HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11/28/1977MINUTES OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 28,, 1977 ADJOURNED MEETING ROLL CALL 1 An Adjourned, Meeting of the, Petaluma- City Council was called to 'or.der by Mayor. Helen Putnam at the hour of 9:00 a.m. Present Councilmen Bond, Cavanagh., Harberson, Perry, and Mayor Putnam.., Absent °: Councilman Balshaw. APPEAL-- RESID$NTIAL, Mayor. Putnam asked the Cty.Atforney to .give some V530 DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION background on the appeals procedure and the-position nom{ - r� Q BOARD AWARDS :the. Council would take .at•.this hearing. r V ( 1' City. Attorney Larry Klose. rev'ewed the Interim ,Plan and stated the purpose of the. appeals .was.• to bring .to:-the attention of the. Council, new material which had not heen-pres:ented'•e Cher in the written materials or before the Residential Development, Evaluation-.Board...' The. Council does not, want, a presentation of the entire material, but only matters which were not, presented t'o the Board when they-'ruled on the, original action. Mr. Klose suggested appellants be ,permitted five minutes 'f.or- presentation -and five minutes -for .discussion by the Council on each appeal. The vote on all appeals .should be taken, at the conclusion of the presentation by developers. The Plan allows 10 days after notification of the points to the developers for appeals. 'Appeals not received ;in a timely manner should not be considered,. Some discussion was held regarding the..two. developments which had al -ready qualified under the .allotment ,p,rocess; and how the -Appeal Hearing may affect. their standing. City Attorney Klose indicated all ,developers have the right to appeal and even if they had qualified under the point systeim,at the.Board level,; they-mere not assured of receiving allatments4 He also indicated if ,. developers were concerned the Ap'pe:als.Hearang'would change their.stand'ing, they should have submitted appeals. He felt, however., as.a practical fact, if anyone had qualified.urider' the procedure, it would be - unlikely they would lose their position. However.,,. the system is competitive-and if any substantial additional points "shouldibe awarded., thes8 :developments might run the risk of being .passed by others. Councilman) Cavanagh)'quest ioned whether or not the, Council, could award'. the' _ allotments to those two ddV61op_mentsr which, hawe been. awarded more .than. 100 points by the Board. City Attor-,ney K advised- this.procedur.e would be illegal and. thej,Council Sshould hear all. :the appeals before awarding any allotments. :,Under the•rules 'set. fort_h;.n the .plan, no allotments, can be awarded- . a1' -1. the appeals have been heard'. and. ei -ther cd'enied.. or granted. City - .Manager Robert :Meyer .reminded the Council appeals• in', previous .years were always heard by . Board There were some changes. made, .by ,the. Board where reconsideration was - asked.by developers. This year differs in that the whole procedure:,. including the..app.eals,, is part ;of °awarding the points. , Councilman Cavanagh' questioned whether LaCumb:r and. Feature •Homes, both of which had exceeded -the 100 point requirement,. h;ad,been. :informed of their right to appeal, Associate Planner Fred Tarr advised all developers had °received the same letter. City Attorney Klose advised '.the. Council should. consider the written. materials submitted• by.: the developers' zas relevant -, and the,iappedlant should, assume" the Council has reviewed t_he materials. .He also pointed out.,the scoring done by the members of the Board should be reviewed as a .judgment of that member,, and developers should not expect to have any response at thi''s hearing from ind - vidual,Board members. Mayor'Putnam - then opened the Appeals Hearing. EAST - SINGLE.FAMILY 12.69 -- QANTAS DEV. The, appeal, dated November 17, '1977, forwarded to the: PARK PLACE City, Council by Mr. Jon.Joslyn, Qantas - Development. Corporation,, submitted and ,filed.. Mr. Joslyn was preserit 'r- epresenting his ' firm and emphasized many a" November 28, 1977 12.69-- QANTAS�DEV., points conta ned.in their written appeal. He felt PARK PLACE their develo,pment..was • unjus,tly scored on Cr-iteria'B -IV (Continued') (Circulat`ion).- He also.f.elt there .was, inconsistency in scoring on safety, open space and public facilities criteria. Specifically, Mr... Joslyn indicated he was appeal the scores given by :. Board�Member-s, %.10. and 14. . He also. ,stated.:he would like 'to appeal the method . by which't <the,. _Board awar`d'ed -- points for; low -'cost :housing,. and felt there was some confusion on the part of the Board. He did not fee`1.Park Place Subdivision was worthy of the two lowest scares given by Board Members 10. and 14. I _.. Mr. Joslyn also suggested' the. two highest and the two lowest sco..res should, be omitted from the calculations in order to. eliminate th extremes which may exist. He suggested the Council...consider:reducing the 100 point requirement back to the '85 as in previous years, as he felt the 100 points was unduly restrictive. r J. Councilman Harberson asked, Mr. Joslyn why he felt. the development should 'have, been graded higher, on the- Circulation 'Criteria: . Mr.:-.Jos'lyn stated the. project: has curved linear streets;, which,ar.e more expensive and ,tend to cut down on speeding,: There is aheavy emphasis on .cul -de -sacs in. the development which ' connect. with minor - 'residential streets, then to a collector network and -.on to t he)arte.fial. He felt the street, patterns had been articulately developed`. Mr:.. Joslyn- also indicated .the. :had. received. low scores, on, contiguous and orderly ;developmen "t', which he' felt were, note deserved. - He: felt '.the' Board was, riot aware,�Qan:tas had. to 7reserve 15 acres, for school and. park land on a.prev-ous allotment,. This forced a.. portion of ithe 'proposed- .development outside the City limits, r 12..70-- TANGLEWOOD The letter dated November 21, ,1977,,.to the;City Council SUBDIVISION from Lucy.H.. Webb, Real Estate Agent for ATKINSON.PROPERTY ._.. Lands.,•submit,ted and filed -. There was .no represen -. LUCY H ;;-.WEBB , tat' ve at the meeting speak, on the 'appeal.'. lZ'.73 - =CASA DEL. ORO A letter ,d'_ated November 14, 1.977 --, and one dated November 'SUMMIT BUILDING CO;.. .. 8,. 19.77 , had. been - received, by the: City Clerk and, are on file. Mr. John .Novak,, .rep'resen.ting, Summit Building: Company;,, _ atated he..felt - Board Members 11 and .14 ;we -re, incon- s in their rating in that they rated.some items low.and others high t'o other developments.. Mr.. Novak stated he had received one of the best staff repor:,ts on - ,all the :developments.. It was .rated in third place,, and: he felt, tie' should have had:a first.place.rating He then questioned whether or not it,' would be possible:.for him 'to; develop:. ten 1ot_s .as, :the owners, of .the, .property are anxious to -sell He could buy 10 acres, of ,land each year and begin development in this manner. City .Manager Robert Meyer advised' a similar proposal had °been brought to -.the attention, of the City. Atytorney and an opinion had been :written. It wa's outlined the 1978 - Interim.Plan exempts developments- of 10 residential unit's: or. less:; .however;- the. rop,osal. was - :for ,only_ a, of a unified ,subdi- vision• and. would, therefore,.'be a development exceeding .10 units. City Attorney Larry_ Klos.e also, stated _if the p,roj;ec.t_ .is going to Ve ;part of, a unified, development,_ ..the, number of units has to. be, 'determined and. to, allow onl 10 units..,per: year , .to be, built - would..be a sub',terfuge _to avoid thee.:requirements of :the Subdivision ,Map. Act.. _ Mr. Novak, indicated, he had ;spent a. lot of_ time putting the. ,package together - -; and. , when he. appeared before, - the, Board., :there. were :_f Ive. members ahsent:. He .fe t his presentation- 49 .have.-been made to a afull .Board in order for him to answer any questions. the -Board .may, have.. _. 12.74-- PETALUMA VILLAS A letter dated'November 11, 1977,, to the City Council M.L.S'. DEVLOPMENT CORP. from Mr. D.ewayne Strawther..of' M.L..;S. Development Corpor- ation, submitted to the City Clerk and is 'on ; file. : Mr. Strawther stated their appeal letter indicated they could proba!Ay improve on four of the Criteria. He- agreed with both Mr. Joslyn and Mr. Novak on :some of th'e 'Board Members' sco:ring... He called particular :attention to Board' Member' No. 14 and felt th s did not want any, building to occur. An :extremely low scor'e'mouid prevent: builders from receiving 100 point "s. With respect to the improvements, Mr. St "rawther stated._they' could upgrade their style in design with,some nicer exterior trim. They are'trying to :keep the houses as reason - ably priced as possible. They could work ri,some contrasting brick•, stone and stucco work on the homes. With respect to safety and security, he felt they November 28, 1978 12.74 -- PETALUMA VILLAS had built the ultimate into their plans for the_sub- M.L.S.`DEVELOPMENT CORP. division and doubted there was,anything,else they could (Continued)` do in'this category With regard to pathways and bicycle trails•, they had been , advised by .staff that these were'not,desired in the area,. With regard to circulation, the subdi- vision would complete major streets which will tie together and should help to improve traffic flow in the area. EAST - MULTI- FAMILY 12.71 -- MEADOWOOD A letter dated November 18, 1977; addressed to the City SUBDIVISION Council by Mr. Vary Norden Logan•of Duffel Financial and DUFFEL / PETALUMA Construction Company, submitted and filed. PARTNERS ' Mr. Logan spoke support of their appeal. He stated their development would introduce a new type of housing to'Petaluma in the form of condominiums. He proceeded to show the Council the proposed plan for'the development and also some pictures of'a similar.project they had completed in Danville. Mr.. Logan specifically was appealing the point scoring given by'.Boa "rd Member No. 14. He, stated their is to get over the 100 points as they would like to be able to •develop hous ng. which he felt was needed, particularly'on th'e east side. Mr: Logan, stated he felt the criteria from.B -V through B -IX were absolute. He felt:the development met the City's requirements on these categories, and he did •not know what else they could do. to comply. He felt their- development should have been given top point availability in those categories. WEST SINGLE- FAMILY ,.II .. _ 12.78-- McNEAR:MANOR A- letter dated November 21, 1977, with attached charts, SCENIC LAND ,forwarded,to the Council by Mr. George R. Thenn, PROPERTIES,, INC -Jr,. ; Assistant Vice- Pres- ident:, of Scenic Land. Properties, Inc• submitted to City .Clerk and is on file. Mr.,Thenn advised they were asked for a loan commitment prior to really develop- ing a project,. He referred to Page. 2 of their appeal!t letter; where. the financial insti=tution,, Imper -ial Savings,and Loan, indicated they.lelt Scenic Land Properties had.a good project'; they,were int;erested,,in.the Petaluma area, and were willing to commit the advance'for the project,. Mr. Thenn then referred to the rating on the A Criteria, which he felt had been adequately addressed by the staff;. In speaking of the rating on the B Criteria, they had submitted several charts which'showed howthe ratings could be changed by eliminating the scores of Board'Members 10., 11 and 14, as well.as.how they had rated their own project Mr:. Thenn felt. that Board Member No. 14 was consistent in, his or her ratings., .but-all of- the ratings were very low., No,..10 and.11 were erratic in their ratings but the balance of.the- ;members were consistent in evaluations.. He then referr -ed to Criteria B -:IV on Circula- tion and indicated there would be no other way to circulate the site.' 'On B -V, they received a.list of requirements from the Police Department and had met all the requirements. 'He felt that Criteria B -VIII and B -IX were rebuttable by the Department Heads. Mr. Thenn indcated,thei -r approach `to the rating would be to develop'a curve to eliminate the three raters who.'were stent, and the . three projects which would,.have no :chance of meeting the 100 points.. The grand total of ,allotments_ wpuld be 5`31,, which: he. feels is °near; the objective set .by the City. 12.79 - -L. REYNAUID A- letter' dated November 11, 19.,77; addressed to, the C=ity SUBDIVISION Council from M.r.-Leon.Reynaud., Jr.,.spec fically appeal= ing Criteria B- I, :B -II, _B -,IV, and B -X., submitted to the ,City Clerk and ordered filed.. t Mr. Leon'Reynaud spoke to, the Council. He stated:;.. "through an oversite on the part of his engineer and staff,, he submitted examp.ies of four house plans;; r, 1 , . i however, when they ora :ly presented their development to the'Residentlal De- velopment Evaluation Board, they explained there would be,22- "custom homes and the floor plans submitted-were merely examples., Mr. Reynaud indicated he felt . the staff report marked their development down be of the submittal of'the T , . floor plans, and he felt their oral presentation before the Board was "not taken into consideration. Mr. , Reynaud, indicated, he felt fhe staff report on the` design of the-lots was favorable, but they were given scores of 6 and 10 which 7 November 28, 1977 12.79 - -L.• REYNAUD . . he questioned.. These scor-- es.,were +given by,Board -Mem SUBDIVISION - +. r bers 10 and .14•: He..further stated there, had been.some (Continu - problems with circulation; however, their engineers corrected the problem to the. satisfaction of the Planninvstaff, and he;fel't. the Board- Members.were satisfied also, but did not take these corrections .into.iconsideraton;,because they 'were given orally before the Board. Mr. Reynaud, stated the type. of subdivision, they were proposing of all custom built homes could not possibly qualify for the low cost housing;.the,refore, they were only working with a possible 115 total. Councilman Mr._- Re.ynaudc what.;,the size of the lots were for.the pr-oposedi; subdivision and i,ts,location:,. Mr, .Reynaud stated it is at the .end of English 'Street near Dana,. There ,is ' a. .,varieity of;, lot. sizes; some ,of' the lof S' would be the minimum required lot size., and others would run to an,acre and an acre• . _, r. ,r•., ; �. �.... Councilman;;.Cavanagh:j%who had-.served,on the . Resid 'ential,Development - Board' 'as a � member ;of-the Council -„ comme.nted _ on the scoring, :for - the, plans foiro the homes,. +Mr;. .Cavanagh indicated , they. did not, have any definite: plans to evaluate, and he felt ther.e.wer.e_probab;ly two other,p.rojects in the. same . ., position. _Mt:. Re_,ynaud stated they had four- examples. of house elevations. Mr. Cavanagh .indicated other,developments,were graded.on the color.of paint, type of wood,, °and.:thingsi ofi'ahis:,.na.ture,_,.but thee 'B'oard did not- ,have; these;, facts; - before-them !fore this,;subd•ivis on-:,- Mr.. Reynaud •.indicalted :this, y9uld bei yer.y dif`f.icult. ion a custom home,. subdivision,: - :There were.. no further, comments,, from the Council. 12;.81 -- COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES EVANS; EVANS',, TARGON &:-'HSI _(SINGLE= FAMILY; Letter - dated November 11 19.77 'from Barry D. Parkinson, representing -the firm of Evans;, Evans, Tar.gon,, and Hsi,, as well as a. letter from Mr. Parkinson dated November 18.,, 1 97T, •'regarding `appeals- on -No.. 12.81 -and 12.82, submitted and filed. In addition, a letter dated - November 17, 1977 from :Global Homes, Inc-. ;signed by :+- William A... Hsi; Managing Partner, submitted and filed. 12'.,82, -- COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES Mr.,. ;Parry Parkin'son�, representing the firm "of Evans, EVAN S,:'EVANS., TARGON Evans,.Targon, and Hs.it,�a'sked•:to both - 12 .81 and & HSI (MULTI 'FAMILY _. -12.82 consideredntogether,••as they- wereo real--ly the same - WEST) +- :� c ;'..• development,a located'i on: the I same piece of pr-,operty- •next to the .Petaluma Golf,arid Country Club. The family °.development encountered the same problems as had Mr. Reynaud' in that they would' be custom, homes - -, and,' it was very • dif f icult"to. come up with archi-- . tectural. and grading- designs.. The lots are an to be approximately' 20.,000!:squarei+feet be hillside view• lots ,• and wo.utld•have. customized - homes.. Mr. Parkinson .indicated. that obvioiusly, with this :size -lot:, the de- velopmerit would be very expensive..' He also 'stated in - view of the fact there were•four members of the Boa -rd absent when the;presentatori was made, he felt it was difficult for them to score the project. His second point was it. was . his uriderstandings-,at , the. presentation, a - statemen•tuwas by -•a. member =•of the Planning' staff•• there would - be:- sig -nif. cant'gradirig of the -ridge ine�. Mr,. Parkinson. indicated the houses would bee designed•owl's 'lit level,. ;so there' wou -ld be a minimal: amount grading and grading on the ridge line- itself. Mr. Parkinson + indicated. his, clients - were also appealing 'the, number of point's' required; i.e the 100 point 'level. Low - income housing would be'impossible to consider on 20, foot sloping lots,.. Taking into consideration.that a project would lose.a few points on various criteria, a development would have to ,get an. average score of 91 from each member of the:.Board in order to pass the 100 point minimum. If one or two of the people'on the :Board scored .low, this would give them• -a veto power:, and Mr,. Parkinson' ,felt this, was not. what the, Council had'win mind when .-the :- systemilwas devised. < Mr. Parkinson .also commented: on ` the structure of ••the. agenda for the hearing, pointing out the east single - family projects were listed, then the =east multi- family, the west single- family and' the west multi- family. I is. was not the, case during the Board'hearings on, the proj;ec,ts. Thee scoring at the Board level developed into a.rariking situation. He felt rather :than scoring ttie. develop -' ments individually, and having the result of,•different types of developments ranking above others, it would have been preferrable. to have outside : objective standards. Mr. Parkinson then called the Council's attention to Categories B- VI and .B -VII:, which. deal with open space;, trails and paths. The .subject subdivision would :have 20,000..Aquare'foo lots.. In addition; the project 7 W , K a November 28, 1977 dedicates over six and one -hal•f acres of land, 'to the City for a, wildlife refuge or open space. Mr.; Parkinson indicated' if any subdivision deserved maximum points for those .criteria, this one should; have received them. On Contiguous and orderly Development, Mr. Parkinson indicated the property is immediately adjacent to._the City. limits and I is probably what the staff and the City has been looking for on the west side of ihe.community; it received low scores of. 7, 8 and 9, out of a possible 15 points. ' Mr. Parkinson indicated his clients were also° .appealing ° - 'B -IX'; . which ha&-,to deal, with public. facilities, and especially on'the:PUD, Developmentx12_82. The developers would be required to construct, a major. - sewer line which would not. , only, serve; this property, but also other homes in the areaiwh ch are presently on septic tank systems. At this point, the City 'Clerk questioned Mr. Parkinson whether,at this time he was 'appealing both 12.81and 12, Parkinson indicated under B -VIII and B --IX', the appeals would be , fo.r: both developments,.: He- would speak at a later time during the hearing on .12.82.. Mr. Parkinson stated, however, his arguments given at this time would•.certainly apply to both developments. RECESS Mayor Putnam called a,recess at 9:40,a.m.,:and the Council reconvened at 9 :45 a.m. MULTI - FAMILY;- WEST: 12.76-- K <EOKUK'MEADOWS. A letter dated.November, 18, 1977, from Mr. Barry p'. WALT VILLIAMS Parkinson,.representing Walt 'Williams on. the Keokuk ..Meadows Project, submitted and filed • Mr. Parkinson spoke on behalf of his client and ap- pealed the low scores.gven by Board Members.l0, 1-1, and 14. He also was appealing -the :10.0 7point level. He_again,brought up,the fact that one person could veto an entire project., Mr. Dick:'Lieb, .archite'ct for. both this project and. No. 112.77, Cherry. Hill, • d , isplayed ,,some architectural renderings of the two projects, f.or the, Council!sr benefit. - Mr.. -Lieb, spoke• partly on - Project„ 12.76: and 12;,;77, stating the two projects would :open up .approximately'640 feet of Liberty Street.and begin this much.needed .connection between Magnolia Avenue and Cherry Street. He feels the City has. been. working on ;getting, :this project accomp'lished,, for a number 'of years.: There .is already an: exisitingi develo.puier : t, in the area, and there willrbe.a private driveway running between the two. developments which, would :improve the- circulation:! There..wil-1 be. add- itional public'improvements,to benefit not only this development.,, but.the surrounding area. On Criteria B- VIII, this would'be on the west side and be-a.'fill -in ,project, it is within the City limi=ts!,, and, should have received no less than a. perfect score. 'These:bui•ldings are-designed to integrate with other buildings in the area:• Much of - the natural landscaping will be reta- ined..• Mr. Lieb suggested that .multi =family .project's,,• such as this; one And the. 'Cherry Hill multi- family units , should be considered.as apartments or condominiums and the same criteria would apply 'as .rr single- family homes, especially with - regard -to open space.' 12.77 -- CHERRY HILL 'Letter_ of Appeal dated November 18, 1927, from Barry D. MILT FORMAN Parkinson, repr:esenting.,Milt, on the Cherry. .Hill P- roj °ect, submitted and filed. . Mr. Parkinson indicated the'developer was appealing, the 100 - point crit`er a;; -The• .project. would' carry out' the same, style as: in the , existing- project - 'in the' area: ah&would 'complete ­a, 's'ection. which has been;-.on the drawing board for a long time. The City had. previously =ap,prroved..thetdevelopment when the first allotments were :given; however, the: developer at that time -- Camille Enterprises, went bankrupt. It was then that Mr. Williams and Mr. Forman determined they would try to-complete the area with the two projects,. Mr. Parkinson indicated there would be.a amount of open space for a - multi- family development. I The trees in the area`wll be,preserved, and he again indicated he felt a di-ffer-ent criteria should he specified for multi- family uses. Mr. Dick Lieb also indicated he felt these two projects would give variety to this area of apartment development. Councilman Bond questioned whether the circulation in the area would depend upon having both of the projects built to continue Liberty Street. Mr. Lieb indicated it would be possible to have.ra private. driveway; however, Liberty Street could not be completed unless this project,_ as well as Mr. Williams' project, were approved. 4 November 2 %, 1977 12.82 -- COUNTRY . CLUB A letter dated.November - 18', 1977, E from Mr. Barry D. ESTATES Park=inson, appealing the scoring of the,mult'i- family EVANS,,EUANS., TARGON residential d'elopment - :for Country Club I Estates -, AND HSI , . submitted and. filed,. • In. addition, a, letter from Global Homes:, Inc.., dated November 17, 1977, submitted and filed. Mr'. Barry'Parkinson, .re'reseniting Aubrey.M.'Sander:son and.Global-_Homes, Inc spoke" to' the Council-on behalf "of his clients, ' Mr. Parkinson indicated' this is the portion "of `the development ,which, is toc be considered. a RUD. _ He called'. to the Council's attention that'some.of' the units would' sell for about $415,.000 and„ in,today's market, could be considered moderate - income units. He was,, therefore,- appealing the -scoring on- Criteria' B -X.. 'Mr. Milton Hudis^ addressed: the Council and !stated he felt 'their project was' given exceeding. by -low -sco,res for - public improvements -when they were'.being 'required to do. extensive develop- ten- of' c, improvements - for both projects.. Mr. Chang,, the Architect for the project also, spoke,to'the Council stating,, 'the ,family unit's would be a cluster -type construction and there would;be a minimum amount of ,grading,: In addition, `there would be a great deal of-open space with , a dedication of a large portion of land to' the City. The ` bu -ildings in question would be tailored to the lots, Mr. Chang indicated he had built a similar project in 'Bennett. Valley i Santa Rosa. Mr. William C.. Hsi also. spoke to the Council, indicating he�felt - there was -a. need for a PUD in,the City of Petaluma,. The project is designed 'especially for moderate- income families., and the features built into the project would be, suitable for' senior citizens And for the handicapped. 'Mr. Hs'i indicated_ -he . could not'understand.why they received no points' at all for the low- to modera:te- income housing. He felt the 100 - point ,criteria could be vetoed by just one member voting one point less than 100. City-'Manager Meyer pointed ou_'t, there was one development on the west . side of single family' homes which . had. received zero points the .low to moderate- income but received a "total score of 102,.so he';felt� t was possible to reach the 100 -point minimum, even though it was very difficult. Mr. Parkinson concluded the appeal 'on 12.82 by stating he would' like; to= have':the Council consider the':arguments he had'siven on bo:th.developments proposed by." ='Evans, Evans,Targon., and Hsi,,: ..e.., for the single- family'and the multi - family units, as it would be considered one-development project.'. At'the'concluson of the above presentation, all of the written appeals been. ,heard by the Council.. " Mr.� Douglas McCabe. of Val'l'ey Realty, asked 'to speak to the Council and indicated be? wanted to in an appeal, but he aid. not, receive a notice. City Attorney Larry Klose staged 'all of the applicants had. received' a copy of .the. Interim Plan. which set- ,forth the requirements' and the time limit for appeals, and advised it would not be approp = riate forlthe Council to -hear-:Mr. McCab'e's appeal. At °the °'conclusion of the Appeals Hearing, Mayor Putnam asked 'for suggestions from 'Council how they wanted the.matter. Councilman Harberson indicated he felt they had been given a great deal of :material and did' not' think.it would be appropriate to vote on it at this time. He, would personally be against eliminating' any votes of Boardt_Members<, ;as he felt the Board was set , up with across section of citizens. He also indicated he would not want, the Council to vote strictly in order get 500 houses. He felt perhaps a mistake had been made when a minimum requirement of 100 points was designated.,. Mr.. Harberson stated he had served: on the, Residential. Development- Board for three yd'ar "s. He felt the projects submitted. by the developers this year were the mos °t immaginatiVe ever submitted;, and developers! indicated they were interested in building quality homes and developments in the City of _Petaluma.. After ' a -br:ief discussion, the Council determined'. to -take the.matter .under advisement` and. return with their - conclusions •at a special meeting to be held Thursday, December .1, - at- 7:30 p.m. RECESS Mayor Putnam called a, recess at 11:20 a._m., and the Council r-.eturned - at 11:.30 a.m. t November 28, 1977 VISUAL'AND ORAL City Manager ,Robert,Meyer asked the Chairman of the PRESENTATION-- PROPQS:ED Committee.,.P-o;lice Chief Robert B. Murphy, to give the CIVIC - CENTER COMPLEX Council a brief summary of the work the Committee has been d'oing� on' the. Civic Center Complex. Chief Murphy indicated the Committee has seen,several presentations prepared by the archi- tectural firm employed by the City of Petaluma, Anshen and.Allen. Several members of.the local government worked on the Committee, including Councilman, Hilligoss, former Councilman Fred Mattei, the Administrative Assistant in the ,Falice_Department, Mike Shelton, acting as Coordinator for the Project, the late Fire Chief Joseph Ellwood, City Manager Robert- Meyer, City Engineer David A. Young, Assistant City Manager'David Breninger, and sometimes substituting for•the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer Thomas S. .Hargis. A lot of effort was put into having the architects know what the space needs for the City would be to 1990. Putting that information together, the architectural firm has prepared a preliminary plan. 'He then introduced Mr. Derrick Parker, Ms. Fani Hansen, and Mr., Tom Leonard of.the firm of Anshen and Allen. �a i V/ Olo. Mr: Parker stated the.ProJect „Director was his partner, Ms. Fani Hansen, who this morning would an oral presentation outlining the logic of the firm's evaluations and some al ternative proposals,'for the Civic Center Complex. In addition, she will indicate the various locations,proposed for the Public Safety and 'show the Council.what the firm thinks is a rather exciting opportunity f'or. the,Civic Center Complex. Mr. Parker indicated the firm would like to have'some'direction from the Council in order, to come back in the middle of December. They .could firm up a master plan for the Civic Center Complex and by the. meeting in January, present to the Council a schematic design for-the Public Safety Facility. Fani then, gave.a, slide presentation, they wanted to, have,the Council. =be aware•of all the options and al;ternatives,vtheir firm had considered for the Civic Center Complex. %Ms.. Hansen.indicated the City Complex presently. has about 35,00,0 - square ,feet.of.space, and;w th &,projection of how the City will grow, it.is anticipated the space :requirements would need to. be doubled by the end :of the century. : She. explained, with, they increase, in size of the building,- the.;parking- space requirements, would , also.,have to be increased- from 92 spaces to approximately 150 .space's. , Ms. Hansen continued with, her slide presentation. She. pointed out the historical and cultural aspects of the area in the vicinity of. the Civic Center-, citing specifical the :former Zhrist an Church, which:s now,'the Five Corners Community Center, and the St. Vincent De Paul Catholic 'Church;. She felt 'these two structures should'be exploited and preserved in conjunction with the Cvic in order to blend the old with the new.:. 'She.als:o pointed out there are some beautiful, trees, pines and willows; behind residences which face on Howard Street which,should be pre- served and utilized in the .Civic Center Complex: area?: Ms: Hansen also stated in Scheme "D ":, the: proposal: shows the. purchase of, the -three properties on Howard Street which would add 25,70,0 square feet for the Complex. At 'the -conclusion' oft the presentation by. Ms. Hansen,.:there was some discussion by the Council;. Councilman, Cavanagh q,uestioned'whether..or. not they were .' endeavoring .to) put .too.'much, on, a site which would be; too small. Mr. Parker indicated. - it was, their) feeling.• -the ,site has, .capacity .to go beyond the. year 2000. Couricilmanr,Cavanagh asked-:whether consideration had been.given to.any other sites in .Petaluma. ; Murphy indicated the Committee worked with . three. sites- The, .firs'.-• was the exist =ing :area, the second the area around Upham and Bassett ,'Streets, and the :third. the Fairgrounds area.. The Committee had voted unanimously_ to retain the, Public Safety Facility within, the present: area. Mayor' Putnam stated she was..happy the. architects: hadtt considered the- two - churches in the. v cinity yin: the concep:tt of the, Civic Centers. • She felt these two struc- tures, ,would act as• the anchor. point . for the'. center; especially the Five Corners Community Center which is: being used extensively by: many .groups. . In :the discussion concerning, separating the public safety..facil "l ies from fihe Civic "Center Complex, .Counci- -loran H'il.ligoss; stated there was �a time, when- this' concept was- considered to & better ar.rangement.,� but philosophies have now, changed,• and compact facilities are more _desirable.. ; -To move the- entire. complex would be a very expensive,pr,oposition. City Manager Robert Meyer also stated it is desirable to'have the police facilities •in close proximity to the court in order to.expedite - proceed ngs Counrilman,Bond.agreed with these concepts; however, he .commented:, from , an .emo;t -ional standp'oint;;; ;building the. facilities more; in . the. _cen:ter . of . the community wo,ul& be a more .unifying force. . Vice -Mayor Perry.asked If any �considerat oni +had , been given to.Ahe. use. of the McNear Perrin sul for 'the .complex as this had been considered, many: .years ago. Mayor Putnam indicated she :felt the :Civic Center could be one unifying force in the city, but possibly there could be some other type of unifying factor that could be accommodated in the area of Kenilworth or - the McNear :Peninsula which would be.' cultural types of activ iies,,such as a large. auditorium, theater complexes, etc. November 28, 11977 VISUAL AND ORAL ti' . City:Manager- "stated the present City, Hall PRESENTATION -- PROPOSED. structure) would be expensive to duplicate -in another: CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX, location.,' The present City Hall and the new addition (Continued) have been well maintained; and if the maintenance is continued; .it should last for:: many ' The +�Council.. architects .should .proceed, ito: ,pr.esent the mastery plan based 'on Scheme ;".D" tto. bring. to for theist consid:eration :. t , •. , •.; qtr ,:.- , -. , _ , . .. , - :t, _, � ..._ _ .. ; ,. REJECT BID HISTORICAL L IBRARY./MU SEUM 1 , RENOVATION AND CONUERS.ION•• PROJECT RES'' "1.7993 NC S' AUTHORIZE MAYOR'•TO Finance Director John :S'charer, advised an•'exterision of" SIGN AGREEMENT MI-TH - 40 days has 'been granted by the Economic Devexlopment INTERACTIVE,-:RESOURCES, ')Adminis•tration .. to .begin:construction: the renovation ING. FOR. MANAGEMENT and conversion, of: -the: • Carneg 'e Library..' i The 40 - days SERVICES' -= HISTORICAL time !extensi'on. begins. December -1, 197.7x: In, order• to' -:•, LIBRAARY'RENOVATION proceed with the project: ;'Mr:. Scharer indicated they PROJECT staff had reviewed various alternatives, since+the, sole RES #7994 NCS j bid •received: b y the City was in- excess... o'f what had•,:been antic ated.: -• � - • -- ". p The recommendation is-to; employ,,a con- struction management firm which will act as the.• City''- s:.general;,contractor.; except they will be providing.greater services than those you would get from a contractor: 'Under.- they proposal., Interactive; Resou"r.ces.. would review 'the present plans',dnd' specifics- tions:' for•l- -the renovation :of the library, they will make recommendations -for cutting costs,, they will solicit and, select, - 'b,ids for the various phases of cbnstruction, and they will review .the bids and ma'ke'. recom- . mendatons to the City of Petaluma and :assist in any nego,tiatioris.. Mr'. - Scharer added the° fi_trm woultd- not Abe seeking- formal'..birds,. but trying to , three _ quotations •=for' °each tphase of the ;proje.ct' :and J'selecting:'-the 'best. .price and most responsible t°firin' 'to "complete each phase. • .Some::of the .duties ­to be assumed by the 'firm' would -be 'to assist in the execution of contracts'), , prepare tang, update ' a c ohs truction• schedule, coord-inatte contractor's ;activities ton the s'ite review - contractors' .payment requests and make - recommend a.rtions to the Ci.ty.. Mr. Scharer indicated the firm has done work- f'or the; City 'of .Richmond in restoring the Richmond' Plunge They. are. presently involved in .a project in Richmond on a performing arts theatre, and they have -also 'done .work :on -the .Steamer Gold, Landing, Restaurant-,. - Mr. Scharer: advised'• the .fee; for the .'service. would be a. lump. sum f;ee of • $12,000, plus' reimbursable. expense's:. The firm sign a standard management ,contrac;t as, prepared by thee,American Institute of Archi— tects. Mr.. %eSchar'er' -s - recommendation was: to. ,haver the - Council :reJect Ahe.i bid. from Me Brothers: as bein&lexcessive* and .also t-o. adopt - a :resolution .authorizing, the Mayor to: execute -an agreement between.-the City - of. "Petaluma and `Interactive :.. Resources,, Inc;, to provide construction servicesi. Mr-. Scharer indicated his reason for recommending proceeding; in this manner- would be to meet !the. deadline for. beginning;,cons,truc.tion. =as required: by !EDA. .. .From that time] on,i the ., City °would have `two :years ' with in••which to complete.,the, proJec;t. During that period', of; time;, the- Council woxr1 & an opportunity to review the alt"ernates:to reduce costs. Mr. S'ch_arer indicated the staff is confident the work can be done•for lower than the figure received from.the one bid., At the conclusion of the discussion, Resolution #,79:93 N.C'.5:, rejecting the .so,le bid received: on ,the. Petaluma: Hs:tor_ical Library /Mu 'seum Renovation and Conversion Project as' excessive, was introduced by Vice- Mayor Perry, seconded by Council- man Hilligoss, and adopted. by, 6 affirmative .1 ,ab'seritee. votes. , Resolution #7:994' N. authorizing the Mayor, to,,sign an. _agreement with :Inter - active Resources, '.Inc. ,, to ,,pr.ovide, management services eat the Historical Library/ Museum Renovation - ,and Conversion Project; was introduced: by:Vice- Mayor Perry, seconded. by Councilman Bond,. and ; adopted. by & aff irmative. and. 1 :absentee: votes. TRAFFIC ZCOMMITTEE TO \ APPROVE CIRCULATION 'AND 'PARKING- VICINITT . OF "B." AND. .SECOND STS..' RES #7995 NCS t Councilman Bond reported rthe Traffic Committee in the City 11'411 this morning, with Mr,. Aubrey Sanderson and Mr.. - Russell..Downward and reviewed the• parking 'situation in the area.. They plan, tto; meet again the: lf'ollowin & 'morning `to make recommendations to: the Council., tCity 1 - Manager Robert Meyer suggested . the. Council authorize 1 November 28, 1977 TRAFFIC „COMMITTEE TO APPROVE-CIRCULATION AND PARKING-- VIC'IN -ITY OF "B” AND SECOND STS. RES #7995 NCS (Continued) the Traffic Committee to -make the recommendations so the Department Public Works can proceed with any changes to be made in the-area. Councilman Bond indicated he felt they were very close to an agreement between Mr. Sanderson and the tenants of the Great Mill and could resod -ye the matter 'at the meeting to be held Tuesday morning, November 29. The Council agreed the Traffic Committee should be given the authority to p roceed,. Resolution #7995 N..C.&. granting authority to the Traffic Committee to approve revised circulation and parking arrangements in the vicinity of "B" and Second Streets, was introduced by Vice -Mayor Perry, seconded by Councilman Harberson, and adopted by 6 affirmative and 1 absentee -votes. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting.was..adjourned at 12:20 p.m. to Thursday, December 1, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Attest: i C` y Clerk