HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 04/18/1977MINUTES OF MEETING.
APRIL 18, 19`77
REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Petaluma City Council was
called to order by Mayor Helen Putnam at the hour of
7:34 p.m.
ROLL CALL Present:' Councilmen Brunner, Cavanagh, Harberson *,
Hilligoss., Mattei Perry„ and Mayor Putnam
Absent: None
*Councilman Harberson arrived at 7:35 p.m.
INVOCATION The invocation was given by Reverend Henry Rankin of
Two Rock Presbyterian Church, rather than Reverend
V_ Edward M. Underwood of the Evangelical Free Church as
PLEDGE OF Mayor Putnam acknowledged the presence of a group of
ALLEGIANCE Weblo Scouts from Pack 74 and asked one of the scouts,
Paul Salisbury, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the
APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes' of March 21, 1977, were approved as amended.
MOTION TO ADD A motion to add an item regarding the.appointment of P.
ITEM TO AGENDA Lawrence Klose as acting Legal Council was introduced
-by Councilman Brunner and seconded by Councilman Harberson.
Motion passed unanimously.
APPOINT Resolution #7737 N.C.S. appointing P. Lawrence Klose r� � C
P. LAWRENCE KLOSE acting Legal Counsel was introduced by Councilman (- J
ACTING LEGAL Hill goss,, "seconded by Councilman Perry, and adopted by
COUNSEL seven affirmative votes.
RES #7737 NCS
CONSENT CALENDAR Regarding Item #3, Councilman B- runner commented that
Del Davis & Associates seemed to be handling many
E for the City. Planning Director Ronald Hall replied that they have
done an E.I.R. on the 7- Eleven Store at "D" Street and Petaluma Blvd., they are
familiar with Petaluma and have a backlog•of information, and they do an excel-
lent job, 'Councilman Brunner suggested it may be an opportunity for a buddy
system, and Community Development and Services Coordinator-Frank Gray answered
that the City supplies a list of consultants to the developer, and the developer
chooses whomever he wants.
A motion was made by Councilman Cavanagh, seconded by Councilman Perry to
adopt items #1 through #3 on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #1
RES #7738 NCS
Agenda Item #2
319 323 HOWARD ST.
RES #7739 NCS
Agenda.Item #3
RES #7740 NCS
Resolution #7738 N.C.S. authorizing the Mayor to sign
an agreement with Union City Transit, Inc., for the
operation of the City's bus system was adopted - .
Resolution #7739 N.C.S. approving lot line adjustment. -
319 and 323 Howard Street -- (Gaetano and Simard) was F l
Resolution #774.0 N.C.S. approving,agreement for prepara-
tio.n and,submission of Environmental Impact`Report for
proposed 7- Eleven Store, 201 South MCDowell.Blvd. with F
Del Davis & Associates was approved.
April 18, 1977
Planning Director Ron Hall showed a viewfoil of the.
project area. He, explained that 'Tom Gaffey was the
applicant.and the property was being rezoned from M -L .
(Light Industrial) to C -H (Highway Commercial) to allow
a shopping center. The present uses already existing
are an auto repair, office space.' a carpenter shop,
ORD #1240 NCS
wholesale fish sales, warehousing., and a boat repair
and sales. Under M- L,. :boat sales is.not.an allowable
use. Because the major tenant -owns the boat repair and
sales; Mr. Gaffey is asking
that-the property be rezoned to C -H to allow it.
The Planning met
with property owners along Lakeville Highway, and there
was general agreement
to rezone the property. Also„ the tenants at -1010 Lake-
ville Highway own small
businesses', so there should not be any additional
traffic. Mr. Hall explained
there is one.prob'lem„ though, and that is the
shopping center shares
common access with Moran Plumbing and a common right-of-
way with Mini Stor. -It
Warehouse. Presently, there is a spillover of parking
onto Moran's property,
but there are conditions which should take care of it.
Mr. Hall ended his report
by saying the.Planning Commission recommends approval
of the rezoning:.
Planning Commission Resolution No,. Z2 -77 submitted and filed. Planning staff
report dated March 10, 1977, submitted and filed.
Councilman Mattei asked why this property is referred to as a shopping center,
and Mr. Hall answered it is not a shopping center in the usual sense; but a
distinction has to be made between a single -use facility and a multi -use.
fac- ility, Councilman Hilligoss inquired about the traffic expected to be
generated. Mr. 'Hall replied traffic was a major concern of the•'Planning
Commission, and conditions were imposed to permit only small -scale businesses
which would not generate much additional traffic.
After further discussion by the Council, the Public Hearing'was opened.. No
communications regarding the proposal had been "received by the City Clerk. The
Public Hearing had been duly noticed as required by law. Mr. Tom Gaffey spoke
in favor of the rezoning- He said he would like to have customers as tenants
who would be generators because they produce the best return and
are the best.investment for him. Mr. 'Leon Bohling spoke in favor of th'e,
project. He felt the site had been left to deteriorate before Mr.' Gaffey
started a program .to revitalize the area and congratulated' Mr. Gaffey for what
he had done to improve, the property. After further discussion, the Public
Hearing was closed.
Ordinance . #1240 ,N.G,.S. amending Zoning Ordinance #1072 N.C.S.. by reclassifying
A.P. #005- 060 -38 (consisting of .approximately 1.12 acres) from M -L (Light
Industrial,) to C- H,(Highway Commercial) located,at 1010 Lakeville Street - (Tom
Gaffey) which had been introduced "by •Councilman Perry and second`ed.by Council-
man Hilli -gos`s at the Meeting of ,April 4., 1977, was adopted by seven affirmative
votes. Effective date is May 18, 1977.
1976 -7.7
RES 47741 NCS
rl (0 - ( q .
Mayor Putnam opened the P'ublic.Hearing. The notice of
the Public Hearing and the parcels to be abated had
been duly posted by the City, Clerk as required by law.
Property owners had been Sent notices of abatement. ; No
responses had been .received by the City Clerk., no
comments were made at the Public Hearing, and the
hearing was closed.
Resolution 47741 N.C.S. ordering abatement of nuisances consisting of.weeds
growing and rubbish, refuse,, and dirt existing upon the streets, sidewalks,
parkways, and parcels of private property in the City of. Petaluma and ordering
the Fire Chief to remove said weeds, refuse, and rubbish and dirt by contract
or by his own forces was int- roduced by Councilman Harberson,,:seconded by Council-
man Brunner, and adopted by seven affirmative votesi
p p Charles D. Huffman advised bids were
AWARD CONTRACT Purchasing Officer
D ABATEMENT opened on April 13, 1977, at 11:00 a.m. for weed abate-
n 1976 -7'7 merit contract,. The two bidders were C & I Enterprises
RES 447742 NCS and Haynie Weed Abatement. Staff's recommendation was
to award the bid to the low bidder, Haynie Weed Abate-
ment of Petaluma, CA.
Resolution : #7742 iI. C. S',. awarding contract to remove weed's l ere.to,for& declared
to constitute a nuisance within the City of Petaluma wa's introduced by Council-
man Perry, seconded by Councilman Harberson, and adopted by seven.;affirmative
' q ,. .. ._ 1 ' j'
April 18, 1977
r -
_ AWARD CONTRACT City Engineer David Young reported eight bids were I
LUCCHESI PARK received, and the apparent low bidder was not properly r
' DEVELOPMENT, PHASE I licensed.. The second lowest bidder, then, was Bresnan
PROJECT 9602 & Dalecio.. Mr; Young felt, the. bids were competitive,
RES #7743 NCS and there would be no advantage to going out to bid
again. The recommendation was to award the contract to
Bresnan & Dalecio; however, there was some question as t'o whether there would
be sufficient funds to complete the entire project. if funds are not available
for the'entire project, this firm has indicated they would be willing to nego
tiate their contract to delete certain; items.
City Manager Robert Meyer explained the parking and utilities are very expen-
sive, and the comfort,stat on could be el- iminated. He advised $90,000 had been
allocated to do the work and another $'80,659 authorized from Revenue Sharing. -
If the entire contract 'is awarded', an additional $46,186 needs to be allocated.
Finance Officer John Scharer suggested either all or a,por -ton of the remaining
amount could be taken from funds encumbered for park development, bikepaths,
CAL OSHA, or social services. Councilman Harberson said he felt the funds
should come from park development, and the project should include the comfort
station. Councilman Hilligoss said Lucchesi Park development had been dis-
cus's'ed by the Recreation Commission; their feeling was that the project should
go ahead completely and the funds allocated for this phase of the development.
Resolution #7743 ii.C.S. awarding contract for Lucchesi Park Development Phase
I (Project 9602) including tlie, comfort station,with remaining funds to come
from Park Development was:ihtroduced by Councilman H lligoss, seconded by
Councilman Harberson, and adopted by four affirmative and three negative votes.
Councilmen Brunner, Mattei,, and Perry voted no because they did not agree on
the matter of financing the project.. 'They are not opposed to the project, but
they found themselves in the position o voting on both the project and financing.
CLAIMS & BILLS Resolution #7744 N.C.S.. approving_ claims and bills
RES #7744 NCS #1925 199'8„ inclusive,, General City; and #346 -364,
inclusive-, Water, approved for payment by the City
manager, was introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded
by Councilman Cavanagh, and adopted by seven affirmative
WATER EMERGENCY Mr-. Meyer reported there would be a meeting Tuesday,
STATUS April 19, 1977, between.water contractors and the
County regarding the Russian River and the Sonoma
County Water Agency's budget for next year.
Councilman Cavanagh inquired about the status of the
City parks, the pond water, and water trucks. Community Development and Ser-
vices Coordinator Frank Gray explained.wells are operational in McNear, Wicker-
sham, and Walnut .Parks. Some areas will be ,hand watered, but the large turf
areas in parks without wells 'will not be irrigated. A portion of La Tercera
will be watered and a.portion will not be watered; Miwok will not. Mr. Meyer
explained the City does not have enough manpower and time to hand water those
parks without wells. Mayor Putnam suggested postponing any further discussion
to May 2, 1977, when more information w11 be available regarding a program for
watering, what the possibilities are, what can be done with additional man-
power, etc. Regarding the' water truck, Mr. Gray explained that it has arrived
with a plumbing adaptation, and it's ready to hook up to the City's system.
The fire tanker and a`truck from the Sewer Department are also being-used. As
far las.the pond water goes, Mr. 'Gray explained a letter of permission was
received to use that water. on City property for City projects. Due to comments
made by the 'Sonoma'County'Public Health Of -f =ices, the City will.not have permis-
sion to use the reclaimed water for private purposes until May 17.
Mr. Meyer advised two wells should be drilled by May 'l5, 1977. Mr. Meyer
reported that the Office of'Emergency Services in S:ac- ramento is providing
Drought Response Training and Technical Assista -nce in the areas of Water Con
servation Management and Drought Contingency Planning Tuesday, May 10, 1977, in
Santa Rosa.
RECESS Mayor Putnam called'a ree'es's at 9:09 p.m., and the
Council reconvened at 9 °:15 p.m.
April 18, 1977
\ ESTABLTSH PETALUMA City Manager Robert Meyer explained that Mr. •
ro people t
HOUSING FINANCE McCartt suggested citizen participation n e housing
COMMITTE E and finance program; ram; various peo .le wrot` e letter
RES # 74 NCS asking to serve. The.nine people chosen to serve on
the committee had different interests, widely divergent
occupations and various backgrounds. Mr. Meyer said
that the committee shouldn't .be too large or the purpose of the.grou,p wouldn't
be served; however, additional names could be ;added at a later date: Those
people chosen to be on the committee a-re Herbert Bundesen, David Voss, Lou
Rasmussen, Charles.Dawson, Robert Fulwiler, Martin Gavrilof.f, Gloria Letinich,
Helaine Dorenfeld and Larry Vol'at.
Resolution X67`745 N..C.S'. es'tab'lishing the Petaluma Housing 1..inance Committee and
appointing members to said committee was introduced by Councilman Retry,,
seconded by Councilman Harber-son, and, adopted by seven, a1firmat -ive votes.
CPR TRAINING_`. City Manager Robert Meyer reported the Public Health
Department would like to come before. the Council and
make a 40 - minute presentation regarding- CPR Training, Mayor Putnam replied the
training is very good and there is an interest in the pro: will have
to be set aside for now until budget review has been
COUINTY- -WIDE, Mr. Meyer said he sent a copy of a summary ,of the
PUBL-I`C SAFETY proposed Public Safety Communications System for :Sonoma
COMMUNICATIONS County to the Mayor and Council. There will be discus -
SYSTEM lion at a later. date with the. idea of getting
Council's approval or disapproval regarding' this
County =wide consolidation.
FOURTH OF JULY Mr. Meyer advised that more money will b'e-need'ed for
PROGRAM the 4th of July Program in order to have additional
booths:. He will report back to the.Council when he has
more precise figures.
HUD FUNDS Mr. Meyer explained.Petaluma will be receiving from the
Department of Housing and Urban Development $'220,000,
which is almost half the amount allocated to Sonoma
FIREWORKS Councilman Brunner reported that Sebastopol and Rohnert
Park ate going to sell fireworks this year no matter
what the other cities decide to do,.
LEGISLATION Councilman Cavanagh reported the Councilrshould take
� ( AFFECTING CITIES. action on four.,proposed bills: AB 1265;, the Moscone
1 Q Act, Executive Session for appointment of' all offcer:s'
` SB 90, : revisions proposed,in State - mandated cost reimbursement law{; SB 164 .,
compulsory and binding arbitration; and HR 4703, Community Development Block
Grant 'Reauthor;zation Bill.
A motion supporting AB 1265 and HR 4703 and opposing SB 90, and SB 164 was
introduced by Councilman.Cavanagh and seconded by Councilman H lligo::ss. Motion
passed unanimously.
OTHER REPORTS Councilman Hilligoss reported attended a committee
meeting at the California Lea;gue,of. Cities regarding
leisure services. One of the main topics of discussion was the.Dra'ft Urban
Recreation Policy for the State Parks and Recreation Department. The State
Recreation Department is thinking of getting involved. in State urban parks by
not only buying the land but developing and maintain -ing i She was against
the policy because they had no overall policy to begin with. She felt it was
poor planning to go from no policy to an urban : ;policy.
REPORT.ON EPA City Engineer David-Young advised.he had attended a
PROPOSED PRE workshop session and briefing by EPA where. their pro -
TREATMENT posal for pre - treatment industrial waste was discussed.
REGULATIONS EPA believes they are doing a fair job throughout the
April 18, 1977
REPORT ON EPA United States on controlling point sources of indus
PROPOSED PRE- trial discharge into the waters of the nation. How-
TREATMENT ever, they ,feel they are doing an economic inustice,to
REGULATIONS the point sources they- are controlling in that they do
(Continued) not equally cont -rol those industries that discharge
wastes into the waters of the .municipal systems. In
the February issue of the Federal Register alternative approaches to this
control of waste, from the pre-treatment point of view•, were published. The
objectives of EPA's four. proposals are to prevent the pass- through to the
waters of the nation and to not interfere with municipal treatment works. Mr.
Young explained he felt EPA was concerned that the regulations must be accept-
able to the entire country, but California, which "has been a leader in the pre-
treatment field, wondered why there couldn't be s't'andards applicable to given
areas. Mr. Young also stated Petaluma has a small industrial base, but it is
very vital, so we have a large stake in EPA's proposal.
Mr. Young then showed the various options on the viewfa l and explained them.
He also stated industries do not want.anything done about the situation, but if
it has to be done, they would prefer local control. The major utilities are
also asking for more local control. Further discussion followed, and Mayor
Putnam asked Mr. Young to keep the Council 'informed of future developments.
DENY TWO OUTSIDE Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank
WATER & SEWER Gray explained the 'Council granted an outside water � 51�13
CONNECTIONS-- connection to Mr. John Lake for a nursery school /day
821 SUNNYSLOPE RD. care center on the site of his house. Mr. Lake has now
RES #7746 NCS applied to the County to divide off the house and day
care center and to create three additional lots. The
County has referred the matter to the City, and Mr.'
Lake has had to apply for outside water and sewer
connections from the City. The problem is one of
policy, whether the Counc liwants.,1to;:grant a water connection outside the City
limits in this time of drought. As yet, there is no existing policy regarding
outside water connections.
Discussion followed with the general feeling that the City should look after
the people within the.City limits before allowing the creation of new lots and
granting outside water and sewer connections.
Resolution #7746 N.C.S. granting two residential outside water and two resi-
dential outside sewer connections to John G. Lake, for.property known as 821
Sunnyslope Road, Petaluma -- (A.P. #19- 201 -14) was introduced by Councilman
Perry, seconded by Councilman Brunner, and defeated by one affirmative and six
negative votes. Mr. Brunner voted aye.
Mr. Gray advised a draft_ resolution, outlining the Council's policy regarding
outside water and sewer connections during the drought would be prepared for
Council's consideration.
(60 DAYS)
Planning Director Ron. Hall explained eight residential �Q
allotments for the 1976 -77 construction year had been (�
awarded to Mr. Royal Earls near the East Washington /(� _ 77
Street interchange. Mr. Earls does not plan to proceed
with the project, and the Planning staff recommends
rescinding the allotment.
Reverend Marvin Barbee stated there was a buyer for the property, and requested
an extension of time be granted..
After some discussion, a motion extending Royal Earl's allotment for 60 days
was introduced by Councilman Harberson and seconded by Councilman Hilligoss.
Motion passed unanimously.
MANUEL PACHECO Mr. Manuel Pacheco explained that he would like to add,���.
EXTEND TIME Mr. Jack L,. Hart'_s.._name to his 50 -unit allocation.
SO RESIDENTIAL Community Development and Services Coordinator. Frank 76o -
ALLTOMENT UNITS Gray said if Mr. Hart is the builder, then the allotment
(30 DAYS) should be transferred to Mr.. H'art's name. After some
discussion, Mr. Pacheco requested a 30 -day extension to
work on the project and to contact Mr. Hart.
A motion to grant Manuel Pacheco a 30 -day extension of time was introduced by
Councilman Mattei and seconded by Councilman Harberson. Motion passed unanimously.
April 18, 1977 .
/ SUSPENDING TIME Ordinance #1239 N.C.S. suspending time .for abatement of
ABATEMENT OF SIGNS certain signs and outdoor advertising structures which
& OUTDOOR ADUERTTSING was introduced by Councilman Cavanagh and seconded by
STRUCTURES Councilman'Perry at the 'Meeting of April 4, 1977, was
ORD #1 NCS adopted by seven affirmative vot;es. , Effe.ctive date is
May 18,1977.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the
Council the meeting was adjourned at 10:37 p.,.rm:, to an
Executive Session; to -an Executive Session Apr- -1 25,
1977, at 7:00 p.m.; and, to an Adjourned Meeting April
25, 1977, at 7;30 p.m.
Debuty City Clerk