HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 2.B. 03/07/2011�
March 7, 2011
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council through City Manager
Bob Patterson, Public Works Airport Manager
SUBJECT: Resolution Approving the Project Budget and Authorizing the Award of Contract
for Installation of Pilot Controlled Lighting and Replacement of the Rotating
Beacon at the Petaluma Municipal Airport
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the project
budget and authorizing the award of contract for installation of pilot controlled lighting and
replacement of the rotating beacon at the Petaluma Municipal Airport.
At its April 5, 2010 meeting, the Petaluma City Council approved application for and receipt of
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Airport Improvement Program (AIP) -21 grant funding
to support installation of pilot controlled lighting and replacement of the Airport's rotating
beacon. Mead & Hunt, the Airport's aviation consultants, completed the technical requirements
on October 7, 2010. In accordance with City policy, formal bids were solicited and subsequently
opened on Wednesday,-January 26, 2011, with the following results:
Tennyson Electric, Inc.
Wingard Engineering, Inc.
W. Brad]ey.Electric, Inc.
Studebaker Brown Electrical, Inc.
Installation of pilot controlled lightingmill be an addition to the present runway lighting system,
which currently operates by a photo cell and remains on throughout the late night and early
morning hours. This addition will create a savings for the Airport operating budget by allowing
the runway lights to be turned off at a pre - determined time, after which, pilots can remotely
activate the system to facilitate night landings. Replacement" of the rotating beacon will
eliminate. future costs associated with repairs. As noted in the following table, the estimated cost
of $26,875 is below the Engineer's projection of $27,500. Project funding is derived from the
FAA AIP -21 Grant of $25,531 (95 %) and the local match of $1,344 (.05 %), which is charged to
Agenda Review:
City Attorney
Finance Director City Manager
the Airport Budget. Work is to be completed 40 days after the commencement date stated on the
Notice to Proceed.
U `�
iBudget F,Y
�10 %11
Est�mated Costs
Construction Contracts
$ 25,000
$ 24,375
Construction Management
$ 2;500
$ 2,500
Estimated T6t Cost
$ 27,500
$ 26,875
Airp Ente rise
$ 1,375
$ 1,344
FAA. Grant
$ 26,125
$ 25,531
$ 27 500
$' 26 875
The FAA AIP -21 grant is for $25531.00: The local match of $11,,344.00 was included in the FY
10/11 Airport operating budget.
1. Resolution
2. FAA AIP -21 Grant -Award
at 11 '
WHEREAS, on July 27 2:010, the City was awarded a`Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) Airport Improvement. Program (AIP) 21 matching grant of $25,531.00 for installation of
pilot controlled lighting and replacement of the rotating beacon ("Project") and
" WHEREAS, in, accordance with the City of Petaluma Charter and Municipal Code,
California Public Contract. Code Section 20162 and other applicable law, City staff solicited bids
for the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project was bid on January 26, 2.011, and four bids were received and
opened in accordance with applicable law; and
WHEREAS, the lowest bid for the Project was from Tennyson Electric, Inc. for $24,375;
o and
WHEREAS,'staff has determined that Tennyson Electric, Inc.'s bid satisfies the bidding
requirements for the Proj ect and
; W
WHEREAS, staff has verified, Tennyson Electric, Inc. possesses a valid California
Contractor's License,, Class'C- JA, number 7179 -98 A%C 7-10, that Tennyson Electric, Inc.
to perform the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project-: is categorically excluded pursuant to FAA Order 1050.1E as it
relates to the National Environmental Policy °Act of 1969, us amended (NEPA).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the' City Council of the City hereby:
1. Approves' the project budget in, the amount of '$26,875: $25 21 rant fundin ,'531 in AIP- g g,
and a local match of $1,344, which was budgeted in thefY 10 /11 Airport' operating
2: In accordance with the City of Petaluma Charter and `Municipal Code, California'Public
Contract Code`Section 201.62 and other applicable law, waives any and all non -
conformance i n ;the bi & of Tennyson Electric, .Inc. for the installation of pilot controlled
li` htin and replacement
° '' g g . _ of the rotating beacop.at the Petaluma Municipal Airport, finds
the bid of $24,375 to be: the lowest, responsive bid and further finds that Tennyson
r Electric, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder.
�; 3
3. Awards the contract for installation of pilot controlled lighting and replacement of the
rotator beacon at�the Petaluma luma Municipal Airport to Tennyson Electric, Inc., in the
amount,of $24;375:, the amount of the lowest responsive bid conditioned on Tennyson
Electric,. Inc. timely executing the project contract and submitting all required documents,
including but not limited to, executed bonds, certificates of insurance, and endorsements,
in accordance with the project bid documents.
4. Directs staff to issue a notice. of award to Tennyson Electric, Inc.
5. Authorizes and directs the -City Manager to execute the project contract on behalf of the
City of Petaluma upon timely submission by Tennyson Electric, Inc. of the signed project
contract and all other required documents, including but not limited to, executed bonds,
certificates of'insurance, and endorsements, in accordance with the project bid
U: S. Department of Transportation
Federal 'A Wation Administration
Date of Offer; July 27 Recipient.' City of,Petaluma
(Herein called,r.Sponsor':])
Project Number: 3"06 - 0186 -2;1 Airport? Petaluma. Municipal Airport
FFER S Aa D PR •_ES the'pyolas a Uniteg States' share Ninety
g five ; percent'(95.00 ° /d) of;the: allowable costs
_ES to pa as t
s I con'sistin of the followm
p g g ntenance
Mana al g ement Pro e li htin and Pvement ,Mai
9 9 (OM
as more particularly described.in the Project Application dated April 13; #i10.
The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this ,Offer `shall be $52;250.00 for airport
This offer is made in accordance with and for thet purpose of canying out =the provisions Title 49, United States
Code, herein called Title 49 USG Acceptance and "execution of:this offersliall, comprise a GrantAgreement, as
provided by Title 49 U constituting the contractual obligations and rights of the United States and the
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (44 Manager, San Francisco Airports District Office
The Sponsor agrees to comply with,the Special Conditions as described in Attachment A.
• ' " ACCEPTANCE' °'
The Sponsor
:agrees to accomplish the prolec o
t;in mpliance with the terms and conditions contained herein, in
the Protect! "Application, and ih the May 2007 'Terms and Conditions of Accepting Airport Improvement Program
Grants signed on Julya24, 2007.
ofilA c .
Executed #his day of e EAt 20 .ice., ¢
`' Signature of Sponsor's Designated Official Representative
(Seal) tle ,
I "t C. A>J.L
ertify That in my opinionth6i em ! owered to -enter Intd the fore o
c in rt G ant A r reeme t'u do hereby
Y Sp
` p g , g g � er.the IawS
of'Calif6mia. Further I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and the actions taken by said Sponsor
relating thereto, and'find that the acceptance _thereof,by "said ponsor''s, official ,representative has been duly `
authonzed;rand that execution4t ereof.' sin "all respects'duetand proper`and:;in accordance with the lava's of`the
p U.S.C. P grants involving projects,to be carded out on property not owned by
said State and Title 49 U.S.C. In addition, .for
" 9 9 g 9 Y p P sor.' Further, it is
opin on'thatrthe said Grant A reement onst tutes le al and bindin obli o the S onsor in accordance with
the termsJhereof,
U. A
Executed,•this -A�day of , 20 16
Signature of Sponsor's Attorney,,
Project Number: 3- 06- 0186 -21 Airport: P6talutna Municipal, Airport
c aired IMS - u '• y y cause Ute md to iimclyreportine of
1. Thesponsor agrees to requestcasli dr_awdowns on the letter of credit only when needed for its disbursements an 1.
such disbursements as r q Jerstood that fmlurc to adhere to may' ,�,lettcrof credit to be revoked.
2. Aporovalof thc_ project included ii lliis:aerL� relent isconditioncri on'Llie:Sponsor.s 'compliance widrapplicable air and water, quality standards in
assistance.undc "P this agreement ' • lure to comp) wiUI ' canccllatioii , dofFederal
thisrcgmremenEmay result inlsLispension, .orierminaLio
accomplishing o cat construction Fm l
3. Itis: mutually mnderslood and a reed that; if dunng life of the project, the FAA determines Llraothe maximum grant obligation of therUnited
States exceeds the expected- -needs of thce Sponsor,by$25 000.00 or percent (5 /) wiiichever,is grcaler the maximum obligation ofthe
United Slates can'be�unilalc'rallp reduccd :bylettenGomlhrFAA �advising oEthe- .budgeLCfi angc. Conveiscly, if lfi'crc:is an overrun in.th total
ntiiiial ehgible allowablc:pioled costs, °fAA may:mcreasc the _marrmum� grant obligalion`"of lfieUnilcd Sla>.es - YO cover t}ic amount of tfte,
overrun not to•ezceed the statutory percent hmtmtion "and•will advise the Sponsor by letter of lfe� increase It is further understood and agreed
• that if dunng Ihe_hFe of lhe.piodect the FAA determines that a change m Lhe gran[ descnption is advanta and.ih die best interests of the
United St the�chan a in grant descn uon will be,um aterall amended b_. letter from! 'e FAA' Upon issuance of the aforertienuoned letter,
, g P,. s. y P y m,
F �
either the rant obligation :of the UnitedtStates is adjusted Lo the amounts ecified or the mitt descnpttoo is,amended to the description
Buy ;American R Unless oUre
q Hulse approved by,lha FAA, it will not ¢cc}uucor permit any contmctonor subcomractor to acquire any
stecPor mana(aclurcd products pmduced•oulsidc dte:Uniied Stalcs' be used for any,project•for airport`deyelopmentor noise compatibility for
which funds are provided under this !grant:.
Act, _ . 6 ed Slates ;as.stated in .Condhion No_ I:ofthis
5. In;accordanecavith Section 47J08(b):ofthc Ac , as amended, the maximum obli ration of [hc Unit
a) may not be increased 'flor a planning piotcci:
b); maybe increased by not more thdn t5 percent for development pmlects;
C) may be increased by notmore thank percent orAby an, amount not to exceed 25.percent of tfte iot61 increase in allowable costs'attribulable
to dx acquisition of Iand or interests {in land; whichever is.greater; basc"n current credible appraisals or a court award in a�condcmnation
6. The.Sponsor;agrcrs to,take the lottoi�nng'acnonsfo'ffiainlaih andlor acquire.it 'property interest „satisfactory to the FAA, in the Runway Protection
Zones: .. _. „ ,
Existing Fee Title!lnleresl inabe Rurnv.iy,ProtechonZone: The Sponsor agrccsdo prevent _tfie crecuon or creation of any structure or place of
public assembly in the'Runway Protection2one esecpt'for NAVAIDS %that are;Fiixed by their firnctional_ or any otter svucture approved
by the FAA. Arty existingstiuctures or ses within .the }Runway Protection Zonc will be cleared or discontinued unless approved by the FAA -
xisting Easement Interest lathe Runway;:Pmtedron Zone: The Sponsor •tgrces,to tale any�and all steps' necessary : to ensure that, the owner oFthe
land'wrthin thedesignated Runway Brot�ciion °Zone will not build:any striicttuem Ihc;Runway Pmtcction Zone dra[.is a hazardko air navigation
or whicb•mightcreme glare or misle¢dmg lighits or lead to the construction ofresidences :fuel handling and storage facilities, . smoke generating
p p y rches schools. officebuddines,shoppingcenters , ands[adiunis, ... ,.,_..
activities or laces of ublicassembl ; such as chu
7: Please no[e'thatdris grum offer may be f6hrIC& all or in pari;rvith funds,liom,lbe'Small Airport. Fund.
a. Provisions applicable, to n recipient lhati3 a private entity-
1. You as the recipient, your subrecipients under this award? anJ suhrecipients "employces:mpynot— '
'i. Engage in severe forms of traffickiag pcisor1k, urmg the,period of time;that•the award'.is m effect;
'it: Procure` duriag,the period of time U rut .tfie award is>in ellect or '
It ' .� We as'tli g "vard
di: Use forced labor ;in the performanee,of the awarrfor subawards under lhia�
e Fed
awardin a ency miry uinI terally terminate thus award, wrthout,'penalty,.iryou,ora subrecipientthatis'a
Private lentity—
,� i )Is;determined;t6liuve "violated a pri hihiuon in paragraph al of this award.tcrm,.or,;
iijbis . an employee who is determined;by Uie;agency official muthoriied,n.terninate Iheaward to '.baveviolated a
prohibition in paragraph aT.fthiSawd d term through ednrtuct_tfiat is
.of thismv
A. Assacmted vnthp ee undei this'. award,. or
B. Imputed to you or the subrecipient using the standards and due procewl'bir imp uting,theegnductof an individual
.,. to an organiiation Lhnt arc provided ih 2 CFR'-part 180, "OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Govemmen(wide
Debarment and ;Suspension- (Nonprocuremenl)," as implcmenled by,ovi CFR.Pan 29.;'
pp � tan a riv�eenut : W' g agenc yonilalemtly terminate tfiis¢ivard,
b. rovision applicable to a recipient other,U p y e as'lhe'Ecdcral�awardm agcnc ma
p y p private enut —
Without enalt ,af '
asubreci ieN�'ih.uisa�� ,.
I. Is determined to have:wiolated an applicable, prohibition in paragraph a-) of Liis award term; or
'Lflas an employee wn'o is•Acterrninedby the agency to lemrinate dteaward to have violated an applicable
prohibition in paragraph a. t of this:award term through, conduct that;is either - -.
i;Associated:with performance undecthis'award; or
ii. ^Imputcd to the subrecipient using diesmndards and due process for imputing the conduct .of an individualao an
organization that are provided m 3 CFRypart I80, `OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Govemmennvide.Debnrment and
Suspension(Nonprocurement)," as? implemented by.our;agency ae49 CFRPart 29.
c, Provisions.applicablelo any recipient-
1: You must inform ps_immediately;of any information you rece.ive'from any source alleging a violation;of a prohibition in
paragraphla.I of this award term.
2. Our right to .terminate unilaterally; that is described in paragraph`a?',or.b of-this section:
it Implements secu6n�,106,(g) of,.l heJrafficking- Victittis..ProtectionAct of2000 (7•VPA) „,as amended (22 U.S.C. 7104(8)),
it. Is inaddition to all,otherremedies for noncompliance that are available'to us under this award-
3. You must include lthe re q uirements of paragraph &I of this'.award term in any.subawar fyou makc td a. private entity:
d. Defmtions. For.purposes oflhts 5warditcrm ;
1 "Empinyee?'inedns,ethet:.
i. An idorvidupl empltiy'ed you or Pe
g �
a subrecipienl ':who :is en aged in, the: rlonnance ofthe,project wprogram under this
Another person engaged in performance of the
cpro�cct or program under this award, ;and not compensated you
.including, but'not limitcdllo, a voluntecror smic'es arc con_tnbuted by nrthird party as an ill -kind
co, ntnbution;l6wv rrd cost sharing or matching requirements_
2 'Farced,labar incans laborobtri ned by any,ot'the followine met hod {;idle recruitment harboring transportation, provision] or
:obtaining of a person for_labor or smices,.through the use of force, fraud; orcoer6on for, the purpose of subjection to involuntary
servrtude;.peonage, debt bondage; or.slavery.
3. "'Private entity ":
is Mglrilany,enliry,other.,Lhan a; Sat e16C a,govemmemt,. Indian uibe;. orforeign public entity, as those terms are defined in
2 CFR 17545.
ii. Includes:.
A Amonprotil.organtztrnon +iodudmg aay'nonprofit;instilution of higher edlocation, hospital, or tribal organization
other,than onn'included,in -,the definition oflndmn tribe at 2 CFR 175.25(6).
q,B, A,forrprofttorganization.
4 "Sev ere ;forms,of urillickingin persons," "commercial sex act," and "coercion " have the meanings given at Section 103 afthe
,TVPA, asiamended (�?[1.S.C.'7102).