HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12/12/19773 9
DECEMBER- 12,, 1977
REGULAR`k ETING Regular. meeting, Petaluma.Community Development Com-
mission,, and Special meeting Petaluma City Council,,
was called to order by Mayoi.Helen Putnam at the hour
of 4 :00 p.m:
ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Balshaw, Bond,, Cavanagh, Hilligoss,
and Mayor Putnam.
Absent* Councilman Harbers-on . and Vice -Mayor Perry.
Note: All members of the City Council also answered
the Roll Cal -1 as Commissioners of the Petaluma
Community Development Commission.
PURPOSE. OF MEETING The purpose of the meeting for the City Council was a
di'scus'sion regarding the staffing needs for Housing
Rehab,ilitation.Assistance, Transit' and Redevelopment of
the Central Business District.
NOTICE OF CALL Notice of Call of the. Special Meeting, affidavit of the
City Clerk of delivery, and consent for holding a
special meeting, are on file with the City Clerk.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES '.The minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Petaluma Com-
(PCDC) munty Development .Commission of November 14, 1977,
were approved as amended.
DISCUS'SION`-- ST9F_F Memorandum dated December'8, 197'7,'directed to City
NEEDS FOR HOUSING, Manager'Robert Meyer - by Finance "Director John Scharer,
TRANSIT AND "submitted and filed.
City Manager Robert Meyer'adVised last August he*had
met with Mr. Scharer and Janie Warman, and they had discussed the staffing
needs if the City was to con "tinue.with the..3 °12 Housing Rehabilitation Program.
This program, along with grant admiriistrat ion and the Transportation Program,
would require additional staff and reassignment of personnel, After discussion
with the staff and the'various :personnel concerned, tle'final recommendation is
contained in the report dated December 8 from Mr. Scharer.
Finance Director John Scharer then,revi'ewed his memorandum dated.December 8,
1977. "'He'advised'staff has been spending.a great,deal of time reviewing the
staffing functions'of the - three new programs undertaken. by the City in the. past
two years, i.e., housing'rehabilitation, transit., and redevelopment. During
the past two years,, the,programs have been run with a minimum direct staffing
effort. Most of the work was done by Janie Warman,, Frank Gray, John Scharer,
the Attorney and the City Manager, in order to carry out the functions.
The transit is - fairly well under control "as it is handled' by a contract arrange -
ment, so the report he prepared does not relate to`thi's function. The primary
need is for housing rehabilitation and :redevelopment. The Housing Rehabilitation
Program wds initiated because of the Community Development Block Grant Program
of 1974. Mr. Scharer.indicated the City had ; received grants for 1976 -77 in an
amountof $156,000., and for - 1977 -78 in an amount of $221,0,00., The funds are
available for;the programs; however, there is insufficient staff to administer
them. Mr: Scharer indicated .in of last year, the City entered into, on a
trial basis, the 312 Loan Program. 'The,City.would'not'be eligible for 312,,
funds if it did not have' Community Development..Bl,ock.Grant Area. Neighbor-
.. . -..
hood meetings were held. and interest was_generated.by the people'in the area.,
with 19 or ZO applications being_received. It has only been possible to
process six of these applications because of the time_ contraints of processing
the paper, conducting inspections, and executing contracts.
Mr. Scharer then continued to'r.ev ew his memorandum: He stated, in order to.
effectively administer and plan the programs, it -i's- recommended that a person
with the qualifications of a senior planner be employed; who would be respon-
sible to the Director of'Community Development. In.ad_dition, another person
would be employed who would report to the City Finance Officer; and, to support
these planning and administrative .positions., an intermediate steno -clerk would
be .needed in the beginning. Once a loan program has been established, it may
t ° _..*
December 12, 1977
DISCUSSION- -STAFF be necessary to employ,a representative
NEEDS FOR HOUSING to carry out the functions_of a building inspector.
TRANSIT.AND The net effect would be to add.two positions to the'
REDEVELOPMENT City .staff. Mr. Bill Liebe -1, who is presently on t the,
(Continued), City staff, would assume the .responsibilities of Pro
gram Administrator and the vacant position of Ms.
Warman would be discontinued under. the 'recommended organizational concept. Mr.,
Scharer -then reviewed the estimated budget and funding sources for the °,period
of January l, through ,June '30, 1978, and advised the net cost, to the
City's General Fund for this six month period would be $1.,663,.
Mr -. Scharer then reviewed, Exhibit. " .A" to h is memorandum, w outlines.the
fund's granted to the City, the:actual expenditures and' the unexpended balanc`e,.,
He advised the discretionary"funds for small cities will be looked at very
carefully to determine how well .cities are using the funds before additional
grants ar`.e awarded. Mr. Scharer indicated he felt it was critical for the City
to.perform well if additional funds are expected.
Mr. Scharer advised the organizational concept would expand.the housing stock
rehabilitation loans to include a moan program which would have a higher in-
terest rate than three percent and would be ava "ilabae to persons in moderate
income circumstances.. Frank Gray advised this program would .cover Census
Tracts 1507 and 1508, which' is, a major portion of the City.
City Manager Robert Meyer indicated one of the spin -offs from this program
would be, providing jobs for people in the community. He stated`he felt. it was
important to , keep.`the program moving,.nOt only from an , economic point of
but for th`e.,benef.ii of the people ' the community'.
There was discussion held by the Council.on the proposal. Mr. Balshaw felt the.
City had, had. a poor track record oh the Housing `Rehab'litation, ?Program, and'
i't's'probab.,ly because of the aek of staffing. He also questioned the need for
housing rehabilitation in the Cern Business District and if this would be
handled through the tax,,incr:ement funding. Mr. Scharer .indicated .the Community
Development Block Grant. :funding is for housing rehabilitation, and Census
Tracts 1507 and '1508 would also .include. the Central Business.Distri_c_t.'- The
Central Business D istrict, as ref'erred °to in his.report, refers to
the -Rede-
velopment Project,Area. Mr. Balshaw also stated if a senior planner-is hired,
his,priority should lie with the 'housing and redevelopment areas. He did, not
f eel'th s person.shou d be pulled away from these responsibilities to work with
the allocation committee or other Planning Department programs, including
substituting f'or the Planni�ng;Director. when necessary. City Manager Robert
Meyer - responded by stating the Community Development and Services Coordinator
is responsible f:or'the,'d'irec.tion of the Community Development. Services, direct
charge of the Planning. Department and. the Build'ing:Inspection Dvs.,ion,. The
Senior Planner for housing would report directly to Frank Gray and the only
reason it-was incorporated in ihe,,report that the senior planner would assume
the. responsibility of the..Planning Director in his absence was. in order .to
relieve Mr., Gray from taking this additional assignment,.. The,prop'osed new
Pr would have basement of City Hall and lis.pri-
oritieswould be for °the programs outlined
Mr. Balshaw also,` indicated he was opposed to .splitting the organization up
functions. ''He felt the planner and the project administrator may be getting
cross ".feed.from each other and felt.a more cohesive arrangement would be to
have them work' as one :unit>. City Manager Robert. Meyer pointed out they would
be physically located in one area, with secretary to provide services to both.
It was also-pointed out the two people involved would be 'under the direction of
the Executive Director'of the Petaluma Community Development Commssion'or the
City Manager. 'Opera.tionally, each would.have , "a, separate function. 'Mr.. Balshaw
then queatioHed.how the program would be funded for personnel if the City did
not "receive 'a Community - Development Block Grant 'for on yea -r::. Mr', Scharer'
indicated the funds would have to be taken from „revenue sharing or housing
administration. Councilman.Balshaw Also questioned since.some of the admire-
istration and work would be for redevelopment, why some of the salaries could
not be taken out'of' tax increment' Mt.,,Scha_rer indicated this has been in-
clud'ed and the approximate amount is $:25,000,. Mr. Scharer' also indicated, if
redevelopment grows and they feel there is a need for -a better allocation of
the funds, the tax increment would pay a larger share of the administrative,
There was some discussion.held regarding staffing and how the new personnel
would be hired.. Councilman.:Cavanagh questioned whether: the senior planner's
position would be open -for promotional opportunities,f:or members of °tlie Planning
December 12, 1977
DISCUSSION- -STAFF Department.: City-Manager. Robert Meyer indicated the.
NEEDS.FOR HOUSING, person probably•would.come from the Planning Department',
TRANSIT�AND but the Personnel Department would go through its :.
REDEVELOPMENT regular procedure.. The position would be open for all
(Continued) qualified people.. Counrilman.Balshaw questioned.
whether .or not this would have .a 'domino effect in. the.
Planning Department, where the last person,hired'would hold the lowest position
in the'Planning-Department. Communi.t'y'Development. and Services Coordinator .
Frank Gray indicated he.did not feel this.was sp,ecifically.what would happen,
but it could be a possibility. City Manager Robert'Meyer, also pointed.out that
all new people hired under the proposal would be City employees and not em-
ployees .of >the -.Redevelopment..Agency.
Councilman Bond questioned the need for additional personnel to.administer.the
312 Housing Program if the City only received or,20 applications. Both Mr.
Scharer. and Mr. Gray indicated the applications were cut off in.-May, princi-
pally because the City was unable to handle the paperwork., Mr. Scharer also
indicated there was only ;a minimal amount of money left and the City did not go
out and market the progr,am...The six loans the City did administer amounted to
$67,750, which.is a substantial amount of,money.
Councilman .Bond , ques <t 6iied_ whether .or .not the 312. Program would. justify hiring
the " rehabilitation -representative. - and what duties would-be. Mr. Scharer
indicated although our.own City Building Inspection Division. had helped out on
the program, they really do ,,not have a, sufficient amount,,of time to .do. justice
to.the,program. The rehabilitation representative would assist the people by
inspecting their.'homes,•adv sing ihem.what needs to be;:brought._up to code, and
assist the applicant in locating a contractor.who would be:•able to give the.
owner cost.estimates.for .ihe:.,project...When. work commences on ; rehabili- tation, ..
the -representative would, also ; inspect. •the.home. Mr: Scharer inidicated-if this
person woiild...find they hadisome slack time, they.could be used to help in our
own City Building Inspection; Division oil inspecting: ; flew' -and :other construction.
within the City. City Manager Robert Meyer also indicated this person could be
hired by contract.
In response question.by` Councilman.Hilligoss, whether or 'not the rehabili -,
tation representative could also be used in the.redevelopment area, Mr. Meyer
answered in the - affirmative. Mr. Scharer also indicated the. Redevelopment Plan
has not been fully implemented because there has been insufficient staff to
administer the Plan.
Discussion was then held on the timetable for hiring the people and establish-
ing the program. Mr-. Scharer indicated he felt January l would be the time to
establish the program administrator and the senior - planner positions, and also
to immediately hire the steno,clerk. He anticipates the ,need for the rehabili-
tation representative by the s.ec_otid meeting of January; however, this may be
delayed until Spring.,
At the conclusion of. discussion on the proposal from the staff, Mr. Scharer
indicated they would like to have some direction from the.Commission and the
Council in order to have resolutions prepared to fill the proper positions
Assistant City Manager David Breninger also stated it would be necessary to
modify the classification and salary plan for the City to,provide for the
positions. City Attorney .Larry Klose indicated the Commission.and the Council
could approve the concept., the technical steps necessary could be taken, and
the documents brought back to the Council on December 19.
A motion was made by Comm. Balshaw, seconded by Comm. Hilligoss, recommending
that the City Council move - forward on the concept.for staffing the housing,
transit and rehabilitation programs. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was then made by Councilman Hilligoss, seconded by Councilman Balshaw,
on behalf of the City Council, accepting the concept. Motion carried unanimously.
ACCEPT ANNUAL AUDIT In order for the annual audit prepared by the firm of
PETALUMA COMMUNTIY Wadsworth, Smith, Mohrman and Dad'o, for the Petaluma
DEVELOPMENT COMM. Community Development Commission to become a matter of
record, the audit was submitted' and filed.
December 12, 1977
AWARD CONTRACT Finance.Director John•S,charer advised the'Petaluma
DEMOLITION-- G_ULF Community Development Commission the Gulf ";Oil Building
OIL BUILDING at the corner of Avenue and.Keller Street "has
KELLER STREET bee_ °prepared,for demolition -. The,City has removed all
PARKING'LOT of the items that could.be..salvaged,from the. "building.
PCDC RES _ #22 A bid of $`2,650 has been submitted by F.G. (.Buzz.)
_ _`Millerick to remove the building and the concrete slab...
Mr. Scharer -asked the Commission to'author-ize the - Executive.Dire.c ;tor to sign
the,agreement with Mr., Millerick- The building would not be removed,, however;
until .after.tRe.Christmas_shopping season, with work to begin af.t 2r.
PCDC Resolution #22, authorizing the.Executive Direc.to,r to sign agreement for
removal of the Gulf 'Oil Building at the corner of Western Avenue and Keller
Street.., was; n:troduced.by Comm. Cavanagh, seconded by Chairman `Putnam,, and
adopted by 5- affirmative and d.absentee
REDEVELOPMENT AREA Finance.Director,John Scharer advised.the necessary
PARKING:PROJECT contacts have been made with,the Richmond Redevelopment
Agency regarding the ,parking installed n•that City..
The staff is gathering data on the project and determining who the engineers
were, <andlas :soon as' - the-'information' is compiled, it will. be, forwarded. to: the
COmmUnity Development- Commission. :Comm Balshaw..indicated at 'the League of
Cities Meeting .he talked with a firm,whch installs parking-structures, and -
expects_some_information be forthcoming from them.. Co,uncilman.Hi•lligoss
asked: what the sta us of -th'e " A" Street Parking "Lo.t was at this 'pre_sent "time.
Mr. Scharer indicated -the' latest infotmdtion he. is that •the; owner',s ap- .
praisal. of the.- property is -in excess of the City" s appraisal There has not
been a.meetirig held to .discuss it further.. Councilman Hilligoss ,also referred.
to an- .article- in Cities - " which proposes crime prevention "through en-
vironment design in redevelopment areas and asked that it'be taken into
consideration for -the City "'s own redevelopment project.
There being no further business to come before the
Council or the Commission, the meeting :was' ad'j at
5:11 p.m.
Agenda_ Item #2
RES 78001 NCS
Agenda Item #3
RES #8002 NCS
Agenda._Ltem '#4
RES #8003 NCS
Acenda Item , #5.
RES #8004 NCS
Agenda Item #6
RES #8005 NCS
RES 48006 NCS
3 .43
Resolution #8001 N.C.S. rejecting claim of William or Fa57I
Dolores Bondietti, filed by California State Automobile
Association,, was adopted.
Resolution #8002 N.C'.S,. authorizing the - to enter' � / 0 �
into an agreement _for transit services with the County
of Sonoma,, City of Rohnert Park and City of Cotati, was
Resolution V8003 N.C.S.. authorizing the Mayor to sign FS -8 r
quitclaim deeds' (Caulfield Lane EX't"ensioii), was adopted, v
Reso >luiion #8004 N.C.S. designating.fixed -date holidays � �
for the employees of the City of Petaluma for the
Calendar Year 1978, was' adopted.:
Resolution 48005.N,.C.S. accepting completion -of public
improvements' - Jehovah's Witnesses ,Kingdom Hall, Park ��
Lane, was adop-ted;.
Resolution 48006 N.C..S.. authorizing amendment of Con
sultant Contract (Walt Smith and Associates), dated Fr/.-7
October '3•, 1977, to provide for progress payments., was
u .
DECEMBER 12,, 19:77
An Adjourned Meetng,of the Petaluma City Council was
f�. ..,
called•to order. by MayortHe,len Putnam at the hour of,
.7:37: p.m.
Present: Councilmen.Balshaw.,.B'ond, Cavanagh,;Harberson,
Hlligoss, Perry and:Mayor`Putnam.
Absent: None.
, ... _
� _ _ •
;The.- Reverend Richard..McMillan -of the-Neighborhood-
--.Church of the Christian and..Missionary Alliance, gave
Vice - Mayor Perry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
'The minutes of the Regular.Meeting of November 7, were
approved. The minutes, of the Special of
November 14, 1977, were'approved.." The minutes of the
Regular Meeting of November 21, were approved as amended.
A motion was. made by Vice -Mayor Perry, seconded by
Councilman Harberson, to 'file the ABC Application, Item
#1, and adopt resolutions, Items #2 through #9, on the
Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item, #1
ABC Application for on sale beer and wine:, eating
place„ Deli, Etc., 365 South McDowell Blvd., Margaret
DELI, ETC., 365
arid. Michael J. Abramson, was ordered filed,.
Agenda_ Item #2
RES 78001 NCS
Agenda Item #3
RES #8002 NCS
Agenda._Ltem '#4
RES #8003 NCS
Acenda Item , #5.
RES #8004 NCS
Agenda Item #6
RES #8005 NCS
RES 48006 NCS
3 .43
Resolution #8001 N.C.S. rejecting claim of William or Fa57I
Dolores Bondietti, filed by California State Automobile
Association,, was adopted.
Resolution #8002 N.C'.S,. authorizing the - to enter' � / 0 �
into an agreement _for transit services with the County
of Sonoma,, City of Rohnert Park and City of Cotati, was
Resolution V8003 N.C.S.. authorizing the Mayor to sign FS -8 r
quitclaim deeds' (Caulfield Lane EX't"ensioii), was adopted, v
Reso >luiion #8004 N.C.S. designating.fixed -date holidays � �
for the employees of the City of Petaluma for the
Calendar Year 1978, was' adopted.:
Resolution 48005.N,.C.S. accepting completion -of public
improvements' - Jehovah's Witnesses ,Kingdom Hall, Park ��
Lane, was adop-ted;.
Resolution 48006 N.C..S.. authorizing amendment of Con
sultant Contract (Walt Smith and Associates), dated Fr/.-7
October '3•, 1977, to provide for progress payments., was
December 12., 1977
Agenda Item , ; #8 Resolution 48007 N,.C..S. extending the time within which
EXTEND FILING DATE to file.f'inal map.of'Pacheco Subdivision for one year,.
FINAL MAP, PACHECO i.e.., un_til ,7, 1978', was adopted..
RES 448007 NCS
Agenda Item. 449 Resolution 4 8008 ,N C;. S.. 1 approving claims and bills
APPROVE CLAIMS #3607 - 43770,:inclusive, General City ;, and,,, #726 -
AND BILLS 4749, inclusive Water, was adopted.
RES _48008 NCS.
AMEND ZONING ORD. TO The staff report of the Planning Department to; the
RECLASSIFY 800 BODEGA Planning-Commission dated October 25, 1977, submitted
AVE. TO.R -1= 20,000 and filed; excerpts of the Planning Commission Meeting
ORD `4112.72 NCS of November 1, 1977, submitted. and filed; Planning
(SECOND READING) Commission Resolution No. Z14 -77, 'adopted'November 'l,
19=77, submitted and filed'.
Planning Director Ronald Hall rewiewed.the staff report and stated the. appli-
cation for _rezoning was.submitted'b.y Mr. Ronald Harris for property located at
8 G Bodega Avenue, approximately one acre .to be reclassified from R -•1 -6,500 to
R =1- 20,000. The ,proposed rezoning wo.uld'bring` the property into conformity
with the General Plan. and the Environmental Design Plan. The reclassification
of the property was made a condition, of the' -lot split. At the ;Public Hear --ing
herd at the Planning, Commission level, , all persons, within 300 feet of the
subject, property had, been notified. In addition,, City Clerk had sent
notices to the same .people for the Public Hearing at this meeting:.
M ay or Pu then opened the Public H e aring. No correspondence, ha been re-
ceved by.,the C.i.ty,.Clerk, no comments were made from the audience, and the
Public .Hearing was• declared closed..,•
Ordinance #1211 N.C,.r'S., amending Zoning Ordinance 441072 N.C.S. by 'reclassifying
the 'property located at 800 Bodega Avenue (a portion of A.,P'. 470 -09) , ap-
p.roximately,L O acres from R -1- 6,:500 to, R -1- 20,000 (Ronald Harris) was, adopted.
APPROVE REVISED A letter dated `November 15, 1 =977, from Viacom.Cable-
RATES -- CABLE vision to'the City 'Council, submitted and .filed...
(PUBLIC HEARING) Assistant Cit Mana g er David Brennger reminded the
RES 48009 NCS Council they had been given the proposal from Viacom
Cablevision in November for their* review,.. At that
ti the'Councll determined to set this date for the Pub lic He3`ring on the,
rate increases proposed' by the firm. Notice of. the Public Hearing had been
published by .the. City Clerk.
Mayor Putnam then opened the Public Hearing. A letter dated December 7,, 1977,,
directed, to the Mayor and City Council, by the Associated Build ing 'Indus try of
Northern G'aliforn a ; ,, Novato:, California, and signed by Rena Clements Executive
Vice - President, was read by the CitYClerk and ordered filed.
Mr._ Walter :MangQn, 173;6 Cawlf "ieli'Lane, ,stated while he does not really object
to a rate increase, he felt: the Company 'should :be: more .responsibl•e to put out a.
better product. •Mr. Mangon stated he is, on cable, and there•are
times in the evening when he does not have good reception.. He also felt the
cable television company "should be more responsive to the =ir customers 'and;
complained about being given an answering service, rather than,a rep -
resenta- tive when he calls for service.: _ : He, also f'el,t. the request, by the Viacom
Cablevis on. Company f.or. developers ,t:o ;pay far unde_rgr-ounding would'. p a
burden on young people buying homes as. :they, ;wou•ld.,be, paying interest, on this
installation for- over a 30-year
p "� n .
Mr: Ral ph Ellis of .600 East D Stree:t.s aced the..inerease would `be hard on the
approx mately• 3 „500 senior citizens _living, _ City; in that kt would. 'b'e a, 15.
percent increase everyone who . ,has overhead, service ; . While he felt the, -irm
p :,deserved°. a rate ;increase,, hey asked that jt :be, more equitable.
Rena Clements of the Associated Building Industry next spoke to the Counc =il. '
She advised the Associated Building Industry is in a position of totally-op-
posing the proposed ordinance for payment by the developer 'for underground,ing
the utility. The 'industry is concerned with the cost of homes at the present
time. She,also stated the cost for undergr:ounding would not be much more than
December 12, 1977
APPROVE REVISED from $100 to $140.per house;;: but this amount amort-ized
RATES-- CABLE . __over a 30 -year period,wouid.be considerably higher:
TELEVISION SERVICE She stated ,their, organizatioh would be happy to meet ;+
(PUBLIC HEARING). with groups selected by'the,.Council and the City.staff
RES #8009.NCS: to discuss the matter in. detail.
(Continued) -I _
I Mrs: Leonard W'. Kelle Finance,,Manager for Viacom
Cabaevision,.reviewed the proposal, w thlithe.City. Council. Mr. Keller - stated,
since TeleVue.Cable was awarded the 13,years ago there has not been
a rate increase. Approximately $460,000 has been spent in capital 'improvements
for the system, including enl'argement.of the plant for better.signal. Mr.
Keller also.indicated.construction is underway fora new office and technical
facility inrthe Petaluma Industrial Park.. Plans are.und'erway to establish a
new,head_end.'•receiving site .wh'ich.should be ,completed in 60 to 90 days.
A separate ; and - related issue !is the proposed ordinance on the undergrounding
facilities to be charged -to the developer. The firm feels the party who re-
ceives the benefit of the undergrounding should pay for that cost. Having
homes serviced:by-underground,.cable adds, to,the value -of the home, but actually
costs the firm three.times more than overhead service,. There are unique prob-
lems related to the maintenance of underground facil- ities in that even.though
the cable' is ..placed in conduit., there is still corrosion and it has to. be
replaced more often. Mr. Kel-ter also pointed out the'.rate.;for service for
undergrounding has been proposed to have only a four percent increase. Mr.
Keller also indicated.the,cost.per unit for the homeowner would be approxi-
mately $65 to $85.
Vice:Mayor.Perry ques.tioned.whether.or:•not,the matter could not-be held until
the new-.head end_.facilities•+ ,to . provide a, better' signal -are installed by' Viacom
Cablevis.ion °..!. Mr - Kel ler, indicated they :haven? v been, made aware bye the com- ,
munity of many signal problems:` He asked if the Council could take action at
this meeting.; contingent_,upon..the-,new signal- system,being, installed.
Some discussion-was held. pay television service. Mr. Keller indi -.
cated=,.it probably.will,be available to the,citizens.of Petaluma,sometime.during
the. first, -,half . of 1978._ Niacom Cablevision. h'as; to have.;:the.ir head .end- ,signal
service completed'before pay television can be offered to the community.. ,
Councilman Cavanagh questioned whether•- there,cou -ld be,separate,ra:tes•.for handi-
capped subscribers.. Mr. Keller responded not only to Councilman Cavanagh's
question; . but to ones raised by- Ralph Ellis regar.d'ing senior- citizens . He
advised , they have established certain-,guide not..strict,ly for senior citi-
zens,:but for,those;who,are in need and:.handicapp.ed - people could be included in
these guidelines;. ` Mr_. Keller indicateed.. fie. would submit.t a proposal to the City
in the near future, i
Councilman Hilligoss pointed out when the.cable.televis on: service was first
ins-tahled.in•Petaluma., the E.M. outlet was used as, a; promotion to the' citizens
to.installsthe T.V...•cable. She questioned.the charges.for F.M. contained in
the proposal. .Mr- . indicated- th'eytteally,were.not sure.how they would
approach -F. M; , as. they do not. know for' sure how many.-connections exist in the
City; however, as: they.mad'e service :calls,and discovered F.M. connections in a
home,.charges'would then be made for F.M -. service. The charge would also be
for. new' subscribers
Councilman Cavanagh asked if the firm would care to comment on a,Mr:
complaint regarding service. Mr -,. Cal Cannon, the manager of the Petaluma
facility,_ stated they -d`o'. not get..very many ,service calls and ' 90 percent of ..the
calls they receive.-.are television se.t,.prob`lems;: The..-,cabl`evis ion personnel try'
to help subscribers arid' 'will also meet with'T.V. technicians in the home.if
requested to do so. Their office is open between the hours of 81:00 a.m. to
5::00. p m: ; 'and'. the answering +sery cei is: available rn the evening ;, Theys have.,
personnel , on standby to. answer.. service calls, after 5i:!OO !p.m: i
City•Attorney Larry:Klose stated he had a;question:f.or ,the.Associated Building
:Industry. Representative; - .,Rena Clements,.. •.-In his'. review of .recent: covenants. and
restrictions •f or subd v -is ions °;1 one ofj th'e, s that.:concerns him; regarding
the. cable vs: thei. person! s�_ choice. toj use their, ownc antenna., systems, is_ the fact
that most new.subdivisions seem to require.'that ,no antenna be put on' the
exterior: of the, buildings.". .Ms,:.Clements' .ag -need that, most. new. subdivisions
place .th-is - , , requirement :on;. the developer.: - .As,. - Clements, stated, the.,cablei tele -,
vision. company s.a bu'sin`ess,, as,i+s the home .builder. Their association..feels
the.. cable, television4 industry. has. capital cq'sts. _ She stated one of the ,reasons
she: mentioned: the- 1964, ordinancei was. the :'fact. the'.cable-televi'sion service:l as
known since then they would be required to.unde.rground in•undergrounding ' ar-e'as.
December 12, 1977 `
APPROVE REVISED This means cablevision, as a business has to assume;
RATES = CABLE _ that: capital; cost in order to bring; in revenue.. If the
TELEVISION SERVICE' developer :is, required;_.to.pay for the un-dergroundi:ng.;
(PUBLIC- HE.AR-ING) then the developer. would be :using his money for front
RES #8009 NCS ..money for 'the televis ion _ Mr. Klose. indicated
(Continued) his question relates to the fact that the homeowner
_ would .have no choice, but to subscribe to the; cable
television - as most .developers . do not: ermi:t w exterior antennas::..• Ms.,• C1emen.ts
stated,, If- -underground ing. is -required, by .the developer.in ; subdivision, the
homeowner ,has no choice as they. do in' areas . ser , ve&,by-aerial.facilities's In•
aerial facilit_es,:if they 'do not choose to hook up to the cable T.V., they are
not. required to do so; however, if the developer has to pay the cost for under-
grounding utilities for' cable: T,.V. service,, the homeowner iiou'ld be- .paying for
the service whether they wanted , it. or not..- .GMs;. Clements stated.-she felt .the
initial cost for underground'ng should be at the cable television company's
expense..r� Then, when the homeowner purchased the home, a fee could be charged.
for hooking into - the system.
Councilman Balshaw indicated one alternative may be for the cable company Ito
pay <•the developer the going. interest rate for.' the. initial investment -and. then
the 'developer to refund 'the' $'80 to $100_ Pto th6z television company when the unit
was sold:.-: H&{ did. not feel this amount of money would make_ , a. sign flizatnt° amount
of difference on 'a $7.0,000 or :$80,000 home:.
Mr. Cal Cannon stated he would like to add a couple 'of, comments,. First of all:,
the .cost would 'be closer to $`65. The company is not really asking the:•sub
scriber to pay for the system. 'The undergrounding of the utility' would be an,
improvement for that home. Ninety percent of the - people are going to 'be . using,
the cable'television service.. The average length of. time a person lives in a'
home-. i& three years and the cost io the'hom"eowner would be very' insigriifica it.
Councilman Hilligoss qu'es'tioned whether the company would. still give the .3.0 -day
period,of grace. on hookups after the purchase of a home for a free hookup to
the cable television service:. Mr�. Cannon indicated their request in their
proposal is to eliminate the free hookup in order'.f'or 'the, revenue from the•
installation to cover the. and help to.. kee p the monthly service- .charge at _a
minimum _
.Mayor Putnam then closed the Public Hearing,.
P t
City Manager Robert; 'Meyer. stated there were. two requests. - before the Council;.
The f irst was for the increase in rates - and; the i- second. request. was to 'amend the
ordinnance::' He 's uggeS'ted _� th Council'. 'could, pass "the_ resolution amending the
mates at this meeting. and: if' they desired, the ordinance could-be brought back
at the next meeting. Councilman Balshaw stated his feeling was to chainge.the
ordinance to put the undergrounding in as part of building, construction., He
also ' indic'ate'd he would be.. in favor of the new xates� and !asked that, Councilman
Hlligoss' .suggestion for - a waiver of. the• -connection fee 'for 30 days after the
new resident has. moved in be, considered: 'Councilman Hill ^igoss. also', asked
some for handicapped' or elderly persons. Mk- .Keller. indicated
there its some problem in .qualifying °people under'this' program.. The company
must, fir.st::make 'a determination if there s.need,, and just because people are
65 years or.olden does' not mean they have a need for a reduced rate. He did
indicate,,.how.ever, he would submit a proposal to the Council,. They have a rate
in one Marin County city of $2.00 .or $2.50 per month for those people who
qualify for 'reduced rates.
Counc l ,an 'Cavanagh stated he. hoped.; if .the rate ;increase is approved, the
cable television 'company. would make an `effort to provide a. better picture
City Attorney Larry Klose- stated if the Council. is inclined . to.-adopt, an ordi =.
nance based on 'the, proposal submitte& by .Viacom which would change the responsi-
bility -f9r the cost of undergrounding., it will require some policy decisions on
the' part' of the Council.. The p;r.oposal,, as submitted,, imposes sonde ,significant
new work .requirements on the. City Engineer., It; would require, submission of the
cab °le: plans to the. City Engineer... Mr. Klose stated. he did ;not know whether the
City, should. 'become. ;involved in doing engineering r0yiek on. behalf. of, the''cab'le
company..: This would .be an area which would. ;have to be resolved'.-separately 'from
who is to , bear. the basic cost-:. Secondly, Mr. Klose st`at'ed the City cariftot use
the cab le. f ranch ise. ordinance,tb impose. burdens. on someone who is not, involved
in the franchise xelratibnship. It would be necessary, therefore, to amend the
Subdivision Ordinance in order to impose any'burden on builders with relation
to new construction.. The'.ramif,ica.tions. are .more. extensive than Tt ;appears, from
Viacom's proposal:
December 12, 1973
APPROVE REVISED Councilman Harber-son,`suggested the Council act at this
RATES = - CABLE' meeting on the. rate increase. and' review the ordinance"
TELEVISION SERVICE at a later tiim. Councilman Balshaw reaffirmed his
(PUBLIC HEARnING') position that.the,developer should pay the cost for the
RES #8009 NCS iunderground construction. .Councilman Balshaw indicated
(Continued) ' he felt .the matter ' had' been thoroughly aired at this
meeting, and-he did not feel it was necessary for the
Council to spend additional time,a,t a future meeting discussing a charge of $65
per home. He then made a motion reques:,ting „_the.staff to prepare an ordinance
based upon the recommendation of having the developer assume the cost for
undergrounding in new construction areas. Motion carried by.4 affirmative and
3 negative votes. Councilman Bond., Cavanagh and.Uice -Mayor Perry voted "no ".
Resolution #8009 N.C.S. approving revised rates for cable television service -
Viacom, Inc., was introduced by ,Councilman Cavanagh, seconded by Councilman
Balshaw, and adopted by-5 aff'irmative'and 2 negative votes. Councilman Bond
and,Vice -Mayor Perry voted "no"
AWARD CONTRACT Finance Director John Scharer reviewed the bids.re- Fr7a q
PAINTING HEADQUARTERS ce -ivied by City and opened November 23, 1977. A / f
FIRE STATION copy of the report'of.the bid opening is on file with
RES #8010:•NCS the City Clerk.
Bids ranged from a low of $1,:99.5 to a high of $11.,460. Fadeeff Painting Company
of San Francisco had .submitted the low bid. Mr. Scharer indicated he had
checked into the company and received references on some of the work;accomplished
by the firm. The recommendation is-.to award the bid to Fadeeff Painting'.Com -,
puny in .the. amount of $1,,995; Mr;. Scharer• also:: advised althoughi the company; is
located in San. Francisco,;" Mr.- Leonard: S. Fadeef'f,, _,.the: owner.; resides in Petaluma.
Resolutioni #8'010 N..C._S.. awarding.contract.ifor ;the `painting of the fire station
headquarters building to Painting "Company, San Francisco,-in the.amount
of $1,995 was introduced.by Cavanagh; ' seconded .by.Councilman .
and adopted by 7 affirmative. votes.
AW ARD � Finance Director John Scharer_ reviewed the:, results of t n
opening held December• 5:, 1,977,, for the new r o-
RES #8011 asphalt paver. "Two bids had been . received, both in-
clud a base bid and an alternate bid. The alternate
bid calls for hydraulic control - rather than manual control,on this piece of.
equipment, and recommendation ;from the:.Public.•Works Superintendent was to
accept the alternate bid from Ricker Machinery Company, Oakland, Calfiornia, in
the amount. of $6,492..5;0. Mr. Scharer-advised $9,000 had-been b'udg'eted for the
Councilman Cavanagh questioned whether this pece.of equipment was one the
staff would:' be happy With and` .asked for a comment from? Mr. .Kelly. Mr. Kelly
advised'he. felt the hydraulic'.equpment .would save a lot of manhours and work
that -is being done now .by'the shovelful can be d6ne by the truck load.
Resolution #8011. N;.� . S'., awarding contract for one new tow - type asphalt paver to
Ricker Machinery, :Company, Oakland, California, in the. amount of $6,492.50..,
introduced -by- Vice= MayorTerry;:seconded' by. Councilman .Hilligoss,.and adopted
by 7 affirmative votes:
APPROVES OCCUPANCY A let ter..dated .December r7, 1977; addressed i to. the-.City F 7
_ PORTION- =MIWOK -Counc3.l by Mr. Walter_ W. -: Williams ;of Williams, and, r 7
MANOR SUBDIVISION :. Aguir,re,, Inc. was- =read by the. C'i,ty 'Clerk' and .:ordered.
RES #8012 - NCS ' filed..
Councilman Harbers'on asked the status of the homes which had been approved for
the subdivision: for occupancy .at. a previous—meeting and: whether .or not; the
peop.le7 had. moved into the : - homes..: Mk.,. Walt Williams stated: he ha& intended. to
- ask •for• :occupancy` at 'the meeting: -tonight : for .all the units he had completed.;..
however, when he had an opportunity to be .heard,:at ..the, December, 1 meeting,. he-
did have some people who wanted to move into their Homes. They moved into them
last week'.i On' the..request :before the= tCounci l ..tonight _Mr.. Will•irams stated all
streets, are : :paved, the street. lights.. are installed, `there is some work - to b.e
done. on the subdivision, including masonry fence and a barricade; - . There:.,
also. be some manholes which need .to, be inspected, and some other minor
matters which need to be taken care of in th'e'subdivision. Mr. Williams stated
he was anxious to have occupancy, permitted for'the.33..units, as the loan commit-
ments between World Savings and his potential homeowners would terminate on.the
14th of December.
December 12, 1977
APPROVE OCCUPANCY City Engineer David Young stated the lots for which Mr..
PORTION= MIWOK : - ._, William&iis asking-- sewer, ,waver and
MANOR!.SUBDIV.IS;ION _ street. access:are. ready and. the Engineering Department.
RES #80123 -NCS. - .:has, no.. objection- to.rgranting occupancy permits;. City:'
(Continu'ed) Attorne Larr Klose,.ind`icated. resolution, if, .
- y Y•
adopted: 'by the Council, would 'include the fact that
occupancy.! would b'el subj'ect'. to. approval..of the Chief . Building Ins.pector,and the
developer would, accept, - any responsibility _and_, hold- the,.City harmless., The lots
to be o.ccup edaare 6 throught14,<43_through 51, 61 through '70 ;,or:a total
of 33i1ots. i •j , Cr 1 ) _
Resolution 180`12. N..G.S.., app:roving.'occupancy. for a portion of Miwok Manor Sub..
divisi'on..(31rlots); was introduced by.Vice= Mayor.iPerry seconded. by Counc •lman.
Harberson, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
�j AGREE )1 : PRINCI•PLE A letter. - dated, November .v3,0',, :1977 ; .:address,ed., to the ::C !,ty
� WITH REQUEST FOR Council by ,Dan 'Ph" llips., "Ehairman of, the: Recreation, ::.
BOND ISSUE -- LUCHESSI Music and Parks Commission, was read by the City Clerk
PARK DEVELOPMENT and ordered f -ilea.
RES 18.013 NCS`
. Commission, re commend s_:that the .City ,Council, call
J`.;. - . for -- a special, bond. election for the compTetiont of.
Luchessi Community 'Park, including 'the senior citizens' center community
recreation center and suppor "t park facilities as per the 1969 adopted master
Mr Dan: Phillips advised= they • had..done::some) research: as to' the needs of the
co regarding the seven- year -:c ap it'al, and leisure:- Services.priority
:program.;' ,and, it is the feeling of the Cominiss -ion there is a: definite need. The.
Coinm ission also- took - into cons iderat ion, that. the: previous bond, election . f ail
by a very.narrow margin, and they feel confident another bond issue would pass.
The development .of, Luchessi, Park. has: been the 'Number 1 priority of the Rec -.
feation,.iMus c, and `Parks Commission f or, 'A, long time,, and they were hopeful. to
have a hondt issue. on~ a". special election,, possibly: in March of 197;8...:. c
Following,d'iscussion by the City Council, it was brought out that a March
election would be virtually impossible as, there. would not be sufficient time to.
hire 'a ,bond, consultant and a financial - - consultant , fo;r. the, bond issue,. It was.
a lso questioned. b y', the Council. _wh ether or{ n ot, t Recreation COIUmiss'ion had
some firm- .,amount�_'they would. want. to include;, in the�.bond issue. Mr:.,,Vincent
Mamonet indicated:'the: pr•:evious. cost,.had' been estimated_ at .$1..9' million„ and the
cost. now probably 'would be more: • :'The Council.. :a .definite. figure shou'Id be
considered-.in. order. to, put:.the, issue before the, voters..__ .
City Manager Robert) Meyer, stated; he. -f the squ_are� footage, of, the proposed
building should be 'known, the layout and configuration fora plan. It was.hs
understanding the Cit Engineer had quoted -over $1,000,000 for site: preparation
without any: buildings'r r ; All..of..these, facts, need': t;o .ber known, before ;:a 'bond,.', ,
election can be formulated: ; 'Mr.. Meyer also indicated if- the, architectural, work
and. the, plans._ had .been completed when the Ci'ty'.wasi eligible for public works; .
funds; Luchessi. Park may have.• been eligible. at•s that time for a•..grant,::. Mr.
Meyer suggested.th'at proposals be solicited for plans for the project. He also
stated, it: was doubtful whether. the; "bond; =issue,, could. be ready..for a; June. election
andi probably. would .have. to, ,be held.'over, until, the- General . Election; next November.
Mr. Dan. Phillips indicated one, of the reasons they• wanted, to- commence work ;on
it at this time was to have a special election and not combine it, with any
other election.
Councilman: Bond'. asked; whether ,there would be any .:way,, the Council could endorse
the Recreation-,. Music and Parks. Commi`ssiah,'s recommendation that a.bond issue
be.',submi.tted to the; voters.. City: Attorney. Larry; Klose. suggested_, ar :resolution
b.e adopted by the Council agreeing, in pr•incipl "e.,.•and directing, the,s;taf;f to
,commence preparation for submitt the matter to the voters. It would be
necessary to; come. back to.' they Council, to, determine :the bond, issue; matter,, i
choices: of bond consultants and•financial.consultan.t&, and, other, legal. matters°
concerned with an 'election.. .Finance D: r.ec.tor John;Scharer .also advised -there,
are: not funds., ap prop riated.+for financing:! a.;special .hond'_electiorn,and, thisf,matter
should, - also) comet back. to the, , C'o.uncil.
Resolution: #8013"_ -Ni. C.:&.' agreeing;, (in . principle,:.w th the .recommendation of the
Recreation;: Music and `P-,arks Commission .to: plan a. bond; issuei for: completion, of
Luchessi Park on the ballot: -for voter. approval,, was: introduced 'by)-councilman
Bond,i secondedt bya Councilman Hil - .ligoss,.Sand'3 adopted..by...7`, affirmative, votes.
, . ; . . '' , - f.. . . .
December 12, 1977
WATER' EMERGENCY "STATUS 'City Manager Robert` Meyer stated with the current rain
and the fact''wat'er is now "flowing in the Russian River.
and a large: volume of it is, going out to sea, it' is, the
recommendation.to amend the present Water Emergency.Ordinance to permit chang-
ing the''ordinance by resolution: The Council' have before it at its next
meeting the ordinance, as well'as'a resolution which would eliminate some of
the more stringent - restric.tions.placed on 'the citizens of Petaluma. Mr. Meyer
stated although the odd -.even restriction and some other`regulations are sug
gested to be eliminated l'y,.developers would still be tequired'to
provide an alternate source of water.
3 '1 'g
1978 -79 REVENUE" The City Manager stated the staff is recommending that
SHARING COMMITTEE a Council Committee be appointed to work with the staff V 1/ 6 O
on the 'pre- budget hearings for the expenditure, of the,
1978 -19 revenue sharing funds,: The pre- - budget hearings: would begin immediately
after `the first of the year;.` Ma',yor'Putnam selected 'the following Council
members; Councilman Bond' 'as Councilman Hill - igoss and Councilman
CHRISTMAS. , TREE' Th'e City Manager advised the Pe`ta'luma Refuse Company
PECK -UP - wl`l again pick up Christmas trees' this year'if 'they
are properly bundled in five -foor lengths.
DISCUSSION=- D'ATE_`EOR 'Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank
' NEW'ENVIRONMENTAL' 'Gray: there were three "the Council would
DESIGN PLAN ` need, to review in order 'to give' - tAe "st'af'f direction' ib
prepare ih'e Environmental Design 'Plan for Public
Hearing. The first is the report from the Citizens.'.Advisory.Committee, the
second 'wouid be th'e'report frdirf the Planning' Commission, and the final report
would be -'the one prepared by' Willi'aims and Mocine.'
After some discussion, it was determined to set aside the afternoon of January
16, beginning at 3:00 p.m., for the review.
There'was some discussion by tte Council on when'they can meet to'discuss the
goals for the 1978 79`b''udget.. The Council"was'unable'to agree on a date for
this meeting, 'and'the Mayor advised she would contact members of the Council to
try' to arrange a suitable da't'e.
MAY.ORS' &.COUNCILMEN °'S Councilman Cavanagh reported at;- the..meeting.of the
ASSOCIATION Mayors' and Councilmen, "s.Association..on November 29.,
some discussion was held regarding th`e services of the
Sheriff's:Department in various areas.:of the Countyv The'group,pointed out all
the citizens in the, County' are paying, for the,Sheriff's' Department but. not .
receiving service -. Each. Mayor,, was!. asked, to bring_ • the matter before their
Councilman Cavanagh also advised the Mayors' and Councilmen's Association is
looking fo a rep resentative, serve on the Delinquency' Prevention, Commission
as the present representative, Councilman Stanbu-ry.of Cotat'i, will be leaving.
the Commission.
. �
Councilman Hill - i os's re orted South County Regional
�] 3/?,
park Committee met. at,. the re -u the
q esrt. of, ;Supervisor DeLong.
�.At.tending'the meeting were "Councilman.Harberson, and
herself.'.Representing,the Recreation Commission were
RES 48014 NCS
Joan P,easlee and Dan Phillips; from the Planning Com-
mission,. Shearer;.:°and from the Regional.Parks .
Commi•ttee, Dick Muzio'.
>The County Regional Parks,"staf'f was also represented..-
The group met for the
entire day and took a.walking.tour four sites.. It was
the unanimous vote of
the.Committee that the VArnh'agen property be designated
as the South County Regional
Park. This site has been suggested to the Gounty
Recreation Commission
who will recommend the Varnhagen site to the Board of
December 12, 1977
Councilman Hilligoss also stated when they,visi the
Lafferty Ranch, the group suggested' pass talong 'the
, recommendation to the Council that the Lafferty Ranch
should be, used for daytime activities :after- the lease
on the. ranch expires, `-
{,. t Re8olution #8014 supporting the findings of the Re- ,
gional" Park, and the Petaluma Recreation., Music aiid Park's Commission,
and recommending to the.Board of Superv,, -sors, that --the - ; V '
arnhagen.property be
designated as_the,South County,Regional Park, was' introduced by Councilman,
Hilligos's,,seconded, by Councilman.Harberson,, and adopted by 5, affirmative and 2
negative; rteg_. Councilman Cavanagh and t Vice -Mayor, , P voted "no ":.
tJ 3 J
TRAFFIC- COMMITTE .., City Engineer Davd the e Comm
nn PARKING IN THE met, on the site with a representative from the Sander,-
J VICINITY OF "B" r son Ford Company,and,the Great.,,Petaluma Mill Merchants'
AND SECOND STREETS Assoc at -ion The ,cons_ensus ,was reached which was- „
agreeable to'bo.th - parties, that the Petaluma Mill ';Plan
for a one -way street, system and diagonal parking be- given.a try,, The repie=
sentatives were advised the Council had authorized the staff to draw-up a.
striping, diagram for one -way 's.tree Mr.. Young, indicated the ,plan,, as
submitted• by�tYr Petaluma Mill Merchants', Association had to 'be modified
slightly in order to allow ample clearance for fire vehicles. The net result
was an additional .16 parking spaces, 'with a one =way street between, Petaluma
Blvd and Second Stree.t,..and one -way traffic between "B." and "C" Streets on
Second Street. Councilman Bond, referred-to the letter submitted to the Council
from the G`reaf Pe a,luma `Mill Merchants' Assocat -ion, and he felt 'the peculiar
situat on in the vicinity of the Mill suggests that - the Ci take a at.the
Parking 'District again to. determine if' one is needed in this area..
City Engineer David Young advised the. Council, as soon as weather permi s,,the
Public Works .,Super.intendeiAt w' ould' complete the, striping in the vicinity of the
Mill; and make the proper arrangements for the one -way street pattern.
GOLF COURSE Dan Phillips, 'Chairman of the' Music. and
COMMITTEE REPORT. Parks Commission advised the, Golf,. Committee
I - ��., -.. z .- .. t
�! appeared. 'before the Commi r e ssion, with a concept for a
municipal golf course which the'Commission had, en-
dorsed. He asked Ed Robert to `report to the C9unci_1.
Mr. Robert stated the Recreation, Music and Park's Commission had.approved the
concept of a. municipal .golf course and an adult recreational facility.: The
Commission also recommended that the Committ•ee,•.ap'pointed by the;.Mayor,.con-
tinue to seek feasibility and participants in the construction of the golf'
course. Mr -- ;.Robert presented 'a schematic drawing-and explained the area is
what is knownn Watson, Ranch� and could, accommodate 36`hole,s.of golf;:. t
tennis counts! .-club . �-a' driV.ing range and- housing Mr. Robert explained
in .order .t'o pr-ovide.• this kind. of..flacil:ity � and' have private parti'cipat -ion, it
will. be necessary to have housing:: Otherwise, :it� would be :total - ly urieconomi-
cal. Mr. Robert emphasized 'th'e fact. the draining he.was showing 'the Council was
merely.a - schematic drawing:and. not anything which.c'ould not: be changed. .It was
merely °a concept in order for the Council to see what could be done with an
area of this size.
Mr. Robert s';taied the Committee ,would like to ;proceed and ;have _ a. ;member .of .:the
Council, "a• member Of their' Committee, and .a�representat- ve'from the`Recreaaion,
Music and .Parks Commission seek a competitive approach to the probl,em.- He, felt
if the concept is approved, it could mean free land to the City.
Community,,Development:and Services Coor_.d1nator:Frarik.Gray, stated ;a
basic policy the Council must` make with regard to, the municipal golf course,,
and. that ,isTvhether t hey }.wanttto pursue:a golf :course with, or without` res .
dential development:. This.jpolicy decision �could.make a difference-An the..si.te
selection:^ MayorPutnam inquired whe;ther was. exploring, varous
sites:' Mt. .Robert stated .'n order 'to go any further, it would be necessary to
acquire ownership. He felt this particular site may provide the necessary land
if the owner can. +housing on _,the".,s.ite,,
December 12, 1977
GOLF COURSE Councilman Harberson questioned if this was the same
COMMITTEE• REPORT >' property where a very large;developmerit had•be-en,pro-
(Continued) posed previously, and if :the golf course development
t: went- in here,, how many homes'- was the- builder thinking
about: Mr : Robertzsta,ted• he':was; not • "siure, .'but it •.had been indicated to him
they would need to develop about 300'home's in order ;t'o,make it economically
feasible. 'If .Council - determines • -to. s.i -ick to the . al- foiment procedure of
awarding- ,Only. 100 :houses per year, the gr.oject probably not be developed
in these•:stages.:••Councilman Har.berson. then questioned the proposed Watson'
Ranch site- for . the golf ..course, . and ind- icated ..there: would be several .policy
decisions ihe•.Council•would.have °to make regarding this property, one would be
that the land would have to•be annexed to the City. The area does not conform
to the Environmental Design Plan. A decision.would have to be made whether or
not th& City wanted to purchase the land and rent it as a'municipal golf
course. Could the rec-laim'ed' be used in this location. He further stated
he did-not think the Council should make; a commitment that would tie themselves
to this particular- location. In previous year's, the Council has been firmly
against this location for housing.
MayortPutnam stated. she felt there wa's no obj,ect'ion -on. the :part of the Council'
to the. concept of -the; ,golf.. course ands• the+ related adult facilities, and the
authorization the Committee:to study the variou`s.al:ternatives. Councilman
Hilligoss also.( stated it 'was ; the recommendation of the Recreation, Music and
Parks Commission that the Committee.be expanded to :include at least one Rec-
reation Commissioner, one City Councilman and one Planning Commissioner.
Consensus. of :,the Council was 'that' the Committee should, be expanded.
Councilman Balshaw stated he hoped the total.d'evelopment would be under the
City's auspices.. Such a project would have a great deal .of value, and he felt
the City should: do everything they °ran to •benefit the tax base.
• _ : _ .l.' is ,[' � `; ..
AWARD HOUS -ING 1 . .,Staff. report dated December, 6,, 1977, to-City Manager F —
ALLOTMENT (1.977 -78) Robert•Meyer from[Planning_Director Ronald'Hall, sub- O
JONAS, SOUSA = -15 UNITS mit:ted and, filed. ,, , . , _ �'7_ r7
RES' #8015 , NCS .
Mr. Hall.asked- Frank,Gray, the Direc:tor
Development andtSe-rvices, to,revi.ew the ;proposal;from:[Mr.,Jonas.Sousa to the
Planning-Commission and,the,City Council.. Mr..,Gr:ay stated originally 'the,
request -was submitted by the..developer for allocations for construction during
the 1977 -78 construction•year,. The Planning,Director at that 'time)determined
the 35 unit development did:not conform to -the '.General Plan or the
Environmental Design Plant.and tle,application•was' rejected., Subsequently, an
appeal .was, made ; to -the; Council. It was brought, out during- the,:appeal' .hearing
that the inconsistency was between, the General .Plan -, the City. Zoning. Ordinance
and'. the, Environmental Design Plan -,, and; was not necessarily with .Mr,..'Sousar'
Plan. ,,On.August,2, 1.976, the directed. the ,staf ' with- Mr..Sousa
to correct these inconsistencies in'the:Ge d neral'Plan,an ,then Zoning.Ordinance.
One of . -the _ ways ; to ^ do _this -wa's to , change- the General Plan : to conform with-the.
Zonin&_Ordinance. Mr.. Sousa : a change to)the:General to.be
consistent with th'e Zoning Ordinance and was required.to file an.Environmental
Impact Report: Mr. Sousa determined about•two.months it would take too
long to go through, all the steps' necessary to,make the correction,. and_ he
decided ,to . change the, density to conform 'with ;the ,General- Plan designation.
Mr. Gray explained the allotment awards for the 19,77 =78 construction year-we ' re
done by,the'P,lanning Commission under the Interim System in effect at that
time., The, Planning Commission.has rated , the, proposed _subdivision.and it
received! ,a score - in ,excess. of ; the ,85 ;points required. at._ that - time. _ Their
recommendation is to allot the 15 , units•for'this : development.
Councilman,Balshaw , stated'•when the matter came before the Planning :C'ommiss on,. .
there was some confusion "regarding awarding these units ,:at this time. - .The.
Commission did:, however - rate i the development•under the 85-point system which
was in, effect when. the •,application -was ; filed =and the ,devdlo.pment , received !a _
higher grade than the 85 points. Frank Gray stated.he felt the consistency was
there because this person had started under,one set of rules and had actively
pursued the,,application •under, ; that ,system. He also ,reminded the ;Council -there
was afour month - period when the Residential. Development was in
limbo„ and if a - .developer.. started under a certain ;set, of .rules and pursued - the
application ,in- a timely, manner it should be . assumed they were trying to meet
all the requirements. Mr. Gray, also, pointed. ,out, this ,Allotment , would come , .from
quotas established for the • construction year - -of 1977-78x,; when- no. developments
were awarded for the west-side,...,
December 12, 1977 ,; t ..:-
AWARD- HOUSING- Councilman Harberson asked if :there were any
ALL• OTMENT . (1.977 -.78) : , developers who were : in 'the samet position as • Jonas. Sousa
JONAS,iSOUSA - -15 UNITS +'and >whether.. -, the, Count il could.,expect to be reviewing-.;
RES , #8.Gl5 NC'S n ore • devealopments in th •.same situation. Mr.. Gray
(Continued)' indicated, to., his knowledge,,'there a`re no other developments
. , under the same set of ' c- ircumstances . The Council. bad
been approached. by „Debra, Homes on West'r dge,.,bu,t it 'was, not incons 5t,ent,;with
the City's- plans. Wes.tridge'failed an appeal which was re.jected.by the 'Council..
Westr.idge�, then, :.proceeded to:.appl -y for a� change: to , the .Env.ironmental 'Design Plan
and General Plan, and prepare .an,`Envir,onmental..Impact Report in : Anfi cipation of
that change They then - ,applied, under. the .1;978 - 79, const•riietion year,for their..
allotment. ,
At the conclusion. -the discussion,,Manuel °Pacheco: spoke;: to' the,Council.. .Mr.
Pacheco.s:tated he was! representing, Mr. Jonas, Sousa. Mr. Pacheco 'advis.ed.the'
developer' is', st "ill- endeavoring; to rectify the inconsistency in thee,,' Environ
mental: Design! Plan, �. and will. complete' the E.nvir-onmental. ,Impact. Report • fort the
Counc- ilman.,Harberson questioned, whether or ;no:t, when; the E.;L.R. was completed.,
the ;deve'loper; would, come back to.f try to get more:,units.for'.th s -particular
development. .It was;, pointed out., by` the City Attorney any add itional .
would have_;t'o,. fall :.:under the Residential. Development- System., and' the:- .developer '
would :have apply f or addit allotments. -i >
Resolution 18'015 ;N C :.S. awarding 15: housing iallotments to.JonasoSousa Magnolia
Aven_ue,'was 3ntr;oduced by Councilman.Harberson, seconded by Councilm- an Balshaw,
and adopted by. 7 af.firmativevo:t•es.. ,. ,, , ,•
REQUEST FOR 'PRIVATE Planning Director Ronald,,Hal;l advised this matter had
STREET- -DR. ROBERT been brought before °the Planning Commission 'rather
GILBERT, LARCH DR YE , hurriedlyiat their: last meeting : , and there was r►suf
•ficient time to prepare a staff report. 'Comments had
12/19/77) been received,• however, from the City Engineer, the
Fire Marhsal, and the Chief Building Inspecto "r re
garding the.:private street,. Mr, Hall stated hey -had some observations of his
own, however;; which h& wished to present'at this time relating'ta• the_ - entire
area in the vicinity of. Bodega; Avenue. , He `has no` problem with this pri._' I
;street -in; Particular extending .through -Lots" 1 through 4, as' long as access' is
provided,, to, other lots in the: area. ' � 'Mr. Hal'1 ' staved he would• like-'to `see a
major intra- s :truc :ture .to serve the,entire,ar"ea by providing access fbr'property
owners to develop `. on- a small lot basis. ..In order to ' do th's :,, the City is 'going
to have , ito; ,at som&- time; or another; require cert'aiii sections of publ c'streets
to be; built plann ng :.standpoi i,, Mr. '.Hall stated 'they did' not want,
everybody ,coming in ,asking for a long cul -de -sac.^ He felt :a major circulation
system. should be, developed "so -that Bodega Ave nue. would :not be the only access
for- the area ' If' this could .be accomp`lisfed,' access by way of Larch Drive' or
Webster i Street -would relieve some, of the congestion Ion Bodega. Avenue., Mr.. Hall
stated the 'access.•to Lots i Z, -: 3 � and 4 :' on! the.)'proposed .'lot split could r.emairi as
a private- street:; but; he felt it would be' if 'the section which runs
diagonally , across .Lot 1 -would -:be .a .public > street: - '
Mr. Hall. :advised a .Zoning ",'Ordinance has. , been prepared -and ready -to present to
the Planning Commission 'sh'owing a to street plan for the entire area.
! Y
Mr. . Barr -y Parkinson asked , for permission . to. speak -'to 'the Council •on behalf of
his client; Mr: rBen, Dorenfeld: Mr. Parkinson advised 'Mr.. Doren'fe ld. owns the
property. .immed :iately. above the'property'shown. Mr: Dorenfeld has no objection
to the private road �wh ch would be '30 feet wide and. ad'jacent,to'Lots 2., 3 and
4. Mr.,Dorenfeld sees the ex.tension'of Larch Drive as being.a °ve logical
access to the rear of his property:. If the public right -of -way was not.dedi
Gated,, it would virtually-cut off access to the - rear of 'his property. Mr.
Parkinson -urged the Council to take action -as recommended'by the.7Planning`'
Director to have the;d- iagonal portion traversing Lot 'I designated a public'
street * ,
City. Attorney Larry Klose advised. he felt 'th'er'e was a procedural ;problem if the
Council would require dedication of the :streets at this pointr in 'the process.
The Planning Commisgibn''_s function is;, to•approve'the location and
alignment' of
a private street; the Council's' func•tiori •as: set out in the Subdivision 'Ordi=
nance, -is to approve -the plan' for maintenance and '- taxation.- 'Th`e parcel map has
already een a p p roved, y pp private 's,treet •alignment established. Mr. -
Klose stated he :felt it was too.late for the Council to require dedication for
December 12, 1
REQUEST JOR PRIVATE a street'.. Councilman asked wheth6t the
STREET--DR: - ROBERT - - .matter couid.' be- sent ba'ck. to. the Planning Commission
GILBERT.; r LARCH DRIV.EI The City , Attorney ;felt' -it 'could not be sent back to the
(CONTINUED. TO , t Pilanning Cbmm ssi°on without an• appeal being filed..
12 / 19s /. 77), i
(Continued) Commun ty and'Services Coordinator -Frank
- ,. 11 Gray stated• the" applicant may • be willing to dedicate
the right- of- way�for -the street. 'Some discussion was held on the
matter, and Dr. Robert Gilbert was asked whether th.is';would create a problem.
The implications were explained to him. by Mr. Gray -that, the Council may request
the applicant to improve the street to Ci across Lot-1, including
the full wdth.of the street„ curb, gutter and. sidewalk. Dr. Gilbert stated
when he first filed his application last December, he thought this might be a
possibility; ° and he explored the for building the 587foot street, in-
cluding the sidewalks., curbs. and gutters. This is opposed to what he felt
would be required in that he thought he have,to provide a 20 -foot wide
roadway. The requirement.for full improvements would make•the project much too
expensive, and he felt would not be able to go through.with"ii.
Mr. Parkinson indicated felt th'e dedication could be-made a covenant in the
parcel map. It would not necessarily mean the improvements would have to be
completed at this time,_.as long.as the :necessary right -of -way is reserved for a
later date._ When the.,property is developed, the street could be put in at -that
time if required,.
There was some-discussion regarding the matter, it was felt a suitable con-
clusion could not be'reached at this time; and the matter was continued to the
meeting of'becember 19 1979.
APPROVE CERTIFICATE Staff report dated December 6 -, 1977, directed to the Fr7iI
OF COMPLIANCE City Manager by Planning Director Ronald F. Hall,
A.P. #7- 431 -02 submitted and filed..
RES #8016 NCS Planning Director Ronald Hall stated the request for
the Certificate of Compliance is for A.P. #7- 431 -0.2,
located off Denman Road north of Highway 101,.-. The County.has..issued a.certi-
f icate recognizing an 11.68 acre lot which is outside the ;City limits,.. The
subject property was annexed to the City of Petaluma,in.1960 as•a.part.of ,a
larger area. The Planning Department recommends "the.City Council•approve a
conditional certificate of compliance for A.P. 1 - 431 -02 to insure;ade.quate
access to A:P: 47 431 -03, the second condition that all ,public improvements
deemed necessary by the ,City, shall be installed when the.pr.operty is, improved,
and the third condition that no building shall be located-within areas subject
to inundation by'a 100 -year flood.
Resolution #8016 N.C.S.. approv.ing,Cerii-f, cafe of Compliance for Evelyn Bettini,
A.P. V- 431 - 92, was introduced by Councilman Hilligoss,•seconded'by Councilman
Bond, and adopted by 7 affirmative votes, _•
DENY APPEAL A letter dated November 29, 1,971, directed to the
DOUGLAS' J. McCABE' P,lanning:D' rector, Ronald F. Hall, by Douglas J. Fs5
REZONI'NG', 148' MCCabe, submitted and filed; : staff .report from..the.
ARLINGTON DRIVE Planning Director to the City Manager.dated December 6,
RES #80117 NCS' 19T7., `submitted and filed'; excerpts of the Planning
Commi'sgion ' of November 15.,, 1977, submitted and,
f "iled; • Planning, Department ". s staff report, to the Planning
Commission dated ,November 9,, 19'7.7,. submitted and filed.,
Planning Director Ronald. Hall' ndicated the Planning Commission, at their
meeting:of 1'S 1971, required that a limited* EPV'ironmental Impact
Report be prepared to-address the traffic study and the effect `of increased
density for duplex zoning for the subject parcel located at 148 Arlington
- Drive.. The staff report dated December, 6, supports the Planning Department's
original position not to require an Environmental, Imp:aet Report, 'and the
recommendation ,to the Planning:'Commission was 'that'the• Plarinirig'.Director
prepare,, and post, a ; Negative Declaration. on the: proj'ect..' ° 'Mr.. Hall - stated' 'the
requirement for the limited - E:I:'R, was on: a split vote ;of 3 to 2, with -two
members of the Planning Commission absent. The .rezoning of the property should
only take into consideration the deiisi.ty and the t•raff`c - for the - area. The '
issues brought out at the Planning Commission Hearing; were traffic and the
increase in density, both valid issues under a rezoning Also brought out at
the Planning Commission Hearing was the impact on schools and the developers
.35 �
December 12,, 1977 - -
anticipate between 7 and ,10 students. The re .iias''s`ome
objection to. .the two -story units being compatible with
other units in the neighborhood, and the next,' issue .
brought out was the connection'of Arlington. and Bur
lington Drives. The latter issues are not valid at'the
rezoning stage but should be taken care of at the
tentative map !stage„ Mr. Hall indicated the matfier of
connecting, Arlington .ana Burlington, Dr yes was ,no.
longer an issue.
City Manager Robert Mey.er'asked & representative of the Planning 'Commiss on,,
Donald',Waite , if he , °would care to comment on` the matter.. Mr. Waite. indicated
he had voted in minority and had not'been in favor of "requir.ing a limited
E. T.. R. He felt -the majority vote was due 'to the. questiori of flue ' traffic. aind.
density'for the project;
Councilman Balshaw' advised' he;ha'd also 'voted in the minority, and it. was his,
impression it "was a way''t0' postpone the'decision,. He also st&t'ed at the
Planning Commission'Hearing,' no one from.Burliirgt'on'Dr ve was present. I The
representation was mostiy,from Arlington Drive, and -they did no,t.wAnt the .
street, contiriued;.
Cit y'Manager'kobert Meyei had•also attended the - Planning Commission."
Hearing on the ,r6att`er., and 'most "of the discussion centered around whether. or
not Arlington and 'Burlington Drives' should be connected. The City Engineer -'has
indicated cul-de-sac improvements- to°Burlington Drive would have
an adverse imp.act traffic circulation, especially for fire protection and
equipment. 'Mr. "Ae,yer' also I stated he was surprised no mention was made_ of
having -only one entrance to the area, i..e.,, by way - of, Madison S'tree ,. Mr.
Meyer also stated he was not sure an E.J.R. would solve the traffic in
the area."
Councilman'Balshaw indicated if Arlington Drive had not been a cul -de -sac for
over 1$ years., he would have: supported' the fact that, the two str
eets should`
have'been 'connected.,. '
Co4ddilman Bond stated in his review of the'Planning Commission Minutes the
ma''orit. vote on the Commission seemed,'to be'concerned'wi.th mixing duplex units.
in a traff>_cn 1 He f felt "theconcernonthe traffcywasrbaseso. concerned' w the
g y re r
base 'upon the design .of the
streets - in the 'Area. Councilman Balshaw indicated' they were aware there wou` - id
be an increase of 'tra'ff-c - in the area,, knew fairly well what the ; daily trips
would be,, and he d dn' -t feel -a traffic "engineer could .improve up'ori the number,...
the Planning Commission eMeeting� 'wouldhbefwhat'th' 140 or 15,3 'trips mentioned' - •at
There may be a Slig de viation
project of 14 un>_ts" would,
Councilman Harbe'rson ques`io
tned 'Mr;.,McPabe s second point -in his 'letter,
wherein he stated the neighborhood ' eo'le who showed up at the Commission
Meeting who were negative to the development are now more understanding and
have ,given the project a vote of confi'den'ce, Mr. McCabe the appellant, stated
when - he wrote_ his appeal_, 'he was of the opinion he had. a vote of confidence` -
from the numerous people who were present at the ,Planning Commission.Meetng'
that evening. Mr: McCabe felt-the people involved did not , unders•tand - the;
project,- and after he, had talked with them -arid advised :what was planned,, he;
f elt they' ' :were ha " p '
g pp;y, with `the proposal Their main `consider_at =ion. was tfiat°
Arlin ton and' Burlington Drives should 'not be connected. Mr.. .McCabe , also„
indicated he felt some of the information given at the Planning Commission.
Meeting was not* 'relevant to the 'project,. I Mr. `McCabe stated. the rezoning is
actually for the ext:ension,. of Burl'ingt'on Drive, .although the project, is called
rezoning of 148 Arlington Drive: He felt this. lead „to; 'some )of-' the Confusion as
most ,of;,.the people who appeared-, at the 'Planning,•Commss ion , tMeeting •were from .
Arlington, Drive.
Councilman Bond, again pointed out, that- name =ly' Mr P'iper,' >Mr..
Kessler,, and z: , resident, dent, at 14,0 Arlington, Drivel indicated as 'shown , inj t — he
Planning, - Commission Minutes: of, November 15 1977,,: -they" were opposed. to two
story dwellings _in the area, ands,heAfelt,this matter needed to be addressed -at'
this. hearing.,. Mr, McCabej feat.: many of, the. problems: could be overcome by not
build -ing multi- story =units next toy one resident located. at- 140 D "rive,,
and by. having Chef, residents •air the.. area know exactly'- :the layout..for� :th project.
He stil felt that; Some ,of residentsi were mi xed up' between' S -items De's= ig-rn' ReV1ew•
and the -rezoning.' . s.
December 12, 1971
DENY APPEAL :_ ..City Manager, Robert 'Meyer ,pointed out the City "Engi-
DOUGLAS.;J: McCABE neer, in his.environmenta- l,•review for the(area, Jndi-
REZONING',,148 cated the.- pr,opo.s'ed cul-de-sac will have an adverse,
ARLINGTON DRIVE impact on traffic circulation. Both the City Engineer
RES #8017 _NCS andthe,Fire Marshal would rul:e.against the cul -de -sac
(Continued) at .,the rezoning: for the .pToj'ec.t,. ,.Mr. Meyer also -
pointed out the: 14 units had been submitted to the
Residential Development Evaluation and had not received sufficient points
to qualify for the-1978-79 construction. year.
Resolution #8017 'N.C..S: denying they appeal; of_Dougl'as J'. McCabe and sustaining
the requirement of the P'lanning.Cpmmission .for- a limited, Environmental Impact
Report for the- ject known, as 14'8 Arlington Drive, was introduced by Council-
man Hilligoss, seconded by Councilman_ adopted by 4 affirmative and 3
negative' votes, Councilman.;Balshaw, Harberson and Perry voted "no ".
GRANT ONE OUTSIDE Community Development and Services.Coordinator Frank
SEWER CONNECTION Gray`:outiined the area by means of the view'foil : A.P.
PETALU14A PARTNERS #1.7- 060 -03, directly'across the street from Capistrano
RES #8018_NCS Way. The parcel is 84 acres and the request is for one
'outside sewer connection for a portion of the' lot which
will remain in the County. Mr. Gray explained in order for the developers.,
Petaluma Pa;ririe' to split the lot, the County is requiring a single sewer
connection to tfie'C.ity' sys:tem,, which will - leave a -20 -acre parcel, in the
County with`a single sewer'connection. The remaining 64 acres are to be'
annexed to the City at 'some future. time. Councilman Harberson questioned what
guarantee the City would have that this one lot would remain 20 acres: Mr.'
Gray indicated in order for it to change, it would have to come before the
Council for review.
Resolution #8018 N.C'S,. granting the application of Petaluma Partners and Land
Investors Research for one out "side' sewer connection'for A:P. #17
Road., was introduced by Vice = Mayor- Perry, seconded by- Councilman Cavanagh, and
adopted" by 7' affirmative Votes..
AMEND ZONING ORD:'TO Planning Commission Resolution,No. Z5 =77, adopted r`7
PROVIDE 'CONVENIENCE August 24, 197,7; submitted and filed.. Excerpts of F5 / q
MARKETS'AND_FAST FOOD Planning Commission Minutes of 24, 1977,-sub-
RESTAURANTS.SHALL'BE mit.ted and filed. Staff reports dated February
PERMITTED WITH, A USE 197 T, 'and March 18; 1977, 'submitted and field.
ZONES Planning Director Ronald;HAJI- stated the only matter
ORD V1270 NCS which ta up at the Planning Commission Heating the
(SECOND READING) 'change to the Zoning Ordinance_'was concern that the
City not'provide for convenience markets on East
Washington Street. Councilman Bond asked' if the ordinance would apply to those
applications - which have already been made and set'aside because.of the require-
ment of an'E;I.R, or other administrative functions.. City Attorney Larry Klose
advised any application, after the effective date,of the ordinance, would have
to comply with the new rules.
Ordinance #1210 N.C.S., which-had been introduced and ordered.published on
November 21, 1977, amending Zoning Ordinance #10.72 N.C.;S:. by'adding definitions
to Section 1- 203;"amending Sections. 11 -201 and 11 -202; adding Sections 11 -407
and 11 408;, amending Sections 12 - 202 and 12 - 203; adding'Sections 12407 and 12-
408; amending'Sec:,tion "13 =206;. adding Sections 13 -411 and 13 -412 all to provide
that convenience markets - and fast food restaurants shall'be per with a,
Use Permit in certain zones., was adopted by 7 affirmative votes.
AWARD 72 UNALLOCATED The following communications directed to g o
RESIDENTIAL UNITS Council were read by the City Clerk and ordered filed:
(MULTI-FAMILY); Letter dated December 5.,, 1977, from Summit Building
78 �q
! '
RES #8019 NCS Company,, John L.. Novak, President.; letter dated December
7, 1977, from Walt Williams; letter .dated December 7,
1977, from,Barry D. Parkinson on behalf of Milt Forman'; letter dated December
7, 1977, from D. Parkinson on behalf of'A. W. Sanderson and Global Homes,
Inc.; letter ated December 9, 1977, from William.A.:Hsi of Evans, Evans,
McConkie, and Hsi.
After the letters were read, Mayor Putnam reviewed the award of residential
units for the 1978 -79 constr-uction,year and,stated there were 71 low- to
December 12, 1977
AWARD 72 UNALLOCATED moderate- income units remaining, plus one single- family
REs UNITS residential unit, for a -total of 72 units, which the
(MULTI - FAMILY) Council could, if they so desired, award.,, or the 71
RES #8019 NCS` units could be held over.
City Manager stated originally when the,;.
quotas were set, tip some of the units-were taken -from the west and given to the
east "side:.` This is the • first- year. the. City has, been faced with this many
applicants "for "the west-side of the community'.` He also stated.t the're would be
more people trying to get into multi-family units or apartment"s�, and the
Council may want to consider this fact. Councilman Hilligoss :stated she would,
be iri ,o ' the-.unallocated-unit's,..-but felt they should be given to
multi - family in order to•re'ach the moderate = income families.
Th'e.Council' the' reviewed the developments which 'had not received awards in the
descending order of points, they had received for their developments.:., Walt. tr Williams had received an al,lotmen€ of 30 units-for an 82 -unit multi - fami -ly.
proposal; Milt Forman had. submitted a proposal for 32 multi- family units to be
tocated,immediately adjacent to the project submitted by Walt Williams. Mayor
Putnam pointed out these. two projects would extend a,very important,'connec';ton,
i.. e. , _ Liberty ,S,treet, on the, west side„ of t the • community. ; t
Councilman''Harberso'n .stated he would feel more _comfortable awarding the units
strictly •-
on a; point basis„ whether they be single- family or multi- family, units.
City' Attorney.. Larry Klosfe ,advised if, the Council determines to adopt a reso
luiion awarding. the unallocated- units, some findings,should be, contained;. in the
resolution. 1
ne could be that multi= family would serve the needs of moderate
income.residents;.and,,, the second point, awarding the multi - family units in
this par.ticular'location.would cause, considerable improvements to be made to an
impoitant'pub street.
Resolution #8019 N.C,.S,. awarding 72 unallocated Residential Units was intro-
duced by Councilman Hilligoss., seconded by 'Mayor Putnam, and adopted by 6.
affirmative•and "'l votes. Councilman Harberson voted "no
Units 'were awarded. as follows.: 52 units, Project 12,.76, Keokuk,Mead'ows,. Walt
Williams, multi- family; 20 unit's,.Project 12.77,'Mii,t Forman, Cherry Hill.
A,t the :conclusion, `Mr. Barry Parkinson spoke to the Council: regarding. the.
division. .of the ''two. piojecis for Country Club Estates. The developer has been
awarded 60, condominium units and :is; faced' now.with 'constructing expensive
public improvements., but did not :receive,'alloiments for- the 52 single- family
home's. Mr. •Parkinson suggested the plan should be changed or °modified to
assure people who wanted to cointinue with a project that allotments would be
awarded :in, the' following year,: This, would be much more feasib - le and help with
financing, expensive projects, such. .as the one planned' =for Country Club Estates..
There being no ;further, business to come before the.
Council, the, meeting was adjourned'. at 12 :
Tuesday, December 13, 1977, to an Executive Session.