HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCDC Resolution 1987-02 03/09/1987 RESOLUTION # 87_2
BE IT RESOLVED, the Petaluma Community Development Commisiion does
resolve as follows:
That the Executive Director is authorized to sign agreement with Sabo and
Deitsch for the purpose of formation of the North Petaluma Redevelopment
Project Area per the proposals attached hereto.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Petaluma Community
Development Commission held on March 9, 1987, by the following vote:
Commissioner Aye No Absent
Davis X
Sobel X
Woolsey X
Cavanagh X
Balshaw X
Vice Chair Tencer X
Chairman Hilligoss
• `
' 'v.~"
- M. Patricia Hilligoss, Chai man
P.E. Bernard, Recording Secretary
87-:2 . -
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~ABO ~ DEITSCH ,~c1~,, i~~~7
A i'K04+'FtiR1U~4A4. CONB(hl'A'1'lON
ATTOKNF.YS AT' i,AW R~~~~'~,~.~;
~SUITI~: 400 Ad L.~
(8181 704-0195
TE%EGOF%F,K 18181 704-4729 t.
January 13, 198.7 '
Petaluma Redevelopment .Agency
c/o Mr. John L. Scharer .
City Manager
11 English Street
Petaluma, California 94952'-2610
Dear Agency Members:
This Firm. is pleased to submit this proposal for your
consideration in connection with the providing of Special Redevelopment
Counsel Services to the Petaluma Redevelopment< Agency (the "Agency").
This Firm proposes to prow"id'e Special Redevelopment Counsel Services in
connection with the consideration of the adoption of a new redevelopment
plan for a proposed redevelopment project area of one or more suba-reas to
be located within the Ciry'of Petaluma (the "City"). '
This Firm. will initiate pro"ceedngs in connection with the.
proposedredevelopment project area to consider the legal and financial
feasibility of including said area within the redevelopment project area
in accordance with the requirements o`f the Community Redevelopment Law
and to make appropriations Eo the Agency and 'the City.
This Firm would undertake, to prepare all necessary resolutions,
ordinances and..othei• repot s as required for the adoption of a
redevelopment p an for the propos;ed redevelopment project area. We would
also draft or review, as appropriate, the redevelopment plan, the
grelimina;ry~ plan," the applicable portions of the redevelopment plan
.report whc:l are no't considered to lie a part of the Administrative
Services anfi all t'h"e transmittal Teeters and noaices to public agencies
and affected propfrty owners ("Special Rede~elo:pmenE Counsel Services").
Furthermore, this Firm will review Ghe organizational documents of the
Agency and make recommendations as to State required filings and as to
necessary amendments to such organizational documents such as the Agency
" By-laws. Additionally, an environmental assessment pursuant to the
California, Environmental Quality Act `of 19`70, as .amended ( CEQA will
need to be undertaken by, City Staff and/or an independent consultant and
a determination as to the me hod of proceeding pursuant to CEQA will be
Page 2
made. based upon future conversations -with, City Staff. after analyzing the
available documen`Ea'tion pr-es'en'tly 'iii existence. a's ,to the besa cour-se to `
proceed' in, the' draft=ng of the appropriate int-al study and;, if
warranted, th'e en~roninental impact .report ("ETR"). It will be necessary
to analyze the; existing, irnforma,tion previously ~,assemb; ed by the: City for
recent environmental projee'ts that would be o'f as's'istance .i=n~ :compiling.
the necessary documentation for an,EIR on €he: proposed red'evel,opment plan
adoption pro_jec`t'. Circumstances will a'l'so warrant tha°t admin~istra,t,ve
services 6,e provided. in conne,eto,n w.'~l-fi the' coo rdinaEon gf other
redevelopmenE activities, ,negoaia~tions with pro<perty owners. .and taxing
agencies, ;pre;par.ation of the survey of conditions . report, the 'forma^tion
of and at tend•n.g' meetnga of the Project Area Commit ee, if .neces'sary,
and assistance with the preparation andlbr revie.w,, ~ as tiecess'ary, of the'
EIR (th`e '•'Administra;tve Services?"). We -will ad.uis'e the. Staff- if acid
when additional subcontracaing serv,iees may' be necessary f;o~r purposes of
completing a thorough and proper `envi,ronmemt`al a•sse smen±t and .for the
coordination o€ community involve"men''t and four the preparation of reports
in the redeve,lopmenfi plan adopa'ion process as. warran'aed by the
circumstances. AT1 such Administrative .Services may :either' be provided
by 'this Firm in addition to .t'he Sipeca-1 Redeue-lopme,nt,Counsel Services or
by a separate coin ult'ant osr consul;tan;ts who may be contracted' wi h
directly by th'e Ageiic.y for s.iich Ad'ministratrve: Services.
Af ter the pro.ceedng& Eor the redevelopment plan adoption 'have
been. commenced, we will advise ~ the 'Agency as to the nece'ss'i-t:y for
formation of a P'rojeet Area' Committee a_5 ,may be "req,uired; by Heal h and .
Safety Code Section 33385, e_it: sue.., `or w.heaher one .of the o,thex findings
so .as to' preclude ,the neces^sity f°or• a Pr'o.j`ect Area Committee may be made:
by the Ci.t.y~Council and the.Ageney. We will also advise t'he Agency and
the City Council with regard to the` elements of blight that wee deem to bei
present wit-hin: the. pxop.osed redevelopment project area and the
app .icablity of such physical e:Lements ao 'the recent amendments to the
Community 'Red'evelopment Law. Ad`diti;ovally, as:~ part. o'f' the: Admnisaratve.
Services we will either assist the C:i;ty Staff or an independent
consultant o'r independently`'unde_r,E'ake to prepare the :n'ecessary' survey of
condit'i,ons report. which, lists, on a pa"reel by pa'-reel; basis-, the physical
el,emernts which. qualify such proper-ty f.oz~ inc`lusgn wiEhin a redevelopment
project :a're'a and to documen such `by the appropriate ,phoEographic
evidence. An attorney of this Firm wi°11 attend. all Planning; Commission,
. _ = ,
Agency- and .City Council meetings, as may `'b e, requested by City Staff,
Council Members :or the City Attorney w~ h :regard 'tp any proceedings,
actions; or pub 1,-.c hear:irigs Eo be held -or undertaken, by the;'Plannng
Commission, the Agency or the Dity Council,,.
' Members of this. .Firm will ahso be, available as "part of the
Admnsa•rati~e $ervees to 'attend, mee,t'ings and' negotiating sessions: wiah
the affected taxing agencies.,. .includ:"ng the. F-fiscal .Review Commta:ee if
one ins so established by the County o:f Sonoma,:, and t:o ass~is't in
negotiations on behalf: of the Agency with such °taxng' agencies w-t'h
regard to the use of tax increment revenues.'at:trbutab e fo~the proposed
Page 3 •
redevelopment project area,. In this _connection but as part of_ the
Special.. Redevelopment Counse:T Services, we w'i11 draft or review whatever
agreements that are to be•prepared to evidence such negotiations with
said taxing agencies,., This Firm will aaso assist City Staff,, Agency
Staff and the City 9~t"torney in negotiating with any property owners or
proposed developers with regard to the: implementation of owner
participation rights, o;r'th,e•drafting of any owner participation agreement
or disposition .and development agreement w,itli regard' to any potential
development in the proposed redevelopment project area or to represent
the Agency in any validation action or o'^t:her Litigation. filed i.n
connection with the redevelopment plan. ado:p'tion or the approval of any
such agreements Such s.peeial counsel services shall be exclusive of any
work which is' required' in connection with• the actual authorization,
issuance and deSvery of tax, exempt obligations by the Agency to fund.
such projects and. would not include any uch. bond. counsel services which
this Firm would be available to provide pursuant to our standard bond
counsel fee schedules. -
For the Special Redevelopment Counsel Services. as set forth
above, the fees for legal services of this Firm shall be based on the
hourly rate of $•135.00 per hour For principal attorneys, $100.00 per hour
for associate a'ttorneys` and $60..00 per hour for law clerks and legal
assistants. In addition;, this Firm shall be compensated o» monthly
.statements fo-r the fees a's above set forth under separate billings for
.Special Redevelopment Counsel Services and., if the situation warrants,.
Administrative Services, plus out-of-pocket expenses fox such items as
travel, long-dis'tanee tel,e-phone calls, messenger service, express
delivery services, tele'eopying, pho ocopyng;, secretarial and clerical
staff overtime and other similar items plus an administrative expense
charge with respect. to such out-of-pocket expenses. It is presently .
estimated that the total dollar amount of Special 1edevelopment Counsel
Services should no't exceed $25,00 assuming that all Administrative
.Services are contracted. for a e y 'by the .Agency. with either this
Farm or any other consultant or consu<ltants and that any other special,
counsel: services not specifically contemplated herein would be in
addition' to any of the above. services for both Special. Redevelopment
Counsel. Services. and Administrative Services but only on. an as needed
basis. Special counsel services to the Agency would not include any
items related directly. to the adoption of a redevelopment plan as
anticipated' b.ut would be applicable to any litigation; negotiations and
drafting of owner participation agreements or other development
agreements. The above set forth fee schedule does not include any bond
counsel fees in connect-ion with the issuance of any bonds, notes or other
forms of indebtedness by the Agency in furtherance of redevelopment
Page 4 '
If the terms of this employment. agreement ar-e satsfac~:ory,
please indicate by appro,pr-iat;e. 'action of your Honor-ab'le Agency
authorizing the, Chairman and. Secreaary of: the Agency to execute. the
accepaance hereof; in the ;form. ,pro.vd'ed heareiri, and' re4Gurn an executed
copy to this. ;of-f.ce.
' Very truly yours;;
_ i
- Timot'hy~ J _ 'Sao ~~~'%'S~
/2340A '
Page 5
_ Pursuant to official action of: the Petaluma Redevelopment
Agency, Sabo & Deitsch, a Professional Corporation, is hereby employed in
accordance with the terms and provision's of the foregoing letter.
DATED: , 1987
_ _ ~ e Chairman
_ - ~ '
(SEAL) _ ^
l` _ _ ~
' 2346A