HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 3.B Late Docs 03/02/2009From: Shelley Campbell [sunsoup@comcast.net]
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 1:21 PM
To: - City Clerk; scotsteg@monitor.net; 'Scot Stegman'; rdowd@pinnacle-homes.com
Cc: 'Pamela'; 'Teresa Barrett'; Mike4Pet@aol.com; david@davidrabbitt.com; 'Tiffany Renee';
'Tiffany Renee'
Subject:: FW: We Have Made a Difference!
Copy o (email sent to ISGC and the Westridge Knolls email forum. Please forward to Mike Healy, John Brown,
Michae=l Moore and the city attorney (Eric Danly I believe—I am name challenged, so pardon me)
Thank Sou!
Shelley Campbell
I Jello . ill!
Come Laud witness chanac in the making!
Tomorrow is the night Mien the city council will pass the ordinance regarding Pinnacle Ridge. There should
also be brief discussion regarding the "agreements" between Pinnacle and ISGC. I do hope that there is a letter
Crum the city planning department of some type that Firms up some of the details that were agreed upon during
the first meeting between: Pinnacle. the planning department. and Christine and Ralph with Scot as advisor
with Dnn id Glass and David Rabbitt as rcpresenuttives'obseracrs fivm the countcil). Scot Stegeman will be there
tomorrow night of course. Try to conte short]% after 7 to support our efforts �Oich have made a difference and
to support Scot who has been quite CITCCtive in his work of having the city Become aware of procedural issues
and then hcing able to shill the focus from process to "what can the oto parties agree oil?"
Anyone mac of' course talk. I\% Oil I d think that we need to be supportive of the progress made in having uco
opposing sides sit down and tall: even if we have differences ol'opinions regarding rid -clines, etc. 'file cit} is
cuntntl) evaluating how the process "worked or didn't" and has referred to changes being discussed. So, at this
ineetingat least, focusing on the positives regarding "reaching across the aisle'" would be appreciated. I have to
maintain an interesting position: 1 appreciate the concerns people have regarding the land usage, but also need
to support the Willingness on lite part of those most affected to agree amicably to the changes made. So. 1 truly
support many views and Will visually remain fairly neutral. 1 hope to not have to speak at all.
I believe Richard Dowd or someone from Pinnacle will be presenting the changes made in lot .i. At first glance
there mai not appear to be as much difference as there is in reality. It took me a few times looking over the
plans. and having Christine male some good observations for me to understand how different this particular
architectural design is.
Will tr}to be there early to answer questions. 1 will also hace the architectural drawings for Int 3.
Here goes:
® The garage was changed from a three car to a two car garage
a The garage is in the front rather than the side Which means the Grevillia people will not have headlights
shining in their windows as people come home
® 'file home is mostle one story_ with two IlCdrooms down below and a ,real room instead of a family
room and livinu room.
a 'file highest point oftlic house is the top ofthe great room \chich allows ambient lighting to come into
the house but is less obtrusive in that if there were bedrooms at that height
® There are solar panels on one slope of the great rotnn roof
® The overall height of the home has been lowered quite a bit from belbre
• l he home is more attractive in that it is not how and blends into the land more
® The private green area on this property and the other properties butting, up against Grevillia will be
maintained by the homeowners association. The goal is to keep the appropriate trees/shrubs planted
while not allowing them to get so high that they provide too much of a shadow on the Grevillia homes
® The private green areas will --mitigate- the starkness (of seeing homes on the hill) as one drives down I
towards the county. I cannot say \\hat the \iew will look like from the county properties across the \\ay
or coming into the cite. The observable slide area is on the I Sl. side \\hich keeps the homes from being
to close too I on the counts end of the project. l!ntil the project is under construction we cannot tell \\ hat
the vie\\ will be regarding the ridge and the hill/mountain topped \\ith the oaf: trees
® pinnacle did produce this plan in a short timelrame which I appreciate. We ha\ e been assured that
similar designs will be used on the other properties. People haying these types of homes are supposedly
looking fur the types ofchanges made.
1 hope to see you tomorrow night!