potalurna, Ca. 949S). trob bf-�@)CLpeLaIUM aca.US RECEIVED PLK DIVISION Re- Jan. 10, 2017, 7 pm Planning Commission Meeting in City Council Chambers re ls.,uanco of as Conditiot-tal Use Pert -nit to Re -Torre Petaluma Vall(,V Athlolk CILib for Use its a Religious Fac.Rityand School Dear Senior Planner Rob[)(--, We are inernbers of the PetalUrnd Valley Athletic Club (PVAQ and we are writing to express our conr.ern over the proposed recommondations of tho Planning Commission to adopt the following: a Resolution recommending the City Council approve modifications to the Rancho Arroyo BLI-SinC'SS Park Planned Community District. 0 Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Zoning Map Arnendment to rezone the property located at PVAC. The applicant) 360 Church of Petaluma, desiros a PCD arnersdrnent to add Religious Facility and School to the list of conditional uses in the Rancho Arroyo PCD, This proposed amendment and/or LJ.q0 change and the associated sale of PVAC Lo 360 Church will preclude the use of PVAC to anyone not involved with the applicant, Many of us have been members for many years — some of our families have been n1e. rnbers spanning throo generations. Roh and Martha Domont have generously provided as wonderfUl -setting to grather r [y fear of fitness r the purpose tness and social s)cdv!Ly- T .jo11', jVo prrivided a one -of -a -kind club for the Pt'LalUnIrl community, Wer do not know ofany other club that provides all the difforent athlotic activities that PVAC offers. Not only doePVAC offer tennis, it offers racquetball, handball, wallvball, pickleiball, basketball, swirnming, Zurnba, Pllat(rs, fitness classes, bocce and many other athletic activitios. Tho club has been a center fear sovial gatherings and baff)OCiL.105, Coat -club has bcTn as leader in encouraging YOUth aCtiVitieS. Lvery Saturday, Bryan Dixon Volunteers his time to teach children the garno and skills (if racquotball, Brion 11a.9 l0d OLJOLMiOr Racquetball league to many rhampionshlps and has produced a World Charnplon player, In 2015, Heathor Malionoy won the gold weBaal in Santa Domingo bringing, pride to our toWrl Of Petlkirna. Along with racquetball, the Club offers Summer progrants for children, has a garne roorn, gives swirnming lessons, tennis lessons and creates a terrific atmosphere for families to play together. On the other spearurn, we have many seniors that j,;afficr for fitness. We find this especially M year olds playing tennis and even racquetball. it would be especially sad to see the club dissolve for these seniors. -rhe club often becornes a placefor many to gather, especially after losing a -spouse. The friendship and playful ictivity zit [TACallows for all seniors to feel vital in thf, Petaluma comr-nunity. As it says on PVAC',, website, "Rob and Morl.ha hope to create as stress -free, relaxed and caring environt-m--mt. that is conducive to health, fitness and the all-oncompassing welkbeing of each merribor," The DomoriLs have achieved this goal. We would asl( the commission and planners to please take into consideration the effect it Would have on the many families of PetFAII-ml if We 10.9e this wonderful athletic facility, We understand that the club can be sold to another entity, but we as members would like to express the dosire for the, club to be kept as a family fitness canter" which would be in keeping with the guiding principlos of the General Plan for Petaluma as follows: i.3 Guiding Principles They Lin ique challengers and opportunities PeMium o fuces fire reflected in the General Plan's IS Guiding PrInciples, which provide the basis fear` lhe rascals, policies, undprogrorns included in the Plan elements: Maintain a close-knit, neighborly, andfirimily-friendly cityThe gr­meral Plan envisions Petaluma as a city of strong neighborhoods, A guiding prernh;e of the General Plan is that activities andjacilities used on afrequenir dosis, such asstores ond parks, should be accessible to residents. Lurid uses are de` son to ensure balonced neighborhood developtnent, with a PnIx of uses) and provision of new parks and cornmerriol centers in neighborhoods Haat presently lack thein, Petaluma Valley Athletic Club is anique and provides the only tennis and racquetball/handball facility in all of Petaluma generating a close-knit neighborly and family -friendly atmosphere in our city. Over one thousand mernbers enjoy these sports and we since.roly hope the Planning Comr-nission will agree Lo refrain from approving theperiding nicidificntions and/or additions to the conditional ca,sos to the Rancho Arroyo PCD, Phyllis Christian Mai -icy McDermott Brian Dixon Elise Yee Ross rriecirnan Carol Palombino (VIadeleine Ashe John Mahoney N, Holland roote Dave Rrooks Tracy Brooks Jenn Turner Bruce Donecker Jim Wallace Cathy Wallace firn Crowley LarrySteiner Christitir Kiravidni Espe Gunheirn Jim hoop Eric]. Adai,T)s Barry Nicol John Chojnacki Roy Redlich Lorion Nolson Dawn Kerrioari Fr,om: Jenny Clark Sent, Monday, January 09, 2017 3:45 PM Ta* Robbe, Tiffany Subject,. PVAC/Rancho Arroyo Business Park Real C Agenda 1110117 Ile: [Wrn q agenda 1110/2017, Rancho Arroyo Bu mess Park PCD Anwrldrnm Anwriducill of the uxistirig Runch, Paniyo PU) to albvv (2onullUllity Meeting Facility and School, as defilled in the Petaluma hoplelocriting lKilling Onlinance OZO), as a conditionally permitted land use at 85 Old Corona Read. Ladies and Centlernen: I warn a resident ofl-letalurnu and have been as wernber orthe h:talUnia Valley Athletic Club IN - many years. I alm vvrithg to express my commas about the animidnient to die Ilanclu) Arroyo district, prcsendy betlmv the (Arrurnbsion, to allmy a Cornmunity Meeting Uacility ectad School to move onto WK is rIvesmilly as tennis, swhmnhg and mcgietball Nixility. Ibis will itsuh in as significant loss ofivereatkonal 1614in and Uses to our city, inClUding many year round Youth prograrns. PVA ' provides year round recreational youlb progranis (svinirning, spons, tennis. surnincr calups and racquetball) as wcH as adult social teruds and USTA tentliq swhunhg and ivequaball prograiasPVAC also has CMIC of the f'CW Pools ill the (."ity that is operated Carl at year round basis. P'VAQWntains the only racquetball COUrts in the. city: it Ealso hosts a world Class yOUth ruCLILICtIlUll prograrn. Loss OF these courm mmuM roult W Me elinihmdwi oFmcqmdmH as a yowl sprt 0 Petall-u-na. Should we We the use orthe tennis courts, available tennis courts in Petaluma would be reduced by 40%. And Owse city -owned courts that rernwin are in rmn' condition - we are repeatedly MkI be city don not. have Ilinds to rnahitain its cAming tennis courts, [lot, does it have mends to build laid operate anotherswillaning pool. no hms ormso would result in ietaiurna bOng the only city in the north bay Nvith a pc,pukition in excess of6%O(A) that does not have such at facility. And wvhilc there are ninny Ile, alth clubs in Petalunia, there is only one tennis and racqLletbali Club. At the very least, I ,strongly urge the parks and Recreadon (Ornmimbn to rcvkw this loss of rccrcational oppoMmkics beRmv the area can he rezoned. Thwik you Ar )ivur conskleration Robbe, Tiffatiy Subject: M RANCHO ARROYO BUSINESS PARK PCD MODIFICATION From: george bono I'Liv Sent: Monday, January 09, 2017 6:49 PM RECEIVET) To: petahimaplannMg Subject: RANO-10 ARROYO HUSMESS PARK PCD MODIFICATION J A H 1 0 20 17 =0 PLANNIRG DIVISION I am unable to attend the 1/10/2017 meeting for the above zoning amendment, I have concerns that the addition of a chUrCh/86001 to the PGD will drastically siow and congest morning and afternoon traffic on Corona Road and other roadways. Why did the EIR not cover this in the transpoilation/traffic analysis? Please add rnv concerns to the public opinion that will be given at the 111/20,17. 1 also want to submit comments and concerns that the meeting notice was issued during the holiday week between Christmas and New Years Eve and that only addressees within 500 feet of PVAC were given notice, 1 -his zoning amendment will impact one of the three roadways that Gross the city of Petaluma in the east/west direction. I'm sure if this iSSUC was given proper public notification, the Outcome would not be so profitable for the Domont Group and Would have a more favorable outcome for cottimuters, Regards, George Bono 21 Wallace Ct Petaluma, CA 94952 ('ity of Potaluma- recards, including cinails, are subject to the Oilif'ornia Public, lZecords Act. Unless exemptians apply, this emait, any attachnICIAS fInd ally 1VPIi0q UeSUbjeut to disdo.qure on request, and neitlier the scndcr rior -,my recipiontsshoold have any expectation of privaoy.rogarcling the confun('s ol'stlub coniniulliva(ions. N Holland Foote '120 Ravenswood COLIFt PP,kiWnia, CA 94952 F'OtalLIM-C-1 Planning Commission Attri; Tiffany Robbe, Senior Ph< nner City of Iletaiuma 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 January 10, 2017 zr NEIVED C' JAN 1 0 Z(11'1 PLANNING DIVISION Re; Conditional Use Permit for 85 Corona RO@Cl - PelaIL1111a Valley Athlok Club (P AC) Doar Ks, Robbe and Petaluma Planning Commission, I am writing to object to the change in zoning to allow the additional uses of a school and/or church to the parcel at 85 Corona Road, now occuped by Petilunia, Valloy Athletic Club (PVAG). Not only will SLICII additional Lyses greatly aggravate the Current driving conditions on Corona Road (I of only 3 heavily UtillZed cross-town connectors), but also impact traffic mostly during peak commuter driving times in the mornings and late afternoons. The waiting times to turn left or right from InclUstrial onto Corona (or left from Corona onto Indnstnal) can be lengthy now and I would not be surprised to learn it the intersection was prone to more than a few accidents, With the addition of a school, the traffic would be, unbearable. FLII'tlIP_rM0rC, I object to a change in the current use altogether, PVAG has been a V,'!IIUOCJ COMMUnity resource for decades and, if possible, should rernain a socially oriented health facility, Generations of local families, both members and non-niernbers alike, have created rnernories, learned to swing, play tennis and racquetball, attended summar camps, barbeq_Ues, and cornrhUnity events, such as non-profit fundraisers, craft fairs, etc. The social benefits cannot be understated, Much more personal arid comfortable than a coffee shop or restaurant/bar, IVAC is a positive, local gathering Place for all Petalurnans to connect with their community. Please help save this highly valued asset by derrying additional uses of school or church and exploring all options to continue as a social and recreational health facility, Thank you for your firne and consideration! Sincerely, N, Holland Foote, 10-YOElY POWLIrna Resident and current PVAC Member hfoote'l 2@yahoccorrl 415-577-1160 M Lori Bowen Ayre 15 Old Crook Road Petaluma, CA 94952 lQj,-jW(-205 gill-Amtru (707)776-0857 January 10, 2017 Tiffany Robbe Senior Planner Planning Division City of Petaluma 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 V D JAN 1 0 1101/ PLANNING DIVISION I arra writing to object to the issuance of any additional Conditional Use permits for 85 aid Corona Road. My belief is that any changes in zoning related to this property will be detrimental to the welfare of Petaluma residents. PVAC operates as a Commercial Recreational Facility providing tennis courts, racquetball courts and a swimming pool. Other programs are offered as well but the primary identky of PVAC is that of a recreational facility, There is no other tennis Club in Petaluma. The nearest ones are Rolling Hills in Novato which is -10 inifes away and La Cantera in Santa Rosa which is 16 miles away, By moving forward with the recommendations of your staff to add two new Conditional Uses to the property at 85 Old Corona Road, you will virtually ensure that Petaluma will no longer have a racquet club. The expansion of conditional uses is being sought for the purpose of converting the facility to something other than a Commercial Recreational Facility. And such a change will be devastating to the members of PVAC and detrimental to Petaluma. Only by preserving the current, and very limited Conditional Uses, does it help ensure that the property at 86 Corona Road continues to provide recreational facilities including tennis and racquetball. We objeict to any change in the Condition Uses including adding "fitness/health facility" to the conditional uses Insofar as that, would also dirnillish the likelihood that future owners would continue to maintain the tennis courts and racquetball Courts. We urgo you to maintain the Commercial Recreational Facility designation ill arder to help ensure that Petaluma continues to provide residents with a raCqUet club, swimming pool and ensures that residents can continue to enjoy the only such facility within a ten mile radius, Petalurna has had competitive tennis teams playing at 85 Corona Road since 1998. During that time 99 teams have gone to league championships. It has a history and it has a unique role to play in this community, For Many Of LIS, PVAC is aur primary connection to the Petall.101cl community. We are proud of our teams (win or lose) and love representing our H town. In addition, the few public tennis courts in Petaluma couldn't possibly absorb the people who now play on the seven, lighted courts at PVAG., Without PVAC, there would be no PVAC tennis teams for the first time since -1998. It would be a loss to the PVAC community and r it Would also be an economic loss for the city of Pe,talurna because tennis would become yet another thing that requires leaving town for, Many Of LIS play three or rnore times a week all year round and each of U)ose trips to PVAC is an opportunity to purchase goods and services in Petaluma. To buy gas in Petaluma, To buy gifts in PetalUrna.To get groceries in Petaluma. To check Out now restaurants in Potalunla. Without PVAC, many of us would find another club to join so that we could continue to enjoy being part of a team with a clubhouse for socializing and coming together with OLJr tearnmates and that would r-nean that we'd be driving to another town several times a week to play tennis. This Would have a negative impact on those of us driving and a negative economic effect on Petaluma. Instead of doing our grocery shopping in Petaluma, we might be buying our groceries in Santa Rosa or Novato. We'd be buying a whole lot wore gas but not 'IlWaYS from to Petaluma gas station. We'd have many more options for buying gifts and merchandise in the many shops unit of town since we'd he there anyway- Why be limit to Petaluma shops when You drive right by Montgomery Village two or three tirries a week? Another econoi-nic impact for Petaluma relates to hosting our tennis matches, Since 1998, there have been at least 2,730 US,I1r A matches played at PVAC, Since 2003, there have been an additional 500 SNI` WTL (aka the Ladies League) matches played at PVAG. Each of these matches brings at least 9-12 People to Petaluma to play tennis.. In other words, between USTA and SNMWTL alone, PVAC tennis has brought approximately 32,000 out-of-towners to Petaluma to play tennis and we can all attest to the number of times our opponents have stated that they are-, going into town after the match to go shopping, oat in one of our restaurants, or enjoying PetalUMA in v)m(-, other way. In addition, at the end of each season, the captains are usually presented with a gift from the mornbers of the team ono this is nimost universally a gift certificate from a Petaluma business, That's another several hundred gifts purchased in Petaluma because of PVAC. Besides the economic impact of taking away the ClUb and forcing many Of LIS to spend mare time in Santa Rosa or Novato, the loss of the only racquet club in town also reduces the unique attractiveness of Petaluma, For many people looking to relocate, Petaluma orfors many appealing elements and having racquot club is certainly one thing that (listing UiShes it from Sebastopol, Rohnett Park, Guerneville, and Sonoma, We urge you to deny the request to expand the pernlifted uses of the property at 85 01 dr Corona Road to help unsure that this unique Venue Will continue to Offer 8 Service that is not available anywhere else in Petalurnaa By denying this reCILIOSt, YOU will have helped prevent the devastating effect of PVAC being closed which will sever a critical and unique source of connection to the Petaluma community for the 1000 PVA C members. By denying this request, you will also preserve the economic benefit that accrues from this unique recreational facility and will help ensure that Petaluma rernains a well-rounded community that has something for eveiyono in this increasingly diverse population, Sincerely, Lori Bowen Ayre PVAC Member To Whom It May Concern: RECEIVED JAN 1 0 2017 PLANNING DIVISION We have been members at PVAC since 1990. Our family has enjoyed great games of tennis, working Out on the weight machines, swimming, exercise classes and many more actiVitieS the Club has offered aver the years. But the most important aspoct of the ClUb k the COMMUnity Zirld SUppnrt it provides for So many Of LIS, We have gone through all the phases of life together - births, deaths, marriages, divorces, children, grand children, career changes, elder carc.-YOU name it. When I was out on tli(--., courts this morning (all of which were full by 9 AM in 30 do qrce mather) I r realized that I knew some thing abOUt 50MCC1110 on every Court. Sortie just a name, Nt others mach more. That's not an easy experience to recreate somewhere else. I'm sure the school can find itself another location. amommiffmMm Robbe, Tiffan From: Sent: 'ruc5sday' lartilary 10, 2017 6:28 PM To: Rabbe, Tiffany; petalumaplanning Subject: POWILUM) Valley ALI-iletic OUL's M I'm writing as a long-tirne Petaluma homeowner and resident (and I own two PetalUrna-based businesses), I am also a current merriber of PetdILIVIa Valley Athletic Club. My family of four lie -longs to the club, which we use for exercise, swim lessons for Our Children, and family activities thr0UI,hOUt the year. We have previously belonged to 24FIOUr Fitness downtown, and the. new City Sports, and have finally found as WOrIderfUl, family - friendly Club in Petalurna Valley Athletic Flub. They offer camps to help with our childcare during breaks, have helped our two young daughters become water -friendly and safe throughout several surnmors of swim lessons, and offer well -priced events and parents nights out that our children love. I was troubled to learn of the offer from a local church to buy the property. I Understand there is as hearing tonight to discuss a zoning change, and I would like to request that the zoning not he changed for this purpose. We risk losing a long-tjrrte Petaldrria institution, and a wonderful place available to P Q-talUnIa residents - regardless of religion. A place that helps keep Petaluma healthy, keeps families close and interacting, keeps carer YOUng people busy and engaged during breaks and summer, My husband nand his family belonged when fie was a child many years ago. Fie was raised in Petaluma and returned to build his own family here because of long-standing places like PVAC. Please feel free to read/record these comments, but please do not share my name as I don't wish for the church to have my information. `rhank YOU, Sincerely, PetalUrnij, CA Sent from Outlook Dear Planning Commissioners: I am writing to voice my objection to the proposed zoning amendment and Conditional Use Permit changing the use of the Petaluma Valley Athletic Club, also known as PVAC, to a church and a school. The current zoning does not allow the use of a church and school. There are several reasons to reject the change in zoning and the Conditional Use Permit. These reasons include the loss of the community's only tennis and racquetball courts in town, flooding issues, parking problems and the significant traffic impacts to one of the few crosstown connectors in Petaluma. I writethis letter With some reservation. I am a current mernber of PVAC who has played wallyball in the racquetball courts on most Monday nights since 1994. My children learned to swim in the pool and my family uses the facility for exercise several days a week, where we have made some Of Our closest friends. I consider the owners, Rob and Martha Domont, longtime friends of ours after they purchased the club. They are good, supportive community members who worked hard to revive the health Club frorn its run-down condition when they bought it. I respect them and wish thern success in their business. I appreciate their desire to take a step towards retirement with what is probably a generous offer from the church based on the development potential of the property under a rezoning, WyAlowl', "A TOM IMMEMEEMMIMM111 The Petaluma Valley Athletic Club is the only health club facility with tennis and racquetball courts in Petaluma, Its closure Would be a significant loss, lessening the qual4 of life in Petaluma, and its community health and activity. In recent years it cited a membership of more than 1,000 members, PVAC was until recently the only modern health club in town. Even with two other health Clubs constructed in Petaluma in the past few years, RVAC appears to be a vibrant club requiring the use of an overflow gravel parking lot leased from the city. What makes PVAC different from the other health clubs in town is seven lighted tennis courts and three inside courts for racquetball, handball arid wallyball, No other facility in town has any tennis or racquetball COUrts. The Junior Racquetball program at PVAC started in 1998 and has helped put Petaluma on the map, with four current National Champions and one World Champion, Heather Mahoney, recognized by the Petaluma City Council in 2016. The club already doesn't have enough parking for Its current members. The 360 Church's plans to demolish the tennis courts and build a private school and large church facility. The church's current location is in the warehouse district, and its Harvest Christian School population has doubled in recent years to 160 Students, kindergarten through eighth grade, The 360 Church wants to expand its student Population, even adding a high school. I ur 101 ui I M =aiul 117 11711 dbi 7 or a r7,231-117 T a church and a scho.l, The city is told the rnaln use of the site at this time is for Sunday morning service as a church, The tennis courts would be demolished to construct a campus to move Harvest Christian School to the site in the future. There is no mention in the city staff report of the impact of the school the Church wishes to build on the site, other than to allow for the rezoning and take upthe impact later. There are no evaluation of the traffic, parking, or flooding impacts of such a school or for the special events at the Church, I disagree with the staff report when it states there is no possibility the rezoning would have a significant effect on the environment. City staff suggests it would allow an "evolution" in use for the site, from a tennis and racquetball club to a church and school. If the building was vacant or if the business was struggling, the language of an evo]V!Flg use might make SernSe. However, the health club appears to be a viable business so the Idea of creating an evolution in the zoning doesn't make sense. Maybe PVAC will go the way of Adobe Creek Golf Course and eventually shutter its doors, or another use may be required, but as the only tennis and racquetball facility in town that doesn't appear to be the case. There have been no meetings informing members of that possibility, The future development of the property may reduce the effectiveness of the city's multi-million dollar investment in the Petaluma River flood control project, a joint venture between the city of Petaluma and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, There is already a flooding problem at the PVAC location. The parking lot regularly floods during heavy storm systems, and the Club has used sand bags at top of Its steps to protect the building, Most recently the club was closed on Sunday due to flooding, The health club building has a small footprint, Th. test of the land is undeveloped, with a pool, tennis courts and a basketball court, all SUrrounded by lawn and gravel areas. It may not be an appropriate location for future development. The Church intends on tearing out the tennis courts and developing the remaining four acres, That could mean less undeveloped land tot, absorption, or to act as retention ponds, which uneans it could create more flooding to other businesses and residences along the Petaluma River. I IMMUNE!. 00, -4 Future traffic may be worse if the rezoning is allowed. A school and church at tll--. PVAC location would add to the traffic frustration of ■. citizens, creating possible gridlock during certain hours and pushing more traffic onto the other overcrossings. The traffic gridlock that developed during the construction of the new overpass at Old Redwood Highway shows how dependent the city is on Corona Road. The gridlock will only get worse with 30 crossings each weekday for the new SMART train service and development of the Corona Reach with a train station, the Brody housing development and future infill, There could be safety concerns, The Corona Road overcrossing, has only one lane in each direction, Any gridlock makes it difficult for emergency vehicles from the Petaluma Police Department or Petaluma Valley Hospital to pass over Corona ■ to respond to emergencies at Kenilworth Junior High School, Cinnabar Elementary School or other locations. A NNIM111 ILIUM M the only option, but there are probably better locations tot, the 360 Church and its school. Please deny this change In zoning and the conditional use permit, keep the CUrrent zoning for the more compatible Use as a recreational facility. 613= ml,� R& — The following members asked me to add their name to this letter: Robin Gupti Barry Nicol, Vera Fonarow, Peter Hale, Ryan and Lisa Wilkins. I M From: Jenny Christensen -jjntc@9comcast.n(A> Sent: 'fuesdayi Ji-inuary 10, 2017 5131 PM To, Rabbe, 'riffany Subject: I'VAC meeting tonight I am objecting to the rezoning of the PVAC area. First of all, a school ShOUldn't be in a flood zone. Secondly, the traffic would be greatly impacted by a school, having heavy traffic in the morning and late afternoon affecting commuters and others. Corona is I of only 3 cross town connectors, I would also hate to see PVA C go, as my family greatly values our membership there, I WOUld support efforts to keel) it a social and recreational fitness facility, if sold. ,Jenny Christensen LaLt(iCa-)comcast,net M Crump Kati Frorn: caqwq Me Sent- Monday, January 09, 2017 1038 AN) To: Clump, 0,itio Subject: FW, N-MiAlf-lizi Valloy Athletic 0 b Froni: led Clark [tit J( ct -,; le, cor I �? (Jqt�lq-�a 9 Sent: Sunday, Ninuary 08, 2017 5:57 PM To. - City Uerk Subject: Putalunia Valey Athlotic Duh ].)car (3airc I hope I ani sonWng his though the correct chanuels- I -vasa iuciukv ca dic Rancho Arroyr Athle6e (Ott. I to A vrias M K Me cuumt ownem vfMaNaia Valley AM& Club. We luive bean inumben, of I'VAC'foo- niiiiy many Years. I hear they,mant to sell the bushiesn U) a cMtuvh Init would first have to get the City to rezone the facility. I stranp)y request UK Me City of Y%taluimt not do this;, J don't think we should rezone this athletic club out of business. I thidn TO ZORing shoWd stay in plate and if the OWLIMS WMA h) Sell tfiCir bUSiJ.)CSS they ShOUILISull it as an .11,111CUC. eftllr), f mAll spajw you the reciting ofhow few pools, tern -us courts, and 1'a k�qUotball facilities there are in Petaluma, I think changint, be rasa og rules to call vv a alittreh to btW a alhWtk club is riot in the bc�st interest cif:` 1. sinentely IM Jed Clark Sales (butia Vbwi( ,tsar 415 EGIA3431 Chy of Petalunin reMs, incl cling wndk, at sdjmt M the MUM NNW Records AM AM cxmnptbns 1111fly, this L'Inail, any n1tachnients and any ivpLics Marc. sublet b) disdisure (mi request, and nuithel, Ulu 'setu'lct- nor any recticuts should have my expecUttion orpHowy re;yRfinp. tile conlents of'such conunuttirations. Aq��jcjjrrtunt RESOLUTION 2017-03 CITY OF PETALUMA PLANNING COMMISION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE RANCHO ARROYO BUSINESS PA,RK PCD ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS FILE NO, PLZT-16-0003 WHEREAS, by (Didincince, No. 1568 N.C.S., the Rancho Arroyo P,C,[), wcjs (_,ieulucl in 11,183. After APN 048-080-022 wcjs viddcd to the Rancho Arroyo P.C.D in iY85 (I.jy Df-cJfnqnco 16a a31( carat c -ally -1 ecisi sltl parceN W("'i'e remov�ucl to form Wie Auto Center P,C,D iri 1988) (hy Ordirionce 1/48;, 1huse- parcels Ihal ronic-lin wilhin 01c, Roricho Arroyo P.C.D. area &sessor's Parcel numhor� eN'N): a 007-412-034, 047, and 0,1K 0 150-060-001 through 031, 0 150-020-008, also known as 85 (.`.orona Road, , 'those portions of 007-4 12-031, 033, U36, 03/ und, 038, 048-080-,029, 150,0'2Q,01 /, 018, 024, and 0" 5' arld ffirough 013, rini designated cis Flc�oclwcjy by the curr(wt FIRM and o 00?-41�4)23, I he Denny's to[ of 41,'81, 1 'rjicilumci Boulevard North"and WHEREAS, In C)c1oher 1983 the (11y Council by Nosolukori 9936 ac-lopic.-cl Ranclici Arroyo FCD Zoning Disirict Regulafiars for the 0hove mentioned r1roa; cind WHEREAS, in July 1?86 Vic! Oily Conndl by ResohAon 84-188 rovisecl the aforementioned regddioris fo inch-lde new car decilerships cis n conditinno! U -SO itl of-ld WHEREAS, it) May 1992 thc,, City Cound by Resolution 92-114 revisod tho cifommordioned re.,guluflons to ntodify Iho, sc-1back rogulalions of suction 1-1.1: and WHEREAS, In August 2016 Chedson Chcjtfesrton on he-hcilf of 360 Church submfttf`:Cj an appIj(:(sii()n to reviscd tho aforomonlionad rc.,guldions to modified the l',(",D, ktgulations to inclucle, soli -fly of tho 85 Corona Road parcol (APN 150-020 008, currortly FIVAC) Comr-nunily Menting Focilily (hcloding Religious Facilltjo-,5) and �chaol as C.OndltiOncl LJSc,S; CIL)d WHEREAS, cin (­,xisfirig small (Aernative high school (­:xislS Ol Iho opl.x-61c oxlremily of Ilam PC -n on lends nwriecl by fhci Sonorrin County Office. of Echication, and SCOF, hus exprossed interest in cieso havirig School added cir a condifioncif use of their 13.55 Indusitiul Avca lc -)cation; arld WHEREAS, the uppiicani-indiated PCD n10-diliC0110r1 ff`,c.JLjesi leci lo olhor PCD Roqnlalion 11r1ocjificc1ii0f1.= ho p)roAdo 1-xirkinq ratios for fho row c-ondifional uses. to c Wness/Heallh I-odIlly ljst. to utilize, the PVAC space vic) a Corldific-mul Use pelmil, cm -id to 4 -r -prove tt­ic) forrriolling en nd updatu cilulions und udd procudurul kimpluqu, fc) 111u, PCD Rogulcitions (these modiPcolionsarr fjorcin torinud us Ilic "(�vf�socioled P(I'D upcicitos"); WHEREAS, the projec-t is ccflecloricaIly exernpi front (701ifOrni(A IJ1Vl10t1rr1C!ntd QU(Ilily Act ((.'.F0A),unc.Ier;roc ion 15001(b)(3) (Roviewfor ExH_-riplion, Gcmo�fcjl Rule) of Iho(.,'F0A GuJidedines ihore is no possibility that II -1c upplic-cifion to amend the Rancho Arroyo PCD ivioy Wivo o -siJNficr.1111 effc.�ctor tile envircrimer-11; and WHEREAS, the Plctnnhl 'j Comrn!SSiOn I'Add Q dUly, n0fiCCd puLAc hc.arirq to (:onsidi-,,r Iho proposed PCID n-iodificoliorts on _lcmuory 10, 201 /; and Plurmlrq CopT)rnis5k-,,n Resolullon Hr..'201103 5" Pugo I INHEREA1 a curN of TO public'. nolice wos lxgAlsheci in Hie, Argos C.ouiier and ITICAHed 10 ruddenh and ucxiqxxds WfFrin 500 WA Of 85 (Ad Coicitici Ruud as well (is to residenk und occupriols willhi 500 foul of Hie RaWict Aucqr) Bminess Park in canpkAKU vOM skate cind kx.,11 low, k Hlo foregningrnclcils ore frUeOnd C011W hejuin byintererwou, h)r5tiont to General Plan Policy 1-P-1, the pyposed lisping of C.'oovounity Mecling Forility ond School as ca condition use al 85 Uld Corcino tind of School (it 135b Indusirkil Avi,-,, will ollow for, groator flexibility in Me conMued no of Mo two WMAg bufklWq, Cu. Pursuant to bliplemenling Zoning Ordinaticc, 1"Icinned UnH Usidist and ['1anned C"arnmunity Distticl Section 19.030, flic, prop osod uddithm Of Wes possible cit 85 Old Corona Road and 1355 Indusirial Avenue vice a CoridilkirwiI Use I-)ci i nit cind the associalled upciate5 does not allbct Hie chtlity at Me PCD io remdr) corriplaint with ho required findings in fhcjl; 1. Wiff-i said tyi--n the porrytilted U -SOS (At -id Infent of the Ranc.ho Arroyo Business Park will coritinuo, withoui cilic-,rricition and thUS fh(-� PCFJ will conlinue to reqAt hi a nRon de*ubb LISC 01 1( -11 -ICI cJrj(j (11 f)(flTor FAWsical environiveN Hxvi, mk= he rmssiblo undor orgy single, zoning district or combination cit zoning districts, and 'The (,'iddillot) of ines possible of 85 Corona Road cirici 1355 industricil Avenue via ci C-ondificitirll Use I"Orri-lit, and ihC. OSSOciated PCID updcites, ropreserils no Irnpucl belween Rcincho AfTayo porc-cls and thoroughfores. AlB Rancho Arroyo parcels conllnuo to havca Ihc scime. adc.quak, occc-s to roadways, Including lho parc_-ols seolking Ito, addition of now conclitiorrial vsos: 85 Chl Corono Road and 1355 Indushial Ave. The chsc:reflonciry Conditional Use Porn,iit process for succi a new Ime would callow (i focusod royiew of traffic irripacts rolclied to the Specific jxoj(�Ct. I The addilion of ums possib1c; cit 85 Old C'orona Road ,-)r 135,5 Industrial Avenue vita (I Conditiotiol We PeW not Me ussociated PCD upcicifes. will not caffecl Rancho Arroyo's ability Ica present a unified and ort onized cirrongenw-,`nf of buildings and service fucRifies which carr`: appropiaIe in rdation h actRwent ond nearby propeW and that include adequale landscuping uridlo( screenino -to insure: compatUltly. PCD slariclafcJs regorclinq site plun and cdirchitccfurcll rovic,,w roquirornonts, setbcicks, and landscaping n3ritain in affec_;L The, larc)posed oddilion of uses possir)Ic, vki 4-,l CUP will enable a user such cis ache. 360 Chut(Ji, fu apply to ullilkv 85 (Ad Conxio RcJcacl, formerly Pe'durinia VaRcay Alhielic. ClUb (FIVAC). As Rio use of 85 (Ad Corotia o(.id fias, sitic,c, orklindl consiruclion iii IVY9, oporaled vin a cc)ndifioncil rasa perrnii cis a commercial r(-(,-rc;ciHon facility, this slio h(is nover contril.-)ti loci o principally permitted use, to he Rancho Arroyo PCD. Lf-frof.tly bef-x-ji,mc., of ho parcel's NoWon Tom the rest of the PCD carer, the dist1rict opelvition of he purcel has pi,won no noqativot ln-ipcict lo the herifity of of cohesivaness of Vic, Rancho Arroyo Businoss Pal. As the c of J355 IndUSIrial Aveenur_ has, i:iricce origiric-fl commhuchon in about 20OZ op aerated cis a small hiql-, school, this rile has nc,,v(--,-r t ca piricipagy poi-rnitted use to Me Ranctio Arroyo 11110;. and ciddVig ScliocA to Ity) INt (if C( , x1ditiol vul Uses at ims porccA is not cjnitc_-if-x.H­E-,acI 10 r -I 6he9citi'v(,� inilxicl to Ifh44 Rancho A"oVa PCJ-). rho addition of use's posAtMe vki ci ConcHtional Usc,• l'crniiI cind ffic, assockitod PCD updatos Will hove no irnpac-I with rogarci lo tho naiural cind sce0c cpaliTios of tho Rancho Arroyo sile, available public und pOvato spocos dosIgntited by W.incho Arroyo rennin urichc.lnged. No s1ructmes or phyAccd hniorovornmA3 are IN-oposed, There is rK) unkiijk� limitafion on Community Mceting lbcMiy or S(Jivot, Un circhifeeKa or the maticigenienli thereot, that wauld provent or hypok the use horn Complying with oppliccible We arvJ bijUding dasign slcjndordoullitiod in the zoning District Roc ,plctions for the Rancl-ro Arroyo PCD ond ihe, 110. 4. While no dovolopilloW is ony future, dovoiapmeni Of 85 Corona Road Or tho other Rancho Aiiuyo purcols shall rernaiii sut-)jecl to sins plan and archilectlurcil rt-.--,-vjow and to lho-se slondaids of tha Rcinchn Arwyo PCD, AcIcardingly, future. devebpme.nl Wilhiri Roncho An -(,.)yo will rlob(-", to ihe public welk.ire, will be in the best iniorests (A the City, und will be in koloping Wilh [he rjonerul intent card spirit of the zoning regulations of HIE) (Ily Of Will -I fho Gonet-(A Plan, and w0h any upplicable pilans adopled by lh(i; City. A similar assombly use that gonerafe�s a sirnil(II level of ac-livily arld that includes oncillufy use of ot-ddoor recreaflon (,,.wea comme(dol te,cootlond facilities - originally intondad to accornmodale, Ilia Rcincho Arroyo Racquel Clob (now CCIIIC-'(J petalumu Valley AlhIctic. Cluh) is alroady pi-niRlod al nfl Infs within ]he Roncho Atroyo 11(-.D, it -)o newly pr(. -)p(). od ("otidiflonal usos al ou'llying Us WHI not prevent ]he, Runcfio Arroyo PCD Irom su'winq HS of..,nlrol purposo: In promoto ninn-, hctrmonious ctnd coordincliod induslriol dovoloprilord, 1). Iters Rcsncho Arroyo fil(:I) Zoning Uisfrid KegiAnlions, cnshown in Exhlbit I of this Rc.,selution and on filo in the Planning Ojvision, caro: heroby rnodificd pursix-lni to Se�c.Jion 19 ccf fho lrnpfemerd Zoning Ordinclnc(-,;. I I a v town Commission Member I At Bonedeffi-Petnic RIM Lin Vice Chair Marzo Pierre Wolpert No Absent Zsialln x x x x x X -7- ATTEST: J d F Iflnu,% Q n-i11d55lon Socrelcify APPROVI'D AS TO FORK Lisa fennonbaurlY, Assistant City Attorney III(II alh(I 11MISSIOrl RF,�scllu fiw-1 Nc,, 201/-03 Nige 'I ' I RESOLUTION 2017-04 CITY OF PETALUMA PLANNING COMMISSIO1 4 �"lotie%l low, qq Attao(it)icilt 6 WHEREAS, fir prepaing lhc Raticho Arroyo Hwslno�ss Pork f1CJf1f)Cd COlOrTILItIlly L)kNi('l (R(Iricho Arroyc.) PQ)) airx;ndr-ncnt, slaff 1donfiliod lhol thu Dunfry's r(-,JcjuranI parc-ed al 4936PQ1lf..1ILJrna Blvd Noilh (AIIN 00/ -41? -.023) w(, -is rozonod fron) i-Ilghwoy cot-nmotdol to the, Randro Arroyo P(j) in 19813 by Ordinanco, No. l5f8 KC -S-: and WHEREAS, ]h(-,, j--)ropc,,Tly al 4986 Potaluma Blvd North was included in lh(,, Rfxicir) Arroyo I.I(A) by listiri,--j of its assessor's poicel numi---,cr bcllh w0hin Ordinonco- Noc 1558 NX --S: and wilhin Rosolutioli Y938 which approvc-d the PCD Develof-)men! Pcarr and Regufalior-is, asi wall (-,is ils do-piction c)n the I'( ---D illcIp included cif Exhil.-)it A of Resolulion 99381i and WHEREAS, 4-icmsislemil will; the above, the 7oning Nicip hiss depicted tho parc ol will) a Corrifflot-C-i0l zonirig desiqf iciliai i sit F the Mos; (Ind WHEREAS, puf.wuril lu Implen ren fir ig Zoning Ordirrance §2,050, the City's Planning Comr-nission held c.I duly noticed poblic, heaiing on -1cunuarV 10, 201/, which iiiducled consideraiion of 11re, Zoning Mop Airrendmeni to reg /orre iho pauccl la C2 lo be consisforit wilh Me Zoning Map dopic-Ton, al which time :all inforoblcxl parfiohad tht--j opportur-lily 10 bc, fiecri-d; arld WHEREAS, Zoning Orclinalic.-c" §25.010 provickn for ?onincj Amt,,rdirietils; urid NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Plonning Cor -mission cis follows: A, The foragoing rocilak, circ, Irr-u ond cotred uird Incorpoi,ciled herein by reterence:, pursuavil lo linplemen lit rg Zoning §25.050, the Planninq Commission mcon-miends Ificit the oily (-oundl cdor-A /oriinc.j M(,*,) Amundi-munt to r(Aiiovc, the parcell f[ -(.)n-. tho Raticho Airoyo Business Parl, PCD and formally dc;sigrinfc it as Courancicial 2, cis depicted by the Zoning Map, bused cm IharS followinq firidirign: Th,-. pmpnsodi Zoninq Amondn-ler-li is collsistorit With the, polalmlict Pion I-oird Use map Which dc-siglic-lic"s tho land cls Neghhot-hood Cnlnnicrcir fl. y. Tho Cornmorf.Jol losing designation is. more- cjppioprlatca than tho Rancho Arroyo BLYs11-1(33S ('ctrl; PCD do,,ilgrialion hie--;cuusn: (A� Tho parcel hu', franfoqc un hAoluilla Boulevurd Nolih, orl cirk-nicil Skeet Willi ct ("orlifl-low'Jul usago pallu,,ri, Norio of 1ho Rancho Arfclyo paicers locx-= Pellatirmo l3oi-linvard Nollh, ond 1.11 1110 porcol has boom devc,lopod In a commer-cial munner us a restcurafit rrce 1969� Tho current and for(Ilsorxible use of 11-10 parcol i -s cis q cor)-ili'lu'rcial r0S[CjLjrc.mk A it,,)sfaur-ani [S Q Prjj J-nijjQ1-j LJSe at,Jjjhln the corilmorcial -/c)nincj clistlid but prohibitex-1 by ihe Rancho Arroyo K,'D� plarinflig Cornmission Resoluliun rqo. 2OU-04 9- hige I I Ther pro[')oscd /Onin-cl Mcip Al)iondrnvnt is (,--,onsistora win -s rwl)lic. noc':�.ssity, find qonoral woltfirr,,, box-:('111so it will ollow fhf-,' OpjF'r('jljr)jj of a ijs(:: lhal hu, hisloricully or.-ctajpk'd the Subject properly. C' ileo Halinlilq C-ornrylission roviowed IN- CJpjr)li(;cjfion und etc icr:rrrlined it so he C_Citoqorially Exornpt froin lhe Colifornio Fnvironnw-,.ntnl Quality Act (('_[-:QA) pursuciril to C'EQA Guide[ines- § 15301 (FA.Sling FOCIllik-,A) and not Subject R) any exceptiol is lo usc! of (,I (;r: k,-Uorical ExerrilJ11011 providod ot ('FQA GuifIC"tinos § 1,5300.2 (Fxcepliol')S). The 1:)r( I(. _jf1IV(r)jVeS (_Ill C � �Xj� 'Jil)g Cl 'VC i 1()I:) j propr)HY, would nwike 110 physiccil chancle in the envirojirm-lnt, and would not expand the oxistin�j i'm.,% No oxce'pfion io the use of o categovicol exf�,,vipfion is pre,ewit sin(. -c, the project is not iocotod in n sonsifive, location, is not the, result of (I sljccc:ssiori of Similor project 1(--isuffing in CUDIL11CAW ilrflpnotS.. I -)CIS in() J( - 5 �) it of reS fing ill C1 (AkO. it rlOt YiSibl asoncible pcssilil y Sd N from a sconic highwoy, is not loccited on n hazorclous wasic s4o, c.:ind wotild nW oltor (A historic r(--,,.s0LJ1'C6'. Commission Member Aye No Absent Abstain Councilmember Albertson x Benedetti-Petnic x Chair Gome.z x w. -Lin x Vice Chair Marzo x Pierre x Wolpert x Diohi`a Go­mey, C11 air AJTE5T: APPROVID AS 10 FORM: I liri(-r,,s, Col' Mission SecreOciry H -so Tannenb6irn, Assislont City Alforriey I'lanning C"ammi5slul Rf-.3v,)I1jjiojj &- : l7ehrUary 1, 2017 Oear City ('ounQil Mcnibers, My liarne is Colton Irving and I ani the fomider of 360 Church of Petaluma and Harvest Christian School, First off, I want to thank yoti liver your service to this great city. I know that there is as lot (ifilliNial'OrulatiOn Out thCI'e regarding our church, the school tind PVAC arid I would,just lilts to clarify a f'ew things bef'orc, You make your decision repi-ding the amcildrimit to 85 Old Corona Road. I wmit to give you a little (Willy hard kiro nind I g SO thAt �01.1 1-111derst.ind that this is really albout oor collinuillity, the people and theii-jobs, I was horn and raised in Pclalornai. Other than college, I haven been here my whole lila. I'll 2004, 1 wasasked to come it) a board tilcetilig for Petaluma Cliristim-i Academy located on 705 N, Webster. When I went to tile Illectin it, 'g" tile board inembers expressed that they Nvere considerim, closing the s school ( -lim had peen airom)d since 197T At the time, it ])ad 188 stridents and I tell that it jast needed a f`cvvchmgcs, but it COOld lie StIVCCL fly LhC newt board a iceti ag the board members were all crying, they all resigned and lmndcd me file keys and askin8 me to try to save it. The school was $150.000 ill debt io as bm* in Kansas and they did not even have the nioncy to pay the teachers what was owed Ilitit surnmer in 2005, T'he follow In dav I wrotc a letter to the bank in Kansas askino them to forgive the debt lbr$l 0.0W lt'tbQy would (k) that then t COUld be find as way to save the school. They wrote bacIc and said they would be hr. noted U.) take $10,000 and hoped that Christian C(ILICLItiOn WOUld stay in the conimUllity. The IICXt (Jay I mise $245,000 tili-onglIOUt (Ile commanity and paid the teachers. I then called as mecting with the parents of the school ,ind oil that night 15 parent: showed op representing 27 kick I told them that I was going, to chati-c the jim-tic (o 1. birvest Christian School and i i'the would give mea chancu, I LI y I)elicvcd I could build a good sc.hool. At the time I \wis a sales rep making $1%000 a year and at the height. ol'nay career. I decided to qnit and help the school, Imancing myself the first year. The sccond year the enrollment began to grow and I was mmucd the I,XCCLI(iVC DiFCCtOt, I hired. a principal and stal.T. as needed. The first vear everything was going great Lintil we weeived as letter from 1he Baptist Church that we were renting froin. Tficy were not going to ex(elld mil. lQme and Willited Lis to leave immediately. At that point in 21006, the school was paying $j,800 ni(:)nihly react. I be am to work with Michael Moore and Kiin Jordon from the City Planning Departillent. pursuing the. Sola Optical building 11 500 Cader Lane). Michael and Kim thOLIght this was a great ;)IIQC for ns to go. hilt ;Ififf aI Yell-, 111LIIIII)IC traffic studies, environniental impacts sladics and the fact 1hat it was the Supedund site it all cndcd, Kirn and Michael wvcrc very sorry that they believed it WOUILI Work OUL hart We Were left with no place to go and 60 day-, to find. a school. -17he $100,000 that we licid raised flor the 7_1 bLlildillg Calflpkligll hild 1111 hCCn spout oil the, Sola Optical site. In tile end it yielded nothim,, and we were on the Verge of closing the school again. Verge Kim and Michael mentioned as man named Jim Happ who had some availabic, space and 111OW1,11t ONO it Might Wol'k Out to move I larvust Christian there. I Nvent there that night and toe-( with .11111 11app, I 1C said to Contact [lie owner tile ]text moriling ',o I lilet vVith the owner. Jim f)crrybct-i-y arid lie. ended tip renting us the spne al, 3700 Lakeville I 1\vy, Kim, Nfichael and I rushed through as CUP and I did a $ 1 million remodel in 52 days for S, 100,000 that I had raised (110 WCCh IICI'01-0 With 1111,11tilAC failli I iCS it] the CO III M III) I ty helping accomplish this. To this day it is lino vii as (lie, 52 -day miracle of Harvest Christian School. I lowever, Kim, Nlicllacl, tile I kIrvo:st Bom'd and rnyselfalways belicved, that this was as temporary place since Lakeville flighway can be as bit pivcarious and it was ill as commercial building. Since 2006, 1 have, continued to look, roc as permanent facility. In 2009 T started 360 (111.11 -Ch OfTetalutila and resigned my position Its Executive Director at the school. The school had. a great 121'01.11) 01, Staff alld board rnunhus over it. I lowever, I did remain oil the FXeCtltiVe Board for the BUilding Corujillucc frying;. to find it permanent solution- Ill 2012 1 received as $1.6 nilillon donation :liar the church to buy the old Norflibay Constnuction propeily (879 & 901 Lindberg La ale & 431 Pavran St.) and helleved this would solve all the problems. I planned to bring the school there, but it ended up that zoning WOUld [lot permit as school. *file church did moverorward with the purchase, but Harvest remained ill ',,I tOLI-h SitUati011 paying,$'22,000 as month For rent, We knew it vvould not be sustainable. This past year., I was a pproac lied by as fricild who believed that the Petaluma Valley Athletic Ch -ib nii--,,ht be a good fit, for the school. I ptirsued that lot- Ow school, but the SC11001 coUld riot aff'ord it oil their own. Considering that the city Would not likv me talking ,heather S8 million of property 01.11. OfthC tax base ill the indUSIFial ZOIIQ 1010111 hl this mioI- llt be a good fit f'or both the school and the church. This tall brides us tea whore N are. tio%v. 'We are asking kil- the amendment to allow churches arald ,;Cllools at 85 Old Corona Road ill the Ratictio Arroyo) Business 11,irk- Passing this amendment is also a condition of closing escrow with the owners ofl"VAC, I have cone to know Rob and k1larflia through this negotiation and they arc won&rfifl poople. They joist cannot subsidize (.]its location any longer. I believe that you will also receive as letter from them expressing! ftal they tried to sell 11 to several parties before the chinfli and school, hill in the end we were (lie only buyer. I say all (his it) give you tile backdrop ot'how long the IxIth has been. fil tile file from Till'ally. I believe that you will find that we will not make a traffic Impact, bw its fact we will lessen the traffic ill that, area. Attaclivd, you will also find as sheet explaining the lax bencRI to the city liar` this project. Ill Consideration of all of thisI truly thank you for your consideration Cor this arneminient. Lastly, I do walit You to each. understand what is at stake fir all of us: I. 11,11-vcst Christian Sdlooi wovild he unable to suslintio the $22,000 rent any longer and will have to close its doors in the sunimcr of -201 8, Its eurivit 13 (otichers alid SUI)I)Ort SttlffWill Al lose thOirJOI)S. 1 lob and INIaNha (PVAC o wncr,�) ,will likely have to declare bankruptcy and the PVAC building Will likely sit for years dilapidating, 3s Non-prolit 360 Church ofl)ctalurna will 1-cillaill Willi its. 8 aciv:', in the middle of town, not a part ol'the Ilax. base. Additionally, the city would not receive the benefit 1roin the sale of 871) Lindberg, Matic. or 95 Old, Corona Road. 4. Marl Benson, who is willing to Ilona le $3 million to this project, will have no raced to donate. SO ill closing, Please Consider these Facts an.d consider the best for the church, school, the city and for Rob and Martha when rilakingn YOUr decision. I'liank you, ("'CAtorl Irving Fa- Under of300 Church ol"llcialunla Founder of I larvcs( Chrisdan School Altachincut TA Below is listed what 360 Leadership would be willing to do to receive an amendment and CUP for a school and a Church at 85 Old Corona Road. We currently are selling three properties at the following price,,;: 431 Payran Street for 4.4 million dollars LEEMLMMMM= 901 Liudberg Lane for 1.6 million dollars Two of these properliesare Currently under n0o-PrOfit status and the city does not receive property tax from them, We Would be willing to concede to not sell those - three properties to another tax exemption non-profit company, Below is a general overview of [lie taX Lluestion that many PVAC menibers have brought tip as a reason to oppose this project. Rob and Martha Domont purchased Petahu-na Valley Athletic Club SOMMIICIT in the late nineties for around a million dollars. If we sell roughly 10 miltion, dollars of property that enters back into the tax base, not to mention the company or companies that purchase the properties will also bring other revemie streatris to the city, and in return We PUrChd.Se the Doniont's property for around) million dollars and receive a Church to exemption, that would yield a 4 million dollar property tax increase to the city. Also, the ftict that we occupy 7 acres of prime industrial property that would return back to the industrial zone for industrial uses which we know the city would like to have becaUSO of the lack of industrial space available in Petaluma. Harvest Christian School also occupies 18,000 square feet of prince, office location on Lakeville Highway.The owner does not receive a tax exemption on the SC11001, but they school would be MOVing Out which would make it, possible for onother coinpany for-profit to coms in and rent the space we currently occupy, We consider this tel be a generOUS Concession being that we have had non -profits consider making, an offer currently on our properties. Thank you for -your consideration on this iriaUer- 360 Church I,eadQrship COILC)11 It'Vit-ig (707) 779-2320 coltoiiii-vingCcl)yritioo.cot-ii m wonm 111�1 Dear Mr. Irving; Aft0chl11cl-if 7,13 As requested, W -Trans has completed a preliminary comparison of the potential trip generation associated with the proposed 360 Church as compared to the existing Petaluma Valley Athletic Club that is located at 85 Old Corona Road, p.m. peak hour. The proposed conversion of the athletic club to a church use is therefore expecte to result in On fw�e�L� t #2-n6im- i`ewer p.m. peak hour trips, The trip generation comparison is indicated In Table 1. Note, ksf -1,000 square feet of building area Because the project is expected to result in fewer trips on the roadway network than currently exist, it can reasonably be expected to have a less than significant, and in fact beneficial, Impact on traffic and circulation. Thank you for giving W -Trans the opportunity to provide these services. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, FESS 1 00 Z Lauren Davini, EIT C-) Assistant Traffic Engipeer T 12 FT C Dalene 1. Wlufttrk, PE, PTOE op Principal DJW/19d/PET208.L1 Swtallosa,(,MY1401 704542,9`.M w-transcurn SANTA ROSA - OAKLAND ® SAN JOSE 7-5 ........ . .. .. .. gz' Land Use Units Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Rate Trips Rate Trips Rate Trips Existing Athletic Club (ITE #493) 16.E ksf -43,00 -714 -2.97 -49 -5.96 Proposed Church (ITE #560) 16.6 ksf 9.11 151 0,56 9 M5 9 Difference i-563 -40 -90 Note, ksf -1,000 square feet of building area Because the project is expected to result in fewer trips on the roadway network than currently exist, it can reasonably be expected to have a less than significant, and in fact beneficial, Impact on traffic and circulation. Thank you for giving W -Trans the opportunity to provide these services. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, FESS 1 00 Z Lauren Davini, EIT C-) Assistant Traffic Engipeer T 12 FT C Dalene 1. Wlufttrk, PE, PTOE op Principal DJW/19d/PET208.L1 Swtallosa,(,MY1401 704542,9`.M w-transcurn SANTA ROSA - OAKLAND ® SAN JOSE 7-5 Attachment 9 Dear Council Member, Por us, you can imagine, how this is one of the most important letters we have ever written, so please excuse its length. Martha and I are the current owners of the property at 85 Old Corona Road (PVAC). We wanted to be clear with that we are supportive of the modification to our PCD Zoning that the Planning Commission recomrnended for approval at the March 6- meeting. We are hopeful that the City Council will grant their request and approve a change to the Rancho Arroyo PCD zoning regulations to add Church and School to the list of conditional uses for our property. As You may recall in 1998 we went in search of a business to buy to create a future and a source of retirement for L15 and to find a business where we could help others in need. When we came upon Rancho Arroyo, it was in a deplorable condition, 4 months behind in the mortgage and was about to go into bankruptcy. We knew immediately that this was the business we wanted to take on and that Petaluma was the town where we wanted to dedicate ourselves to growing our future and helping others. We purchased the business and property with the Bank allowing us to assume the current loan and borrowing money from our family. We took a membership of tinder 300 and grew it to over 1,000 over the coming years. We are family-oriented people and we treated everyone who walked in like family, providing a safe environment for people of all ages, to live a healthy lifestyle. We worked 14 hour days, 7 days a week for years to make our drearn a reality while helping others. We know that we have saved lives, made people happier, gave them a safe refuge and paid Our good fortune back in every way we could think of to individuals and our Petaluma community. We have offered free memberships for any individual going through cancer treatment as a haven to float in the pool or take exercise classes or a place to get Out of their own house for a while. We have had countless birthday parties, receptions and memorials, as well as raising money for individuals and groups, even as recent as the fire victims by the Washington Street exit to 101. In 2014 we were Proud to be named Small Business of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce, where we shared with other honorees that were also PVAC members and friends, such as Jude Prokoff, Henry Lasky, Cas Banaszak, and the President of the Chamber of Commerce at the time, Tony Sarno, A few years prior to this, we held out hope as the community got together to keep corporate bookstores such as Barnes and Noble and Borders out of town to protect Copperfield's that this same support Would be forthcoming for us as well. When Club One was approved, we knew that it would only be a matter of time before other clubs Would carne to Petaluma as well. We knew that two or more clubs in town could not support the financial levels that were necssary to maintain profitability for Our type of business. This knowledge was confirmed when Club One becarne Active and then was bought by St, Joseph's Health. When City Sports opened their doors at a price of $35 a month, although our fees were grossly under market for a four -acre Club with so many activities, we lost more and more members to the cheaper club in town. As we stated at the Planning Commission hearing, we have tried for almost two years to find another buyer. We spoke to a number of individuals and a number of big club operators, both regional and local to see if there was any interest in our, property. Not one was interested, not one person or group, as the competition with the Big Box Clubs was too Much. We also M discussed this with various nae rnbers of PVAC that were interested in making it a morriber- owned club.'rbe discussion quickly ended when no one was able or willing to guarantee a mortgage and investment. It is a great idea, but financially not a practical one. There has not been one car dealership that has expressed interest in our property either. Since the Planning Cormilission meeting there have been three different P VAC members inquiring about purchasing the property to keep it an athletic facility, None of them had the financial ability or desire to proceed. I do know of some looking at the Old Adobe Golf Course as a possible .Solution for a club, of which we have been very SLJPPOI'tiVP-. Since the Planning Commission meeting on January 10,,^, and even before as knowledge of this possibility becarile Public information, our business has been financially impacted in a very negative way, with people leaving, prospective members not joining and staff looking for other jobs and leaving too, It has enhanced our feeling that there is no other alternative for us than to support the sale of this property. We cannot see any other alternative than to sell this property to the Church if the City Council will allow them to have a zoning, addition to include Church and School as conditional uses on our property. If the proposed changes do not pass, we do not know what we will do after 19 years of serving Petaluma and helping it to be as better City than whet) we arrived, One thing we do know is that it will be devastating to us. We Would like to add Our thoughts Oil some of the opinions that were brought LIP at the Planning Commission meeting, Although traffic does not have anything to do with this request to list additional conditional uses at our property, we think it is important to note that when Staff stated the current traffic usage of 1650 arrivals per week, this was based on a visit list with as membership of under 1000 adults. This was based on membership numbers in the Fall, one of the slower months of the year for our business. This was a number that was also based on the lowest number of memberships that the club has experienced in over a decade; in recent years MVAC had a membership of over twice that number. Additionally, Our visit list does not include the vast number of visitors that came, to the Club for daily events such as tennis matches, camps, swim lessons, and guests, where most would be driving in cars with only one person in them and most coming between the hours of 8:30 to 1pn-i. Although camps and swims lessons were mostly, but not exclusively field in the summer months, we can assure You that the weekly usage was well over 2,000 to 2,500 vehicle arrivals per week, mostly Monday through Friday, With all of the traffic we created there was never a complaint to our business or to nay knowledge to the City about the amount of traffic at tile Club. For the Church, and if there is a school, the vast majority of traffic., which is considerably less than what has been there in the past, would still be less than today. It should also be noted that there will be a reduction of traffic on Lakeville Highway, the school's current location, where the roads are heavily impacted with traffic and will be more so as new development is completed in that area. In the end, however, that is not really the point now as this is just about an addition to the current zoning. This brings up a very important issue, that although it was discussed that there may be or Would be an application down the road for a Conditional Use permit for a school, that is not what was in front of the Planning Commission or will be in front of the City Council at this tit -no. As we are all aware, this is strictly an addition to the zoning to add Church and School to the existing use of conditional uses at PVAC, nothing more or nothing less. We would hope we can all agree that schools are a positive asset for any COMMUnity. There is an opinion that this is not a good place for a school, which seers a subjective opinion based mostly either frons a prejudice against the closure of the Club or perhaps against organized religion or maybe it is just personal for those that will be affected by this vote. This community, as well as all com rnu Ili ties, needs public and private schools and places where values and positive traits can be taught to our community and future generations. By having a valuable asset such as this in the community it can only raise property values and create a better community, in general. of course, there are some that do not want it in their area, similar to people wanting low-income housing or a halfway houses for those in need, just not in their neighborhood, We think it is important to realize that this group has been looking for a location to build a positive faith based Church and School that has the samegeneral principles that we have had all these years operating as a Health Club. Please remember that the Club was at this location in 1987, before any of the other buildings or car dealerships. There is a school on Industrial just a few blocks north of our property, To my knowledge there is no objection frorn Henry Hansel and could possibly be great benefit and increased income to the City as well if this project is to be allowed. if there is a consideration of a loss of property tax revenue, the property tax that will come to the City from the sale of the current Church's two properties in another Industrial area on the south side of town will equal or surpass the amount of revenue that is paid to the City currently by PVAC. Therefore, we believe that this is not a viable reason to reject the application for a change in zoning simply to include a Church and School. The rnain opponent to this is a longtime club member of PVAC who does not want the club to change USage'r as there is not another location for him that allows his form of exercise. This individual wrote to me that he was objecting to this because he felt it was not a good place for a Church. When I wrote him back, I asked hinl One Simple question, "If your best friends owned the Club would you still be objecting to this? He never replied. It makes US wonder about the veracity of his intent. In closing, we want to say that we have loved the hard work and positive results that we have created over the last 19 year's in Petaluma, with Your help and the help of so many cithers. This is not what we had hoped would happen, but the business climate and corporate competition that corner with growth has changed the playing field. It is nothing new, but this time it is obviously personal. We need your help and ask that the zoning addition of a Church and .School be allowed, as this location will prove to be not only the only location available, but the best suited space, as well. We understand that some, would think it better if the Church and school were in a neighborhood filled with homes and sidewalks so people could walk to the facility, but the true reality is that people do not walk any more- T'hey drive cars, as children have after school events such as soccer, baseball and ballet. Tirne 5ct)edL)Iil7g for this generation of children is packed and well arganized, as we all have other places to go and things to get done, and even more so for those with more than one child. This property is close to the highway to help mitigate, street traffic away from neighborhoods where any traffic is not optimum for homeowners. it would be nice to see this beautiful area with a number of large growth Redwoods on the property and an institution that brings a positive environment to our community stay intact. What is truly the question in front of you is that Our 4 -acre property has been used since 1978 to provide a safe place for individuals, couples and farnllie5 of Petalurria residents to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. A place where people of all ages learned about different aspects of life be it sports, health, or even the baby5itting we did with education in mind, not watching television or playing video games, We helped others and were a resource for the patrons of this City. Now that we can no longer have this ClUb here, it would seem that this group will keep the Soul Of this location as a similar use, a place where others can learn and enjoy and create positive and lifelong memories would be a similar and best use for this location. in order for this to happen, it is Up to VOU to add the requested zoning of church and school to this property. Thank You for taking the time to read this. If You would like to discuss this further, we are happy to meet at Your MnVCIIiOVICC. Respectfully submitted, Rob and Martha Domont Owners Petaluma Valley Athletic Club 85 Old Corona Road Petaluma, CA 94952 Attachment 9 F'Orm,iry 22, 2017 Dear Couticilmeniher, .1 arn Writing oil beliall'ofimny Jamilles that have liad [lie benctit of using (lie facility at 360 Church. I do not attend church (here, but we emailed them and asked them il'we Could use (lie lawn and theirfacility fot- clicerle:ciding practice. This Would allow us.- to contintic ptnticcs oven irl the case ofrdin. 360 Church has been so welcoming, they I1,1VC 001 CVCn ChargCd LIS One dollar. We have been there practicin�,, for the past seven nAonths and I have seen several different youth organizations come through using their buildin,,, their lawn and other Ricilitics. t-1 I r(-cently read the article in the paper regarding PVA(-'. ff is my understandi rig that the church would like to move Iticre• and the. owneLs would like to sell. but without the amendment this will no( beallcmed, When I consider the lack 01'61CIUS-triat property in the city and see a fitness club whose closing is ciniTICTIt, it makes perfect sense to inove I he ChUrCh (here instead ol'oeCliffing SUCh a large I)OV-601) Ofthe illdUstrial property. It is also niv underst, nding tbal I larvest Christian S'chool will soon he unable to pay the high i-cnt at their current locatimi and will be in jeopardy of shutting down if it does not find as new hearses soon. When I asked tile. Church Wily thC SLIlOOI is not at the current facility they said the zoning, does not allow it. Apparently, they have Consulted with many city of) icials and the Lindberg, property zorling will never be arrictidod to allowschools. As a schoolmiclior and par nt here in the community, it seems that moving the church and school to the IVAC propQrty WOold he tile Hght move kir everyone, Including the city. I understand that the club mombers do not W3111 their club tea Close. but chanpc is a I)al-t Of CVCj-Y City. It is also Illy Understanding that the owners tried to sell it to their members and no one- c mi made an offei-. It sectriis, illogical to block this amendment based oil tile Complaints oft.lic I'VAC members. It secrns to tile that ti, church and school would be at great Fit fbi, the IVAC propetly. When the Target ShOppirlll' Centel, went, in and the [,ittle League field,; were lost. that Was arises as ch r anprernade for the greater good ol'the city, In, short, I ask that you would support this amendnlCoL as you have already madc changQs thi-OUghout this city that I 7 believe are liar the better, We necd non -profits, like 360 (i'11111-cil, that slippod," X_yj'S, Mentor Me, PIEFand many youth progi,ams. From a fiar I have watched the school and this church do nothing but titanate and h6p others wherever they call. I know that they have al,,o off'orod a considerable allIOUnt of free griefcounscling. 101' Many OfOLIF comm i till ty s families that have least .leaved ones. In consideration ol-everything that I have read in the nmspapct� etc., I helieve blocking this aniclidtlicilt wolild be 1.1111hir to Rob and Martha Doniont, (fie owners of PVAC'. Passing this aniend.ment would allow the DomonVs to sell their property, which they 1111601-tUnLItCly need to part with. I know many people have henefited Truni Iiindraiser.", Heart the athletic Club IMS 110ited. They have helped fivnilies in need, cancer victims and many Others Suffering from Lill sorts of tragcdic.s. To pvveut tficni fiorn taking advantage (11' IlliS all-ItILMIN henedicial opportunity seems unfor(unale when looking, at all they linvc dolle ror lhis comillunity. 'I'lic PVAC property already boasts a s0lool type altl1.1OSphQrQ Nvith as Swilitilling pool, 101111i'3COUrts, and baqlcetball courts. It does not scen) that this would be much difftn-ent whether it is as school or an athletic club, It generally Sel-VCS tile SaITIC I)LII-POSC SO it SCelllS logical it) allow as church aild school. It isalso my understanding that when (lie church bought the Lindherg propcily thait they drastically improved the grounds, , planted 40 plus (aces. and ,I(Idc(:I,AI)A walkways, If arty commissioners 'al -0 collect -tied about wallmble neiglihorhoods, and sidewalks etc., which. does not currently exist by PVA I, it would tic Wise to welcollic a group that has proven that they Nvill improve whatevQr area flicy occupy. So in closfiig, I would aNk that you Nvould uphold the amendment that the Planning Department alreudy supports and that the Planning C'ot nril ]'-,Si oil Voted fill. so as to allow dais beneficial ChallgC to OCCUt in Offs- city_ Ili ank you for taking the tinic to reviewrily tetter*, Sincerely, Heather Alniond Petaluma residence