HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03/21/1977MINUTES OF MEETING
MARCH 21,, 1977
REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Petaluma City Council was
called to order by Mayor Helen Putnam at the hour of
7:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Harberson,
Hilligoss, Mattei, Perry, *, and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: None.
*Councilman Perry arrived at 7 :36 p.m.
INVOCATION The Reverend Hugh Goss of the,Firs;t Presbyterian Church,
gave the Invocation.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In memory of John Pruett II, Mayor Putnam asked Curtis
Brown, 14.80 Mountain View Avenue, a senior student at
Petaluma High School, to lead the pledge of allegiance
to the flag.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of February 22, 1977, were approved as
CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Councilman Cavanagh, seconded by
Councilman Brunner, to file the ABC application and
adopt the resolutions on the Consent Calendar. Motion
carried unanimously.
RES #7698 NCS
Agenda_ Item #4 Resolution X67699 N.0 :S. authorizing, Mayor to sign [�� Q
AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT agreement for wastewater reclamation between the City r 7
WASTEWATER RECLA- of Petaluma,, Walter. and Dan W. Silacci and the Masciorini
MATION -- SILACCI & Estate, was adopted.
RES #7699 NCS
Agenda Item #1
ABC application,
Pinky`s Pizza Parlors,
Inc. 321 Peta-
luma Blvd.. South,
on sale,beer•and wine
eating place, �3
original, yearly,
Arthur C. Schaitie, President,
and Charles L. and Evelyn M. Matteri,
Agenda Item #2
Resolution #7697
N.C.S. authorizing the
Chief of Police
* to execute a contract
with the State of
California to
RES X67700 NCS
provide security.services
for the 1977
Sonoma /Marin
Fair was adopted.
X67701 N.C.S.. authorizing Mayor to
agreement for
wastewater _reclamation between
RES #7697 NCS
of Petaluma
and Vasco 'Brazi:l, was adopted.
Agenda Item #3
Resolution #7698
N.C.S. authorizing the
City Manager to
execute a license
agreement for the use
of the Fair- �/
RES X67701 NCS
grounds facilities
(Annual Frolic of the
Rabbits), was
RES #7698 NCS
Agenda_ Item #4 Resolution X67699 N.0 :S. authorizing, Mayor to sign [�� Q
AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT agreement for wastewater reclamation between the City r 7
WASTEWATER RECLA- of Petaluma,, Walter. and Dan W. Silacci and the Masciorini
MATION -- SILACCI & Estate, was adopted.
RES #7699 NCS
Agenda Item #5
#7700 N.C.S. authorizing Mayor to
agreement for
wastewater reclamation between
of Petaluma
and Charles L. and Evelyn M. Matteri,
RES X67700 NCS
Agenda Item X66
X67701 N.C.S.. authorizing Mayor to
agreement for
wastewater _reclamation between
City 9
of Petaluma
and Vasco 'Brazi:l, was adopted.
RES X67701 NCS
a ° NMarch 21, 1977
Agenda Item #7
C RES #7.702 NCS'
Agenda Item #8
RES #7703 NCS
Resolution #7702 N.C.S. authorizing Mayor to sign
agreement for wastewater reclamation between. the City
of Petaluma and LeRoy Roche, was adopted..
Resolution #77,03 .N..C.S. authorizing Mayor to sign
agreement for 'legal services with the ,firm of Lafranchi,
Bettinelli and Mickelsen, was adopted.
AWARD CONTRACT-- City Engineer David Young advised five bids, ranging.
"I" &_ OLIVE STREET from. a of $49,400 to a high of $59,721, had been
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT received for the bd.open:ing March 8, 1977. The en-
2004-9615 gineer's estimate was $43,02'5. Mr: Young stated he
RES #7704 NCS felt the bids were higher than.the :engineer's estimate
because of the rock formation.and the difficulty the
contractors would have in excavation. The recommendation was to award the
contract to the low bidder, Charles B. Smith, Inc., Novato California, in the
amount of $49,.400.
Resolution #7704 N.C.'S. awarding contract for the street reconstruction at ' 'I"
and Olive Streets (Project No, GT 1 to Charles 'B.. Smith,, Inc.,
for a, total contract price of $49,.40.0, was introduced by Councilman Perry.,
seconded by Councilman Harberson, and adopted by 7 affirmative, votes.
AWARD BIDS -- Purchasing Officer' Charles Huffman reviewed the bids
LIFE SAVIN�G which had opened March 15, 197'7, by the * City
EQUIPMENT —FIRE; Clerk. Thr been
eebids had been recei -ved. The specifi-
(,�� RESCUE TRUCK cations for the 40 items indicated the City could award
RES #7705 NES the bid item by item to the apparent low bidders, and
the entire contract did not need to be to a
single bidder. Mr. Huffman reported L. N. Curtis and Sons were.,low bidders on
10 items for a total of $4,200.58,;.Western. Fire .Equipment on 16 items, in the
amount, of $1,430.55,; 'and, Ha_l-prin- Supply Company on 13 items, in the amount of
$3,4.6,3.44, or a tonal sum of $9,094-,5 The budgeted amount for the items was
$10, - 0.00.
The Council approved awarding the bids in this manner, and Resolution #7705
N.C.S., awarding, contracts for life saving equipment for f.ir'e rescue truck, was
introduced by' Couneilman Hilligoss, seconded by Councilman Perry, and adopted
by 7 of f rmative_ votes.
APPROVE' CHANGE OF A petition containing 102 signatures circulated by Mary
�� BUS STOP' -- HILLCREST Tribendis.o'f 510 "H" Street, had been, submitted to the
f� ROUTE 140. 2 City Clerk. The petition asked to have the Hllcrest
Bus Stop changed.from the Crocker Citizens Bank back to
the Golden Concourse. Finance Director John Scharer advised the Council this
could be accomplished and outlined the recommended route for the.bus. A copy
o. -f the `petition and Mr. Scharer•'s recommendation is on, file with th; City
A brief discussion was held I;tl was �concensus of the Council to approve the
change to have Hil- ler-,est Route No_ 2 stop at the Golden Concourse,, ,rather than
at the Crocker Citizens Bank.
A letter dated March 14,, 1977, had been submitted to
the City Clerk and distributed to members of the Coun-
cil. Mayor Putnam indicated the letter had been made a
mat ter of.public.r,ecord, as it had been published in
the Petaluma Argus Courier. The letter was not read by
the City Clerk, but is on file.
March 21, 1977
LETTER FROM DENNIS City Attorney Matthew Hudson stated the rules for
L. BRYANT -- REQUEST reconsideration state that at the time the matter is
REHEARING ON BAYW00D considered - or at the next,meeting, the Council can take
SHOPPING CENTER up the issue of whether to; reconsider an action. This
(NEGATIVE DECLARATION;): being the next meeting after the Council's rejection
(Continued) . would be the appropriate time for the matter to come
up. If the Council desires to reconsider, there would
have to be a motion by one of the members who voted .in the majority on the
original issue. At that point, it would take.a majority of the Council voting
for reconsideration.
Mayor Putnam called for a motion. As none was given, the request for rehearing
was therefore denied.
CLAIMS & BILLS Resolution .47706 N.C.S. approving claims and bills
RE_ S 47706 NCS 441679 to x{'1778, inclusive, General City; and, 4300 to
#312 ; ,'inclusive, Water, approved for payment by the
City Manager, was introduced by Councilman Perry,
seconded by Councilman Hilligos's, and adopted by 7
affirmative votes.
PETALUMA- LaCUMBRE City Manager R'ob,e'rt Meyer advised this matter had been [��
PROPERTY scheduled on the March 7, 191 7 agenda. However, since f
a full, Council was not present at that time and Coun-
cilman Hilligoss had expressed some interest in the,.-
property, the matter was held over.- The City Clerk read the letter dated
February 22, 1977, addressed to the Mayor and 'City Council, by Mr. Kenn A.
Kennedy of Los Gatos, California.
Councilman Hilligoss stated she had mentioned before she went away that perhaps
it might be feasible to make some kind of a trade off with the Lafferty Ranch,
but retain the water rights. She felt some type of study should be made on
this property before the City turns it down completely The Lafferty Ranch is
so far removed from the,.City limits it is not possible to use it for a park
site. However, the Petal uma- LaCumbre property is immediately adjacent to the
City limits. It would offer. the City the greenbelt it seeks and people would
not have to drive'a great:dis,tance: to visit the park site. She also indicated
she felt that at some time in the future it could be utilized for a water
A discussion followed regarding the. property and the offer made by the invest-
ors. The letter indicated they were willing to delay any action for 60 days
until receiving an indication from the City as to interest or lack of interest
in the property. The Council felt in order to be fair to the investors, since
money was not available to purchase the property at this time, the offer should
be rejected.
A motion to reject the offer. for sale of the Petaluma- LaCumbre Property was
introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman Mattei, and adopted by 5
affirmative and 2 negative
Councilman Harberson and Councilman Hilligoss
voted "no".
CET A- -TITLE VI City Manager Robert Meyer adp -ised additional money is
SPECIAL PROJECTS now available from .the .Federal government for CETA 75
employment programs. The City has phased out the
program under the Tittle Ih section. This new program,
however, is limited to -a 12- mo.nth period',, and there is no obligation on the
part,of the City to hire any of the people ,placed under the program. The
salary limits are $7,800 per year. Persons employed under the program, if
approved by the Council, assist in work on the levees, painting various lo-
cations in the City, street striping,, and other ,types of maintenance work. All
employees hired under the program would work under supervision.
,® 'r) March 21, 1977
CETA- -TITLE VI Assistant City Manager David Breninger outlined the
SPECIAL P.RWh6TS method -f,or interviewing, and, hiring. the people referred
(Continued) to the City by the..CETA Office in Santa Rosa.. Three
applicants would be sent for interview and the City
would have to pick one of the three. Mr. Breninger stated there are some
exceptions wh "ere fhe City may receive more applicants, but this would not be
the normal procedure.
There was a majority concensus of the-Council, with Councilman Cavanagh dis-
senting, to file the application for CETA,Title VI Program participation.
APPROVE FUNDS & A memorandum dated March 18, 1977, directed to the City
TIMETABLE -- HISTORICAL Manager, by the Historical Library /Museum Task'Force
1 LIBRARY /MUSEUM Committee (David Breninger, John.Scharer, Jim Raymond)
�J RES' #7707 NCS was reviewed by the.City Manager. The memorandum
outlined the anticipated cost for architectural services
for preliminary ;plans not to, exceed $2,500, and supplies for catalog materials,
mailing,, etc..., not to exceed $5;00.. In addition, a timetable for the building
remodeling was outlined in the °memorandum. The target date for completion is
December', 1977. City Manager Robert Meyer advised there is a balance of $2 -,000
which h'ad been assigned to the library /museum project. In order to meet the
requirements the memorandum, an additional $1,000 would need to be approved
by the City Council. His recommendation was to take the money from undesig,-
nated revenue sharing funds.
Resolution #7707 N.C.S. approving the addition of $1,000 to the. Historical
Library /Museum 197 '6 -77 Budget, and approving the time schedule for building/
remodeling,, was introduced by Counclman:Harber.son, seconded by Councilman
Hilligoss, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes,.
OF APPLICATION -THUD Ltd., submitted me Development
oCity Managero ors,
APPROVE memorandum t
SECTION 8 HOUSING Meyer regarding. relating to elderly housing
UNITS programs and another regarding citizens' participation
RES' #7708 NCS in housing finance programs. Both documents are on
file with the City Clerk. Mr. McCartt spoke to the
Council and advised that although :HUD has not yet announced the ,fact, there
will be 70 additional Section 8 units available in Sonoma County, 20 of the
units are for elderly housing,and 50 for family housing. The 20 elderly units
would create a problem in attracting a developer. Such a project would cost
approximately $400.,000. Most developers would want a ;$1 million, to $1.5 million
project, as 'the processing; through Section 8' takes from six eight months.
He suggested, if the City applies for and is granted the 20 units, the project
be awarded to a local contractor.
He felt he needed some guidelines from the Council on whether they wanted to
compete. for only the 20 units, whether they wished to compete for the entire 70.
units, and how they proposed to spend' the $53,000 to acquire 'a .senior ',citizens'
site. Mr.,McCartt stated his memo is in.two parts and he.would' like to address
the first part of the memo,, i.e. the 70 units., and water hook -ups a -t this
point. Very impor the application to HUD would be whether or not the
City would g- uarantee water hook -ups: to any of. 'the. units. He indicated it was
do.ub,tful. Mar.in County would be eligible for any HUD grants this year because of
the water situation. The. same possibility may be throughout Sonoma County;
however, in order to apply for the units, HUD requires confirmation in,
that water will be available or that the potential developer would need to show
the availability.of a well.. In addition, if there was not enough water in the
wells,, 'HUD would require some confirmation as to whether or not the units would
be able to hook up to the City system. He pointed out that this, wa',s a very
critical issue.
The second determination which needs to be made by the Council is the site
selection. The City and the developer will have to get together and agree on a
The third point Mr- McCartt felt needed some determination and a decision by
the Council was whether or not.the City wanted to encourage a developer to
compete for the 50 units of family -type housing. If the Council decides to
March 21 1977
APPROVE PREPARATION compete for the family.-type housing,'Mr. McCartt indi-
OF APPLICATION :HUD cated he would recommend the two- bedroom house for the
SECTION 8 HOUSING. elderly and the smaller family. The competition for
UNITS the units would be coming in about a month and the
RES #7708 NCS - matter of the water and. the family housing would need
(Continued) to be resolved. Mr. Mc,Cartt suggested once the Council
has made a deaisi.on.on these matters, potential de-
velopers should be advised in order for them to get their package put together.
Once the programs are announced,, proposals must be submitted in approximately
six weeks to HUD.
In the general discussion which followed M'r.,McCartt's presentation, the matter
.of assigning the water hook -ups for the 20 senior housing units and the 50
family units was addressed. Councilman Harbe•rson_ questioned whether the 20
Units could not be taken from the 50 allotted units the Council had previously
approved for single residences. The Council felt this.was not necessary as the
City has been- endeavoring for some time to provide housing for the elderly and
for young families which would fall:within the - .scope -of their ability to pay.
It was suggested the same wa -ter restrictions be as to these units as to
other developments, i.e., to provide an alternate means of providing water; or,
if the units would not be built until 1978 -79, the emergency may be over.
With respect to whether or not the units would create.a problem with the growth
management program, City Manager Robert Meyer advised there are units-in this
category available which time never been applied for by developers. These 70
units would not interfere with the City's policy.
,A motion was made by Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Hilligoss, to
adopt Resolution 417708 N.C.S. requesting 20 units for senior housing, and 50
family units of'Housing and .Urban development Section 8 Program. Resolution
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
HOUSING SITE 1 memo - the site acquisition the second item in his ` 6 ^ 7
SENIOR CITIZENS Mr. McCartt then spoke a 11' `IJ
:'ion for senior housing. ,Based
SELECTION on the fact the City has already been allocated $53,000
by HUD for acquisition of land, it would be possible to
construct housing which would be below the prevailing market rate for elderly,
but not as far down as. the Section, '8 level.. The acquisition of the land would
be an incentive to developers to build rental housing units. In addition, the
Marks Foran Act will provide low interest rates which will also encourage
developers. Mr. McCartt said his memo suggests City use the $53,000 to tie
up the site and go to HUD in their market rate elderly programs, get a commit-
ment, and put together a project which is not. subsidized. By the time it takes
to do this, there will pr- obably be Section 8 monies available, so the project
may become subsidized. Mr. McCartt recommended the City consider apartment -
type housing rather -than the more expensive housing to, accommodate handicapped
persons. Also, he suggested the structures be -ined to one or two stories.
The project could'start at the time the Section 8, Program begins and, hope-
fully,, the City would get two senior centers started at the same time. He
feels Petaluma has a_need for more than a single elderly complex.
Sites as proposed by the Citizens' Advisory Committee we•re.then discussed. Mr.
Lou Rasmussen commented on the alternative site mentioned in Mr. McCartt's
letter and felt if additional sites were to be. considered, input should be
received from the senior citizen's groups. Mr. McCartt• agreed. Ms. Warman
advised HUD had reviewed two of the sites, and recommended consideration of an
area near where the new hospital is to be constructed.
-- -Councilman Hilligoss questioned whether or :not any :consideration had been,given
to the idea of acquiring the present Hillcrest Hospital site for a senior
citizens' housing complex. Ms. .Warman stated. HUD isc_oncerned regarding - any
hillside property. Even though transportation is available, they would prefer
an ar'ea.which would be compatible for walking.
Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray stated the hospital
project is at least two or three years in the future'; and the City needs to use.
the $53,000 to acquire a site. If the money is properly invested, the City
should realize a return by that time. Mr. McCartt advised the Department of
Housing and Urban Development would want the City to spend the money they now
have awailable•for site acquisitionuas quickly as possible.
At the conclusion of the discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Harberson,
seconded by Councilman Hilligoss, for the,staff 'and the Ad Hoc Committee to
explore sites for a senior citizens' center. Motion carried unanimously.
March 21, 1977
MOTION TO ADD ITEM A,motion was made'by Councilman'Mattei, seconded by
TO AGENDA Councilman Perry, approving the addition of the request
by Universal Studios to close Kentucky Street to the
agenda.. Motion carried unanimously..
APPROVE REQUEST -- Mr. Roger Anderson, representing Universal Studios,
\ UNIVERSAL STUDIOS outlined the request made by the director of the film.
`( TO FILM ON KENTUCKY - The original permission given to Universal was to close
STREET 'MARCH22, 1977 . Western Avenue between Kentucky and Water- Streets-at
different intervals on March 22. The director now has
requested to have some shot's taken on Kentucky Street, which would require
closin& .the ,street at various intervals for approximately 10 minutes. This
would eliminate all foot.traffc, as well as vehicular traffic, except for
their own personnel and-cars. Mr. Anderson stated traffic will be a problem
regardless of whether they shoot on Kentucky 'Street because of the spectators.
The Police Department, however,, seems to,have matters under control. Their
crews will be in the downtown area most of :March 22. He.advised.Mr. Fred
Schram, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce., met with the merchants and they
were amenable to.the change. Mr. Anderson also stated their firm =woul'd. pay for
the use of the parking meters.
Mayor'Putna_m..indicate:d as long as the merchants were agreeahle.to closing the
street, she would entertain a motion from the Council.
A motion was made by Councilman Mattei„ seconded.by Councilman Perry, approving
the closing of Kent -ucky Street during the morning of March 2.2, 1977. Motion
carried unanimously.
RECESS Mayor Putnam called a recess at 9:15 p.m. and the
Council reconvened at 9 :25 p.m.
LEG,ISLAT,ION Councilman Cavanagh explained the reason the discussion
AFFECTING: CITIES' for 'SB.4, the Beverage Container. Reuse and Recycling
Aca, was listed on the Council agenda was due to a
v letter received by the City Manager fr.om.Daniel A. Cotter Director, Sonoma
County Environmental Center. Mr., Cotter was.. present in the Council Chambers
and spoke in favor of the C :ouncil endorsing SB 4:.. The Council, however, felt
they did not have enough information 'and.,pref.erred to give more.study to the
matter before.taking a. vote on whether or not to endorse SB 4.
Mr. Ralph Pelton, owner:of the South C'iay Market, was present in the audience,
and spoke in opposition to the bill. He claimed it would create a financial
hardship - on retail merchants, and in order to handle all the bottles, including
the one -way bottles which are sold, he would have to build a 50 by 50 storeroom
to use as a warehouse until they could.be taken to a recycling center. Mr.
Pelton also indicated even though the bill had been passed in,the State of.
Oregon, the merchants in that State had the matter: forced upon.them... Mayor
Putnam.ind'icated as long as the Council,intended to meet, on March 28, she asked
to 'have the matter- scheduled for- that meeting. The City Clerk was asked to
include the matter on the March 28., 1977 Agenda..
SB 164 - Labor Relations, Compulsory and Binding :Arbtrat- ion.., Councilman
Cavanagh indicated he had contacted Senator punlap's office regarding this
bill.. It is now out of Committee by a 7 to 4 vote.
Other bills on the legslativebulletn from the League of Calif,ornia, Cities
which were briefly discussed included AB 35'1, Partisian:Elections=-
Statements of Qualifications; SB 50'8, .Police Chief's Mandatory Hearing Before
Dismissal; and, Item No. 8 on the bulletin,', D.irector's.Dead`line for 'Sta'te
Housing. Element Guideline Revisions. Planning Director Ronald`Hall indicated
radical changes had been made in the guidelines due to opposition by various
agencies throughout the State. The guidelines now minimize the amount of data
Collection neee nary.
AB 108, Local Government Relocation Assis.tance.Liabilit_es Expanded. City
Attorney Matthew Hudson advised' this bill could have very expensive impacts on
the City Of Petaluma The 'hearing on :the matter has been continued until March
30. Mr. Hudson suggested the .Council may want to consider this bill at the
March 28 Council meeting.
March. 21, 1977 a
MOTION TO REMOVE FROM A motion was made by Mayor Putnam, seconded by Council-
TABLE DISCUSSION RE man Perry, to remove the discussion regarding banning
FIREWORKS the sale of fireworks in the 'City of Petaluma from the
table. Motion was carried by 5 affirmative and 2
.negative votes. Councilmen Brunner and Councilman
Cavanagh voted "no":
DISCUSSION REGARDING Councilman Mattei advised he had requested the matter v,, 37
BAN OF SALE OF' be placed on agenda for meeting merely in order
FIREWORKS WITHIN to open the matter for discussion so that vendors would
THE CITY OF PETALUMA know whether'or not rfireworks were,going to be sold in
the City during the coming,season. He objected to
having the matter deferred until close to the time when they would have to
order their merchandise. Mr'. Mat'tei indicated he was not taking a stand for or
against the sale. He advised he has learned the vendors of fireworks receive
all of their materials on consignment, but they do spend time and effort in
preparation for their sales. He feels the vendors 'are entitled to know what
the Council's intention are: He also stated if it becomes apparent that there
is going to be a dire situation with regard to the fire season, or if,the water
situation becomes acute, then�he feels the sale should be stopped. Councilman
H-illigoss' indicated she felt if the situation became critical as far as the
fire season was concerned, or if the State legislates against the sale of
fireworks the Council should take some action. Mr. Ralph Pelson indicated the
.State Fire Marshal'has not suggested a ban on the sale of f'i- reworks, only the
control on their use. Mr.'Pelton stated the type of fireworks sold by the
merchants in Petaluma are the "safe and sane" ones, but illegal fireworks are
available from other places:, such as San Francisco. These are the ones that
cause the problems. He asked the Council, before they make any decisions, to
permit the merchants to be 'heard on the matter.
City Manager Robert Meyer.urged the Council to make some. type of decision well
in advance of July 4. His concern was if the City of Petaluma permits the sale
of fireworks and they are taken out into the County areas where the hills and
unincor:pora'ted areas are very dry, it could still cause Petaluma problems
because of our mutual aid agreements with other fire agencies throughout the
County. Mr. Meyer stated we have never been faced with such a critically dry
year. It may be necessary for both the County and the City to ban the use of
even "safe and sane" fireworks. Councilman Harberson indicated he also hoped
the Council could make a decision fairly soon, as many service groups use the
sale of fireworks as their main source of fund raising.
Fire Chief Joe Ellwoo d,stated his only reason for asking the Council to con-
sider banning fireworks for this year was because of the prediction by the
State of the impending dangerous fire season. Chief Ellwood stated the City is
in a peculiar situation because it is surrounded by Marin and Sonoma Counties,
which have banned the sale of fireworks. California Fire Chief Organization
has forwarded a motion to" "the'Governor to ask him to ban the sale of fireworks
throughout the State. Chief Ellwood also stated many of the licensees have
applied for their permits.
Mr. Harold Wojciechowski also urged the Council to ban the sale of fireworks.
Mayor.Putnam then indicated the matter would be scheduled for discussion at the
meeting of April 4.
NATIONAL LEAGUE OF Councilman Hilligoss reported. on February 25'she took a V �9
CITIES 11TH ANNUAL trip to Russia with '25 mayors and councilmen from all
CONGRESSIONAL-- over the United States.
While in Russia, she visited
CITY CONFERENCE Leningrad and Moscow. There they met with the Mayors.,
as well as members of the District' Councils. In Lenin-
grad', she visited one of the polyclinics. Each clinic wa's• responsible for
160,000 people, and each doctor in a clinic had 20,000 patients. After her
trip to Russia, she continued on to Washington, D.C. for the 11th Annual Con -
gressional -City Conference.. -Members of President Carter's, staff gave ideas of
the administration to the 11th Annual Congressional - Cities Conference and
'listened to input from the National League of Cities,. Matters discussed in-
cluded environmental quality, community deuelop"ment., federal housing, trans-
portation, public safety, and human resources. Since the City had `been in-
volved in environmental.quality and community development block grants, Council -
man Hilligoss advised she attended the sessions on these subjects. All . meeti -ngs
she attended were well,represented - by member=s of Congress, the Senate:, and
President Carter's staff. Councilman Hilligoss indicated she felt the trip was
worthwhile, not only for herself, but for'the City as well.
March 21, 1977 .
4 3 d
AUTHORIZE PREPARATION Recreation Director .Jim Raymond advised the Recreation,
OF FEASIBILITY REPORT Music and Parks Commission,, at the =r.meeting,of March
n 0 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 9, 1,,977,. recommended, to the Council, acceptance of the
RES Y7709 NCS status report on the Municipal Golf Course Complex as
presented to them by Mr. Edouard Robert. A copy of the
minutes is on file with the City Clerk,.
Included in the request by the• committee working wkth,Mr. Rdbeft, was the
allocation .of $25,000 for. a :feasibility study for the municipal golf course, as
well as.funds for necessary soils tests, engineering,, etc. $10,000 'of this
amount would be fora feasibility study to be prepared by the William Sherman
Mr. Robert reminded the Council a group ha'd appeared before the Council early
last fall with a petition containing 600 names requesting a feasibility study
be prepared f'or a municipal golf course;. Since that time., he was appointed
Chairman of a seven- member comm i,tte 'to work_on the project. The committee has
met with Mr.'Buddy Johnson, this area's representative of the National'Golf
Foundation, and.Mr. William Sherman who does 'feasibility saudies' for golf
courses. After talking with both of these gentlemen., the committee determined
it would be effec- -teal if. the City is ,going to have a municipal golf course, to.
determine the, economic. feasibility. The goal is to have a total recreational
complex, with the golf course being the focal point. The recreational facility
would provide a very valuable service. to the community, and also, protect the
greenbelt area;. Mr. Robert indicated the effluent from the Wastewater Pol-
lution Control,Plant could be used for upkeep for the facility. The request
from the commit.t'ee is to have the Council set ,aside $25 „00.0 as "seed” money. A
copy of the proposal from the William Sherman Company had been forwarded 'to the
City Council,.an'd is on file with the ,City Clerk.
Councilman Cavanagh asked Mr. Robert if
Company was the only one received.. Mr.
other firms ,,.as Mr. Sherman is the only
States who performs this service.
the proposal ,from William Sherman
Robert indicated they had not contacted
one in the western area of the.United
Vice - Mayor. Brunner asked whether or not.the study would address other uses,
such as soccer, baseball, tennis and other special interest groups. He felt.
the Recreatioh Commission should make.an effort to bring all the groups to-
gether. Mr. Robert indicated the Committee did not visualize .just one or two
18- hole.golf courses, but were.looking at the area to provide complete rec-
reational facilities. This would be one of the assi-g•nments undertaken in the
feasibility study.
Mr. Buddy Johnson, representative from the National Golf Foundation, then spoke
to the. Council. Mr, Johnson stated private gulf golf clu}s are not the golf courses
of the future. They are being phased out.in favor of municipal courses, be-
cause facilities are too expensive for a limited membership to maintain.
He envisions the City investing only in the golf course, and •the; golf course
providing_ enough funds and revenue to construct additional recreational fa-
cilities He also stated, in studies which have been, made, the use of sewer
1 effluent. for .recreational facilities has proven very successful,. Most cities
"have more effluent than than they can use, and golf courses help solve this problem.
Mr:. Robert was asked how much acreage an 18 -hole golf course would need. He
replied that although a course would need only about 150 acres,, the recommen-
dation was, to have the City endeavor to tie down around. 500 acres °in :order to
provide' no't only one or two 18 -hole golf courses, but additional, recreational
facilities. Mr. Johnson indicated the size of the area would be determined by
what the City wants. He did state, however, funding through federal grants is
much more favorable when a lar -ge pr.oject is considered.
Some d- iscu'ssion was held on the site selection, and whether or not it had been
predetermined the area was restricted to the location near the sewer ponds.
The question -was al'so raised whether or not this facility would be compatible '
with a,mar"na -.. Mr.. J'o'hnson indicated .it would be compatible and cited the
facility in 'San Leandro as an example.
Community Development and Services Coordinator.Frank.Gray advised the site need
not be confined to 'this one area, merely on the basis of using the effluent to
maintain the.facility. Wastewater can be piped to other sites around the city.
This is especially true if the Council determines to : go into the full Tolay
project in cooperation with, the City of Santa Rosa- Mr. Gray also stated a
complete, feasibility study is important, to provide accounting for any type of
bond issue which -may be used to fund the project.
APPROVE OUTSIDE WATER Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank F�Q Q
CONNECTION= -JOHN G. Gray advised Mr. Lake had previously intended to use / Q
LAKE, 821 SUNNYS.LOPE the one water connection now on the premises at 821
ROAD Sunnyslope.Road and extend it -to service a day care
RES 47710 NCS center., which is proposed for the location. After
review=ing the matter, Mr. Lake felt he would not be
able to live within the limits of the requirements the water rationing
program,, and is requesting an additional water service connection. Mr. Gray
indicated the location is within the limitations of the ordinance and within
500 feet from the water ,service. The residential hook -up would be within the
limits of the 50 units to be allocated under the-Water Emergency Situation.
Staff report dated March 21, 1977, from Administrative Assistant William
Lebel, to Frank Gray, Community Development and Services Coordinator, sub -
mt ed and filed. Application for outside water service for 821 Sunnyslope
Road,, submitted and filed. Memorandum from Planning Director and Assistant
City Engineer regarding subject application, submitted and filed. It was noted
for the record, the property would be annexed to`the City as soon -as it is
Resolution 47710 N.C.S. granting one residential - outside water connection to
John G. Lake for property known,as 821 Sunnyslope Road, Petaluma (A.P. 419 -201 -
14), was introduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded by Councilman Perry, and
adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
March'_21, 1.977
AUTHORIZE PREPARATION Dr. Larry Jonas inquired whether or not the City could
OF FEASIBILITY'REPORT utilize studies made by �other-`municipalities rather
MUNICIPAL GOLF•COURSE than have -the City expend '.funds f;or a feasibility
RES #7709 NCS. study. He also pointed out the fact that a bond issue
(Continued) for .recreational purposes and parks had been defeated
in Petaluma and doubted whether a bond issue would pass
for this project
There was a brief discussion on whether or not the Council wanted to allocate
the entire $25,000 at this time, or just provide enough funds to have the
feasibility study prepared. Council approved $10,000'for the study only.
Resolution #7709 N.C.S. authorizing preparation of feasibility reports for a
golf course in the City of .Petaluma, and authorizing the use of revenue sharing
'funds therefore, was introduced'by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman
Mattei, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
MOTION TO ADD ITEM A motion was made by Councilman Harberson, seconded by
TO AGENDA Councilman Mattei, to add discussion regarding request
for an outside water connection to John G. Lake, 821
Sunnyslope Road. Motion carried unanimously.
APPROVE OUTSIDE WATER Staff report dated March 4, 1977, from Administrative
- CONNECTION AND GRANT Assistant. William Liebel to Frank B. Gray, Community F59 -s
VARIANCE -- TRIPLE "S" Development and Services Coordinator, submitted and
TIRE CENTER file d;.application•'for' outside water service from
RES 47711 NCS Triple "S" Tire Centers, Inc., submitted and filed;
staff report from Ronald Hall.,'Planning Director, and
.Thomas S.. Hargis, Assistant City Engineer, submitted
and' filed.
Community Development and ''Services Coordinator Frank Gray gave a brief outline
of the history of the property. It is located within Assessment Districts #6
and #9, and is immediately adjacent to the City limits. The building itself,
the subdivision of land, and parcel map 'ar,e being processed in the County. The
applicant has applied for annexation to the City, and,the County has waived site
design review to the City. An.application has been made for prezoning. The
proposed building would have a very small water usage; of 1 or 2 C /units per
months,. The building is proposed to be used for -- a wa- rehouse and the staff's
recommendation is to grant the water connection and the variance as the struc-
ture would be an economical benefit to the City..
Resolution 47711 N.,C',.S. granting variance for one new water connection for
commercial or industrial construction, and.granting outside water connection
(Triple "S" Tire Center), was introduced by Councilman Mattei, seconded by
Councilman Cavanagh, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
March 21, 1977
DENY OUT:SIOE,WATER Staff report dated March 4., 1977, from - William 'Liebel,,
CONNECTION-= LAKEVILLE Administrative Assistant, to Frank.B. Gray Community
GROWERS Development and Services Coordinator, submitted. and
RES #7712 NCS filed,:application for outside water service from'
Lakeville Growers, submitaed and filed;; a report from
Planning °Director Ronald Hall,. and Assistant City Engineer Thomas'Har.gis,,
regarding s'ubj'ect application, ,submitted and filed..
Community Development and Services Co.ordinat.or Frank Gray advised it would be
physically impossible for the City to provide water to this facility,, as it is
outside the City's water service area. The staff's recommendation is to deny
the application. Mr. Gray cautioned, however, if the City denies the appli-
cation,'the applicant has the ability to apply to the Sonoma County Water
Agency'f'or a direct ta p into the aquedu.ct. The other alternative the Council
may have ava=ilable to. it would be to grant the outside water connection, •
subject to the extension to the site of the water main., Mr'. Gray indicated
this would not be economically feasible for the developer,.
Resolution #7712 N.C.S. denying request of Lakeville Growers for one new out-
side water connection at-Ely Road and Old Redwood Highway North,, Petaluma,,
California, was introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman
Perry, and adopted by 6 affirmative and 1 negative votes. Councilman Cavanagh
voted ` "no "'.
AMEND ZONING Ordinance' #1236 N.C.S.. amending Zoning Ordinance 41072.
ORDINANCE TO N.0 -.S.. by reclassifying approximately 11,• , 00;0 s -quare feet
REZONE 220 HOWARD of land `located at 22,0 Howard Street (A_P. 4t6- 272 -01),
STREET from R -M -G., (Garden Apartment) to C =O. (Administrative
ORD 41236 'NCS and Pr.of:essional Of•f'ice,) (220 Howard Street,),, was
introduced by Councilman Harb,erson, seconded by Council-
man Cavanagh, and ordered p.ubllshed by 7 affirmative
AMEND ZONING Ordinance # 1 1237 N'.C:S. amending- Zon -ing ,Ordinance X41072
T0: RECLASS,IFY N.C.S. by re•cla'ssi "fying the property at the southeast
SOUTHEAST CORNER corner Of Eighth and "F" Streets from R=1- 6,500 to•R -C
EIGHTH;& "F "- STREETS (Compact Residential) - (Goltermann., Glazier & Hansen),
ORD 71237 NCS (approximately 29,000 square feet,,A.P. 48-294 -01) was
introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman
Hilligo.s's, and ordered published by 7 affirmative
0` ORD 41235 .NCS
In the discussion preceding the ,adoption of the ordi-
nance, it was p'ointe'd' out the matter had.been brought
before the City Council as an emergency measure on
February ,22,, 1977 .(Ordinance #1234 N C The ordi =-
nance was not adopted' due,to -lack o'f, a six- sevenths
vote of the Council: On Mar -ch '7, 1.977, the ordinance
was ntr.o,duced for publication.
City Manager Robert Meyer explained approximately four industrial firms, as
well as the City and the public school's, would be affected by the Ordinance
which would disallow a special rate f'or volume water" users. The ,purpose behind
the ordinance was.to encourage people to use less water. Councilman Mattei
objected to placing this additional cost on industry after they have been
encour -aged to move to Petaluma and establish their businesses here,.
Some discussion was held.on how the elimination of the sate for volume water
users would affect, Petaluma Poultry Processer.s.. Finance.Director ,John Scharer
stated presently their water bill is about $1,270 a month Under the new
proposal there would be an increase to $1 a,month. However,, as of June 15,
they would be cut . back to 50 percent of their water use. Under the present
proposal, their rate would then.'be $738 a month, and under the new proposal
$98`5::25, or an increase of $247.25. p.er month. Mr. Scharer also advised the
Pacific Gas. and Electric. Company have eliminated all their volume user .rates.
Mr. Scharer also stated after the water emergency is oder,,, the City would be -
faced•with the.pr.oblem of trying to sell additional water in.order'to pay for
the use of water f -rom the aqueduct. He envisioned the ordinance would be
effective for a short -term period.
March 21, .1977
ORD 11235 NCS
At the conclusion of the discussion, Ordinance # #235
N.C.S., which-had been introduced by Councilman Perry,
and seconded by Councilman Harberson, at the March 7,
1977 . Meeting, amending Sections' 15.16.040 of Chapter 15
of the Petaluma Municipal Code (Volume Water Users) was
adopted by 4 affirmative and,3 negative votes. Council-
man Cavanagh, Mattei and Perry voted "no ". Effective
date of, ordinance,. April 20, 1977. .
URGE CONSTRUCTION OF A brief discussion was held regarding the draft reso-
WARM SPRINGS DAM lution which had been sent to members of the Council.
PROJECT Councilman Harberson suggested an addition to the
RES_#7713 NCS resolution to request` the Corps of Engineers continue
to study the pertinent seismic safety data to assure
the safety of the dam. The Council concurred on the
inclusion of the phrase in the resolution.
Resolution 117713 N.C.S: urging construction of the Warm.Sp•rings Dam Project and
recommending appropriation of f =iscal year -78 funds for early restart
thereof, was introduced by Councilman Cavanagh, seconded by Councilman Mattei,
and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the
Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:28 p.m., to an
Executive Session, and to 3:00 p.m., Monday, March 28,
. -;� .1 - p4i
Cit Clefk