HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12/19/197735S
DECEMBER 19;, 1977'
REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Petaluma City Council was:
called to order by Mayor Helen Putnam at the hour of
7:40 p.m.
ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen.Balshaw, Bond, Cavanagh, Harberson,
Perry, and Mayor Putnam.
Absent: Councilman Hilligoss..
Mayor- Putnam noted that Councilman Hilligoss. was ill.
INVOCATION The Reverend Bob Carroll of the First Southern Baptist
Church gave the Invocation..
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Second Class Scout Tom Reynolds, Troop 2, led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of- November 28, 1977, were approved as
CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Vice -Mayor Perry, seconded by
Councilman Balshaw, to file the ABC application and
adopt resolutions, Items #2 through #6, and publish the
the ordinance, Item, #7. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item #1 ABC application, Old Adobe Room, 200 South McDowell
ABC APPLICATION Blvd.,, on sale general eating,place, Daniel T. and
OLD ADOBE ROOM Kathryn E. O'Brien, drop partner:, transfer, was ordered
Agenda Item #2
RES #8020 NCS
Agenda Item #3
RES #8021 NCS
Agenda. Item. A
RES #8022 NCS
Agenda Item, #5.
RES #8023 NCS
Agenda Item #6
RES #8024 NCS
Resolution #8020 N..C.S. finding personal property here- P--T74
in named is surplus, no longer required, and directing
the City Manager to dispose of the same, was adopted.-
Resolution #8021 N.C,.S, accepting completion of public � I �
improvements Parcel Map #114. (Manuel Pacheco, Cherry
Street,), was adopted.
Resolution #8022 N.C.S. authorizing the Mayor to sign QQ
agreement for public improvements between City of F4 v G
Petaluma and' Stuart "and Ellie Lumsden, was adopted.
Resolution #8023 N..C..S. approving claims and bills,
#37,71 t'o #3810, in'cl'usive, General City, was adopted.
Resolution #8024 N.C.S. abolishing and establishing
certain classifications, positions, salaries And em-
ployee designations, was adopted.
Agenda Item #7 Ordinance #12]2 N X.S. adding Chapter 1.12 to the
ADD CHAPTER 1.12'TO Petaluma Municipal Code,, authorizing Police Service
MUNICIPAL CODE Aides, Parking Enforcement Officers, and other City
ORD #1272 NCS employees to enforce the provis of the Petaluma
Municipal Code, was ordered published.
December-19, 1977
AWARD D Breninger reviewed the
CHLORINEFOR three receivednfor David
Liquid Chlorine Con
Q Y g �
RES 48025 NCS tract. The recommendation of the' staff is to award the
contract. to Continental Chemical Company„ Sacramento,
California, in the following amounts: 150 cylind.'_ers,..'$30.2'1; two -ton delivery,
$228.48 per - t.qn,, -'four -ton delivery, $218.36 per ton, :six-ton delivery, $216.,24
per ton.
Resolution ; #8025 N.C.S. awarding con.tract.for purchase of liquid chlorine was
introduced by Councilman Bond, seconded by Vice -Mayor Perry, and adopted by 5
affirmative and 1 absentee votes, with Councilman Harberson abstaining.
AWARD CONTRACT Mr. Breninger reviewed the bid summary dated.Decemb,er
U LIQUID SULFUR 15, 1977, from Charles D -. Huffman,, Purchasing Officer.
DIOXIDE! Two bids had been received and the recommendation of
RES 48026 _NCS the staff is to award the contract to McKesson Chemical,
Company, Union City., for the following quota:t on&
Two =.ton .d'elivery, $240,;00'; four-ton - delivery, $235..00;
six -ton delivery, $234.00,.
Resolution #8026:N..C.S. awarding contract for purchase, °.of liquid sulfur dioxide
was introduced by Vice- Mayor. Perry,'seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, and adopted
by 5 affirmative and '1 absentee votes, with Councilman,Harberson abstaining.
tl ' AWARD BID -- EMERGENCY A bid summary dated December 14, 1977 ;from Chief
D GENERATING UNIT, Robert B,. Murphy Petaluma Police Department, submitted
RES "18027 NCS
Assistaint.City Manager David Breninger reviewed the
bids and advised although bids had' been received from only two ,firms, approxi-
mately 25' invitations to 'bid had been mailed by' the Purchasing Department. The
estimate in the budget for the generator is $8,000. The recommendation from
the Police Chief is to award the bid to t_he,Iow bidder, King - Knight Company of
Emeryville, California, in the amount 'of $7 ; 769.'80.
Resolution #8027 N,.C.S., awarding 'contract. for purchase of one emergency gener-
ating "unit (Polic'e Department) to King - Knight Company, Emeryville California.,
was introduced by Vice -Mayor Perry se'cond'ed by Councilman Harberson, and
adopted.by '6 affirmative and 1 absentee votes.
APPEAL, RE PINBALL City Attorney Larry Klose stated he had been informed
MACHINES,,, 2311. late in the afternoon the appellant had. withdrawn his
BODEGA.AVENUE appeal regarding, the 'additional pinball -machines, to be
,(CONTINUED TO placed in the Texaco Service Station located at 231
JANUARY 3 1978) Bodega Avenue. Additionally the Police Chief would
Like to,,pursue the appeal., but the City, Attorney asked.
for some.time'to research the matter, as the letter submitted by Chief Murphy'
supported the appeal of Mr. and Mrs. O'stern, rather than submitting a, formal
There was, a brief, discussion held by the Council. Councilman Balshaw .indicated
if the Council is to act on not only this problem, but another arcade in the
City', he would like to have some formal type of documentation of the 'types. of
violations for arcades,. bar rooms., '7- Eleven Stores drug stores., et'c. He also
indicated he .felt any type of business which ,would be placed on Bodega.Avenue
would increase the traffic. He would like to see more support.for the types "of
statements included in the appeal by the Ostern's, as well as by Chief Murphy'.
Chief Murphy indicated as far as broadening this question, there would need to
be some app.eal.to the Planning Commission or a separate act brought against an
arcade already in existence in the City..
Chief Murphy also confirmed,, rather than submitting a formal appeal, he.sup-
ported the appeal of the.Ostern's, but he could.just as easily have filed a
formal appeal. His remarks to the Planning Commission would' be the same as he.
would present to the City Council..
City Attorney Larry Klose addressed revocation in general, not just this-par-
ticular case. Revocation would, have to be based• on violation of a condition or
conditions of the original UsePermit. If. the patty complying with-all the
conditions, the City Would have to take some other action, such as a lawsuit,
to abate the, nuisance if a nuisance did, in fact, exist...
The matter was continued to January 3, 1978.
December 19, 1977
ACCEPT INTERIM A letter- dated' December 1.;,. 19.77, to the City Council F6 v4
IRRIGATION .SYSTEM from Jon D'. Joslyn; Qantas Development Corporation, was
FROM QANTAS read by the City Clerk and ordered filed.
RES #8028 NCS Mr. Joslyn was present at the Council Meeting and
stated they had been requested by the City staff to
design drought - resistant landscaping and not install an
irrigation system for the area facing, on McDowell Blvd. beyond the fence line.
Mr. Joslyn stated he felt the request for the landscaping was a legitimate one;
however, their landscape architect has advised that in order for the plants to
get.a good start, some: interim '.type irrigation system would ^be necessary. -The
cost for the irrigation system would be approximately $3,50;0, and it was Mr.
Joslyn's understanding the two, wa connection fees would be $3,300 -.
Community Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray stated he had done
some research on the connection fees, and the fees would be substantially less
than $3,3.00. Mr. Gray also.stated - the landscaping would be along the public
right -of -way.
There was some discussion regarding the matter., and it was determined since the
landscaping would be in the right -of -way, the water connections would be the
responsibility of the City, as well as watering the plants. Mr. Joslyn then
asked if the City would draft a resolution accepting the irrigation system.
Resolution #8028 N.C.S. accepting,offer;of Qantas.D,evelopment Corporation for
installation of "interim" type irrigation system -in City's: right-of-way, North
McDowell Blvd.,_was introduced by Councilman Harberson, seconded by Councilman
Balshaw, and.adopted by 6 affirmative; and 1 absentee•votes:.
APPROVEr.00.CUPANCY-= A letter dated December 14., 1977, from Wesley Bailey of
PORTION OF.ALDERWOOD the McBail Company;; was -read.-by the City Clerk and
SUBDIVISION ordered filed
Mayor Putnam suggested since,-the letter asked.the City of Petaluma to arrange a
meeting to choose a lead- agency,. and it was the concurrence, of the: Coun"ci :1.1hat
RES y8029 NCS
Assistant City Engineer Thomas Hargis indicated the
developer is requesting.occupancy for 10 units located.on the looped.street off
of East.Washington Street'.. Mr.,Hargis indicated the water; sewer, , street and
sidewalks 'are : . and are satisfactory to_the•Eng- i_neering Division for these 10
units: Mr. Harg "is;sugges.ted. if -the Council grants the occupancy for these .
units:, it :;should made subject to of the Chief Building. Inspector.
Resolution #802'9 N.C,.S:. approving occupancy for a portion of Alderwood Subdi-
vision '(Lots 1 throug, 10 on Redwood Circle) was introduced by .Vice -Mayor
Perry ., secondedr :by,..Councilman'Harberson, and adopted by-6 affirmative and 1
absentee votes.
IMPLEMENTATION OF A letter dated December.8, 1977 from the Sonoma County
SURFACE - . 'RUNOFF '. ! Water-. Agency. :to. the City Council,-,and signed by Gordon
MANAGEMENT .PLAN W: Miller-, Chief,Engineer,, had been distributed to
members of the City Council with a copy to the City
Manager, City Engineer, Planning Director, and Community Development and Ser-
vices Coordinator., as City Attorney The letter was not read by
the City° Clerk, but is• on: file.:.
The letter stated.the Sonoma County Water,Agency.s..taff developed the Surface
Runoff.Manageme.nt Plan.1n.a.ccordance with the contract with. the.Association of
Bay Area,Governments.. The;Plan was completed October 12, 1977, and submitted
, .to. ABAG., In. his letter • Mr,. Miller, stated it is imperative the two- cities and
th'e County meet to select or create a local entity with the authority to
implement the plan as required by EPA.
City Engineer David, Young stated, Sonoma County would be _the logical entity,•to
adminis.ter�the..Management Plan. When.he attended the Technical, Committee
Meetings regard ng..the� Surface :Runoff Management, Plan, `he felt.; the greater,
number of: future! problems. wouldr.. be outside; the, urban ,boundaries and created by
agriculture. Mr. Young also stated many of the techniques suggested in the
Surface Runoff .Management Plan.are already being done by Petaluma. The City
has a large degree of control over.runoff.at „the present time. He.felt the,
County would be better equipped to .handle, the; rural problems. Both Mr - -. Gray
and Mr. Hall concurred �wi_•th Mr. Youngt's s•tatement..
Mayor Putnam suggested since,-the letter asked.the City of Petaluma to arrange a
meeting to choose a lead- agency,. and it was the concurrence, of the: Coun"ci :1.1hat
December 19, 1977
IMPLEMENTATION,OF the County of Sonoma be designated the lead agency for
SURFACE RUNOFF implementation -of. the Surface Runoff Management Plan,
MANAGEMENT PLAN this meeting should be called shortly after-January 1.
(Continued) At the suggestion of the City Manager, Mayor Putnam
indicated the proper elected officials, i:.e.; probably
the Mayors from both cities and,the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and
whatever staff the Council designates should be in- attendance.
Councilman Cavanagh, the Council''s representative to the Association.of.Bay
Area Governments; stated the pr'ogram.,probably, wouldn't be through all the
governmental agencies until-next O'ctQ,ber, and he•f'elt the Council would have
plenty o'f, time on the matte:r. Mr. Gray indicated one of" the parts of the 208
Plan indicate It' is mandatory to identify the implementing 'agency, and City
Engineer David Young also stated it was time to start discussion on the.matter
Community :Development and Services Coordinator Frank Gray referred to a letter
which had been received in October, 197'7, regarding additional 20& programs.
The letter was from the Sonoma County Water Agency, and Mr. Gray' stated they
more or less absolved themselves from,repr- esenting the City of Petaluma,.in any
future 208 planning., Mr..Gray stated the .208 program includes an air.. quality
maintenance element, a solid waste management program, water. quality management
element. and a water. distribution element. The ,letter further stated the,
legislative bodies of loca : l entities should appoint knowledgeable and expert
persons to protect their interests,. Mr. Gray recommended that someone from the.
City Manager's Office„ the :City Engineer' "s Office; and the Planning Department
be appointed to serve on this environmental. management task foce.' Mr.. Gray
stated where the Sonoma County Water Agency has performed -in - a technical sense,
they have put the City on notice, they will no longer be able to do this.
Councilman Cavanagh stated the public hearings -at. the Association of Bay Area
Governments, will be coming. up. in January '^and wondered if this 'task, force
should beo appointed at this time. Mr Gray indicated he felt it would be
necessary to halve, someone appointed. to represent the City -at these hearings.
Some discuss,ion.was s h.eld regarding, the staff members! to serve.on..the task
force. "The City °"Manager indicated. ,since Mr'.. Young had been involved. with, 'the
Solid WA.ste.Management Program, ,he probably should, serve on the task force.
Mr. Gray also indicated the 208 Management Plan is .a comprehensive plan for the
entire Bay Area, which will -have a very significant impact. Mr. Young stated
the air quality would be the most complicated,, as there is no one on the City
staff, who•has the expertise to serve on such a committee. Mr, .'Young also
started the- -S'olid'Waste• Management Program submitted by th'e County would ,probably
suffice. The City Manager stated now that he is 'aware of 'the types of: people
who are "required to serve on the Environmental Task Force, he would•make the.
appointments from the City staff.
O ` AMEND WATER EMERGENCY_ Memorandum dated December- 16, 1977, from, the City
l ORD. TO PROVIDE FOR Attorney to members of the City Council, submitted and
ORD 41273 NCS City Attorney Larry indicated.there would be two
, ('EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) actions before the Council rega -rding the Water Emer-
gency Ordinance. One would be to amend the Ordinance
to permit the Council to suspend, restr;ictlons upon a finding that surplus
water- is available The ordinance would provide the Council with greater
flexibility, suspending portions of the Water Emergency Ordinance and yet have
the opportunity to restore restrictions without having to - change the ordinance.
In. addition, :Mr. Klose advised a resolution. to be considered by the Council at
this meeting would .suspend,certain restrictions. in the Water Emergency Ordi --
nance, such-as the restrictions glaced on commercial car wash operations,, g "olf
course irrigation, °residential irrigation by.ellminat ng the odd' -even plan,,
would provide water for cons.truci on,o,ther than reclaimed water,, would permit
residents to wash their vehicles., and also to fill and drain swimming pools.
Assistant City Manager David Br-eninger - stated 'he had met with Tom Wilson, the
matter had been discussed with the Sonoma County Water Agency,. and 'it. is the
recommendation of 'the. Committee to relax some of the rest- riction's imposed by
the Water Emergency Ordinance, Mayor Putnam.as :ked if other cities were taking
the same measures, as the matter had been discussed at the Mayors" and Council-
men's Agenda Meeting the.previous week,. City Manager Robert Meyer indicated at
a recent meeting of the' Water Contractors,, they more -or less voted 'to go their
own way to suspend some of the restrictions.
December 19, 1977
AMEND WATER'EMERGENCY The City %Manager commended the citizens of the com
ORD. TOlPROVID munity -for continuing to .conserve water by about
SUSPENSION- OF'ALL' OR - per- cent'over the. previous lyear.;
ORD #1273`NCS Ordinance #1273 &,C:. S:. adding a. new Section 15. 18.210
(EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) - to Petaluma,Municipol,'Code to provide for sus -.
(Continued) pension by the.0 ty all or part of Chapter
15.18 upon•det'ermination that.there.has been a:tem-
porary- suspension of water emergency conditions, was introduced ;by Vice - Mayor
Perry, seconded by Councilman.Bond and adopted by 6 affirmative and 1 absentee
votes. Effective date of� Ordinance, . December 19, 1977-.
3 19V Q_
SUSPEND CERTAIN Resolution #8030 N..C.S. suspending certain provisions ��o '�
PROVISIONS OF of the Petaluma'Mun -cipal ;Code, Chapter 15:18, the
PETALUMA MUNICIPAL Water Emergency' Ordinance, was introduced by Councilman
CODE,�CHAPTER' Bond, 'seconded by Councilman Harberson, and adopted by
'(WATER EMERGENCY ORD.-) 6 affirmative.land i l absentee votes.
RES #8030 NCS
REPORT- ENERGY'ELEMENT; -'City Manager Robert- Meyer' some time ago'he had
AND CRITERIA FOR appointed Mike Acorne!'to serve'as Energy Coordi-
PETA_hUMA ' I nator for 'all• of the City's departments - and -asked him-
to give the - following report..
Mr. Acorne advised,the State Energy Commission is currently requesting appli-
cations from loco, governments to undertake energy conservation programs.
Grants are being offered on a 50 -50 basis. The _purpose of the program is to
effect immediate measures to decrease energy uses throughout local entities..
Mr. Acorne stated if the Council concurs, it would be necessary to get pro-
posals to develop the application to be forwarded to the State Energy Commis-
sion for these grant monies: The application desired would be in two parts.
The first would be the preparation of an Energy Element for the General Plan
with'technical backup data. -The second purpose of the application would'be'to
develop a criteria.from this element of the General Plan to apply to new
subdivisions as alloca -lion points are being awarded. It is the feeling of the
Planning,Department and, .the Community Development and Services..Co.o.rdinator
Frank Gray, that an Energy Element to the General Plan will be a requirement in
the future. Mr. Acorne stated criteria could also be developed, for commercial
and industrial projects for the future. P.G.& E. has been asked to,join
City in the development of the program, but Mr. Acorne stated as of this date,
there has been.no firm answer from P.G.& E.
The cost of , the program would be dependent.upon P & - E. participating, but Mr.
Acorne stated it would, probably require a cash contribution from the City of
from $4-,000 to.$6,000. In.addition,,,the cost for preparing the grant appli-
cation to the State would be approximately '$500. Mr. Acorne was looking for
direction from the, .Council .whether or not ' they were interested in this type, of.
an application and if he should ask for�propbsals for the preparation of - the
application. Mr.. Acorne s ated - it would be a Highly competitive situation
since there are approximately 100 jurisdictions seeking grant monies totaling
$200,000 for the, 'entire State.
Community Development and Services-Coordinator Frank Gray stated a represen-
tative from Leo Daly Associates .from "San Francisco' was present at the
meeting if the Council had any'questions.': Mr. Gray also 'explained -the reason
they feel a, consultant . would< be necessary is because: the .City does not have the
expertise on its own staff regarding energy use and the mitigating measures
available. Mr.. 'Gray cited the City' of'`Davis as a :cas'e where certain criteria
has' been developed as fo the location of .Houses on lots,,..lot_ sizes, shadows of
the houses', and the orientation of 'buildings towards the sun-. - There have been
three subdivisions built in .Davis under these standards and. they have noticed a
40 percent savings in energy use. If the City of Petaluma was able to ;develop
a certain.standard of criteria for the Residential Development Evaluation .
Board ,'' may lead.t'o a substantial saving in energy use-in-the City.
Councilman Harberson asked if P.G.& E. does not have the expertise available
for the City in this - field. Mr. Gray indicated they do have a land use plan-
ning section, but they do not have a service to ,help cities develop these
criteria-. Mr..Gray indicated the cost of the entire project is estimated to be
around $40,000, with $14, :000 being funded by .the_ $6,000 from the City,.
and $4,000 from the City providing in kind services;,. If P.G. &.E. would par-
ticipate, it would probably constitute about $4,:000 in in kind services... Mr..
Gray also stated a consultant is hired and the is filed for..the
grant, there may be a possibility of- using, P.G.: "& E 's computer for getting
energy consumption patterns..
December 19, 1977 .
REPORT -- ENERGY ELEMENT At the completion of the :presentation, Councilman
AND CRITERIA FOR Balshaw indicated he did not feel the-City should
PETALUMA - undertake additional _studies, as there are so many
(Continued) demands on the staff at this time. 'Mr. Bal,shaw'1n
dicated he.would be opposed to in any
kind of new studies that do not implement, some of the priorities. in. the En-
vironmerital Design, Plan.. Mr. Balshaw indicated' he he had. rev the list of
items which need to be done` -in upcoming months and stated he does not think the
staff has'the'cap'abilites to take on.any additional duties at this °time:
Mayor Putnam ,asked .for some estimate of, the staff- time required 'for the report.
Frank Gray .indicated the staff time would include his time, the City .Engineer,
the,C ty Manager, the-Planning Director, Fred Tarr and possibly other members
of the.Planning staff. There would be about 45 manhoiirs of work per person.
Mr., Gray, also indicated the staff, didn't. want to get any further into the
proposal unless the Council felt they would want -to authorize the application.
If the Council approves of the concept,, Mr.. Gray indicated he would get other "'
let =ters of proposal, n addition to Daly, and Associates, then comeback to.
the Council for authorization to file the application which has`a'deadlin`e of"
February 23, 1978.
Councilman Bond stated he was in agreement with the concern in saving energy;
however., he ind- icated'if the Council is going to look at this aga in, on,.January
3, he would request some written material be given to the C'ounc'il for review.
Frank Gray indicated he would, contact the two other firms who have the expe'r-
tise in the energy conservation field., as well, as Leo Daly and Associates, for
their proposal letters and have "them available Tor'the Council, at 'the first -
meeting ' in Jalivary. The Council ' iook'no 'a`cti'on on''tti'e mai "ter: `
CMPH'ASSO.C: ANNUAL Councilman'Cavanagh reported r
. the Northen`and.S'outhern
MEETING ' "' Divisions' of the California Marine Parks and Harbors
Associations would'hold their annual .meeting in'San.
Leandro on January 20, 1978. The Northern`Division ` has'extended' an nvit'at on
to members of the 'Ci.t Comic L t9 "a °tfend tH' s important meeting on 'Friday
afternoon, "beginning at ttoo p'.m. 'In San Leandro: The' early'meeiing'`would'be:
the.'busines "s ;meeting from 1:'00 to' S '30 'p,.m;',, and''thb evening meeting, s,ta ,.ts ``a't
7'c:00 to 10x00 p.m.
A letter dated December 15,1977, directed to.Poli'ce.
Chief Robert B':: Murphy from' the Sonoma County' Probation
Department is on file with the City Clerk: Proposal
prepared by - etaluma People Services'Center to'`the
Sonoma Co Boar of Supervisbts regarding, - th e S u'th
County 601 Diversion Project'" Family crisis Uriit" is on
file with the City Clerk.
Chief..Murphy. reviewed" the, backg-round Hof the services given, by the, Petaluma.
People Ser vices Center with regard to Family.- .Oriented,Juvenile Probation
Problems:. Earlier this year, the County Probation Department, the Petaluma: .
People. Services Center - and the; Petaluma Polce� :Departm,en•tl developed. a program
for local-.counselin .for lveniles, without having. g � g. to� trans them: to Santa.
Rgsa,. ,The, etaluma Peop.l :e;Services Center employed four counselors and the
Police D,'epartment agreed to participate.in.the program. The program .was funded
under a federal grant, but the Petaluma People :Servi ces Center has been advised
beginning January 1. 1978, the -grant- has! been Teduced.`,by about one - fourth., The
Count,y,Proba;tion Department has: advised. the service will be discontinued in,
Petaluma,,. although .short -term shelter.services will. :be. continued through the:.
Probation -Department's Family Crisis, _Unit. at Los Guilucos..,, Chief .Murphy 'staged
the .P.etaluma. ,Police .Dep'ar;tment) would' to .transport juvenile& to '; Santa, Rosa
to participate in the service:. Chief 'Murphy'•asked the Councih to adopt, a
resolution , ino support. of: retaining the, . service , in Petaluma, under the ausp;" "ices
of the Probation Department, the Petaluma People Services 'Center, and the
Petaluma .Pol'ce Department.., ;
Mr. John .T..Allison,,Executive Director of.the Petaluma People Services Center,,
spoke to. the .Council, regard ng• :.the, .mat;ter::.•, He. stated the County, of Sonoma
received t$19,5_,00;0 ,under - the 601 Diversion Program. ' In the: year. 1978,, these.,
funds. wild,%be cut. ta ,approximately: $160,,0:00. In order to treamline., their
operation,, then County' - Probation 'Depast rent; :is; going to ask the .Board of Super-
visors to consolidate the program,. In the immediate Santa Rosa _area. Mr,.
Allison indicated. - their argument's are., number one, this is not equal,service
for the people of the South County, since the people here are paying,th'e same
December 19, 1977
ENDORSE FAMILY tax rate. The second -reason Mr. Allison•gave was
ORIENTED JUVENILE works as a disincentive to the very purpose of AB 21 -3.1
PROBATION. SERVICES' which was designed' -to move'young people out of the -
BY •PETAhUk& PEOPLE juvenile justice: system and +back into the community.
SERVICES Mr..'Allison stated' about one- third of the parents and
RES #8031 NCS children they had worked with over the past year were-
(Continued) back - together again within four hours after the call
- came in th=rough the Petaluma Police Department. Mr..
Allison indicated what they were looking for was a resolution of support by the
City Council to their request to the County Board of Supervisors to have them
reassess their centralization plan..
There was some discussion held by�the method used by the luma'People Ser-
vices-Center the Council asking both' -Mr. Allison and Chief Murphy ques-
Councilman Bond. asked how the P'e.taluma People Services Center became the point
of referral for juveniles: Chief - Murphy indicated he-had been contacted by the
County P•roiation'Department , ou.tlining the program. He st'ated At first-he was
skeptical; 'however, he was assured the counselors would be reliable and respon-
sible He was satisfied they would not be teaching adverse toa the -Police
Department's system, and he agreed to participate if the County Probation
Department would assure him they would keep reliable people-in the program.
Chief Murphy indicated it was - a three -way communication.between the Probation
Department, the Petaluma.Peop:le S'erv- ces Department and the - Petaluma Police
After reviewing the program with-Mr-.,.Allison,,-the Council determined a letter
should be writ:ten�'to accompany the resolution endorsing the decentralization of
the -Fam - ly -Or_ ented Pr- .obation :Services:= and re:ta-ining• the Petaluma People Ser-
vices Center as the agency n'Petaluma. The letter was to be directed to the
Board of•Sup'erv.sors stressing fact the Council -felt it was equitable to
have the same se s f
rviceunded by the County and made,available to the residents
of the southern portion of the County. The City Clerk was directed to forward
copies of the let:ter Supervisor George T. DeLong -and Chief Probation Officer
Robert..G. Gillen.
Resolution 48031 N.C.S. endorsing the - continued maintenance of Family- Oriented
Juvenile Probation Services (pursuant ;to:�Welfare• and- Institutions•Code_•Section
6Gl), operated by the - .Petaluma People Services Center-:, was introduced by Council-
man Balshaw, seconded by Councilman Harberson, and adopted by 6 affirmative and
1 absentee votes:,
RECESS. Mayor Pu,tnam.cal_led a re'cess 9:45 p.m.,-and the
Council reconvened at 9:52 p..m.
APPROVE. PRIVATE Planning Director. Ronald Hall. stated this was• a con- ��/1q�7
STREET -=DR. ROBERT tinuation of the matter heard on December 12', 1977,
S. GILBERT regarding the,private street request by Dr. Robert
RES 448032 NCS Gilbert.'. Mr. Hall stated , appeal had been filed on
(CONTINUED FROM this matter, but he did not :feel the appeal was ap-
12/12/77) p'ropriate. The Planning Department is still of the
opinion.that Larch Drive should be extended across the
northeast corner of thee Lands :of.. Gilbert: to;,provide- ..f.or logical development of
the area. A -foot diagonal right -of -way across:the property could continue
on to an extension of'webster•Street, and'the ultimate development -of:the
entire area,. Mr -. HAII stated he felt the most appropriate way to handle- the.
matter, in view of all parties; concerned,, would•be to require an irrevocable
offer - of dedication of the 60 -foot right -of -way. The second consideration he,
suggested•would- be to 'have the City consider acceptance the right -of -way
upon - the filing of a tentative map or.a proposal for developmemt, which would
include construction' of public street improvements :on that easement. The third
point Mr. Hall raised was to -.have the Cty' approve the private street on the
offer of dedication... This would provide for the extension of Larch Drive and
enable 'neighboring'prop'er.t;ies to add additional dedication of rights -of -way
which would open up =the entr:e:property.
City.Attorney Larry.Klose, advised =the staff has had more time to the
matter; and in addressing .•the_•appeal filed by Mr Dorenfeld; - the City Attorney
did not feel the appeal is a. proper action; - The Cotincl would have to approve .
the.private street agreement and approval-.of the parcel.map would depend upon
that action. Mr. Klose also,st:ated that Section 22.7.;503.2 of the.Subdivision
December 19, 1977
12/12177.) r.
Ordinance provides for,dedication as suggested,by. Mr.
Hall: Mr....Klose'•also felt that dedication could be
required ,without. the actual; construction of the street.
The. construction_ could, be deferred as,bad been pre -
viously d'one Bodega Avenue. He suggested the City
take an krr of }fer of dedication, which'-the City
could, take ;at,,any. time;,, but,, until the City. does .accept
„ it,. it remains_ on, the tax ro,11s and the responsibility
of the landowners.
Matthew Hudson was present representing Dr. _ Robert„ ilb:ert,.-.., Mr. Hudson:•!stated
he felt the.Doct'or would be willing to dedicate the street but not willing to
build "the: improvements. .'It- is. his „und`erstanding the roadway.'. would .ibe. private
street until the, City accepts thee, irrevocable, offer. Any imp;rovemen.ts :that,
would be.made would probably be put in by. somebody else. Mr. Hudson also
commented on the Planning Commission .findings on the section of the-Subdivision
Ordinance that they did not feel a private street was necessary,, but he stated
once again the, Doctor would. be willing to ,dedicate the land... Mr. Hudson also
stated Dr. Gilbert would, be ag,reeab,l'e to this* dedication, only if' the,, parcel map
is, approved t City' Attorney.• Larry Klose indicated the irrevocab,le,.of'f'er would
be recorded, with - -the. parcel :map:.: .
Resolution.#803'2 approving private'street for'Dr...,Robert :S..Gilbert. and
Ann Gilbert, was introduced by' Councilman Bond, seconded by Councilman Harberson,
and adopted by 4 affrma -tivey 2 negative and, l absentee votes'.' Councilman
Cavanagh and Vice -Mayor Perry voted ' -no. ".
RES 48033 NCS'
A.P. #5- 060 -08
RES' #803"4 NCS
A.,,P. 05.0 -;17
RES #8035 NCS
Resolut= ion,.18033. NX.kS. , authorizing,. Mayor •toy sign,
agreement., for, public,. - construction, between the City> of`
Petaluma and, Dr.. Robert Gilbert,- et. al„ was introduced
by Vice - Mayor - Perxy,. sec onded by Councilman.Harb.erson,
and adopted.,,by 6,-affirmative and .l.. „vottes.
Planning Director :Ronald Ha ll reviewed the staff report
dated December 13, 1977, from the'P'lanning D-ire ctor. to
the City Manager. There was some discussion regarding
access on -Lakev I'le:Highway, and Communf..ty Development
and,Services. Coordinator Frank.Gra -y stated by certify-
ing. these .individual parcels,,] they would have� the, right
of a'ceess to ,Lakeville Highway. I.t would create three
additional accesses on Lakeville Highway. Mr.'Gray'
pointed out that two of the parcels are now served by
one entrance, and it,may stay that way, but as legal
lots . they would 'have the right of access 'to Lakeville
City Attorney Larry Klose advised the approp'ria'te
APPROVE CERTIFICATE restrictions could . be provided in.the planning process.
' The law r`e.quires ttie right of `access, to a public street
A.P. 15- 050-18 b.ut does not specify a particular ,public str.eet.--'As
f (HILLIGOSS) of-way, th tliey y p p .g:
y is rovided access to a ublc-ri ht
RES -1.8036 NCS a be res.tri.cted, as to which right-of-way
such access is provided. The cond'iti'ons would have +to
be placed at the time. :of site design review'.,
s „
11 APPROVE'CERTIFICATE _ The Ci.ty.'Attorney advised the State may require access
OF COMPLIANCE , at one pa,r.ticular point, but they cannot deny-access
A.P. #5-050-1 from any one ,of' the-legal lots..
RES #8Q17,- NCS
Councilman Ba`lshaw pointed ou.t what may `have 'been ' con -
sidered a reasonable request by CALTRANS'for'widening
Lakey: lle Highway,, i,e. , the ;requirement of afi, 11 -foot. -d'edication for a left
turn, .lane four lots. could also be considered an unr:easonable..request if
some "of the lots ar.e!sold separately and those lots were required' to
the 11 feet without the benefit.of: the additional' lots.
At the conclusion of the d'is'cussion; the following resolutions were ,ado pt`ed by
the City Council,: i
Resolution #8034 N.C.S•. approving, Cer- tificate of Compliance for A.P. #5 060 -08
(Hilligoss)., 1908. Lakeville Highway, was -introduced by Councilman Balshaw,
seconded by Councilman Bond, and adopted,by 6 affirmative and .l absentee votes.
Resolution 48.035-N..C,.S,. approving,Certificate of Compliance for A:R, #5- 050 -17
(Hill goss), 1908 'Lakeville Highway; was introduced' by Councilman Balshaw,
seconded by Councilman Bond, and adopted by 6 affirmative.and absentee votes.
December 19, 1977
Resolution 448036 N.G.S. approving Certificate of..Compliance for A.P. #5- 050 -18
(Hilligoss).,,•1908 Lakeville Highway, was introduced by Councilman Harberson;,
seconded by Vice - Mayor Perry, and adopted by 6' affirmative and 1 absentee -
Resolution X48037 N.C.S. approving Certificate of Compliance for A.P. #5 - 050 -19
(Hilligoss).,.1908'Lakeville Highway.,, was introduced by Councilman Cavanagh.,
seconded by Vice- Mayor.Perry, 'and adopted 6 affirmative and 1 absentee
City Engineer David Young advised the State of Cali- r4* CS
SPECIFICATIONS— fornia,.has given their permission for the City to I
BREACHING THE LEVEE readvertise for bids for breaching the levee for the
CALL FOR BIDS Water Pollution Control 1972 Project. Mr. Bill Richards
RES #8038 NCS of CDM, Inc.., reviewed the 'sequence of events from when
the Corps of Engineers granted a permit in 1972, and
the requirement by the State.of California that the levee "be breached on City -
owned 'land. The Council authorized.advertising'for bids July 5', 1977,'and bids
were opened `October 8, 1977, but were,substantially higher than the Engineer's
estimate. The City then requested CDM to reduce the cost, meetings have been
held with the State and Corps of Engineers, and the plans and specifications
are now,ready to advertise again.. Mr. Richard's stated there would be two
breaches, 30 -foot wide, through the levee. The•surplus material to be
barged to an approved Corps•of Engineers' dump site; Mr. Richards stated they
had received permission to proceed with the project from the State of Cali -
fornia last week. The Engineer's estimate.for the project is $113,000. He
Advised the amount is 1001 eligible, with 87 -1/2 percent being
paid by agencies other thdn.the,City. The Gity':s portion should be Approxi-
mately $14,000. The Corps of Engineers `requires A 30 -day advertising period
for.the call for bids, and it is suggested bids be opened on January 24, 1978.
Resolution 448038 N.C'.S. approving plans Arid specifications for breaching the
levee, on -site grading and disposal of excess materials (Water Pollution Con-
trol Facilities), and calling for bids January 24,, 1978, was introduced by
Vice -Mayor Perry,.,'seconded by Councilman Bals and adopted by 5 affirmative
and 1 absentee,vot'es, with Councilman Harberson abstaining from voting (Coun-
cilman Harberson abstained from voting on any projects prepared by CDM, as his
firm does business.with CDM.) -
OPPOSE A letter dated November 23; 1977, addressed to the CO ANAL Mayor and members of the City Council by Dan Hauser, F� C 4 1
RES 448039,. NCS. Mayor 'Pro -Tem, of the City of Ar.cada, along with a
- proposed resolution.opposing the construction of the
peripheral canal, had been distributed to the.members of the Council and.was
not read by the City`Clerk. A copy of the correspondence is'on.file.
There was 'a brief discussion regarding the.matter, and it was pointed out by
Councilman Cavanagh that the League of California Cities took no stand on it.,-
Councilman Harberson indicated that two - thirds of the people in the State live
in Southern California, Arid 'if the Council wants to take a stand on- it, they --
should,; but he feels it would be ineffectual..
Resolution #8039 N.C.S., opposing,consiruction of the peripheral canal was
introduced by Councilman Harberson, 'seconded by Councilman Bond, and adopted by
6 affirmative and 1 absentee votes.
REAPPOI-NT ROBERT L. Resolution #8040 R.G.S. reappointing Robert L. Koenitzer- -1 9 g
KOENITZER -' MAR -IN % - ' Trustee:-to-the Board, 19 T8 and 1979 Mar n /Sonoma Mosquito I
SONOMA MOSQUITO Abatement District, was introduced by Vice -Mayor Perry,
ABATEMENT DISTRICT seconded by Councilman Cavanagh, and adopted by 6
RES•#8040 NCS affirmative and 1 absentee votes.
APPOINT & CONFIRM Resolution #8041 N.C.S. appointing and confirming �� { - 7//
MEMBERS OF HISTORIC certain members of the Historic and Cultural Preser- / •� - �If_
AND CULTURAL vation Committee was introduced by Vice -Mayor Perry,
PRESERVATION COMM. seconded by Councilman Bond, and adopted by 6 affir
RES 48041 NCS_ mative and 1 absentee votes.
December 19.,, 1977
MOTION TO I ADD A,mo.tion was made by Councilman Harberson, seconded. by
ITEM TO AGENDA Counc 'ilman Balshaw, to add item regarding public,im-
provements agreement -- Kieckhefer, to the Agenda.
Motion carried unanimously.
AUTHORIZE'PUBLIC City Attorney Larry K1ose advised the Public Imp,rove-
AGREEMENT-- KIECKH!EFER complete. The bonds have.been Aping Center i
V� p g posted
IMPROVEMENTS ments Agreement for the Lakeville Shopping and the applicant
(LAKEUILLE� STREET) asked if the matter could be added to
the agenda,. The
RES #8042. NCS area is loca,ted.:at `the corner.of. Lakeville Street and
East Washington S' reet. and the applicant- would :like to
commence the public improvements. The City Engineer stated.,he'had,no objec-
tions to the Council considering the.matter,.as it has been ready for
time,, i _ .. .
Resolution #804Z.N.C.,S. authorizing Mayor to sign public improvements agreement
with Walter Kieckhefer''Company for-. property located 'at Lakeville Street. and
mant on
and b nt6oaff Vice-M Perry seconded by�Council-
p 1 absentee votes.. .
STATUS OF"VARIOUS Councilman Balshaw asked the'status of the following
CITY PROJECTS projects;, with the responses made.as.noted.
Sign'O.rdinance To be.'presented'to Council''n January.
Ordinance Requiring Dedication, at ,S;ite, Design Review Stage_ To 'be prepared. And
presented by City Attorne-y'in January.
Response Yrom'Wicke's Lumber Co. 'Regarding Annexation - The. City Clerk advised_
no answer had been.received. A_second letter had been sent and copies of.the
second letter would.be forwarded to the City .Council,.
Tree prlant ng Along.,C'aulfield Lane - Councilman Balshaw requested that removal
of trees .by'residents along this,Lane,be deferred until they can be',,
replaced by the City with approved trees. The City Manager'advised a program,
with the cost., could be brought' back to the Council.
Petaluma Inn. `Expansion, Additional Water Service - Councilman Balshaw requested
whether or not.the service could be :ins.talled':by, tunneling under'Wasington
Street, rather than above ground. No :conclusion was reached. City Engineer
advised "jack and bore" method would be very ex�pensivet :and also may interfere'
with other underground utilities:.
Councilman Balshaw requested' to be advsed.'how consultants were selected, to
prepare E..I,.R.'s. Frank Gray advised he would prepare a report for Council's
There being 'no further business to come .before the.
Council, the meeting.was adjourned at 11:05,p,,m. 'to an
Executive Session.
1 '
'�>Zl�is�i� «.tee ✓. �����- o-�-�/
C ty .Clerk.