HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06/06/1977X37 MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA JUNE: 6,, 1977' REGULAR MEETING The regular 'meeting.`of:'the_ - P'etaluma City Council was called to order by Mayor Helen Putnam the hour of 7:35' p.m. ROLL CALL Present.: Councilmen.,, Brunner,; Cavanagh *, Harberson, Hilligos's, Mattei, Perry *, and Mayor Putnam. Absent: None. *C ouncilman_Cavanagh arrived at 7:49 p.m. Councilman - Perry arrived at.8:55 p.m.. INVOCATION The Reverend Carl K. Young, Free Will Baptist Church, gave the-Invocation.. BETSY ROSS FLAG Mayor Putnam.advised the,audience a.letter had....been received from Mr. Richard. W., Blair, - asking..to have the Betsy Ross Flag..flown from - public buildings- .during 1977. .The City . however. received.. commemorative flags from EUe American.Legion in honor of Dr. L. J. Snow, which were to be flown. Mayor Putnam then read the following. hstor.y.of_.the Bet.sy.:Ross Flag: On June 14, 1777, the following entry was.-placed-.in-the Journal of Congress "Resolved: that the flag of the Un .ted'States Ve of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be:thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation -" From this brief entry evolved- :the. present - flag.:of. these United States. Popular history has filled "in .the. gaps. of. this br-ief...record.. _. Tradition-states that in May or June of 1776, George.Washington.,• Rober-t._Mo,rr.is and .George Ross were assigned to a. committee: charged, with. the - desgn.:.of, ,a national .flag... Betsy Ross., a. Philadelphia. seamstress:,, was 'a.pproached. b,y .George.Washington.,and'.. George Ross to prepare the. f.lag...fmom General_Washington'.s r.ougl sketch and this-was the flag of June 14, 1777.. Therefore, in.honor of the Resolution of June 14, 1777, the Betsy Ross Flag will be flown this year the Washington Street Bridge. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes..of. May 16., 1977, were approved as cox- 'rected. .The miriutes.of May.1.9, 19.77, were .approved as mailed.: The-minutes. May 23, 1977,..were approved as mailed. The minutes of June 1, 1977, were approved as mailed. CONSENT CALENDAR A motion. was -. madez_by Councilman .Hilligoss, .seconded._by Vice -Mayor Brunner, to.adopt.Consent Calendar Items #1, #2 , • and -#3 1.the. agenda;. Motion. carried unanimously. Agenda Item #1 AUTHORIZE CONSENT TO COMMON USE AGREEMENT WITH P.G.& E. -- RES #7678A NCS Agenda Item #2 APPROVE CERTIFICATE OF.COMPLIANCE /JOHN S. CORRY RES #7679ANCS Agenda Ite #3' DECLARE TELETYPE ACOUSTICAL COVER SURPLUS RES #7680ANCS Resolution.. - 1.76.78 N.C.S... authorizing Mayor to sign a Consent to. Common Use Agreement .with Pacific Gas- and F r 7 ' Electric Company was.adopted. Resolution #7679.N.C.S'. approving certificate of com- /f' pliance for'John.S. Corry and John S. Corry, Jr., A.P. / #149- 090 -02, was adopted. Resolution-1768 0 'N.,C.. S:. finding personal property r h 4r7A- erein named-.'Is surplus;' longer required, and r directing the City Manager to dispose of and sell the same, was adopted.. 03 Y � (0 June 6, 1977 PUBLIC HEARING­ Janie Warman, Management.'Aide, stated.the Housing. APPROVE HOUS-ING Assistance Plan is- an update of_ the. 19.76 Plan,;. and:.. ASSISTANCE 'PLAN reflects an .increase in .total housing° units .in the. APPLICATION -- City, an increase in the. total. which are suitable. for COMMUNITY 'DEVELOPMENT. rehabilitation,, and,_a in the .vacancy. - rate. BLOCK; GRANT FUNDS ,-.' The Housing:, Assistance-.Plan. indicates the City 'has a 1977 definite need for low -. and .moderate, - income: housing. RES #7681ANCS Current yearw and,the -three year goals indicate an emp,hasis.:. for -inew -ion - of , Sect : ion 8 housing and .exis:ting'. Secition 8.. housing.,....- Mayor, Putnam :then opened the public hearing., . No comments had b:een,.'received by the City Clerk and none were made by the audience, and the public hearing, was declar:ed.closed. There was some. discussion following._the_.close of.. the_public. hearing_ by 'ahes City C'ouncil.. C' ouncilman_ Mattei .:qu "esaioned. .whether:ahe_. public - .:was..r;eally- nterest'ed in, becoming involved in thee. plan :and._would_,some def nite.,.act on: be taken...' 'Ms. Warman - stated-the, first. housing, assistance. plan. was. brought..up„ in 19:7,4,under. the Community. Development .Act.. She,:7agr:eed-it is'.z. ,slow. process .. howeveri, ._the Department, of, Housing. and :U'rban_- Developpmen t .has. offered. Section 8 funds to four counties., including,..Sonoma- .Co,unty :been..;made.- for. the. ,City of -- Petaluma for .a..low= income housing:. - The,:_proposal -could . not . have, been possible if..the „City .not. had, a: Housing Ass- istance_P.lan... - The�'application ' for funds.. by- City...is. $220, 0.00.. ..,Under-.the Community.:Development and. ;Block Grant Funds.; the .City would :not have been: Able to. apply for these funds' if it had .not. had. a. Housing sAss stance. "Plan.. z... Ms Warman,' t hei sequence-of.. events- leading .up' to'. the., full application:. .In February.,,. -.the; City, applied., for the total ,for: Sonoma. ;County,,_ Vhich_::was, .$500, 000.. . Consequently, . the City. =re. ceived an- invitation to apply." for,° $22,0;,:00.0 and= w.the.:.remaining $280.,;0,00 .was;. to be distributed ,throughout,S.onoma County:_. The current ap.plica:tion.includes $150;,000 '-for housing r ehabi lita'tion,..:and $70,, 000 . for <, public. improvements , in the three neighborhood_ areas. The Citiz 'ens'..Advisory`Commt tee. was - active in preparing. the.. preapplication, and._Ms >. - Warman - 'indicated in,. ;a let ter;! she sent to then. Committee. that 'the- f inal- , application.. wouFld,..be .:basically - .the, same as the preappl cation. Since no many members: of the Advisory Commit-tee attended the final meetings, she assumed. with the app The d= scus"s on then ,led _to the.:public�_imp:r-ouements - portion ..of ..the- a.pplication.. Vice -Mayor :Brunner .questioned. the „advisab li'.ty,_`o'f..,spend: n'g, $44,,,000 ., f-ir-e. hydrants And, wondered. if .there. was a 'pro:tection problem. City Manager. Robert Meyer. indicated the, area .s'till­has some. of the older: type :fire hydrants and :new, water...lines ,have ,been _ins.talled .If the request_ -for f.i -re 4y. drants� was not in this application, .then it: would - appear in -the. City's regular budget... Councilman Hilligoss questioned .whether: .it would'b'e.pos'sib'le to eliminate some Ms. g he .o lder. sections of _ the .City,. -W,arman-_ of the high crowned ;in..t indic'ated, the funds would. be insufficient ;to accomplish :a project .of such magnitude as.the Engineering Division - 'had'.advised.it..would be -a very expensive project, and +not.'something_that. could..18.don.e with..the' Upon conclusion.'of._ the .discussion, .Resolution, �t.7681.,..N,..C.. S : approving ; the Housing Assis.tanc'e.. Plan. for the .application.for Community. Development Block Grant Funds for '1977,. wa's introduced, by' Councilman Cavanagh,... seconded by Councilman Harberson,,and adopted by , 6 affirmative and 1 abseritee votes. REZONE .N /W 'CORNER "I” STREET AND SUNNYSLOPE ROAD 5� ORD 112�42.NCS (CONTINUED TO JUNE 20 1917) AWARD. CONTRACT -- C'ULFIELD.LANE 5 0,) (0 " , IMPROVEMENTS' - CRINELLA DRIVE 'T0 SO. McDOWELL BLVD - RES #16s2ANCS This ord'inance.,'scheduled. for public hearing,and second reading, ,was.;,def'erred..;to, June 20, 1.977 upon.- written request by;the applicant, Lawrence.A -. Jonas.. A copy of Dr. Jonas' letter ision file with 'the City Clerk. City .Engineer ,David A:._.Young,. advised six., bid sc�.had, been received" for:,ahe,project. The low bid of $192,314.57 had - beem,submitted „by the - firm of.:Bresnan, and 'Dalecio of San 'Raf_ael..::..The high bid':was '$;228.,665,. - arid the Engineer's E's,timate had been - $210,070,: Mr. Young stated., after.,'reviewing all, the bids, : 't. was. the recommendation .o.f' .the Engineering~ Department to award the low bid t 'o Bresnan & Daleco.. Councilman Harberson 1 June 6, 1977 1 1 39 AWARD: ,CONTRACT. -- questioned how. long the ..project would. take to comple- , CAULFIELD° LANE tion. Mr-Young stated,,- depen'd'ing' on. the: time it .would IMPROVEMENTS =- take the C :y.- Attorney..to. get the contract, out,;. he CRINELLA DRIVE - `TO antic ipat.ed.approximately ,fo.ur months.. to do: the street SO. McDOWELL BLVD. work• • but. it_ may be ..necessary. ao: ;wait f or -,' the traf f is RES-17682ANCS signal.controller,s::to complete that.phase of the pro - (Continued) ject. •Some .discussionrwas :also'held regarding the ,, prop:erty the;,City abutting the ;proposed pro- ject '.and. how.. the. contra c tor. - would �..take care of weather -_ .proofing the structure after the—.garage—had been removed. Mr.. Young, indicated. - the_contractor will remove the garage and weatherproof it with tar paper; how - ever, it will require additional repair,or remodeling work if the structure is to be used.. Upon conclusion of the discussion:,. Resolution 1.7682._N..C..S. award ing_.contract for Caulfield Lane.. Improvemen .ts:from_Crinella..Drive_.to: South. McDowell, Blvd.. .(Project 9621) .and..anclud•ing. signalizat:ion.•of• intersection of: Caulfield Lane . South McDowell Blvd., was intr.oduced.by Councilman Harberson, by Councilman Hilligoss, and adopted by 6 affirmative and 1 absentee votes. APPROVE PLACING A letter dir-ected::to the-.City Council .by •Ross .S.. Smith, Y r "UGLY'DOG "- STATUE • Pr.esident °..of the,. Ad'o.be:Fi•esta. Association, .,.was .read ON—CITY—:PROPERTY by the City Cler•k:...and is on file.. Mr... Smith was-present in the audience; to expl'ain.their proposal. Councilman Matter questioned.' whether;: -this would, be�. an ongoing project as', to. the best. of his last. -year .:was. the. first year for. the contest . , Mr.. Smith indicated. the Ugly .Do.g. ,Contes.t .has ..been taking:c_,place.. in conjunction: with .their Annual.:Fies.ta. -for_a number...of..year.s -... During the past year, ,however.,. they. received world- .wid'e_coverage_•from the Associated,Press. The contest 'is now labeled as: the .,World:.Champ.ionship_.U.gly:. Dog_ Contest.. The proposed `sta.tue..would be- completed..- by_one� of the--area's best known artists,..*- Rosa Estebanez.. Mrs :. Estebanez• :off.ered•.to.do..the ,if:it be ac- cepted by-the-City. Mr...Smith also sta.ted. :be. released by the National Geographic Child,- r•en's %'Magazine and:, they have - :applied for a copyright for the Ugly Dog...Contest. Some discussion was held. regarding wher.e_.the statue would -be - placed.. The suggested place. was near the. Snoppy_ Sign. on- the•.northeas.t .corner of . Blvd. and-East Washingtorn.Street.. - ;It mas..suggested...the::site directly- across the street. on. • the_ southwest corner be investigated.... Smith ndica.ted -the sta ue would :be made as vandal. =p roof:�.as.::.possible. . The Council gave their approval for placing the. statue and.'Mr. .Mey.er Mr. Smith work closely with'. -the Public Works Superintendent Roy Kelly to work-out the details. PUBLIC . IMPROVEMENT. A,'- letter, dated _.June . 1., 1 977, addressed to the City F5 ,55 REQUIREMENTS.FOR LOT Council by.John J. Clement was read by the City Clerk AT 35'BERGER'LANE - - ' and ordered filed. JOHN.J. CLEMENT Mr..Clement was the Council for'relief' the requirements ,_for..public.improvements to...service this lot.. A map of the area indicating the lot in question accompanied the. letter. In addition, a.letter directed to Mr. Clement Attorney Lawrence Klose, was attached. Mayor Putnam asked : Mr . Klose for_-his comments:.:; -- Mr.. -. Klose. advised they nearest improvements would be. in :Magnola:.Avenue... ThezCnuncl's'=-- policy. is ..very clear in ° thaat any ifipr;ovements to- deve•lopments..such..as this be in the public- of -way.. r The three: lots in the: front.a1ong Ber.ger.._Lane., • Lot s 16•, .17. and 18, are already developed' and have no:.•need.'of.«City..water. The, next .four lo.ts,. E, D., . C, and B, continue back to Mr. Clement.'..s-lot, which is Lot 22. Mr. Klose indi- cated the. policy directive. is• very. clear' that. the, sewer. an&water• lines. must...be in the public improvements.. The.. fir.s.t..three lots - were. developed. before: the. area was annexed ..to.. the City.' The ..opposite side. of the. *street from Mr._ Clement's lot is:.still- in -the, County area and'.. it.- ds:.:questionable. when..this� area: woulld..-be annexed. to the° City. If the area 'o.p.p_oste. <-him; is• annexed to the City at some future time and developed•, a repayment._agreement could -be signed..for- ...the ex- tension of. ' the water• and, sewer lines... Mr:.. Klose:_ -indicated he- had...suggested .to Mr. Clement his only appeal procedure to,come.before• the City Council. Mr_ Klose advised there.is.an; easement near.the top the lot which appears to be a utility easement; - however, it is private land and-the public improvements must be in the public right -of -way. ®y 0 June 6, 1977 PUBLIC' ;IMPROVEMENV There was considerable .d' 'scus'sion regar.ding,..th s:- p.r:ivate REQUIREMENTS FOR LOT easement, and.. the: engineering _s.taff co,uld„no.t_aay.. for AT 35 BERGER LANE-- certain- - whether,. t .had_b'een_es tab 1ished as_.,a,utility JOHN J.. CLEMENT ­ easement. .May.or.. Putnam,:asked... if _Mr. 'Clement was, present (Continued) in the audience .to_dis'cuss.the matter .*' - Mr:'Clemerit' was Jnot present :during this" per'iod.: of: d'i.scusson:.. It .was 'also b'rought,' oiit that Lo'ts_.E, D ,...0 and. B .had ' been. 'con- . sidered.unbuildable lots.'and were connected'to_Lo.ts 26, 25, 24 and.23, facing on Paula Lane >. Planning Director Rona- ld'Hal'l� stated this had been accomplished through lot 'line adjustments:' Mrs. 'Brocco,...who.: owns, the property "on. Paula Lane w 'th.: , -the... :.pr:ivate..=.easement,. .spoke• as a concerned property owner.... She. wonder.ed,what_'her: rights."wer.e�-as far as access-..for-water, sewer, and.emergency..services through..their...prop- er.ty. . 'She advised Mr. Clemerit..does riot,.' as 'yet,_.own the ..lots,'- but is pursuing; the purchase.. Mrs:... Brocco stated-if lots were developed - on Berger Lane and her property was*to be considered for access, sh'e would like to be.consulted.about the matter..' At,. this point, in the discussion,, Mr.. Clement.. arrived. Mayor.• .'Putnam- advised him the.matter. had been reviewed, ,and.. since: there appeared, to be. a. grea.t.,.many questions. -raised it-was .suggested. the, _back..,to_the.,staff;... Mr. ' Clement stated he felt. policy. Resolut- on.: #543.0 was meant =to' appa-y to-'regu- lar subdivision developments -. He is. talking* here. about..a single- family .r.esi- Bence on the subject lot. If the policies :: con.ta -ined .,in,,_the..resolution were- - applied' to this - single .lot, it. would .require 1,000 feet. of� sewer and water lines to develop the lot "which''.would cost'him.between-$55,000 and $65,'000: Economically, 'this would not permit..him;,to. develop the lot for.. use. Vice =Mayor Brunner -asked "if' the- sta.tement`.which had been - made',earlier. by' Assistant. City Engineer Tom Hargis;- that .the development of half the;:street', the curb, 'gutters and .sidewalks,'would. be'. no' probl'er__.. Mr: `.Clement stated:'that.- was. not exactly, °_ true:. = jgift- to' the ,'.•terra n:; -sidewalks,' curbs and - gutters - could be .a problem as the lot-is Very' steep..' To.red'uce the* lot size.would` require building stilt-type because of..the = contour of the land. Mayor Putnam suggested the matter .be..reviewed -by the staff, that Mr. Clement and Brocco be . brought 'into -.the. discussion, rand 'the matter be. "returned.'to the•'Counc'il: for c'onsiderat'ion. City-Manager.•Ro,b'ert'Meyer - also suggested the Council drive out'to Lane in -order to familiarize themaelves.with the location and the terrain.. CITY - MANAGER'S REPORTS: CLAIMS & BILLS Resolution - .#7.683.'.N.:C ...S...,approv ng .claims-and *,bills, RES # 683q NCS #2239..;.to 4 2'4'11'2;.;. inclusivel, General 'City. and .#4.10., to #450, inclusive,.Water, approved for payment.by. the City ,'Manager.,'.;was- .introduc_ed by Councilman .Hilligoss, seconded by Councilman Harberson, and - adopted by 6 affirmative and 1 absentee votes. WATER EMERGENCY STATUS: PROGRESS REPORT City Manager..Rober.t Meyer reviewed the.:progress report ON WELLS on local well,.,production;, advising.S.tations, 1,, 9,; '5., . . 11. and the• leased.Scott'Well are producing ,1...7, MGD -.. The new wells -.-or those' leased - by' the. ty,-and.. developers .-jr-re - estimated 'td 3 MO, for a total of 4.85 million gallons,.. Mr.. Meyer-reported the wells being dr -by the. Count.y: to. pro- duce '1.2 MGD. The'Rohnert Park wells,�.at:. the .peak,. be,,_aboutL- 5.00,000 gallons, and the off -peak should .be. 300,000 gal-lgns.. - , .:Some of the 'new wel -1's still have to have pumps in'stalled''and. bee tested. Mr: Meyer_ indicated the was hopeful all w_ ells would be producing; by,. The. Sonoma County Water Agency has assured the City the y�can 'provide - 5 MGD through Aug_ust.l,. . M John = _.Nelson, Chairman'of the .Water;'Advisory stated he•felt -the Sonoma County Water Agency would.-..be able' to provide the 5 MGD- .thr,ough the third and fourth weeks in August'. C- i:ty.- Manager Robert. Meyer, 'stated., based on the .assumption the water be available.. from - - the Sonoma : 'County Water Agency and the continued 'c'ooperaton. the' - Peta'luma,' the Water Emergency Task Force had prepared a proposal updating'the water situa -tion. 1 L / June 6, 1977 PROGRESS REPORT It was suggested -the • City :_p.ermit 'watering-. on°:an _odd. =. ON WELLS even b,ass,:by...sprinkling a two -hour period..be.tween (Continued) 6:00 and..8 :,00 :,,.p,.,m. on. - alternating : every= other =day basis between the.west.::and> valley .side& - of :: the. community..- The• 3l•st.:day -.of the month -would allow. both sides of the community'.to °use their'sprinkler for this two- hour. period:. .. Mr..Meyer,.-sta!ted `a proposed ordinance. had been- prepared - for -.the.. Council'. -s. con- sideration, either at this meeting _or.. a•,subseq:uent meeting , .to permit , . -wat'er:ing by irrigation per the.. suggested .scheduling...In.addition, the .proposed.ordinance would - remove the limitation of 21,000 .f.or'.the U•.S.'Coast Guard Station. Mr. Meyer advised the Coast Guard Training-Center has cut their water usage - by 'about - 35' percent. . Some.discussion was held .regarding:..the ,hour.s between 6.:00.. and 8:00:.p.m. Assis- tant City David.-Breninger. advised ..the.:- Commit.tee.:had talked.about. the timeframe and. realized-there is. a..wind...on the. east- -at -this- time of day. Some consideration. had been. given. to the.morning , hours, - but in order to..accom- modate the commuters, _it. was felt. the - hours between "'6:.00.'p..m. =and: 8::00 p.m. _were .the most - convenient. Mr.. Meyer .also advised if :the Council approves the - amendment to the ordinance; citizens would-be advised by a special- notice mailed as.quickly as.possible. Some discussion was..held regarding -other communities and how.they :are.handling the:. sprinkling - .Mr. Br..eninger stated" San,ta`:Rosa._;is_on. an 8:00 p.m. to 8.:.00 a..m. schedule;:. however ;..residents.are::,restricted .to.. -100 gallons per .day. Mr: Nelson. indicated - .No,,vato`is_donside'ring' the- 8:00.- p.. m'. to 8:00 a.m sc sprinkling.and.avoiding...the 100 gallon.per_day. restriction.- This will . make.. it 'mandatory that the. community .:maintains. the. _30% decrease-in .water . consumption—Mr. Breninger also stated had._been given -­to permit both sides of the .community_.to :water. one._.hour per day; however, City Engineer David Young indicated. this may' cause a- on 'the :.water system; and it would be' preferable to have °one =half of the City use the sprinklers. one - day and the'other the following day. AMEND- CHAPTER 15.18 Ordinance• #1246".N.C.S:.-•.amending- Chapter..15.18•'of the F ot OF'TAE.P8TALUMA Petaluma- Municipal Code,-Water: Emergency. ' MUNICIPAL CODE TO Regulations;.to:._permit:,.the "irrigation.of residential PERMIT IRRIGATION landscaping under._certain, and: -.eliminating UNDER CERTAIN the stated.,maximum.volume,_.under stated conditions, on CONDITIONS AND the Two- Rock_ Transmission- Line.,. and:.declaring :.the ELIMINATE MAXIMUM urgency thero.f, --to .take eff:ect.°immediately., was in- VOLUME-- TWO troduced by Councilman•Mattei; seconded by Vice -Mayor TRANSMISSION LINE Brunner; and.adop.ted by affirmative votes-. ORD #1246 NCS _ ...... . (EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY); A copy of ;the:.report on the'. local. "well 'production is on file with .the'.City. Clerk, as. well. as the .update: on the water memorandum dated June 3 , 1977, directed to and City Council,'by'As'sistant City Manager David A. Breninger. - AUTHORIZE: "MAYOR TO' SIGN'WATER WELL AGREEMENT- -DEBRA " HOMES INC. RES 17684ANCS Resolution 47684 N.C.S. authorizing Mayor- to:enter:_,.into P - / a Water .Well - Agreement, with Debra. Homes Inc_ , regarding 1 41 Westrid °ge Un1.t.#3, was introduced by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes. . OFFER OF RESIGNATION City Manager 'Robert Meyer, read a letter-addressed to RECREATION COMMIS 'STONER th'e•Mayor,,.da:ted May ,24, 1933, f,rom.Dan Longaker, a DAN LONGAKER ..member of "the.Recreation, Music and Parks Commission. Mr. Longaker-advised.he would eligible for reappointment to.the.Commission and.offered to submit his resignation prior to July 1 if the present Council wished to make.a pointment. Mayor Putnam indicated:since ther-e..are.other members to be appointed to various Commissions and Boards, these appointments would be made after July 1, 1977. 3 July 6, 1977 fF CITY COUNCIL REPORTS LEGISLATION AFFECTING Councilman -,Cavanagh the .status' " "of' bills; CITIES ; advising. SB.164:, .regarding: compulsory and..b.inding arbitra.t -ion:_ is:• discussed - in ...the..League of-California Cities' Legislative Bulletin:da,ted.June 3, 1977.. The City has already. responded. to the different. legislators on .this - bill voicing: opposition- . Mr. ....Cavanagh..ref, err ed w to., the. ,.attachments .to...the :League._s::bulletin., which reproduced,. editorials._.pr:inted. in :.major. newspapers throughout the State of California. He suggested copies of the editorials be given to the.local press for their,- review_and possible reprinting.. Mr. Cavanagh also advised a new litter .control bill. ~is .being pro.posed,.'but it will probably change and he could see no reason for commenting on the bill at this time.. The Unemployment Insurance.Bill, scheduled.to.,..be heard Tuesday, June 3:, in the Assembly, Committee on..Ways._and. Means.. ;Mr. Cavanagh '.indicated ..since the City had. already taken.-some action-to op.pose.:.the_.legislation at..-the level and- the -League .has. sugge "s -ted the ,bill be delayed to. determine, .if: there is to.be an'.injunction or stay issued against'the Federal the Council take no further action. LETTER. FROM 'CHARLES Councilman ;P'er-r.y..Advised he.had._ been_ g.iven..a: letter - -by A. KING RE "TRAFFIC Mr.... Charles ,A...Ring,,_comp.laining about -the traffic PROBLEMS 'ON .'GRANT AVE:_ conditions. at. the _intersect on_of..'Grant.,Avenue and "I" Street.Extension.: The Council determined the letter should be referred to Committee. DISCUSSION: RE..PETALUMA : Councilman..Ma.tteil referred to,: the •minutes_ of May:.16 DEANNEXATION FROM when a letter.'.f.rom,_the .Sonoma County...Taxpayers' Assn- HOSPITAL 'DISTRICT ciation,, Petaluma, Chap.ter,.was read. The letter•-re- quested.the..Council.,to take action on ,withdrawal from. the Petaluma.Hospital.District. Mr. Mattei indicated. at that time-the Council - requested ._the:_.City..At.torney ,to.inves.tigate the-matter. Mr:.. Klose .had,.writ:ten a . letter which,was...fo;rwar.ded..to the City Council,. with copies -going to the.Sonoma Countyy.,_ Taxpayers' Association, Petaluma Chapter', Mr. Charles Cowen,.Administrator, Hillcr.est „Hospital - ,.,:and the,Board of Directors, Petaluma .Hospital District.. Mr._Mattei:.indicat'ed, basically, the.'Council had done. what- they were,.requested to do., __He._,further .indicated he did not wish' to vote on the ,matter, and. w_ ould prefer the...o.ther alternate .suggested - in the 'City Attorney''s _let.ter < , i.e., a peti- tion,_b.yvresiden.t voters in the District;. which. must. .be signed by. at least 5 . per. cent_ :of.. the .resident.'.voters'.in 'the.- area being detached or 5 perc'ent : who own a:t'least..5`.'per'cent of the, 'assessed value= of. land within.,:the..por -tion. proposed to - be detached.. Mayor.Putnam asked that .the _.recoxdg.,show- ,the- :ma.tter had been brought up-, -.the- options were ; spelled,.out -by Counci-lman..Matte ,.;and ,copies of . the.. letter. had. . been. d= stribut'ed... Councilman .P.erxy,,,:advdsed. he,,had, atten&ed..the meeting at the Kenilworth Junior. High S'choo'l,:. The.: Sonoma, Count "y:' „Taxpayers'. Associa't'ion.;. Petaluma. Chapter.,. found . out at . that_ time,_ if. they. wanted to .pr.ocee -d” the_.. petition would- have. to. be r,eferred._to,.the.. Sonoma.. County'. Local. Agenc,.y Formation Commis'si`on.• City.'Attorney Larry Klose indicated either way,. whethe City pro'c"eeded'or 'the' resident's' proceeded',' it would `have to go. .through - LA FCO. DIRECT-CITY ATTORNEY Planning Director ,Ronald ; Hall_ advised :the matter was �04 TO COMMENCE. ABATEMENT. brought before, the..Council under Section ..28- PROCEDURES :- ZONING Zoning :Ordnance;..which requires' .the C Council to /4 VIOLATIONS,,;2084 .. refer viola.tions..to the.City.Attorney whenever.there is LAKEVILLE STREET a use change 'in.'v.olation of ..the Cty`s 'Zonirig`...Ordi 5 .:. RES #7685ANCS nance. In. this particular. case,. -Steve James is the lease& - and :;the violation: is ' equipment for sale. and 's'torage at 2084 Lakeville• Highway. June 6, 1977 DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Hall.. then :.reviewed the •staff . r.epor.t . dated. May 5., . TO COMMENCE ABATEMENT 1977,.from ,the Planning.•Department to:the Planning., PROCEDURES -- ZONING Commission;. a., copy of- .which'. is _on file '.with the. City VIOLATIONS; 2084 'Clerk.*'The'r:eport`. gives ..a:chronological:'background LAKEVILLE STREET dating to:°September 7', -'1976. Mr. Hall".advised RES " #76855 NCS on May 4., 1977.,. an..inspection of . the.. property revealed (Continued) not only. storage' of equipment., .but .also..sale. of....used pick =.up trucks.; a= aarge:.genera.to,r,_.a boat and a small tank'.' 9 'subsequent iiispection`•.was ".made last: Friday, and there was no change: in the _opera.tion., with the'._ exception :.tha.t.. some . of the equipment was. taken back to. °the: side: of. -..the..building.. '.The,•.property . owner has been advised; however, the Planning'staf'f`'has'no "t' heard' from the owner. A local real agent handled the original leasing and'is endeavoring'to terminate the lease.. Vice -Mayor Brunner asked if sign.at the.:location and Mr. Hall indicated there is- apolitical sign pasted the building which exceeds the 50 square feet allowable iri Zoning Ordinance. He estimated 'the sign is more like 100 square feet.' Mayor Putnam'stated` the Pl arming .Commission.'s...recommendation was that.the City Council direct the City Attorney to . commence' action on ..the-.abatenient because the. property did not-have the_proper_architectural. site design approval. City Attorney Larry Klose. advised he no.problem. with filing.,suit.on the matter, but suggested the City Manager be authorized to' execute such documents as are.necessary to proceed'. Resolution 47685 N.C.S. directing the :Cit-y`At:tor'ney.;: to. commence; abatement... procedures.for zoning violations Steve. :James., 2084 Lakeville Highway, was introduced by Councilman.Perr:y, sec onded.by Councilman:Br.unner, and_adopted__by 6 affirmative votes. Councilman Hill- igo'ss_absaained from voting because of a possible.conflict of interesa', `as'_'she..owns'..property. in the immediate vicinity. Councilman Harberson questioned•whether , or:,not.ah'e:.abatement would be.just.on the 'si "te' design review arid': no,t on'. the political. sign. '. Mayor Putnam 'indicated Elie mat -ter 'woul'd address:"the zoning, violations'. . Attorney Larry Klose advised .unless he was'dircted'otherwise he would.proceed with abating all violations. _ APPROVE PRIVATE Planning °_Director:Ronald"Hall advised.the.applicant., r 7 STREET Leonard, Jay; .a. minor subdivision LEONARD JAY'= '- BERGER at the e• inter.secstion _ of - .Magnolia' Avenue, Berger.Lane..and LANE Gossage' „AV'enue:..: Because of the existing creek. and RES #7686ANCS genera t' o:pography., it. appears it would be . in the best interest of. - ,the:.:pro ; per.ty, owner and. the City to. allow..a private street to serve these'four..lo:ts.. . . .A copy of..the Planning; staff's report dated May 13, 1,977, to. the Planning - .Commission, submitted .and filed.; ..excer.pts of the minutes of May 17, 1977, submitted and filed;.Planning Commission Resolution No. 12 -77, adopted May 17.:;.1.9.77,....submitted and filed. The Planning Commission recommended-approval of the private street. The area - had recently been annexed to the , City by means ,of :.dis.trict _reorganization.. A Mr.. Palmer from the - audience spoke`IrIegarding the dangerous.intersection.where Berger Lane, Magnolia Avenue.and Gossage...Avenue-meet.. .Mr. Palmer indicated he realized the problem was a problem and not a City problem; however., he felt some measure should be taken to..corr-:ect Y . There was some discussion held regarding-the requirements of a cul- de- sac_to service the four lots:. Mr.. Hall indicated the driveway. would-be: a' lit.tie. over 2'00 feet, but each parcel -would be..close to an acre, and ample room could be provided for turning emergency vehicles around or'the length of the street is not so long that vehicles could not- back-up... Upon conclusion of the discussion, Resolution #768,6 N.G.S. approving.private street for Leonard Jay Avenue.and Berger Lane), A.P. #48- 134 -55, was introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman Perry, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.. Y/ June 6, 1977 . AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO The City-Clerk advised- ..the-Mayor and.Ci.ty�Council this 00 r wSIGN , `iPARCEL MAP item_:could ,liave:..been incl "uded on 'the Consent, Calendar AGREEMENT - =LANDS OF . : if approva:1' for . the private , .street'had,'not been .re- �` JAY &, CS,UTORAS - ••.quir:ed.'• °Since: the-:pr.ivat "str.eet :had ;been-.aVproved by RES #768,7 NCS the Council;.-Resolution #768.7 .N..C..S - author.izing,- the. I ' . Mayor-to'. sign,, parce-l...map�,agreement (Map #116,) :.fora public.-improvements (-water mains 'and -fir.e ,, .Lands of Jay and Csutoras (Magnolia Avenue.and Berger Lane)'wa's.iiitroduced-by Councilman Perry, seconded by Councilman Harberson,.and. adopted by T-affirmative votes. AMEND .CHAPTER,.2'2 OF \ SUBDIVISION. TO PERMIT FINAL -MAP APPROVAL WITHOUT PLANNING 'COMMISS,ION REVIEW ORD #1247 NCS Ordinance W1247 N -C;: S,.- amending. Chapter .22.- . the Subdivision: 0rdinance:.Ii1046 N.C.S. to provide that final subdivision..maps:. shall be approved the. City Council., : .without prior. Planning..Commission._ . review;:_,was..in.troduced' by Councilman...Harber son ; _. . seconded- by.- Vice.- Maybr.. Brunner', and order.ed'. published by affirmative, and 1 negative votes. Councilman Hilligoss voted "no ". AUTHORIZE PURCHASE Ordinance. #1248 N:C..S.. authorizing .thee °pur,chase_.of. real REAL PROPERTY- -STONY property-on. Stony , - Point - Road, - P,etaluma,. at a price of . POINT ROAD WELL... SITE $20',800:for. - ,maintenance - of. a_we11 for. to the �\ ORD 11248 NCS .. . . .. City Wa.ter._ Supply.,•. was introduced. by..Councilman;_Perry, (EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) seconded by Councilman Harberson, and adopted by 7 affirmative'votes. Effective date of ordinance, June 6, 1977'.' DESIGNATE COCA -COLA - Ordinance X61249 'N-. G. S-. designating: the Coca -cola Sign. . SIGN ON MUTUAL RELIEF painted on .the:Mutual.R'elief..Bu:�lding on�the •corner of BUILDINGHISTORIC Western-Avenue Street in .the..City of LANDMARK P.etaluma:;•be•.declar•ed a his.toric•.landmark,-was intro- ORD X61249 NCS d iced.by :Councilman'Br.unner %,• seconded. by. Councilman Harberson, -and - .ordered .posted..: by- 6- affirmative-and - I negative - vote .. - Councilman. 'Cavanagh! ,vo:ted .. "no" Public hearing on the matter will be held June 20,•- 1977. ' ADJOURNMENT ' - r There •being nor_fur:the.r: business to come before the Council, :Mayor :Putnam adjourned ,the meeting ° '9:5'8 p.m., in memory:.of William Dow-.Dennis, a City employee - who had passed away Monday, May 30, 1977. 6, Mayor Attest: City dierk